Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Farias R.C.

#1 - Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical characterization of spontaneous neoplasms in pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

#2 - Clinical and anatomopathological findings of lipid-related lesions in wild and pet birds from the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Diseases related to lipid metabolism disorders are reported in several orders of birds, especially in psittacines, and include obesity, atherosclerosis, hepatic lipidosis, egg yolk coelomitis, lipomas, liposarcomas, xanthomas and xanthogranulomas. This study describes epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of 28 cases involving lipid-related lesions in wild and pet birds from Northeastern Brazil. The cases were selected from 313 avian patients referred to the UFPB Veterinary Hospital from 2018 to 2022. Lipid-related tumors were the most frequent lesions, followed by obesity, hepatic steatosis, egg yolk coelomitis, atherosclerosis and lipemia. The Psittaciformes order was the most affected, and an erroneous diet (excess consumption of sunflower seeds, bread, crackers, rice, etc.) was identified as the main risk factor for the development of these lesions, which reinforces the need to warn bird owners and caretakers about the importance of adequate nutrition. Forty-nine percent of the reported tumors were in the pericloacal region, which makes lipomas and xanthomas an important differential diagnosis for nodules in this location of birds, especially psittacids.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Doenças relacionadas à desordens no metabolismo dos lipídeos são reportadas em diversas ordens de aves, especialmente em piscítacídeos e incluem obesidade, aterosclerose, lipidose hepática, celomite por gema de ovo, lipomas, lipossarcomas, xantomas e xantogranulomas. Este estudo descreve aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de 28 casos envolvendo lesões relacionadas a lipídeos em aves silvestres e pet no Nordeste Brasileiro. Os casos foram selecionados de um total de 313 aves atendidas entre 2018 e 2022 no Hospital Veterinário da UFPB. Tumores relacionados a lipídeos foram as lesões mais relatadas, seguido por obesidade, esteatose hepática, celomite por gema de ovo, aterosclerose e lipemia. A ordem Piscitaciforme foi a mais acometida e dieta errônea (Excesso de sementes de girassol, pão, bolacha, arroz, etc.) foi identificado como o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento das lesões, o que reforça a necessidade de advertir os tutores quanto a importância da alimentação adequada. Quarenta e nove por cento dos tumores relatados estavam na região pericloacal, o que torna lipomas e xantomas um diagnóstico diferencial importante para nódulos nessa localização em aves, principalmente psitacídeos.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV