Resultado da pesquisa (43)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa histopathology

#1 - Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical characterization of spontaneous neoplasms in pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

#2 - Feline application/inflammation-associated sarcoma: Gross aspects and histomorphological

Abstract in English:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

#3 - Neurocryptococcosis in dogs and cats: Anatomopathological and fungal morphological aspects in a case series

Abstract in English:

Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection that commonly affects dogs and cats, often manifesting with neurological involvement. This study investigated the neuropathological characteristics of cryptococcosis in nine cats and two dogs submitted to necropsy through gross pathology and histopathological analysis. Clinical history, lesion location, fungal burden, type and intensity of inflammatory infiltrate, lesions in nervous parenchyma, and morphological characteristics of yeast cells were evaluated. Additionally, fungal morphological criteria, such as capsule and yeast wall thickness and budding frequency, were analyzed in each neurolocation. The Alcian blue stain method was utilized to enhance the visualization of yeasts. Debilitating and/or immunosuppressive conditions were described in five cases. Two cats were recently adopted from the streets, and one cat was treated with corticosteroids. One dog had severe cachexia and generalized weakness, and another dog had leukopenia with left shift. Only six cases (54%) had neurological signs. Gross central nervous system (CNS) lesions were found in five cases and appeared as irregular, friable, soft, gelatinous, and grayish masses with distinct borders. The telencephalic cortex and the cerebellum were the most frequently affected CNS locations observed in all cases. The first exhibited a higher fungal burden and a milder inflammatory response than other neurolocations. The cerebellum was also affected in all cases but showed a slightly higher inflammatory response and a lower fungal burden compared to the telencephalic cortices. Additionally, lung involvement was observed in all cases as well. The inflammatory intensity associated with the yeasts in the CNS was predominantly mild to moderate, being severe only in two cases, and the fungal burden was more often moderate or severe, being mild in only two cases. The observed heterogeneity in the inflammatory response and fungal burden reveals the complex nature of this infection. Other affected nervous tissues were the optic nerve, the spinal cord nerve roots and the ganglia, mostly in cats. In conclusion, our study shows the neuropathological features of cryptococcosis in a case series in cats and dogs, emphasizing the importance of considering specific neurolocations to diagnose this fungal infection and contributing to a better understanding of the simultaneous involvement of the respiratory and nervous systems.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A criptococose é uma infecção fúngica que comumente afeta cães e gatos, muitas vezes se manifestando com envolvimento neurológico. Neste estudo, foram investigadas as características neuropatológicas da criptococose em nove gatos e dois cães submetidos à necropsia, por meio da análise macroscópica e histopatológica. Foi avaliada a história clínica, localização das lesões, carga fúngica, tipo e intensidade do infiltrado inflamatório, lesões no parênquima nervoso e características morfológicas das células de levedura. Além disso, critérios morfológicos fúngicos, como espessura da cápsula e parede da levedura e frequência de brotamento, foram analisados em cada neurolocalização. Para aprimorar a visualização das leveduras, foi utilizada a técnica de coloração de azul alciano. Condições debilitantes e/ou imunossupressoras foram detectadas em cinco casos. Condições debilitantes e/ou imunossupressoras foram descritas em cinco casos. Dois gatos foram recentemente adotados das ruas e um gato foi tratado com corticosteroides. Um cão apresentava caquexia grave e fraqueza generalizada e outro cão apresentava leucopenia com desvio à esquerda. Apenas seis casos (54%) apresentaram sinais neurológicos. Lesões macroscópicas no sistema nervoso central (SNC) foram encontradas em cinco casos, aparecendo como massas irregulares, friáveis, moles, gelatinosas e acinzentadas, com bordas distintas. O córtex telencefálico e o cerebelo foram as localizações do SNC mais frequentemente afetadas, observadas em todos os casos. O córtex apresentou uma carga fúngica mais elevada e uma resposta inflamatória mais branda em comparação com outras neurolocalizações. O cerebelo também foi afetado em todos os casos, apresentando uma resposta inflamatória um pouco mais elevada e carga fúngica mais baixa do que o córtex telencefálico. Além disso, o envolvimento pulmonar também foi observado em todos os casos. A intensidade inflamatória associada às leveduras no SNC, foi predominantemente leve a moderada, sendo grave apenas em dois casos, e a carga fúngica foi mais frequentemente moderada ou grave, sendo leve em apenas dois casos. A heterogeneidade observada na resposta inflamatória e carga fúngica revela a natureza complexa dessa infecção. Outros tecidos nervosos afetados foram o nervo óptico e as raízes e gânglios nervosos da medula espinhal, principalmente em gatos. Em conclusão, nosso estudo mostra as características neuropatológicas da criptococose em uma série de casos em gatos e cães, enfatizando a importância de considerar neurolocalizações específicas para o diagnóstico dessa infecção fúngica. Além disso, contribui para uma melhor compreensão do envolvimento simultâneo dos sistemas respiratório e nervoso.

#4 - Straightforward identification of structures of the striatum in bovine and equine forebrains: Guidance to trimming

Abstract in English:

Standardizing trimming the brain for histological diagnosis of neurological diseases is challenging for veterinary pathologists. The striatum is a set of subcortical nuclei of the forebrain, formed by bundles of nerve fibers and gray matter, which consist of the internal and external capsules, caudate, lentiform, and claustrum nuclei. The striatum is related to motricity, which refers to the neural circuits of the extrapyramidal pathways. In domestic animals, the extrapyramidal pathways are of great importance in gait. From the ventral surface of the brain, they are located deep in a strip of the telencephalon corresponding to the olfactory trigone. Bovine and equine brains were routinely formalin-fixed, weighed and measured. Herein, we report a guide for bovine and equine brains’ neuroanatomic trimming and striatum histomorphology. Trimming was performed, and the sections were routinely processed for histology. We used the cross-section rostral to the optic chiasm as the site of choice for histologic sampling to identify the striatum structures. The forebrains were sectioned, and the standard histologic cassette was positioned horizontally or vertically to frame a greater diversity of structures. The histologic slides were labeled with structures of the striatum (caudate nucleus, internal capsule, lentiform nucleus, external capsule and claustrum). Regarding the brain size, handing the cassette orientation over to the forebrain allows the verification to shift the position or collect a second striatum sample for histology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Padronizar a clivagem do encéfalo para diagnóstico histológico de doenças neurológicas é um desafio para os patologistas veterinários. O corpo estriado é um conjunto de núcleos subcorticais do prosencéfalo, formado por feixes de fibras nervosas e substância cinzenta, que consistem nas cápsulas interna e externa, núcleos caudado, lentiforme e claustro. O corpo estriado está relacionado à motricidade, que se refere aos circuitos neurais das vias extrapiramidais. Nos animais domésticos, as vias extrapiramidais são de grande importância na marcha. Da superfície ventral do cérebro, eles estão localizados profundamente em uma faixa do telencéfalo correspondente ao trígono olfatório. Encéfalos de bovinos e equinos foram rotineiramente fixados em formalina, pesados e medidos. Neste trabalho, relatamos um guia para a clivagem neuroanatômica e histomorfológica do corpo estriado dos cérebros de bovinos e equinos. A clivagem foi realizada e as seções foram processadas rotineiramente para histologia. Utilizamos o corte rostral e tangente ao quiasma óptico como local de escolha para amostragem histológica para identificar as estruturas do corpo estriado. Os prosencéfalos foram seccionados e o cassete histológico padrão foi posicionado horizontal ou verticalmente para enquadrar uma maior diversidade de estruturas. As estruturas do corpo estriado foram identificadas nas lâminas histológicas (núcleo caudado, cápsula interna, núcleo lentiforme, cápsula externa e claustro). Conforme o tamanho do encéfalo, o manuseio do cassete sobre o prosencéfalo permite orientar a necessidade de alterar a posição ou a coleta de uma segunda amostra do corpo estriado para histologia.

#5 - Avibacterium paragallinarum and Gallibacterium spp. coinfection in laying hens with sinusitis and rhinitis

Abstract in English:

Respiratory diseases are responsible for economic losses in the poultry sector. The occurrence of coinfections can aggravate the severity of clinical signs and lesions, such as coinfection with Avibacterium paragallinarum and Gallibacterium spp. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of an outbreak of respiratory disease in laying hens caused by a coinfection by A. paragallinarum and Gallibacterium spp. in the state of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. High morbidity and mortality were observed, accompanied by apathy, anorexia, serous nasal discharge and a decrease in egg production (approximately 10%). Five laying hens were selected for general clinical examination and euthanized. Samples of nasal turbinates, infraorbital sinuses, trachea, liver and spleen were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin and routinely processed for histopathology. For the microbiological examination, the whole heads of the birds were collected, packed in Nasco® plastic bags, stored at -8°C then sent to a private laboratory for bacterial isolation on Petri dishes containing blood agar and incubated at 37°C in microaerophilic. Grossly, there was a bilateral increase of periorbital volume with complete obstruction of nasal turbinates due to the presence of caseous exudate. Microscopically, there was marked diffuse chronic necrocaseous and granulomatous rhinitis, marked diffuse chronic granulomatous and heterophilic necrotizing sinusitis, focally extense lymphohistiocytic and heterophilic tracheitis with epithelial hyperplasia, loss of cilia and atrophy of mucous glands. In the microbiological examination, A. paragallinarum and Gallibacterium spp. were identified, and it was concluded that these agents were responsible for the outbreak of rhinitis and sinusitis in the studied birds.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As doenças respiratórias são responsáveis por perdas econômicas no setor avícola. A ocorrência de coinfecções pode agravar a severidade dos sinais clínicos e das lesões, tais como a coinfecção por Avibacterium paragallinarum e Gallibacterium spp. Objetivou-se descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos de um surto de doença respiratória em galinhas poedeiras causado por coinfecção de A. paragallinarum e Gallibacterium no estado de Sergipe, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram observadas elevada morbidade e mortalidade, acompanhada de apatia, anorexia, secreção nasal serosa e diminuição da produção de ovos (aproximadamente 10%). Cinco galinhas de postura foram selecionadas para exame clínico e eutanásia. Amostras de cornetos nasais, seios infraorbitários, traqueia, fígado e baço foram coletadas, fixados em solução de formalina 10% tamponada e processadas pelo protocolo de histopatologia de rotina. Para o exame microbiológico, foram coletadas as cabeças inteiras das aves, acondicionadas em sacos Nasco®, conservadas a -8°C e em seguida enviados para laboratório particular para isolamento bacteriano, em placas de Petri contendo ágar sangue e incubadas a 37°C em microaerofilia. Macroscopicamente, observou-se um aumento de volume periorbital bilateral com completa obstrução dos cornetos nasais devido a presença de exsudato caseoso. Microscopicamente observou-se rinite necrocaseosa e granulomatosa crônica difusa acentuada, sinusite necrotizante granulomatosa e heterofílica crônica difusa acentuada, traqueíte linfohistiocitária e heterofílica focalmente extensa com hiperplasia epitelial, perda de cílios e atrofia de glândulas mucosas. No exame microbiológico identificou-se A. paragallinarum e Gallibacterium spp. concluindo que esses agentes foram responsáveis pelo surto de rinite e sinusite nas aves estudadas.

#6 - An outbreak of avian pox in greater rheas (Rhea americana) in Northeast Brazil

Abstract in English:

