Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Oliveira A.P.L., Rangel J.P.P., Riodades L.F.S., Almeida B.L., Mathias C.H.T., Conti L.M.C., Fiorio W.A.B. & Monteiro B.S. 2018. Establishment of an experimental model of small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries in New Zealand rabbits. [Estabelecimento de modelo experimental de indução da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão de intestino delgado em coelhos Nova Zelândia.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1664-1674. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brazil. E-mail: oliveira.medvet@hotmail.com
The present study aimed to establish a methodology capable to cause intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries, to perform clamping of the jejunal segment of the extramural peri-intestinal marginal artery branch. For this, 37, 10-week-old male New Zealand breed rabbits were used. One rabbit was used to establish the anatomic references for the procedure and was not part of the six experimental groups; the rest were allocated into six experimental groups: Sham group, negative control, subjected only to midline celiotomy; group I1H undergoing vascular occlusion for an hour; group I2H submitted to vascular occlusion for two hours; group I1H/R2H undergoing vascular occlusion for one hour followed by two hours of reperfusion; group I2H/R1H undergoing vascular occlusion for two hours, followed by reperfusion for one hour, and group I2H/R5H undergoing vascular occlusion for two hours followed by reperfusion for five hours. The rabbits were evaluated for the macroscopic aspects (color and peristalsis) of the jejunal segment, as well as the histological aspect, checking for presence or absence of mucosal destruction, edema, hemorrhaging, lymphatic vessel dilatation, and the presence of polymorphonuclear cells. It was observed that the macroscopic and histopathological lesions accentuated in larger employed ischemia and reperfusion times. Rabbits subjected to ischemia for two hours followed by reperfusion for five hours (I2H/R5H) made up the experimental group which was easily reproducible and showed moderate intestinal injury, different from the other groups.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Oliveira A.P.L., Rangel J.P.P., Riodades L.F.S., Almeida B.L., Mathias C.H.T., Conti L.M.C., Fiorio W.A.B. & Monteiro B.S. 2018. Establishment of an experimental model of small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries in New Zealand rabbits. [Estabelecimento de modelo experimental de indução da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão de intestino delgado em coelhos Nova Zelândia.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1664-1674. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brazil. E-mail: oliveira.medvet@hotmail.com
O presente estudo objetivou estabelecer uma metodologia capaz de causar lesões de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal, realizando clipagem de um ramo de artéria marginal peri-intestinal extramural em segmento jejunal. Para tal foram utilizados 37 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, machos, de 10 semanas de idade, alocados em seis grupos experimentais: grupo Sham, controle negativo, submetido apenas a celiotomia mediana; grupo I1H submetido à oclusão vascular por uma hora; grupo I2H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas; grupo I1H/R2H submetido a oclusão vascular por uma hora, seguida de reperfusão por duas horas; grupo I2H/R1H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas, seguida de reperfusão por uma hora e grupo I2H/R5H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas seguida de reperfusão por cincos horas. Os animais foram avaliados quanto o aspecto macroscópico (coloração e peristaltismo) do segmento jejunal e quanto ao aspecto histopatológico, verificando presença ou ausência de destruição de mucosa, edema, hemorragia, dilatação de vasos linfáticos e presença de polimorfonucleares. Observou-se que as lesões macroscópicas e histopatológicas se acentuaram nos maiores tempos de isquemia e reperfusão empregados. Os animais submetidos à isquemia durante duas horas, seguida de reperfusão por cinco horas (I2H/R5H) compuseram o grupo experimental de fácil reprodução e foram os que apresentaram uma lesão intestinal moderada, diferentes dos demais grupos.
Abstract in English:
The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) infusion, derived from adipose tissue, on reduction of local and remote tissue damage caused by the event of experimental intestinal I/R in New Zealand breed rabbits. For obtaining, characterization, and cultivation of MSC derived from adipose tissue (MSC-Adp), 3 juvenile animals (four months old) were used. The cells were considered to be viable for therapy after the fourth passage (in vitro phase). For the in vivo stage, 24 young adult animals (six months old) were used, weighing approximately 3.5 kg, in which were randomly divided into two groups, called: IR treated with MSC (I2H/R5H MSC 3D; I2H/R5H MSC 7D); IR treated with PBS (I2H/R5H PBS 3D; I2H/R5H PBS 7D). The animals were anesthetized and submitted to pre-retro-umbilical midline celiotomy. The extramural peri-intestinal marginal artery was located and clamped (predetermined and standardized region) with the aid of a vascular clip, promoting a 2 hour blood flow interruption. After this period, blood flow was reestablished, inhalatory anesthesia was suspended, and the animals awaken. After 5 hours of reperfusion, the treatments were performed by intravenous infusion according to the experimental groups. The animals were evaluated 72 hours and seven days after the treatment as for the macroscopic appearance (color and peristaltism) of the jejunal segment, and by histological evaluation of the ischemic segment for the presence or absence of destruction of the intestinal mucosa, edema, bleeding, dilation of lymph vessels, and presence of polymorphonuclear inflammatory cells, both in the mucosa and submucosa. The observed results revealed that the groups treated with MSC-Adp obtained smaller mucosal and submucosal lesions when compared to the groups treated with PBS. Also, MSC-Adp treated groups obtained controlled inflammatory response and higher mitotic rate, outcomes related to the therapeutic potential of MSC. Infusion of stem cells attenuated the lesions caused by intestinal I/R in both MSC groups when compared to the group treated with PBS.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a eficácia da infusão células tronco mesenquimais (CTM) derivada de tecido adiposo sobre diminuição das lesões teciduais locais e remotas, causadas pelo evento de I/R intestinal experimental, em coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia. Para obtenção, cultivo e caracterização das CTM provenientes de tecido adiposo (ADCTM) foram utilizados 3 animais jovens. As células foram consideradas viáveis para terapia a partir da quarta passagem (fase in vitro). Para etapa in vivo foram utilizados 24 animais, adulto-jovens, pesando aproximadamente 3,5kg, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais, denominados IR Tratado com CTM (I2H/R5H CTM 3D; I2H/R5H CTM 7D); IR Tratado PBS (I2H/R5H PBS 3D; I2H/R5H PBS 7D). Os animais foram anestesiados e submetidos à celiotomia mediana pré-retroumbilical. A artéria marginal peri-intestinal extramural foi localizada e clampeada (região predeterminada e padronizada) com auxílio de um clipe vascular, promovendo uma interrupção do fluxo sanguíneo durante 2 horas. Após esse período, o fluxo sanguíneo foi restabelecido, a anestesia inalatória suspendida e os animais despertados. Após 5 horas de reperfusão realizou-se os tratamentos por infusão endovenosa, conforme grupos experimentais. Os animais foram avaliados 72 horas e sete dias após o tratamento quanto ao aspecto macroscópico (coloração e peristaltismo) do segmento jejunal e por meio de avaliação histológica do segmento isquemiado quanto à presença ou ausência de destruição de mucosa intestinal, edema, hemorragia, dilatação de vasos linfáticos e presença de células inflamatórias polimorfornucleares, tanto em mucosa quanto submucosa. Os resultados observados revelaram que os grupos tratados com ADCTM obtiveram menores lesões em mucosa e submucosa quando comprados aos grupos tratados com PBS. Ainda os grupos tratados com ADCTM obtiveram resposta inflamatória controlada e maior taxa mitótica, resultados relacionados ao potencial terapêutico das CTM.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Oriá A.P., Gomes Junior D.C., Arraes A.E., Estrela-Lima A., Pinna M.H., Meneses I.D.S. & Martins Filho E.F. 2014. Tear production, intraocular pressure and conjunctival microbiota, cytology and histology of New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(10):1024-1028. Setor de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: arianneoria@ufba.br
The purpose of this study was to establish reference values for selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests in New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). A total of 22 adult male rabbits were used. The ophthalmic tests included evaluation of tear production with Schirmer tear test 1(STT1) and Endodontic absorbent paper point tear test (EAPPTT) using two different commercial brand materials. Applanation tonometry, Culture of the conjunctival bacterial flora, , conjunctival cytology and conjunctival histology were also performed. Mean (±SD) for STT1, EAPPTTa, EAPPTTb and IOP was 7.27±2.51mm/min, 12.43±1.69mm/min, 15.24±2.07mm/min, 12.89±2.80mm Hg, respectively. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. were predominant. The cytological evaluation revealed the presence columnar epithelial cells, superficial squamous keratinized cells, lymphocytes, heterophils, red blood cells, mucus and bacteria. The histological analysis revealed a stratified epithelium, characterized by the presence of columnar epithelial cells with a large number of goblet cells. The reported data can be used for therapeutic or experimental purposes.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Oriá A.P., Gomes Junior D.C., Arraes A.E., Estrela-Lima A., Pinna M.H., Meneses I.D.S. & Martins Filho E.F. 2014. Tear production, intraocular pressure and conjunctival microbiota, cytology and histology of New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). [Produção lacrimal, pressão intraocular, microbiota, citologia e histologia conjuntival de coelhos Nova Zelândia.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(10):1024-1028. Setor de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: arianneoria@ufba.br
O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer valores de referência para testes diagnósticos oftálmicos em coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia (Oryctolagus cuniculus). 22 coelhos, machos, adultos foram utilizados. Foi mensurada a produção lacrimal através do teste lacrimal de Shirmer 1 (TLS1) e da Tira endodôntica de papel absorvente (EAPPTT) de duas marcas comerciais distintas. Tonometria de aplanação, identificação da microbiota conjuntival, , citologia e histologia conjuntival também foram realizadas. A média e desvio padrão do TLS1, EAPPTT1, EAPPTT2 e pressão intraocular foi 7,27±2,51 mm/min, 12,43±1,69 mm/min, 15,24±2,07 mm/min e 12,89±2,80 mmHg, respectivamente. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus sp. e Bacillus sp. mostraram-se predominantes. A citologia conjuntival evidenciou a presença de células epiteliais colunares, células escamosas superficiais queratinizadas, linfócitos, heterofilos, células sanguíneas, muco e bactérias. A histologia revelou epitélio estratificado caracterizado pela presença de células epiteliais colunares com grande número de células caliciformes. Os achados deste estudo poderão ser utilizados com fins terapêuticos ou experimentais.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Abidu-Figueiredo M., Xavier-Silva B., Cardinot T.M., Babinski M.A. & Chagas M.A. 2008. Celiac artery in New Zealand rabbit: Anatomical study of its origin and arrangement for experimental research and surgical practice. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):237-240. Departamento de Anatomia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: marceloabidu@gmail.com
Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many diseases and for the study of toxicology, pharmacology and surgery in many universities. However, some aspects of their macro anatomy need a more detailed description, especially the abdominal and pelvic arterial vascular system, which has a huge variability in distribution and trajectory. Thirty cadaveric adult New Zealand rabbits, 13 male and 17 female, with an average weight and rostrum-sacral length of 2.5 kg and 40cm, respectively, were used. The thoracic aorta was cannulated and the vascular system was filled with stained latex S-65. The celiac artery and its proximal branches were dissected and lengthened in order to evidence origin and proximal ramifications. The celiac artery emerged between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra in 11 (36.7%) rabbits; at the level of the 13th thoracic vertebra in 6 (20%) rabbits; between the 13th thoracic vertebra and the 1st lumbar vertebra in 12 (40%) rabbits; and at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra in only one (3.3%) rabbit. The mean length of the celiac artery was 0.5cm. The celiac artery first branch was the lienal artery, the second branch was the left gastric artery and the hepatic artery arose from the left gastric artery in all the dissected rabbits. No relation was observed between the celiac artery length and the rostrum-sacral length in rabbits. The number of left gastric and lienal artery branches and the distribution of celiac artery origin are not gender dependent.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Abidu-Figueiredo M., Xavier-Silva B., Cardinot T.M., Babinski M.A. & Chagas M.A. 2008. Celiac artery in New Zealand rabbit: Anatomical study of its origin and arrangement for experimental research and surgical practice. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):237-240. Departamento de Anatomia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: marceloabidu@gmail.com
Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many diseases and for the study of toxicology, pharmacology and surgery in many universities. However, some aspects of their macro anatomy need a more detailed description, especially the abdominal and pelvic arterial vascular system, which has a huge variability in distribution and trajectory. Thirty cadaveric adult New Zealand rabbits, 13 male and 17 female, with an average weight and rostrum-sacral length of 2.5 kg and 40cm, respectively, were used. The thoracic aorta was cannulated and the vascular system was filled with stained latex S-65. The celiac artery and its proximal branches were dissected and lengthened in order to evidence origin and proximal ramifications. The celiac artery emerged between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra in 11 (36.7%) rabbits; at the level of the 13th thoracic vertebra in 6 (20%) rabbits; between the 13th thoracic vertebra and the 1st lumbar vertebra in 12 (40%) rabbits; and at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra in only one (3.3%) rabbit. The mean length of the celiac artery was 0.5cm. The celiac artery first branch was the lienal artery, the second branch was the left gastric artery and the hepatic artery arose from the left gastric artery in all the dissected rabbits. No relation was observed between the celiac artery length and the rostrum-sacral length in rabbits. The number of left gastric and lienal artery branches and the distribution of celiac artery origin are not gender dependent.