Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa coelhos.

#1 - Experiments in rabbits with cyanogenic plants, 20(2):65-70

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brito M.F., França T.N., Oliveira K.D. & Cerqueira V.D. 2000. [Experiments in rabbits with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em coelhos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):65-70. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil. The dried leaves of Piptadenia macrocarpa Benth. 1 =Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan], Piptadenia viridiflora (Kunth.) Benth. and Holocalyx glaziovii Taub. [=Holocalyx balansae Micheli], all trees of the Leguminosae Mimosoideae family, were given orally to rabbits in single doses. In the case of H. glaziovii, leaves were fed after being stored in two diferente ways. In the first series of experiments, Piptadenia macrocarpa failed to poison rabbits although the leaves were collected when sprouting, the most toxic stage forcattle. The experiments were performed 4 to 6 months after the leaves had been collected and dried. In a second series of experiments, similar leaves were fed at monthly intervals after harvest. They were toxic for the first 5 months, but were innocuous after 6 months storage. In both series of experiments the leaves were dried in the shade and then kept in cotton sacks at room temperature. They always were milled at the occasion of the experiments. These experiments with rabbits confirm the results with cattle, in which severe poisoning was caused by leaves stored for 3 months but caused no ili effect after 4 months, even when fed in large amounts. Young leaves of P. viridiflora were lethal at 12 g/kg, 12 months after collection and drying. In a second experiment the lethal dose was only 6 g/kg with leaves stored for only 2 months. These results show that the dried leaves of these species lose toxicity with time. Holocalyx glaziovii leaves were milled 6 weeks after collecting and dried and stored in sealed containers. They were fed in. single doses to different rabbits at intervals during a whole year. Lethal doses were initially 0.75 g/kg to 1.5 g/kg but rose to 1.5 g/kg to 3 g/kg by the end of the year. In a second experiment, leaves stored in cotton sacks and milled just before feeding were compared with milled leaves stored in sealed glass containers. The plant material kept in cotton sacks had halfthe toxicity of the leaves stored.for 2 months in sealed containers. After 10 to 12 months it was only a little less toxic than that stored in the sealed containers but there were no differences after 14 months. The symptoms observed in the rabbits that were poisoned by the dried leaves of P. macrocarpa, P. viridiflora and H. glaziovii were neuromuscular. Post-mortem findings and histopathological findings were almost absent. On opening the stomach, a strong smell of bitter almonds was sometimes noticed. The degree of toxicity during the storage of the dried leaves of he three tested plants was generallywell correlated with the picrate testfor cyanide.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brito M.F., França T.N., Oliveira K.D. & Cerqueira V.D. 2000. [Experiments in rabbits with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em coelhos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):65-70. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil. A administração por via oral das folhas dessecadas de Piptadenia macrocarpa (Benth. [ =Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan], Piptadenia viridiflora (Kunth.) Benth. e Holocalyx glaziovii Taub. [ =Holocalyx balansae Micheli], plantas cianogênicas da família Leguminosae Mimosoideae, revelou a sensibilidade do coelho à elas, caracterizando-se a intoxicação por sintomatologia de natureza neuromuscular. A dose letal de P. macrocarpa foi de 6 g/kg para a brotação dessecada, até 5 meses após sua coleta; 6 meses depois da coleta a planta havia perdido a toxidez. A dose letal de P. viridiflora foi também de 6 g/kg para a brotação dessecada, coletada dois meses antes dos experimentos; 10 meses após a coleta a planta havia perdido metade da toxidez. Com H. glaziovii foram realizadas duas séries experimentais; estabeleceu-se a dose letal entre 0,75 e 1,5 g/kg com a planta coletada 2 meses antes, também com perda aproximada de metade da toxidez no período de 12 meses. O experimentos indicam, que H. glaziovii, moída logo após a coleta e armazenada em vidros fechados com tampa plástica, conserva melhor a toxidez nos primeiros meses do que a planta guardada em sacos de algodão, porém, ao final de um ano, essa diferença deixa de existir. A toxidez das folhas dessecadas foi proporcional à intensidade das reações das mesmas ao teste do papel picro-sódico, com raras exceções.

#2 - Experimental poisoning by the ground seeds of Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) in the rabbit, 17(1):1-7

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brito M.F. & Tokamia C.H. 1997. [Experimental poisoning by the ground seeds of Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) in the rabbit.] Intoxicação experimental pelas sementes trituradas de Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) em coelhos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 17(1):1-7. Projeto Saúde Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro 23851- 970, Brazil. The ground seeds of Ricinus communis L., given by stomach tube in single doses to rabbits, caused severe symptoms of poisoning, lethal in three rabbits which received the dose of 2 g/ kg and in one of four rabbits which received 1 g/kg; the other three rabbits which received the lower dose, showed slight to moderate symptoms and recovered. Three other rabbits, which received 0.5 g/kg, showed only slight symptoms. The period between administration of the seeds and death or recovery, varied from 12h47min to 68h08min, and from 3 to 6 days, respectively. First clinical symptoms after the administration of the seeds were observed about 8 hours in the lethal cases and in those where the animals showed more than slight symptoms, and about 24 hours in the cases with only slight symptoms. The course of the poisoning varied from 4 to 56 hours in the lethal cases and froin 2 to 5 and half days in the cases with recovery. The clinical signs consisted mainly in digestive distress; the animals showed inappetence or anorexia. Faeces were generally scarce, with bolus altered in form and size, dark, sometimes soft, with mucus. There were manifestations of colic. The most evident post-mortem findings were in the small intestine and cecum, which had liquid contents; its wall was congested and edematous, and fibrine covered the mucosa as pseudomembranes or was found in the lumen as flakes and or filaments. The most important histological changes were seen also in the small intestine and cecum. In the former there was coagulative necrosis associated with congestion/ hemorrhages of the mucosa and submucosa which also showed edema. Similar lesions were seen in the cecum, but thése were less marked, with exception of the edema of the submucosa. In colon and rectum the changes were slight or absent. Necrosis with marked caryorhexis of the macrophages, which migrated to the upper mucosal layer, was seen in the lymphoid follicles of the appendix vermiformis and in one case also of the rudimentary cecum.

Abstract in Portuguese:

SINOPSE.- Brito M.F. & Tokamia C.H. 1997. [Experimental poisoning by the ground seeds of Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) in the rabbit.] Intoxicação experimental pelas sementes trituradas de Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) em coelhos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 17(1):1-7. Projeto Saúde Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro 23851- 970, Brazil. As sementes trituradas de Ricinus communis L., administradas em doses únicas por sonda intragástrica a coelhos, causaram graves sintomas de intoxicação com êxito letal nos três coelhos que receberam a dose de 2 g/kg e em um dos quatro que receberam 1 g/kg. Os outros três coelhos que receberam 1g/kg desenvolveram sintomas discretos a moderados e se recuperaram, e os três que receberam 0,5g/kg só mostraram sintomas discretos. O período entre a administração das sementes e a morte ou recuperação variou de 12h47min a 68h08min, e de 3 a 6 dias, respectivamente. Os primeiros sintomas após a administração das sementes, foram observados dentro de cerca 8 horas nos casos letais e nos animais que adoeceram moderadamente, e dentro de cerca 24 horas nos casos com sintomatogia discreta. A evolução da intoxicação variou de 4 a 56 horas nos casos letais e de 2 a 5 meio dias nos casos de recuperação. A sintomatologia consistiu principalmente de perturbações digestivas. Os animais apresentaram inapetência até anorexia. As fezes geralmente eram escassas, com forma e tamanho das síbalas alteradas, eram escuras, às vezes pastosas, com muco. Havia nítidas manifestações de cólica. Os achados de necropsia mais evidentes foram constatados no intestino delgado e ceco. O conteúdo destes segmentos era líquido. A parede apresentou congestão e edema e havia fibrina recobrindo a mucosa sob forma de pseudomembranas, ou na luz sob forma de flocos e/ou filamentos. As alterações histológicas mais importantes foram verificadas no intestino delgado e ceco. No intestino delgado observou-se necrose de coagulação associada a congestão/hemorragias na mucosa. Havia ainda congestão/hemorragias e edema na submucosa. Lesões semelhantes foram vistas no ceco onde porém, com exceção do edema da submucosa, eram menos acentuadas. No cólon e reto as lesões eram leves ou ausentes. Foi verificado no apêndice vermiforme e em um caso também no ceco rudimentar, necrose com acentuada cariorrexia de macrófagos que migraram dos folículos linfóides para a parte superior da mucosa.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV