Resultado da pesquisa (12)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Receptores

#11 - Mecanoreceptores da mucosa palatina de avestruz (Struthio camelus): estudo ao microscópio de luz, p.491-494

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Guimarães J.P., Mari R.B., Miglino M.A., Hernandez-Blasquez F.J. & Watanabe I. 2007. [Mechanoreceptors of the palatine mucosa of ostrich (Struthio camelus): light microscope study.] Mecanoreceptores da mucosa palatina de avestruz (Struthio camelus): estudo ao microscópio de luz. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):491-494. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Herbst corpuscles of the palatine mucosa of ostrich were studied by light microscopy. The corpuscles are composed of an outer core, inner core and central nerve terminal. The outer core presents numerous lamellae, while the inner core shows compact structure of cytoplasm sheets. The corpuscles are elongate or oval in shape and are surrounded by bundles of collagen fibers. Each lamella is composed of a dense network of thick fibrils. The terminal axons are located along the axis and form a bulb terminal. The fibers of external core stained by Picrosirius and examined by polarized light microscopy revealed to be green in color like type I collagen fibers, and at the periphery is a large amount of collagen type III. The corpuscles are surrounded by flat cells and dense collagen fibers at the periphery.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Guimarães J.P., Mari R.B., Miglino M.A., Hernandez-Blasquez F.J. & Watanabe I. 2007. [Mechanoreceptors of the palatine mucosa of ostrich (Struthio camelus): light microscope study.] Mecanoreceptores da mucosa palatina de avestruz (Struthio camelus): estudo ao microscópio de luz. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):491-494. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Herbst corpuscles of the palatine mucosa of ostrich were studied by light microscopy. The corpuscles are composed of an outer core, inner core and central nerve terminal. The outer core presents numerous lamellae, while the inner core shows compact structure of cytoplasm sheets. The corpuscles are elongate or oval in shape and are surrounded by bundles of collagen fibers. Each lamella is composed of a dense network of thick fibrils. The terminal axons are located along the axis and form a bulb terminal. The fibers of external core stained by Picrosirius and examined by polarized light microscopy revealed to be green in color like type I collagen fibers, and at the periphery is a large amount of collagen type III. The corpuscles are surrounded by flat cells and dense collagen fibers at the periphery.

#12 - Qualitative and semiquantitative studies on the immunoglubulin G-Fc-receptor activity of streptococci

Abstract in English:

These studies were conducted, in order to determine the nonimmune binding of human immunoglobulin (Ig) G to streptococci by qualitative and semiquantitative tests. In the qualitative slide method 28 (30.4%) of the 92 streptococcal cultures belonging to the serological group A bound IgG as well as 118 (50.2%) of the 235 group C cultures and 25 (31.6%) of the 79 group G cultures. The semiquantitative microtiter procedure revealed IgG-Fc-receptor activity in 31 (33.6%) of the 92 group A cultures, 171 (72.7%) of the 235 group C cultures and 32 (40.5%) of the 79 group G cultures in dilutions up to 1 :16000. Extraction of the streptococci by boiling or concentrated formic acid were suitable to obtain free IgG-Fc-receptors for the test. The semiquantitative microtiter procedure proved to be more sensitive for the demonstration of nonimmune IgG-binding to streptococci than the qualitative slide method and indicated the degree of IgG-Fc-receptor activity.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo e semiquantitativo para verificar a incidência de Fc-receptores para imunoglobulina G (IgG) humana em Streptococcus spp. Na prova qualitativa em lâmina verificou-se Fc-receptor-atividade em 28 (30,4%) das 92 culturas do grupo sorológico A, em 118 (50,2%) das 235 culturas do grupo sorológico C e em 25 (31,6%) das 79 culturas do grupo sorológico G. Nas provas semiquantitativas em placas de microtitulação, 31 (33,6%) das 92 culturas do grupo A, 171 (82,7%) das 235 culturas do grupo sorológico C e 32 (40,5%) das 79 culturas do grupo sorológico G mostraram-se positivas, em diluições até 1 :16000. De um total de 611 culturas testadas, as provas semiquantitativas em placa de microtitulação detectaram 234 (38,3%) culturas positivas, enquanto a prova qualitativa em lâmina 171 (28,0%). Dentre as provas semiquantitativas, a extração por fervura das bactérias e o tratamento com ácido fórmico mostraram-se eficientes na detecção da IgG-Fc-receptor-atividade. Concluiu-se que as provas semiquantitativas em placas de microtitulação são eficientes na determinação do grau da IgG-Fc-receptor-atividade.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV