Ano 2008 - Volume 28, Número 06

Intoxicação experimental com as folhas de Jatropha gossypifolia (Euphorbiaceae) em ovinos, p.275-278

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira L.I., Jabour F.F., Nogueira V.A. & Yamasaki E.M. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by the leaves of Jatropha gossypifolia (Euphorbiaceae) in sheep.] Intoxicação experimental com as folhas de Jatropha gossypifolia (Euphorbiaceae) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):275-278. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail:

Fresh green leaves of Jatropha gossypifolia (Euphorbiaceae) were lethal for sheep in single administrations of 40g/kg. The dose of 5g/kg did not cause poisoning, but intermediate doses caused death in part of the animals. The clinical course of poisoning was 6 to 22 days. The clinic and pathological picture in the experimental sheep was characterized by digestive, lung and heart disturbances, and also by slight microscopic liver and renal regressive alterations. These findings are similar to those observed in experiments with the seeds of Jatropha curcas in goats, sheep and calves, and with the fruits and leaves of Jatropha glauca and Jatropha aceroides in goats, performed by other authors. A comparison indicates that, independently of the plant species, the leaves of Jatropha spp. contain toxic compounds similar to those found in the seeds.
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