Resultado da pesquisa (33)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa J.V.

#31 - Comportamento da condutividade elétrica e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite como métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico na mastite subclínica bovina, p.159-163

Abstract in English:

Zafalon L.F., Nader Filho A., Oliveira J.V. & Resende F.D. 2005. [Electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of milk as auxiliary diagnostic methods in bovine subclinical mastitis.] Comportamento da condutividade elétrica e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite como métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico na mastite subclínica bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):159-163. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, FACVJ, Unesp - Campus de Jaboticabal, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/no, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: Electrical conductivity measured by a hand-held meter and chloride concentration of milk were studied as auxiliary methods for diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis in the identification of affected mammary quarters where Staphylococcus aureus and Corynebacterium sp were later isolated. Tests were made during 2 years in Holstein cows of a dairy farm producing type C milk, where milking was performed once a day. Sensitivities of electrical conductivity and chloride concentration tests from mammary quarters, where Corynebacterium sp was isolated (65.3% and 78.3%, respectively), were superior to the found in mammary quarters where S. aureus was identified (55.4% and 68.2%, respectively). The efficacies of the two diagnostic tests were similar. Statistical significance was demonstrated with regression analysis of both tests of healthy mammary quarters and subclinical mastitis quarters infected with Staphylococcus aureus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Zafalon L.F., Nader Filho A., Oliveira J.V. & Resende F.D. 2005. [Electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of milk as auxiliary diagnostic methods in bovine subclinical mastitis.] Comportamento da condutividade elétrica e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite como métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico na mastite subclínica bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):159-163. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, FACVJ, Unesp - Campus de Jaboticabal, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/no, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: Electrical conductivity measured by a hand-held meter and chloride concentration of milk were studied as auxiliary methods for diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis in the identification of affected mammary quarters where Staphylococcus aureus and Corynebacterium sp were later isolated. Tests were made during 2 years in Holstein cows of a dairy farm producing type C milk, where milking was performed once a day. Sensitivities of electrical conductivity and chloride concentration tests from mammary quarters, where Corynebacterium sp was isolated (65.3% and 78.3%, respectively), were superior to the found in mammary quarters where S. aureus was identified (55.4% and 68.2%, respectively). The efficacies of the two diagnostic tests were similar. Statistical significance was demonstrated with regression analysis of both tests of healthy mammary quarters and subclinical mastitis quarters infected with Staphylococcus aureus.

#32 - Interstitial pneumonia in cattle fed moldy sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), 23(4):161-166

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Fighera R.A., Rozza D.B., Piazer J.V., Copetti M.V., lrigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2003. [Interstitial pneumonia in cattle fed moldy sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas).] Pneumonia intersticial em bovinos associada à ingestão de batata-doce (lpomoea batatas) mofada. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):161-166. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. E-mail: Cases of respiratory disease were diagnosed in five out of 23 cattle (21. 7%) after they wete fed moldy damaged sweet potatoes (lpomoea batatas) on a small farm in the county of São Vicente do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Of those five cattle, three died spontaneously and another one was euthanatized for necropsy while showing advanced respiratory clinicai signs. The disease manifested itself approximately 24 hours after the ingestion of the sweet potatoes and lasted from 1 to 4 days. Clinicai signs included dyspnea (labored breathing and abdominal respiration), tachypnea, extended neck with Iow carriage of the head and rhythmical flaring of the nostrils. Two cows were necropsied. Necropsy findings included distended pale and rubbery lungs which failed to collapse when the thorax was open, and marked pulmonar interstitial emphysema and edema. Lymphoid hyperplasia was observed in the hilar nodes and spleen. Histologically, the lesions were those of interstitial pneumonia. Alveolar septa were thickened by fibroblasts and inflammatory cells, and there was hypertrophy and hyperplasia of type li pneumocytes; the interlobular septa were distended by edema and emphysema. The culture of the moldy sweet potatoes yielded Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporum.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Fighera R.A., Rozza D.B., Piazer J.V., Copetti M.V., lrigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2003. [Interstitial pneumonia in cattle fed moldy sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas).] Pneumonia intersticial em bovinos associada à ingestão de batata-doce (lpomoea batatas) mofada. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):161-166. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. E-mail: Uma doença respiratória foi diagnosticada em cinco dentre 23 bovinos (21, 7%) após terem sido alimentados com batata-doce (lpomoea batatas) mofada em uma pequena propriedade rural em São Vicente do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Três dos cinco bovinos afetados morreram espontaneamente, e o quarto foi sacrificado para necropsia quando mostrava sinais clínicos respiratórios avançados. A manifestação clínica iniciara cerca de 24 horas após a ingestão das batatasdoces e a evolução clínica foi de 1 a 4 dias. Os sinais clínicos incluíam dispnéia (respiração laboriosa e abdominal), taquipnéia, pescoço estendido com cabeça baixa e dilatação ritmada das narinas. Dois bovinos foram necropsiados. Os achados de necropsia incluíam pulmões distendidos, pálidos e de consistência borrachenta, que não colapsavam quando o tórax era aberto; enfisema e edema acentuados eram evidentes no pulmão. Os linfonodos e o baço apresentavam alterações características de hiperplasia linfóide. Histologicamente, as lesões eram típicas de pneumonia intersticial. Os septos alveolares estavam espessados por fibroblastos e células inflamatórias, havia hipertrofia e hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II; os septos interlobulares estavam distendidos por edema e enfisema. A cultura de amostras das batatas-doces mofadas produziu Fusarium solani e F. oxysporum.

#33 - Biological control of helminth parasites of animais: Current stage and future outlook. A review, 23(3):93-100

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Mota, M.A., Campos, A.K. &Araújo, J.V. [Biological control of helminth parasites of animais: Current stage and future outlook. A review.] Controle biológico de helmintos parasitos de animais: estágio atual e perspectivas futuras. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(3):93-100. Depto Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Cx. Postal 486, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Biological control is a non-chemical alternative method with its main goal to reduce the amount of parasite population using natural antagonists. The administration of nematophagous fungi to animais has been considered an alternative in gastrointestinal helminthiasis prophylaxis. The nematophagous fungi produce trap-shaped structures, which are responsible for capturing and destroying the free-living stages of nematodes. The genera Arthrobotrys, Duddingtonia and Monacrosporium has been shown efficacy in laboratory and field experiments against cattle, equine, ovine and swine parasites. Severa) fungi formulations have been evaluated, but there is so far no commercial product available. The association of research groups with industry could improve the successful implementation of this control method.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Mota, M.A., Campos, A.K. & Araújo, J.V. [Biological control of helminth parasites of animais: Current stage and future outlook. A review.] Controle biológico de helmintos parasitos de animais: estágio atual e perspectivas futuras. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(3):93-100. Depto Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Cx. Postal 486, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, O controle biológico é um método desenvolvido para diminuir uma população de parasitas pela utilização de antagonista natural. A administração de fungos nematófagos aos animais domésticos é considerada uma promissora alternativa na profilaxia das helmintíases gastrintestinais parasitárias. Os fungos nematófagos desenvolvem estruturas em forma de armadilhas, responsáveis pela captura e destruição dos estágios infectantes dos nematóides. Os fungos dos gêneros Arthrobotrys, Duddingtonia e Monacrosporium têm demonstrado eficácia em experimentos laboratoriais e no campo no controle de parasitos de bovinos, eqüinos, ovinos e suínos. Diversas formulações fúngicas têm sido avaliadas, no entanto, ainda não há nenhum produto comercial disponível. A associação dos grupos de pesquisa e o envolvimento das indústrias poderão colaborar para o sucesso na implementação desta forma de controle.

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