Abstract in English:
Escherichia coli is recognized as one of the main microorganisms responsible for triggering clinical mastitis, a disease that causes considerable economic losses in the dairy industry. In this context, this study aimed to identify E. coli isolates present in individual milk samples collected from cows diagnosed with clinical mastitis from various regions of Brazil. Additionally, through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the presence of virulence genes eae, bfpB, escN, aatA, aggR, ipaH, stx1, stx2, est, and eltA was investigated; all associated with the pathotypes of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC). As an integral part of the study, a comprehensive assessment of the sensitivity profile of the isolates to 11 different antimicrobials widely used in mastitis treatment was also conducted. A total of 198 milk samples were collected from cows diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Among these samples, 12 isolates (6.07%) demonstrated bacterial growth greater than three Colony-Forming Units (CFU) when grown on MacConkey agar medium and morphological characteristics of E. coli. The disc-diffusion test was used to evaluate the susceptibility of these isolates to antimicrobials, and the most predominant resistance was observed concerning streptomycin and tetracycline, affecting 16.67% of the strains analyzed. Notably, all isolates investigated did not demonstrate the presence of the genes eae, aatA, aggR, ipaH, stx1, stx2, est, and eltA. These results indicate that these isolates do not fit the pathotypes known as diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC). However, one of the isolates tested was positive for the bfpB and escN genes. The detection of resistant E. coli associated with clinical mastitis points to possible gaps in the treatment of the disease. Additionally, the presence of resistance genes in E. coli strains indicates the potential to transmit these genes between animals and, perhaps, along the food chain.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Escherichia coli é reconhecida como um dos principais microrganismos responsáveis pelo desencadeamento da mastite clínica, doença que causa perdas econômicas consideráveis na indústria de laticínios. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo principal a identificação de isolados de E. coli presentes em amostras individuais de leite coletadas de vacas com diagnóstico de mastite clínica, de diversas regiões do Brasil. Adicionalmente, por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), foi investigada a presença dos genes de virulência eae, bfpB, escN, aatA, aggR, ipaH, stx1, stx2, est e eltA, todos associados aos patótipos de E. coli diarreiogênica (DEC). Como parte integrante do estudo, foi realizada uma avaliação abrangente do perfil de sensibilidade dos isolados a 11 antimicrobianos diferentes amplamente utilizados no tratamento da mastite. Foram coletadas 198 amostras de leite de vacas com diagnóstico de mastite clínica. Dentre essas amostras, 12 isolados (6,07%) demonstraram crescimento bacteriano superior a três Unidades Formadoras de Colônia (UFC) quando cultivadas em meio ágar MacConkey e características morfológicas de E. coli. Para avaliar a suscetibilidade desses isolados aos antimicrobianos foi utilizado o teste de disco-difusão, sendo observada a resistência mais predominante em relação à estreptomicina e à tetraciclina, afetando 16,67% das cepas analisadas. É relevante ressaltar que todos os isolados investigados não demonstraram a presença dos genes eae, aatA, aggR, ipaH, stx1, stx2, est e eltA. Estes resultados indicam que estes isolados não se enquadram nos patótipos conhecidos como Escherichia coli diarreiogénica (DEC). Porém, um dos isolados testados apresentou positividade para os genes bfpB e escN. A detecção de E. coli resistente associada à mastite clínica aponta para possíveis lacunas no tratamento da doença. Além disso, a presença de genes de resistência em estirpes de E. coli indica a capacidade potencial de transmitir estes genes entre animais e talvez ao longo da cadeia alimentar.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Fernando F.S., Okino C.H., Silva K.R., Fernandes C.C., Gonçalves M.C.M., Oliveira E.S., Vasconcelos R.O. & Montassier H.J. 2015. Increased expression of Interleukin-6 related to nephritis in chickens challenged with variant of infectious bronchitis virus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(3):216-222. Laboratório de Imunologia e Virologia Veterinária, Departamento de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: filipe.fernando@yahoo.com.br
A Brazilian field isolate (IBV/Brazil/PR05) of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), associated with development of nephritis in chickens, was previously genotyped as IBV variant after S1 gene sequencing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of IL-6 in kidneys and trachea of birds vaccinated and challenged with IBV/Brazil/PR05 strain, correlating these results with scores of microscopic lesions, specific IBV antigen detection and viral load. The up-regulation of IL-6 and the increased levels of viral load on renal and tracheal samples were significantly correlated with scores of microscopic lesions. Reduced levels of viral load were detected in kidneys of birds previously vaccinated and challenged, compared to non-vaccinated challenged group, although markedly microscopic lesions were observed for both groups. The expression of IL-6, present both in the kidney and in the tracheas, was dependent on the load of the virus present in the tissue, and the development of lesions was related with IL-6 present in the tissues. These data suggest that variant IBV/Brazil/PR05 can induce the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in a manner correlated with viral load and increased IL-6 is involved in the tissue with the influx of inflammatory cells and subsequent nephritis. This may contribute with a model to the development of immunosuppressive agents of IL-6 to prevent acute inflammatory processes against infection with IBV and perhaps other coronaviruses, as well as contribute to the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of IBV nephropatogenic strains.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Fernando F.S., Okino C.H., Silva K.R., Fernandes C.C., Gonçalves M.C.M., Oliveira E.S., Vasconcelos R.O. & Montassier H.J. 2015. Increased expression of Interleukin-6 related to nephritis in chickens challenged with variant of infectious bronchitis virus. [Aumento da expressão de Interleucina-6 relacionada com nefrite in galinhas desafiadas com uma variante do vírus da bronquite infecciosa.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(3):216-222. Laboratório de Imunologia e Virologia Veterinária, Departamento de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: filipe.fernando@yahoo.com.br
Uma estirpe variante do vírus da bronquite infecciosa (VBI) associada com o desenvolvimento de nefrite em galinhas, foi isolado e identificado como variante por análise do gene S1. A estirpe IBV/Brazil/PR05 foi testada quanto à sua capacidade de induzir a expressão de interleucina-6 (IL-6) nos tecidos renais e traqueais. Galinhas vacinadas com a estirpe Massachusetts H120 e não vacinadas foram desafiadas com a estirpe IBV/Brazil/PR05. Cinco dias após a infecção, traquéias e rins foram coletados para análise por RT-qPCR, imunohistoquímica e histopatologia. Foi determinada a expressão relativa de IL-6 e da carga viral. A expressão de IL-6 e carga viral foram correlacionadas com o desenvolvimento de nefrite e lesão traqueal. A expressão de IL-6 foi maior quando houve aumento da carga viral na traqueia e nos rins. A carga viral presente nos rins foi inferior quando as aves foram vacinadas, entretanto foi observada nefrite acentuada. Houve alta correlação entre o desenvolvimento de nefrite e o nível de expressão de IL-6, bem como a expressão de IL-6 e a carga viral. A expressão de IL-6, presente tanto nos rins e nas traqueias, foi relacionada a carga viral presente nestes tecidos, e o desenvolvimento das lesões foi relacionado com a expressão de IL-6. Estes dados sugerem que a variante IBV/Brazil/PR05 pode induzir a expressão de citocinas pró-inflamatórias de forma correlacionada com a carga viral, e o aumento de IL-6 está envolvido com o influxo de células inflamatórias no tecido, o que evolui para o desenvolvimento de nefrite. Isto pode contribuir como um modelo para o desenvolvimento de agentes imunossupressores da IL-6 para evitar processos inflamatórios agudos contra infecção com o VBI e talvez outros coronavírus, bem como contribuir para o entendimento da imunopatogênese das estirpes nefropatogênicas deste vírus.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Schatzmayr H.G., Simonetti B.R., Abreu D.C., Simonetti J.P., Simonetti S.R., Costa R.V.V., Gonçalves M.C.R., Gerhardt M.., Silva M.E.V., Farias-Filho J.C. & Barth O.M. 2009. Animal infections by vaccinia-like virus in the state of Rio de Janeiro: An expanding disease. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):509-514. Laboratório de Morfologia e Morfogênese Viral, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-900, Brazil. E-mail: hermann@ioc.fiocruz.br
In the present study we investigated the presence of infections by vaccinia-like viruses in dairy cattle from 12 counties in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the last 9 years. Clinical specimens were collected from adult animals with vesicular/pustular lesions mainly in the udder and teats, and from calves with lesions around the nose and mouth. A plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) was applied to search for antibodies to Orthopoxvirus; the vesicular/pustular fluids and scabs were examined by PCR, electron microscopy (EM) and by inoculation in VERO cells for virus isolation. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in most cases. The PCR test indicated a high nucleotide homology among the isolates and the vaccinia viruses (VACV) used as controls. By EM, typical orthopoxvirus particles were observed in some specimens. The agents isolated in tissue culture were confirmed as vaccinia-like viruses by EM and PCR. The HA gene of the vaccinia-like Cantagalo/IOC virus isolated in our laboratory was sequenced and compared with other vaccinia-like isolates, showing high homology with the original Cantagalo strain, both strains isolated in 1999 from dairy cattle. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in one wild rodent (genus Akodon sp.) collected in the northwestern region of the state, indicating the circulation of poxvirus in this area. Nonetheless, PCR applied to tissue samples collected from the wild rodents were negative. Vesicular/pustular lesions in people in close contact with animals have been also recorded. Thus, the vaccinia-like virus infections in cattle and humans in the state seem to be an expanding condition, resulting in economic losses to dairy herds and leading to transient incapacitating human disease. Therefore, a possible immunization of the dairy cattle in the state should be carefully evaluated.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Schatzmayr H.G., Simonetti B.R., Abreu D.C., Simonetti J.P., Simonetti S.R., Costa R.V.V., Gonçalves M.C.R., Gerhardt M.., Silva M.E.V., Farias-Filho J.C. & Barth O.M. 2009. Animal infections by vaccinia-like virus in the state of Rio de Janeiro: An expanding disease. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):509-514. Laboratório de Morfologia e Morfogênese Viral, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-900, Brazil. E-mail: hermann@ioc.fiocruz.br
In the present study we investigated the presence of infections by vaccinia-like viruses in dairy cattle from 12 counties in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the last 9 years. Clinical specimens were collected from adult animals with vesicular/pustular lesions mainly in the udder and teats, and from calves with lesions around the nose and mouth. A plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) was applied to search for antibodies to Orthopoxvirus; the vesicular/pustular fluids and scabs were examined by PCR, electron microscopy (EM) and by inoculation in VERO cells for virus isolation. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in most cases. The PCR test indicated a high nucleotide homology among the isolates and the vaccinia viruses (VACV) used as controls. By EM, typical orthopoxvirus particles were observed in some specimens. The agents isolated in tissue culture were confirmed as vaccinia-like viruses by EM and PCR. The HA gene of the vaccinia-like Cantagalo/IOC virus isolated in our laboratory was sequenced and compared with other vaccinia-like isolates, showing high homology with the original Cantagalo strain, both strains isolated in 1999 from dairy cattle. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in one wild rodent (genus Akodon sp.) collected in the northwestern region of the state, indicating the circulation of poxvirus in this area. Nonetheless, PCR applied to tissue samples collected from the wild rodents were negative. Vesicular/pustular lesions in people in close contact with animals have been also recorded. Thus, the vaccinia-like virus infections in cattle and humans in the state seem to be an expanding condition, resulting in economic losses to dairy herds and leading to transient incapacitating human disease. Therefore, a possible immunization of the dairy cattle in the state should be carefully evaluated.