Abstract in English:
A survey carried out in the dairy region of Pernambuco was conducted to determine the most important poisonous plants for ruminants in the region. A total of 95 farmers from 19 municipalities were interviewed and the grazing areas of ruminants were inspected. According to the survey, the most important poisonous plants for ruminants were Manihot esculenta, Palicourea aeneofusca, Brachiaria decumbens, Indigofera suffruticosa, Ricinus communis and Cestrum axillare. Less reported classes of poisonous plants included nephrotoxic plants and plants that cause abortions or congenic malformations. Psychotria hoffmannseggiana, Psychotria colorata and Psychotria capitata were reported by farmers as the cause of sudden death in cattle. These plants should be better investigated to evaluate their importance as the cause of cattle deaths.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Neste estudo prospectivo, realizou-se um levantamento sobre a ocorrência das principais plantas tóxicas e a ocorrência de intoxicações por plantas em ruminantes na bacia leiteira de Pernambuco. Para isso, foram entrevistados 95 produtores rurais de 19 municípios e as áreas de pastagem de ruminantes foram inspecionadas. De acordo com o levantamento, as plantas tóxicas mais importantes para ruminantes foram Manihot esculenta, Palicourea aeneofusca, Brachiaria decumbens, Indigofera suffruticosa e Ricinus communis. As classes menos importantes de plantas tóxicas incluíram plantas nefrotóxicas e plantas que causam abortos e malformações congênitas. Psychotria hoffmannseggiana, Psychotria colorata e Psychotria capitata foram relatadas por produtores rurais como a causa de mortes súbitas em bovinos. Essas plantas devem ser investigadas melhor para avaliar sua importância como a causa de mortes de bovinos.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Mello G.W.S, Oliveira D.M., Carvalho C.J.S., Pires L.V., Costa F.A.L., Riet-Correa F. & Silva S.M.M. 2010. [Toxic plants for ruminants and equidae in Northern Piauí.] Plantas tóxicas para ruminantes e eqüídeos no Norte Piauiense. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):1-9. Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Agrícola da Socopo, Teresina, PI 64049-550, Brazil. E-mail: sissivet@yahoo.com.br
The objective of this study was to survey toxic plants for ruminants and equidae in northern Piauí. Seventy one persons were interviewed, including farmers, veterinary practitioners, agronomists, and agrarian technicians from 16 municipalities, performing at least four interviews in each municipality. The most common plant mentioned as a cause of poisoning was Ipomoea asarifolia, which is a well known cause of tremogenic disease in ruminants. Stryphnodendron coriaceum which causes digestive signs was referred as a common cause of death, and is probably the plant that causes most cattle deaths in the region. Enterolobium contortisiliquum was also mentioned as a frequent cause of digestive signs, abortion and photosensitization in cattle. Outbreaks of nephrosis caused by Thiloa glaucocarpa are frequent at the beginning of the raining season. Poisoning by the cyanogenic plants Manihot spp. e Piptadenia macrocarpa are a cause of peracute deaths. Other plants mentioned as toxic were Buchenavia tomentosa, Caesalpinia sp., Brunfelsia sp., Luetzelburgia sp., Hybantus ipecaconha, Phisalys angulata, and Spondias luta. Farmers report that goats are poisoned by the ingestion of the pods of Luetzelburgia sp., which causes digestive signs and death. The ingestion of the fruits of Buchenavia tomentosa is associated with digestive signs and and abortion in ruminants. Brunfelsia sp. is mentioned as a cause of nervous signs at the start of the raining season and donkeys are apparently more affected. The consumption of the fruits of Spondias luta are associated with diarrhea in goats. Recent unpublished experiments demonstrated the toxicity of Brunfelsia sp. as a cause of nervous signs and of Luetzelburgia sp. as a cause of digestive signs in goats. Experiments with other plants are necessary to confirm their toxicity.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.-Mello G.W.S, Oliveira D.M., Carvalho C.J.S., Pires L.V., Costa F.A.L., Riet-Correa F. & Silva S.M.M. 2010. [Toxic plants for ruminants and equidae in Northern Piauí.] Plantas tóxicas para ruminantes e eqüídeos no Norte Piauiense. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):1-9. Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Agrícola da Socopo, Teresina, PI 64049-550, Brazil. E-mail: sissivet@yahoo.com.br
Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um levantamento sobre as plantas tóxicas para ruminantes e equídeos na Mesorregião Norte do Piauí. Foram feitas 71 entrevistas a médicos veterinários, engenheiros agrônomos, técnicos agrícolas e produtores de 16 municípios, entrevistando pelo menos quatro pessoas por município. As plantas comprovadamente tóxicas que foram apontadas com maior frequência na região estudada foram Ipomoea asarifolia, que causa intoxicações em pequenos ruminantes em todas as áreas visitadas. Stryphnodendron coriaceum pelas mortes que ocasiona é, aparentemente, a planta que causa maiores perdas econômicas na mesorregião estudada. Enterolobium contortisiliquum também foi citada como causa importante de sinais digestivos, abortamentos e fotossensibilização em bovinos da região. Os entrevistados confirmaram a ocorrência de surtos de intoxicação em bovinos por Thiloa glaucocarpa no inicio do período chuvoso. Manihot spp. e Piptadenia macrocarpa são plantas cianogênicas apontadas como causa de mortes superagudas em bovinos. Outras plantas relatadas como tóxicas pelos entrevistados, mas sem que haja comprovação de sua toxicidade, foram Buchenavia tomentosa, Caesalpinia sp., Brunfelsia sp., Luetzelburgia sp., Hybantus ipecaconha, Phisalys angulata e Spondias luta. De acordo com os entrevistados os frutos de Buchenavia tomentosa causam sinais digestivos e abortos em caprinos, ovinos e bovinos. Produtores relatam surtos de intoxicação em caprinos que apresentam sinais digestivos e morte após a ingestão de favas de Luetzelburgia sp. Brunfelsia sp. é relatada como causa de alterações nervosas, no começo das chuvas, quando os animais ingerem as folhas e flores e os asininos são aparentemente mais afetados. Os frutos de Spondias luta foram mencionados como causa de diarréia em caprinos. Experimentos não publicados demonstraram a toxicidade de Brunfelsia sp. em ovinos e de Luetzelburgia sp. como causa de sinais digestivos e mortes em caprinos. Novos experimentos devem ser feitos para comprovar a toxicidade de outras plantas mencionadas nas entrevistas.
Abstract in English:
Amorim S.L., Medeiros R.M.T. & Riet-Correa F. 2005. [Experimental poisoning by Manihot glaziovii (Euphorbiaceae) in goats.] Intoxicação experimental por Manihot glaziovii (Euphorbiaceae) em caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):179-187. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, UFCG, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: rmtmed@cstr.ufcg.edu.br
Samples of fresh, dried and partially dried leaves of Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg. were administered orally to Moxotó goats in single doses up to 12g/kg body weight (bw). The cyanide content of the plant samples was determined by the picrosodic paper test. The plant was collected from January to June 2004. When the goats with clinical signs were in lateral recumbency, they were treated intravenously with 50ml/100kg/bw of a 20% aqueous solution of sodium tiosulfate. Three experiments were performed. In Experiment 1, the plant was given immediately after collection to six goats; two ingested the plant after been ground and four ingested the plant without having been ground. In Experiment 2, the plant was maintained in the shade, in open air or inside plastic bags. The plastic bags were changed daily. The plant kept in plastic bags was given to 18 goats, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after collection. The plant kept in the open air was given to 13 goats, 4, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours and 9, 10, 23 and 30 days after collection. In Experiment 3, the previously ground plant kept in the open air or inside plastic bags was administered 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after collection. Seventeen goats received the plant kept in plastic bags, and 16 goats the plant left in the open air. In Experiments 2 and 3, two or three goats were used for each period after collection, and the plant was given until the loss of its toxicity. Forty goats were used as controls for evaluation of the cardiac and respiratory frequencies. In Experiment 1, the ground and not ground plant had similar toxicity. In Experiment 2, the plant kept in the open air maintained its toxicity during the whole experiment (30 days), and the plant kept inside the plastic bags was toxic until 96 hours after collection. In Experiment 3, the ground plant, left in the open air or kept inside plastic bags, was toxic for 72 hours after collection. In all experiments clinical signs were characteristic of cyanide poisoning. All poisoned goats were treated successfully. In conclusion, Manihot glaziovii, which is used as forage in northeastern Brazil, should be ground and left for at least 96 hours in the open air before feeding to animals. The plant for preparing hay should be previously ground, and the hay should be given to animals also only 96 hours after its preparation.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Amorim S.L., Medeiros R.M.T. & Riet-Correa F. 2005. [Experimental poisoning by Manihot glaziovii (Euphorbiaceae) in goats.] Intoxicação experimental por Manihot glaziovii (Euphorbiaceae) em caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):179-187. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, UFCG, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: rmtmed@cstr.ufcg.edu.br
Samples of fresh, dried and partially dried leaves of Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg. were administered orally to Moxotó goats in single doses up to 12g/kg body weight (bw). The cyanide content of the plant samples was determined by the picrosodic paper test. The plant was collected from January to June 2004. When the goats with clinical signs were in lateral recumbency, they were treated intravenously with 50ml/100kg/bw of a 20% aqueous solution of sodium tiosulfate. Three experiments were performed. In Experiment 1, the plant was given immediately after collection to six goats; two ingested the plant after been ground and four ingested the plant without having been ground. In Experiment 2, the plant was maintained in the shade, in open air or inside plastic bags. The plastic bags were changed daily. The plant kept in plastic bags was given to 18 goats, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after collection. The plant kept in the open air was given to 13 goats, 4, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours and 9, 10, 23 and 30 days after collection. In Experiment 3, the previously ground plant kept in the open air or inside plastic bags was administered 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after collection. Seventeen goats received the plant kept in plastic bags, and 16 goats the plant left in the open air. In Experiments 2 and 3, two or three goats were used for each period after collection, and the plant was given until the loss of its toxicity. Forty goats were used as controls for evaluation of the cardiac and respiratory frequencies. In Experiment 1, the ground and not ground plant had similar toxicity. In Experiment 2, the plant kept in the open air maintained its toxicity during the whole experiment (30 days), and the plant kept inside the plastic bags was toxic until 96 hours after collection. In Experiment 3, the ground plant, left in the open air or kept inside plastic bags, was toxic for 72 hours after collection. In all experiments clinical signs were characteristic of cyanide poisoning. All poisoned goats were treated successfully. In conclusion, Manihot glaziovii, which is used as forage in northeastern Brazil, should be ground and left for at least 96 hours in the open air before feeding to animals. The plant for preparing hay should be previously ground, and the hay should be given to animals also only 96 hours after its preparation.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Brito M.F., França T.N., Oliveira K.D. & Cerqueira V.D. 2000. [Experiments in rabbits with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em coelhos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):65-70. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil.
The dried leaves of Piptadenia macrocarpa Benth. 1 =Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan], Piptadenia viridiflora (Kunth.) Benth. and Holocalyx glaziovii Taub. [=Holocalyx balansae Micheli], all trees of the Leguminosae Mimosoideae family, were given orally to rabbits in single doses. In the case of H. glaziovii, leaves were fed after being stored in two diferente ways. In the first series of experiments, Piptadenia macrocarpa failed to poison rabbits although the leaves were collected when sprouting, the most toxic stage forcattle. The experiments were performed 4 to 6 months after the leaves had been collected and dried. In a second series of experiments, similar leaves were fed at monthly intervals after harvest. They were toxic for the first 5 months, but were innocuous after 6 months storage. In both series of experiments the leaves were dried in the shade and then kept in cotton sacks at room temperature. They always were milled at the occasion of the experiments. These experiments with rabbits confirm the results with cattle, in which severe poisoning was caused by leaves stored for 3 months but caused no ili effect after 4 months, even when fed in large amounts. Young leaves of P. viridiflora were lethal at 12 g/kg, 12 months after collection and drying. In a second experiment the lethal dose was only 6 g/kg with leaves stored for only 2 months. These results show that the dried leaves of these species lose toxicity with time. Holocalyx glaziovii leaves were milled 6 weeks after collecting and dried and stored in sealed containers. They were fed in. single doses to different rabbits at intervals during a whole year. Lethal doses were initially 0.75 g/kg to 1.5 g/kg but rose to 1.5 g/kg to 3 g/kg by the end of the year. In a second experiment, leaves stored in cotton sacks and milled just before feeding were compared with milled leaves stored in sealed glass containers. The plant material kept in cotton sacks had halfthe toxicity of the leaves stored.for 2 months in sealed containers. After 10 to 12 months it was only a little less toxic than that stored in the sealed containers but there were no differences after 14 months. The symptoms observed in the rabbits that were poisoned by the dried leaves of P. macrocarpa, P. viridiflora and H. glaziovii were neuromuscular. Post-mortem findings and histopathological findings were almost absent. On opening the stomach, a strong smell of bitter almonds was sometimes noticed. The degree of toxicity during the storage of the dried leaves of he three tested plants was generallywell correlated with the picrate testfor cyanide.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Brito M.F., França T.N., Oliveira K.D. & Cerqueira V.D. 2000. [Experiments in rabbits with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em coelhos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):65-70. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil.
A administração por via oral das folhas dessecadas de Piptadenia macrocarpa (Benth. [ =Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan], Piptadenia viridiflora (Kunth.) Benth. e Holocalyx glaziovii Taub. [ =Holocalyx balansae Micheli], plantas cianogênicas da família Leguminosae Mimosoideae, revelou a sensibilidade do coelho à elas, caracterizando-se a intoxicação por sintomatologia de natureza neuromuscular. A dose letal de P. macrocarpa foi de 6 g/kg para a brotação dessecada, até 5 meses após sua coleta; 6 meses depois da coleta a planta havia perdido a toxidez. A dose letal de P. viridiflora foi também de 6 g/kg para a brotação dessecada, coletada dois meses antes dos experimentos; 10 meses após a coleta a planta havia perdido metade da toxidez. Com H. glaziovii foram realizadas duas séries experimentais; estabeleceu-se a dose letal entre 0,75 e 1,5 g/kg com a planta coletada 2 meses antes, também com perda aproximada de metade da toxidez no período de 12 meses. O experimentos indicam, que H. glaziovii, moída logo após a coleta e armazenada em vidros fechados com tampa plástica, conserva melhor a toxidez nos primeiros meses do que a planta guardada em sacos de algodão, porém, ao final de um ano, essa diferença deixa de existir. A toxidez das folhas dessecadas foi proporcional à intensidade das reações das mesmas ao teste do papel picro-sódico, com raras exceções.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Tokarnia C.H., Peixoto P.V, Brito M.F., Duarte M.D. & Brust L.A.C. 1999. [Experimental studies in cattle with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em bovinos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(2):84-90. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil.
These studies were performed in arder to obtain additional data on Brazilian cyanogenic plants. Three animals, severely poisoned by Piptadenia macrocarpa ( =Anadenanthera macrocarpa), recovered readilywhen treated intravenously with 660 mg/kg of sodium hyposulphite (sodium thiosulphate) plus 30 g dissolved in water given by stomach tube. Fresh leaves (in the sprouting phase), fed in October, were more poisonous than mature leaves fed in March. Dried leaves slowly lost their toxicity within a few months. Both the fresh and dried leaves of Piptadenia viridiflora showed similar toxic effects to P. macrocarpa. As this was also readily reversed by the administration of sodium hyposulphite in two animals, P. viridiflora can be included in the group of toxic cyanogenic plants. Four animals severely poisoned by the leaves of Holocalyx glaziovii ( =Holocalyx balansae) also recovered readily after receiving sodium hyposulphite. The dried leaves of H. glaziovii also slowly lost their toxicity within a few months. Two animals severely poisoned by the leaves of Manihot glaziovii also recovered readily with sodium hyposulphite. However, dried leaves were no longer poisonous. The leaves of H. glaziovii and of M. glaziovii always gave a quick (in less than 5 minutes) positive reaction to the picrate test for cyanide. Those of P. macrocarpa and P. viridiflora reacted more slowly (after 15 and 10 to 30 minutes respectively) when in the sprouting stage, and even slower when the leaves were mature. The slower reactions seen with Piptadenia spp indicate a slower breakdown of the hidrocyanic glycosides and this also explains the longer course of poisoning seen in cattle fed these species. The dried leaves of Piptadenia spp and also of H. glaziovii gave slower reactions than the fresh leaves. These data permit the conclusion that the picrate test for cyanide is of relative value when evaluating the amount of cyanogenic glycosides in plants.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Tokarnia C.H., Peixoto P.V, Brito M.F., Duarte M.D. & Brust L.A.C. 1999. [Experimental studies in cattle with cyanogenic plants.] Estudos experimentais em bovinos com plantas cianogênicas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(2):84-90. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil.
O presente estudo experimental foi realizado com a finalidade de preencher lacunas no conhecimento sobre algumas plantas cianogênicas no Brasil. Observou-se que três bovinos gravemente intoxicados por Piptadenia macrocarpa (=Anadenanthera macrocarpa), desenvolveram o clássico quadro de intoxicação cianídrica, mas se recuperaram de imediato quando tratados pela aplicação endovenosa de 660 mg/kg de hipossulfito (tiossulfato) de sódio, associada à administração de 30 g da mesma substância, dissolvidos na água, por sonda esofagiana. Verificou-se ainda que as folhas dessa planta são mais tóxicas em outubro (fase de brotação) do que em março (folhas maduras) e que as folhas dessecadas perdem lentamente em toxidez, no decorrer de meses. As folhas frescas, e também a dessecadas, de Piptadenia viridiflora produziram quadro clínico-patológico muito semelhante ao observado na intoxicação por P. macrocarpa, também rapidamente reversível, em dois bovinos, pela administração de hipossulfito de sódio, o que permite inseri-la entre as plantas cianogênicas. Quatro bovinos gravemente intoxicados pelas folhas de Holocalyx glaziovii se recuperaram prontamente após a administração de hipossulfito de sódio; verificou-se que as folhas dessecadas dessa planta perdem lentamente em toxidez, no decorrer de meses. Dois bovinos gravemente intoxicados pelas folhas de Manihot glaziovii se recuperaram de imediato pelo tratamento com hiposulfito de sódio. As folhas dessecadas desta planta perderam a sua toxidez. Com Holocalyx glaziovii e Manihot glaziovii, as reações positivas pelo teste do papel picro-sódico foram sempre muito rápidas (dentro de 5 minutos), enquanto que com Piptadenia macrocarpa e Piptadenia viridiflora as reações foram mais lentas (dentro de 15 minutos e de 10 a 30 minutos respectivamente) para a brotação, e ainda mais retardàdas para as folhas maduras. A·reação mais lenta, observada no teste do papel picro-sódico com as folhas de Piptadenia spp., indica·um desdobramento mais vagaroso do glicosídeo cianogênico e está de acordo com a evolução mais longa observada na intoxicação por essas plantas. As folhas dessecadas de Piptadenia spp e também de H. glaziovii forneceram reações mais lentas que as folhas frescas. Esses dados permitem concluir que o teste do papel picro-sódico tem valor apenas relativo na avaliação das concentrações de glicosídeos cianogênicos em material vegetal.