Abstract in English:
This study aimed to identify the presence of Trypanosoma vivax DNA in the colostrum of infected goats and to explore the possibility of transmission for neonates fed using colostrum collected from infected goats. We used twelve goats in the final third of gestation with an age of approximately 24 months. Six goats were inoculated intravenously with 0.5mL of blood containing approximately 1.25x105 trypomastigotes of T. vivax, and six remained uninfected. The presence of T. vivax in colostrum was evaluated by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The possibility of T. vivax transmission by colostrum was assessed by feeding six neonates born of serologically negative goats using colostrum from infected goats. Peripheral blood from neonates was collected daily for thirty days to assess the T. vivax presence through the examination of Giemsa-stained smears of leukocyte layers with the buffy coat technique (BCT) and by PCR. The results of a direct examination of colostrum were negative, but PCR confirmed the presence of T. vivax DNA in all infected goats. Additionally, lactogenic transmission by colostrum was not demonstrated once both BCT and PCR of neonate peripheral blood were negative.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a presença de DNA de Trypanosoma vivax no colostro de cabras infectadas experimentalmente e verificar a possibilidade de transmissão para neonatos alimentados com colostro coletado de cabras infectadas. Foram utilizadas doze cabras no terço final de gestação com idade aproximada de 24 meses. Seis cabras foram inoculadas intravenosamente com 0,5mL de sangue contendo aproximadamente 1,25x105 tripomastigotas de T. vivax, e seis permaneceram não infectadas. A presença de T. vivax no colostro foi avaliada por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). A possibilidade de transmissão de T. vivax pelo colostro foi avaliada através da alimentação de seis neonatos nascidos de cabras sorologicamente negativas com colostro de cabras infectadas. Foi coletado diariamente o sangue periférico dos neonatos, por trinta dias para avaliar a presença de T. vivax através do exame de esfregaços de camadas leucocitárias coradas por giemsa, pela técnica BCT e por PCR. Os resultados do exame direto do colostro foram negativos, mas a PCR confirmou a presença de DNA de T. vivax no colostro em todas as cabras infectadas. Além disso, a transmissão lactogênica pelo colostro não foi demonstrada, uma vez que tanto a BCT quanto a PCR do sangue periférico do neonato foram negativas
Abstract in English:
The study aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical, laboratory and pathological aspects of buffalo and bovine experimentally infected with AmRio 2 strain of Anaplasma marginale. Four Murrah buffaloes and four crossbred cattle were used in the experiment, which two animals of each species were splenectomized. Strain AmRio 2 of A. marginale was inoculated in all experimental animals. Clinical exams, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), blood counts, blood smears, rickettsemia, necropsy and histopathology were performed in all cases. Semi-Nested-PCR (snPCR) for the msp5 and snPCR for the msp1α target gene for identification of A. marginale in blood samples from animals was done. From positive samples for msp1α snPCR, samples were analyzed for the amino acid sequences of this gene. Two splenectomized cattle presented apathy, pale mucous membranes, jaundice, hyperthermia, and severe anemia. The remaining experimental animals did not show clinical signs. The rickettsemia in all animals was less than 1%. The mean PCV of the splenectomized cattle was below 20% at two-time points after infection. On the blood count, the main changes were observed in splenectomized calves and were characterized by a decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin, PCV and platelets (p <0.05). All animals presented leukocyte elevation by increased lymphocytes, however, with no significant difference. The average prepatent period was two days in all the animals. The average incubation period in cattle that became ill was 25.5 days, and death occurred, on average, 63 days after inoculation of the strain. The necropsy findings were characterized by pale carcass, ascites, enlarged liver, distended gallbladder, and thick bile. Histopathological findings included infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes in various organs, hepatic sinusoidal dilatation, and necrosis of the large intestine. In snPCR for the msp5 gene, 100% of the animals were positive in at least one evaluation. And in the snPCR for the infection of the msp1α target gene was also found in all animals in at least one sample evaluated. However, sequencing revealed only five animals, including the bovine which died, with a similarity of the amino acid sequences with AmRio 2 strain of A. marginale. It is concluded that the splenectomized cattle died due to anaplasmosis caused by the inoculated strain and the buffalo were more resistant compared to cattle. Buffaloes can be an alternative to cattle rearing in areas with a high occurrence of clinical cases of anaplasmosis.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar os aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e patológicos de búfalos e bovinos infectados experimentalmente com estirpe AmRio 2 de Anaplasma marginale. Para isso, foram utilizados quatro bubalinos Murrah e quatro bovinos mestiços, sendo dois animais de cada espécie, esplenectomizados. Estirpe AmRio 2 de A. marginale foi inoculada em todos os animais. Foram realizados exames clínicos, hematócrito, hemograma, esfregaço sanguíneo com avaliação de riquetsemia, necropsia e histopatologia, além de, Semi-Nested-PCR (snPCR) para o gene alvo msp5 e snPCR para o gene alvo msp1α para identificação de A. marginale nas amostras de sangue dos ruminantes. A partir das amostras positivas na snPCR msp1α, foram selecionadas amostras para análise das sequências de aminoácidos deste gene. Dois bovinos esplenectomizados apresentaram apatia, mucosas pálidas, icterícia, hipertermia e anemia severa. O restante dos animais não apresentou sintomatologia clínica. A riquetsemia em todos os animais foi menor que 1%. A média do hematócrito dos bovinos esplenectomizados esteve abaixo de 20% em dois momentos após infecção. Ao hemograma, as principais alterações observadas foram nos bovinos esplenectomizados e caracterizaram-se por redução de hemácias, hemoglobina, hematócrito e plaquetas (p<0,05). Todos os animais apresentaram elevação de leucócitos por aumento de linfócitos, porém, sem diferença significativa. O período pré-patente médio foi de dois dias em todos os animais. O período de incubação médio nos bovinos que adoeceram foi de 25,5 dias e estes morreram em média 63 dias após inoculação da estirpe. Os achados de necropsia caracterizaram-se por carcaça pálida, ascite, aumento de volume do fígado, vesícula biliar distendida e bile espessa. À histopatologia, verificou-se infiltração de macrófagos e linfócitos em diversos órgãos, dilatação dos sinusoides hepáticos e necrose do intestino grosso. A snPCR para o gene msp5, revelou 100% dos animais positivos em pelo menos um momento de avaliação. E na snPCR para o gene alvo msp1α também verificou-se infecção em todos os animais em pelo menos uma amostra avaliada. Entretanto, o sequenciamento revelou apenas cinco animais, incluindo os bovinos que morreram, com similaridade das sequências de aminoácidos com estirpe AmRio 2 de A. marginale. Conclui-se que os bovinos esplenectomizados morreram em virtude de anaplasmose provocada pela estirpe inoculada e os bubalinos foram mais resistentes em comparação aos bovinos. Finalmente, os búfalos podem ser uma alternativa à criação de bovinos em áreas com alta ocorrência de casos clínicos de anaplasmose.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Moraes M.E., Pereira G.B.A., Astolfi-Ferreira C.S. & Ferreira A.J.P. 2013. [Experimental infection with Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Escherichia coli in turkeys.] Infecção experimental por Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Escherichia coli em perus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(8):975-978. Setor de Ornitopatologia, Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: ajpferr@usp.br
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) causes infectious sinusitis in turkeys, and is commonly associated with Escherichia coli. The objective of this study was to develop in turkeys an experimental model for infectious sinusitis. Two hundred and fifty male turkeys of Nicholas breed (Aviagen®) were divided into negative control group and challenged, animals were housed until 42 days old. The birds were inoculated in the first day of age with the MG vaccine (F-VAX ® Schering Plough) and on day 21 with E. coli. We analyzed the mortality, clinical signs and lesions in air sacs, liver and heart. The results showed that the vaccine against Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG-F) is pathogenic for turkeys and that the experiment was able to simulate natural infection with MG and E. coli.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Moraes M.E., Pereira G.B.A., Astolfi-Ferreira C.S. & Ferreira A.J.P. 2013. [Experimental infection with Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Escherichia coli in turkeys.] Infecção experimental por Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Escherichia coli em perus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(8):975-978. Setor de Ornitopatologia, Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: ajpferr@usp.br
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) é responsável por provocar sinusite infecciosa em perus. A infecção por Mycoplasma spp. torna a ave susceptível a infecção por Escherichia coli. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver em perus, um modelo experimental para a sinusite infecciosa. Utilizou-se 250 peru,s machos da linhagem Nicholas (Aviagen®) divididos em grupo não infectado (T1) e grupo desafiado (T2) que recebeu por via ocular, com um dia de idade, Mycoplasma gallisepticum cepa F e aos 21 dias de idade E. coli por via saco aéreo. Analisou-se a mortalidade, os sinais clínicos e lesões em sacos aéreos, fígado e coração. Concluiu-se que o delineamento experimental utilizado foi eficaz para simular a infecção natural por MG e E. coli, sendo que a vacina contra MG-F utilizada para poedeiras é patogênica para perus.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Menão M.C., Astolfi-Ferreira C.S., Knöbl T. & Ferreira A.J.P. 2013. Efficacy of bacterin-, outer membrane protein- and fimbriae extract-based vaccines for the control of Salmonella Enteritidis experimental infection in chickens. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):326-330. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508 270, Brazil. E-mail: ajpferr@usp.br
The efficacy of three vaccines was evaluated in chickens for the control of experimental infection with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) phage type 4. The vaccines were produced with bacterin, outer membrane proteins (OMP) and fimbriae crude extract (FE). The chickens were vaccinated intramuscularly with two doses of each vaccine at 12 and 15 weeks of age. The chickens were then orally challenged with 109 CFU/chicken Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 at 18 weeks of age. Fecal swabs were performed for the recovery of shedding SE, and SE was recovered from the liver and spleen. Additionally, antibody titers were measured in the serum by micro-agglutination test. The results indicated that the vaccine produced with bacterin yielded better results and resulted in reduction of fecal shedding and organ invasion by SE after oral challenge, although no vaccine was 100% effective for the control of SE experimental infection.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Menão M.C., Astolfi-Ferreira C.S., Knöbl T. & Ferreira A.J.P. 2013. Efficacy of bacterin-, outer membrane protein- and fimbriae extract-based vaccines for the control of Salmonella Enteritidis experimental infection in chickens. [Eficácia de bactéria inativada (bacterina), proteína da membrana externa e extrato de fimbrias no controle de infecção experimental por Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) em galinhas.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):326-330. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508 270, Brazil. E-mail: ajpferr@usp.br
A eficácia de três vacinas de Salmonella Enteritidis fagotipo 4, produzidas na forma de bacterina, proteínas de membrana externa (OMP) e extrato bruto de fímbrias (FE) foi avaliada para proteção de aves infectadas experimentalmente. As aves foram vacinadas por via intramuscular com duas doses de cada vacina as 12 e 15 semanas de idade e desafiadas com 109 UFCs de Salmonella Enteritidis fagotipo 4 às 18 semanas de idade, por via oral. A eficácia foi determinada através do reisolamento da bactéria nas fezes e no fígado e baço, e os anticorpos foram mensurados no soro. Os resultados demonstraram que a vacina produzida com a bacterina foi mais eficaz em comparação às outras vacinas examinadas, para reduzir a excreção fecal e a invasão de órgãos após o desafio por SE.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Santos M.B., Martini M.C., Ferreira H.L., Silva L.H.A., Fellipe P.A., Spilki F.R. & Arns C.W. 2012. Brazilian avian metapneumovirus subtypes A and B: experimental infection of broilers and evaluation of vaccine efficacy. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(12):1257-1262. Laboratório de Virologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Rua Monteiro Lobato s/n, Cx. Postal 6109, Campinas, SP 13083-970, Brazil. E-mail: arns@unicamp.br
Avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) is a respiratory pathogen associated with the swollen head syndrome (SHS) in chickens. In Brazil, live aMPV vaccines are currently used, but subtypes A and, mainly subtype B (aMPV/A and aMPV/B) are still circulating. This study was conducted to characterize two Brazilian aMPV isolates (A and B subtypes) of chicken origin. A challenge trial to explore the replication ability of the Brazilian subtypes A and B in chickens was performed. Subsequently, virological protection provided from an aMPV/B vaccine against the same isolates was analyzed. Upon challenge experiment, it was shown by virus isolation and real time PCR that aMPV/B could be detected longer and in higher amounts than aMPV/A. For the protection study, 18 one-day-old chicks were vaccinated and challenged at 21 days of age. Using virus isolation and real time PCR, no aMPV/A was detected in the vaccinated chickens, whereas one vaccinated chicken challenged with the aMPV/B isolate was positive. The results showed that aMPV/B vaccine provided a complete heterologous virological protection, although homologous protection was not complete in one chicken. Although only one aMPV/B positive chicken was detected after homologous vaccination, replication in vaccinated animals might allow the emergence of escape mutants.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Santos M.B., Martini M.C., Ferreira H.L., Silva L.H.A., Fellipe P.A., Spilki F.R. & Arns C.W. 2012. Brazilian avian metapneumovirus subtypes A and B: experimental infection of broilers and evaluation of vaccine efficacy. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(12):1257-1262. Laboratório de Virologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Rua Monteiro Lobato s/n, Cx. Postal 6109, Campinas, SP 13083-970, Brazil. E-mail: arns@unicamp.br
O Metapneumovírus aviário (aMPV) é um patógeno respiratório associado à síndrome da cabeça inchada (SHS) em galinhas. Apesar de vacinas vivas contra o aMPV serem utilizadas no Brasil, os subtipos A e B (aMPV/A e aMPV/B) são ainda encontrados no país, com predominância do subtipo B. Este estudo foi conduzido com o intuito de estudar dois isolados brasileiros de aMPV (subtipos A e B) isolados de frango. Para isto, um desafio experimental em frangos foi conduzido com o intuito de explorar a capacidade de replicação dos subtipos A e B Brasileiros. Posteriormente, a protecção virológica conferida por uma vacina do subtipo B em pintos foi realizada com os mesmos isolados. Após o desafio experimental demonstrou-se, por isolamento viral e PCR em tempo real, que o isolado do subtipo B replicou por maior período de tempo e em quantidades maiores, em comparação com o subtipo A. Para o estudo de proteção, 18 pintos de um dia de idade foram vacinados e desafiados aos 21 dias. Usando isolamento viral e PCR em tempo real, em nenhuma ave vacinada e desafiada com aMPV/A foi detectado o vírus, ao passo que uma ave vacinada e desafiada com o aMPV/B foi positiva. Os resultados mostraram que a vacina do subtipo B forneceu protecção heteróloga completa, embora a protecção homóloga não tenha sido conferida em uma ave. Apesar de o aMPV/B ter sido detectado em apenas um frango após vacinação homóloga, a replicação viral em aves vacinadas pode resultar em emergência de mutantes de escape.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Santos C.M.B., Anziliero D., Bauermann F.V., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2011. Experimental infection of calves with recombinants of bovine herpesvirus 5 defective in glycoprotein E (gE), thymidine kinase (TK) and both, gE/TK. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):319-325. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: eduardofurtadoflores@gmail.com
This article describes an investigation on the virulence/attenuation of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) recombinants deleted in the genes encoding glycoprotein E (BoHV-5gED), thymidine kinase (BoHV-5TKD), and both gE and TK (BoHV-5gEDTKD). Seronegative calves (80 to 90 days-old) inoculated with the parental strain (SV-507/99, n=5) shed virus in nasal secretions for up to 15 days (average 10.8 days). Duration of virus shedding was 11 days for BoHV-5gD, 9.6 days for BoHV-5TKD and 6.2 days for BoHV-5gEDTKD groups. The highest titers were observed between days 1 and 6 post-infection (pi) for SV-507/99 (106.8TCID50/mL), 105.1TCID50/mL (BoHV-5gED), 105.9TCID50/mL (BoHV-5TKD) and 104.7TCID50/mL (BoHV-5gEDTKD). Calves inoculated with the parental virus presented anorexia, profound apathy and loss of body condition. Two calves were euthanized in extremis on days 10 and 11 pi; infectious virus was recovered from several areas of the brain. In contrast, calves inoculated with the recombinants remained healthy and a few presented a mild and transient nasal secretion. Dexamethasone (Dx) administration at day 42 pi resulted in virus shedding by all controls calves (mean duration 3.7 days), by 2/5 of BoHV-5TKD calves (two days) and 2/5 of BoHV-5gED (one day). No virus shedding was detected in BoHV-5gEDTKD calves upon Dx treatment. PCR examination of brain sections of calves euthanized at day 30 post Dx treatment revealed the presence of latent viral DNA widely distributed in the brain of SV-507/99 calves. Latent viral DNA was detected in a few sections (3/30) of the brains of BoHV-5gED calves and was not detected in the brains of calves inoculated with BoHV-5TKD and BoHV-5gEDTKD. These results show that the single BoHV-5 mutants (gE and tk-deleted) are attenuated for calves and establish and/or reactivate latent infection inefficiently. The double mutant BoHV-5gEDTKD is fully attenuated and appears not to establish or not reactivate efficiently from latent infection. Thus, these recombinants, especially the double mutant BoHV-5gEDTKD, display an adequate phenotype for use in modified-live vaccine formulations.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Santos C.M.B., Anziliero D., Bauermann F.V., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2011. Experimental infection of calves with recombinants of bovine herpesvirus 5 defective in glycoprotein E (gE), thymidine kinase (TK) and both, gE/TK. [Infecção experimental de bezerros com recombinantes do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 defectivos na glicoproteína E (gE), timidina quinase (TK) e ambos, gE/TK.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):319-325. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: eduardofurtadoflores@gmail.com
Este artigo descreve uma investigação da virulência/atenuação de recombinantes do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) com deleções nos genes da glicoproteína E (BoHV-5gED), timidina quinase (BoHV-5TKD), e ambos gE e TK (BoHV-5gEDTKD). Bezerros soronegativos (80-90 dias de idade) inoculados com o vírus parental SV-507/99 (n=5) excretaram o vírus em secreções nasais por até 15 dias (média de 10,8 dias). Nos animais inoculados com os recombinantes, a duração da excreção viral foi de 11 dias (BoHV-5gED), 9,6 dias (BoHV-5TKD) e 6,2 dias (BoHV-5gEDTKD). Os maiores títulos foram observados entre os dias 1 e 6 pós-inoculação (pi), sendo de 106,8TCID50/mL para o SV-507/99, 105,1TCID50/mL (BoHV-5gED), 105,9TCID50/mL (BoHV-5TKD) e 104,7TCID50/mL (BoHV-5gEDTKD). Os bezerros inoculados com o vírus parental apresentaram anorexia e apatia; três deles mostraram apatia profunda e perda da condição corporal. Dois bezerros foram eutanasiados in extremis nos dias 10 e 11 pi, respectivamente e o vírus foi isolado de várias regiões do encéfalo. Já os bezerros inoculados com os recombinantes permaneceram saudáveis; alguns apresentaram uma secreção nasal serosa transitória. Administração de dexametasona (Dx) no dia 42 pi resultou em excreção viral por todos os bezerros inoculados com o vírus parental (duração média de 3,7 dias), por 2 de 5 bezerros dos grupos BoHV-5TKD (dois dias) e BoHV-5gED (um dia). Os bezerros inoculados com o duplo mutante BoHV-5gEDTKD não excretaram o vírus após o tratamento com Dx. Pesquisa de DNA viral por PCR no dia 30 pós-Dx revelou uma ampla distribuição do DNA do vírus parental no encéfalo; poucas seções (3/30) foram positivas no encéfalo dos animais do grupo BoHV-5gED, e não detectou-se DNA latente no encéfalo dos animais dos grupos BoHV-5TKD e BoHV-5gEDTKD. Esses resultados demonstram que os mutantes simples (gE and tk-deletados) são atenuados para bezerros e estabelecem e/ou reativam infecção latente ineficientemente. Já o duplo mutante BoHV-5gEDTKD é atenuado e parece não estabelecer e/ou não reativar eficientemente a infecção latente. Portanto, os vírus recombinantes, e em especial o duplo mutante BoHV-5gEDTKD apresentam um fenótipo compatível com a sua inclusão em vacinas vivas modificadas.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Silva A.D., Franco A.C., Esteves P.A., Spilki F.R. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Experimental infection of rabbits with a recombinant bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) gI, gE and US9-negative. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):913-918. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada Municipal do Conde 6000, Caixa Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: anafranco.ufrgs@gmail.com
Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) is a major cause of viral meningoencephalitis in cattle. The expression of different viral proteins has been associated with BoHV-5 neuropathogenesis. Among these, gI, gE and US9 have been considered essential for the production of neurological disease in infected animals. To evaluate the role of gI, gE and US9 in neurovirulence, a recombinant from which the respective genes were deleted (BoHV-5 gI-/gE-/US9-) was constructed and inoculated in rabbits of two age groups (four and eight weeks-old). When the recombinant virus was inoculated through the paranasal sinuses of four weeks-old rabbits, neurological disease was observed and death was the outcome in 4 out of 13 (30.7 %) animals, whereas clinical signs and death were observed in 11/13 (84.6%) of rabbits infected with the parental virus. In eight weeks-old rabbits, the BoHV-5 gI-/gE-/US9- did not induce clinically apparent disease and could not be reactivated after dexamethasone administration, whereas wild type BoHV-5 caused disease in 55.5% of the animals and was reactivated. These findings reveal that the simultaneous deletion of gI, gE and US9 genes did reduce but did not completely abolish the neurovirulence of BoHV-5 in rabbits, indicating that other viral genes may also play a role in the induction of neurological disease.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Silva A.D., Franco A.C., Esteves P.A., Spilki F.R. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Experimental infection of rabbits with a recombinant bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) gI, gE and US9-negative. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):913-918. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada Municipal do Conde 6000, Caixa Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: anafranco.ufrgs@gmail.com
O herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 é uma das principais causas de meningoencefalite viral em bovinos. A expressão de diferentes proteínas virais tem sido associada à neuropatogenia do BoHV-5. Entre estas, a gI, gE
e US9 têm sido consideradas essenciais para a indução de sinais neurológicos nos animais infectados. Para avaliar o papel das proteínas gI, gE e US9 na neurovirulência, construiu-se um recombinante no qual os genes que
codificam estas proteínas foram deletados, denominado BoHV-5 gI-/gE-/US9-. Este vírus foi inoculado em coelhos de idades diferentes (quatro e oito semanas de idade). Quando o vírus recombinante foi inoculado nos seios paranasais de coelhos de quatro semanas de idade, doença neurológica e morte foram observadas em 4 dos 13
(30,7 %) animais, enquanto que sinais clínicos e morte foram observados em 11/13 (84,6%) dos coelhos infectados com o vírus parental. Em coelhos de oito semanas de
idade, o BoHV-5 gI-/gE-/US9- não induziu sinais clínicos
aparentes e, após tentativa de reativação viral por tratamento com dexametasona, o vírus não foi re-excretado. Por outro lado, o vírus selvagem causou doença clínica em 55,5 % dos coelhos e foi re-excretado após tratamento com dexametasona. Estes achados revelam que a deleção simultânea dos genes gI, gE e US9 reduziu mas
não aboliu completamente a neurovirulência do BoHV-5 em coelhos, indicando que outros genes virais possam ter papel na indução da doença neurológica.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: flores@ccr.ufsm.br
Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: flores@ccr.ufsm.br
Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.
Abstract in English:
Batista J.S., Riet-Correa F., Barbosa R.C. & Guerra J.L. 2006. [Experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in sheep.] Infecção experimental por Trypanosoma vivax em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):31-37. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pesquisador.cnpq.br
This paper has the objective to report clinical signs, hematologic changes, and macroscopic and microscopic alterations in sheep infected experimentally with Trypanosoma vivax, isolated from an outbreak in cattle in the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. Four Santa Inês sheep were inoculated intravenously with 1ml of blood containing 1.85x105 trypomastigotes. Other 4 sheep were used as control. The presence of trypanosomes in the blood and the temperature were recorded daily during the first 30 days and fortnightly from day 31 to day 90 after infection. Also fortnightly, the sheep were weighed and blood samples were obtained for hematological analysis. One inoculated sheep died 75 days after inoculation. The other 3 inoculated and the 4 control sheep were killed 90 days after the beginning of the experiment. T. vivax was observed constantly in the blood of the inoculated sheep from 4-15 days after inoculation. From day 16 to day 30 the parasitemia was lower and irregular. No trypanosomes were observed in the blood after 30 days of infection. A positive linear correlation [Y=0.027x + 38.515, R2=0.944 (P<0.05)] was found between the number of trypanosomes in the blood and body temperature. Significant differences were observed in body weight between inoculated and non-inoculated sheep from day 30 to day 90 after the experiment. From day 30 to day 90 after inoculation trypanosomes were absent or only in low numbers in the blood, and the animals showed anemia and leucopenia. Gross alterations were pale carcasses, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, and augmented liquid in the peritoneal and pericardiac cavities. Multifocal lymphocytic myocarditis was observed histologically. It is concluded that the isolate is pathogenic to sheep. It is suggested that the semiarid region, where the outbreak occurred, is non-endemic (marginal) for trypanosomosis, and that the disease may occur if the parasite is introduced through vectors.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Batista J.S., Riet-Correa F., Barbosa R.C. & Guerra J.L. 2006. [Experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in sheep.] Infecção experimental por Trypanosoma vivax em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):31-37. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pesquisador.cnpq.br
This paper has the objective to report clinical signs, hematologic changes, and macroscopic and microscopic alterations in sheep infected experimentally with Trypanosoma vivax, isolated from an outbreak in cattle in the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. Four Santa Inês sheep were inoculated intravenously with 1ml of blood containing 1.85x105 trypomastigotes. Other 4 sheep were used as control. The presence of trypanosomes in the blood and the temperature were recorded daily during the first 30 days and fortnightly from day 31 to day 90 after infection. Also fortnightly, the sheep were weighed and blood samples were obtained for hematological analysis. One inoculated sheep died 75 days after inoculation. The other 3 inoculated and the 4 control sheep were killed 90 days after the beginning of the experiment. T. vivax was observed constantly in the blood of the inoculated sheep from 4-15 days after inoculation. From day 16 to day 30 the parasitemia was lower and irregular. No trypanosomes were observed in the blood after 30 days of infection. A positive linear correlation [Y=0.027x + 38.515, R2=0.944 (P<0.05)] was found between the number of trypanosomes in the blood and body temperature. Significant differences were observed in body weight between inoculated and non-inoculated sheep from day 30 to day 90 after the experiment. From day 30 to day 90 after inoculation trypanosomes were absent or only in low numbers in the blood, and the animals showed anemia and leucopenia. Gross alterations were pale carcasses, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, and augmented liquid in the peritoneal and pericardiac cavities. Multifocal lymphocytic myocarditis was observed histologically. It is concluded that the isolate is pathogenic to sheep. It is suggested that the semiarid region, where the outbreak occurred, is non-endemic (marginal) for trypanosomosis, and that the disease may occur if the parasite is introduced through vectors.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Mendonça C.L., Vieira D., Kohayagawa A., Schenk M.A.M., Madruga C.R. & Afonso J.A.B. 2003. [Clinical and hematological evaluation of Nelore calves experimentally infected with isolates of Babesia bigemina from the Southeastern, Northeastern and Northern regions of Brazil.] Avaliação clínica e hematológica em bezerros Nelore infectados experimentalmente com isolados de Babesia bigemina das regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Norte do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):52-60. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Univ. Fed. Rural de Pernambuco, Cx. Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil.
A comparative study was made regarding the clinical and hematological alterations caused by isolates of Babesia bigemina from southeastern, northeastern and northern Brazil in experimentally infected Nelore calves. Eighteen calves between 7 and 9 months of age, without antibodies against Babesia sp and raised free from ticks, were used. Three animais were previously inoculated with 2.0x109 parasitic erythrocytes (PE) for each stabilate. The other 15 calves were subdivided into three groups, with five animais each, that were subinoculated with 1.0x1010 PE of the respective isolates. The clinical and hematological alterations were evaluated by the determination of parasitaemia, haemogram, plasmatic fibrinogen,reticulocyte count, descriptive analysis of the bone marrow and erythrocytic osmotic fragility, for 30 days, totalizing seven moments of observation. The follow-up of the immunological response by the indirect fluorescent antibody test was carried out daily until the 10th day after inoculation (DAI) and after that, on the 151 20th, 25th and 30th DAI. A mild clinical manifestation of the disease was observed. The laboratory findings revealed low leveis of parasitaemia; decrease of the erythrogram values; absence of reticulocytes, initial decrease in the total count of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes with a posterior elevation of the number of these cells; hypercellularity of the erythrocytic series and decrease of the myeloid: erythroid relation which was more accentuated between the 8th and 12th DAI, and an increase of the erythrocytic osmotic fragility in the groups inoculated with the Southeast and Northeast isolates. None of the three isolates of B. bigemina gave rise to the clinical characteristic form of the disease, although they induced an humoral immune response.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Mendonça C.L., Vieira D., Kohayagawa A., Schenk M.A.M., Madruga C.R. & Afonso J.A.B. 2003. [Clinical and hematological evaluation of Nelore calves experimentally infected with isolates of Babesia bigemina from the Southeastern, Northeastern and Northern regions of Brazil.] Avaliação clínica e hematológica em bezerros Nelore infectados experimentalmente com isolados de Babesia bigemina das regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Norte do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):52-60. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Univ. Fed. Rural de Pernambuco, Cx. Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar comparativamente as alterações clínicas e hematológicas desencadeadas por isolados de Babesia bigemina das regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Norte do Brasil em bezerros Nelore infectados experimentalmente. Foram utilizados 18 bezerros com idade entre sete e nove meses, isentos de anticorpos contra Babesia sp. e criados livres de carrapatos. Três animais foram previamente inoculados com 2,0x109 eritrócitos parasitados (EP) para cada isolado. Os outros 15 bezerros foram subdivididos em três grupos de cinco animais, que foram subinoculados com 1,0x1010 EP dos respectivos isolados. Foram avaliadas as alterações clínicas e hematológica por meio da determinação da parasitemia, do hemograma, do fibrinogênio plasmático, da contagem de reticulócitos, da análise descritiva da medula óssea e da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária, no decorrer de 30 dias, perfazendo um total de sete momentos de observação. O acompanhamento da resposta imunológica pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta foi realizado diariamente até o 10º dia pós-inoculação (DPI) e posteriormente no 15º, 20º, 25º e 30º DPI. Clinicamente, observou-se uma manifestação muito branda da doença. Os achados laboratoriais revelaram baixos níveis de parasitemia; decréscimo nos valores do eritrograma; ausência de reticulócitos; diminuição inicial na contagem total dos leucócitos, neutrófilos e linfócitos com posterior elevação do número destas células; hipercelularidade da série eritrocítica e decréscimo da relação mielóide:eritróide mais acentuada entre o 8º e 12º DPI e um aumento da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária nos grupos inoculados com os isolados sudeste e nordeste. Nenhum dos três isolados de B. bigemina desencadeou a forma clínica característica da enfermidade, apesar de induzirem uma resposta imune humoral.