Abstract in English:
Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common condition observed in the surgical clinics for small animals. Among the surgical techniques for management of CHD, triple pelvic osteotomy and sacroiliac wedge promote acetabular lateral axial rotation (ventroversion), increasing acetabular coverage and joint stability. The present study aimed to evaluate radiographically, by measuring the Norberg angle (NA) and the acetabular coverage percentage (ACP), the acetabular ventroversion induced by the sacroiliac wedge technique, with or without pelvic osteotomies; we also checked the feasibility of wedges made of polyamide with an angulation of 20° and 30°. The software used to measure NA and ACP was AutoCAD® 2009. Pelves from 10 canine corpses were evaluated radiographically at four time-points: M0 (Control Group), M1 (wedges of 20° and 30°), M2 and M3 (wedges associated with bilateral pubis and ischium osteotomies, respectively). There was no significant increase in the acetabular ventroversion at M1, M2, and M3. The polyamide sacroiliac wedge technique proved to be feasible, stable, and easy to apply. Further, the software proved to be efficient and easy to use for NA and ACP measurements. In the present study, even in the cases of non-dysplasic adult canine corpses, it was concluded that the sacroiliac wedge technique does not require to be accompanied by pubis and ischial osteotomies because they did not significantly increase the NA and ACP.
Abstract in Portuguese:
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é afecção comum na clínica cirúrgica de pequenos animais. Entre as técnicas cirúrgicas para controle da DCF, a osteotomia pélvica tripla (OPT) e a cunha sacroilíaca (CSI), promovem rotação lateral acetabular no eixo axial (ventroversão), aumentando a cobertura acetabular e a estabilidade da articulação. Desta forma, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar radiograficamente, por meio da aferição do ângulo de Norberg (NA) e da porcentagem de cobertura acetabular (PCA), a ventroversão acetabular induzida pela técnica da cunha sacroilíaca, associada ou não às osteotomias pélvicas, além de verificar a exequibilidade das cunhas confeccionadas de poliamida com angulação de 20ο e 30ο. O software utilizado para aferir o AN e o PCA foi o AutoCAD® 2009. Dez pelves de cadáveres caninos foram avaliadas radiograficamente em quatro momentos: MO (Grupo Controle), M1 (cunhas de 20ο e 30ο), M2 e M3 (cunhas associadas à osteotomia bilateral do púbis e ísquio, respectivamente). Não houve aumento significativo da ventroversão em M1, M2 e M3. A técnica de cunha sacroilíaca de poliamida mostrou-se exequível, estável e de fácil aplicação. Não obstante, o software utilizado mostrou-se eficiente e de fácil utilização nas aferições do AN e PCA. Neste estudo, mesmo tratando-se de cadáveres de cães adultos e de maioria não displásicos, concluiu-se que a utilização da técnica de cunha sacroilíaca não necessita de associação à ostectomia púbica e a osteotomia do ísquio por não promoverem aumento significativo do AN e da PCA.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Carneiro L.Z., Mistieri M.L.A., Cauduro C.R., Rosa A.F. & Pascon J.P.E. 2017. [Interlocking nail system in comparison with dynamic compression plate in the stabilization of intertrochanteric varus osteotomy in dogs: study in cadavers.] Haste intramedular bloqueada em comparação com placa de compressão dinâmica na estabilização de osteotomia intertrocantérica varizante em cães: estudo ex vivo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(12):1474-1478. Hospital Universitário Veterinário, Universidade Federal do Pampa, BR-472 Km 592, Uruguaiana, RS 97508-000, Brazil. E-mail: malimistieri@gmail.com
Considering the advantages of the interlocking intramedullary nail (IN) in relation to bone plates in the femoral stabilization, this study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of IN application post intertrochanteric varus osteotomy (IVO). For this purpose, 10 canines cadavers were used. On the left femurs, the fixation was obtained with IN (IN group) and rights fixed with dynamic compression plates and screws (plate group). Was compared the angles of Norberg and inclination of the head and femoral neck (IHF) before (T0) and after (T1) IVO. The results of time spent for placement of implants and biomechanical resistance to compression and torsion were also confronted between groups. There was an increase of the Norberg angle between T0 (106.84±5.55o) and T1 (111.22o±3.89), only in IN group (p<0.05). However, reduction of IHF angle after IVO (T1) was observed in both, the plate group (T0=127.6±4.70o e T1=110.06±10.61o, p<0.05) and IN group (T0=126.43±5.87o e T1=116.87± 8.62 o, p<0.05). The placement times of the implants did not differ statistically and only the compression biomechanical test revealed differences between groups, with greater resistance (P=0.033) of the plate group (863.3±74.46N/mm) compared to IN group (586.7±44.10N/mm). Thus, stabilization through IN was feasible and effective. Although the compression biomechanical results has demonstrated a higher fragility of IN in relation to the compression plate, their values are above the forces, reported in literature, acting in normal dog gait.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Carneiro L.Z., Mistieri M.L.A., Cauduro C.R., Rosa A.F. & Pascon J.P.E. 2017. [Interlocking nail system in comparison with dynamic compression plate in the stabilization of intertrochanteric varus osteotomy in dogs: study in cadavers.] Haste intramedular bloqueada em comparação com placa de compressão dinâmica na estabilização de osteotomia intertrocantérica varizante em cães: estudo ex vivo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(12):1474-1478. Hospital Universitário Veterinário, Universidade Federal do Pampa, BR-472 Km 592, Uruguaiana, RS 97508-000, Brazil. E-mail: malimistieri@gmail.com
Tendo em vista as vantagens das hastes intramedulares bloqueadas (HIB) em relação às placas ósseas na estabilização femoral, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a exequibilidade e eficácia da aplicação da HIB pós osteotomia intertrocantérica varizante (OIV). Submeteu-se 10 cadáveres caninos à OIV. Nos antímeros esquerdos obteve-se a estabilização por meio de HIB (grupo HIB) e, nos direitos, com placas de compressão dinâmica (grupo placa). Foram comparados os ângulos de Norberg e de inclinação da cabeça e colo femoral (ICF) antes (T0) e após (T1) a OIV. O tempo dispendido para a colocação dos implantes e resultados de resistência biomecânica à compressão e torção também foram confrontados entre os grupos. Houve aumento do ângulo de Norberg entre T0 (106,84±5,55o) e T1 (111,22o±3,89), apenas no grupo HIB (p<0,05). No entanto, redução do ângulo de ICF após OIV (T1) foi observada tanto no grupo placa (T0=127,6±4,70o e T1=110,06±10,61o, p<0,05) quanto no grupo HIB (T0=126,43±5,87o e T1=116,87±8,62o, p<0,05). Os tempos de colocação dos implantes não diferiram estatisticamente e apenas o teste biomecânico de compressão revelou diferença entre os grupos, com maior resistência (P=0,033) do grupo placa (863,3±74,46N/mm) em relação ao grupo HIB (586,7±44,10N/mm). Deste modo, a estabilização por meio de HIB foi factível e eficaz. Embora o resultado biomecânico de compressão tenha demonstrado maior fragilidade da HIB em relação à placa de compressão, seus valores estão acima das forças atuantes, reportadas na literatura, na deambulação normal de cão.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Oliveira L.M., D’Avila R.S., Yamamoto E.Y. & Saut J.P.E. 2007. [Cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation technique in treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs: 360 days evaluation of 97 cases.] Denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal no tratamento da displasia coxofemoral em cães: 360 dias de evolução de 97 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):333-340. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: cassioaf@usp.br
The aim was to evaluate the clinical results of cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation using curettage in dysplastic dogs. Ninty seven dogs without distinction of breed and sex, 1 to 7 years of age, were analyzed for diagnosis and treatment of hip dysplasia, based on physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic findings. For evaluation of results of the surgical denervation technique, clinical examinations were performed preoperatively (initial exam) and postoperatively at days 2, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 180 and 360. All animals were evaluated for lameness, pain to movement and touch, muscular atrophy degree, pain sensivity to Ortolani’s test and assessment of life quality. The surgical denervation procedure decreases lameness, pain to movement and touch after 2 days of procedure, decreases muscular atrophy after 60 days of procedure, and improves quality of life from the owner’s and veterinarian’s point of view even after 1 year of the treatment. Dorsal acetabular denervation is a feasible surgical technique in treatment of pain secondary to hip dysplasia in dogs, with significant decrease of pain after 2 days of treatment, improvement of quality of life, decrease of lameness, and consequently joyful animals and owners extremely satisfied with the results obtained by the proposed treatment. The surgical technique must include the curettage of nerve fibers from the cranial-dorsal and dorsal region of the acetabular periosteum.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Oliveira L.M., D’Avila R.S., Yamamoto E.Y. & Saut J.P.E. 2007. [Cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation technique in treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs: 360 days evaluation of 97 cases.] Denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal no tratamento da displasia coxofemoral em cães: 360 dias de evolução de 97 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):333-340. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: cassioaf@usp.br
The aim was to evaluate the clinical results of cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation using curettage in dysplastic dogs. Ninty seven dogs without distinction of breed and sex, 1 to 7 years of age, were analyzed for diagnosis and treatment of hip dysplasia, based on physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic findings. For evaluation of results of the surgical denervation technique, clinical examinations were performed preoperatively (initial exam) and postoperatively at days 2, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 180 and 360. All animals were evaluated for lameness, pain to movement and touch, muscular atrophy degree, pain sensivity to Ortolani’s test and assessment of life quality. The surgical denervation procedure decreases lameness, pain to movement and touch after 2 days of procedure, decreases muscular atrophy after 60 days of procedure, and improves quality of life from the owner’s and veterinarian’s point of view even after 1 year of the treatment. Dorsal acetabular denervation is a feasible surgical technique in treatment of pain secondary to hip dysplasia in dogs, with significant decrease of pain after 2 days of treatment, improvement of quality of life, decrease of lameness, and consequently joyful animals and owners extremely satisfied with the results obtained by the proposed treatment. The surgical technique must include the curettage of nerve fibers from the cranial-dorsal and dorsal region of the acetabular periosteum.