Resultado da pesquisa (8)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Oliveira A.P.

#1 - Evaluation of erythrocyte dysmorphism in dog urine

Abstract in English:

Glomerulopathy is an important cause of kidney disease in dogs. Diagnosis is based on anamnesis, clinical examination, and complementary tests and can be complex and costly depending on the stage of the disease. Morphological evaluation of erythrocytes observed during urinalysis is frequently conducted for humans, which may help identify kidney damage in animals with kidney disease – individuals with glomerular disease present with erythrocyte dysmorphism, particularly the presence of erythrocytes recognized as acanthocytes. Animal studies are limited, and their results are often contradictory. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the different populations of isomorphic and dysmorphic red blood cells (RBCs) present in the urine of dogs and to compare the bright-field and phase-contrast optical microscopy techniques in identifying morphological changes in RBCs during urinalysis. A total of 40 samples were selected from dogs with microscopic or macroscopic hematuria from routine care at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco Veterinary Hospital and were sent to the hospital’s Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory. Physical, chemical, and sediment examinations were conducted. Subsequently, RBCs were evaluated and differentiated using bright-field and phase-contrast microscopy. In dog urine samples, it was possible to identify all populations considered isomorphic and dysmorphic that are described in humans. Among those considered isomorphic, normal RBCs, annulocytes, and echinocytes were observed, whereas stomatocytes, acanthocytes, codocytes, ghost cells, knizocytes and cells with no defined names (other) were found among the dysmorphic forms. No significant difference was observed between the two microscopic techniques used to differentiate and classify erythrocytes. Therefore, it is possible to identify and differentiate the morphological alterations found in RBCs in dogs’ urine. Compared with a phase-contrast microscope, a conventional optical microscope can be used without any detrimental effects, thereby facilitating the use of this technique in the laboratory routine, as it is cost-effective. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the identification of erythrocyte dysmorphism as an early marker of glomerular lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As glomerulopatias são importantes causas de afecções renais em cães. Seu diagnóstico é baseado na anamnese, exame clínico e exames complementares e pode se tornar complexo e oneroso dependendo da fase da doença. Uma avaliação frequentemente utilizada na medicina humana e que pode auxiliar na localização da lesão renal em animais com doença renal é a avaliação morfológica dos eritrócitos observados na urinálise. Indivíduos com doença glomerular apresentam dismorfismo eritrocitário, especialmente com a presença de eritrócitos reconhecidos como acantócitos. Estudos em animais são escassos e seus resultados muitas vezes são contraditórios. Dessa forma, objetivou-se identificar as diferentes populações de hemácias isomórficas e dismórficas presentes na urina de cães e comparar as técnicas de microscopia óptica de campo claro e de contraste de fase na identificação de alterações morfológicas em hemácias durante a realização da urinálise. Foram selecionadas quarenta amostras de urina de cães com hematúria microscópica ou macroscópica, oriundas da rotina de atendimento do Hospital Veterinário da UFRPE e enviadas ao Laboratório de Patologia Clínica Veterinária desta instituição. As amostras passaram por exame físico, químico e do sedimento, sendo posteriormente as hemácias avaliadas e diferenciadas utilizando-se os métodos de microscopia de campo claro e de contraste de fase. Nas amostras de urina de cães, foi possível identificar todas as populações consideradas isomórficas e dismórficas já descritas em humanos. Dentre as consideradas isomórficas foram observadas hemácias normais, anulócitos e equinócitos e dentre as formas dismórficas foram encontradas estomatócitos, acantócitos, codócitos, células fantasmas, nizócitos e células ainda sem nomenclatura definida (outros). Não foi observada diferença significativa entre as duas técnicas microscópicas empregadas na diferenciação e classificação dos eritrócitos. Conclui-se que é possível identificar e diferenciar as alterações morfológicas encontradas nas hemácias de urinas de cães e que o uso de microscópio óptico tradicional convencional, quando comparado ao microscópio de contraste de fase, pode ser empregado sem grande prejuízo para o exame, facilitando a utilização dessa técnica na rotina laboratorial por ser um equipamento mais acessível. Outros estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do uso da identificação do dismorfismo eritrocitário como um marcador precoce de lesões glomerulares.

#2 - Establishment of an experimental model of small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries in New Zealand rabbits, 38(8):1664-1674

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira A.P.L., Rangel J.P.P., Riodades L.F.S., Almeida B.L., Mathias C.H.T., Conti L.M.C., Fiorio W.A.B. & Monteiro B.S. 2018. Establishment of an experimental model of small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries in New Zealand rabbits. [Estabelecimento de modelo experimental de indução da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão de intestino delgado em coelhos Nova Zelândia.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1664-1674. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brazil. E-mail: The present study aimed to establish a methodology capable to cause intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries, to perform clamping of the jejunal segment of the extramural peri-intestinal marginal artery branch. For this, 37, 10-week-old male New Zealand breed rabbits were used. One rabbit was used to establish the anatomic references for the procedure and was not part of the six experimental groups; the rest were allocated into six experimental groups: Sham group, negative control, subjected only to midline celiotomy; group I1H undergoing vascular occlusion for an hour; group I2H submitted to vascular occlusion for two hours; group I1H/R2H undergoing vascular occlusion for one hour followed by two hours of reperfusion; group I2H/R1H undergoing vascular occlusion for two hours, followed by reperfusion for one hour, and group I2H/R5H undergoing vascular occlusion for two hours followed by reperfusion for five hours. The rabbits were evaluated for the macroscopic aspects (color and peristalsis) of the jejunal segment, as well as the histological aspect, checking for presence or absence of mucosal destruction, edema, hemorrhaging, lymphatic vessel dilatation, and the presence of polymorphonuclear cells. It was observed that the macroscopic and histopathological lesions accentuated in larger employed ischemia and reperfusion times. Rabbits subjected to ischemia for two hours followed by reperfusion for five hours (I2H/R5H) made up the experimental group which was easily reproducible and showed moderate intestinal injury, different from the other groups.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Oliveira A.P.L., Rangel J.P.P., Riodades L.F.S., Almeida B.L., Mathias C.H.T., Conti L.M.C., Fiorio W.A.B. & Monteiro B.S. 2018. Establishment of an experimental model of small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injuries in New Zealand rabbits. [Estabelecimento de modelo experimental de indução da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão de intestino delgado em coelhos Nova Zelândia.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1664-1674. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brazil. E-mail: O presente estudo objetivou estabelecer uma metodologia capaz de causar lesões de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal, realizando clipagem de um ramo de artéria marginal peri-intestinal extramural em segmento jejunal. Para tal foram utilizados 37 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, machos, de 10 semanas de idade, alocados em seis grupos experimentais: grupo Sham, controle negativo, submetido apenas a celiotomia mediana; grupo I1H submetido à oclusão vascular por uma hora; grupo I2H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas; grupo I1H/R2H submetido a oclusão vascular por uma hora, seguida de reperfusão por duas horas; grupo I2H/R1H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas, seguida de reperfusão por uma hora e grupo I2H/R5H submetido a oclusão vascular por duas horas seguida de reperfusão por cincos horas. Os animais foram avaliados quanto o aspecto macroscópico (coloração e peristaltismo) do segmento jejunal e quanto ao aspecto histopatológico, verificando presença ou ausência de destruição de mucosa, edema, hemorragia, dilatação de vasos linfáticos e presença de polimorfonucleares. Observou-se que as lesões macroscópicas e histopatológicas se acentuaram nos maiores tempos de isquemia e reperfusão empregados. Os animais submetidos à isquemia durante duas horas, seguida de reperfusão por cinco horas (I2H/R5H) compuseram o grupo experimental de fácil reprodução e foram os que apresentaram uma lesão intestinal moderada, diferentes dos demais grupos.

#3 - Allogenic mesenchymal stem cell intravenous infusion in reparation of mild intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury in New Zealand rabbits

Abstract in English:

The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) infusion, derived from adipose tissue, on reduction of local and remote tissue damage caused by the event of experimental intestinal I/R in New Zealand breed rabbits. For obtaining, characterization, and cultivation of MSC derived from adipose tissue (MSC-Adp), 3 juvenile animals (four months old) were used. The cells were considered to be viable for therapy after the fourth passage (in vitro phase). For the in vivo stage, 24 young adult animals (six months old) were used, weighing approximately 3.5 kg, in which were randomly divided into two groups, called: IR treated with MSC (I2H/R5H MSC 3D; I2H/R5H MSC 7D); IR treated with PBS (I2H/R5H PBS 3D; I2H/R5H PBS 7D). The animals were anesthetized and submitted to pre-retro-umbilical midline celiotomy. The extramural peri-intestinal marginal artery was located and clamped (predetermined and standardized region) with the aid of a vascular clip, promoting a 2 hour blood flow interruption. After this period, blood flow was reestablished, inhalatory anesthesia was suspended, and the animals awaken. After 5 hours of reperfusion, the treatments were performed by intravenous infusion according to the experimental groups. The animals were evaluated 72 hours and seven days after the treatment as for the macroscopic appearance (color and peristaltism) of the jejunal segment, and by histological evaluation of the ischemic segment for the presence or absence of destruction of the intestinal mucosa, edema, bleeding, dilation of lymph vessels, and presence of polymorphonuclear inflammatory cells, both in the mucosa and submucosa. The observed results revealed that the groups treated with MSC-Adp obtained smaller mucosal and submucosal lesions when compared to the groups treated with PBS. Also, MSC-Adp treated groups obtained controlled inflammatory response and higher mitotic rate, outcomes related to the therapeutic potential of MSC. Infusion of stem cells attenuated the lesions caused by intestinal I/R in both MSC groups when compared to the group treated with PBS.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a eficácia da infusão células tronco mesenquimais (CTM) derivada de tecido adiposo sobre diminuição das lesões teciduais locais e remotas, causadas pelo evento de I/R intestinal experimental, em coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia. Para obtenção, cultivo e caracterização das CTM provenientes de tecido adiposo (ADCTM) foram utilizados 3 animais jovens. As células foram consideradas viáveis para terapia a partir da quarta passagem (fase in vitro). Para etapa in vivo foram utilizados 24 animais, adulto-jovens, pesando aproximadamente 3,5kg, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais, denominados IR Tratado com CTM (I2H/R5H CTM 3D; I2H/R5H CTM 7D); IR Tratado PBS (I2H/R5H PBS 3D; I2H/R5H PBS 7D). Os animais foram anestesiados e submetidos à celiotomia mediana pré-retroumbilical. A artéria marginal peri-intestinal extramural foi localizada e clampeada (região predeterminada e padronizada) com auxílio de um clipe vascular, promovendo uma interrupção do fluxo sanguíneo durante 2 horas. Após esse período, o fluxo sanguíneo foi restabelecido, a anestesia inalatória suspendida e os animais despertados. Após 5 horas de reperfusão realizou-se os tratamentos por infusão endovenosa, conforme grupos experimentais. Os animais foram avaliados 72 horas e sete dias após o tratamento quanto ao aspecto macroscópico (coloração e peristaltismo) do segmento jejunal e por meio de avaliação histológica do segmento isquemiado quanto à presença ou ausência de destruição de mucosa intestinal, edema, hemorragia, dilatação de vasos linfáticos e presença de células inflamatórias polimorfornucleares, tanto em mucosa quanto submucosa. Os resultados observados revelaram que os grupos tratados com ADCTM obtiveram menores lesões em mucosa e submucosa quando comprados aos grupos tratados com PBS. Ainda os grupos tratados com ADCTM obtiveram resposta inflamatória controlada e maior taxa mitótica, resultados relacionados ao potencial terapêutico das CTM.

#4 - Spatial relationship between the distal phalanx and the hoof capsule in young Campolina mares with and without obesity, 37(9):1025-1031

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Magalhães J.F., Lima L.R., Paz C.F.R., Rocha Junior S.S., Oliveira A.P.L., Duarte P.C., Lago L.A. & Faleiros R.R. 2017. [Spatial relationship between the distal phalanx and the hoof capsule in young Campolina mares with and without obesity.] Relação espacial entre a falange distal e o estojo córneo em éguas Campolinas jovens com e sem sinais de obesidade. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(9):1025-1031. Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: Previous studies have demonstrated radiographic changes in the hoof of obese horses. The objective was to study through radiographic evaluation the spatial relationship between the hoof capsule and the distal phalanx of Campolina mares with and without obesity. Twenty-two Campolina mares 3 to 5 years old were used. We analyzed adiposity variables and radiographic measurements of the hoof of both forelimbs of mares with body condition score from 5 to 7/9 (Control group) and from 8 to 9 (Obese group). Comparisons were made between groups using the Student t test for parametric variables and the Mann-Whitney test for the nonparametric ones. Pearson or Spearman tests were used to evaluate the correlation among parametric and nonparametric variables respectively (P<0.05). Evidences of changes in the spatial relationship between the hoof capsule and the distal phalanx were observed in obese Campolina young mares.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Magalhães J.F., Lima L.R., Paz C.F.R., Rocha Junior S.S., Oliveira A.P.L., Duarte P.C., Lago L.A. & Faleiros R.R. 2017. [Spatial relationship between the distal phalanx and the hoof capsule in young Campolina mares with and without obesity.] Relação espacial entre a falange distal e o estojo córneo em éguas Campolinas jovens com e sem sinais de obesidade. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(9):1025-1031. Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: Estudos prévios têm demonstrado alterações radiográficas em cascos de equinos obesos. Os objetivos foram estudar, com avaliação radiográfica, a relação espacial entre estojo córneo e falange distal de éguas jovens da raça Campolina com e sem obesidade. Foram utilizadas 22 éguas entre três e cinco anos de idade, sendo analisadas varáveis de adiposidade e medidas radiográficas dos cascos dos membros torácicos de éguas com escore corporal de 5 a 7/9 (Grupo Controle) e de 8 a 9 (Grupo Obeso). Foram feitas comparações entre os grupos e correlacionaram-se as variáveis de adiposidade entre si, variáveis adiposidade com variáveis casco e variáveis de casco entre si. Utilizou-se o teste t de Student para variáveis paramétricas e o teste Mann-Whitney para as não-paramétricas, para as medidas de correlação, utilizou o teste de Pearson para duas amostras paramétricas e o teste de Spearman para comparações que envolvam pelo menos uma variável não paramétrica (P<0,05). Os resultados demonstraram que éguas Campolinas obesas, ainda jovens, já apresentam indícios de alteração na relação espacial entre estojo córneo e falange distal.

#5 - Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine, p.545-551

Abstract in English:

Abstract.- Silva A.D., Esteves P.A., Dezen D., Oliveira A.P., Spilki F.R., Campos F.S., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):545-551. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of economic losses in cattle. Vaccination has been widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections. We have previously reported the development of a differential BoHV-1 vaccine, based on a recombinant glycoprotein E (gE)-deleted virus (265gE-). In present paper the efficacy of such recombinant was evaluated as an inactivated vaccine. Five BoHV-1 seronegative calves were vaccinated intramuscularly on day 0 and boostered 30 days later with an inactivated, oil adjuvanted vaccine containing an antigenic mass equivalent to 107.0 fifty per cent cell culture infectious doses (CCID50) of 265gE-. Three calves were kept as non vaccinated controls. On day 60 post vaccination both vaccinated and controls were challenged with the virulent parental strain. No clinical signs or adverse effects were seen after or during vaccination. After challenge, 2/5 vaccinated calves showed mild clinical signs of infection, whereas all non vaccinated controls displayed intense rhinotracheitis and shed virus for longer and to higher titres than vaccinated calves. Serological responses were detected in all vaccinated animals after the second dose of vaccine, but not on control calves. Following corticosteroid administration in attempting to induce reactivation of the latent infection, no clinical signs were observed in vaccinated calves, whereas non vaccinated controls showed clinical signs of respiratory disease. In view of its immunogenicity and protective effect upon challenge with a virulent BoHV-1, the oil adjuvanted preparation with the inactivated 265gE- recombinant was shown to be suitable for use as a vaccine.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Abstract.- Silva A.D., Esteves P.A., Dezen D., Oliveira A.P., Spilki F.R., Campos F.S., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):545-551. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of economic losses in cattle. Vaccination has been widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections. We have previously reported the development of a differential BoHV-1 vaccine, based on a recombinant glycoprotein E (gE)-deleted virus (265gE-). In present paper the efficacy of such recombinant was evaluated as an inactivated vaccine. Five BoHV-1 seronegative calves were vaccinated intramuscularly on day 0 and boostered 30 days later with an inactivated, oil adjuvanted vaccine containing an antigenic mass equivalent to 107.0 fifty per cent cell culture infectious doses (CCID50) of 265gE-. Three calves were kept as non vaccinated controls. On day 60 post vaccination both vaccinated and controls were challenged with the virulent parental strain. No clinical signs or adverse effects were seen after or during vaccination. After challenge, 2/5 vaccinated calves showed mild clinical signs of infection, whereas all non vaccinated controls displayed intense rhinotracheitis and shed virus for longer and to higher titres than vaccinated calves. Serological responses were detected in all vaccinated animals after the second dose of vaccine, but not on control calves. Following corticosteroid administration in attempting to induce reactivation of the latent infection, no clinical signs were observed in vaccinated calves, whereas non vaccinated controls showed clinical signs of respiratory disease. In view of its immunogenicity and protective effect upon challenge with a virulent BoHV-1, the oil adjuvanted preparation with the inactivated 265gE- recombinant was shown to be suitable for use as a vaccine.

#6 - Mannheimiose pulmonar experimental em bezerros: swab nasal e nasofaringeano como auxílio diagnóstico, p.83-88

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Coutinho A.S., Oliveira Filho J.P., Silva D.P.G.S., Oliveira A.P., Marcondes J.S., Chiacchio S.B., Paes A.C., Amorim R.M. & Gonçalves R.C. 2009. [Experimental pneumonic mannheimiosis in calves: Nasal and nasopharingeal swabs for diagnostic.] Mannheimiose pulmonar experimental em bezerros: swab nasal e nasofaringeano como auxílio diagnóstico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):83-88. Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubião Júnior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618000, Brazil. E-mail: An experimental model of bovine pneumonic mannheimiosis (BPM) was used to evaluate the nasal and nasopharynx bacterial species of calves during the course of the disease and for checking the diagnostic efficiency of nasal swab (NS) and nasopharingeal swab (NPS) microbiological exams. A total of 28 calves were randomized into four experimental groups (G1-G4). NS and NPS were obtained 7 days before and 12 (G1), 24 (G2), 48 (G3) e 72 (G4) hours after intrabronchial inoculation of Mannheimia haemolytica. After the induction of BPM, M. haemolytica biotype A was the predominant isolated bacterium in NS and NPS in all evaluated sampling times, except for one NS (harvested 24 hours). There were no significant statistical differences for the rates of Pasteurella multocida isolation in NS and NPS, harvested before and after the induction of BPM. However, this bacterium was isolated more frequently after the induction of BPM, mainly in NPS. Therefore, the microbiological NS and NPS exams were important auxiliary tests for diagnosing BPM.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Coutinho A.S., Oliveira Filho J.P., Silva D.P.G.S., Oliveira A.P., Marcondes J.S., Chiacchio S.B., Paes A.C., Amorim R.M. & Gonçalves R.C. 2009. [Experimental pneumonic mannheimiosis in calves: Nasal and nasopharingeal swabs for diagnostic.] Mannheimiose pulmonar experimental em bezerros: swab nasal e nasofaringeano como auxílio diagnóstico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):83-88. Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubião Júnior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618000, Brazil. E-mail: An experimental model of bovine pneumonic mannheimiosis (BPM) was used to evaluate the nasal and nasopharynx bacterial species of calves during the course of the disease and for checking the diagnostic efficiency of nasal swab (NS) and nasopharingeal swab (NPS) microbiological exams. A total of 28 calves were randomized into four experimental groups (G1-G4). NS and NPS were obtained 7 days before and 12 (G1), 24 (G2), 48 (G3) e 72 (G4) hours after intrabronchial inoculation of Mannheimia haemolytica. After the induction of BPM, M. haemolytica biotype A was the predominant isolated bacterium in NS and NPS in all evaluated sampling times, except for one NS (harvested 24 hours). There were no significant statistical differences for the rates of Pasteurella multocida isolation in NS and NPS, harvested before and after the induction of BPM. However, this bacterium was isolated more frequently after the induction of BPM, mainly in NPS. Therefore, the microbiological NS and NPS exams were important auxiliary tests for diagnosing BPM.

#7 - Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine, p.54-58

Abstract in English:

Spilki F.R., Silva A.D., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P., Winkelmann E., Franco A.C., Porciúncula J.A. & Roehe P.M. 2005. Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):54-58. Instituto de Pesquisa Veterinária Desidério Finamor, Fepagro-Saúde Animal, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of respiratory, reproductive disease and abortion in cattle. Vaccination is widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections; however, vaccination of dams during pregnancy with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has been occasionally associated to abortions. We have previously reported the development of a BoHV-1 recombinant virus, constructed with basis on a Brazilian BoHV-1 (Franco et al. 2002a) from which the gene coding for glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted (gE-) by genetic manipulation. Such recombinant has been previously evaluated in its potential as a differential vaccine (gE- vaccine) that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals. Here, in the first part of the present study, the safety of the gE- vaccine during pregnancy was evaluated by the intramuscular inoculation of 107.4 tissue culture 50 % infective doses (TCID50) of the virus into 22 pregnant dams (14 BoHV-1 seronegative; 8 seropositive), at different stages of gestation. Other 15 pregnant dams were kept as non-vaccinated controls. No abortions, stillbirths or fetal abnormalities were seen after vaccination. Seroconversion was observed in both groups of previously seronegative vaccinated animals. In the second part of the study, the potential of the gE- vaccine virus to spread among beef cattle under field conditions was examined. Four heifers were inoculated intranasally with a larger amount (107,6 TCID50) of the gE- vaccine (to increase chances of transmission) and mixed with other sixteen animals at the same age and body condition, in the same grazing area, at a population density equal to the average cattle farming density within the region (one cattle head per 10,000 m2), for 180 days. All animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Serum samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 180 post-vaccination. Seroconversion was observed only in vaccinated heifers. These results indicate that, under the conditions of the present study, the gE- vaccine virus did not cause any noticeable harmful effect on pregnant dams and on its offspring and did not spread horizontally among cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Spilki F.R., Silva A.D., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P., Winkelmann E., Franco A.C., Porciúncula J.A. & Roehe P.M. 2005. Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):54-58. Instituto de Pesquisa Veterinária Desidério Finamor, Fepagro-Saúde Animal, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of respiratory, reproductive disease and abortion in cattle. Vaccination is widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections; however, vaccination of dams during pregnancy with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has been occasionally associated to abortions. We have previously reported the development of a BoHV-1 recombinant virus, constructed with basis on a Brazilian BoHV-1 (Franco et al. 2002a) from which the gene coding for glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted (gE-) by genetic manipulation. Such recombinant has been previously evaluated in its potential as a differential vaccine (gE- vaccine) that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals. Here, in the first part of the present study, the safety of the gE- vaccine during pregnancy was evaluated by the intramuscular inoculation of 107.4 tissue culture 50 % infective doses (TCID50) of the virus into 22 pregnant dams (14 BoHV-1 seronegative; 8 seropositive), at different stages of gestation. Other 15 pregnant dams were kept as non-vaccinated controls. No abortions, stillbirths or fetal abnormalities were seen after vaccination. Seroconversion was observed in both groups of previously seronegative vaccinated animals. In the second part of the study, the potential of the gE- vaccine virus to spread among beef cattle under field conditions was examined. Four heifers were inoculated intranasally with a larger amount (107,6 TCID50) of the gE- vaccine (to increase chances of transmission) and mixed with other sixteen animals at the same age and body condition, in the same grazing area, at a population density equal to the average cattle farming density within the region (one cattle head per 10,000 m2), for 180 days. All animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Serum samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 180 post-vaccination. Seroconversion was observed only in vaccinated heifers. These results indicate that, under the conditions of the present study, the gE- vaccine virus did not cause any noticeable harmful effect on pregnant dams and on its offspring and did not spread horizontally among cattle.

#8 - Caracterização antigênica e molecular de oito amostras do virus da doença de Aujeszky isoladas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul em 2003, p.21-24

Abstract in English:

D'Ávila da Silva A., Sortica V.A., Braga A.C., Spilki F.R., Franco A.C., Esteves P.A., Rijsewijk F., Rosa J.C.A., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P. & Roehe P.M. 2005. [Antigenic and molecular characterization of eight samples of Aujeszky’s disease virus isolated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2003.] Caracterização antigênica e molecular de oito amostras do virus da doença de Aujeszky isoladas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul em 2003. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):21-24. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor (IPVDF), Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Pseudorabies or Aujeszky’s disease (AD), caused by pseudorabies virus (PRV) is a major concern in swine production. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, AD was only detected in 1954, in cattle. In 2003 two outbreaks of encephalitis occurred on the northern region of the state, close to the border with the state of Santa Catarina. Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was isolated from distinct farms within the region and subjected to antigenic and genomic analyses. These isolates were compared with prototype strains NIA-3 and NP. Antigenic characterization with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) directed to viral glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD and gE,) was performed by an imunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA) on infected cell monolayers. Genomic characterization was carried out by restriction enzyme analysis (REA) of the whole DNA viral genome with Bam HI. The antigenic profile of the eight isolates from Rio Grande do Sul as well as strains NIA-3 and NP were similar. REA analysis revealed that all isolates from Rio Grande do Sul displayed a genomic type II arrangement, a genotype often found in other outbreaks of AD previously reported in other Brazilian states. The results obtained suggest that the eight isolates examined here were similar.

Abstract in Portuguese:

D'Ávila da Silva A., Sortica V.A., Braga A.C., Spilki F.R., Franco A.C., Esteves P.A., Rijsewijk F., Rosa J.C.A., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P. & Roehe P.M. 2005. [Antigenic and molecular characterization of eight samples of Aujeszky’s disease virus isolated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2003.] Caracterização antigênica e molecular de oito amostras do virus da doença de Aujeszky isoladas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul em 2003. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):21-24. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor (IPVDF), Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Pseudorabies or Aujeszky’s disease (AD), caused by pseudorabies virus (PRV) is a major concern in swine production. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, AD was only detected in 1954, in cattle. In 2003 two outbreaks of encephalitis occurred on the northern region of the state, close to the border with the state of Santa Catarina. Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was isolated from distinct farms within the region and subjected to antigenic and genomic analyses. These isolates were compared with prototype strains NIA-3 and NP. Antigenic characterization with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) directed to viral glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD and gE,) was performed by an imunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA) on infected cell monolayers. Genomic characterization was carried out by restriction enzyme analysis (REA) of the whole DNA viral genome with Bam HI. The antigenic profile of the eight isolates from Rio Grande do Sul as well as strains NIA-3 and NP were similar. REA analysis revealed that all isolates from Rio Grande do Sul displayed a genomic type II arrangement, a genotype often found in other outbreaks of AD previously reported in other Brazilian states. The results obtained suggest that the eight isolates examined here were similar.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV