Ano 2009 - Volume 29, Número 04

Ultra-sonografia do fígado, aparelho renal e reprodutivo da jibóia (Boa constrictor), p.317-321

ABSTRACT.- Neto F.C.P., Guerra P.C., Costa F.B., Araújo A.V.C., Miglino M.A., Bombonato P.P.,Vulcano L.C. & Alves F.R. 2009. [Ultrasonography of the liver, renal and reproductive apparatus of Boa constrictor Snake.] Ultra-sonografia do fígado, aparelho renal e reprodutivo da jibóia (Boa constrictor). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):317-321. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail:

Currently, wild animals have been received special attention for domestic breeding. In Wild Animal Medicine, ultrasonographic exams could be considered as a tool to diagnose and prevent disease. Ultrasonographic examination of twenty snakes (Boa constrictor) was performed in order to describe the morphological and ultrasonography appearance of their coelomic structures. Examination by ultrasonography revealed the parechymal liver ranging from slightly hypoechogenic to hyperechogenic, with echogenic margins and homogeneous echotexture in total scanning of this organ. The kidney was accessible for examination by sagittal ultrasound, showing an ellipsoid shape, a hyperechogenic capsule with a thin and regular wall. Ultrasonographic scanning of ovarian follicle showed an ovoid shape, as well as a thin, regular and slightly hyperechogenic edge. No evident structures from male reproductive system were identified by ultrasound examination because of their similar echogenic appearance to the tissues around and the “body fat” that lies in this region. Examination by ultrasound of the coelomic structures was a fast and repeatable technique, which provides useful data to recognize the morphology, sintopy and ultrasonographic appearance of organs such as liver, kidneys and vitellogenic follicles.
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