Year 1981 - Volume 1, Number 1

Estudos sobre a transmissão congênita do vírus da leucose linfóide aviária, p.37-42

ABSTRACT.- Rocha F.S., Romero C.H., Rowe C.A., Silva A.G., Resende O.A., Dias P.G.O. & Santos M.W. 1981. [Studies on the congenital transmission of avian lymphoid leukosis virus.] Estudos sobre a transmissão congênita do vírus da leucose linfóide aviária. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 1(1):37-42. Escola de Medicina Veterinária do Maranhão, Cidade Universitária Paulo VI, Bairro Tirirical, São Luís, MA 65000, Brazil.

White Leghorn hens from two commercial lines were identified as shedders or non-shedders of the lymphoid leukosis virus (LL) using the micro-complement fixation test. This test detected the group-specific antigen (gs-ag) of the leukosis/sarcoma group of viruses when used directly on the albumen of unincubated fresh eggs. It was found that 21.4% of line A hens and 17.2% of line B hens eliminated gs-ag into their eggs. Sequential studies of the elimination of the gs-ag, demonstrated that infected hens can be either intermittent or consistent shedders of this antigen in their eggs. Electron microscopy studies demonstrated the presence of type-C viral particles in the pancreas and in the magnum of the oviduct of hens that had consistently shed the gs-ag in the egg albumen. The indirect immunofluorescence test detected gs-ag in the cytoplasm of peripheral blood leucocytes and was used to detect infected roosters that were utilized as semen donors. Artificial insemination of non-shedder hens with semen obtained from infected rooters resulted in the shedding of gs-ag into the eggs of one of the hens. Moreover, there was seroconversion in 11 of the 26 hens from both lines, inseminated with semen from the infected roosters. In was concluded that LL virus infection could be introduced, through insemination, to non-infected hens using semen from infected roosters.
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