Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Panziera W., Pavarini S.P., Sonne L., Barros C.S.L. & Driemeier D. 2018. Poisoning of cattle by Senecio spp. in Brazil: a review. [Intoxicação por Senecio spp. em bovinos no Brasil: revisão de literatura.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1459-1470. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Prédio 42505, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br
Poisoning of cattle by plants of the Senecio genus represents an important cause of death in cattle and has important economic repercussions in southern Brazil. This review is intended to provide a detailed review of Senecio spp. intoxication in cattle and addresses issues regarding the toxic principle and pathogenesis of the disease caused by these plants and the epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, control and prophylaxis of the disease. Senecio brasiliensis is the main species associated with natural intoxication of livestock in Brazil, and the number of cases associated with the ingestion of S. madagascariensis is increasing. The toxic principle of Senecio spp. comprises the hepatotoxic alkaloids of the pyrrolizidine group (pyrrolizidine alkaloids, PAs). The resulting liver lesions are chronic and irreversible and result from the inhibition of hepatocellular mitosis. Deaths of adult cattle may occur both sporadically and in larger outbreaks over an extended period of time. In cattle raising, Senecio spp. are consumed mainly during the winter, when there is a dearth of forage; at this time the poisonous Senecio species are budding and contain high concentrations of PAs. Spontaneous Senecio spp. intoxication in cattle is a chronic condition that frequently involves acute clinical manifestations. Affected cattle may present ascites, emaciation, intermittent dark diarrhea, tenesmus, rectal prolapse, and neurological signs resulting from hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatogenous photosensitization may be observed but is uncommon. Necropsy findings include dependent subcutaneous edema, ascites, and edema of the mesentery, abomasal folds, and gallbladder. The liver is firm, normal or reduced in size with a white, thick capsule. Microscopically, the hallmarks of Senecio-associated disease are varying degrees of hepatocellular megalocytosis, bile duct hyperplasia and fibrosis. Sheep are significantly more resistant to Senecio intoxication than are cattle and avidly ingest Senecio plants; therefore, the use of sheep for grazing infested pasture is recommended for preventing the associated disease in cattle.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Panziera W., Pavarini S.P., Sonne L., Barros C.S.L. & Driemeier D. 2018. Poisoning of cattle by Senecio spp. in Brazil: a review. [Intoxicação por Senecio spp. em bovinos no Brasil: revisão de literatura.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1459-1470. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Prédio 42505, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br
Intoxicação por plantas do gênero Senecio representa uma importante causa de morte em bovinos com grande repercussão econômica na região sul do Brasil. O objetivo dessa revisão é fornecer uma abordagem detalhada da intoxicação por Senecio spp. em bovinos, com enfoque nos seguintes aspectos da intoxicação: princípio tóxico e patogenia, epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e controle e profilaxia. Senecio brasiliensis constitui a principal espécie associada a intoxicações espontâneas em animais de produção e há uma crescente incidência de casos relacionados à intoxicação por S. madagascariensis. A toxicidade das espécies de Senecio deve-se à presença de alcaloides hepatotóxicos pertencentes ao grupo das pirrolizidinas (APs), que produzem lesão hepática crônica e irreversível, caracterizada pela inibição da mitose de hepatócitos. As mortes dos bovinos adultos acontecem de forma esporádica ou em surtos durante um período prolongado de tempo, e podem ocorrer durante o ano todo. As espécies do gênero Senecio são pouco palatáveis e consumidas pelos bovinos somente em determinadas circunstâncias, principalmente, no inverno, período em que as diferentes espécies estão em brotação, com maior concentração de alcaloides, e a disponibilidade de forragem é escassa. A intoxicação geralmente cursa com um quadro crônico, embora as manifestações clínicas sejam agudas. Os bovinos afetados podem apresentar ascite, emagrecimento, diarreia escura intermitente, tenesmo, prolapso retal e sinais neurológicos (encefalopatia hepática). Ocasionalmente ocorre fotossensibilização hepatógena. Na necropsia, os principais achados incluem edema subcutâneo ventral, ascite, edema de mesentério e das pregas do abomaso, distensão e edema da vesícula biliar e fígado firme, diminuído de tamanho e com a cápsula brancacenta. Microscopicamente, as principais alterações hepáticas consistem de graus variados de hepatomegalocitose, hiperplasia de ductos biliares e fibrose. A profilaxia inclui o uso de ovinos para pastorear os campos infestados pela planta, visto que essa espécie é mais resistente à ação dos APs e apresenta avidez no consumo da brotação da planta.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Hepatic cirrhosis in dogs: 80 cases (1965-2003).] Cirrose hepática em cães: 80 casos (1965-2003). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(11):471-480. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: claudioslbarros@uol.com.br
A retrospective study in 80 cases of canine hepatic cirrhosis was carried out at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Considering those cases in which the sex and age of the dogs were informed in the necropsy reports, males comprised 53.8% of the cases and 46.2% were females; while 50.0% of these dogs were aged, 48.6% were adults and 1.4% were puppies. The main observed clinical signs include ascites (39/80 [48.8%]), icterus (19/80 [23.8%]), anorexia (13/80 [16.2%]), neurological disturbances (12/80 [15.0%]), dyspnea (12/80 [15.0%]) and subcutaneous edema (10/80 [12.5%]). In 63 dogs for which there was a description of gross morphology in the necropsy reports, 76.2% had macronodular and 23.8% had micronodular cirrhosis. In 14 cases in which the histopathology of the liver was reviewed different degrees of fibrosis were observed: mild in 57.2%, moderate in 21.4%, or marked in 21.4%; in these cases there were no correlation with the degree of fibrosis and other associated histological changes such as lipidosis, biliary ducts hyperplasia, inflammation, bilestasis, hemosiderosis and random hepatocellular necrosis. Extra hepatic changes included ascites (39/63 [61.9%]), icterus (19/63 [30.2%]), status spongiosus (15/63 [23.8%]), hydrothorax (12/63 [19.0%]), subcutaneous edema (10/63 [15.9%]), portosystemic shunts (11/63 [17.5%]), gastric our duodenal ulceration (11/63 [17.5%]) and cholemic nephrosis (4/63 [6.3%]).
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Hepatic cirrhosis in dogs: 80 cases (1965-2003).] Cirrose hepática em cães: 80 casos (1965-2003). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(11):471-480. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: claudioslbarros@uol.com.br
A retrospective study in 80 cases of canine hepatic cirrhosis was carried out at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Considering those cases in which the sex and age of the dogs were informed in the necropsy reports, males comprised 53.8% of the cases and 46.2% were females; while 50.0% of these dogs were aged, 48.6% were adults and 1.4% were puppies. The main observed clinical signs include ascites (39/80 [48.8%]), icterus (19/80 [23.8%]), anorexia (13/80 [16.2%]), neurological disturbances (12/80 [15.0%]), dyspnea (12/80 [15.0%]) and subcutaneous edema (10/80 [12.5%]). In 63 dogs for which there was a description of gross morphology in the necropsy reports, 76.2% had macronodular and 23.8% had micronodular cirrhosis. In 14 cases in which the histopathology of the liver was reviewed different degrees of fibrosis were observed: mild in 57.2%, moderate in 21.4%, or marked in 21.4%; in these cases there were no correlation with the degree of fibrosis and other associated histological changes such as lipidosis, biliary ducts hyperplasia, inflammation, bilestasis, hemosiderosis and random hepatocellular necrosis. Extra hepatic changes included ascites (39/63 [61.9%]), icterus (19/63 [30.2%]), status spongiosus (15/63 [23.8%]), hydrothorax (12/63 [19.0%]), subcutaneous edema (10/63 [15.9%]), portosystemic shunts (11/63 [17.5%]), gastric our duodenal ulceration (11/63 [17.5%]) and cholemic nephrosis (4/63 [6.3%]).