Resultado da pesquisa (405)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa wild

#351 - Análise comparativa da origem do plexo braquial de catetos (Tayassu tajacu), p.357-362

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Moura C.E.B., Albuquerque J.F.G., Magalhães M.S., Silva N.B., Oliveira M.F. & Papa P.C. 2007. [Comparative analysis of the origin of the brachial plexus of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu).] Análise comparativa da origem do plexo braquial de catetos (Tayassu tajacu). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):357-362. Departamento de Morfologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Cx. Postal 1524, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, Natal, RN 59072-970, Brazil. E-mail: Collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) belongs to the Tayassuidae family, characterized by a “collar” of white hairs that cross behind the neck and extend bilaterally in front of the shoulders. It can be found from south-western United States to Argentina. In the literature a shortage of data is verified regarding the functional anatomy of the collared peccaries, especially of studies that involve the anatomy of the brachial plexus. To elucidate the behavior of this plexus of collared peccaries and with the purpose to contribute for the development of compared anatomy, this study was accomplished. Thirty animals of different ages were used (17 males and 13 females) coming from the Wild Animal Multiplication Center of the “Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido” Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. After slaughter bilateral dissection of the brachial plexuses took place, and the results were registered in schematic drawings and the dispositions grouped in tables for subsequent statistical analysis based on the percentile frequency. It was found that the Plexus brachialis of collared peccaries is the result of established communications, mainly among the Rami ventrales of the last three cervical nerves and of the first two thoracic nerves, having a contribution of the fourth and fifth cervical nerves in 16.67% and 50.00% of the cases, respectively. In 40.00% of the dissections the most frequent plexus was of the type C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2. The main nerves derived from brachial plexus of the collared peccaries and its respective origins had been: Nervus suprascapularis (C6, C7), Nn. subscapulares (C5, C6 e C7 or C6 e C7), N. axillaris (C6, C7), N. musculocutaneus (C7, C8), N. medianus (C7, C8, T1, T2), N. radialis (C8, T1, T2), N. ulnaris (C8, T1, T2), cranialis (C7), and caudalis (C7, C8) Nn. pectorales, N. thoracodorsalis (C6, C7, C8), N. thoracicus longus (C7, C8), and N. thoracicus lateralis (C8, T1, T2).

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Moura C.E.B., Albuquerque J.F.G., Magalhães M.S., Silva N.B., Oliveira M.F. & Papa P.C. 2007. [Comparative analysis of the origin of the brachial plexus of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu).] Análise comparativa da origem do plexo braquial de catetos (Tayassu tajacu). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):357-362. Departamento de Morfologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Cx. Postal 1524, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, Natal, RN 59072-970, Brazil. E-mail: Collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) belongs to the Tayassuidae family, characterized by a “collar” of white hairs that cross behind the neck and extend bilaterally in front of the shoulders. It can be found from south-western United States to Argentina. In the literature a shortage of data is verified regarding the functional anatomy of the collared peccaries, especially of studies that involve the anatomy of the brachial plexus. To elucidate the behavior of this plexus of collared peccaries and with the purpose to contribute for the development of compared anatomy, this study was accomplished. Thirty animals of different ages were used (17 males and 13 females) coming from the Wild Animal Multiplication Center of the “Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido” Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. After slaughter bilateral dissection of the brachial plexuses took place, and the results were registered in schematic drawings and the dispositions grouped in tables for subsequent statistical analysis based on the percentile frequency. It was found that the Plexus brachialis of collared peccaries is the result of established communications, mainly among the Rami ventrales of the last three cervical nerves and of the first two thoracic nerves, having a contribution of the fourth and fifth cervical nerves in 16.67% and 50.00% of the cases, respectively. In 40.00% of the dissections the most frequent plexus was of the type C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2. The main nerves derived from brachial plexus of the collared peccaries and its respective origins had been: Nervus suprascapularis (C6, C7), Nn. subscapulares (C5, C6 e C7 or C6 e C7), N. axillaris (C6, C7), N. musculocutaneus (C7, C8), N. medianus (C7, C8, T1, T2), N. radialis (C8, T1, T2), N. ulnaris (C8, T1, T2), cranialis (C7), and caudalis (C7, C8) Nn. pectorales, N. thoracodorsalis (C6, C7, C8), N. thoracicus longus (C7, C8), and N. thoracicus lateralis (C8, T1, T2).

#352 - Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella, p.377-382

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Costa F.B., Arouche M.M.S., Barros A.C.E., Miglino M.A., Vulcano L.C. & Guerra P.C. 2007. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of the urinary system, liver and uterus of Cebus apella monkey.] Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):377-382. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The Brown Capuchin, Cebus apella, has a wide distribution in the northern and southern Brazilian Amazon region and in the Cerrado (savanna). These monkeys are usually submitted to predatory chase, increasing the need for preservation of this wild animal species. An ultrasonographic examination of 10 Brown Capuchins was made in order to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of their abdominal cavity. The urinary bladder revealed its wall thickness with an average of 0.2cm, the topographic situation of which allowed close relation with the wall of uterus and descendent colon. Using caudal abdominal scan, images of aorta, caudal vena cava and right iliac vein were obtained. Liver was accessible for examination by sagittal and cross-section ultrasound, allowing visualization of gallbladder and hepatic vessels. Renal scan allowed accuracy to evidence the echogenicity differences between pelvis, renal sinus, as well as the cortical-medullary relationship. The mean length of the kidneys was 6.24±0.31cm, and no significant differences were observed between left and right kidney length (Student’s t-test and ANOVA). The renal volume obtained was 2.37±0.18cm3. Correlation Coefficients of Pearson between right and left renal length and between right and left renal volume were r = 0.74 and 0.51. Mean thickness for cortical and medullar regions was 0.75±0.11 and 0.39±0.06cm, respectively. Correlation Coefficient of corticomedullar relation between right and left renal was r = 0.19. Examination by ultrasound was considered an efficient, non-invasive, fast and repeatable technique which provides useful data for clinicians and surgeons engaged in wild animal medicine.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Costa F.B., Arouche M.M.S., Barros A.C.E., Miglino M.A., Vulcano L.C. & Guerra P.C. 2007. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of the urinary system, liver and uterus of Cebus apella monkey.] Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):377-382. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The Brown Capuchin, Cebus apella, has a wide distribution in the northern and southern Brazilian Amazon region and in the Cerrado (savanna). These monkeys are usually submitted to predatory chase, increasing the need for preservation of this wild animal species. An ultrasonographic examination of 10 Brown Capuchins was made in order to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of their abdominal cavity. The urinary bladder revealed its wall thickness with an average of 0.2cm, the topographic situation of which allowed close relation with the wall of uterus and descendent colon. Using caudal abdominal scan, images of aorta, caudal vena cava and right iliac vein were obtained. Liver was accessible for examination by sagittal and cross-section ultrasound, allowing visualization of gallbladder and hepatic vessels. Renal scan allowed accuracy to evidence the echogenicity differences between pelvis, renal sinus, as well as the cortical-medullary relationship. The mean length of the kidneys was 6.24±0.31cm, and no significant differences were observed between left and right kidney length (Student’s t-test and ANOVA). The renal volume obtained was 2.37±0.18cm3. Correlation Coefficients of Pearson between right and left renal length and between right and left renal volume were r = 0.74 and 0.51. Mean thickness for cortical and medullar regions was 0.75±0.11 and 0.39±0.06cm, respectively. Correlation Coefficient of corticomedullar relation between right and left renal was r = 0.19. Examination by ultrasound was considered an efficient, non-invasive, fast and repeatable technique which provides useful data for clinicians and surgeons engaged in wild animal medicine.

#353 - Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in farmed wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Rio Grande do Sul

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Corrêa A.M.R., Zlotowski P., Rozza D.B., Borba M.R., Leal J.S., Cuz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2006. Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in farmed wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(3):154-156. Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: This report concerns an outbreak of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in wild boars from commercial herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The main clinical signs were progressive wasting, respiratory distress, diarrhea, and ocular discharges. Enhanced lymph nodes and spleens, ascites, hydrothorax, and non collapsed lungs were the principal gross lesions. Varying degrees of lymphohistiocytic infiltrates in lymph nodes, spleen, and intestines were the most significant microscopic changes. Although a total of 26 animals had showed clinical and pathological findings consistent with the disease, only in 11 of them it was possible to confirm a PMWS diagnosis through the association of specific lesions in lymphoid tissues with the presence of the viral antigen detected by immunohistochemistry. These findings were similar to those reported in the swine disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Corrêa A.M.R., Zlotowski P., Rozza D.B., Borba M.R., Leal J.S., Cuz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2006. Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in farmed wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(3):154-156. Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: This report concerns an outbreak of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in wild boars from commercial herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The main clinical signs were progressive wasting, respiratory distress, diarrhea, and ocular discharges. Enhanced lymph nodes and spleens, ascites, hydrothorax, and non collapsed lungs were the principal gross lesions. Varying degrees of lymphohistiocytic infiltrates in lymph nodes, spleen, and intestines were the most significant microscopic changes. Although a total of 26 animals had showed clinical and pathological findings consistent with the disease, only in 11 of them it was possible to confirm a PMWS diagnosis through the association of specific lesions in lymphoid tissues with the presence of the viral antigen detected by immunohistochemistry. These findings were similar to those reported in the swine disease.

#354 - Evidence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents captured in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil

Abstract in English:

Lemos E.R.S., D'Andrea P.S., Bonvicino C. R., Famadas K. M., Padula P., Cavalcanti A.A. & Schatzmayr H.G. 2004. Evidence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents captured in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):71-73. Depto Virologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, 5º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: Hantaviruses are the etiological agents of the Hantavirus Cardio-Pulmonary Syndrome, a serious rodent-borne disease in Brazil. In order to investigate the occurrence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents, a survey was conducted in three different suburban areas of the municipality of Pedreira, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Of the 145 wild animals captured belonging to 12 different species identified by morphology and karyological analysis, 107 were rodents of the following species: Akodon montensis, Bolomys lasiurus, Calomys tener, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Myocastor coypus. Blood samples from these rodents were assayed for the presence of antibodies against hantavirus by IgG ELISA using Andes recombinant nucleocapsid antigen. Antibody reactive to Andes virus was found in two different species, O. nigripes and O. flavescens. These results indicate a potential risk for hantavirus transmission to humans in this area, where reservoir rodents are present in peridomestic settings.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Lemos E.R.S., D'Andrea P.S., Bonvicino C. R., Famadas K. M., Padula P., Cavalcanti A.A. & Schatzmayr H.G. 2004. Evidence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents captured in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):71-73. Depto Virologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, 5º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: Hantaviruses are the etiological agents of the Hantavirus Cardio-Pulmonary Syndrome, a serious rodent-borne disease in Brazil. In order to investigate the occurrence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents, a survey was conducted in three different suburban areas of the municipality of Pedreira, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Of the 145 wild animals captured belonging to 12 different species identified by morphology and karyological analysis, 107 were rodents of the following species: Akodon montensis, Bolomys lasiurus, Calomys tener, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Myocastor coypus. Blood samples from these rodents were assayed for the presence of antibodies against hantavirus by IgG ELISA using Andes recombinant nucleocapsid antigen. Antibody reactive to Andes virus was found in two different species, O. nigripes and O. flavescens. These results indicate a potential risk for hantavirus transmission to humans in this area, where reservoir rodents are present in peridomestic settings.

#355 - Comparison of three diagnostic techniques for the detection of leptospires in the kidneys of wild house mice (Mus musculus)

Abstract in English:

Rossetti C.A., Vansco B.N., Pini, N & Carfagnini J.C. 2004. Comparison of three diagnostic techniques for the detection of leptospires in the kidneys of wild house mice (Mus musculus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(1):6-10. Instituto de Patobiología, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CNIA) del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), CC 25 (1712) Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: Forty-one wild house mice (Mus musculus) were trapped in an urban area, near railways, in Santa Fe city, Argentina. Both kidneys from each mouse were removed for bacteriological and histological examination. One kidney was inoculated into Fletcher semi-solid medium and isolates were serologically typed. The other kidney was microscopically examined after hematoxylin-eosin, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical stains. Leptospires, all of them belonging to the Ballum serogroup, were isolated from 16 (39%) out of 41 samples. The presence of the agent was recorded in 18 (44%) and in 19 (46%) out of 41 silver impregnated and immunohistochemically stained samples respectively. Additionally, leptospires were detected in high number on the apical surface of epithelial cells and in the lumen of medullary tubules and they were less frequently seen on the apical surface of epithelial cells or in the lumen of the cortical tubules, which represents an unusual finding in carrier animals. Microscopic lesions consisting of focal mononuclear interstitial nephritis, glomerular shrinkage and desquamation of tubular epithelial cells were observed in 13 of 19 infected and in 10 of 22 non-infected mice; differences in presence of lesions between infected and non-infected animals were not statistically significant (P=0,14). The three techniques, culture, silver impregnation and immunohistochemistry, had a high agreement (k³0.85) and no significant differences between them were detected (P>0.05). In addition, an unusual location of leptospires in kidneys of carrier animals was reported, but a relationship between lesions and presence of leptospires could not be established.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Rossetti C.A., Vansco B.N., Pini, N & Carfagnini J.C. 2004. Comparison of three diagnostic techniques for the detection of leptospires in the kidneys of wild house mice (Mus musculus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(1):6-10. Instituto de Patobiología, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CNIA) del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), CC 25 (1712) Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: Forty-one wild house mice (Mus musculus) were trapped in an urban area, near railways, in Santa Fe city, Argentina. Both kidneys from each mouse were removed for bacteriological and histological examination. One kidney was inoculated into Fletcher semi-solid medium and isolates were serologically typed. The other kidney was microscopically examined after hematoxylin-eosin, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical stains. Leptospires, all of them belonging to the Ballum serogroup, were isolated from 16 (39%) out of 41 samples. The presence of the agent was recorded in 18 (44%) and in 19 (46%) out of 41 silver impregnated and immunohistochemically stained samples respectively. Additionally, leptospires were detected in high number on the apical surface of epithelial cells and in the lumen of medullary tubules and they were less frequently seen on the apical surface of epithelial cells or in the lumen of the cortical tubules, which represents an unusual finding in carrier animals. Microscopic lesions consisting of focal mononuclear interstitial nephritis, glomerular shrinkage and desquamation of tubular epithelial cells were observed in 13 of 19 infected and in 10 of 22 non-infected mice; differences in presence of lesions between infected and non-infected animals were not statistically significant (P=0,14). The three techniques, culture, silver impregnation and immunohistochemistry, had a high agreement (k³0.85) and no significant differences between them were detected (P>0.05). In addition, an unusual location of leptospires in kidneys of carrier animals was reported, but a relationship between lesions and presence of leptospires could not be established.

#356 - Profile of antimicrobial susceptibility in strains of Gram positive cocci, negative catalase, isolated from buffalo subclinical mastitis, 23(2):47-51

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Vianni M.C.E. & Lázaro N.S. 2003. [Profile of antimicrobial susceptibility in strains of Gram positive cocci, negative catalase, isolated from buffalo subclinical mastitis.] Perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos em amostras de cocos Gram-positivos, catalase negativos, isoladas de mastite subclínica bubalina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):47-51. Depto Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veterinária, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. The susceptibility of antimicrobials was studied in Gram positive and catalase negative cocci (21 samples of Lactococcus garvieae and 6 Enterococcus gallinarum), isolated from the milk of cows with subclinical mastitis, belonging to six buffalo herds in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The test used was diffusion of disks in agar Müller Hinton, according to recommendations of the National Committee for Clinicai Laboratory Standards - NCCLS. There were tested disks with ampicillin (10mg), cefalotin (30mg), cefotaxime (30mg), cefoxitin (30mg), doranfenicol (30mg), eritromycin (15mg), gentamycin (10mg), nitrofurantoin (300mg), norfloxacin (10mg), penicillin (1 O IU), tetracydin (30mg) and vancomycin (30mg). The results showed that with Lactococcus garvieae, the most efficient antimicrobial was nitrofurantoin, revealing 85.71% sensibility, followed by cefotaxime (61.90%), vancomycin (52.38%), norfloxacin (47.62%) and cefalotin (47.62%). The highest resistance was developed against penicillin and ampicillin, with 95.24% resistance for the two antimicrobials. The susceptibility profile developed by the strains of Enterococcus gallinarum showed low sensibility against the tested antimicrobials; the highest resistance observed was against eritromycin and gentamycin, with 33.34% sensibility for both. The antimicrobial evaluation showed 100% resistance against vancomycin and tetracyclin, followed by cloranfenicol, penicillin, ampicillin, cefoxitin, cefotaxim, norfloxacin and nitrofurantoin; all of them showed a resistance of 83.33% with the samples tested.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Vianni M.C.E. & Lázaro N.S. 2003. [Profile of antimicrobial susceptibility in strains of Gram positive cocci, negative catalase, isolated from buffalo subclinical mastitis.] Perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos em amostras de cocos Gram-positivos, catalase negativos, isoladas de mastite subclínica bubalina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):47-51. Depto Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veterinária, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. Estudou-se o perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos em cocos Gram-positivos catalase negativos (21 amostras de Lactococcus garvieae e 6 de Enterococcus gallinarum), isoladas do leite de fêmeas com mastite subdínica e pertencentes a uma população composta por seis rebanhos bubalinos localizados no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O teste utilizado foi o da difusão de discos em agar Müller Hinton, segundo recomendações do National Committee for Clinicai Laboratory Standards - NCCLS, tendo sido testados discos com ampicilina (10mg), cefalotina (30mg), cefotaxima (30mg), cefoxitina (30mg), cloranfenicol (30mg), eritromicina (15mg), gentamicina (10mg), nitrofurantoína (300mg), norfloxacina (10mg), penicilina (10 UI), tetracidina (30mg) e vancomicina (30mg). Os resultados evidenciaram que em se tratando de Lactococcus garvieae, o antimicrobiano mais eficiente foi o nitrofurantoína com 85,71% de sensibilidade, seguido da cefotaxima (61,90%), vancomicina (52,38%), norfloxacina (47,62%) e cefalotina (47,62%). A maior resistência foi desenvolvida frente a penicilina e ampicilina, com 95,24% de resistência para os dois antimicrobianos testados. O perfil de susceptibilidade desenvolvido pelas amostras de Enterococcus gallinarum, mostrou baixa sensibilidade frente aos antimicrobianos testados, onde os maiores índices foram observados frente eritromicina e gentamicina, com 33,34% de sensibilidade para ambos; quanto à resistência desenvolvida, foi possível observar 100% de resistência com relação a vancomicina e tetraciclina, seguindo-se cloranfenicol, penicilina, ampicilina, cefoxitina, cefalotina, cefotaxima, norfloxacina e nitrofurantoína, todas evidenciando uma resistência de 83,33% das amostras testadas.

#357 - The blood and urinary values in the pre and post-parturient period of buffaloes, kept on exclusive pasture feeding., 23(2):87-92

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira C.M.C., Barbosa J.D., Pfeifer I.B. & Cardoso D.P. 2003. [The blood and urinary values in the pre and post-parturient period of buffaloes, kept on exclusive pasture feeding.] Parâmetros sangüineos e urinários, no pré e pós-parto, de búfalas criadas em sistema exclusivo de pastejo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):87-92. Central de Diagnóstico da Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: Eight lactating buffaloes of the Murrah breed were used from 60 days before up to 60 days after calving, in order to evaluate alterations in the concentration of blood glucose, total plasmatic protein, haematocrit and the presence of ketonic bodies in the urine. The 5 to 10-year old buffaloes were clinically healthy and had had at least two lactations. During the experimental period the animais were maintained on Brachiaria brizantha pasture and · supplemented with a mineral mixture and water. The media concentrations of blood glucose and the media values of the haematocrit diminished significantly after calving (p<0,05). The concentrations of total plasmatic protein did not show significant variation during the pre and post-parturient period. The ketonic bodies in the pre-parturient period were only detected in the urine of one buffaloe, but after the 32nd day of lactation ketonic bodies were detected in ali animais. There was a direct relationship between the color of the urine positive by the Rothera test and blood glucose concentrations. lt can be concluded that at the beginning of lactation the buffaloes had an energetic deficit, characterized by a decline of blood glucose concentrations and the presence of ketonic bodies in the urine, and that lactation caused a progressive decline of the hematocrit, but that the concentration of total plasmatic protein did not vary during the pre and post-parturient period.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Oliveira C.M.C., Barbosa J.D., Pfeifer I.B. & Cardoso D.P. 2003. [The blood and urinary values in the pre and post-parturient period of buffaloes, kept on exclusive pasture feeding.] Parâmetros sangüineos e urinários, no pré e pós-parto, de búfalas criadas em sistema exclusivo de pastejo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):87-92. Central de Diagnóstico da Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: Foi avaliada a ocorrência de alterações nas concentrações de glicose sangüínea, proteína plasmática total; hematócrito e presença de corpos cetônicos na urina de oito búfalas leiteiras da raça Murrah, com idade variando entre 5 e 10 anos, com no mínimo duas lactações, clinicamente sadias, desde 60 dias antes até 60 dias pós-parto. As concentrações médias de glicose sangüínea e o valor médio do hematócrito diminuíram significativamente no pós-parto (p<0,05). As concentrações de proteína plasmática total não sofreram variações significativas do pré para o pós-parto. No período préparto os corpos cetônicos só foram detectados na urina de uma búfala; entretanto, a partir do 32º dia de lactação foram detectados em todos os animais. Houve uma relação direta entre a coloração da urina positiva para o teste de Rothera e as concentrações de glicose sangüínea. Pode-se concluir que na fase inicial da lactação as búfalas utilizadas sofreram um déficit energético, caracterizado pela diminuição nas concentrações sangüíneas de glicose e presença de corpos cetônicos na urina, e que a lactação causou um declínio progressivo no hematócrito, enquanto que as concentrações da proteína plasmática total não sofreram variações do pré para o pós-parto.

#358 - Humoral iminune response, bacterial recovery and time lesions in mice geneticaly selected for high and low antibody production and in outbreed Balb/c mice face to Leptospira interrogans sorovar ictero

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Marinho M., Langoni H., Oliveira S.L., Carreira R., Perri, S.H.V. e Luvizoto M.C. 2002. [Humoral iminune response, bacterial recovery and time lesions in mice geneticaly selected for high and low antibody production and in outbreed Balb/c mice face to Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae.] Resposta humoral, recuperação bacteriana e lesões histológicas em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para bons e maus produtores de anticorpos e Balb/c, frente à infecção por Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):5-12. Laboratório de Microbiologia, Departamento de Apoio, Produção e Saúde Animal FOA, Unesp-Campus de Araçatuba, Cx. Postal 341, Araçatuba, SP 16050-680, Brazil. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the association among the kinetics of humoral immune response, the recovery ofviable leptospiras and the intensity ofthe tissue lesions in mice selected for high (H) and low (L) production of antibodies (selection N-A) and in mice from the outbreed Balb/c Iine, inoculated with pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Toe H and L lines showed modifications in some steps ofthe immune response, mainly in relation to the macrophagic activity, representing extreme phenotypes found in heterogeneous natural populations. Mice were sacrificed in eight moments after the infection. Analysis of the results revealed that from the 7th day after the infection, on Iine H mice presented antibodies titles significantly higher as compared to the L line mice, maintaining the multispecific effect Balb/c tine mice showed intermediàte results between the two Iines. Antibodies production worked as a timiting factor to the infection, becausewhen a greater leptospiras recovery was obtained, at the initial phase of the infection, the titles of antibodies were elevated. Inflammatory and degenerative process led to similar lesions in the organs ofinfected mice. Only a variation in the degree oftissue compromising was observed according to the tine. H tine mice showed more extensive lesions than L and Balb/c lines mice. For the Balb/c tine mice, the lesions were moderate. As a mie, H and Balb/c mice lines showed a Th2 profile of immune response, with higher indexes of antibody production and gravity ofthe lesions, while L line mice presented a Th 1 profile ofimmune response.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Marinho M., Langoni H., Oliveira S.L., Carreira R., Perri, S.H.V. e Luvizoto M.C. 2002. [Humoral iminune response, bacterial recovery and time lesions in mice geneticaly selected for high and low antibody production and in outbreed Balb/c mice face to Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae.] Resposta humoral, recuperação bacteriana e lesões histológicas em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para bons e maus produtores de anticorpos e Balb/c, frente à infecção por Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):5-12. Laboratório de Microbiologia, Departamento de Apoio, Produção e Saúde Animal FOA, Unesp-Campus de Araçatuba, Cx. Postal 341, Araçatuba, SP 16050-680, Brazil. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade associar a cinética da resposta humoral à recuperação de leptospiras viáveis e à intensidade das lesões teciduais em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para bons (High) e maus (Low) produtores de anticorpos (seleção IV-A), além de camundongos outbreed, Balb/c, inoculados com amostra patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. As linhagens High e Low (seleção IV-A) apresentam modificações em alguns compartimentos da resposta imune, principalmente em relação à atividade macrofágica, representando fenótipos extre mos encontrados em populações naturais heterogêneas. Os camundongos foram sacrificados em oito momentos após a infecção. A análise dos resultados revelou que a partir do 7º dia após a infecção, os camundongos da linhagem High apresentaram elevação nos títulos de anticorpos estatisticamente significantes quando comparados aos camundongos da linhagem Low, mantendo assim o efeito multiespecífico. Os camundongos Balb/c apresentaram resultados intermediários entre as duas linhagens. A produção de anticorpos colaborou como fator limitante à infecção, pois quando obtevese maior recuperação de leptospiras, na fase inicial da infecção, os títulos de anticorpos encontravam-se em elevação. As lesões observadas nos órgãos de camundongos infectados consistiram basicamente nos mesmos processos inflamatórios e degenerativos, que não se alteraram, variando apenas o grau de comprometimento tecidual, de acordo com a linhagem. A linhagem high apresentou lesões mais extensas que as apresentadas pelas linhagens low e Balb/c, sendo que nesta última as lesões foram moderadas. De forma geral a linhagem High e Balb/c apresentaram um perfil de resposta Th2, com o maior índice de produção de anticorpos e gravidade das lesões, enquanto a linhagem Low apresentou um perfil de resposta Th 1.

#359 - Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern Brazil, 23(1):13-16

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L, Soares M.P., Damé M.C., Portianski E.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2002. Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern .Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):13-16. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-960, Brazil. Congenital arthrogryposis is described in a Murrah buffalo herd. The disease was characterized by curvature and multiple articular rigidity of the hindlimbs or of all limbs without associated clefects except for one case of brachygnatia. Histologically there was reduction of motor neurons from the ventral horns of the spinal cord and hypoplasia of the limb muscles. Analysis of the herd breeding records suggests that the disease is genetically transmitted by an autosomal recessive trait.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schild A.L, Soares M.P., Damé M.C., Portianski E.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2002. Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern .Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):13-16. [Artrogripose em búfalos Murrah no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.] Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-960, Brazil. Artrogripose congênita é descrita em um rebanho de búfalos da raça Murrah. A enfermidade caracterizou- se por curvatura e rigidez articular múltipla dos membros posteriores e/ou dos quatro membros sem associação com outros defeitos exceto por um búfalo que apresentou, também, braquignatia. Histologicamente observou-se diminuição dos neurônios motores nos cornos ventrais da medula espinhal e hipoplasia dos músculos dos membros. A análise genealógica dos animais sugere que a doença possa ser geneticamente transmitida por um gene recessivo autossômico.

#360 - A comparative study of some functional exams of the ruminai fluid and of some blood metabolites of cattle and buffaloes, 23(1):33-37

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Ávila S.C., Dias R.V.C., Pfeifer I.B. & Oliveira C.M.C. 2003. [A comparative study of some functional exams of the ruminai fluid and of some blood metabolites of cattle and buffaloes.J Estudo comparativo de algumas provas funcionais do fluido ruminai e de metabólitos sangüíneos de bovinos e bubalinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):33-37. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: ln adult buffaloes and cattle in the Amazonian Region, fed elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), the following values ofthe ruminai fluid were determined: colour, odor, viscosity, sedimentation, flotation, pH, the reduction of methylene blue, glucose fermentation, total acidity, total number of protozoa, the amount of chlorides, reduction of nitrites and the predominant group of bacteria. ln the blood serum, the amounts of chlorides, total proteins and urea were also established. A comparison between the parameters observed in buffaloes and cattle did not show significant differences, with exception of the amount of chlorides and the number and distribution of protozoa. ln buffaloes the amount of chlorides was lower and the number of protozoa was higher than those observed in cattle; additionally in buffaloes the small protozoa predominated, to the contrary of cattle, in which the large protozoa predominated.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Barbosa J.D., Ávila S.C., Dias R.V.C., Pfeifer I.B. & Oliveira C.M.C. 2003. [A comparative study of some functional exams of the ruminai fluid and of some blood metabolites of cattle and buffaloes.J Estudo comparativo de algumas provas funcionais do fluido ruminai e de metabólitos sangüíneos de bovinos e bubalinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):33-37. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: No fluido ruminai de búfalos e de bovinos da Região Amazônica, alimentados com capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) var. Cameron, foram determinados os seguintes parâmetros: cor, odor, viscosidade, sedimentação, flotação, pH, redução do azul de metileno, fermentação da glicose, acidez total, número total de protozoários, teor de cloretos, redução de nitrito e grupo de bactérias predominantes. No soro sangüíneo também foram avaliados os teores de cloretos, proteínas totais e uréia. A comparação desses dados não resultou em diferenças significativas entre as duas espécies, com exceção do teor de cloretos e do número e distribuição dos protozoários. Nos búfalos, os teores de cloretos foram mais baixos e o número de protozoários foi maior do que o observado em bovinos; adicionalmente nos búfalos predominaram os protozoários pequenos, enquanto em bovinos preponderaram os protozoários grandes.

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