Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Muramoto C., Sterman F.A., Hagen S.C.F., Fonseca-Pinto A.C.B.C., Oliveira C.M., Faustino M., Talib M.S.F. & Torres L.N. 2011. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of lymph nodes for metastasis research of canine mammary tumor.] Avaliação ultrassonográfica de linfonodos na pesquisa de metástases de neoplasia mamária em cadelas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):1006-1013. Setor de Diagnóstico por Imagem, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Instituto de Saúde e Produção Animal, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves 2501, Belém, PA 66077-530, Brazil. E-mail: cmuramoto@gmail.com
Evaluation of lymph nodes is part of the staging of the mammary tumors and helps to establish a prognosis and therapy. B-mode ultrasonography was used to evaluate size, edge, nodal borders, shape, architecture, echotexture and echogenicity of lymph nodes and Doppler ultrasonography to evaluate the quantity and distribution of the vessels. The aims of this work were to identify which ultrasound features can be used to classify a lymph node as metastatic or non-metastatic; to establish its accuracy as a useful tool to this differentiation, and to establish procedures that permit the reproducibility of the results. Sixty seven lymph nodes of 30 female dogs with mammary tumors were examined by ultrasound and classified as metastatic or non-metastatic. The ultrasonographic diagnostic impression was confronted with the histopathologic results. The ultrasonographic classification of the lymph nodes was correct in 92.5% of the cases, with sensibility of 94.1%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value of 0.8, and negative predictive value of 0.9787.The characteristics of the nodes to classify them as metastatic or non metastatic were registered. Ultrasound imaging of regional lymph nodes is important to detect metastases and it is suggested that it becomes a regular procedure in the staging of canine mammary tumors.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Muramoto C., Sterman F.A., Hagen S.C.F., Fonseca-Pinto A.C.B.C., Oliveira C.M., Faustino M., Talib M.S.F. & Torres L.N. 2011. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of lymph nodes for metastasis research of canine mammary tumor.] Avaliação ultrassonográfica de linfonodos na pesquisa de metástases de neoplasia mamária em cadelas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):1006-1013. Setor de Diagnóstico por Imagem, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Instituto de Saúde e Produção Animal, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves 2501, Belém, PA 66077-530, Brazil. E-mail: cmuramoto@gmail.com
A avaliação de linfonodo, parte importante do estadiamento das neoplasias mamárias em cadelas, pode auxiliar no estabelecimento do prognóstico e na escolha da conduta terapêutica. A ultrassonografia em modo B possibilita avaliação de tamanho, contorno, borda, forma, arquitetura, ecotextura e ecogenicidade do parênquima dos linfonodos e, em modo Doppler, da quantidade e distribuição dos seus vasos internos. Este trabalho visou identificar as características ultrassonográficas mais importantes utilizadas para classificar os linfonodos em metastáticos e não-metastáticos, estabelecer elementos de confiabilidade do ultrassom como ferramenta para diferenciar linfonodos metastáticos de não-metastáticos e estabelecer procedimentos de reprodução deste exame. Foram examinados 67 linfonodos inguinais superficiais de 30 cadelas com tumor mamário e cada linfonodo foi classificado como metastático ou não-metastático. A impressão diagnóstica ultrassonográfica foi associada aos resultados do exame histopatológico dos linfonodos obtendo-se taxa de concordância de 92,5%, índice de sensibilidade de 94,1%, índice de especificidade de 92%, valor preditivo positivo de 0,8 e valor preditivo negativo de 0,9787. Características ultrassonográficas que classificaram um linfonodo como metastático ou como não-metastático foram listadas. O exame ultrassonográfico dos linfonodos regionais constitui importante ferramenta na detecção de metástase e sugere-se incluí-lo como rotina do estadiamento de neoplasias mamárias em cadelas.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Hage M.C.F.N.S., Iwasaki M., Rabbani S.R., Kamikawa L., Cervantes H.J.R., Bombonato P.P., Sterman F.A. & Otaduy M.C.G. 2010. [Magnetic resonance imaging in the investigation of canine heads.] Imagem por ressonância magnética na investigação da cabeça de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):593-604. Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. P.H. Rolfs s/n, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: crishage@ufv.br
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive method of diagnostic imaging to evaluate soft tissues, specially the brain, however it is expensive. The method is based on the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon that occurs when atomic nucleus with magnetic proprieties in the body are submitted to a strong magnetic field, and excited with radio frequency generating a radio frequency signal captured by a receptive antenna. The signal is processed by Fourier Transform for the image formation. This study had the objective to obtain 10 complete exams of heads in cadavers of normal dogs to MRI and to make an Atlas of head structures. The images were obtained with a magnetic resonance unit Gyroscan S15/HP Philips using a magnetic field of 1,5Tesla. The cadavers were positioned with the head into a human head coil and submitted to sagittal slices used to plan transverse and dorsal slices in T1, T2 and DP spin-echo sequences. In T1 we adjusted TR=400ms and TE=30ms, in T2 TR=2000ms and TE=80ms and in DP TR=2000ms and TE=30ms. The slice thickness was 4mm, the number of averages 2, the matrix 256x256, the factor 1,0 and the field of view 14cm. The duration of the complete exam of the head was 74,5minutes. The images obtained with the described sequences and with the human head coil was of good quality. In T1 fat was hyperintense and fluid was hypointense. In T2 fat was less hyperintense and fluid was hyperintense. The cortical bone and the air were hypointense in all sequences used because of the low proton density. The DP sequence showed the best contrast between white and gray matter when compared with T2 and T1 sequences. Distinction of cerebral sulcus and gyrus was possible because T2 showed the cerebrospinal fluid. The identification of bone structures that compound the region, muscles, main venous and arterial vessels and structures of the central nervous system, besides elements of the digestory and respiratory systems and structures of the eyes among others was possible through contrast obtained with MRI. In this study the MRI acquired in T1, DP and T2 were complementary for the anatomic study of the head and been able to demonstrate the structures of the canine head with rich anatomic details. The time used to do the complete exam of the head is compatible with the use in live animals since properly anesthetized and controlled. We had opened a way for the study of live animals and for the beginning of disease investigation, mainly that of neurologic origin because this technique is excellent for brain visualization.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Hage M.C.F.N.S., Iwasaki M., Rabbani S.R., Kamikawa L., Cervantes H.J.R., Bombonato P.P., Sterman F.A. & Otaduy M.C.G. 2010. [Magnetic resonance imaging in the investigation of canine heads.] Imagem por ressonância magnética na investigação da cabeça de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):593-604. Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. P.H. Rolfs s/n, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: crishage@ufv.br
A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não invasivo mais sensível para avaliar as partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. O método fundamenta-se no fenômeno da ressonância magnética nuclear que ocorre quando núcleos atômicos com propriedades magnéticas presentes no corpo são submetidos a um campo magnético intenso, sendo posteriormente excitados por energia de radiofrequência e gerando, por sua vez, um sinal de onda de radiofrequência capaz de ser captado por uma antena receptora, passando por um processo matemático, chamado Transformada de Fourier, para posterior formação da imagem. Esse estudo objetivou realizar 10 exames completos da cabeça em cadáveres de cães normais à IRM e confeccionar um Atlas com as estruturas identificadas. As imagens foram adquiridas em um aparelho de ressonância magnética Gyroscan S15/HP Philips com campo magnético de 1,5Tesla. Os cadáveres foram posicionados com a cabeça no interior de uma bobina de cabeça humana e foram submetidos a cortes iniciais sagitais a partir de onde se planejou os cortes transversais e dorsais nas sequências de pulso spin-eco T1, T2 e DP. Em T1 utilizou-se TR=400ms e TE=30ms, T2 utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=80ms e na DP utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=30ms. A espessura do corte foi de 4mm, o número de médias foi igual a 2, a matriz foi de 256x256, o fator foi igual a 1,0 e o campo de visão foi de 14cm. A duração do exame completo da cabeça foi de 74,5minutos. As imagens obtidas com as sequências utilizadas e com a bobina de cabeça humana foram de boa qualidade. Em T1 a gordura tornou-se hiperintensa e o líquido hipointenso. Em T2 a gordura ficou menos hiperintensa e o líquido hiperintenso. A cortical óssea e o ar foram hipointensos em todas as sequências utilizadas devido a baixa densidade de prótons. A sequência DP mostrou o melhor contraste entre a substância branca e cinzenta quando comparada a T2 e a T1. T2 evidenciou o líquido cefalorraquidiano tornando possível a distinção dos sulcos e giros cerebrais. Através do exame de IRM foi possível, pelo contraste, identificar as estruturas ósseas componentes da arquitetura da região, músculos, grandes vasos venosos e arteriais e estruturas do sistema nervoso central, além de elementos do sistema digestório, respiratório e estruturas dos olhos entre outras. Nesse estudo as IRM adquiridas nas sequências T1, DP e T2 foram complementares para o estudo dos aspectos anatômicos da cabeça de cães demonstrando-os com riqueza de detalhes. O tempo requerido para o exame completo da cabeça é compátivel para uso em animais vivos desde que devidamente anestesiados e controlados. Os resultados obtidos por esse trabalho abrem caminho em nosso meio, para o estudo de animais vivos e para o início da investigação de doenças, principalmente as de origem neurológica, visto ser esta técnica excelente para a visibilização do encéfalo.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Feitosa M.L.T., Gatti A., Fadel L., Unruh S.M., Ambrósio C.E., Sterman F.A., Pinto A.C.B.C.F. & Miglino M.A. 2009. [Radiologic images of the thoracic cavity of Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy.] Imagem radiográfica da cavidade torácica de cães Golden Retriever acometidos pela Distrofia Muscular. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(2):99-104. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: flaviovet@usp.br
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder with clinical signs of muscular weaknesses and progressive atrophy. Golden Retriever dogs show similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics to Human Muscular Dystrophy and are considered a proper animal model for DMD studies. Latero-lateral and dorso-ventral thoracic radiographies were obtained from 10 Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, to investigate possible radiographic alterations. Thorax radiographic examination revealed (a) interstitial and alveolar pattern, (b) initial phases of pneumonia and pulmonary edema, (c) cardiomegaly as a principal alteration in the thoracic cavity, (d) megaesophagus displacing the trachea and heart silhouette, and (e) cranial protrusion of the diaphragm lining into the thorax with development of a hiatus hernia displacing the stomach to the caudal mediastinum. Postmortem examination showed pleural effusion, pulmonary emphysema, degenerative and metaplasic processes in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Radiographic examination was considered essential for the diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory disease in Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, and to identify the primary pulmonary process and to provide the establishment of suitable therapeutic treatment, with a reserved prognosis in advanced stage of the disease.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Feitosa M.L.T., Gatti A., Fadel L., Unruh S.M., Ambrósio C.E., Sterman F.A., Pinto A.C.B.C.F. & Miglino M.A. 2009. [Radiologic images of the thoracic cavity of Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy.] Imagem radiográfica da cavidade torácica de cães Golden Retriever acometidos pela Distrofia Muscular. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(2):99-104. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: flaviovet@usp.br
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder with clinical signs of muscular weaknesses and progressive atrophy. Golden Retriever dogs show similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics to Human Muscular Dystrophy and are considered a proper animal model for DMD studies. Latero-lateral and dorso-ventral thoracic radiographies were obtained from 10 Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, to investigate possible radiographic alterations. Thorax radiographic examination revealed (a) interstitial and alveolar pattern, (b) initial phases of pneumonia and pulmonary edema, (c) cardiomegaly as a principal alteration in the thoracic cavity, (d) megaesophagus displacing the trachea and heart silhouette, and (e) cranial protrusion of the diaphragm lining into the thorax with development of a hiatus hernia displacing the stomach to the caudal mediastinum. Postmortem examination showed pleural effusion, pulmonary emphysema, degenerative and metaplasic processes in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Radiographic examination was considered essential for the diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory disease in Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, and to identify the primary pulmonary process and to provide the establishment of suitable therapeutic treatment, with a reserved prognosis in advanced stage of the disease.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Sterman F.A. & Lincoln J. 2007. Treatment of ununited anconeal process in 8 dogs by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):352-356. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: cassioaf@usp.br
A surgical technique for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs treated by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna using a linear external skeletal fixator was evaluated. In all cases the osteotomy was distracted 1mm each day after the surgery until desired distraction had been achieved. Eight dogs and 9 joints diagnosed with ununited anconeal process were treated. The success of the procedure was determined by comparing clinical signs of lameness and degree of arthrosis at the time of diagnosis to 6 months after the surgical intervention. Radiographic union occurred in 88.9% of the affected joints between 21 and 42 days after the surgical procedure. Clinically, six elbows were classified as good, two as satisfactory and one as unsatisfactory. Six months after surgery two elbows had no arthrosis, one had Grade 1, two Grade 2 and one Grade 3. It is concluded the combination of ulnar osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the olecranon by a linear external skeletal fixator is a feasible procedure for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Sterman F.A. & Lincoln J. 2007. Treatment of ununited anconeal process in 8 dogs by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):352-356. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: cassioaf@usp.br
A surgical technique for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs treated by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna using a linear external skeletal fixator was evaluated. In all cases the osteotomy was distracted 1mm each day after the surgery until desired distraction had been achieved. Eight dogs and 9 joints diagnosed with ununited anconeal process were treated. The success of the procedure was determined by comparing clinical signs of lameness and degree of arthrosis at the time of diagnosis to 6 months after the surgical intervention. Radiographic union occurred in 88.9% of the affected joints between 21 and 42 days after the surgical procedure. Clinically, six elbows were classified as good, two as satisfactory and one as unsatisfactory. Six months after surgery two elbows had no arthrosis, one had Grade 1, two Grade 2 and one Grade 3. It is concluded the combination of ulnar osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the olecranon by a linear external skeletal fixator is a feasible procedure for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs.