Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Correia D.A.B., Melo Neto G.B, Gomes D.L.S. & Torres M.B.M. 2017. [Congenital malformations and abortions induced experimentally by the ingestion of Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz (catingueira) in sheep.] Malformações congênitas e abortos induzidos experimentalmente pela ingestão de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz (catingueira) em ovelhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(12):1430.1436. Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55292-270, Brazil. E-mail: davivet.barros@gmail.com
Poincianella pyramidalis (catingueira) is a toxic plant associated with abortions, embryonic losses and malformations in goats and laboratory animals. Outbreaks and sporadic cases of spontaneous intoxication in sheep have been reported in the last five years in the agreste of Pernambuco. Due to the occurrence of these spontaneous cases and the lack of researches in sheep, an experimental study was carried out to evaluate the teratogenic effects of P. pyramidalis on sheep. In the experiment, 16 female and three male sheeps, mixed breed, were used. Females were divided in four groups, with four animals per group and maintained in individual stalls, underwent estrus synchronization and mating by natural mating and after 30 days the diagnosis was made to confirm gestation. Groups were named group 1 (G1), group 2 (G2), group 3 (G3), and group 4 (G4). In G1 (control) the ewes were fed with 1% of concentrate supplementation (CS) based on live weight (LW) and 2% of maize silage (MS) with a daily intake of 3% dry matter (DM) based on LW. In G2 feeding was constituted of 1% of CS based on LW and 2% of forage, including 2% of roughage, 50% was hay of P. pyramidalis and the other 50% of DM. In G3 feed was constituted of 1% of CS based on LW and 2% of roughage. Among these 2% of roughage, 80% was hay of P. pyramidalis and the other 20% of DM. In G4 the sheep were fed with 1% CS based on the LW and the roughage consisting of 100% P. pyramidalis hay. All groups received CS with corn meal, cottonseed meal, mineral salt specific for sheep and water ad libitum. Animals were monthly submitted to ultrasonography to detect embryonic or fetal losses. Serological tests were performed for Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii before introduction of the animals in the experiment. Fetuses with malformations were evaluated in the Laboratory of Animal Anatomy and Pathology of the Academic Unit of Garanhuns (UAG), UFRPE, to describe the lesions. In G2, there were five cases of malformations of eight born lambs. In G3, there were four cases of malformation, one due to abortion. In G4, one sheep aborted and the other three gave birth to four malformed fetuses. Main malformations found in the study were arthrogryposis, palatoschisis, chylosquisis, hypoplasia of the mandible, aplasia of the incisive bone, malformations of the eye and tongue, polidactyly and monodactyly. In the groups with higher doses, larger numbers of malformations were observed, and the occurrence of placental retention and the high frequency of perinatal mortality in lambs presenting some type of malformation were noted. It has been demonstrated that P. pyramidalis is an important cause of congenital malformation, abortion and perinatal mortality in sheep, therefore keeping pregnant sheep away from this plant throughout the gestation period is utmost important.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Correia D.A.B., Melo Neto G.B, Gomes D.L.S. & Torres M.B.M. 2017. [Congenital malformations and abortions induced experimentally by the ingestion of Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz (catingueira) in sheep.] Malformações congênitas e abortos induzidos experimentalmente pela ingestão de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz (catingueira) em ovelhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(12):1430.1436. Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55292-270, Brazil. E-mail: davivet.barros@gmail.com
Poincianella pyramidalis (catingueira) é uma planta tóxica associada a abortos, perdas embrionárias e malformações em caprinos e animais de laboratório. Surtos e casos esporádicos de intoxicação espontânea em ovinos vem sendo relatados nos últimos cinco anos no agreste de Pernambuco. Devido à ocorrência destes casos espontâneos e a escassez de pesquisas na espécie ovina, o objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um estudo experimental para avaliação dos efeitos teratogênicos de P. pyramidalis em ovelhas. No experimento foram utilizadas 16 ovelhas e três carneiros, sem raça definida (SRD). As fêmeas foram divididas em quatro grupos, com quatro animais por grupo e mantidas em baias individuais, foram submetidas a sincronização do estro e acasalamento por monta natural, após 30 dias foi realizado o diagnóstico para confirmação da gestação. Os grupos foram denominados como: grupo 1 (G1), grupo 2 (G2), grupo 3 (G3) e grupo 4 (G4). No G1 (controle) as ovelhas foram alimentadas com 1% de suplementação concentrada (SC) baseado no peso vivo (PV) e 2% de volumoso a base de silagem de milho (SM), com uma ingestão diária de 3% de matéria seca (MS) com base no PV. No G2 a alimentação era constituída de 1% de SC com base no PV e 2% de volumoso. Sendo que destes 2% de volumoso, 50% era feno de P. pyramidalis e os outros 50% de SM. No G3 a alimentação era constituída de 1% de SC com base no PV e 2% de volumoso. Sendo que destes 2% de volumoso, 80% foi de feno de P. pyramidalis e os outros 20% de SM. No G4 as ovelhas foram alimentadas com 1% de SC com base no PV e o volumoso constituído de 100% de feno de P. pyramidalis. Todos os grupos receberam SC à base de farelo de milho, farelo de algodão, sal mineral especifico para ovinos e água ad libitum. Mensalmente os animais foram submetidos à ultrassonografia para detecção de perdas embrionárias ou fetais. Foram realizados exames sorológicos para Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii antes da introdução dos animais no experimento. Os fetos com malformações foram avaliados no setor de Patologia da UFRPE / Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns (UAG) para descrição das lesões. No G2, ocorreram cinco casos de malformações de oito cordeiros nascidos. No G3, ocorreram quatro casos de malformação, sendo um decorrente de aborto. No G4, uma ovelha abortou e as outras três pariram quatro fetos malformados. As principais malformações encontradas no trabalho foram artrogripose, palatosquise, queilosquise, hipoplasia da mandíbula, aplasia do osso incisivo, malformações de olho e língua, polidactilia e monodactilia. Nos grupos de maior percentual de ingestão da planta foram observadas maiores quantidades de malformações e chamou a atenção a ocorrência de retenção de placenta e a alta frequência de mortalidade perinatal nos cordeiros que apresentaram algum tipo de malformação. Demonstrou-se com esse trabalho que a P. pyramidalis é uma importante causa de malformação congênita, aborto e mortalidade perinatal em ovinos, sendo de extrema importância que se mantenha as ovelhas prenhes fora do alcance desta planta durante todo o período gestacional.
Abstract in English:
Some species of Solanum cause poisoning in ruminants clinically characterized by cerebellar disorders and microscopically lysosomal storage disease. There are no specific necropsy injuries and microscopically occurs vacuolation and Purkinje cells loss. Since Solanum paniculatum is the species of greater occurrence in the Northeast region of Brazil and is responsible for spontaneous intoxication outbreaks in Pernambuco State, an experimental delineation was carried out to characterize the clinical and pathological condition of the intoxication. Five cattle were randomly allotted in two groups, with four animals in the experimental group (EG) and one animal as control (CG), with six months of age, no defined breed and weighting 120 kg. All animals were kept in stalls along 5 months in the Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns/UFRPE. All animals from the experimental group were fed 5g/kg/body weight/day of the dried leaves of S. paniculatum which was mixed in the ration. The plant was collected in farms where outbreaks of intoxication were described. A Head Raising Test was weekly performed to determine the occurrence of any cerebellum clinical signs and when the result was positive the animal was submitted to a blood and cerebrospinal fluid sampling and subsequently euthanized. The CNS and rete mirabile were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and stained by hematoxylin-eosin for histological evaluation. Morphometric analysis of cerebellum injuries was accomplished. To evaluate the laboratory results, it was used descriptive analysis and in relation to morphometry the Student t test (p<0.05) was used in the counting of Purkinje cells and the thickness of the molecular layer of the cerebellum the Mann Whitney test, with 5% level of significance. Three animals showed clinical signs of intoxication a mean period of 90 days and one animal in155 days. Clinical signs involved transient seizure episodes and balance disturbance. At necropsy there were no specific injuries of intoxication observed as well as changes in red and white cell blood count and liquor analysis. Histological examination showed mainly thin vacuolation of the pericardium, loss of Purkinje cells with Wallerian degeneration, spheroid axons in the granular layer and in the marrows white matter with astrocytes Bergman proliferation. Vacuolation and neuron necrosis were also observed in other sites the obex, cerebellum peduncles, rostral and caudal colliculi and rarely in the thalamus, basal ganglia, hippocampus and medulla oblongata. Morphometric analysis did not differ significantly (p <0.05) in number of Purkinje cells and in molecular layer thickness between the EG and CG, showing that despite the cattle develop clinical symptoms of intoxication and marked histopathological changes, these experimental conditions had caused no significant morphometric changes in relation to the CG. It is suggested a greater time of administration of the plant for the development of most intense lesions as natural cases. Laboratory results of blood and cerebrospinal fluid do not reflect changes related to poisoning by the plant.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Algumas espécies de Solanum causam intoxicações em ruminantes caracterizadas clinicamente por desordens cerebelares e microscopicamente como doença do depósito lisossomal. Não há lesões de necropsia específicas e microscopicamente ocorrem vacuolização e perda de neurônios de Purkinje. Por ser Solanum paniculatum a espécie de ocorrência na região Nordeste, sendo responsável pelos surtos de intoxicação espontânea descrito no Estado de Pernambuco foi realizado um delineamento experimental para caracterizar o quadro clínico-patológico da intoxicação. Foram usados cinco bovinos, sendo quatro no grupo experimental (GE) e um animal no controle (GC), de seis meses de idade, sem raça definida, com peso de 120 Kg, mantidos em baias durante cinco meses na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns/UFRPE. Os animais receberam a planta, colhida nas propriedades em que ocorreram os surtos naturais, na dosagem de 5g/kg/PV/dia da planta dessecada misturada na ração por ingestão natural. Semanalmente realizou-se o Head Raising Test para determinar os sinais cerebelares e quando positivo os animais foram submetidos à colheita de sangue e do líquido céfalo-raquidiano e em seguida foi feito à eutanásia. O SNC e a rete mirabile foram fixados em formol a 10% tamponado, processados rotineiramente e corados pela hematoxilina e eosina para avaliação histopatológica. Foi realizada análise morfométrica das lesões cerebelares. Para avaliação dos resultados laboratoriais utilizou-se análise descritiva e em relação à morfometria, empregou-se o teste T de Student (p<0.05) na contagem de células de Purkinje e para a espessura da camada molecular do cerebelo o teste de Mann Whitney, com nível de 5% de significância. Três animais apresentaram sinais de intoxicação com tempo em média de 90 dias e um com 155 dias. Os sinais clínicos observados foram ataques convulsivos transitórios, e distúrbios do equilíbrio. Na necropsia não foram encontradas lesões específicas da intoxicação. Não houve alterações no hemograma e no líquido céfalo-raquidiano causado pela planta. No histopatológico havia principalmente vacuolização fina do pericário e perda de células de Purkinje, com degeneração Walleriana e esferóides axonais na camada granular e na substância branca medular, com proliferação dos astrócitos de Bergman. Vacuolização e necrose neuronal também foram observadas no óbex, pedúnculos cerebelares e colículos rostral e caudal e raramente no tálamo, núcleos da base, hipocampo e medula oblonga. Na análise morfométrica não houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre o número de células de Purkinje e a espessura da camada molecular entre o GE e GC, demonstrando que apesar dos bovinos desenvolverem quadro clínico da intoxicação e alterações histopatológicas acentuadas, mas nestas condições experimentais não ocorreram alteração morfométricas significativas em relação ao GC. Sugerindo que há necessidade de um tempo de administração maior da planta para o aparecimento de lesões mais acentuadas como as que ocorrem em casos naturais. Os resultados laboratoriais de sangue e do líquido céfalo-raquidiano não refletem alterações relacionadas à intoxicação pela planta.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Pagliosa G.M., Alves G.E.S., Faleiros R.R., Matos J.R.T., Torres M.B., Mendes H.M.F. & Costa R.S. 2009. [Use of glutamine to treatment of ischemia and reperfusion lesions in equine jejune.] Utilização da glutamina no tratamento de lesões de isquemia e reperfusão no jejuno em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):246-252. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinárias, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Ave-nida Antônio Carlos 6627, Caixa Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: geanepagliosa@gmail.com
Under general anesthesia and arterial pressure control, twelve horses were submitted simultaneously to intraluminal distension and venous ischemia of jejune for 2 hours, followed by 12 hours of reperfusion. Six horses were treated with intravenous 2% glutamine (50mg/kg), and six others were treated with the same volume of saline solution 1h after the beginning of ischemia and 6 hours after reperfusion. Intestinal samples were collected before and after 2 hours of ischemia and after 2 and 12 hours of reperfusion, and were submitted to hystopatological analyses, ultrastructural examination, measurement of area and number of villi per mm2, and to myeloperoxidases activity. No statistical differences between the groups were found. It was concluded that glutamine did not attenuate the ischemia and reperfusion lesions under the methodology used in this study.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Pagliosa G.M., Alves G.E.S., Faleiros R.R., Matos J.R.T., Torres M.B., Mendes H.M.F. & Costa R.S. 2009. [Use of glutamine to treatment of ischemia and reperfusion lesions in equine jejune.] Utilização da glutamina no tratamento de lesões de isquemia e reperfusão no jejuno em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):246-252. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinárias, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Ave-nida Antônio Carlos 6627, Caixa Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: geanepagliosa@gmail.com
Under general anesthesia and arterial pressure control, twelve horses were submitted simultaneously to intraluminal distension and venous ischemia of jejune for 2 hours, followed by 12 hours of reperfusion. Six horses were treated with intravenous 2% glutamine (50mg/kg), and six others were treated with the same volume of saline solution 1h after the beginning of ischemia and 6 hours after reperfusion. Intestinal samples were collected before and after 2 hours of ischemia and after 2 and 12 hours of reperfusion, and were submitted to hystopatological analyses, ultrastructural examination, measurement of area and number of villi per mm2, and to myeloperoxidases activity. No statistical differences between the groups were found. It was concluded that glutamine did not attenuate the ischemia and reperfusion lesions under the methodology used in this study.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Torres M.B.A.M. & Coelho K.I.R. 2008. Experimental poisoning by Senecio brasiliensis in calves: quantitative and semi-quantitative study on changes in the hepatic extracellular matrix and sinusoidal cells. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):43-50. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Campus Palotina, Rua Pioneiro 2153, Jardim Dallas, Palotina, PR 85950-000, Brazil. E-mail: torres@ufpr.br
Extracellular matrix plays an important role in chronic hepatic lesions and has been studied in experimental intoxication models. However in cattle, studies on chronic disease have focused on the hepatocellular damage and extracellular matrix (ECM) changes are usually overlooked. There are no specific studies on the hepatic ECM in either normal or chronically damaged bovine liver. Thus an experimental model of hepatic toxicity model using Senecio brasiliensis poisoned calves was designed. Senecio brasiliensis contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which cause either acute or chronic progressive dose dependent liver damage. Five calves were orally fed with 0.38g of dry leaves of S. brasiliensis/kg/day for 24 days. Liver needle biopsy specimens were obtained every 15 days for 60 days. Clinical signs of digestive complications appeared at 3rd week. One calf died on 45th day and four were evaluated up to 60th day. Biopsy samples were processed for routine light microscopy, immuno-histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. From 30th day on progressive liver damage characterized by hepatocellular ballooning, necrosis, apoptosis and megalocytosis, centrilobular, pericellular and portal fibrosis were seen by light microscopy. Quantitative and semi-quantitative measurements of hepatic ECM components were performed before and after the onset of lesions. Morphometric analysis of total collagen and elastic fiber system was conducted. Total collagen and I and III collagen types progressively increased in throughout the liver of affected calves. Changes in location, amount and disposition of the elastic fiber system were also observed. Then numbers of Kupffer cells were significantly increased at 30th day and total numbers of sinusoidal cells were significantly increased at 45th and 60th days. Liver damage was progressive and irreversible even after the exposure to the plant was discontinued. Severe fibrotic lesions occurred mainly in portal tracts, followed by veno-occlusive and pericellular fibrosis. Collagen types I and III s were present in every normal and damaged liver, with predominance of type I. In affected calves the increase of total collagen and elastic fibers system paralleled the number of total sinusoidal cells.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Torres M.B.A.M. & Coelho K.I.R. 2008. Experimental poisoning by Senecio brasiliensis in calves: quantitative and semi-quantitative study on changes in the hepatic extracellular matrix and sinusoidal cells. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):43-50. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Campus Palotina, Rua Pioneiro 2153, Jardim Dallas, Palotina, PR 85950-000, Brazil. E-mail: torres@ufpr.br
Extracellular matrix plays an important role in chronic hepatic lesions and has been studied in experimental intoxication models. However in cattle, studies on chronic disease have focused on the hepatocellular damage and extracellular matrix (ECM) changes are usually overlooked. There are no specific studies on the hepatic ECM in either normal or chronically damaged bovine liver. Thus an experimental model of hepatic toxicity model using Senecio brasiliensis poisoned calves was designed. Senecio brasiliensis contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which cause either acute or chronic progressive dose dependent liver damage. Five calves were orally fed with 0.38g of dry leaves of S. brasiliensis/kg/day for 24 days. Liver needle biopsy specimens were obtained every 15 days for 60 days. Clinical signs of digestive complications appeared at 3rd week. One calf died on 45th day and four were evaluated up to 60th day. Biopsy samples were processed for routine light microscopy, immuno-histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. From 30th day on progressive liver damage characterized by hepatocellular ballooning, necrosis, apoptosis and megalocytosis, centrilobular, pericellular and portal fibrosis were seen by light microscopy. Quantitative and semi-quantitative measurements of hepatic ECM components were performed before and after the onset of lesions. Morphometric analysis of total collagen and elastic fiber system was conducted. Total collagen and I and III collagen types progressively increased in throughout the liver of affected calves. Changes in location, amount and disposition of the elastic fiber system were also observed. Then numbers of Kupffer cells were significantly increased at 30th day and total numbers of sinusoidal cells were significantly increased at 45th and 60th days. Liver damage was progressive and irreversible even after the exposure to the plant was discontinued. Severe fibrotic lesions occurred mainly in portal tracts, followed by veno-occlusive and pericellular fibrosis. Collagen types I and III s were present in every normal and damaged liver, with predominance of type I. In affected calves the increase of total collagen and elastic fibers system paralleled the number of total sinusoidal cells.
Abstract in English:
Two outbreaks of Amaranthus spp. poisoning occurring in young pigs in Southern Brazil in late summer and early autumn are described. In both instances large amounts of freshly harvested Amaranthus spp. in its seeding stage were fed to the pigs. In one farm the Amaranthus was identified as A. viridis. Fourteen out of 25 pigs (56%) in one farm and 17 out of 100 07%) in another died. Clinical sigos included anorexia, depression, incoordinated gait; muscle stiffness, lateral recumbency, followed by death which occurred from 4 to 48 hours after clinical sigos were observed. Necropsy findings included perirenal edema and edema of other sites such as ascites; hydrotorax, hydropericardium, of the mesentery and the subcutaneous tissue of the ventral abdominal wall. The kidneys were pale and soft with subcapsular petechiae. In one of the three cases submitted for post-mortem examination there was marked edema of the renal papilla. Main histopathological findings were toxic tubular nephrosis affecting mainly the proximal convoluted tubules and mild tubular regeneration. In one case few refringent crystals were seen in the lumina of proximal tubules and in two cases the degenerative renal lesions were associated with moderate mononuclear interstitial inflitrate. Extra-renal lesions consisting of fibrinonecrotic glossitis and esophagitis were found in one pig and attributed to uremia.
Abstract in Portuguese:
São descritos dois surtos de intoxicação por Amaranthus spp. em suínos jovens no fim do verão e início do outono, no Estado do Rio Grande do. Sul. Em ambos os estabelecimentos onde ocorreram os surtos, os suínos eram alimentados com grandes quantidades de Amaranthus spp. em frutificação, recém-colhido. Em um dos estabelecimentos o Amaranthus foi identificado como A. viridis. No estabelecimento 1, morreram 14 suínos de um lote de 25 (56%) e no estabelecimento 2 morreram 17 de um total de 100 suínos (17%). Os sinais clínicos incluíam anorexia, apatia, andar incoordenado, rigidez muscular, decúbito lateral e morte, que ocorria de 4 a 48 horas após a observação dos sinais clínicos. Os achados de necropsia incluíam edema perirrenal e edemas em vários outros locais, como ascite, hidrotórax, hidropericárdio, mesentério e tecido subcutâneo da parede abdominal ventral. Os rins estavam pálidos e macios, com petéquias na superfície subcapsular. Em um caso havia marcado edema das papilas renais. Os principais achados histopatológicos foram nefrose tubular tóxica afetando principalmente os túbulos contorcidos proximais e regeneração tubular discreta. Em um dos três casos foram observados cristais refringentes na luz dos túbulos proximais e, em dois casos, as lesões renais degenerativas estavam associadas a moderado inflitrado mononuclear intersticial. Lesões extra-renais consistindo de glossite e esofagite fibrinonecróticas foram encontradas em um suíno e atribuídas à uremia.