Abstract in English:
Isoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an immune-mediated disease that causes severe hemorrhagic lesions and high mortality in piglets. The disease can occur early in newborn piglets (EITP) or late in 2- to 3-week old piglets (LITP). In this study, we analysed the clinical, pathological, and hematological aspects of 391 ITP cases (312 with EITP and 79 with LITP). In LIPT cases, morbidity and mortality rates were higher, with rates of 60% (morbidity) and 53% (mortality). The main clinicopathological findings in ITP cases were different patterns of hemorrhages organs and tissues. In EITP, clinical signs were characterized by extensive subcutaneous hemorrhages and death occurred within a few days; however, in LITP, often sudden death occurred. In macroscopic analysis, hemorrhagic diathesis was observed in all affected animals. In EITP, the most severe hemorrhagic lesions were integumentary, mainly in the dermis and epidermis. In LITP, visceral lesions were predominant, mainly in the epicardium and intestines. Microscopic bone marrow analysis revealed mild cellular hyperplasia in EITP and bone marrow aplasia in LITP. hematological analyses revealed leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia in all ITP-affected animals. However, fostering by a different sow was only efficient in controlling EITP and had little effect in LITP-symptomatic piglets, due to more severe lesions. Further studies on the etiopathogenesis of LITP are required to improve our understanding of this disease form.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Púrpura trombocitopênica isoimune (PTI) é uma doença imunomediada que causa lesões hemorrágicas graves e alta mortalidade em leitões, que pode se apresentar através de uma forma precoce em leitões neonatos (PTIP) ou uma forma tardia em leitões com duas a três semanas de idade (PTIT). Neste trabalho analisamos aspectos clínicos, hematológicos e histopatológicos de 391 casos de PTI, sendo 312 de PTIP e 79 de PTIT. Observou-se maiores morbidade (60%) e mortalidade (53%) na PTIT. Os principais achados clínico-patológicos observado na PTI são hemorragias em diferentes graus de intensidade e nos diferentes órgãos e tecidos. Na PTIP observou-se predominantemente hemorragias subcutâneas extensas e morte em alguns dias, já na PTIT, observou-se além de grave hemorragia, morte súbita. Na análise macroscópica, observou-se diátese hemorrágica em todos os animais afetados. Na PTIP as lesões hemorrágicas mais graves foram tegumentares, principalmente em derme e epiderme, enquanto, na forma tardia, observou-se lesões predominantemente viscerais, em epicárdico e intestino. A análise microscópica de medula óssea revelou discreta hiperplasia celular na forma PTIP, enquanto, na PTIT observou-se aplasia medular. Na análise hematológica observou-se leucopenia, trombocitopenia e anemia em todos os animais com PTI. Os achados clínicos, histopatológicos e hematológicos para PTIP e PTIT da doença permitiram o diagnóstico de PTI. Entretanto, a troca de mãe se mostrou eficiente apenas para controle PTIP, uma vez que, esta estratégia apresenta pouco resultado para leitões sintomáticos com a PTIT, devido lesões mais severas. Estudos sobre a etiopatogênese da PTIT ainda são necessários para melhor entendimento desta forma da doença.
Abstract in English:
This study aimed to assess liver damage and interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) blood expression as a consequence of embryonic signaling on maternal recognition of pregnancy in beef cattle presenting natural ingestion of Senecio spp. Epidemiological aspects, as the presence of the plant, associated to gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity can be used as Senecio spp. poisoning diagnosis. Maternal recognition of pregnancy period occurs when the embryo secretes interferon tau (IFNT) to signal its presence to the mother and eventually extend corpus luteum (CL) lifespan. In our study, liver damage was determined by concentration serum GGT, cytological and histopathological examinations. Reproductive status was evaluated by concentration of progesterone, CL diameter and ISG15 mRNA expression on Day 19 following fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Cows were categorized into two groups based on concentration of GGT: Group 1 (GGT<30U/L) and 2 (GGT>31U/L). No difference on body condition scores was observed. All the cows presented liver damage based on cytology and histopathological exams. Cows from the Group 1 had higher pregnancy rate, presenting larger CL diameter and greater concentration of progesterone. Interestingly, ISG15 mRNA expression had no difference between Groups 1 and 2, even presenting difference in pregnancy status. These findings suggest embryonic loss beyond Day 19. It suggests late embryonic mortality may be associated to liver insufficiency. In conclusion, liver injury and/or concentration of GGT does not alter ISG15 expression on blood neutrophils, however cows presenting lower concentration of GGT (<30U/L) had increased pregnancy status. Therefore, the concentration of GGT allow us to screen liver status and foresee a successful pregnancy in beef cattle.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a lesão hepática e a expressão sanguínea do gene estimulado por interferon 15 (ISG15) durante a sinalização embrionária, no reconhecimento materno da gestação, em bovinos de corte apresentando ingestão natural de Senecio spp. Fatores epidemiológicos, como a presença da planta, associados à atividade da gama glutamil transferase (GGT) podem ser utilizados como diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio spp. O reconhecimento materno da gestação ocorre quando o embrião secreta interferon tau (IFNT) para sinalizar sua presença à mãe. Em nosso estudo, a lesão hepática foi determinada pela concentração sérica de GGT, pelos exames citológicos e histopatológicos. O estado reprodutivo foi avaliado pela concentração de progesterona, diâmetro de corpo lúteo (CL) e expressão de mRNA ISG15 no Dia 19 após a inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). As vacas foram separadas em dois grupos com base na concentração de GGT sanguíneo: Grupo 1 (GGT<30U/L) e Grupo 2 (GGT>31U/L). Não foi observada nenhuma diferença no escore de condição corporal entre os grupos. Na citologia e nos exames histopatológicos todas as vacas apresentaram lesão hepática. As vacas do Grupo 1 apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez, maior diâmetro do CL e maior concentração de progesterona. Diferente do esperado, a expressão do mRNA ISG15 não foi diferente entre os Grupos 1 e 2, mesmo apresentando diferença na taxa de prenhez. Esses achados sugerem perda embrionária após o Ddia 19. Isso demonstra que a mortalidade embrionária tardia pode estar associada à insuficiência hepática. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a lesão hepática e/ou concentração de GGT não altera a expressão de ISG15 nos neutrófilos sanguíneos, porém vacas com menor concentração de GGT (<30U/L) apresentaram maiores taxas de prenhez. Assim, a concentração de GGT nos permite avaliar a saúde hepática e prever uma gestação bem-sucedida em bovinos de corte.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Sousa M.G., Lima A.B.G., Araújo C.R.A., Silva V.B.C., Ramos A.T., Machado G.F., Melo G.D. & Carareto R. 2016. Blood pressure and renal injury in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(9):857-863. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Cabral, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: marlos98@ufpr.br
Systemic hypertension is known to be a common consequence of chronic renal disease, which is frequently diagnosed in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis. Although many veterinary investigations have looked at the renal injury caused by Leishmania spp., the role played by this complication in the development of arterial hypertension documented in some animals with visceral leishmaniasis is not completely understood. In this study, 18 adult dogs with naturally-occurring visceral leishmaniasis and varying clinical signs underwent an indirect blood pressure measurement. Also, sera and spot urine were used for laboratory tests. The median systolic blood pressure was 135.2mmHg (95% confidence interval: 128.5-147.7), median mean arterial pressure was 105.8mmHg (98.3-110.4), and median diastolic arterial pressure was 88.5mmHg (77.8-92.5). No differences existed between asymptomatic and symptomatic animals regarding arterial pressure, and no correlations were documented between blood pressure and serum creatinine, blood urea, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio, urine specific gravity, and the fractional excretion of sodium and potassium. Although an association between hypertension and the identification of inflammation on histopathology could not be demonstrated in hypertensive animals, the assessment of kidney samples from 12 dogs indicated mild inflammation with a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (6/12), moderate inflammation with multifocal lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic infiltrates (3/12), and multifocal degeneration and protein casts (2/12). Anti-Leishmania spp. immunohistochemistry assays stained the renal epithelium in 2/12 of the animals. Even though mild systemic hypertension was documented in a small subset of animals, no relationship between the severity of clinical signs and hypertension could be anticipated.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Sousa M.G., Lima A.B.G., Araújo C.R.A., Silva V.B.C., Ramos A.T., Machado G.F., Melo G.D. & Carareto R. 2016. Blood pressure and renal injury in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis. [Pressão sanguínea e lesão renal em cães com leishmaniose visceral.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(9):857-863. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Cabral, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: marlos98@ufpr.br
A hipertensão sistêmica é reconhecida como uma consequência comum da doença renal crônica, cujo diagnóstico é frequente em cães com leishmaniose visceral. Embora muitas pesquisas veterinárias tenham investigado a lesão renal causada pela Leishmania spp., o papel dessa complicação no desenvolvimento da hipertensão arterial documentada em alguns animais com leishmaniose visceral ainda não é completamente compreendido. Neste estudo, 18 cães adultos com diagnóstico de leishmaniose visceral e sinais clínicos variáveis foram submetidos à avaliação indireta da pressão arterial. Além disso, foram coletados soro e urina para análises laboratoriais. As medianas das pressões arteriais sistólica, média e diastólica foram 135,2mmHg (intervalo de confiança de 95%: 128,5-147,7), 105,8mmHg (98,3-110,4) e 88,5mmHg (77,8-92,5), respectivamente. Não foram constatadas diferenças entre os cães assintomáticos e sintomáticos em relação à pressão arterial, assim como não houve correlação entre a pressão arterial e a creatinina e uréia séricas, relação proteína-creatinina urinária, densidade urinária e excreção fracionada de sódio e potássio. Embora não tenha sido evidenciada associação entre hipertensão arterial e inflamação do tecido renal à histopatologia, a avaliação das amostras oriundas de 12 cães indicou inflamação leve, com infiltrado linfoplasmocitário (6/12), inflamação moderada com infiltrados linfoplasmocitário e histiocítico multifocais (3/12), além de degeneração multifocal e cilindros protéicos (2/12). Ensaios imunoistoquímicos anti-Leishmania spp. marcaram o epitélio renal em 2/12 animais. Apesar de hipertensão leve ter sido documentada em uma pequena parcela dos cães estudados, não se evidenciou relação entre a severidade dos sinais clínicos e o desenvolvimento de hipertensão arterial.
Abstract in English:
García y Santos M.C., Schild A.L., Barros S.S., Riet-Correa F., Elias F. & Ramos A.T. 2004. [Perinatal lesions in cattle experimentally poisoned by Ateleia glazioviana (Leg. Papilionoideae).] Lesões perinatais em bovinos na intoxicação experimental por Ateleia glazio-viana (Leg.Papilionoideae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):178-184. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Cx.Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: alschild@terra.com.br
Leaves of Ateleia glaziovian Baill., dried in a 100o C oven for 16-20 hours, were given to seven crossbred cows, always as bolus. Two of them received 9 g/kg at 4 months of pregnancy. Three cows in the 8th month of pregnancy received daily doses of 1-2 g/kg of the leaves, until a total amount of 10, 21 and 28 g/kg/bw was reached. Two 8-month-pregnant cows were fed 15.5 and 18 g/kg of the dried leaves. Two 4-month-pregnant cows were fed 35 g/kg of green leaves of A. glazioviana. The cow treated with 21 g/kg of the dry plant material showed clinical signs of poisoning and delivered a stillborn calf. No clinical signs were observed in the other cows. The calves from cows that received 9, 15.5 and 28 g/kg of the dried leaves showed weakness and suckling difficulties, and were killed. Whitish areas and thickening of the right ventricle wall of the heart were observed in the stillborn calf. Thickening of the wall of the right ventricle was also observed in the calf delivered by the cow treated with 28g/kg of dry plant. The other calves had no gross lesions. The histological changes in all necropsied calves were characterized by tumefaction and vacuolization of muscle fibers and proliferation of fibrous tissue, similar as occurred in spontaneous cases of fibrosis of the heart muscle in cattle poisoned by A. glazioviana. PAS stained slides revealed positive granules in the cardiomyocytes more evident than those of the control calf. The stillborn calf had mild spongiosis of the white matter of the cerebellum, thalamus and rostral colliculi. The ultrastructural pathology revealed cardiac fibers with large glycogen storage within myofibril bundles, which showed loss of bundles and disappearance of whole sarcomers. Mild glycogen storage was observed in a control calf.
Abstract in Portuguese:
García y Santos M.C., Schild A.L., Barros S.S., Riet-Correa F., Elias F. & Ramos A.T. 2004. [Perinatal lesions in cattle experimentally poisoned by Ateleia glazioviana (Leg. Papilionoideae).] Lesões perinatais em bovinos na intoxicação experimental por Ateleia glazio-viana (Leg.Papilionoideae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):178-184. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Cx.Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: alschild@terra.com.br
Leaves of Ateleia glaziovian Baill., dried in a 100o C oven for 16-20 hours, were given to seven crossbred cows, always as bolus. Two of them received 9 g/kg at 4 months of pregnancy. Three cows in the 8th month of pregnancy received daily doses of 1-2 g/kg of the leaves, until a total amount of 10, 21 and 28 g/kg/bw was reached. Two 8-month-pregnant cows were fed 15.5 and 18 g/kg of the dried leaves. Two 4-month-pregnant cows were fed 35 g/kg of green leaves of A. glazioviana. The cow treated with 21 g/kg of the dry plant material showed clinical signs of poisoning and delivered a stillborn calf. No clinical signs were observed in the other cows. The calves from cows that received 9, 15.5 and 28 g/kg of the dried leaves showed weakness and suckling difficulties, and were killed. Whitish areas and thickening of the right ventricle wall of the heart were observed in the stillborn calf. Thickening of the wall of the right ventricle was also observed in the calf delivered by the cow treated with 28g/kg of dry plant. The other calves had no gross lesions. The histological changes in all necropsied calves were characterized by tumefaction and vacuolization of muscle fibers and proliferation of fibrous tissue, similar as occurred in spontaneous cases of fibrosis of the heart muscle in cattle poisoned by A. glazioviana. PAS stained slides revealed positive granules in the cardiomyocytes more evident than those of the control calf. The stillborn calf had mild spongiosis of the white matter of the cerebellum, thalamus and rostral colliculi. The ultrastructural pathology revealed cardiac fibers with large glycogen storage within myofibril bundles, which showed loss of bundles and disappearance of whole sarcomers. Mild glycogen storage was observed in a control calf.