Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Borelli V., Cardoso T.C., Biffi C.P., Wicpolt N., Ogliari D., Savari T., Traverso S.D. & Gava A. 2016. [Experimental poisoning by Crotalaria pallida (mucronata) in sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por folhas de Crotalaria pallida (mucronata) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(10):935-938. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luiz de Camões 2090, Bairro Conta Dinheiro, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: a2ag@cav.udesc.br
This paper describes the toxic potential of the green leaves of Crotalaria pallida and the clinical signs in experimentally poisoned sheep. Green leaves of C. pallida were collected in São João do Sul, Santa Catarina, and administered orally to six adult sheep, as single dose of 40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5 and 2.5g/kg, and for two sheep at doses of 0.63 and 1.25g/kg during 30 days. The poisoning was reproduced at lethal doses of 2.5g/kg. One of the sheep that received a single dose of 2.5g/kg and another that received daily doses did become ill. All sheep wich developed clinical signs died between 13 and 22 hours after administration of the plant. Slight signs started in about 11 hours after ingestion of the plant, and clinical signs included loose stool, restlessness and increased heart and respiratory rates. A few minutes preceding death, pronounced abdominal breathing and severe dyspnea was observed. The main gross lesions were restricted to the thoracic cavity, as severe pulmonary edema and hydrothorax. Lung microscopy showed marked edema in the diffuse pleural surface, the interlobular spaces and around the peribronchial arteries. Multifocal edema was observed within alveoli and around the bronchi and bronchioles, and mild multifocal infiltration of neutrophils. The clinical and pathological alerations of the experimental poisoning was similar to that observed in the spontaneous poisoning, characterized by marked pulmonary edema and death shortly after the onset of clinical signs.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Borelli V., Cardoso T.C., Biffi C.P., Wicpolt N., Ogliari D., Savari T., Traverso S.D. & Gava A. 2016. [Experimental poisoning by Crotalaria pallida (mucronata) in sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por folhas de Crotalaria pallida (mucronata) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(10):935-938. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luiz de Camões 2090, Bairro Conta Dinheiro, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: a2ag@cav.udesc.br
Descrevem-se o quadro clínico, patológico e o potencial tóxico das folhas verdes de Crotalaria pallida em ovinos. Para o experimento folhas verdes de C. pallida foram coletadas no município de São João do Sul em Santa Catarina e administradas por via oral para seis ovinos adultos, em doses únicas de 40, 20, 10, 5, 2,5 e 2,5g/kg, e para dois ovinos, em doses diárias de 0,63 e 1,25g/kg durante 30 dias. Reproduziu-se a intoxicação com doses letais a partir de 2,5g/kg. Um dos ovinos que recebeu a dose única de 2,5g/kg e os que receberam as doses diárias, não adoeceram. Todos os ovinos que apresentaram sinais clínicos morreram entre 13 e 22 horas após a administração das folhas. Sinais clínicos leves como fezes pastosas, inquietação e aumento das frequências cardíaca e respiratória tiveram início cerca em 11 horas após a ingestão da planta. Minutos antes da morte observaram-se dispneia intensa com respiração abdominal pronunciada. As principais lesões macroscópicas foram restritas à cavidade torácica, como hidrotórax e edema pulmonar acentuado. O exame microscópico revelou no pulmão, edema acentuado e difuso na superfície pleural, nos espaços interlobulares e ao redor das artérias peribronquiais e peribronquiolares. Edema multifocal foi observado no interior de alvéolos e ao redor de brônquios e bronquíolos, além de leve infiltrado neutrofílico multifocal. O quadro clínico-patológico da intoxicação experimental foi similar ao observado na intoxicação espontânea e caracterizou-se por edema iulmonar acentuado e morte logo após o início dos sinais clínicos.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Boghossian M.R., Peixoto P.V., Brito M.F. & Tokarnia C.H. 2007. [Experimental poisoning by Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae) seeds in cattle.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos da intoxicação experimental pelas sementes de Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(4):149-156. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: mailto:mubogho@hotmail.com
Experiments were performed to define the clinical and pathological picture of prolonged administration of the seeds of Crotalaria mucronata Desv. to cattle, in order to obtain additional information about this toxicosis. The ground seeds were administered orally to 9 bovines. Doses of 1g/kg/day, 2g/kg/day, 3g/kg/day each in one bovine, and 5g/kg/day in two of three bovines, given for 61- 63 days, did not cause poisoning. Doses of 5g/kg, in one bovine, 7.5g/kg in two bovines and 10g/kg in one bovine, given for 47-61 days, caused symptoms between 47 and 80 days after the first administration and caused death between 3 hours and 5 days after the onset of symptoms. The main clinical signs were positive venous pulse of the jugular vein, abdominal breath, tachycardia, loss of appetite, dry feces, sub-mandibular edema and weakness. Bovines that did not die, were slaughtered 8 or 9 months after first administration. At necropsy pulmonary paleness, hydropericardium, hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, mesenteric edema, augmented hepatic consistency, discoloration of the liver, right cardiac ventricle dilatation and ruminal wall edema were seen. The main histological lesions were thickening of the alveolar walls and of the arterioles with narrowing of their lumen, and periarteriolar fibrosis, besides hepatic and cardiac lesions of minor importance. It is concluded, that the lesions caused by ingestion of the seeds of C. mucronata over a long period are caused by the difficulties of blood passage through the pulmonar vessels due to fibrosis and thickening of the arteriolar walls through the pneumotoxic action of the plant.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Boghossian M.R., Peixoto P.V., Brito M.F. & Tokarnia C.H. 2007. [Experimental poisoning by Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae) seeds in cattle.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos da intoxicação experimental pelas sementes de Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(4):149-156. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: mailto:mubogho@hotmail.com
Experiments were performed to define the clinical and pathological picture of prolonged administration of the seeds of Crotalaria mucronata Desv. to cattle, in order to obtain additional information about this toxicosis. The ground seeds were administered orally to 9 bovines. Doses of 1g/kg/day, 2g/kg/day, 3g/kg/day each in one bovine, and 5g/kg/day in two of three bovines, given for 61- 63 days, did not cause poisoning. Doses of 5g/kg, in one bovine, 7.5g/kg in two bovines and 10g/kg in one bovine, given for 47-61 days, caused symptoms between 47 and 80 days after the first administration and caused death between 3 hours and 5 days after the onset of symptoms. The main clinical signs were positive venous pulse of the jugular vein, abdominal breath, tachycardia, loss of appetite, dry feces, sub-mandibular edema and weakness. Bovines that did not die, were slaughtered 8 or 9 months after first administration. At necropsy pulmonary paleness, hydropericardium, hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, mesenteric edema, augmented hepatic consistency, discoloration of the liver, right cardiac ventricle dilatation and ruminal wall edema were seen. The main histological lesions were thickening of the alveolar walls and of the arterioles with narrowing of their lumen, and periarteriolar fibrosis, besides hepatic and cardiac lesions of minor importance. It is concluded, that the lesions caused by ingestion of the seeds of C. mucronata over a long period are caused by the difficulties of blood passage through the pulmonar vessels due to fibrosis and thickening of the arteriolar walls through the pneumotoxic action of the plant.
Abstract in English:
The aerial parts of Crotalaria mucronata Desv. (syn. Crotalaria striata DC.), one the three most common species of Crotalaria in Brazil, were orally administered to 21 young bovines. The fresh, recently collected leaves caused an acute poisoning and death when given in single doses of 60 or 80 g/kg of bodyweight, although one animal died after receiving only 25 g/kg. The administration of 20 g/kg of fresh recently collected leaves as a single dose did not cause any symptoms in two of three animals. In six other bovines which ingested the plant in doses from 25 to 40 g/kg, brief, slight to moderate symptoms were observed. Small amounts, 2.5, 5 and 10 g/kg, of the fresh recently collected leaves, given daily for 120, 60 and 30 days, respectively, and amounting to 300 g/kg, did not cause any symptoms of poisoning. Similarly, no clinical signs were observed when the fresh flowers and green· fruits of C. mucronata were given in single doses of 60 g/kg. The leaves lost most of their toxicity when dried. The first symptoms of poisoning, in the animals that died, were observed between approximately 13 and 24 hours, and in the animals that survived, between approximately 6 and 24 hours, after the beginning of the administration of the plant. In the animals which died, symptoms lasted from 4 to 44 hours, with death occurring between 16 and 68 hours after feeding had begun. Surviving animals showed symptoms for 23 to 72 hours, recovering between 29 and 94 hours after feeding had begun. In the animals which died, muscular tremors were the most conspicuous symptom. In the animals which survived, anorexia, dry muzzle and abnormal feces were observed. At necropsy a characteristic odor of the macerated plant was noticed·in the two calves that ingested 60 or 80 g/kg, however no gross lesions were observed. Severe hidrothorax and pulmonary edema were found in the calf that ingested 25 g/kg of the plant. Histopathological examination did not reveal consistent changes. Since Crotalaria mucronata has a low grade toxicity, and there is no field information that indicates the occurrence of natural poisoning in clatte, the plant is not likely to be the cause of poisoning in the field.
Abstract in Portuguese:
As partes aéreas de Crotalaria mucronata Desv. (syn. Crotalaria striata DC.), com nomes populares de ''chique- chique" ou "guizo de cascavel", uma das três espécies de Crotalaria mais comuns no Brasil, foram administradas por via oral a 21 bovinos. As folhas frescas recém-colhidas causaram um quadro agudo de intoxicação e morte quando administradas em doses únicas de 60 ou 80 g da planta por kg de peso corporal; excepcionalmente tiveram efeito letal na dose de 25 g/kg em um bovino. Dose única de 20 g/kg das folhas frescas recém-colhidas não causou sintomas de intoxicação em 2 de 3 animais. Em 6 outros bovinos, que as ingeriram em doses únicas de 25 a 40 g/kg, sintomas leves a moderados, passageiros, foram observados. Quando administradas repetidamente em quantidades pequenas (doses diárias de 2,5, 5 ou 10 g/kg durante 120, 60 e 30 dias, sempre até completar 300 g/kg), as folhas frescas recém-colhidas não causaram sintomas de intoxicação. Também as inflorescências e as vagens verdes recém-colhidas, administradas de uma única vez na dose de 60 g/kg, não provocaram sintomas de intoxicação. Pela dessecagem, as folhas perderam a maior parte de sua toxicidade. Os primeiros sintomas de intoxicação foram observados, nos animais que morreram, após aproximadamente 13 a 24 horas, e nos que sobreviveram, após aproximadamente 6 a 24 horas contadas do início da administração da planta. A evolução da intoxicação nos casos fatais foi de 4 a 44 horas, a morte sobrevindo entre 16 e 68 horas após o início da administração da planta. Nos bovinos que sobreviveram, a evolução da intoxicação foi de aproximadamente 23 a 72 horas, estando recuperados entre 29 e 94 horas após o início da administração da planta. Os sintomas mais evidentes nos animais que morreram, foram tremores musculares; nos que sobreviveram foram observados anorexia, focinho seco, e fezes levemente alteradas. Os achados de necropsia nos dois bovinos que ingeriram 60 e 80 g/kg, foram negativos, salvo o cheiro forte da planta macerada que o cadáver exalava, e no que ingeriu 25 g/kg, hidrotórax e edema pulmonar acentuados. Os exames histopatológicos não revelaram alterações consistentes. Concluiu-se ser pouco provável ocorrerem casos de intoxicação natural por Crotalaria mucronata em bovinos no Brasil devido a ser relativamente baixa sua toxicidade, a não se ter verificado a ingestão espontânea da planta por bovinos e a não se ter obtido dados que permitissem suspeitar desta planta como causa de intoxicação.