Greater rheas (Rhea americana) are Brazil’s largest non-flying bird species. Currently, they are listed as “Near Threatened” on IUCN’s Red List of Endangered Species, mainly because of animal trafficking, deforestation and illegal hunting. Greater rheas’ diseases are poorly documented in Brazil, although they are a native species, and there are conservational scientific facilities that keep and reproduce them. We report an outbreak of avian pox in 13 juvenile greater rheas (Rhea americana) in Northeast Brazil. All 13 rheas infected with the virus developed clinical signs associated with respiratory disease, such as serous nasal discharge; they were gasping and breathing with their beaks open. Severe whitish, chronicle and round-crusted multifocal to coalescent nodules formed on their skin. Out of the 13 affected rheas, nine (69%) died a few weeks after the first clinical signs. Only four (31%) of the rheas survived after unspecified treatment with antibiotics. Two rheas were referred to necroscopic evaluation at the “Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária” of “Universidade Federal da Paraíba”, Campus II, Areia. Microscopically, acantholytic lesions, hyperkeratosis, heterophilic infiltrate and the presence of Bollinger bodies, the pathognomonic inclusion body caused by poxvirus, were seen in the skin. Thus, the avian pox diagnosis was confirmed by clinical and histopathological examinations. This study seems to be the first on avian pox in greater rheas in Northeast Brazil. Investigating the causes of death of wild native birds is essential to the preservation of species. Greater rheas are an important part of the ecosystem and suffer from illegal hunting and animal trafficking. Necroscopic examination allows us to detect pathogens and take prophylactic measures to avoid the decreasing number of wild populations.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As emas (Rhea americana) são a maior espécie de ave não-voadora do Brasil. Atualmente, estão listadas como “Quase Ameaçada” na Lista Vermelha das Espécies Ameaçadas da União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza e dos Recursos Naturais, principalmente devido ao tráfico animal, desmatamento e caça ilegal. As doenças das emas são pouco documentadas no Brasil, apesar de serem uma espécie nativa e existirem centros científicos de conservação que as mantém e as reproduzem. Relatamos um surto de bouba aviária em 13 emas (Rhea americana) juvenis no Nordeste do Brasil. Todas as 13 emas infectadas com o vírus desenvolveram sinais clínicos associados à doença respiratória, como secreção serosa nasal, estavam ofegantes e respirando com os bicos abertos. Na pele, formaram-se severos nódulos brancacentos, crônicos, crostosos, arredondados, multifocais a coalescentes. Das 13 emas afetadas, nove (69%) morreram em poucas semanas após os primeiros sinais clínicos. Apenas quatro emas (31%) sobreviveram após tratamento inespecífico com antibióticos. Duas emas foram encaminhadas para exame necroscópico no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus II, Areia. Microscopicamente, foram observadas lesões acantolíticas, hiperqueratose, infiltrado heterofílico e a presença de Corpos de Bollinger, corpúsculos de inclusão patognomônicos do poxvírus. Portanto, o diagnóstico de bouba aviária foi confirmado após os exames clínicos e histopatológicos. Este parece ser o primeiro relato de bouba aviária em emas no Nordeste do Brasil. Investigar as causas de morte de aves silvestres é essencial para a preservação das espécies. Emas possuem um papel importante no ecossistema que habitam e sofrem com a caça ilegal e o tráfico animal. A necropsia nos permite detectar patógenos e tomar medidas profiláticas para evitar a diminuição de populações selvagens.

#7 - Cytological grading of canine mast cell tumors: correlation with histologic grading and survival time

Abstract in English:

Mast cell tumors are one of the most common neoplasia in dogs and cytopathology and/or histopathology examinations are used for diagnosis. Histologic grading is considered the gold standard test to predict the prognosis of this neoplasia. However, studies have been conducted using the cytological grading system to provide similar information in a faster, less invasive, and more accessible way. This study aimed to investigate cytological graduation and correlate it with histological grading and the survival time of dogs diagnosed with cutaneous mast cell tumors at the Veterinary Hospital of “Universidade Federal de Uberlândia” over five years. For that, cytological and histological slides from 72 animals were reviewed. The statistical methods used were the kappa test for agreement between grading systems, the Kaplan–Meier for survival time, Cox regression for comparison of cytological and histological grades and survival time. The cytological grading when compared to the two-tier histologic grading, high and low grades, had a moderate agreement (kappa 0.566). When the correlation between survival time and the cytological grade was evaluated, there was a higher death rate in the group with high-grade mast cell tumors compared to low grade, pointing to a correlation between survival time and cytological grade (p=0.009). In conclusion, the cytological grade is useful to treatment planning and providing prognostic information that precedes tumor removal, showing a good correlation with the two-tier histologic grading and with the survival time of the animals.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O mastocitoma é uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais comum nos cães e os exames citopatológicos e/ou histopatológicos são utilizados para diagnóstico. A graduação histológica é considerada padrão ouro para prever o prognóstico dessa neoplasia. Contudo, estudos têm sido realizados visando utilizar graduação citológica para fornecer informações semelhantes de maneira rápida, menos invasiva e mais acessível. Esse trabalho objetivou realizar graduação citológica e correlacionar com as graduações histológicas e com a sobrevida de cães diagnosticados com mastocitoma cutâneo no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia durante 5 anos. Para isso, lâminas de citologia e histologia de mastocitomas de 72 animais foram revisadas. Os métodos estatísticos utilizados foram teste kappa para concordância entre os sistemas de graduação, método Kaplan-Meier para tempo de sobrevida dos animais, e análise pela regressão de Cox para comparação do grau citológico e grau histológico e o tempo de sobrevida global. A graduação citológica quando comparada com a histológica de dois níveis, alto grau e baixo grau, obteve uma concordância moderada (kappa 0,566). Na avaliação da correlação entre sobrevida e grau citológico, houve maior taxa de óbito no grupo de cães com mastocitoma de alto grau, comparado aos de baixo grau, sendo observada correlação entre a sobrevida e o grau citológico (p=0,009). Esse estudo concluiu que o grau citológico é útil para o planejamento do tratamento e para fornecer informações prognósticas que antecedem a exérese do tumor, tendo boa correlação com a graduação histológica de dois níveis e com a sobrevida dos animais.

#8 - Pathology of Spirorchiidae (Digenea: Schistosomatoidea) infection in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro

Abstract in English:

Spirorchidiasis is one of the most common diseases in green turtles. Eggs and the adult form of trematodes are mainly found in the heart, liver, lung, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract. The present study aimed to describe the pathological aspects of Spirorchiidae trematode infection in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro. The current study was based on the necropsy of 99 green turtles (Chelonia mydas, Chelonidae) from April to December 2021. Epidemiological data were obtained from the Aquatic Biota Monitoring Information System (SIMBA). A histopathological examination was performed at the “Setor de Anatomia Patológica” (SAP) from “Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro” (UFRuralRJ). Tissue fragments (buccal papilla, esophagus, trachea, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, gonads, adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, salt glands, muscle, and skin) were sampled for histological examination. The green turtles had lesions compatible with parasitic infection in 89% (88/99) cases. Out of 88 turtles, 87 were juveniles (99%), 75% (66/88) were females, and 25% (22/88) were males. Adult parasites and their eggs were found to cause granulomatous tissue reactions in 14% (12/88) of turtles. Egg-associated granulomatous inflammation was found in 86% (76/88) of the turtles. The organs with the highest number of egg-associated granulomas in order of occurrence were: the spleen, small intestine, adrenal gland, pancreas, and lungs. The adult trematodes were observed in histological lesions in order of occurrence, mainly in the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. Out of the total number of turtles parasitized, 33% (29/88) of deaths occurred due to multiple causes such as fractures, interaction with fishing, predation, and fibropapillomas. The other 67% (59/88) presented multisystemic granulomatous disease caused by Spirorchiidae infection as a cause of death. Evidence is presented that spirorchidiasis is highly prevalent in young green turtles, is responsible for extensive chronic lesions, and responsible for significant debilitation and mortality.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A espirorquidíase é uma das doenças mais comuns em tartarugas verdes. Os ovos e a forma adulta dos trematódeos são encontrados principalmente no coração, fígado, pulmão, baço e trato gastrointestinal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever os aspectos patológicos da infecção por trematódeos Spirorchiidae em tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas) na Bacia de Campos, Rio de Janeiro. O presente trabalho foi baseado na necropsia de 99 tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas, Chelonidae) no período de abril a dezembro de 2021. Os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação de Monitoramento da Biota Aquática (SIMBA). Realizou-se exame histopatológico no Setor de anatomia Patológica (SAP) da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRuralRJ). Os fragmentos de tecidos (papila bucal, esôfago, traqueia, pulmão, coração, rim, bexiga, estômago, fígado, baço, intestinos, gônadas, adrenal, tireoides, pâncreas, glândulas de sal, músculo e pele) foram coletados e fixados em formalina a 10% tamponada, processados rotineiramente para exame histológico. Em 89% (88/99) dos casos, as tartarugas-verdes apresentaram lesões compatíveis com infecção parasitária. Das 88 tartarugas, 87 eram jovens (99%), 75% (66/88) correspondiam a fêmeas, 25% (22/88) a machos. Em 14% (12/88) das tartarugas foram encontrados parasitas adultos e seus ovos causando inflamação granulomatosa. Em 86,4% (76/88) das tartarugas foram encontradas lesões granulomatosas associadas aos ovos dos trematódeos. Os órgãos com maior quantidade de granulomas associados a ovos foram: baço, intestino delgado, adrenal, pâncreas e pulmões. Trematódeos adultos foram principalmente observados nas lesões histológicas, em ordem de ocorrência, no esôfago, estômago e intestino delgado. Do total de tartarugas parasitadas, 33% (29/88) das mortes ocorreram em consequência de múltiplas causas como fraturas, interação com pesca, predação e fibropapilomas. As outras 67% (59/88) apresentaram como causa de morte a doença granulomatosa multissistêmica causada pela infecção por trematódeo da família Spirorchiidae. São apresentadas evidências de que a espiroquidiase é altamente prevalente em tartarugas verdes jovens no Rio de Janeiro, responsável por extensas lesões crônicas, quadro clínico de debilidade e mortalidade significativas.

#9 - Comparison of macroscopy, histopathology and PCR for diagnosing Eimeria spp. in broiler chickens

Abstract in English:

Coccidiosis is a disease of great importance in industrial poultry. The correct diagnosis directs the poultry industry to its best treatment and control. Thus, a survey of Eimeria spp. was carried out in intestines of 64 broiler flocks, with an average age of 29 days. Eight broilers from each flock were randomly removed from the slaughter line, in a total of 512 samples. Macroscopic and histopathological lesions in the intestine were classified into Scores 0 to 4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to research the oocysts from the seven species of Eimeria spp. in the intestinal content. The macroscopic evaluations showed that 59.4% (38/64) of the flocks were positive for E. acervulina, 32.8% (21/64) for E. maxima, 29.7% (19/64) for E. tenella, and 34.4% (22/64) for E. brunetti. The histopathological evaluation showed that 87.5% (56/64) of the flocks had at least one broiler with parasitic structures compatible with Eimeria spp. in the duodenum, 70.3% (45/64) in the jejunum, 18.8% (12/64) in the ileum, 46.9% (30/64) in the cecum, and 4.7% (3/64) in the colon. In PCR, 21.9% (14/64) of the flocks were positive for E. acervulina, 12.5% (8/64) for E. maxima, 3.1% (2/64) for E. mitis, and 32.8% (21/64) for E. tenella. The Kappa Cohen test between macroscopy, histopathology, and PCR demonstrated concordance ranging from weak to moderate with the exception of histopathology and PCR of the cecum, which was strong. In the comparison between macroscopy and histopathology, there were significative differences between Scores 0 and 1 (apart from the cecum). For Score 3, there were significative differences in duodenum, jejunum and cecum (p<0.05). In conclusion, the macroscopic diagnosis and PCR can generate false-negative results, and the histopathological exam proved to be effective, making it essential to associate different techniques for the correct diagnosis of Eimeria spp. in broiler chickens.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A coccidiose é uma doença de grande importância na avicultura industrial. O diagnóstico correto direciona a indústria avícola ao seu melhor tratamento e controle. Desta forma, realizou-se a pesquisa de Eimeria spp. em intestinos de 64 lotes de frangos de corte, com idade média de 29 dias. Em cada lote foram retirados aleatoriamente oito frangos da linha de abate, totalizando 512. Os intestinos foram classificados na macroscopia e na histopatologia em Grau de 0 a 4. No conteúdo intestinal pesquisou-se por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) oocistos das sete espécies de Eimeria. As avaliações macroscópicas demonstraram que 59,4% (38/64) dos lotes foram positivos para E. acervulina, 32,8% (21/64) para E. maxima, 29,7% (19/64) para E. tenella e 34,4% (22/64) para E. brunetti. Na avaliação histopatológica, 87,5% (56/64) dos lotes apresentaram pelo menos um frango com estruturas parasitárias compatíveis com Eimeria spp. no duodeno, 70,3% (45/64) no jejuno, 18,8% (12/64) no íleo, 46,9% (30/64) no ceco e 4,7% (3/64) no cólon. Na PCR 21,9% (14/64) dos lotes foram positivos para E. acervulina, 12,5% (8/64) para E. maxima, 3,1% (2/64) para E. mitis e 32,8% (21/64) para E. tenella. O teste de concordância de Kappa Cohen entre macroscopia, histopatologia e PCR demonstrou concordância variando de fraca a moderada com exceção da histopatologia e PCR do ceco que foi forte. Na comparação dos graus de macroscopia e histopatologia, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o Grau 0 e 1 (exceto no ceco) e no Grau 3 houve diferença para duodeno, jejuno e cecos (p<0,05). Conclui-se que o diagnóstico macroscópico e a PCR podem gerar resultados falsos negativos e que o exame histopatológico se demostrou eficaz, tornando fundamental a associação de diferentes técnicas para o correto diagnóstico de Eimeria spp. em frangos de corte.

#10 - Refractory feline sporotrichosis: a comparative analysis on the clinical, histopathological, and cytopathological aspects

Abstract in English:

Sporotrichosis is a chronic fungal infection caused by Sporothrix species. The occurrence of cases that are resistant to long-term treatment, especially in the nasal planum of cats, emphasizes the importance of studying its pathogenesis. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the inflammatory process of cutaneous lesions of feline refractory sporotrichosis to clinical aspects through cytopathological and histopathological examination. Moreover, the study included 13 cats with cutaneous lesions that had been resistant to itraconazole treatment for more than a year. Cutaneous lesions samples were collected for cytopathological, histopathological, and fungal culture analyses. Tissue fragments were processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Grocott methenamine silver (GMS). Further, two clinical presentations had the highest occurrence: the localized cutaneous form in animals with good general condition and stable disease (n=9, 69.2%) and the disseminated cutaneous form in cats with poor general condition (n=4, 30.8%). In cats with refractory sporotrichosis, the nasal planum (84.6%) was the most common location of lesions. In the cytopathological study, cats with fewer than two lesions and in good general condition (n=9, 69.2%) showed absence or mild yeast intensity (up to 5 yeasts per field), lower intensity of macrophages and neutrophils, and higher intensity of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils. On the other hand, (n=4, 30.8%) of the cats with disseminated sporotrichosis and a poor general condition had a marked intensity of yeasts, which were mostly phagocytosed by an increased number of macrophages and neutrophils. Of those animals with good general condition, the majority (n=6, 66.7%) had higher eosinophil intensity. In histopathology, malformed suppurative granuloma was the predominant type (n=9, 69.2%) in feline sporotrichosis lesions, followed by well-formed granulomas (n=4, 30.8%). Malformed granulomas showed mild to moderate fungal intensity (55.6%) in animals with good general condition and localized lesions while marked fungal intensity (44.4%) in cats with the disseminated form of the disease and poor general condition. Well-formed granulomas (n=4, 30.7%) had mild to moderate intensity of fungal load, and 75% of the animals with this type of granuloma had only one lesion and were in good general condition. Long-term itraconazole treatment in these cats with refractory sporotrichosis can keep the infection under control and localized lesions stable; however, fungus reactivation can occur, resulting in an exuberant and inefficient immune response.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A esporotricose é uma infecção fúngica crônica causada por espécies do gênero Sporothrix. A ocorrência de casos refratários ao tratamento de longo prazo, especialmente na região nasal de gatos, alerta para a importância do estudo de sua patogênese. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o processo inflamatório das lesões cutâneas de esporotricose felina refratária ao tratamento, por meio de exames citopatológico e histopalógico, e comparar com aspectos clínicos. Treze gatos com lesões cutâneas refratárias ao tratamento com Itraconazol por mais de um ano foram incluídos no estudo. Amostras de lesões cutâneas foram coletadas para análises citopatológicas, histopatológicas e cultura fúngica. Fragmentos de tecidos foram processados e corados pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e Prata Metenamina de Grocott (GMS). Duas apresentações clínicas tiveram maior ocorrência: a forma localizada cutânea em animais com bom estado geral e doença estável (n=9, 69,2%); e a forma disseminada cutânea em gatos com estado geral ruim (n=4, 30,8%). A região nasal (84,6%) foi a localização mais frequente das lesões nos gatos com esporotricose refratária ao tratamento. No estudo citopatológico, felinos com menos de duas lesões, e em bom estado geral, (n=9, 69,2%) revelaram ausência ou leve intensidade de leveduras (até 5 leveduras por campo), menor intensidade de macrófagos e neutrófilos, e maior intensidade de células epitelióides, linfócitos, plasmócitos e eosinófilos. Enquanto, (n=4, 30,8%) dos felinos que apresentavam a forma disseminada da esporotricose associada a um estado geral ruim, revelaram acentuada intensidade de leveduras em sua maioria fagocitadas por acentuado número de macrófagos e neutrófilos. Dos animais com bom estado geral, a maioria (n=6, 66,7%) apresentava maior intensidade de eosinófilos. Na histopatologia, o granuloma supurativo mal formado foi o tipo predominante (n=9, 69,2%) nas lesões de esporotricose felina, e (n=4, 30,8%) foram de granulomas bem formados. Granulomas mal formados apresentaram leve a moderada intensidade fúngica (55,6%) nos animais com bom estado geral e lesões localizadas, e acentuada intensidade fúngica (44,4%) nos gatos com a forma disseminada da doença e estado geral ruim. Granulomas bem formados (n=4, 30,7%) apresentaram leve a moderada intensidade de carga fúngica, sendo 75% dos animais com esse tipo de granuloma com apenas uma lesão e bom estadogeral. O tratamento de longo prazo com itraconazol, nesses gatos com esporotricose refratária, pode manter a infecção controlada e lesões localizadas estáveis de forma temporária, contudo a reativação do fungo pode ocorrer levando a uma resposta imunológica exuberante e ineficiente.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV