Abstract in English:
A survey carried out in the dairy region of Pernambuco was conducted to determine the most important poisonous plants for ruminants in the region. A total of 95 farmers from 19 municipalities were interviewed and the grazing areas of ruminants were inspected. According to the survey, the most important poisonous plants for ruminants were Manihot esculenta, Palicourea aeneofusca, Brachiaria decumbens, Indigofera suffruticosa, Ricinus communis and Cestrum axillare. Less reported classes of poisonous plants included nephrotoxic plants and plants that cause abortions or congenic malformations. Psychotria hoffmannseggiana, Psychotria colorata and Psychotria capitata were reported by farmers as the cause of sudden death in cattle. These plants should be better investigated to evaluate their importance as the cause of cattle deaths.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Neste estudo prospectivo, realizou-se um levantamento sobre a ocorrência das principais plantas tóxicas e a ocorrência de intoxicações por plantas em ruminantes na bacia leiteira de Pernambuco. Para isso, foram entrevistados 95 produtores rurais de 19 municípios e as áreas de pastagem de ruminantes foram inspecionadas. De acordo com o levantamento, as plantas tóxicas mais importantes para ruminantes foram Manihot esculenta, Palicourea aeneofusca, Brachiaria decumbens, Indigofera suffruticosa e Ricinus communis. As classes menos importantes de plantas tóxicas incluíram plantas nefrotóxicas e plantas que causam abortos e malformações congênitas. Psychotria hoffmannseggiana, Psychotria colorata e Psychotria capitata foram relatadas por produtores rurais como a causa de mortes súbitas em bovinos. Essas plantas devem ser investigadas melhor para avaliar sua importância como a causa de mortes de bovinos.
Abstract in English:
In this study, an outbreak of spontaneous poisoning by Dodonaea viscosa (D. viscosa) in a herd of dairy cattle in the municipality of Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul, was investigated. Three deaths occurred in a batch of 16 Jersey cattle, aged between three and four years, kept in a native field. The clinical signs observed were apathy, decreased production, and anorexia, with death occurring within approximately 48 h after the onset of signs. The three cattle were necropsied, and tissue samples were sent for histopathological examination. Necropsy findings included serosanguineous fluid in the abdominal cavity, intestines with congested serosa, and marked mesenteric edema. The mucosa of the abomasum of two of the animals was hemorrhagic with bloody content, and among the ruminal content of a bovine, leaves with morphological characteristics compatible with D. viscosa were observed. The livers of the three animals were enlarged, with accentuation of the lobular pattern. Histologically, centrilobular coagulation necrosis with congestion and hemorrhage was observed in the liver. Vacuolization and degeneration of hepatocytes were observed in the mid-zonal and periportal regions. The diagnosis of poisoning by D. viscosa leaves was based on epidemiological data, necropsy findings, and histopathological alterations. The presence of the plant in the rumen and in the grazing site of the affected cattle was essential for the diagnosis.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Neste trabalho, é descrito um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Dodonaea viscosa (D. viscosa) ocorrido em um rebanho de bovinos leiteiros, no município de Capão do Leão, no Rio Grande do Sul. Ocorreram três mortes em um lote de 16 bovinos da raça Jersey com idades entre três e quatro anos, mantidos em campo nativo. Os sinais clínicos observados foram apatia, queda na produção e anorexia, com morte em aproximadamente 48 horas após o início dos sinais. Os três bovinos foram necropsiados, e amostras de tecidos foram encaminhadas para exame histopatológico. Os achados de necropsia incluíam líquido serossanguinolento na cavidade abdominal, intestinos com serosas congestas e marcado edema de mesentério. A mucosa do abomaso de dois animais apresentava-se hemorrágica com conteúdo sanguinolento e, em meio ao conteúdo ruminal de um bovino foram observadas folhas com caracteres morfológicos compatíveis com D. viscosa. O fígado dos três animais estava aumentado, com acentuação do padrão lobular. Histologicamente no fígado havia necrose de coagulação centrolobular com congestão e hemorragia. Nas regiões médio-zonal e periportal observou-se vacuolização e degeneração dos hepatócitos. O diagnóstico de intoxicação pelas folhas D. viscosa foi baseado nos dados epidemiológicos, nos achados de necropsia e nas alterações histopatológicas. A presença da planta no rúmen e no local de pastoreio dos bovinos afetados foi fundamental para o diagnóstico.
Abstract in English:
Babesiosis is a hemolytic tick-borne disease caused by intraerythrocytic protozoal parasites of the genus Babesia. This is a disease of high incidence in the southern Brazil and responsible for considerable economic losses. Clinical-pathological diagnosis can be made by demonstrating the parasite by examining blood smears or fresh tissues. However, frequently, only formalin-fixed organs are sent to pathology laboratories, which makes it impossible to perform the smears. The main objective of this study was to find alternative histochemical techniques capable to improve the identification of intraerythrocytic Babesia bovis in histological sections. For this study, tissue samples from 50 bovine necropsy cases were retrospectively analyzed, which had been fixed in formalin and routinely processed for histopathology. The cases were divided into a control group, consisting of 12 cases of cerebral babesiosis with characteristic pink-cherry gray matter (group A), and 38 cases suggestive of cattle tick fever (group B), according to necropsy protocols. Histochemical techniques of Alcian Blue, Methylene Blue, Toluidine Blue, Giemsa, Gram (McCallum-Goodpasture method), Grocott, Periodic Acid of Schiff and Ziehl-Neelsen were tested. Among these, it was observed that the techniques of Methylene Blue and Toluidine Blue allowed to observe morphological and dye characteristics in a clearer way, aiding in the identification of B. bovis. In addition, several clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological parameters of babesiosis caused by B. bovis were established.
Abstract in Portuguese:
A babesiose é uma doença hemolítica transmitida por carrapatos e causada por protozoários intraeritrocitários do gênero Babesia. Esta é uma doença de incidência elevada na Região Sul do Brasil e responsável por perdas econômicas consideráveis. O diagnóstico clínico-patológico pode ser feito através da demonstração do parasito pelo exame de esfregaços sanguíneos ou de tecidos frescos. Entretanto, com frequência, somente órgãos fixados em formol são remetidos para laboratórios de patologia, o que impossibilita a realização do esfregaço. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi encontrar técnicas histoquímicas alternativas e capazes de aprimorar a evidenciação de Babesia bovis intraeritrocitária em tecidos fixados em formol. Para este estudo, foram analisadas retrospectivamente amostras de tecidos de 50 casos de necropsias de bovinos, as quais haviam sido fixadas em formol e processadas rotineiramente para histopatologia. Os casos foram divididos em um grupo controle, constituído por 12 casos de babesiose cerebral com substância cinzenta encefálica róseo-cereja característica (grupo A), e 38 casos sugestivos de tristeza parasitária bovina (grupo B), conforme os protocolos de necropsias. Foram testadas as técnicas histoquímicas de Azul Alciano, Azul de Metileno, Azul de Toluidina, Giemsa, Gram (método de McCallum-Goodpasture), Grocott, Ácido Periódico de Schiff e Ziehl-Neelsen. Dentre estas, observou-se que as técnicas de Azul de Metileno e Azul de Toluidina permitiram observar características morfológicas e tintoriais de maneira mais nítida, auxiliando na identificação de B. bovis. Adicionalmente, foram estabelecidos vários parâmetros clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos da babesiose por B. bovis.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L., Sallis E.S.V., Priebe A.P., Soares M.P., Almeida M.B., Ladeira S.R.L., Schramm R. & Riet-Correa F. 2006. Anthrax in cattle in southern Brazil: 1978-2006. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):243-248. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Univer-sidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: alschild@terra.com.br
Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L., Sallis E.S.V., Priebe A.P., Soares M.P., Almeida M.B., Ladeira S.R.L., Schramm R. & Riet-Correa F. 2006. Anthrax in cattle in southern Brazil: 1978-2006. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):243-248. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Univer-sidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: alschild@terra.com.br
Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.