Resultado da pesquisa (12)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa squamous cell carcinoma

#1 - valuation of cell proliferation and apoptosis markers as predictive factors for electrochemotherapy in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of cats

Abstract in English:

Determining cell proliferation rates and tumor apoptosis through immunohistochemistry allows the evaluation of the biological behavior of the tumor, optimizing the patient’s clinical course. This study aimed to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 and correlate them with the type of response to ECT in feline cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), thus determining the predictive potential of these variables. For this, 13 samples of feline cutaneous SCC were evaluated before ECT, and statistical analyses of the correlation intensity between the variables were performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 95%. The results indicate a significant negative correlation between histopathological grade and response to ECT (ρ=-0.6; p=0.03); there was no significant correlation between Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 immunoexpression with the response to ECT (ρ=-0.18; p=0.54/ρ=-0.23; p=0.44/ρ=-0.12; p=0.69, respectively). Therefore, the study shows that the histopathological grade, tumor size and staging, degree of cellular pleomorphism and degree of inflammatory infiltrate can be considered negative prognostic factors for cutaneous SCC and negative predictors for response to ECT. However, the markers Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 are not considered predictive factors for the type of response to ECT. In addition, no relationship between these immunoexpressions and greater tumor aggressiveness was observed. The SCCs evaluated in this study showed significant COX-2 labeling, indicating a potential therapeutic target. ECT has been shown to be safe and effective for local control of feline cutaneous SCC but with reduced effectiveness in larger and invasive lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A determinação das taxas de proliferação celular e apoptose tumoral por meio da imuno-histoquímica, permite avaliar o comportamento biológico tumoral, com otimização da evolução clínica do paciente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as expressões imuno-histoquímicas de Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 e correlacioná-las com o tipo de resposta à EQT em carcinoma de células escamosas (CEC) cutâneo de felinos; assim, determinar o potencial preditivo destas variáveis. Para tanto, foram avaliadas 13 amostras de CEC cutâneo de felinos antes da EQT e as análises estatísticas quanto à intensidade de correlação entre as variáveis foram realizadas utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, com nível de significância de 95%. Os resultados indicam que houve correlação negativa significativa entre o grau histopatológico e a resposta à EQT (ρ=-0,6; p=0,03); não houve correlação significativa entre as imunoexpressões de Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 com a resposta à EQT (ρ=-0,18; p=0,54/ρ=-0,23; p=0,44/ρ=-0,12; p=0,69, respectivamente). Portanto, este estudo evidenciou que as variáveis grau histopatológico, tamanho e estadiamento tumorais, grau de pleomorfismo celular e grau do infiltrado inflamatório foram consideradas fatores prognósticos negativos para o CEC cutâneo e preditivos negativos para a resposta à EQT. Entretanto, os marcadores Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 não foram considerados fatores preditivos para o tipo de resposta à EQT, assim como não foi observada relação entre essas imunoexpressões com maior agressividade tumoral. Os CECs avaliados neste estudo apresentaram importante marcação para COX-2, indicando um potencial alvo terapêutico. A EQT mostrou-se segura e efetiva para o controle local dos CECs cutâneos dos felinos, porém com efetividade reduzida em lesões maiores e invasivas.

#2 - Neoplasms in domestic hamsters in Southern Brazil: epidemiological and pathological aspects of 40 cases

Abstract in English:

Although neoplasms are commonly reported in domestic hamsters, retrospective studies approaching spontaneous tumors with data regarding epidemiological findings are scarce. The present study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological findings of 40 cases of tumors in domestic hamsters diagnosed in a veterinary pathology laboratory in Southern Brazil from 2002 to 2019. Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) was the most commonly affected species (16/40), followed by Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) and Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). Among the cases, 57.5% were females (23/40), while 42.5% were males (17/40). The affected hamsters’ median age was of 14-months old, with an age range of 8- to 36-months old. Twenty-four cases were assessed as anatomopathological samples (biopsies), while 16 were composed of carcasses submitted to postmortem examination, and, therefore, the neoplasm was related to the cause of death. The integumentary system was frequently affected (60%, 24/40), followed by the female reproductive tract (22.5%, 9/40), hematopoietic system (10%, 4/40), digestive tract (5%, 2/40), and endocrine system (2.5%, 1/40). The most frequent neoplasm was squamous cell carcinoma (35%, 14/40), mostly on the lip/nasal region (50%, 7/14). Other tumors included fibrosarcoma (10%, 4/40), lymphoma (10%, 4/40), mammary cystadenoma (10%, 4/40), apocrine sweat gland adenoma (7.5%, 3/40), hemangiosarcoma (5%, 2/40), leiomyosarcoma (5%, 2/40), and granulosa ovarian cell tumor (5%, 2/40). The five remaining cases occurred individually and were composed of hepatoid gland adenoma, solid thyroid carcinoma, cutaneous melanoma, ovarian teratoma, and cutaneous trichoblastoma. Neoplasms were identified as an important cause of death and major reason to perform biopsy in domestic hamsters in Southern Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Embora neoplasmas em hamsters domésticos sejam comumente relatados, estudos retrospectivos abordando neoplasias espontâneas e os dados epidemiológicos associados são escassos. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os principais achados epidemiológicos e patológicos de 40 casos de tumores em hamsters domésticos diagnosticados em um laboratório de patologia veterinária do Sul do Brasil de 2002 a 2019. A principal espécie acometida foi o hamster chinês (Cricetulus griseus, 16/40), seguido por hamster anão russo siberiano (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) e hamster sírio (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). As fêmeas corresponderam a 57,5% dos casos (23/40), enquanto os machos representaram 42,5% (17/40). Foram afetados roedores com uma faixa etária de 8 a 36 meses de idade, e uma mediana de 14 meses. Do total de casos, 24 foram exames anatomopatológicos (biopsias) e 16 casos foram examinados através de necropsia e, portanto, relacionados com a causa da morte dos animais. O sistema tegumentar foi o mais frequentemente acometido (60%; 24/40), seguido pelo trato reprodutivo (22,5%; 9/40), sistema hematopoietico (10%; 4/40), trato digestório (5%; 2/40) e sistema endócrino (2,5%; 1/40). A neoplasia mais frequentemente diagnosticada foi o carcinoma de células escamosas (35%; 14/40), localizado principalmente em região labionasal (50%; 7/14). Outros tumores incluíram fibrossarcoma (10%; 4/40), linfoma (10%; 4/40), adenoma cístico de glândula mamária (10%; 4/40), adenoma de glândula sudorípara (7,5%; 3/40), hemangiossarcoma (5%; 2/40), leiomiossarcoma (5%; 2/40) e tumor de células da granulosa (5%; 2/40). Os outros cinco casos remanescentes ocorreram individualmente e eram compostos por adenoma de glândula hepatoide, carcinoma sólido de tireoide, melanoma cutâneo, teratoma ovariano e tricoblastoma cutâneo. Neoplasmas foram identificados como importantes causas de morte ou razões para realização de biopsia em hamsters domésticos no Sul do Brasil.

#3 - High frequency of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in Friesian Milchschaf sheep in Uruguay

Abstract in English:

This study described five cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the pinnae, eyelids, and eyes of Friesian Milchschaf sheep from two flocks raised under extensive conditions in Uruguay. The prevalence values for both flocks were 2.12% and 2.53%, respectively. Macroscopically, single or multiple, nodular, verrucous, or plaque-like neoplasms, with occasional ulceration and bleeding, were observed in the affected areas. Histologically, well and moderately-differentiated SCCs were diagnosed in three and two cases, respectively. The Milchschaf breed is native of Germany, and its individuals present white non-pigmented skin with the face and legs clear of fleece, thus adapted to areas with lower solar radiation. Additionally, in the German breeding systems, animals remain indoors for long periods. The increased exposure time to higher levels of solar radiation of the Uruguayan extensive production systems may be a predisposing factor for the development of SCC in this sheep breed. In Uruguay, there is more solar radiation and the production systems provide less protection against sunlight compared with the German production system. The high frequency of SCC should be considered prior to introducing European breeds with non-pigmented skin in Uruguay and other countries of the region.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Descreveram-se carcinomas de células escamosas (CCE) nas orelhas, pálpebras e olhos em cinco ovinos da raça Frisona Milchschaf em dois rebanhos de criação extensiva no Uruguai. A prevalência nos rebanhos foi de 2,12% e 2,53%. Macroscopicamente se observaram lesões focais ou multifocais, com aumento de volume, nodulares, verrucosas ou em placas, com ocasionais ulcerações e hemorragias. Apresentavam aspecto verrucoso, por vezes com superfície ulcerada e firmes ao corte. De acordo com as características histológicas da neoplasia, as lesões foram classificadas em CCEs bem diferenciados em três casos e moderadamente diferenciados em dois casos. Esta raça é nativa da Alemanha, caracterizada pela face deslanada e pele branca despigmentada. Na Alemanha, há menores níveis de radiação solar do que no Uruguai e seu sistema de produção é mais intensivo, com permanência dos animais confinados durante longos períodos. O aumento do tempo de exposição a níveis mais elevados de radiação solar pode ser um fator predisponente para o desenvolvimento de CCEs nesta raça em sistemas extensivos de produção no Uruguai. Neste País há mais radiação solar e os sistemas produtivos fornecem menos proteção contra a luz solar, em relação ao sistema de produção alemão. A alta frequência de CEE deveria ser levada em consideração para quem decide introduzir no Uruguai e outros países da região. raças europeias com a face despigmentada.

#4 - Neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the hands and feet of dogs (2003-2016)

Abstract in English:

