Resultado da pesquisa (4)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Amazon parrot

#1 - Pathological aspects of a septicemic salmonellosis outbreak caused by Salmonella serotype Typhimurium in captive blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva)

Abstract in English:

There are reports of septicemic salmonellosis in exotic birds caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, although they are scarce and do not address the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of this condition in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). This study aims to report an outbreak of salmonellosis by S. Typhimurium in 15 blue-fronted parrots introduced to a rehabilitation center in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, accompanied by flat white areas in the capsule and parenchyma, were the most frequent gross changes, histologically represented by necrotic and heterophilic hepatitis and splenitis and associated with bacteria in the cytoplasm of macrophages and free in the affected tissue. S. Typhimurium was identified from bacterial culture, PCR, and DNA sequencing. Along with immunohistochemistry samples of liver, spleen, kidney, small intestine, pancreas, thyroid, heart, and lung, immunostaining was used for Salmonella spp. without previous bacterial isolation. The lethality of this outbreak demonstrates the relevance of salmonellosis in blue-fronted parrots, which are known to be carriers of this bacteria.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Apesar de existirem relatos sobre salmonelose septicêmica em aves silvestres por Salmonella enterica sorovar Typhimurium, eles são escassos e não abordam os aspectos anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da condição em papagaios-verdadeiros (Amazona aestiva). Este trabalho visou relatar um surto de salmonelose por S. Typhimurium em 15 papagaios-verdadeiros introduzidos em um centro de reabilitação localizado no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia acompanhadas por áreas planas brancacentas na cápsula e no parênquima foram as alterações macroscópicas mais frequentes, representadas histologicamente por hepatite e esplenite necróticas e heterofílicas associadas a bactérias no citoplasma de macrófagos e livres no tecido afetado. S. Typhimurium foi identificada a partir de cultura bacteriana, PCR e sequenciamento de DNA. Na imuno-histoquímica, as amostras de fígado, baço, rim, intestino delgado, pâncreas, tireoide, coração e pulmão evidenciaram imunomarcação para Salmonella spp., mesmo quando não houve isolamento bacteriano prévio. A alta letalidade deste surto demonstra relevância da salmonelose em papagaios-verdadeiros, que são majoritariamente atribuídos como hospedeiros carreadores desta bactéria.

#2 - Modified Schirmer tear test and rebound tonometry in blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva), 37(8):871-873

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Falcão M.S.A., Monteiro R.V., Oriá A.P. & Galera P.D. 2017. Modified Schirmer tear test and rebound tonometry in blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(8):871-873. Departamento de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida L4 Norte, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to describe the modified Schirmer tear test (mSTT), intraocular pressure (IOP) by rebound tonometry and palpebral fissure length (PFL) in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five healthy adult animals from a conservation breeding center in Brazil were used in this study. Modified Schirmer tear test, rebound tonometry and PFL measurements were performed in both eyes, with birds under physical restraint. Mean mSTT was 6.2±0.1mm/min and mean IOP was 6.4±0.1mmHg, while PFL was 10.1±0.1mm. A moderate correlation was seen between mSTT and PFL for OD (ρ=0.14) and OS (ρ=0.20). The results provide ophthalmic tests reference values for A. aestiva.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Falcão M.S.A., Monteiro R.V., Oriá A.P. & Galera P.D. 2017. Modified Schirmer tear test and rebound tonometry in blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). [Teste lacrimal de Schirmer modificado e tonometria de rebote em papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva).] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(8):871-873. Departamento de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida L4 Norte, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o teste lacrimal de Schirmer modificado (TLSm), a pressão intraocular (PIO) pela tonometria de rebote e o comprimento da fissura palpebral (FP) do papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva). Foram avaliados 35 papagaios adultos e saudáveis, provenientes de um Criadouro Conservacionista do Brasil. Após avaliação clínica e laboratorial, as aves foram fisicamente contidas para aferição, em ambos os olhos, do TLSm, da PIO pela tonometria de rebote e do comprimento da FP utilizando-se um paquímetro digital. Valor médio do TLSm foi 6.2±0.1mm/min e da PIO foi 6.4±0.1 mmHg, enquanto a aferição da FP foi 10.1±0.1mm. Uma correlação moderada foi observada entre TLSm e a FP para olho direito (OD) (ρ=0.14) e olho esquerdo (OE) (ρ=0.20). Os resultados podem servir como valores de referência para testes oftálmicos para A. aestiva.

#3 - Retrospective study of ocular disorders in Amazon parrots, 29(12):979-984

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Hvenegaard A.P., Safatle A.M.V, Guimarães M.B. & Barros P.S.M. 2009. Retrospective study of ocular disorders in Amazon parrots. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(12):979-984. Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508 270, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study was conducted to identify the occurrence and types of ocular disorders in 57 Amazon parrots admitted to the Ophthalmology Service, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil from 1997 to 2006. The most frequent observed disorder was cataracts, present in 24 of the 114 examined eyes (57 parrots). Uveitis, ulcerative keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis were frequently diagnosed as well. The cornea was the most affected ocular structure, with 28 reported disorders. Uveal disorders also were commonly observed. Conjunctiva and eyelid disorders were diagnosed in lower frequency. Results suggest that cataracts are common and that cornea, lens and uvea are the most affected ocular structures in Amazon parrots.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Hvenegaard A.P., Safatle A.M.V, Guimarães M.B. & Barros P.S.M. 2009. Retrospective study of ocular disorders in Amazon parrots. [Estudo retrospectivo das alterações oculares observadas em papagaios.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(12):979-984. Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508 270, Brazil. E-mail: Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo para identificar a ocorrência e os tipos de alterações oculares observadas em 57 papagaios atendidos no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), de 1997-2006. Catarata em diferentes estágios de evolução foi a alteração ocular mais frequentemente diagnosticada, sendo observada em 24 dos 114 olhos examinados. Uveíte, ceratite ulcerativa e ceratoconjuntivite foram também diagnosticadas. A córnea foi a estrutura ocular mais acometida (28 registros). Alterações uveais foram frequentemente observadas. Alterações das pálpebras e conjuntiva foram observadas em menor freqüência. Concluí-se que catarata foi a alteração mais frequentemente observada e que a córnea, lente e úvea são as estruturas oculares mais susceptíveis a alterações em papagaios.

#4 - Blood-gas and electrolyte values for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva), p.108-112

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Paula V.V., Fantoni D.T., Otsuki D.A. & Auler Jr J.O.C. 2008. Blood-gas and electrolyte values for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):108-112. Departamento de Ciências Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, BR110 Km 47 s/n, Cx. Postal 137, Presidente Costa e Silva, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to provide reference data for blood gas/acid-base status and electrolytes for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five adult parrots from Tietê ecologic park were utilized. Arterial blood (0.3ml) samples were anaerobically collected from the superficial ulnar artery in heparinized (sodium heparin) 1-ml plastic syringes. The samples were immediately analyzed through a portable analyzer (i-STAT*, Abbot, Illinois, USA) with cartridges (EG7+). These data were grouped in such a way as to present both mean and standard deviation: body weight (360±37g), respiratory rate (82±33 b/m), temperature (41.8±0.6°C), hydrogen potential (7.452±0.048), carbon dioxide partial pressure (22.1±4.0mmHg), oxygen partial pressure (98.1±7.6mmHg), base excess (-7.9±3.1), plasma concentration of bicarbonate ions (14.8±2.8mmol/L), oxygen saturation (96.2±1.1%), plasma concentration of sodium (147.4±2.2mmol/L), plasma concentration of potassium (3.5±0.53mmol/L), plasma concentration of calcium (0.8±0.28mmol/L), hematocrit (38.7±6.2%) and concentration of hemoglobin (13.2±2.1g/dl). This study led us to conclude that, although the results obtained showed hypocapnia and low values of bicarbonate and base excess, when compared to other avian species, these data are very similar. Besides, in spite of the equipment being approved only for human beings, it was considered simple and very useful in the analysis of avian blood samples. By using this equipment we were able to provide references data for non-anaesthetized Amazon parrots.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Paula V.V., Fantoni D.T., Otsuki D.A. & Auler Jr J.O.C. 2008. Blood-gas and electrolyte values for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):108-112. Departamento de Ciências Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, BR110 Km 47 s/n, Cx. Postal 137, Presidente Costa e Silva, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to provide reference data for blood gas/acid-base status and electrolytes for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five adult parrots from Tietê ecologic park were utilized. Arterial blood (0.3ml) samples were anaerobically collected from the superficial ulnar artery in heparinized (sodium heparin) 1-ml plastic syringes. The samples were immediately analyzed through a portable analyzer (i-STAT*, Abbot, Illinois, USA) with cartridges (EG7+). These data were grouped in such a way as to present both mean and standard deviation: body weight (360±37g), respiratory rate (82±33 b/m), temperature (41.8±0.6°C), hydrogen potential (7.452±0.048), carbon dioxide partial pressure (22.1±4.0mmHg), oxygen partial pressure (98.1±7.6mmHg), base excess (-7.9±3.1), plasma concentration of bicarbonate ions (14.8±2.8mmol/L), oxygen saturation (96.2±1.1%), plasma concentration of sodium (147.4±2.2mmol/L), plasma concentration of potassium (3.5±0.53mmol/L), plasma concentration of calcium (0.8±0.28mmol/L), hematocrit (38.7±6.2%) and concentration of hemoglobin (13.2±2.1g/dl). This study led us to conclude that, although the results obtained showed hypocapnia and low values of bicarbonate and base excess, when compared to other avian species, these data are very similar. Besides, in spite of the equipment being approved only for human beings, it was considered simple and very useful in the analysis of avian blood samples. By using this equipment we were able to provide references data for non-anaesthetized Amazon parrots.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV