Resultado da pesquisa (12)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa trombo

#11 - Haematological changes in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) after treatment with electroacupuncture, 32(2):179-182

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Esper G.V.Z., Fernandes R.R., Zardo A.M.L.P., Cavalheri V.M., Razante R.A., & Noro M. 2012. [Haematological changes in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) after treatment with electroacupuncture.] Alterações hematológicas em cães (Canis lúpus familiaris) após tratamento com eletroacupuntura. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(2):179-182. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourão, Rodovia BR 158 Km 208, Campo Mourão, PR 87309-650, Brazil. E-mail: Acupuncture is an alternative therapy which increasingly acquires credibility in the Western Hemisphere and it is indicated for anemic and immunosuppressed patients, as well as for other diseases. The experiment was performed with 8 adult dogs, 4 females and 4 males. The study consisted to analyze the concentrations of white and red cells evaluated at four treatments: controls (T0), acupuncture (T1), unilateral electroacupuncture (T2), and bilateral electroacupuncture (T3). The acupoints utilized were: 4 large intestine, 11 small intestine and 36 stomachs. All animals experienced all treatments with an interval of 7 days to each treatment. The serum hemograms were verified 20 minutes prior to initiation to treatment (M0), at the end of the treatment (M1), 60 minutes after treatment (M2) and 120 minutes post-treatment (M3). The results revealed that the red series was not significant, but there was only a significant decrease in medium corpuscular concentration (p<0.05) at T1 of M1 as compared to the other treatments; also there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the platelet concentration at T1, T2 and T3 as compared to controls. The electro-acupuncture may lead to thrombocytopenia, when stimulating these points, probably by a parasympathetic stimulus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Esper G.V.Z., Fernandes R.R., Zardo A.M.L.P., Cavalheri V.M., Razante R.A., & Noro M. 2012. [Haematological changes in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) after treatment with electroacupuncture.] Alterações hematológicas em cães (Canis lúpus familiaris) após tratamento com eletroacupuntura. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(2):179-182. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourão, Rodovia BR 158 Km 208, Campo Mourão, PR 87309-650, Brazil. E-mail: A acupuntura, é uma terapia que cada vez mais adquire uma credibilidade no mundo ocidental, a sua indicação pode ser para pacientes anêmicos e imunossuprimidos, e outras afecções. O experimento foi realizado com oito cães adultos, sendo 4 fêmeas e 4 machos. O estudo consistiu em análise das concentrações das células vermelhas e brancas avaliado em 4 tratamentos: controle (T0), acupuntura (T1), eletroacupuntura unilateral (T2) e eletroacupuntura bilateral (T3). Os acupontos utilizados foram intestino grosso 4, intestino grosso 11 e estômago 36. Todos os animais passaram por todos os tratamentos com um intervalo de 7 dias para cada tratamento. Os hemogramas séricos foram verificados 20 minutos antes do início do tratamento (M0), logo após o tratamento (M1), e 60 minutos (M2) e 120 minutos (M3) após o tratamento. O resultado da série vermelha não foi significativo, mas notou-se somente uma diminuição significativa da concentração média corpuscular (CHCM) (p<0,05) no tratamento T1 no M1 em comparação aos outros tratamentos; notou-se também uma redução significativa (p<0,05) na concentração plaquetária de T1, T2 e T3 em comparação ao grupo controle. A eletroacupuntura pode levar a uma trombocitopenia, quando estimulado estes pontos, provavelmente por um estímulo parassimpaticomimético.

#12 - Trombectomia com cateter de Fogarty no tratamento da tromboflebite jugular experimental em eqüinos, p.45-51

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Hussni C.A., Dornbusch P.T., Yoshida W.B., Alves A.L.G., Nicolett, J.L.M., Mamprim M.J. & Vulcano L.C. 2009. [Thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter as a treatment of induced jugular thrombophlebitis in horses.] Trombectomia com cateter de Fogarty no tratamento da tromboflebite jugular experimental em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):45-51. Departamento de Cirurgia e Anestesiologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP 18618-000, Brazil. E-mail: Thrombosis of jugular vein is a common problem in the equine medicine, implying frequently in fatal outcomes. The diagnosis is relatively simple, based on the clinical findings, angiographics images and ultrasonographycs. The therapeutic employed to a large extent of the cases is unsatisfactory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter in horses. This technique is routinely used in medicine, in the reestablishment of the vascular perviousness. Ten horses were allocated in two groups (five animals each) and induced to an unilateral thrombosis of right jugular vein, through the surgical access and an application of stenotic suture and glucose 50% injection. In the control group evolution of the thrombophlebitis without any therapeutical intervention was evaluated. The animals of the treatment group were submitted to the thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter. General clinical parameters were analyzed at the moment of the preinduction (MPRE), induction of thrombosis (MTI), and at the 10th day of thrombosis evolution (M10). The procedure induced thrombophlebitis that completely obstructed a segment of the jugular vein in all animals. In the animals of the control group, the thrombus totally obstructed the vascular lumen until the end of the period of evaluation, and parotid edema and vascular dilated, cranial to the thrombophlebitis of jugular vein were observed. The treatment group presented all veins pervious in the end of the experiment, with total remission of the clinical signs, confirmed by angiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. So far, it was concluded that the technique of thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter was effective in removal of the thrombosis obstruction experimentally induced in the jugular vein.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Hussni C.A., Dornbusch P.T., Yoshida W.B., Alves A.L.G., Nicolett, J.L.M., Mamprim M.J. & Vulcano L.C. 2009. [Thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter as a treatment of induced jugular thrombophlebitis in horses.] Trombectomia com cateter de Fogarty no tratamento da tromboflebite jugular experimental em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):45-51. Departamento de Cirurgia e Anestesiologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP 18618-000, Brazil. E-mail: Thrombosis of jugular vein is a common problem in the equine medicine, implying frequently in fatal outcomes. The diagnosis is relatively simple, based on the clinical findings, angiographics images and ultrasonographycs. The therapeutic employed to a large extent of the cases is unsatisfactory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter in horses. This technique is routinely used in medicine, in the reestablishment of the vascular perviousness. Ten horses were allocated in two groups (five animals each) and induced to an unilateral thrombosis of right jugular vein, through the surgical access and an application of stenotic suture and glucose 50% injection. In the control group evolution of the thrombophlebitis without any therapeutical intervention was evaluated. The animals of the treatment group were submitted to the thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter. General clinical parameters were analyzed at the moment of the preinduction (MPRE), induction of thrombosis (MTI), and at the 10th day of thrombosis evolution (M10). The procedure induced thrombophlebitis that completely obstructed a segment of the jugular vein in all animals. In the animals of the control group, the thrombus totally obstructed the vascular lumen until the end of the period of evaluation, and parotid edema and vascular dilated, cranial to the thrombophlebitis of jugular vein were observed. The treatment group presented all veins pervious in the end of the experiment, with total remission of the clinical signs, confirmed by angiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. So far, it was concluded that the technique of thrombectomy with Fogarty’s catheter was effective in removal of the thrombosis obstruction experimentally induced in the jugular vein.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV