Abstract in English:
Mammary neoplasia represents the most frequently diagnosed type of neoplasia in bitches. Although surgical removal is the procedure of choice for therapeutic management, chemotherapy protocols appear as important allies and adjuvants. Despite the great advances that have occurred in the field of cancer therapy, the systemic repercussions of these drugs still impose important limitations on their use. In this sense, the development of increasingly targeted therapeutic protocols and preventive monitoring of patients represent important strategies to avoid possible complications – among them, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Routinely, ultrasound evaluation is used to identify morphological or metastatic variations in abdominal cavity organs. Acting complementary to the B-mode evaluation, Doppler mapping proves to be efficient in recognizing alterations in vascular hemodynamics. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of B-mode and Doppler ultrasound to identify renal morphological and hemodynamic alterations in bitches with mammary neoplasia submitted to adjuvant chemotherapy protocols that associate gemcitabine with carboplatin. Thirteen bitches were included, without distinction of breed and between seven and 13 years of age. The animals were evaluated ultrasonographically at two different times during three consecutive chemotherapy cycles: before (T0) and one and a half hours after each cycle (T1), for 42 days. No morphological changes were observed in B-mode throughout the chemotherapy protocol. However, the Doppler velocimetry indices demonstrated statistical differences before (T0) and after (T1) the administration of the drugs. It was concluded that Doppler ultrasound could be used as a complementary method for monitoring the renal response of patients exposed to nephrotoxic drugs and potentially causing renal injury.
Abstract in Portuguese:
As neoplasias mamárias representam o tipo de neoplasma mais frequentemente diagnosticado em fêmeas da espécie canina. Embora a remoção cirúrgica seja o procedimento de eleição para a conduta terapêutica, os protocolos quimioterápicos aparecem como importantes aliados e adjuvantes. Apesar dos grandes avanços ocorridos na área da terapia oncológica, as repercussões sistêmicas destes fármacos ainda impõem importantes limitações ao seu uso. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento de protocolos terapêuticos cada vez mais direcionados e o monitoramento preventivo dos pacientes representam estratégias importantes para evitar possíveis complicações - dentre elas, a injúria renal aguda (IRA). Rotineiramente, a avaliação ultrassonográfica é utilizada para identificação de variações morfológicas ou metastáticas em órgãos da cavidade abdominal. Atuando de forma complementar à avaliação em modo-B, o mapeamento Doppler mostra-se eficiente no reconhecimento de alterações na hemodinâmica vascular. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização da ultrassonografia modo-B e Doppler como método para identificação de alterações morfológicas e hemodinâmicas renais em cadelas com neoplasias mamárias submetidas a protocolos quimioterápicos adjuvantes que associam a gencitabina à carboplatina. Foram incluídas 13 fêmeas caninas, sem distinção quanto a raça e com idades entre sete e 13 anos. Os animais foram avaliados ultrassonograficamente em dois momentos distintos durante três ciclos quimioterápicos consecutivos: antes (T0) e uma hora e meia após a realização de cada ciclo (T1), totalizando 42 dias. Não foram observadas alterações morfológicas em modo-B ao longo do protocolo quimioterápico. Entretanto, os índices dopplervelocimétricos demonstraram diferenças estatísticas antes (T0) e após (T1) a administração dos fármacos. Concluiu-se que a ultrassonografia Doppler pode ser utilizada como método complementar para o monitoramento da resposta renal de pacientes expostos a fármacos nefrotóxicos e potencialmente causadores de injúrias renais.
Abstract in English:
Obesity may be associated with the onset of mammary tumors in women. In companion animals, these data are still scarce, mainly associating the clinic of the patient with laboratory and histological findings. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and laboratory aspects of female dogs with mammary neoplasia, investigating whether they are related to obesity. Four groups of spayed or non-spayed female dogs were studied, divided into (G1) female dogs without mammary tumor and normal body condition score (BCS), (G2) female dogs without mammary tumor and obese, (G3) female dogs with mammary tumor and normal BCS and (G4) female dogs with mammary tumor and obese. BCS, canine body mass index (CBMI), blood count, glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides and cytopathological and histopathological examinations were evaluated. Mixed-breed animals were the most prevalent in this study (67.5%). There was a limitation regarding the use of CBMI related to body proportionality. Considering the 28 tumors evaluated, carcinoma in mixed tumor was the most prevalent malignant histological type, while adenomyoepithelioma was the most prevalent benign histological type. It was possible to conclude that obesity was not related to clinical and laboratory changes in the female dogs affected with mammary neoplasias. In addition, no relationship was noted between BCS and CBMI with the histological type or malignancy of mammary neoplasia, since the malignant histological types were the most prevalent tumors in both the ideal score group and the overweight to obese group.
Abstract in Portuguese:
A obesidade pode estar associada ao aparecimento de tumores mamários em mulheres. Em animais de companhia, esse dado ainda é escasso, principalmente associando a clínica da paciente aos achados laboratoriais e histológicos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais de cadelas com neoplasia mamária, investigando se estão relacionadas à obesidade. Foram estudados quatro grupos de cadelas castradas ou não castradas, divididas em (G1) cadelas sem tumor de mama e Escore de Condição Corporal normal (BCS), (G2) cadelas sem tumor de mama e obesa, (G3) cadelas com tumor de mama e ECC normal e (G4) cadelas com tumor de mama e obesa. Foram avaliados o Escore de Condição Corporal (ECC), Índice de Massa Corporal Canina (IMC), hemograma, glicose, colesterol total, triglicerídeos e exames citopatológicos e histopatológicos. Os animais de raça mista foram os mais prevalentes neste estudo (67,5%). Houve uma limitação quanto ao uso do IMC relacionado à proporcionalidade corporal. Considerando os 28 tumores avaliados, o carcinoma em tumor misto foi o tipo histológico maligno mais prevalente, enquanto o adenomioepitelioma foi o tipo histológico benigno mais prevalente. Foi possível concluir que a obesidade não esteve relacionada a alterações clínicas e laboratoriais nas cadelas acometidas por neoplasias mamárias. Além disso, não foi observada relação entre BCS e CBMI com o tipo histológico ou malignidade das neoplasias mamárias, uma vez que os tipos histológicos malignos foram os tumores mais prevalentes no grupo escore ideal e no grupo com sobrepeso e obesidade.
Abstract in English:
Mammary tumors research in bitches is important due to their high incidence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of the axillary lymph node as a sentinel lymph node for mammary neoplasms in female dogs. Forty-nine bitches with mammary neoplasia were submitted to total unilateral mastectomy, and the axillary lymph node was identified using the patent blue dye. This lymph node was processed routinely for histopathological analysis and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) with cytokeratin antibody (AE1/AE3) to search for metastasis. Eight dogs had axillary lymph node metastases, seven of which were detected by histopathology and by IHC and only one by IHC (micrometastasis). One dog who presented tumor in caudal and inguinal abdominal mammary glands had metastases in the axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. It is concluded that the mammary tumor can cause alteration in lymphatic drainage leading to metastases in lymph nodes which normally do not drain certain glands; so the removal of the axillary lymph node should be included as a routine technique to allow better staging of mammary neoplasms of bitches.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Linfonodo axilar como sentinela de neoplasia mamária em cadelas. O estudo dos tumores de mama em cadelas é de grande importância devido à alta frequência com que surgem na clínica de pequenos animais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a importância do linfonodo axilar como sentinela em neoplasias mamárias de cadelas. Foram avaliadas 49 fêmeas com neoplasia mamária, submetidas à mastectomia unilateral total, utilizando o corante azul patente para a identificação do linfonodo axilar, o qual foi submetido à análise histopatológica com a coloração de hematoxilina-eosina e imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) com anticorpo citoqueratina (AE1/AE3) para procura de metástase. Oito cadelas apresentaram metástases em linfonodo axilar, sendo sete detectadas por histopatologia e por IHQ e uma somente pela IHQ (micrometástase). Uma paciente que apresentava tumor em mamas abdominal caudal e inguinal tinha metástase no linfonodo axilar e inguinal. Assim, observa-se que o tumor pode causar alteração na drenagem linfática provocando metástase em linfonodos que normalmente não drenam determinadas mamas, por isso a retirada do linfonodo axilar deve ser incluída como técnica de rotina para permitir melhor estadiamento das neoplasias mamárias de cadelas.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Zuccari D.A.P.C., Pavam M.V., Terzian A.C.B., Pereira R.S., Ruiz C.M. & Andrade J.C.† 2008. Immunohistochemical evaluation of Ki-67 and PCNA in canine mammary neoplasias: Correlation with prognostic factors and clinical outcome. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(4):207-215. Centro Regional de Bioterismo, FAMERP, Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 5416, São José do Rio Preto, SP 15090-000, Brazil. E-mail: debora.zuccari@famerp.br
E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Zuccari D.A.P.C., Pavam M.V., Terzian A.C.B., Pereira R.S., Ruiz C.M. & Andrade J.C.† 2008. Immunohistochemical evaluation of Ki-67 and PCNA in canine mammary neoplasias: Correlation with prognostic factors and clinical outcome. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(4):207-215. Centro Regional de Bioterismo, FAMERP, Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 5416, São José do Rio Preto, SP 15090-000, Brazil. E-mail: debora.zuccari@famerp.br
E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.