Abstract in English:
Histopathology of the ocular and periocular tissues submitted for diagnosis and research is still incipient in Brazil, in contrast to veterinary clinical ophthalmology. In this study, ocular and periocular tissues from domestic and wild animal species, mainly from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated between February 2012 and September 2015. The samples were analyzed grossly and microscopically. Histochemistry and immunohistochemistry were performed on some of the samples. The frequency, type of ocular alteration, affected animal species, and affected ocular or periocular tissues were recorded. One hundred eighty-eight ocular and periocular tissues from domestic and, occasionally, wild animals were examined. Nine animals presented two concurrent alterations, adding up to 197 alterations. Proliferative lesions were the most frequent (92), followed by traumatic (43), inflammatory (37), degenerative (18), developmental (4) and vascular/hemorrhagic diseases (3). The globe was the most affected structure (112), followed by eyelids (52), third eyelid (17), bulbar conjunctiva (14) and retrobulbar region (2). Neoplasms arising from periocular tissues were the most frequent alteration (60), possibly related to a more active surgical service and histopathologic evaluation request. Many animals presented ocular lesions that reflected systemic diseases, which were diagnosed by necropsy and examination of other organs. Particularly in cases of neoplasia, early detection and surgical treatment can prevent systemic involvement. Ocular histopathologic evaluation can provide better characterization and prognosis of the clinical-pathological condition of the patient as well.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O envio de bulbos oculares e tecidos perioculares para histopatologia na rotina diagnóstica e pesquisa ainda é incipiente no Brasil, diferentemente da área de oftalmologia clínica veterinária. Neste estudo, olhos e tecidos perioculares de animais domésticos e silvestres, especialmente provenientes do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram avaliados entre fevereiro de 2012 e setembro de 2015. As amostras foram analisadas macro e microscopicamente. Em algumas amostras, histoquímica e imuno-histoquímica também foram realizadas. Frequência, tipo de alteração ocular, espécie animal e estrutura ocular e/ou periocular acometidas foram registrados. Foram examinados 188 bulbos oculares e tecidos perioculares de animais domésticos e, ocasionalmente, silvestres. Nove animais apresentaram duas alterações concomitantes, totalizando 197 alterações. Doenças neoplásicas foram as mais frequentes (92), seguidas pelas traumáticas (43), inflamatórias (37), degenerativas (18), de desenvolvimento (4) e vasculares/hemorrágicas (3). O bulbo ocular foi a estrutura mais acometida (112), seguida pelas pálpebras (52), terceira pálpebra (17), conjuntiva bulbar (14) e região retrobulbar (2). Neoplasmas com origem em tecido periocular foram a alteração mais frequente (60), possivelmente relacionado a uma rotina cirúrgica mais ativa e consequente solicitação de avaliação histopatológica. Muitos animais apresentaram lesões oculares como reflexo de doença sistêmica, as quais foram diagnosticadas por necropsia e análise de outros órgãos. Particularmente em casos de neoplasia, detecção precoce e tratamento cirúrgico podem evitar envolvimento sistêmico. Ademais, a avaliação histopatológica ocular é capaz de oferecer melhor caracterização e prognóstico de condições clínico-patológicas do paciente animal.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Langohr I.M., Marques M.G., Pescador C.A., Silva G.S., Dutra M.C., Brum J.S., Kramer B., Bordin L.C. & Silva V.S. 2013. [Not everything is an important lesion: Anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance, and postmortem findings in domestic and feral pigs (Sus scrofa).] Nem tudo que parece ser, é lesão: aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontrados na necropsia de suínos domésticos e selvagens (Sus scrofa). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(10):1237-1255. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR-153 Km 110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: raquel.rech@embrapa.br
The interpretation of the changes observed at necropsy is an important step for the success of the final diagnosis. This article aims to describe and illustrate the anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance and postmortem changes observed in domestic and wild pigs. Moreover, the article also recommends collection techniques of organs or structures for the diagnosis of diseases affecting this species. The main anatomical structures and non-lesions described are marginal lingual papillae, pars oesophagea of the stomach, torus pyloricus, and well demarcated lobular pattern of the liver (gastrointestinal system); tonsils of the soft palate, gastric lymphoid tissue, Peyer’s patches of the small intestine, marginal folds of the spleen (hematopoietic system); prominent mediastinum testis and placental areolae (reproductive system); pulmonary atelectasis and periople (fetus); and carpal glands (integumentary system). The discussed artifacts related to euthanasia are petechiae on the surface of the lung and kidney, false anemia due to exsanguination, subdural hemorrhage due to cerebral concussion, pseudoinfarcts of the spleen, and cerebriform appearance of the small intestine. Lesions without clinical significance described are renal cysts, lymph nodes with iron pigment, papillomas and hemangiomas on the scrotum, osseous metaplasia in the mesentery, and hyperemia of the gastric mucosa. Commonly found postmortem changes are livor mortis, pale muscles, pseudomelanosis, and serosanguinous fluid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities of fetuses.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Langohr I.M., Marques M.G., Pescador C.A., Silva G.S., Dutra M.C., Brum J.S., Kramer B., Bordin L.C. & Silva V.S. 2013. [Not everything is an important lesion: Anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance, and postmortem findings in domestic and feral pigs (Sus scrofa).] Nem tudo que parece ser, é lesão: aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontrados na necropsia de suínos domésticos e selvagens (Sus scrofa). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(10):1237-1255. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR-153 Km 110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: raquel.rech@embrapa.br
A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal); tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético); mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor); atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto); e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar). Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos.
Abstract in English:
Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Barros R.R., Kommers G.D., Langohr I.M., Pierezan F. & Barros C.S.L. 2006. [Listeric meningoencephalitis in goats.] Forma nervosa de listeriose em caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):14-20. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: claudioslbarros@uol.com.br
A neurologic disease was observed in three young adult goats (indentified as A-C) from a herd of 100 goats during October-December, 2004. Clinical signs included head tilt, torticollis, nystagmus, staggering, falls and eventually recumbency and paddling, with stiff limbs. Treatment of Goat C with antibiotics resulted in a temporary remission of the clinical signs. The clinical courses where 5, 10 and 30 days respectively for Goats A, B and C. Goat A died spontaneously and the other two where euthanatized in extremis. No gross changes were observed. Histologic lesions were predominantly unilateral, with inflammatory and degenerative changes, extending from the medulla oblongata to the thalamus. In all 3 cases there were perivascular cuffings of one or more types of mononuclear cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, activated macrophages) and occasionally neutrophils associated with areas of malacia where Gitter cells filled spaces of parenchymal loss. Additionally, Goat B had microabscesses in the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon and multifocal neutrophilic and lymphocytic infiltrates within the fascicles of the trigeminal nerve and in the cerebellar leptomeninges. In the brainstem of Goat C, there was multifocal granulomatous inflammation which included epithelioid macrophages and occasional multinucleated giant cells. Listeria sp antigen was detected by imunohistochemistry in routinely processed sections of mesencephalon from Goats A and C and of pons from Goat B.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Barros R.R., Kommers G.D., Langohr I.M., Pierezan F. & Barros C.S.L. 2006. [Listeric meningoencephalitis in goats.] Forma nervosa de listeriose em caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):14-20. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: claudioslbarros@uol.com.br
A neurologic disease was observed in three young adult goats (indentified as A-C) from a herd of 100 goats during October-December, 2004. Clinical signs included head tilt, torticollis, nystagmus, staggering, falls and eventually recumbency and paddling, with stiff limbs. Treatment of Goat C with antibiotics resulted in a temporary remission of the clinical signs. The clinical courses where 5, 10 and 30 days respectively for Goats A, B and C. Goat A died spontaneously and the other two where euthanatized in extremis. No gross changes were observed. Histologic lesions were predominantly unilateral, with inflammatory and degenerative changes, extending from the medulla oblongata to the thalamus. In all 3 cases there were perivascular cuffings of one or more types of mononuclear cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, activated macrophages) and occasionally neutrophils associated with areas of malacia where Gitter cells filled spaces of parenchymal loss. Additionally, Goat B had microabscesses in the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon and multifocal neutrophilic and lymphocytic infiltrates within the fascicles of the trigeminal nerve and in the cerebellar leptomeninges. In the brainstem of Goat C, there was multifocal granulomatous inflammation which included epithelioid macrophages and occasional multinucleated giant cells. Listeria sp antigen was detected by imunohistochemistry in routinely processed sections of mesencephalon from Goats A and C and of pons from Goat B.
Abstract in English:
Langohr I.M., Gava A. & Barros C.S.L. 2005. [Poisoning in cattle by Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae).] Intoxicação por Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):235-238. Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue University, 406 South University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, Estados Unidos. E-mail: ilangohr@purdue.edu
An outbreak of poisoning by Baccharidastrum triplinervium in cattle from Paraná, Brazil, is described. The disease occurred during a severe drought in early summer. The onset of clinical signs was two days after 50 cows and 8 heifers had been introduced into a pasture with high density of B. triplinervium that showed signs of having been consumed by the animals. Fifteen animals (9 cows and 6 heifers) got sick. Of these 15, two cows and four heifers died after a clinical course of 12-60 hours. Clinical signs included depression, ruminal atony, moderate bloat, marked dehydration, mild diarrhea and anorexia. The animals were restless, laying down and getting up constantly, remaining progressively longer periods in sternal recumbency. Once in that position, the animals had an extended head or the head turned to one of the sides of the body, and were groaning. Additionally, the cows had an abrupt fall in milk yield. The remaining affected cattle presented milder clinical signs and were partially back to their feed on the day following the onset of the clinical signs. The milk production was back to normal values within one week. The main gross lesions observed in two necropsied cows were in the forestomachs and abomasum, consisting of edema of the ruminal wall, as well as of diffuse reddening of the mucosae of the rumen, reticulum, abomasum and of some of the omasal folds. The main histological lesions included multifocal ballooning degeneration and necrosis of the lining epithelium of the rumen, associated with neutrophilic infiltrate. The diagnosis was based on the epidemiological data and on the experimental reproduction of the disease by force-feeding 3 bovine with the aeral fresh parts (20 and 30g/kg) of B. triplinervium. Chemical analysis of dried material from B. triplinervium harvested at the site of the outbreak was negative for macrocyclic trichothecenes.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Langohr I.M., Gava A. & Barros C.S.L. 2005. [Poisoning in cattle by Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae).] Intoxicação por Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):235-238. Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue University, 406 South University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, Estados Unidos. E-mail: ilangohr@purdue.edu
An outbreak of poisoning by Baccharidastrum triplinervium in cattle from Paraná, Brazil, is described. The disease occurred during a severe drought in early summer. The onset of clinical signs was two days after 50 cows and 8 heifers had been introduced into a pasture with high density of B. triplinervium that showed signs of having been consumed by the animals. Fifteen animals (9 cows and 6 heifers) got sick. Of these 15, two cows and four heifers died after a clinical course of 12-60 hours. Clinical signs included depression, ruminal atony, moderate bloat, marked dehydration, mild diarrhea and anorexia. The animals were restless, laying down and getting up constantly, remaining progressively longer periods in sternal recumbency. Once in that position, the animals had an extended head or the head turned to one of the sides of the body, and were groaning. Additionally, the cows had an abrupt fall in milk yield. The remaining affected cattle presented milder clinical signs and were partially back to their feed on the day following the onset of the clinical signs. The milk production was back to normal values within one week. The main gross lesions observed in two necropsied cows were in the forestomachs and abomasum, consisting of edema of the ruminal wall, as well as of diffuse reddening of the mucosae of the rumen, reticulum, abomasum and of some of the omasal folds. The main histological lesions included multifocal ballooning degeneration and necrosis of the lining epithelium of the rumen, associated with neutrophilic infiltrate. The diagnosis was based on the epidemiological data and on the experimental reproduction of the disease by force-feeding 3 bovine with the aeral fresh parts (20 and 30g/kg) of B. triplinervium. Chemical analysis of dried material from B. triplinervium harvested at the site of the outbreak was negative for macrocyclic trichothecenes.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Stigger A.L., Barros C.S.L., Langohr I.M. & Barros S.S. 2001. [Experimental poisoning by Ateleia glazioviana (Leg.Papilibnoideae) in sheep] Intoxicação experimental por Ateleia glazioviarya (Leg.Papilionoideae) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(3):98-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
The leaves of Ateleia glazioviana were fed daily to seven sheep. Another sheep was used as côil(rol,. Total amounts (g/kg/body weight) o(;the plant consumed by each animal were 75 during 60 days (Sheep 6), 125 during-25 days (Sheep 4), 13,0 during 13 days (Sheep 7), 150 during 60 days (Sheep 5), 180 during 18 days (Sheep 3), 330 during 33 days (Sheep 2), and 375 during 25 days (Sheep 1 ). Six sheep were fed the green leaves while Sheep 7 was fed dried A. glazioviana leaves. Five sheep (Sheep 1-4 and 7) developed clinical signs 8 to 16, days after the first administration of the plant. The clinical course varied from 6 to 50 days and clinical signs included apathy, loss of appetite, and increased heart and respiratory rates; affected sheep were ·reluctant to move and showed a low carriage of the head, instability of the hind limbs, and staggering gait. Some sheep supported their weight against the wall of the stable. Sheep 1, 3, and 4 died spontaneously; paddling movements preceded death. Sheep 2 and 7 were euthanatized when presenting marked clinical signs of the toxicosis. Sheep 5 and 6 did not get clinically ill and were euthanatized along with the control sheep 103 days after the first administration of the plant. All sheep were necropsied and several of their organs, including heart and brain, were evaluated histologically. Additionally, fragments of the myocardium of Sheep 3 and 4 were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. To provide more controls for the myocardial changes, the hearts were collected from six animals at an abattoir known to slaughter sheep from regions free of A. glazioviana. These hearts were processed for histology and examined in the same way as the other eight. All seven treated (plant fed) sheep had gross changes at necropsy. There were firm, irregular white or yellow areas in the myocardium of all treated sheep. These pale areas were more evident on the cut surface of the heart. Hydrothorax and/or hydropericardium were observed in five animals (Sheep 1-4 and 7). Nutmeg livers were seen in Sheep 1 and 7. This latter sheep also had ascites. The main histopathological findings in treated sheep were degenerative/necrotic changes in the myocardium. The early changes consisted of acute swollen myocardial fibers associated with bizarre nuclei. Apparently this change progressed until the sarcoplasm disappeared and an empty collapsed sarcolemmal tube remained surrounded by interstitial connective tissue and fibrosis. Overt necrosis (hyaline and floccular) associated with mono nuclear infiltration and phagocytosis of fiber fragments were also observed. Varying degrees of spongy degeneration were seen in the white matter of the brain of Sheep 1, 3, 4 and 7. Mitochondrial swelling and loss of density of the mitochondrial matrix were the earliest ultrastructural changes observed. In advanced lesions cardiac cells had vacuoles in the sarcoplasm, rupture of the sarcolemma and necrosis with intervening macrophages and fibroblasts associated with increased collagen.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Stigger A.L., Barros C.S.L., Langohr I.M. & Barros S.S. 2001. [Experimental poisoning by Ateleia glazioviana (Leg.Papilibnoideae) in sheep] Intoxicação experimental por Ateleia glazioviarya (Leg.Papilionoideae) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(3):98-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
Sete ovelhas receberam as folhas de Ateleia glazioviana em doses predeterminadas. Um outro ovino serviu de controle. As quantidades totais (g/kg/peso corporal) de planta consumidas pelos ovinos foram 75 por 60 dias (Ovino 6), 125 por 25 dias (Ovino 4), 130 por 13 dias (Ovino 7), 150 por 60 dias (Ovino 5), 180 por 18 dias (Ovino 3), 330 por 33 dias (Ovino 2) e 375 por 25 dias (Ovino 1). Seis ovinos recéberam folhas verdes e o Ovino 7 recebeu folhas dessecadas. Cinco ovinos (Ovinos 1-4 e 7) desenvolveram sinais clínicos. 8 a 16 dias após a primeira administração da planta. A evolução do quadro clínico foi de 6 a 50 dias e os sinais clínicos. incluíram apatia, perda do apetite, taquicardia e taquipnéia. Os ovinos afetados apresentavam relutância em mover-se, cabeça baixa, instabilidade dos membros pélvicos e andar cambaleante. Alguns dos ovinos afetados apoiavam o corpo contra a parede da baia. Os Ovinos 1, 3 e 4 morreram espontaneamente; movimentos de pedalagem precederam a morte. Os Ovinos 2 e 7 foram submetidos à eutanásia com sinais clínicos avançados da toxicose. Os Ovinos 5 e 6 não adoeceram e foram sacrificados junto com o controle 103 dias após a primeira administração da planta. Todos os ovinos foram necropsiados e vários órgãos, incluindo coração e encéfalo, foram avaliados histologicamente. Além disso, fragmentos de miocárdio dos Ovinos 3 e 4 foram avaliados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A fim de se obter mais controles para a avaliação das lesões do miocárdio, coletaram-se os corações de seis ovinos abatidos para consumo em um abatedouro que sabidamente recebe ovinos originários de uma região livre de A. glazioviana. Esses corações foram processados para histologia e examinados da mesma maneira que os outros oito. Todos os ovinos tratados (que receberam a planta) apresentaram lesões macroscópicas. Havia áreas firmes, irregulares, branco-amareladas no miocárdio de todos os ovinos tratados. Essas áreas pálidas eram mais bem vistas na superfície de corte do coração. Hidrotórax e/ou hidropericárdio foram observados em cinco animais (Ovinos 1-4 e 7). O fígado dos Ovinos 1 e 7 tinha aspecto de nozmoscada. O Ovino 7 apresentava ascite. Os principais achados histopatológicos nos ovinos tratados foram alterações degenerativas/necróticas no miocárdio. As alterações iniciais consistiam de tumefação aguda das fibras cardíacas, associada a núcleos com formas bizarras. Essa alteração aparentemente progredia até o desaparecimento do sarcoplasma, resultando num tubo sarcolemal vazio e colapsado envolto por tecido conjuntivo intersticial e fibrose. Necrose franca (hialina e flocular) associada à infiltração mononuclear e fagocitose de fragmentos de fibras foi também observada. Graus variáveis de degeneração esponjosa foram observados na substância branca do encéfalo dos Ovinos 1, 3, 4 e 7. Tumefação de mitocôndrias e perda da densidade da matriz das mitocôndrias foram as alterações ultra-estruturais mais precoces. Em lesões avançadas os cardiomiócitos apresentavam vacúolos no sarcoplasma, ruptura do sarcolema e necrose com aparecimento de macrófagos e fibroblastos associados a aumento de colágeno.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Ilha M.R.S., Langohr I.M. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Experimental monensin poisoning in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por monensina em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):102-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
Seven horses were experimentally treated with sodium monensin. Two of them were fed 3-4 kg/horse/daywith a commercial ration (containing 180 ppm±20) known to be implicated in natural outbreaks of monensin poisoning in horses. A third horse was fed a single dose of 5 mg/kg and another one received four daily doses of 1 mg/kg of sodium monensin (from a premix source). These four horses died or were euthanitised in extremis 3-8 days after the beginning of administration of the drug. A fifth horse was fed a single dose of 5 mg/kg of monensin, became mildly ill but recovered. Two experimental horses did not develop signs of the toxicosis. One of them was fed 40 daily doses of 0.5 mg/kg of monensin. The other was fed 3 kg/day of the sarne brand of ration used in farms where outbreaks of monensin poisoning in horses have been reported (but from another batch later determined to have monensin leve Is of only < 5 ppm). The onset of clinical signs varied from 2 to 5 days after administration of the drug, and clinical courses lasted from 24 to 76 hours. Clinical signs included tachycardia and cardiac arythmia, groaning, incoordination, sudoresis, sternal or lateral recumbency, paddling and death. Ma.rked increases in the plasmatic activity of creatine phosphokinase were observed in five poisoned horses, and a mild increase in the aspartate aminotransferase plasmatic activity was detected in one of the animals. Main necropsy findings were in the skeletal muscles and consi_sted of focal to focally extensive white or yellow areas of discoloration with bilateral symmetric distribution. These lesions were associated with gelatinous transluscent edema in the intermuscülar fasciae. More intensively affected muscles included quadriceps femoris, adductor, pectineus, gracilis, semimembranous, supraspinatus, subscapularis and brachycephalic. Histopathological findings consisted of segmentar, multifocal to coalescent, degenerative myopathy. Both gross and microscopic lesions were absent in the skeletal muscles from two of the horses fed the monensin premix [5 mg/kg (single dose) and 4 mg/kg (four daily doses of 1 mg/kg)]. Neither gross nor microscopic lesions were observed in the myoéardium of any of these horses.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Ilha M.R.S., Langohr I.M. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Experimental monensin poisoning in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por monensina em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):102-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
Sete eqüinos foram tratados experimentalmente com monensina sódica. Dois desses animais receberem 3-4 kg/eqüino/dia de uma ração comercial sabidamente implicada em surtos naturais da intoxicação por monensina em equinos e que continha 180 ppm±20 da droga. Um eqüino recebeu uma única dose de 5 mg/kg e um outro recebeu 4 doses diárias de 1 mg/kg de monensina sódica originária de um premix. Esses quatro eqüinos morreram ou foram sacrificados in extremis, 3-8 dias após o início da administração da droga. Um quinto eqüino recebeu dose única de 5 mg/kg de monensina, ficou levemente doente e se recuperou. Dois eqüinos não desenvolveram sinais da intoxicação. Um desses eqüinos tinha recebido 40 doses diárias de 0,5 mg/kg de monensina e o outro recebeu 3 kg/dia de uma ração da mesma marca que a usada nas fazendas onde surtos de intoxicação por monensina foram detectados (mas de uma outra partida, mais tarde determinada como contendo menos de 5 ppm de monensina). O aparecimento dos sinais clínicos ocorreu de 2 a 5 dias após a administração da droga e a duração do quadro clínico variou de 24 a 76 horas. Os sinais clínicos incluíam taquicardia, arritmia, gemidos, incoordenação, sudorese, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral, pedaleios e morte. Em cinco dos eqüinos intoxicados observaram-se marcadas elevações da atividade plasmática de creatina fosfoquinase e, em um eqüino, houve leve aumento da atividade plasmática de aspartato aminotransferase. Os principais achados de necropsia consistiram em áreas brancas ou amarelas, focais ou focalmente extensas e bilateralmente simétricas nos músculos esqueléticos. Essas lesões eram associadas a edema gelatinoso e translúcido das fáscias intermusculares. Quadríceps femoral, adutor, pectíneo, grácil, semimembranáceo, supra-espinhal, subescapular, braquicefálico e quadríceps femoral estavam entre os músculos esqueléticos mais afetados. Os exames histológicos revelaram miopatia segmentar, multifocal a coalescente. Em dois eqüinos que receberam o premix de monensina [5 mg/kg (dose única) e 4 mg/kg (quatro doses diárias de 1 mg/kg)] não se observaram lesões macroscópicas ou microscópicas. Em nenhum dos dois eqüinos se observaram lesões macro ou microscópicas no miocárdio.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Sanches A.W.D., Langohr I.M., Stigger A.L. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Diseases of the central nervous system in cattle of southern Brazil.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em bovinos no Sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):113-118. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
A retrospective stucly was carriecl out on 6,021 necropsies of cattle performecl over a 36 year periocl in southern Brazil. Of those, 552 (9.16%) presenteei neurological clinical signs anel their necropsy protocols were reviewed to gather information on type of gross and histopathological cliagnosis, etiology, and clinical signs. In 147 cases (26.63% of 552) there were no significant lesions in the central nervous system, in 79 (14.31% of 552) no samples of nervous tissue were submitted to the laboratory anel in 21 (3.81% of 552) the tissues submitted were autolysecl and not suitable for histological diagnosis. Lesions found in the remaining 305 cases were classifiecl as inflammatory, clegenerative, circulatory, congenital, and neoplastic. The inflammatory lesions accounted for the largest category (66.89% of 305 cases). This was further clivicled in lesions causecl by viruses (57.38% of 305 cases) and by bacteria (9.51% of 305 cases). Diseases caused by viruses were rabies (49.51% of 305 cases), necrotizing meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus (4.59% of 305 cases), anel malignant catarrhal fever (3.28% of 305 cases). The clegenerative changes were represented by 74 cases (24.26% of 305 cases) anel incluclecl status spongiosus clue to liver failure inclucecl by Senecio spp poisoning (10.49% of 305 cases) or to the clirect effect of poisoning by Ateleia glazioviana (0.33% of 305 cases); cases of liver failure not associated with morphological changes in the brain (2.95% of 305 cases), myelomalacia clue to corei compression (2.62% of 305 cases), primary neuronal clegeneration associated with So/anum fastigiatum poisoning (2.29% of 305 cases); polioencephalomalacia (1.97% of 305 cases); tetanus (1.31% of 305 cases) and intestinal coccidiosis in calves, ketosis, anel botulism with one case each (0.33% of 305 cases). Circulatory disturbances accounted for 19 cases (6.23% of 305 cases) and incluclecl cerebral babesiosis (5.57% of 305 cases) anel hemorrhages dueto trauma (0.66% of 305 cases). Congenital conclitions represented 2.29% of the 305 cases anel incluclecl cerebelar abiotrophy (two cases) anel one case each of porencephaly, hypomyelinogenesis, clemyelination, hydrocephalus, and cerebellar malformation. Only one neuroectodermal neoplasm (0.33% of 305 cases) was found in this series.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Sanches A.W.D., Langohr I.M., Stigger A.L. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Diseases of the central nervous system in cattle of southern Brazil.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em bovinos no Sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):113-118. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: cslb@sm.conex.com.br
Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado em 6.021 necropsias ele bovinos realizadas num período de 36 anos no Sul cio Brasil. Desses, 552 (9, 16%) apresentaram sinais clínicos de distúrbios nervosos e seus protocolos foram revisados para colher informações sobre os diagnósticos macro e microscópicos, etiologia e sinais clínicos. Em 147 casos (26,63% ele 552) não havia lesões significativas no sistema nervoso central, em 79 (14,31% de 552) o sistema nervoso não havia sido enviado e em 21 (3,81% ele 552) os tecidos foram submetidos autolisados, apresentando-se impróprios para o diagnóstico histológico. As lesões encontradas nos restantes 305 casos foram classificadas como inflamatórias, degenerativas, circulatórias, congênitas e neoplásicas. As lesões inflamatórias constituíram a maior categoria (66,89% de 305 casos). Essa categoria foi subdividida em _lesões inflamatórias produzidas por vírus (57,38% de 305 casos) e por bactérias (9,51% de 305 casos). As três doenças causadas por vírus foram raiva (49,51% de 305 casos), meningoencefalite necrosante por herpesvírus bovino (4,59% de 305 casos) e febre catarral maligna (3,28% de 305 casos). As alterações degenerativas foram representadas por 74 casos (24,26% de 305 casos). Condições incluídas nessa categoria foram status spongiosus causado por insuficiência hepática relacionada à intoxicação por Senecio spp (10,49% de 305 casos) ou ao efeito direto da intoxicação por Ateleia glazioviana (0,33% de 305 casos), casos de insuficiência hepática sem alterações morfológicas no cérebro (2,95% de 305 casos), mielomalácia por compressão da medula (2,62% de 305 casos), degeneração neuronal primária na intoxicação por Solanumfastiglatum (2,29% de 305 casos), polioencefalomalácia (1,97% de 305 casos), tétano (1,31% de 305 casos) e coccidiose intestinal em ternefros, cetos~ e botulismo com um caso çada (0,33% de 305 casos). Alterações circulatórias foram representadas por 19 casos (6,23% de_305 casos) e incluíram babesiose cerebral (5,57% de 305 casos) e hemorragias devidas a trauma (0,66% de 305 -casos). As alterações congênitas representaram 2,29% dos 305 casos e consistiram de abiotrofia cerebelar (2 casos), porencefalia, hipomielinogênese, desmielinização, hidrocefaIia, e malformação cerebelar (1 caso cada). Apenas uma neoplasia neuroectodérmica (0,33% de 305 casos) foi encontrada nessa série.