Resultado da pesquisa (81)

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#61 - Bovine genital campylobacteriosis and bovine genital trichomonosis: Epidemiology, diagnosis and control, 31(4):336,344

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Alves T.M,, Stynen A.P.R, Miranda K.L. & Lage A.P. 2011. [Bovine genital campylobacteriosis and bovine genital trichomonosis: Epidemiology, diagnosis and control.] Campilobacteriose genital bovina e tricomonose genital bovina: epidemiologia, diagnóstico e controle. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):336-344. Laboratório de Bacteriologia Aplicada, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: The present update deals with two of the most important sexually transmitted diseases of cattle: bovine genital campylobacteriosis and bovine genital trichomonosis. Epidemiological aspects, mainly their distribution in Brazil, alongside with their diagnosis in cattle are presented and commented. The main points in their diagnoses, including the description of the techniques and the interpretation of the results are also reviewed. Finally the control and prevention of both diseases are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Alves T.M,, Stynen A.P.R, Miranda K.L. & Lage A.P. 2011. [Bovine genital campylobacteriosis and bovine genital trichomonosis: Epidemiology, diagnosis and control.] Campilobacteriose genital bovina e tricomonose genital bovina: epidemiologia, diagnóstico e controle. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):336-344. Laboratório de Bacteriologia Aplicada, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: A presente atualização trata de duas das mais importantes doenças sexualmente transmitidas de bovinos, a campilobacteriose genital bovina e a tricomonose genital bovina. São abordados aspectos relacionados à epidemiologia destas doenças, principalmente em relação a sua distribuição no Brasil. Também são revisados aspectos importantes de diagnóstico, incluindo as técnicas e interpretação dos resultados, além de medidas de controle para ambas as doenças.

#62 - Combination of drugs as an alternative to control multi-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep, 31(2):151-157

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Cezar A.S., Ribas H.O., Pivoto F.L., Sangioni L.A. & Vogel F.S.F. 2011. [Combination of drugs as an alternative to control multi-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep.] Combinação de drogas antiparasitárias como uma alternativa para o controle de nematódeos gastrintestinais multirresistentes em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(2):151-157. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: This study was conducted to find effective anthelmintic treatments on a multi-resistant population of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, which was found resisting to all the classes of nematicidal drugs available in the Brazilian market. We took as a starting point the data obtained in a previous study performed in the targeted flock, in which were tested conventional treatments. Thus, using the calculated efficacy of the drugs (tested previously) for the genera of nematodes found in the flock, we selected drugs which, combined or used in higher doses, could improve the efficacy of the treatments. We evaluated the anthelmintic action of each treatment using the percentage of reduction of eggs in the feces, along with larvae cultures. A combination of moxidectin 1% + disophenol 20% showed 99% of efficacy, and combinations of moxidectin 1% + trichlorphon 10% and moxidectin 1% + levamisole phosphate 22.3% showed efficacy over 90%. Combinations of drugs, with different mechanisms of action, can provide effective anthelmintic treatments on multidrug-resistant populations of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Cezar A.S., Ribas H.O., Pivoto F.L., Sangioni L.A. & Vogel F.S.F. 2011. [Combination of drugs as an alternative to control multi-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep.] Combinação de drogas antiparasitárias como uma alternativa para o controle de nematódeos gastrintestinais multirresistentes em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(2):151-157. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de encontrarem-se tratamentos anti-helmínticos eficazes sobre uma população de nematódeos gastrintestinais de ovinos, a qual desenvolveu resistência a todas as classes de drogas com ação nematicida disponíveis para ruminantes no mercado brasileiro. Valendo-se da eficácia calculada de tratamentos convencionais a partir de um estudo prévio e, assim, conhecendo-se sua ação sobre diferentes gêneros de nematódeos presentes no rebanho, selecionaram-se drogas as quais, utilizadas em combinações ou em altas doses, pudessem aumentar significativamente a eficácia dos tratamentos. Utilizou-se o percentual de redução da contagem de ovos nas fezes e as culturas de larvas para avaliar a ação anti-helmíntica dos tratamentos testados. A combinação de moxidectina 1% + disofenol 20% apresentou 99% de eficácia, e as combinações de moxidectina 1% + triclorfon 10% e de moxidectina 1% + fosfato de levamisol 22,3% superaram os 90% de eficácia. A utilização de combinações de princípios ativos, com diferentes mecanismos de ação, pode promover a recuperação da eficácia dos tratamentos anti-helmínticos sobre populações multirresistentes de nematódeos gastrintestinais de ovinos.

