Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Favaron P.O., Borghesi J., Agopian R.G., Miglino M.A. & Borelli V. 2017. [Variation in irrigation of the sinoatrial node in dogs of different breeds.] Variação nos tipos de irrigação do nodo sinoatrial em cães de diferentes raças. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1352-1356. Setor de Anatomia dos Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua Professor Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Butantã, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: phelipe.favaron@yahoo.com.br
Considering the anatomical and electrophysiological heterogeneity of the sinoatrial node for generation and propagation of the action potential, as well as the particularities relating to the origin of blood nutrition, this study aimed to analyze the behavior of arteries involved in irrigation of the sinoatrial node in dogs performing a descriptive and comparative analysis between different breeds, with emphasis in the origin, pathway and branching of vessels, as well as the presence of anastomoses. Totally, 240 hearts were fixed in solution of formalin 10% and subjected to Spalteholz diaphanization. The vascularization of the sinoatrial node occurs by the right circumflex branch or left circumflex branch, showing several particularities according to the breed. Thus, predominantly in the studied breeds, the blood supply of the sinoatrial node depends exclusively (63.6%) or from anastomosis of the right coronary artery. There is also participation of right atrial proximal branch and right atrial intermediary branch. Less often (15.4%) the blood supply occurs exclusively from the left atrial proximal branch, which is a branch of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. In summary, our results related to the origin of the sinoatrial node blood nutrition and the branching of vessels involved on that represents a fundamental knowledge for the development and improvement of surgery in dogs, as well as for pathology and experimental research.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Favaron P.O., Borghesi J., Agopian R.G., Miglino M.A. & Borelli V. 2017. [Variation in irrigation of the sinoatrial node in dogs of different breeds.] Variação nos tipos de irrigação do nodo sinoatrial em cães de diferentes raças. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1352-1356. Setor de Anatomia dos Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua Professor Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Butantã, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: phelipe.favaron@yahoo.com.br
Considerando a heterogeneidade anatômica e eletrofisiológica do nodo sinoatrial para a geração e propagação do potencial de ação, bem como as particularidades relacionadas a origem da sua irrigação sanguínea, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento das artérias envolvidas na irrigação do nodo sinoatrial em cães realizando uma análise descritiva e comparativa entre diferentes raças estudadas, detalhando a origem, o percurso e a ramescência dos vasos, assim como a eventual ocorrência de anastomoses. Ao todo analisamos resultados obtidos em 240 corações, os quais foram fixados em solução de formalina 10% e submetidos a diafanização de Spalteholz. A irrigação deste ocorre mediante colaterais oriundos do ramo circunflexo direito ou ramo circunflexo esquerdo, mostrando particularidades diferentes para cada raça. Assim, predominantemente, nas raças ora estudadas a irrigação arterial do nodo sinoatrial depende exclusivamente (63,6%), ou de anastomoses de colaterais da artéria coronária direita, havendo também participação dos ramo proximal atrial direito e intermédio atrial direito. Menos frequentemente (15,4%) o suprimento sanguíneo ocorre exclusivamente por conta do ramo proximal atrial esquerdo, oriundo do ramo circunflexo da artéria coronária esquerda. Os dados aqui apresentados sobre a origem da irrigação sanguínea do nodo sinoatrial e a ramescência dos vasos envolvidos nesta tarefa representam conhecimento fundamental para o desenvolvimento da clínica-cirúrgica em cães, da patologia e trabalhos de natureza experimental.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Biasi C., Borelli V., Prazeres R.F., Favaron P.O., Pavanello Junior V., Aloia T.P.A. & Bombonato P.P. 2013. [Comparative analysis between both ventricular and sinoatrial node arterial vascularization in heart of dogs.] Análise comparativa entre a vascularização arterial ventricular e a do nó sinoatrial em corações de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(1):111-114. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-030, Brazil. E-mail: phelipe.favaron@yahoo.com.br
We analyzed 40 hearts of adult dogs, males and females of different ages, without cardiac disease. The hearts had the coronary arteries inject using Neoprene Latex 450, colored with red pigment, and which was then dissected. In the ventricular vascularization the left coronary artery was predominant and gave rise to the paraconal interventricular and subsinuous branches. The region occupied by the sinoatrial node was most frequently (17 times, 42.5%) in dependence of the left atrial proximal branch or in the collateral branch of that vessel, coming from the left circumflex branch, or this vessel was associated with the right atrial distal branch (8 times, 20%). With less frequency (14 times, 30%), in the area occupied by the sinoatrial node we found only the collaterals of the right circumflex branch, only the right atrial distal branch (10 times, 25%), only the right atrial proximal branch (3 times, 7.5%) or exclusively the right atrial intermediary branch (once, 2.5%). In just one case (once, 2.5%) in the area of the sinoatrial node we observed only the collateral of the left circumflex branch, i.e. the left atrial distal branch. According to our results we concluded that in this specie there is no relationship between the type of ventricular vascularization and irrigation of the sinoatrial node. In doing so, to consider just the ventricular branches is not sufficient for a clinical and surgical applied understanding, since the atrial branches make an important contribution to the sinoatrial node vascularization.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Biasi C., Borelli V., Prazeres R.F., Favaron P.O., Pavanello Junior V., Aloia T.P.A. & Bombonato P.P. 2013. [Comparative analysis between both ventricular and sinoatrial node arterial vascularization in heart of dogs.] Análise comparativa entre a vascularização arterial ventricular e a do nó sinoatrial em corações de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(1):111-114. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-030, Brazil. E-mail: phelipe.favaron@yahoo.com.br
Utilizamos nesta pesquisa 40 corações de cães adultos, machos e fêmeas, de idades variadas, que não portavam nenhuma afecção cardíaca. Os corações tiveram as artérias coronárias injetadas, separadamente, com Neoprene Látex 450, corado com pigmento vermelho, e posteriormente dissecados. Em todas estas preparações verificamos que na vascularização dos ventrículos predominava a artéria coronária esquerda que fornecia os ramos interventriculares paraconal e subsinuoso. Já, a região ocupada pelo nó sinoatrial ficava mais frequentemente (17 vezes, 42,5%) na dependência do ramo proximal atrial esquerdo ou de colateral deste vaso, oriundo do ramo circunflexo esquerdo, ou deste vaso associado ao ramo distal atrial direito (8 vezes, 20%), procedente do ramo circunflexo direito. Com menor frequência (14 vezes, 30%), a área tomada pelo nó sinoatrial, encontramos apenas colaterais do ramo circunflexo direito, mais exatamente somente o ramo distal atrial direito (10 vezes, 25%), apenas o ramo proximal atrial direito (3 vezes, 7,5%) ou ainda exclusivamente o ramo intermédio atrial direito (1 vez, 2,5%). Em um único caso (1 vez, 2,5%) no território do nó sinoatrial observamos apenas colateral do ramo circunflexo esquerdo, isto é o ramo distal atrial esquerdo. A análise destes resultados permite concluir, que nesta espécie não existe qualquer tipo de relação entre o tipo de vascularização dos ventrículos e a irrigação do nó sinoatrial. Sendo assim, considerar os ramos ventriculares isoladamente não é suficiente para um entendimento clínico-cirúrgico aplicado, uma vez que os ramos atriais apresentam uma importante contribuição para a vascularização do nó sinoatrial.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Biasi C., Borelli V., Benedicto H.G., Pereira M.R., Favaron P.O. & Bombonato P.P. 2012. [Comparative analysis between ventricular and sinoatrial node vascularization in cats.] Análise comparativa entre a vascularização ventricular e do nó sinoatrial em gatos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(1):78-82. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: caiobiasi@usp.br
The possible existence of interdependence in the blood nutrition of both atrial and ventricular territories has been a subject of concern to cardiologists, mainly related to vascularization of the sinoatrial node and its dependence on just one coronary artery or both, and its relation with the predominance of these vessels in the ventricular vascularization. Therefore, this research aimed evaluated the relation of blood irrigation of the sinoatrial node in relation to the coronary artery predominance in the ventricle vascularization. In doing so, we analyzed 30 hearts of cats without pedigree, males and females, adults of several ages. They were not carrying any heart problems. The hearts were injected by the thoracic aorta with Neoprene Latex 450, stained with red pigment, and then they were dissected. It was found that when there was a prevalence of ventricular vascularization of the left type (63.34%) the sinoatrial node irrigation was predominantly in the dependency of the Ramus proximalis atrii dextri (78.9%) or with less frequency by Ramus proximalis atrii sinister (21.1%). In the ventricular vascularization of the balanced type (33.34%), the pacemaker irrigation was in dependence more often of Ramus proximalis atrii dextri (80%) or with less frequency the nutrition of the sinoatrial node occurred by Ramus proximalis atril sinister (20%). In a single-case, we observed the ventricular vascularization of the right type (3.34%), the pacemaker nutrition was in an exclusive dependence of the Ramus intermedius atril dextri. These results suggest in this species there is no relationship between both the sinoatrial node irrigation and the type of ventricular vascularization, regardless of gender.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Biasi C., Borelli V., Benedicto H.G., Pereira M.R., Favaron P.O. & Bombonato P.P. 2012. [Comparative analysis between ventricular and sinoatrial node vascularization in cats.] Análise comparativa entre a vascularização ventricular e do nó sinoatrial em gatos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(1):78-82. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: caiobiasi@usp.br
A possível existência de interdependência na nutrição de territórios atriais e ventriculares tem sido objeto de preocupação por partes dos cardiologistas, especialmente no que tange a vascularização do nó sinoatrial e sua dependência apenas de uma artéria coronária ou de ambas e de sua relação com o predomínio destes vasos na vascularização ventricular. Assim, este estudo objetiva avaliar a relação da irrigação do nó sinoatrial e a origem e a predominância das artérias coronárias na vascularização dos ventrículos, para tanto utilizou-se 30 corações de gatos sem raça definida adultos, machos e fêmeas, sem sinais de afecção cardíaca. Os corações foram injetados pela aorta torácica com Neoprene Latex 450, corados com pigmento vermelho e dissecados posteriormente. Verificou-se que quando ocorria predomínio da vascularização ventricular do tipo esquerda (63,34%) a irrigação do nó sinoatrial ficou predominantemente na dependência do ramo proximal atrial direito (78,9%) ou com menor freqüência pelo ramo proximal atrial esquerdo (21,1%). Na vascularização ventricular do tipo equilibrada (33,34%), a irrigação do sinoatrial ficou na dependência mais freqüentemente do ramo proximal atrial direito (80%), ou com menor freqüência a nutrição do nó se deu pelo ramo proximal atrial esquerdo (20%). Em um caso isolado, ocorreu a vascularização ventricular do tipo direita (3,34%), a nutrição do sinoatrial, ficou na dependência exclusiva do ramo intermédio atrial direito. Estes resultados indicam que nesta espécie não existe relação entre a irrigação do nó sinoatrial e o tipo de vascularização ventricular, independentemente do sexo.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Vidotti A.P., Agreste F.R., Bombonato P.P. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. [Arterial vascularization of the sinoatrial node in swine hearts: origin, distribution and quantification.] Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):113-118. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: avidotti@usp.br
The sinoatrial node, for being topographically installed as the initial component of the conduction system, is responsible for the production of the nervous impulses, which determines the cardiac contraction. There have been made studies related to the node’s morphology in order to know the origin, distribution and quantification of the vases in this tissue, however, in spite of the results and quantitative data of the nodal irrigation - arterial vascular conduct and arterial vascular density, at the nodal level - the literature is scarce. With this objective 27 SRD swine hearts, injected with colored resin for macroscopic analysis of the origin and distribution of ANSA (sinoatrial node artery), 3 others injected with watery solution of colloidal coal (dyed nanquim) were used, to mark the route of the vases on the node level for stereological analysis. The atrial arteries originated as well from the right coronary artery as from the left one, with predominance of the first (66.66% and 33.33%, respectively). When originated from the right coronary artery, there existed the following branches: AADAM (right cranial medial atrial artery) in 14 cases, AADAI (right cranial intermedial atrial artery) in 2 cases, and AADAL (right cranial lateral atrial artery) in 2 cases. In 9 cases (33.33%) the following branches originated from the left coronary artery: 4 through branch AASPL (left caudal lateral atrial artery), 2 through branch AASAI (left cranial intermedial atrial artery) and 3 through branch AASAM (left cranial medial atrial artery). Interarterial anastomoses with vessels responsible for irrigation of the sinoatrial node area were observed in most of the cases (25 hearts). The Volume or Reference Volume (V(ref)) of the hearts were 35.32x104µm3. For the stereological variables analyzed, the estimate density of the vessel length (Lv) was 766; the vessel length (L) - mm - was 27.06x105µm; the area’s surface density (Sv) was 182 and the area’s surface (S) - mm2 - was 64.3x106µm2. The estimate of the vascular numeric density (Nv(vasc)) - total of vessels per unit of volume (cm3) was 2.19 10-5, and the total number of vessels in the organ (N(vasc)), estimated by the physical dissector method in combination with the estimate of the number of Euler (Xv), was 773.6832 x10-2. The raised vascular density and total number of vases in the swine’s sinoatrial node area suggests the existence of a vascular perinodal network complex and dense, ratifying the importance of this mark-pass for its blood supply.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Vidotti A.P., Agreste F.R., Bombonato P.P. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. [Arterial vascularization of the sinoatrial node in swine hearts: origin, distribution and quantification.] Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):113-118. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: avidotti@usp.br
The sinoatrial node, for being topographically installed as the initial component of the conduction system, is responsible for the production of the nervous impulses, which determines the cardiac contraction. There have been made studies related to the node’s morphology in order to know the origin, distribution and quantification of the vases in this tissue, however, in spite of the results and quantitative data of the nodal irrigation - arterial vascular conduct and arterial vascular density, at the nodal level - the literature is scarce. With this objective 27 SRD swine hearts, injected with colored resin for macroscopic analysis of the origin and distribution of ANSA (sinoatrial node artery), 3 others injected with watery solution of colloidal coal (dyed nanquim) were used, to mark the route of the vases on the node level for stereological analysis. The atrial arteries originated as well from the right coronary artery as from the left one, with predominance of the first (66.66% and 33.33%, respectively). When originated from the right coronary artery, there existed the following branches: AADAM (right cranial medial atrial artery) in 14 cases, AADAI (right cranial intermedial atrial artery) in 2 cases, and AADAL (right cranial lateral atrial artery) in 2 cases. In 9 cases (33.33%) the following branches originated from the left coronary artery: 4 through branch AASPL (left caudal lateral atrial artery), 2 through branch AASAI (left cranial intermedial atrial artery) and 3 through branch AASAM (left cranial medial atrial artery). Interarterial anastomoses with vessels responsible for irrigation of the sinoatrial node area were observed in most of the cases (25 hearts). The Volume or Reference Volume (V(ref)) of the hearts were 35.32x104µm3. For the stereological variables analyzed, the estimate density of the vessel length (Lv) was 766; the vessel length (L) - mm - was 27.06x105µm; the area’s surface density (Sv) was 182 and the area’s surface (S) - mm2 - was 64.3x106µm2. The estimate of the vascular numeric density (Nv(vasc)) - total of vessels per unit of volume (cm3) was 2.19 10-5, and the total number of vessels in the organ (N(vasc)), estimated by the physical dissector method in combination with the estimate of the number of Euler (Xv), was 773.6832 x10-2. The raised vascular density and total number of vases in the swine’s sinoatrial node area suggests the existence of a vascular perinodal network complex and dense, ratifying the importance of this mark-pass for its blood supply.