Resultado da pesquisa (5)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Oliveira R.L.

#1 - Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical characterization of spontaneous neoplasms in pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

#2 - Sepsis by Plesiomonas shigelloides, Citrobacter freundii and Aeromonas jandaei in a green iguana (Iguana iguana)

Abstract in English:

Iguanids are susceptible to several bacterial infections, especially those caused by Gram-negative bacteria. The development of these diseases in reptiles is related to management, inadequate sanitary conditions, and immunosuppression. This study aims to describe the anatomopathological and microbiological aspects of a case of co-infection by Plesiomonas shigelloides, Citrobacter freundii and Aeromonas jandaei diagnosed in a free-living green iguana (Iguana iguana). Macroscopically, the lesions were mainly located in skeletal muscle, myocardium, small intestine, and liver, characterized by white-yellowish, multifocal, friable, irregular areas associated with necrosis and hemorrhage. In the histopathological analysis, basophilic bacillary structures corresponding to bacterial aggregates were observed in the skeletal muscle, myocardium, hepatic parenchyma, kidney, stomach and small intestine associated with areas of thrombosis, necrosis and hemorrhage. The diagnosis of sepsis by P. shigelloides, C. freundii and A. jandaei was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) associated with the anatomopathological and microbiological findings observed in this case.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Iguanídeos são suscetíveis a diversas infecções bacterianas, principalmente aquelas causadas por bactérias Gram-negativas. O desenvolvimento destas enfermidades em répteis está relacionado a manejos, condições sanitárias inadequadas e imunossupressão. Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever os aspectos anatomopatológicos e microbiológicos de um caso de coinfecção por Plesiomonas shigelloides, Citrobacter freundii e Aeromonas jandaei diagnosticado em uma iguana verde de vida livre (Iguana iguana). Macroscopicamente, as lesões localizavam-se principalmente em musculatura esquelética, miocárdio, duodeno e fígado, caracterizando-se por áreas branco-amareladas, multifocais, friáveis, e irregulares associadas à necrose e hemorragia. No histopatológico foram vistas estruturas bacilares basofílicas correspondentes a agregados bacterianos em músculo esquelético, miocárdio, parênquima hepático, rim, estômago e intestino delgado associados a áreas de trombose, necrose e hemorragia. O diagnóstico de sepse por P. shigelloides, C. freundii e A. jandaei foi confirmado pela técnica de ionização por dessorção a laser assistida por matriz com analisador por tempo de voo (MALDI-TOF) associada aos achados anatomopatológicos e microbiológicos observados neste caso.

#3 - Clinical and anatomopathological findings of lipid-related lesions in wild and pet birds from the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Diseases related to lipid metabolism disorders are reported in several orders of birds, especially in psittacines, and include obesity, atherosclerosis, hepatic lipidosis, egg yolk coelomitis, lipomas, liposarcomas, xanthomas and xanthogranulomas. This study describes epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of 28 cases involving lipid-related lesions in wild and pet birds from Northeastern Brazil. The cases were selected from 313 avian patients referred to the UFPB Veterinary Hospital from 2018 to 2022. Lipid-related tumors were the most frequent lesions, followed by obesity, hepatic steatosis, egg yolk coelomitis, atherosclerosis and lipemia. The Psittaciformes order was the most affected, and an erroneous diet (excess consumption of sunflower seeds, bread, crackers, rice, etc.) was identified as the main risk factor for the development of these lesions, which reinforces the need to warn bird owners and caretakers about the importance of adequate nutrition. Forty-nine percent of the reported tumors were in the pericloacal region, which makes lipomas and xanthomas an important differential diagnosis for nodules in this location of birds, especially psittacids.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Doenças relacionadas à desordens no metabolismo dos lipídeos são reportadas em diversas ordens de aves, especialmente em piscítacídeos e incluem obesidade, aterosclerose, lipidose hepática, celomite por gema de ovo, lipomas, lipossarcomas, xantomas e xantogranulomas. Este estudo descreve aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de 28 casos envolvendo lesões relacionadas a lipídeos em aves silvestres e pet no Nordeste Brasileiro. Os casos foram selecionados de um total de 313 aves atendidas entre 2018 e 2022 no Hospital Veterinário da UFPB. Tumores relacionados a lipídeos foram as lesões mais relatadas, seguido por obesidade, esteatose hepática, celomite por gema de ovo, aterosclerose e lipemia. A ordem Piscitaciforme foi a mais acometida e dieta errônea (Excesso de sementes de girassol, pão, bolacha, arroz, etc.) foi identificado como o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento das lesões, o que reforça a necessidade de advertir os tutores quanto a importância da alimentação adequada. Quarenta e nove por cento dos tumores relatados estavam na região pericloacal, o que torna lipomas e xantomas um diagnóstico diferencial importante para nódulos nessa localização em aves, principalmente psitacídeos.

#4 - Clinical and post mortem examination of white worm lizards (Amphisbaena alba) in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil: morphological, pathological and radiographic findings of a secretive species

Abstract in English:

Amphisbenians are limbless reptiles that belong to the order Squamata. Due to their fossorial and secrevie habits, little is known about their morphology, ecology and pathological conditions that may affect them. In this manuscript, we present a brief guide for identification of normal structures as well as traumatic injuries on radiography and necropsy of Amphisbaena alba. From April to September 2019, three cases of A. alba with suspected trauma were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). In the clinical evaluation, traumatic injuries were observed, and support therapy was instituted, but they did not resist and died shortly after. Bone fractures and organ ruptures, in addition to specific structures of this species were identified on radiography. A systematic necropsy was performed of all amphisbaenians in order to evaluate external and internal structures, not only to identify lesions but also to investigate the morphological aspects of amphisbenids. Macroscopically, multiple organ fractures and ruptures observed in radiographs were confirmed, in addition to the presence of the cestodes Semenoviella amphisbaenae in the large intestine. Histologically, it was possible to identify normal characteristics and microscopic lesions in the tissues. This is the first study to incorporate morphological, clinical, and pathological aspects of A. alba. This manuscript brings essential information for wildlife veterinarians and pathologists who may have to treat or perform a necropsy on these unique reptiles.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Anfisbenas são répteis desprovidos de membros que pertencem a ordem Squamata. Devido a seus hábitos fossoriais e reclusos, pouco se conhece sobre sua morfologia, ecologia e condições patológicas que possam afetá-las. Neste artigo, um guia sucinto para a necropsia, identificação de tecidos e órgãos e lesões encontradas em Amphisbaena alba, é apresentado. Durante março e dezembro de 2019, três casos de A. alba com suspeita de trauma foram encaminhados ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Na avaliação clínica foram observadas lesões traumáticas e instituído um suporte terapêutico, porém não resistiram e morreram em seguida. Foram realizadas projeções radiográficas onde identificaram fraturas e ruptura de órgãos, além de identificar estruturas específicas dessa espécie. Uma avaliação completa de estruturas externas e internas foi conduzida para investigar aspectos morfológicos dos anfisbenídeos. Macroscopicamente foram confirmadas múltiplas fraturas e rupturas de órgãos observadas anteriormente nas radiografias, além disso evidenciou no intestino grosso presença de parasitos anoplocéfalos denominados Semenoviella amphisbaenae. Na histologia foi possível identificar características normais e lesões microscópicas nos tecidos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a incorporar aspectos morfológicos, clínicos e patológicos de A. alba. Esse manuscrito traz informações essenciais para clínicos e patologistas de animais selvagens que podem se deparar com casos clínicos ou de necropsia de Amphisbaena alba.

#5 - Comparative hematological analysis of Morada Nova and Santa Inês ewes in all reproductive stages, 37(4):408-414

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bezerra L.R., Oliveira W.D.C., Silva T.P.D., Torreão J.N.C., Marques C.A.T., Araújo M.J. & Oliveira R.L. 2017. Comparative hematological analysis of Morada Nova and Santa Inês ewes in all reproductive stages. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(4):408-414. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Bom Jesus, PI 64 900-000, Brazil. E-mail: Hematologic analysis provides reliable information on the health status of animals. It is an important variable in the assessment of adaptive and productive capacity of breeds under unfavorable environmental conditions. It is an assessment that combined with other genetic and environmental factors and management can become useful for the future sustainability of mainstream agriculture in a hot environment. Adaptive capacity is affected by some factors such as breed, pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, hematological profile is an important indicator of animal health and production. The objective of this study was to perform the comparative hematological analysis of Santa Inês and Morada Nova breeds (native ewes from Brazil) in all different reproductive stages. Twenty Santa Ines and 20 Morada Nova sheep distributed in a completely randomized design in a split-plot arrangement over time were used. To obtain blood counts, blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture every 14 days, always in the morning, before the animals were released into the pasture. The Morada Nova breed had higher hemoglobin and total leukocyte count than Santa Inês breed. Regarding the influence of pregnancy and puerperium on the eritrogram, there was an increment in red blood cell, hemoglobin and packed cell volume of both breeds in middle pregnancy. However, had a reduction in late pregnancy. There were a reestablishment of the blood cell counts during the puerperium period. It was verified an increase on neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio indicated that ewes in the late pregnancy, postpartum and puerperium were under stress conditions compared to others reproductive stages. The total plasma proteins also increased during this period to compensate for the high nutritional requirements of the fetus, and these levels remained high until the end of the puerperal phase, when the lambs were weaned. The pregnancy and puerperium influenced all erythrocyte indices and changed the total leukocyte count.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Bezerra L.R., Oliveira W.D.C., Silva T.P.D., Torreão J.N.C., Marques C.A.T., Araújo M.J. & Oliveira R.L. 2017. Comparative hematological analysis of Morada Nova and Santa Inês ewes in all reproductive stages. [Análise hematológica comparativa de ovelhas Morada Nova e Santa Inês em todos os estágios reprodutivos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(4):408-414. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Bom Jesus, PI 64 900-000, Brazil. E-mail: A análise hematológica fornece informação confiável sobre a saúde dos animais. É uma variável importante na avaliação da capacidade adaptativa e produtiva das raças sob condições ambientais desfavoráveis. É uma avaliação que aliada a outros fatores genéticos, ambientais e de manejo pode se tornar cada vez mais útil para a sustentabilidade futura da agricultura convencional em um ambiente quente. A capacidade adaptativa é afetada por alguns fatores como raça, gestação e lactação. Portanto, o perfil hematológico é um indicador importante da saúde e produção animal. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a análise hematológica comparativa de ovelhas Morada Nova e Santa Inês (ovelhas nativas do Brasil) em todos os estágios reprodutivos. Foram utilizadas 20 ovelhas Santa Inês e 20 Morada Nova distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em parcelas subdivididas e medidas repetidas no tempo. Para a análise do sangue, foram coletadas amostras por venopunção jugular a cada 14 dias, sempre colhidas pela manhã, antes que os animais fossem soltos no pasto. A raça Morada Nova apresentou maior teor de hemoglobina e contagem total de leucócitos que a raça Santa Inês. Em relação à influência da gestação e do puerpério sobre o eritrograma, observou-se que houve um incremento dos valores da contagem dos eritrócitos, hematócrito e hemoglobina até o terço médio da gestação, reduzindo no final da gestação e restabelecendo novamente no período puerperal. Foi verificado um aumento na relação neutrófilo/linfócito indicando que ovelhas no final da gestação, no pós-parto e puerpério estavam sob condição de estresse comparado com os outros estágios reprodutivos. As proteínas plasmáticas totais também aumentaram durante o período gestacional para compensar os altos requisitos nutricionais do feto, e estes níveis permaneceram elevados até ao final da fase de puerpério quando os cordeiros foram desmamados. A gestação e o puerpério influenciaram todos os índices eritrocitários com alteração da contagem total de leucócitos.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV