Abstract in English:
The aim of this work was to determine the main species of stranded seabirds at the Northeastern coast of Brazil in addition to the most frequent causes of stranding and mortality. The study was conducted in a monitored area for three years (2012-2014), from the coastline of south Alagoas through north coast of Bahia encompassing 254km of coast. The seabirds found alive during the monitoring were sent to rehabilitation, clinically examined and the carcasses were removed, necropsied and histopathologically analyzed. A total of 1.347 seabirds were found stranded. Of these, 378 were found alive and sent to rehabilitation. From the 969 dead seabirds 806 were unsuitable for necropsy, being only 163 submitted to necropsy and histopathological analysis. Calonectris borealis, Puffinus gravis and Puffinus puffinus were the main seabirds stranded in the studied area. Most stranding occurred from March to June with an increase during April and May for the most species of seabirds. The main clinical signs of stranded seabirds consisted of inappetence, apathy, low body score, hypothermia, flying or movement difficulty and prolonged recumbency. Natural causes followed by infectious diseases and anthropogenic environmental factors were the main causes of death of seabirds stranded on the Northeastern coast of Brazil.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as principais espécies de aves marinhas encalhadas na costa do Nordeste do Brasil, bem como as mais frequentes causas de encalhe e mortalidade. O estudo foi desenvolvido em área monitorada durante três anos (2012-2014), entre o litoral sul de Alagoas e o litoral norte da Bahia, perfazendo um total de 254km de extensão da costa. As aves encontradas vivas foram encaminhadas para reabilitação e examinadas clinicamente; as carcaças foram removidas, necropsiadas e os órgãos foram analisados por meio da histopatologia. Um total de 1.347 aves foi encontrado, encalhadas. Dessas, 378 estavam vivas e foram encaminhadas para a reabilitação. Das 969 aves marinhas mortas, 806 estavam impróprias para realização de necropsia, sendo apenas 163 submetidas à necropsia e análise histopatológica. Calonectris borealis, Puffinus gravis e Puffinus puffinus foram as principais espécies encontradas na área estudada. A maioria dos encalhes para grande parte das aves marinhas ocorreram de março a junho, com um aumento durante abril e maio. Os principais sinais clínicos das aves marinhas consistiram em inapetência, apatia, baixo escore corporal, hipotermia, dificuldade de voo ou movimento e decúbito prolongado. Causas naturais, seguidas de doenças infecciosas e fatores antropogênicos, foram as principais causas de mortes de aves marinhas encalhadas na costa do Nordeste do Brasil.
Abstract in English:
This study aimed to isolate Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica from captured feral pigeons in Fortaleza, Brazil, and, in addition to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles and diagnose diarrheagenic E. coli strains. Pigeons were captured in four public locations in Fortaleza with three techniques. Individual cloacal swab samples were collected and submitted to bacterial isolation, biochemical identification and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Disk diffusion technique was used with twelve antibiotics. E. coli strains were submitted to DNA extraction followed by PCR to diagnose five diarrheagenic pathotypes. A total of 124 birds were captured. One bird was positive for Salmonella enterica (0.81%) and 121 (97.58%) were positive for E. coli. Among these, 110 isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility test and 28.18% (31/110) presented resistance to at least one antibiotic. Resistance to azithromycin was the most frequent (21.82%), followed by tetracycline (10.91%) and sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim (8.9%). Multidrug resistance, calculated as a resistance to at least 3 antimicrobial classes, was identified in 3.64% (4/110) of strains. The maximum number of antimicrobial classes to which one strain was resistant was seven. Results demonstrated nine different resistance profiles and the most frequent was tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim (4 strains), followed by chloramphenicol, azithromycin, tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim (3 strains). Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid and tobramycin presented lowest levels of antimicrobial resistance, to which none of the tested strains were resistant. A single strain was positive for the eltB gene, which is a diagnostic tool to identify the Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) pathotype. None of the other investigated genes (stx1, stx2, estA, eaeA, ipaH, aatA and aaiC) were identified. The single isolate of S. enterica was a rough strain of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, but serotype identification was not possible. However, this isolate presented resistance to amoxicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim. Therefore, captured feral pigeons of Fortaleza presented a low prevalence of S. enterica and diarrheagenic E. coli. Considering the investigated pathogens, our results suggest a good health status and a low public health risk. However, important antimicrobial resistance profiles were identified.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar cepas de Escherichia coli e Salmonella enterica de pombos urbanos capturados em Fortaleza, Brasil, e avaliar os perfis de resistência antimicrobiana dos isolados, bem como diagnosticar patotipos diarreiogênicos de E. coli. Pombos foram capturados em quatro locais públicos de Fortaleza utilizando três técnicas. Amostras individuais de suabes cloacais foram coletadas e submetidas a isolamento bacteriano, seguido de identificação bioquímica e teste de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos. A técnica de disco difusão foi utilizada para avaliar resistência antimicrobiana a doze antibióticos. Cepas de E. coli foram submetidas à extração de DNA seguido de PCR para o diagnóstico de cinco patotipos diarreiogênicos. Um total de 124 aves foram capturadas, a partir das quais em uma houve isolamento de Salmonella enterica (0,81%) e em 121 (97,58%) houve isolamento de E. coli. Destas, 110 isolados foram submetidos a teste de suscetibilidade a antimicrobianos e 28,18% (31/110) apresentaram resistência a pelo menos um antibiótico. Resistência a azitromicina foi a mais frequente (21,82%), seguida por tetraciclina (10,91%) e sulfametoxazol com trimetoprim (8,9%). Resistência a múltiplas drogas foi identificada em 3,64% (4/110) dos isolados e o número máximo de antibióticos aos quais uma única cepa foi resistente foi sete. Resultados demonstraram nove diferentes perfis de resistência e o mais frequente foi tetraciclina e sulfametoxazol com trimetoprim (4 cepas), seguido por cloranfenicol, azitromicina, tetraciclina e sulfametoxazol com trimetoprim (3 cepas). Amoxicilina com ácido clavulânico e tobramicina foram os antibióticos com menor resistência antimicrobiana, aos quais nenhuma cepa apresentou resistência. Uma única cepa foi positiva para o gene eltB que é usado para diagnóstico do patotipo E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC), enquanto que os demais genes investigados (stx1, stx2, estA, eaeA, ipaH, aatA e aaiC) não foram identificados. A única cepa de S. enterica isolada foi identificada como uma cepa rugosa de Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica e, portanto, a identificação do sorotipo não foi possível. Entretanto, este isolado apresentou resistência a amoxicilina, amoxicilina com ácido clavulânico, tetraciclina e sulfametoxazol com trimetoprim. Portanto, pombos urbanos capturados em Fortaleza apresentaram baixa prevalência de cepas de S. enterica e E. coli diarreiogênicas. Considerando os patógenos investigados, os resultados encontrados sugerem um bom status sanitário destas aves e um baixo risco à saúde pública. Entretanto, importantes perfis de resistência antimicrobiana foram identificados.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Santos G.C., Matuella G.A., Coraiola A.M., Silva L.C., Lange R.R. & Santin E. 2008. [Diseases of wild birds diagnosed at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2003-2007).] Doenças de aves selvagens diagnosticadas na Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003-2007). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(11):565-570. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Campus do Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: santin@ufpr.br
From 253 wild birds attended at the Wild Animal Ambulatory of the Veterinary Hospital, Paraná Federal University, between August 2003 and August 2006, 45 cases (17.8%) were related to the species Serinus canarius (Belgian Canary). Within these attended birds and its respective orders, most morbid conditions occurred with the Psittaciforme order and were caused by traumatism, in 45 cases (14.32%). Of these, 17 animals (30.91%) had bone fractures; the most common were on radius-ulna (17.65%). Other conditions were presence of ectoparasites (12.50%) and endoparasites (10.68%), respiratory disease (10.42%), dermatological ailments (6.51%), neoplasms (4.95%), ophthalmic illnesses (4.43%), gastrointestinal diseases (3.91%), cachexia (3.39%), neurological diseases (2.86%), self-mutilation (2.86%), obesity (2.34%), aggression by other animals (1.56%), nutritional deficiencies (1.30%), egg retention (1.04%), avian poxvirus (0.78%) and uric gout (0.52%), as well as there was clinical routine measures to be taken (7.55%). Traumas and illnesses were observed as the highest prevalence on the casuistic, which could be prevented by correct husbandry practices.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Santos G.C., Matuella G.A., Coraiola A.M., Silva L.C., Lange R.R. & Santin E. 2008. [Diseases of wild birds diagnosed at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2003-2007).] Doenças de aves selvagens diagnosticadas na Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003-2007). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(11):565-570. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Campus do Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: santin@ufpr.br
From 253 wild birds attended at the Wild Animal Ambulatory of the Veterinary Hospital, Paraná Federal University, between August 2003 and August 2006, 45 cases (17.8%) were related to the species Serinus canarius (Belgian Canary). Within these attended birds and its respective orders, most morbid conditions occurred with the Psittaciforme order and were caused by traumatism, in 45 cases (14.32%). Of these, 17 animals (30.91%) had bone fractures; the most common were on radius-ulna (17.65%). Other conditions were presence of ectoparasites (12.50%) and endoparasites (10.68%), respiratory disease (10.42%), dermatological ailments (6.51%), neoplasms (4.95%), ophthalmic illnesses (4.43%), gastrointestinal diseases (3.91%), cachexia (3.39%), neurological diseases (2.86%), self-mutilation (2.86%), obesity (2.34%), aggression by other animals (1.56%), nutritional deficiencies (1.30%), egg retention (1.04%), avian poxvirus (0.78%) and uric gout (0.52%), as well as there was clinical routine measures to be taken (7.55%). Traumas and illnesses were observed as the highest prevalence on the casuistic, which could be prevented by correct husbandry practices.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- De Conti J.B., Schossler J.E.W., Alievi M.M., Bonfada A.T., Novosad D., Silva D. & Pachaly J.R. 2007. [Use of Type II external skeletal fixator for tibiotarsus osteosynthesis in White Plymouth Rock chickens: An experimental model for using in wild birds.] Uso de fixador esquelético externo Tipo II para osteossíntese de tibiotarso em galinhas da raça Plymouth Rock Branca: modelo experimental para uso em aves selvagens. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 27(5):199-204. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Estrada da Paca s/n, Zona Rural, Umuarama, PR 87502-000, Brazil. E-mail: julianodeconti@yahoo.com.br
The efficiency of the Type II external skeletal fixator for the treatment of tibiotarsus fracture in eight adult White Plymouth Rock chickens was evaluated. The individuals were pre-medicated with morphine sulfate and anesthetized with halothane, and submitted to a diaphysary osteotomy in the left tibiotarsus, performed with an oscillatory saw. Four Kirschner wires were inserted through the bone cortices, being two proximally and two distally to the fracture. After the fracture reduction the ends of both proximal and distal wires were twisted in distal or proximal direction, respectively, being the wires connected by two bars of autopolymerizing acrylic resin, in the external lateral and medial faces of the limb. The return to full capability to use the member was observed in 20.00±7.09 days, and the bone healing occurred in 35.12±8.72 days. The results of this study showed that open reduction and use of Type II external skeletal fixator is an effective method for the treatment of tibiotarsus fractures in White Plymouth Rock chickens.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- De Conti J.B., Schossler J.E.W., Alievi M.M., Bonfada A.T., Novosad D., Silva D. & Pachaly J.R. 2007. [Use of Type II external skeletal fixator for tibiotarsus osteosynthesis in White Plymouth Rock chickens: An experimental model for using in wild birds.] Uso de fixador esquelético externo Tipo II para osteossíntese de tibiotarso em galinhas da raça Plymouth Rock Branca: modelo experimental para uso em aves selvagens. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 27(5):199-204. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Estrada da Paca s/n, Zona Rural, Umuarama, PR 87502-000, Brazil. E-mail: julianodeconti@yahoo.com.br
The efficiency of the Type II external skeletal fixator for the treatment of tibiotarsus fracture in eight adult White Plymouth Rock chickens was evaluated. The individuals were pre-medicated with morphine sulfate and anesthetized with halothane, and submitted to a diaphysary osteotomy in the left tibiotarsus, performed with an oscillatory saw. Four Kirschner wires were inserted through the bone cortices, being two proximally and two distally to the fracture. After the fracture reduction the ends of both proximal and distal wires were twisted in distal or proximal direction, respectively, being the wires connected by two bars of autopolymerizing acrylic resin, in the external lateral and medial faces of the limb. The return to full capability to use the member was observed in 20.00±7.09 days, and the bone healing occurred in 35.12±8.72 days. The results of this study showed that open reduction and use of Type II external skeletal fixator is an effective method for the treatment of tibiotarsus fractures in White Plymouth Rock chickens.