Abstract in English:
The aim of this work was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of spontaneous poisoning by Merremia macrocalyx in cattle in the Pernambuco state, northeastern Brazil, and to experimentally replicate the poisoning by this plant. To determine the occurrence of poisonings, 30 farms were visited in six municipalities at the Forest Zone of Pernambuco. The plant was found in nine farms, in which history of plant poisoning in cattle, and occasionally in sheep were also reported. Three outbreaks of spontaneous poisonings in cattle were studied. To replicate the disease experimentally, two steers received a single dose of 60g/kg and two steers received 80g/kg of the fresh leaves of M. macrocalyx in the trough for spontaneous ingestion. Two steers were also used as a control group. The main clinical signs observed in spontaneous cases consisted of restlessness, bloat, polyuria, diarrhea, and death within 48 to 72 hours after the onset of clinical signs. Cattle experimentally poisoned presented similar clinical signs to those observed in spontaneous cases. Gross lesions consisted of dryness and impaction of the rumen, omasum and reticulum contents. Abomasal content was fluid, the mucosa was hyperemic, with swollen folds and multiple ulcers. Similar lesions were observed in duodenum mucosae. Histologically, lesions observed in the abomasum and duodenum mucosa consisted of necrosis, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltration of neutrophils and lymphocytes. The wide distribution and palatability of this plant, associated with the high sensitivity of the bovine species verified in this experiment, highlight the importance of this plant in spontaneous cases of poisoning in cattle.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação espontânea por Merremia macrocalyx em bovinos de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil e reproduzir experimentalmente a intoxicação por esta planta. Para determinar a ocorrência das intoxicações, foram visitadas 30 propriedades em seis municípios na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. A planta foi encontrada em nove fazendas onde também haviam históricos de intoxicações em bovinos e ocasionalmente em ovinos. Três surtos de intoxicações espontâneas em bovinos foram estudados e para reproduzir experimentalmente a doença, dois novilhos receberam doses únicas de 60g/kg e dois novilhos receberam 80g/kg de folhas frescas de M. Macrocalyx para consumo espontâneo no cocho. Dois novilhos foram utilizados como grupo controle. Os principais sinais clínicos observados na intoxicação espontânea consistiram em agitação, timpanismo, poliúria, diarreia e morte dentro de 48 a 72 horas após a observação dos primeiros sinais clínicos. Os bovinos intoxicados experimentalmente apresentaram sinais clínicos semelhantes aos observados nos casos espontâneos. À necropsia as lesões consistiam em compactação e ressecamento dos conteúdos do rúmen, omaso e retículo. O conteúdo do abomaso estava fluido, notava-se hiperemia das mucosas, as pregas estavam edemaciadas e continham múltiplas úlceras. Lesões semelhantes também foram observadas na mucosa do duodeno. Histologicamente, as lesões observadas na mucosa do abomaso e do duodeno consistiam em necrose, hemorragia e infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico e linfocítico. A ampla distribuição de Merremia macrocalyx na região estudada e a boa palatabilidade associada à alta sensibilidade da espécie bovina verificada neste experimento, reforça a importância desta planta em casos espontâneos de intoxicação em bovinos.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br.
This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br.
This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.
Abstract in English:
Palicourea aeneofusca (M. Arg.) Standl., a shrub of the family Rubiaceae, was identified as the cause of mortalities in adult cattle characterized by peracute course (sudden death) which occur in the Zona da Mata (forest region) in the State of Pernambuco. This conclusion was drawn through case histories, by visiting farms and inspecting pastures, and through experimentation in bovines. The toxicity of numerous other plants suspected by farm personnel was not confirmed. The smallest dose that killed one experimental bovine was 0.75 grams of the fresh leaves of P. aeneofusca per kilogram of body weight. Affected animals lay down or fell to the ground suddenly, rolled onto their sides and died within a few minutes. Post-mortem findings were essentially negative; in one of the three bovines petechiae and ecchymoses were seen on the epicardium. Histopathological examination revealed a characteristic severe hydropic vacuolar degeneration of the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubules in the kidney of one animal.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Através da coleta de históricos, de visitas a fazendas com inspeção dos pastos, e de experimentação em coelhos e bovinos, foi esclarecido que as mortes e mortandades em bovinos adultos caracterizadas por evolução superaguda, tipo "morte súbita", que ocorrem na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, mais especificamente nas regiões das matas úmidas, estendendo-se até Garanhuns, não são causadas pelas diversas plantas indicadas por vaqueiros, mas sim pela ingestão das folhas do arbusto Palicourea aeneofusca (M. Arg.) Standl., da família Rubiaceae. A dose menor que matou um bovino experimental foi a de 0,75 gramas das folhas frescas por quilograma de peso animal. Os sintomas consistiram em o animal deitar-se precipitadamente, ou cair, ficando logo em decúbito lateral, ocorrendo a morte em questão de minutos. Os achados de necropsia foram praticamente negativos; em um dos três bovinos havia petéquias e equimoses no epicárdio. Nos exames histopatológicos, o achado mais importante foi em um bovino, degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar acentuada das células epiteliais dos túbulos contornados distais do rim.