Resultado da pesquisa (2428)

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#1991 - Screening of antigenemia and isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii from cloaca and crop of birds in the state of Paraná, Brazil, p.341-344

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Lugarini C., Condas L.A.Z., Soresini G.C., Santos R.C.F., Muro M.D., Ono M., Farias M.R. & Montiani-Ferreira F. 2008. Screening of antigenemia and isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii from cloaca and crop of birds in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(7):341-344. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Juvevê, Curitiba PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii are associated with dry bird excreta but rarely recovered from birds’ digestive tract. The objective of the present study was (1) to verify the existence of C. neoformans and C. gattii in crop and cloaca of wildlife and captivity birds hypothesizing about a possible primary source of this yeast in the excreta, and (2) to determine the fungi’s invasive capability in avian species through latex agglutination. For that purpose, 172 cloacal and 77 crop samples of domestic pigeon, Passerine, and Psittacine birds were collected. None of these samples was positive, suggesting that the yeast is not saprobiotic in the digestive tract of these birds. Only one out of 82 serum samples collected from pigeons and Psittacine birds was positive (title 1:2) showing that Cryptococcus sp. probably has a low invasive capability in birds, and is thus considered only a dry excreta colonizer.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Lugarini C., Condas L.A.Z., Soresini G.C., Santos R.C.F., Muro M.D., Ono M., Farias M.R. & Montiani-Ferreira F. 2008. Screening of antigenemia and isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii from cloaca and crop of birds in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(7):341-344. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Juvevê, Curitiba PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii are associated with dry bird excreta but rarely recovered from birds’ digestive tract. The objective of the present study was (1) to verify the existence of C. neoformans and C. gattii in crop and cloaca of wildlife and captivity birds hypothesizing about a possible primary source of this yeast in the excreta, and (2) to determine the fungi’s invasive capability in avian species through latex agglutination. For that purpose, 172 cloacal and 77 crop samples of domestic pigeon, Passerine, and Psittacine birds were collected. None of these samples was positive, suggesting that the yeast is not saprobiotic in the digestive tract of these birds. Only one out of 82 serum samples collected from pigeons and Psittacine birds was positive (title 1:2) showing that Cryptococcus sp. probably has a low invasive capability in birds, and is thus considered only a dry excreta colonizer.

#1992 - Ooforectomia videoassistida por acesso pré-femural em tartaruga-de-ouvido-vermelho (Trachemys scripta elegans), p.345-349

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT. Pessoa C.A., Rodrigues M.A., Kozu F.O., Prazeres R.F. & Fecchio R.S. 2008. [Coelioscopic-assisted prefemoral oophorectomy in red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans).] Ooforectomia videoassistida por acesso pré-femural em tartaruga-de-ouvido-vermelho (Trachemys scripta elegans). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(7):345-349. Departamento de Epidemiologia Experimental Aplicada às Zoonoses, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The usual surgical technique for accessing the coelomic cavity of chelonians through the horny shields and bone plates of plastron by using a Dremel machine (plastron osteotomy) is considered slow, traumatic, and very painful for the patient. In this paper a technique of coelioscopic-assisted prefemoral oophorectomy is described in red-eared slider. The time spent on accessing the coelomic cavity, removal of the follicles and ovaries, and anesthetic recovery was markedly decreased (three hours less) in comparison with the traditional technique. The rapid return of the patient to normal activity demonstrates an important reduction in pain at post-surgical recovery. The extra cost resulting of the use of endoscopy and a specialized veterinarian service is clearly justified by the positive results described above.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT. Pessoa C.A., Rodrigues M.A., Kozu F.O., Prazeres R.F. & Fecchio R.S. 2008. [Coelioscopic-assisted prefemoral oophorectomy in red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans).] Ooforectomia videoassistida por acesso pré-femural em tartaruga-de-ouvido-vermelho (Trachemys scripta elegans). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(7):345-349. Departamento de Epidemiologia Experimental Aplicada às Zoonoses, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The usual surgical technique for accessing the coelomic cavity of chelonians through the horny shields and bone plates of plastron by using a Dremel machine (plastron osteotomy) is considered slow, traumatic, and very painful for the patient. In this paper a technique of coelioscopic-assisted prefemoral oophorectomy is described in red-eared slider. The time spent on accessing the coelomic cavity, removal of the follicles and ovaries, and anesthetic recovery was markedly decreased (three hours less) in comparison with the traditional technique. The rapid return of the patient to normal activity demonstrates an important reduction in pain at post-surgical recovery. The extra cost resulting of the use of endoscopy and a specialized veterinarian service is clearly justified by the positive results described above.

#1993 - Aspectos clinicos e patológicos do envenenamento crotálico experimental em bovinos, p.261-270

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Graça F.A.S., Peixoto P.V., Coelho C.D., Caldas S.A. & Tokarnia C.H. 2008. [Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental Crotalus poisoning in cattle.] Aspectos clinicos e patológicos do envenenamento crotálico experimental em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):261-270. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Crotalus poisoning was experimentally reproduced by subcutaneous inoculation of Crotalus durissus terrificus (South American rattlesnake) venom into 10 clinically healthy mixed bred 12 to 36-month-old cattle, weighing 125 to 449 kg. Two animals were used as controls. The animal that received a dose of 0.03mg/kg body weight died 7h40min after inoculation. A 0.015mg/kg dose provoked death in 4 out of 7 young oxen. Two animals given 0.0075mg/kg became slightly sick and recovered. Onset of symptoms occurred from 1h30min to 13h45min after inoculation. The clinical course varied from 5h25min to 45h for animals that died, and from 33h15min to 17 days for animals that recovered. The main nervous signs observed were diminished response to external stimuli, hypotonic reflexes, dragging of the hooves, apathy, difficulties in moving around obstacles, ocular globe paralysis, lateral and sternal decubitus, and tongue paralysis. Adipsia and sometimes petechiae in the conjunctival and vaginal mucosa were observed. A slight to moderate increase in bleeding time was noted in 6 animals, and a moderate increase in partial thromboplastin time was found in 7 others. Moderate leukocytosis with neutrophilia, relative lymphopenia, eosinopenia, and monocytosis was found. There was a significant increase in creatine kinase serum levels of a ten-fold order. No significant alterations were revealed by urinalysis. Necropsy revealed minimal edema at the inoculation site, few petechiae and equimoses in the epicardium, omentum, biliary vesicle and bladder mucosa of some animals. Histopathological examination revealed necrosis (hyalinization) of groups or isolated myocytes in different muscles examined, both near and far from the inoculation site, in all animals. The diagnosis of Crotalus poisoning and its differentiation from diseases causing paralysis and muscular necrosis in cattle in Brazil are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Graça F.A.S., Peixoto P.V., Coelho C.D., Caldas S.A. & Tokarnia C.H. 2008. [Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental Crotalus poisoning in cattle.] Aspectos clinicos e patológicos do envenenamento crotálico experimental em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):261-270. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Crotalus poisoning was experimentally reproduced by subcutaneous inoculation of Crotalus durissus terrificus (South American rattlesnake) venom into 10 clinically healthy mixed bred 12 to 36-month-old cattle, weighing 125 to 449 kg. Two animals were used as controls. The animal that received a dose of 0.03mg/kg body weight died 7h40min after inoculation. A 0.015mg/kg dose provoked death in 4 out of 7 young oxen. Two animals given 0.0075mg/kg became slightly sick and recovered. Onset of symptoms occurred from 1h30min to 13h45min after inoculation. The clinical course varied from 5h25min to 45h for animals that died, and from 33h15min to 17 days for animals that recovered. The main nervous signs observed were diminished response to external stimuli, hypotonic reflexes, dragging of the hooves, apathy, difficulties in moving around obstacles, ocular globe paralysis, lateral and sternal decubitus, and tongue paralysis. Adipsia and sometimes petechiae in the conjunctival and vaginal mucosa were observed. A slight to moderate increase in bleeding time was noted in 6 animals, and a moderate increase in partial thromboplastin time was found in 7 others. Moderate leukocytosis with neutrophilia, relative lymphopenia, eosinopenia, and monocytosis was found. There was a significant increase in creatine kinase serum levels of a ten-fold order. No significant alterations were revealed by urinalysis. Necropsy revealed minimal edema at the inoculation site, few petechiae and equimoses in the epicardium, omentum, biliary vesicle and bladder mucosa of some animals. Histopathological examination revealed necrosis (hyalinization) of groups or isolated myocytes in different muscles examined, both near and far from the inoculation site, in all animals. The diagnosis of Crotalus poisoning and its differentiation from diseases causing paralysis and muscular necrosis in cattle in Brazil are discussed.

#1994 - Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul, p.285-292

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira L.C.L., Flores E.F., Driemeier D., Melo O. & Lemos R.A.A. 2008. [Mucosal disease associated with generalized dermatitis in cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):285-292. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory diagnostic aspects of a form of dermatitis associated with mucosal disease (MD) in cattle. It also focuses on the methods used for identifying persistently infected (PI) animals and on the impact of the disease on fertility and weaning rates in the affected herd. Cases of dermatitis associated with MD were diagnosed in two 12 and 24-month-old Nelore calves belonging to a beef cattle farm that operates the full cycle of production (calving, rearing, finishing) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil. The clinical signs exhibited by affected cattle 0included slow, progressive weight loss; formation of diffuse skin crusts in multiple body areas; skin dryness; multiple ulcerations on the gums and dorsal surface of the tongue which evolved to longitudinal fissures; formation of keratinized projections; and detachment of hoof horn. In addition, diarrhea affected one animal in the late stage of the disease. Necropsies also revealed longitudinal erosions in the esophagus. Histological examination showed coagulation necrosis foci in esophageal and lingual mucosae, with neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. Skin lesions consisted of epidermal coagulation necrosis associated with neutrophil infiltration and hyperkeratosis. In both cases, clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the isolation and identification of cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and immunohistochemical detection of viral antigens in formalin fixed tissues. Out of 300 cattle that had contact with the affected animals, 38 were found to be seropositive - in high neutralizing titers - to BVDV. Blood samples from 1,025 young animals and 40 bulls from the farm were examined for the presence of BVDV to identify potential PI animals. The virus was isolated from blood of three calves in the initial test and, 12 months later, from two of them which had remained on the farm. Only one of these calves was found to be BVDV-positive by immuno-histochemical testing performed on ear-tissue samples. In the year following the birth of PI calves, the herd underwent decreases in fertility and weaning rates, which later returned to their previous levels. The resulting data demonstrate the presence of BVDV infection in beef herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and provide evidence as to include the disease in the differential diagnosis of causes of generalized dermatitis in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira L.C.L., Flores E.F., Driemeier D., Melo O. & Lemos R.A.A. 2008. [Mucosal disease associated with generalized dermatitis in cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):285-292. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory diagnostic aspects of a form of dermatitis associated with mucosal disease (MD) in cattle. It also focuses on the methods used for identifying persistently infected (PI) animals and on the impact of the disease on fertility and weaning rates in the affected herd. Cases of dermatitis associated with MD were diagnosed in two 12 and 24-month-old Nelore calves belonging to a beef cattle farm that operates the full cycle of production (calving, rearing, finishing) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil. The clinical signs exhibited by affected cattle 0included slow, progressive weight loss; formation of diffuse skin crusts in multiple body areas; skin dryness; multiple ulcerations on the gums and dorsal surface of the tongue which evolved to longitudinal fissures; formation of keratinized projections; and detachment of hoof horn. In addition, diarrhea affected one animal in the late stage of the disease. Necropsies also revealed longitudinal erosions in the esophagus. Histological examination showed coagulation necrosis foci in esophageal and lingual mucosae, with neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. Skin lesions consisted of epidermal coagulation necrosis associated with neutrophil infiltration and hyperkeratosis. In both cases, clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the isolation and identification of cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and immunohistochemical detection of viral antigens in formalin fixed tissues. Out of 300 cattle that had contact with the affected animals, 38 were found to be seropositive - in high neutralizing titers - to BVDV. Blood samples from 1,025 young animals and 40 bulls from the farm were examined for the presence of BVDV to identify potential PI animals. The virus was isolated from blood of three calves in the initial test and, 12 months later, from two of them which had remained on the farm. Only one of these calves was found to be BVDV-positive by immuno-histochemical testing performed on ear-tissue samples. In the year following the birth of PI calves, the herd underwent decreases in fertility and weaning rates, which later returned to their previous levels. The resulting data demonstrate the presence of BVDV infection in beef herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and provide evidence as to include the disease in the differential diagnosis of causes of generalized dermatitis in cattle.

#1995 - Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária, p.293-298

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Deleito C.S.R & Moya Borja G.E. 2008. [Neem (Azadirachta indica): An alternative for controlling flies associated with animal breeding.] Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):293-298. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica, are among the most important arthropod pests of livestock, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to test of efficacy of various concentrations of neem oil on pupae of the above mentioned flies under laboratory and in field conditions. Reduction of fly emergence from treated pupae with 0.6 per cent of neem oil was 95.6 per cent under laboratory conditions and 94.5 per cent when applied on the soil, where the cattle rest during the night. The application of neem oil at 0.6 per cent on the soil is a viable alternative for controlling pupae of L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax and M. domestica.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Deleito C.S.R & Moya Borja G.E. 2008. [Neem (Azadirachta indica): An alternative for controlling flies associated with animal breeding.] Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):293-298. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica, are among the most important arthropod pests of livestock, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to test of efficacy of various concentrations of neem oil on pupae of the above mentioned flies under laboratory and in field conditions. Reduction of fly emergence from treated pupae with 0.6 per cent of neem oil was 95.6 per cent under laboratory conditions and 94.5 per cent when applied on the soil, where the cattle rest during the night. The application of neem oil at 0.6 per cent on the soil is a viable alternative for controlling pupae of L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax and M. domestica.

#1996 - Aspectos clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais do envenenamento experimental por Bothrops alternatus em bovinos, p.303-313

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Caldas S.A., Tokarnia C.H., França T.N., Brito M.F., Graça F.A.S., Coelho C.D. & Peixoto P.V. 2008. [Clinic and pathological and laboratory aspects of experimental poisoning by Bothrops alternatus venom in cattle.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais do envenenamento experimental por Bothrops alternatus em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):303-312. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical-pathological alterations and laboratory findings in cattle inoculated with Bothrops alternatus venom, with the intention of providing information for the establishment of diagnosis and differential diagnosis procedures, as well as to elucidate some obscurities observed in the pertinent literature. The lyophilized venom was diluted in 1 ml of physiologic solution. It was administered to 5 bovines by the subcutaneous route at doses of 0.0625, 0.125 and 0.25mg/kg body weight, and to 2 bovines by the intramuscular route at doses of 0.25 e 0.45mg/kg. Six bovines died and the only animal that survived, who had subcutaneously received the venom at a dose of 0.0625mg/kg, recovered. The first clinical signs were observed from 25min to 5h30min after the inoculation. The clinical evolution time varied from 7 hours 18 minutes to 92 hours. Regardless of the dose, the clinical picture was characterized by swelling (hemorrhage/hematoma) at the site of inoculation, increase in bleeding time and capillary refill time, paleness of mucous membranes and apathy. The laboratory exams revealed progressive normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, reduction in fibrinogen and total plasma proteins, decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin, and slight increase in creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. When subjected to necropsy, the animals that received the venom through the subcutaneous route showed large hematomas and hemorrhagic areas in the subcutaneous tissue, extending from the site of inoculation. The animals in which inoculation was performed intramuscularly exhibited, in addition, intramuscular hemorrhage. The left endocardium showed extensive hemorrhagic lesions, and petechiae were found on the serosae of rumen, omasum, abomasum and gall bladder. The colon, rectum and perirenal areas were surrounded by clotted blood in three animals. Besides hemorrhage, the histological examination revealed hemorrhage and coagulative muscle necrosis in the vicinities of the inoculation site in the animals that received the venom by the intramuscular route. These lesions were mild in the muscles close to the site of inoculation in the animals inoculated by the subcutaneous route. The swelling on the site of inoculation and its surroundings was a consequence of blood accumulation and not merely edema. Myoglobinuria and gross or microscopic lesions were not observed in the kidneys. This study indicates that B. alternatus can lead adult bovines to death if they release all their venom during a bite. Conversely, since venomous ophidians can control the amount of poison they inoculate and they probably do not identify bovines as potential preys, it is likely that the number of accidents involving this species is small, which is in agreement with the findings of the majority of the centers for anatomical-pathological diagnosis in Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Caldas S.A., Tokarnia C.H., França T.N., Brito M.F., Graça F.A.S., Coelho C.D. & Peixoto P.V. 2008. [Clinic and pathological and laboratory aspects of experimental poisoning by Bothrops alternatus venom in cattle.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais do envenenamento experimental por Bothrops alternatus em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):303-312. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical-pathological alterations and laboratory findings in cattle inoculated with Bothrops alternatus venom, with the intention of providing information for the establishment of diagnosis and differential diagnosis procedures, as well as to elucidate some obscurities observed in the pertinent literature. The lyophilized venom was diluted in 1 ml of physiologic solution. It was administered to 5 bovines by the subcutaneous route at doses of 0.0625, 0.125 and 0.25mg/kg body weight, and to 2 bovines by the intramuscular route at doses of 0.25 e 0.45mg/kg. Six bovines died and the only animal that survived, who had subcutaneously received the venom at a dose of 0.0625mg/kg, recovered. The first clinical signs were observed from 25min to 5h30min after the inoculation. The clinical evolution time varied from 7 hours 18 minutes to 92 hours. Regardless of the dose, the clinical picture was characterized by swelling (hemorrhage/hematoma) at the site of inoculation, increase in bleeding time and capillary refill time, paleness of mucous membranes and apathy. The laboratory exams revealed progressive normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, reduction in fibrinogen and total plasma proteins, decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin, and slight increase in creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. When subjected to necropsy, the animals that received the venom through the subcutaneous route showed large hematomas and hemorrhagic areas in the subcutaneous tissue, extending from the site of inoculation. The animals in which inoculation was performed intramuscularly exhibited, in addition, intramuscular hemorrhage. The left endocardium showed extensive hemorrhagic lesions, and petechiae were found on the serosae of rumen, omasum, abomasum and gall bladder. The colon, rectum and perirenal areas were surrounded by clotted blood in three animals. Besides hemorrhage, the histological examination revealed hemorrhage and coagulative muscle necrosis in the vicinities of the inoculation site in the animals that received the venom by the intramuscular route. These lesions were mild in the muscles close to the site of inoculation in the animals inoculated by the subcutaneous route. The swelling on the site of inoculation and its surroundings was a consequence of blood accumulation and not merely edema. Myoglobinuria and gross or microscopic lesions were not observed in the kidneys. This study indicates that B. alternatus can lead adult bovines to death if they release all their venom during a bite. Conversely, since venomous ophidians can control the amount of poison they inoculate and they probably do not identify bovines as potential preys, it is likely that the number of accidents involving this species is small, which is in agreement with the findings of the majority of the centers for anatomical-pathological diagnosis in Brazil.

#1997 - Intestinal lesions in pigs affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome, p.313-318

Abstract in English:

Abstract.- Zlotowski P., Corrêa A.M.R., Barcellos D.E.S., Cruz C.E.F., Asanome W., Barry A.F., Alfieri A.A. & Driemeier D. 2008. Intestinal lesions in pigs affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):313-318. Departamento de Patologia Clinica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Abstract.- Zlotowski P., Corrêa A.M.R., Barcellos D.E.S., Cruz C.E.F., Asanome W., Barry A.F., Alfieri A.A. & Driemeier D. 2008. Intestinal lesions in pigs affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):313-318. Departamento de Patologia Clinica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.

#1998 - Influência do exercício na indução da apoptose e necrose das células do líquido sinovial de eqüinos atletas, p.231-236

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Rasera L., Massoco C.O., Landgraf R.G. & Baccarin R.Y.A. 2008. [Exercise induced apoptosis and necrosis in the synovial fluid cells of athletic horses.] Influência do exercício na indução da apoptose e necrose das células do líquido sinovial de eqüinos atletas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):231-236. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Butantan, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The effects of biomechanical stress on inflammatory and adaptative responses of articular tissues in athletic horses were investigated. Synovial fluid was collected from the metacarpophalangeal joints of athletic horses before exercise and 3, 6, 24 hours after exercise, and as well as from the control group (without exercise). Apoptosis/necrosis percentage, TNF-a and PGE2 were determined by annexin V/PI assay, bioassay (L929) and ELISA, respectively. The results showed that total leukocyte count was higher in the athletic group when is compared with the control group. Three hours after the exercise was done there were increases of cellular apoptosis (P>0.05) and necrosis (P<0.05) percentage, PGE2 concentration (P<0.05) and protein concentration (P<0.05), and the TNF-a level has dropped. The athletic group showed moderate level of joint inflammation after the strenuous exercise. This articular tissue response to biomechanical insult due to the exercise, with high intensity after 3 hours after training associated with normality after 24 hours, reveals the articular adaptation to physical stress in athletic horses.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Rasera L., Massoco C.O., Landgraf R.G. & Baccarin R.Y.A. 2008. [Exercise induced apoptosis and necrosis in the synovial fluid cells of athletic horses.] Influência do exercício na indução da apoptose e necrose das células do líquido sinovial de eqüinos atletas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):231-236. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Butantan, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The effects of biomechanical stress on inflammatory and adaptative responses of articular tissues in athletic horses were investigated. Synovial fluid was collected from the metacarpophalangeal joints of athletic horses before exercise and 3, 6, 24 hours after exercise, and as well as from the control group (without exercise). Apoptosis/necrosis percentage, TNF-a and PGE2 were determined by annexin V/PI assay, bioassay (L929) and ELISA, respectively. The results showed that total leukocyte count was higher in the athletic group when is compared with the control group. Three hours after the exercise was done there were increases of cellular apoptosis (P>0.05) and necrosis (P<0.05) percentage, PGE2 concentration (P<0.05) and protein concentration (P<0.05), and the TNF-a level has dropped. The athletic group showed moderate level of joint inflammation after the strenuous exercise. This articular tissue response to biomechanical insult due to the exercise, with high intensity after 3 hours after training associated with normality after 24 hours, reveals the articular adaptation to physical stress in athletic horses.

#1999 - Segmentos anátomo-cirúrgicos arteriais do rim de cutia (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), p.249-252

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Carvalho M.A.M., Azevedo L.M., Menezes D.J.A., Oliveira M.F., Assis Neto A.C., Cardoso F.T.S. & Teixeira M.C.O. 2008. [Anatomical-surgical arterial segments of the kidney in agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha).] Segmentos anátomo-cirúrgicos arteriais do rim de cutia (Dasyprocta prymnolopha). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):249-252. Departamento de Morfofisiologia Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI 64049-550, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty pairs of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831) kidneys were studied to describe the arterial anatomical-surgical segments. The renal arteries were injected with stained acetate vinyl, followed by procedures of acid corrosion in order to obtain vascular casts. It was found that the renal artery is always single and bifurcated into ventral and dorsal sectorial arteries. The sectorial arteries reached the kidneys (100% of the cases) through the hilus. These vessels gave origin to segmental branches responsible for kidney irrigation. At the right kidney, the ventral sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (60% of the cases), 4 (35%) and 5 (5%) segmental branches; the dorsal sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (30%), 4 (45%), 5 (20%) and 6 (5%) segmental arteries separated by a vascular sector. At the left kidney, the ventral sectorial arteries originated 2 (10%), 3 (55%) or 4 (35%) segmental branches; the dorsal sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (25%), 4 (50%) and 5 (25%) segmental branches. Based on the arterial distribution of agouti kidneys, independent sections and arterial segments were found, so that it is possible to accomplish partial kidney resection surgery.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Carvalho M.A.M., Azevedo L.M., Menezes D.J.A., Oliveira M.F., Assis Neto A.C., Cardoso F.T.S. & Teixeira M.C.O. 2008. [Anatomical-surgical arterial segments of the kidney in agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha).] Segmentos anátomo-cirúrgicos arteriais do rim de cutia (Dasyprocta prymnolopha). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):249-252. Departamento de Morfofisiologia Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI 64049-550, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty pairs of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831) kidneys were studied to describe the arterial anatomical-surgical segments. The renal arteries were injected with stained acetate vinyl, followed by procedures of acid corrosion in order to obtain vascular casts. It was found that the renal artery is always single and bifurcated into ventral and dorsal sectorial arteries. The sectorial arteries reached the kidneys (100% of the cases) through the hilus. These vessels gave origin to segmental branches responsible for kidney irrigation. At the right kidney, the ventral sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (60% of the cases), 4 (35%) and 5 (5%) segmental branches; the dorsal sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (30%), 4 (45%), 5 (20%) and 6 (5%) segmental arteries separated by a vascular sector. At the left kidney, the ventral sectorial arteries originated 2 (10%), 3 (55%) or 4 (35%) segmental branches; the dorsal sectorial arteries gave origin to 3 (25%), 4 (50%) and 5 (25%) segmental branches. Based on the arterial distribution of agouti kidneys, independent sections and arterial segments were found, so that it is possible to accomplish partial kidney resection surgery.

#2000 - Aspectos morfológicos do saco vitelino em dois roedores da subordem Hystricomorpha: paca (Agouti paca) e cutia (Dasyprocta aguti), p.253-259

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Conceição R.A., Ambrósio C.E., Martins D.S., Carvalho A.F., Franciolli A.L.R., Machado M.R.F., Oliveira M.F. & Miglino M.A. 2008. [Morphological aspects of yolk sac from rodents of Hystricomorpha subordem: paca (Agouti paca) and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti).] Aspectos morfológicos do saco vitelino em dois roedores da subordem Hystricomorpha: paca (Agouti paca) e cutia (Dasyprocta aguti). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):253-259. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. Universidade de São Paulo, Cidade Universitária, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The study aimed to characterize gross and microscopic features of the yolk sac in paca (Agouti paca) and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti) in early gestation. Fragments of the yolk sac of 3 paca and 3 agouti fetuses at early gestation were taken and processed for histological and ultrastructural analyses. Gross features of the vitelline placenta in both species showed its insertion over the main placenta surface and projections to the embryos/fetuses. Microscopically, the vitelline placenta was constituted by endoderm epithelium and mesenchyme, in which vitelline vessels are abundant. The ultrastructure of the samples showed that the visceral yolk sac of the paca was formed by endodermic cells with nuclei in the median region, and that the visceral yolk sac of the agouti was formed by nuclei arranged apically; other characteristic was the large number of mitochondrias, eletrodense vesicles with microvilosities We conclude that (1) the vitelline placenta of the two species presents insertion in the surface of the main placenta; (2) the vitelline placenta of paca rests on the Reichert’s membrane, whereas the agouti vitelline placenta does not have this membrane; (3) the chorion and allantoic are fusioned; and (4) the chorioallantoic placenta and the yolk sac in both species are reversed and vascularized.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Conceição R.A., Ambrósio C.E., Martins D.S., Carvalho A.F., Franciolli A.L.R., Machado M.R.F., Oliveira M.F. & Miglino M.A. 2008. [Morphological aspects of yolk sac from rodents of Hystricomorpha subordem: paca (Agouti paca) and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti).] Aspectos morfológicos do saco vitelino em dois roedores da subordem Hystricomorpha: paca (Agouti paca) e cutia (Dasyprocta aguti). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):253-259. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. Universidade de São Paulo, Cidade Universitária, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The study aimed to characterize gross and microscopic features of the yolk sac in paca (Agouti paca) and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti) in early gestation. Fragments of the yolk sac of 3 paca and 3 agouti fetuses at early gestation were taken and processed for histological and ultrastructural analyses. Gross features of the vitelline placenta in both species showed its insertion over the main placenta surface and projections to the embryos/fetuses. Microscopically, the vitelline placenta was constituted by endoderm epithelium and mesenchyme, in which vitelline vessels are abundant. The ultrastructure of the samples showed that the visceral yolk sac of the paca was formed by endodermic cells with nuclei in the median region, and that the visceral yolk sac of the agouti was formed by nuclei arranged apically; other characteristic was the large number of mitochondrias, eletrodense vesicles with microvilosities We conclude that (1) the vitelline placenta of the two species presents insertion in the surface of the main placenta; (2) the vitelline placenta of paca rests on the Reichert’s membrane, whereas the agouti vitelline placenta does not have this membrane; (3) the chorion and allantoic are fusioned; and (4) the chorioallantoic placenta and the yolk sac in both species are reversed and vascularized.

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