Hands and feet of dogs are commonly affected by neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. These lesions may commonly present poor clinical or histopathological prognosis and amputation tends to be the treatment of choice. Previous studies regarding the prevalence and the clinicopathological aspects of digital changes in dogs have been performed abroad, with no similar investigations in Brazil. The aim of this manuscript was to perform a histopathological study to characterize hands and feet lesions of dogs from Brazil.Tissue samples from 105 tumor‑like lesions of dogs hands and feet were used in this study. The samples came from three Brazilian veterinary diagnostic laboratories and were collected between 2003 and 2016. All specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and routinely processed for paraffin embedding and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Additionally, toluidine blue, Brown and Breen, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) and Ziehl Neelsen were used in selected cases. Immunohistochemistry using anti-Leishmania spp., anti-CD117, anti‑CD79, anti-CD3, anti-Melan A, anti-lysozyme, anti-Pancytokeratin AE1/AE3, and anti‑vimentin antibodies were also performed. Neoplasia (62.9%) was the most frequently found lesion, followed by inflammation (19%), and other changes (18.1%). Among the neoplasms, 40.9% were mesenchymal, 39.4% epithelial, and 19.7% round cells. All round cells and most of the epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms were malignant. There was no difference between males and females regarding neoplasia prevalence. Labrador Retriever, Schnauzer, Teckel, mongrel, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Pit Bull were the most frequently affected breeds. Fila Brasileiro (aka Brazilian Mastiff), Pit Bull and Schnauzer had higher incidence of mesenchymal, epithelial, and round cells neoplasms, respectively. Inflammation was more commonly observed in the Labrador Retriever and other changes were more commonly in Teckel, Labrador Retriever, and mongrel dogs. Medium age and weight were 8.4 years and 28.5 kg, respectively. Medium diameter of the tumor-like lesions was 2.5 cm and the neoplastic lesions presented higher averages. Lesions were mainly in yellow-coated dogs. Incisional biopsy samples (56.4%) and amputations (85.3%) were mostly from neoplastic cases. Right forelimb was the most affected limb, and digits were the main injured anatomic structures. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most (14.2%) commonly diagnosed neoplasm, followed by mast cell tumor (7.6%), melanoma (7.6%), and undifferentiated sarcoma (7.6%). In half of the inflammatory cases, the lesion was centered in hair follicle and surrounding dermis. The inflammatory infiltrate was predominantly piogranulomatous or lymphoplasmacytic. Follicular cyst, calcinosis circumscripta, and acrochordons were the main non neoplastic and non-inflammatory changes.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Mãos e pés de cães são comumente afetados por lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicas. Estas alterações podem apresentar prognóstico histopatológico ou clínico ruim e a amputação tende a ser o tratamento de escolha. Estudos prévios avaliando a prevalência e os aspectos clínicopatológicos de alterações digitais em cães têm sido realizados em outros países, entretanto trabalhos similares não foram realizados no Brasil. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever e caracterizar histologicamente as lesões das mãos e pés de cães. Amostras de 105 lesões tumoriformes das mãos e pés de cães foram avaliadas. Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2003 e 2016 e foram obtidas de três laboratórios brasileiros de diagnóstico veterinário. Todos espécimes foram fixados em formol tamponado 10%, processados rotineiramente e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Adicionalmente, as colorações de azul de toluidina, Brown e Breen, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) e Ziehl Neelsen foram utilizados em casos específicos. Imuno-histoquímica foi realizada usando os anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp., anti-CD117, anti-CD79, anti-CD3, anti-Melan A, anti-lisozima, anti-Pancytokeratin AE1/AE3 e anti-vimentina. Os neoplasmas (62,9%) foram as alterações mais frequentes, seguidas por inflamações (19%) e outras alterações (18,1%). Entre os neoplasmas, 40,9% foram mesenquimais, 39,4% epiteliais e 19,7% de células redondas. Todos os neoplasmas de células redondas e a maioria dos epiteliais e mesenquimais eram malignos. Não se observou predileção de prevalência dos neoplasmas em relação ao sexo. As raças Labrador Retriever, Schnauzer, Teckel, SRD, Pastor Alemão, Rottweiler e Pit Bull foram as mais afetadas. Fila Brasileiro, Pit Bull e Schnauzer tiveram alta incidência de neoplasmas mesenquimais, epiteliais e de células redondas, respectivamente. Inflamação foi mais comumente observada em cães Labrador Retriever e as outras alterações em Teckel, Labrador Retriever e SRD. A idade e o peso médio dos animais afetados foram de 8,4 anos e 28,5 kg, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio das lesões tumoriformes foi de 2,5 cm e as lesões neoplásicas apresentaram as maiores médias. As lesões ocorreram principalmente em animais de pelagem amarela. A maioria das biópsias incisionais (56,4%) e amputações (85,3%) consistiram de neoplasmas. O principal membro afetado foi o torácico direito e o dígito foi a estrutura anatômica acometida mais frequentemente. Carcinoma de células escamosas (14,2%) foi o neoplasma mais frequente, seguido do mastocitoma (7,6%), melanoma (7,6%) e sarcoma indiferenciado (7,6%). Em metade dos casos de inflamação, a lesão acometeu o folículo piloso e derme adjacente, e o infiltrado foi predominantemente piogranulomatoso ou lnfoplasmocítico. Cistos foliculares, calcinose circunscrita e acrocordoma foram as principais lesões não neoplásicas e não inflamatórias diagnosticadas.

#5 - Employment of electrochemotherapy for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in cats, 36(4):297-302

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silveira L.M.G., Cunha F.M., Brunner C.H.M. & Xavier J.G. 2016. [Employment of electrochemotherapy for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in cats.] Utilização de eletroquimioterapia para carcinoma de células escamosas tegumentar em felino. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):297-302. Setor de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Paulista, Av. Tenente Julio Prado Neves 965, São Paulo, SP 02370-000, Brazil. E-mail: Electrochemotherapy is characterized as a protocol which combines the use of antineoplastic agents and localized application of electric pulses (electroporation) to improve the intracellular concentration of these agents, increasing its cytotoxic action. Bleomycin, an antibiotic agent with antineoplastic properties, is a hydrophilic molecule, having a restricted transport through the cellular membrane. However, when it is administered intralesionally or intravenously and associated to electroporation, its cytotoxicity is maximized. There were utilized 21 cats affected by cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. The electrochemotherapy protocol was standardized using intravenous bleomycin sulfate at a dose of 15U/m2 body surface area. Electroporation was performed using an electrode composed of needles and electric pulses with 1000 V voltage, in unipolar square wave and 100 microseconds duration, totalizing eight cycles. There was complete neoplastic remission in 21 cats (100%). There were no complications or side effects associated with the procedure. The protocol studied in this work showed to be feasible, effective and safe for antineoplastic therapy in feline cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Silveira L.M.G., Cunha F.M., Brunner C.H.M. & Xavier J.G. 2016. [Employment of electrochemotherapy for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in cats.] Utilização de eletroquimioterapia para carcinoma de células escamosas tegumentar em felino. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):297-302. Setor de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Paulista, Av. Tenente Julio Prado Neves 965, São Paulo, SP 02370-000, Brazil. E-mail: A eletroquimioterapia compreende a utilização conjunta de fármacos antineoplásicos e aplicação regional de pulsos elétricos (eletroporação), maximizando a concentração intracelular destes fármacos, assim propiciando maior ação citotóxica. A bleomicina, fármaco antimicrobiano dotado de propriedade antineoplásica, apresenta restrita penetrabilidade na membrana celular, dada a sua hidrossolubilidade. Todavia, uma vez administrada via intralesional ou intravenosa associada à eletroporação, demonstra citotoxicidade potencializada. Foram utilizados 21 felinos acometidos por carcinoma de células escamosas tegumentar. Padronizou-se o protocolo eletroquimioterápico empregando-se sulfato de bleomicina, pela via intravenosa, na dose de 15U/m2 de superfície corpórea. A eletroporação foi perfilada com eletrodo composto por agulhas, pulsos elétricos com tensão de 1000 V, em onda quadrada unipolar, com duração de 100 microsegundos, totalizando oito ciclos. Verificou-se remissão neoplásica integral em 21 felinos inclusos no estudo (100%). Inexistiram complicações e/ou efeitos adversos decorrentes do procedimento. O protocolo avaliado neste trabalho revelou-se exequível, eficaz e seguro na terapêutica antineoplásica de carcinoma de células escamosas tegumentar felino.

#6 - Epidemiological, clinicopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of vulval squamous cell carcinomas in 33 cows

Abstract in English:

Vulvar squamous cell carcinomas (VSCCs) in cattle were retrospectively studied regarding the prevalence, epidemiology, clinicopathological, and immunohistochemical aspects. The degree of vulvar pigmentation was also evaluated. In the 48 years analyzed, necropsy and biopsy reports of 7,483 cattle were found. Out of these, 664 (8.87%) cases of various neoplasms were identified; 33 (4.97%) of these cases were of VSCCs. Nineteen cows were Holstein, three were Charolais, one was Jersey, and 10 were mix breed cows. Grossly, the main change was vulvar swelling, with bleeding and concomitant myiasis. The tumor masses were firm, ulcerated and with yellow areas. It was possible to reevaluate microscopically 30 out of the 33 cases. Eight of them were well differentiated, 17 were moderately differentiated, and five were poorly differentiated VSCCs. The evaluation of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) was performed in 21 cases. Epithelial hyperplasia was observed in 10 cases, mild dysplasia in two, moderate in one, and severe in five cases; in three cases no SILs were observed. Fontana-Masson stain for melanin was performed in 21 cases. In 17 cases the epidermal pigmentation was absent; it was mild in two and moderate in other two cases. Independently of the degree of differentiation, most neoplastic keratinocytes were strongly positive for bovine pancytokeratine through the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique. Bovine papillomavirus was not detected by IHC in this study.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Carcinomas de células escamosas vulvares (CCEVs) em bovinos foram estudados retrospectivamente quanto à prevalência, epidemiologia, quadro clinicopatológico e aspectos imuno-histoquímicos. O grau de pigmentação da pele vulvar foi também avaliado. Nos 48 anos analisados retrospectivamente, foram computados materiais de necropsias e biópsias de 7.483 bovinos recebidos no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da UFSM. Desses, em 664 (8,87%) casos de neoplasmas foram identificados, sendo 33 (4,97%) casos de CCEVs. Dezenove eram vacas da raça Holandesa, três da Charolesa, uma era Jersey e 10 eram sem raça definida. A principal alteração macroscópica foi aumento de volume vulvar, sangrante e com miíase concomitante. As massas tumorais eram firmes, ulceradas e com áreas amarelas. Foi possível reavaliar microscopicamente 30 dos 33 casos. Desses, oito eram CCEVs bem diferenciados, 17 eram moderadamente diferenciados e cinco eram pobremente diferenciados. A avaliação de lesões intraepiteliais escamosas (LIEs) foi realizada em tecidos de 21 casos que tinham epitélio de revestimento. Hiperplasia epitelial foi observada em 10 casos; displasia leve em dois, moderada em um e acentuada em cinco casos; em três casos não havia LIEs. A técnica de Fontana-Masson para melanina foi realizada em 21 casos. Desses, em 17 a pigmentação do epitélio da epiderme vulvar era ausente, em dois era leve e em outros dois era moderada. Independentemente do grau de diferenciação dos CCEVs, houve imunomarcação acentuada da maioria dos ceratinócitos neoplásicos para pancitoceratina bovina pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Papilomavírus bovino não foi detectado pela IHQ neste estudo.

#7 - Risk factors associated with the squamous cell carcinoma occurrence in ruminants and equine in the semiarid of the Paraíba, 32(9):881-886

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Carvalho F.K.L., Dantas A.F.M., Riet-Correa F., Miranda Neto E.G., Simões S.V.D. & Azevedo S.S. 2012. [Risk factors associated with the squamous cell carcinoma occurrence in ruminants and equine in the semiarid of the Paraíba.] Fatores de risco associados à ocorrência de carcinoma de células escamosas em ruminantes e equinos no semiárido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(9):881-886. Hospital Veterinário, Laboratório de Patologia Animal, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Avenida Universitária s/n, Bairro Santa Cecília, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: This paper describes the frequency of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) diagnosed at the Laboratory (LPA) of Animal Pathology, Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), in cattle, sheep, goats, and horses in the semiarid region of Paraíba, Brazil, from 1983 to 2010, analyzing epidemiological data and risk factors. We performed the analysis of risk factors, by the chi-square test, considering variables such as species, breed, sex, age and location of the tumor mass. During the period, 3153 diagnoses were recorded from biopsies and necropsies. From these, 81 cases (2.7%) were squamous cell carcinomas. The frequency by species was 4% (42/1052) in cattle, 2.5% (15/603) in horses, 1.7% (12/709) in sheep, and 1.5% (12/789) in goats, being significantly higher in cattle (p<0.001). All cases showed histological features of SCC, varying only the degree of cell differentiation. In cattle and goats, the frequency of SCC was significantly higher in adult animals (p<0.001 and <0.005, respectively). In cattle the preferred location was in the eyes and periocular region (p<0.001), in sheep in the skin (p=0.018), especially the head. In other species no significant differences were found in the tumor location. It is suggested that the higher frequency of SCC in cattle is due to the constitution of the herds, formed predominantly by females of the Holstein breed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Carvalho F.K.L., Dantas A.F.M., Riet-Correa F., Miranda Neto E.G., Simões S.V.D. & Azevedo S.S. 2012. [Risk factors associated with the squamous cell carcinoma occurrence in ruminants and equine in the semiarid of the Paraíba.] Fatores de risco associados à ocorrência de carcinoma de células escamosas em ruminantes e equinos no semiárido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(9):881-886. Hospital Veterinário, Laboratório de Patologia Animal, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Avenida Universitária s/n, Bairro Santa Cecília, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: Neste trabalho descreve-se a frequência de carcinomas de células escamosas diagnosticados pelo Laboratório de Patologia Animal (LPA) do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) em bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e equinos no semiárido da Paraíba, durante o período de 1983 a 2010, analisando dados epidemiológicos e fatores de risco. Foi realizada a análise dos fatores de risco, mediante o teste de qui-quadrado de aderência, considerando como variáveis espécie, raça, sexo, idade e localização da massa tumoral. Durante o período foram registrados 3.153 diagnósticos provenientes de biópsias e necropsias. Destes, 81 casos (2,7%) foram de carcinomas de células escamosas. A frequência por espécie foi de 4% (42/1052) em bovinos, 2,5% (15/603) em equinos, 1,7% (12/709) em ovinos e 1,5% (12/789) em caprinos, sendo significativamente maior em bovinos (p<0,001). Todos os casos apresentavam características histológicas de CCE, variando apenas o grau de diferenciação celular. Em bovinos e caprinos, a frequência do tumor foi significativamente maior em animais adultos (p<0,001 e p<0,005, respectivamente). Nos bovinos a localização preferencial foi em olhos e região periocular (p<0,001) e nos ovinos na pele (p=0,018), principalmente na cabeça, enquanto que nas outras espécies não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na localização do tumor. Sugere-se que a maior frequência de CCE em bovinos deve-se à constituição do rebanho, formado predominantemente por fêmeas da raça Holandesa.

#8 - Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos, p.515-525

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

#9 - Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará, p.421-427

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Duarte M.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Reis A.B., Peixoto T.C., Brito M.F. & Peixoto P.V. 2009. [Perineal squamous cell carcinoma in goats in the State of Pará, Brazil.] Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):421-427. Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Squamous cell carcinoma in goats of two farmers in the State of Pará is described. Prevalence, correlation with the pigmentation of the perineal area and macro and microscopic characteristics of the lesions were studied. The tumors on the perineum were of varied development degrees, diameters and forms. On one farm, in the county of Viseu, from a total of 347 goats, 20 presented the neoplasia (5.8%). On the second farm, in the county of Garrafão do Norte, three cases of squamous cell carcinoma in a herd of 400 goats (0.75 %) were observed. The tumor was only observed in animals in which the perineal area was despigmented. The high incidence of this tumor appears to be due, to lack of pigmentation at the períneo and the high and short tail of the goats, that exposes the area to intense of ultraviolet radiation in the tropics.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Duarte M.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Reis A.B., Peixoto T.C., Brito M.F. & Peixoto P.V. 2009. [Perineal squamous cell carcinoma in goats in the State of Pará, Brazil.] Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):421-427. Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Squamous cell carcinoma in goats of two farmers in the State of Pará is described. Prevalence, correlation with the pigmentation of the perineal area and macro and microscopic characteristics of the lesions were studied. The tumors on the perineum were of varied development degrees, diameters and forms. On one farm, in the county of Viseu, from a total of 347 goats, 20 presented the neoplasia (5.8%). On the second farm, in the county of Garrafão do Norte, three cases of squamous cell carcinoma in a herd of 400 goats (0.75 %) were observed. The tumor was only observed in animals in which the perineal area was despigmented. The high incidence of this tumor appears to be due, to lack of pigmentation at the períneo and the high and short tail of the goats, that exposes the area to intense of ultraviolet radiation in the tropics.

#10 - Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro, p.633-642

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

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