#63 - Gastro-intestinal nematodes control in goats and sheep in the semiarid region northeastern Brazil, 65-71

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa V.M.M., Simões S.V.D & Riet-Correa F. 2011. [Gastro-intestinal nematodes control in goats and sheep in the semiarid region northeastern Brazil.] Controle das parasitoses gastrintestinais em ovinos e caprinos na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(1):65-71. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reviews some important concepts to be considered for the control of gastro-intestinal nematode parasites of sheep and goats, including the epidemiology of this parasitic disease in the Brazilian semiarid, and the occurrence of anti-helminthic resistance in the region. Considering the widespread use of preventive treatments during the dry season, new alternatives for the control of gastrointestinal parasites are recommended, taking into account the parasite integrated control system and the use of methods to allow the presence of susceptible parasites in the refugia. Differences between sheep and goats are discussed, taking into account the higher susceptibility of goats and the necessity to use larger doses in goats than in sheep for most anti-helminthics.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Costa V.M.M., Simões S.V.D & Riet-Correa F. 2011. [Gastro-intestinal nematodes control in goats and sheep in the semiarid region northeastern Brazil.] Controle das parasitoses gastrintestinais em ovinos e caprinos na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(1):65-71. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: Neste artigo são revisados alguns conceitos importantes a serem considerados para o controle de parasitas gastrintestinais em caprinos e ovinos. Descrevem-se as características epidemiológicas desta parasitose no semiárido e o aparecimento de resistência aos anti-helmínticos na região. São propostas alternativas para o controle da doença levando em consideração, principalmente, a adoção de técnicas de controle integrado de parasitas com uma mudança nos sistemas de tratamento preventivo para sistemas que permitam a sobrevivência de parasitas susceptíveis na refugia. São discutidas as diferenças entre caprinos e ovinos, considerando que os caprinos são mais susceptíveis e que para maioria das drogas devem ser tratados com doses maiores.

#64 - Clinic-pathological aspects and control of paratuberculosis in a dairy cattle herd, 30(11):921-932

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Yamasaki E.M., Tokarnia C.H., Galvão A., Gomes M.J.P., Chies J.A.B., Veit T.D., Aragão A.P. & Brito M.F. 2010 [Clinic-pathological aspects and control of paratuberculosis in a dairy cattle herd.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos e controle da paratuberculose em rebanho bovino leiteiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(11):921-932. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Paratuberculosis (Johne´s disease) is a granulomatous enteritis of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Epidemiology, clinic-pathological and laboratorial aspects of paratuberculosis in a dairy cattle herd are described. The disease was diagnosed from 2006 to 2009 in eight cows that presented chronic-intermittent diarrhea and chronic weight loss, in the Rio Claro municipality, Rio de Janeiro. At necropsy, the subserosal lymphatic vessels were proeminent and dilated, mesenteric nodes were enlarged and intestinal mucosa was corrugated, thickened and of microgranular aspect. From duodenum to the rectum, histopathology revealed severe and diffuse granulomatous inflammation of the lamina propria and submucosa, broadened and distorted villi, dilatation of the lymphatic vessels in their apex, lymphangioectasia and granulomatous lymphangitis in the submucosa. Ziehl-Neelsen stain showed variable amounts of acid-fast bacilli in macrophages, in Langhans giant cells and freely in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine, colon and lymphnodes. In some cows, the lamina propria presented severe hypertrophy, mainly in the jejunum and ileum. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was isolated through bacterial cultivation of samples taken from feces, intestinal mucosa and milk, and identified through IS900 PCR. From 298 cows older than three years, the percentage of reactive animals was 40% by indirect ELISA test. The diagnosis of paratuberculosis was based on clinic-epidemiological data, serology, bacterial isolation in Herrold egg yolk medium with micobactin and on IS900 PCR. After the adoption of control measures, as slaughter of cows with clinical signs, selective slaughter of seropositive cows, removal of the calf from the dam at birth, and use of the colostrum bank, we observed a reduction from six clinical cases to only one case per year, in the last three years of the study.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Yamasaki E.M., Tokarnia C.H., Galvão A., Gomes M.J.P., Chies J.A.B., Veit T.D., Aragão A.P. & Brito M.F. 2010 [Clinic-pathological aspects and control of paratuberculosis in a dairy cattle herd.] Aspectos clínico-patológicos e controle da paratuberculose em rebanho bovino leiteiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(11):921-932. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: A paratuberculose ou doença de Johne é uma enterite granulomatosa causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais da paratuberculose em rebanho bovino leiteiro no município de Rio Claro, região Sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No período de 2006 a 2009, oito vacas adultas da raça Girolanda apresentaram diarreia crônico-intermitente e perda progressiva de peso. À necropsia, observaram-se linfonodos mesentéricos aumentados de volume e úmidos ao corte, vasos linfáticos subserosos das alças intestinais proeminentes, serosa do intestino com aspecto anelado e cerebroide e a mucosa espessada, pregueada e com aspecto microgranular. À microscopia havia, desde o duodeno até o reto, inflamação granulomatosa difusa, marcada dilatação dos vasos linfáticos no ápice das vilosidades, linfangiectasia e linfangite granulomatosa na submucosa, muscular e serosa. A inflamação granulomatosa também foi vista nos linfonodos mesentéricos. A coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen revelou variável quantidade de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no interior de macrófagos, de células gigantes de Langhans e livres na mucosa e submucosa dos intestinos delgado e grosso e em linfonodos mesentéricos. Em alguns animais, a lâmina própria da mucosa, principalmente do jejuno e íleo exibia acentuada hipertrofia. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis foi isolado em cultivo bacteriano de Herrold com micobactina, a partir de amostras de fezes, de raspado de mucosa intestinal e de leite e identificado pela técnica de PCR IS900. Através da avaliação sorológica semestral, foram analisadas 298 vacas do mesmo rebanho a partir de três anos de idade, observou-se cerca de 40% de animais reagentes ao teste ELISA indireto no período estudado. O diagnóstico da paratuberculose foi baseado nos dados clínico-patológicos, na sorologia, no isolamento e identificação do agente através de cultivo bacteriano e PCR IS900. Após implementação de medidas de controle, tais como eliminação de animais doentes, abate seletivo dos animais soropositivos, separação dos bezerros ao nascer e utilização de banco de colostro, observou-se, nos três anos de estudo, diminuição da ocorrência de casos clínicos no rebanho, de seis casos por ano para cerca de um caso por ano.

#65 - Domestic cat: Future challenge for the control of urban rabies??, 30(2):186-189

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Genaro G. 2010. [Domestic cat: Future challenge for the control of urban rabies?] Gato doméstico: futuro desafio para controle da raiva em áreas urbanas? Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(2):186-189. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia da Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP 14001-970, Brazil. E-mail: This article aims to promote a debate over the actual and (possibly) future increasing relevance of the domestic cat concerning public health, with emphasis on rabies (animal/urban) control. Scientific literature on the specific role played by cats, especially with respect to zoonoses is scarce. This species is becoming the most popular pet in the western urban context. This is particularly because of the lifestyle adopted by the population, who live in smaller houses and have little time available for pet care, relegating dogs to a less preferential position. Cats do not predominate as domestic animals in Brazil yet, but if these animals soon become the preferential pets in our country, strategies adopted during anti-rabies vaccination campaigns will need to be reviewed. Furthermore, the ethological features of the domestic felid will have to be considered, so that a more suitable approach for the vaccination of the recommended number of animals can be established.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Genaro G. 2010. [Domestic cat: Future challenge for the control of urban rabies?] Gato doméstico: futuro desafio para controle da raiva em áreas urbanas? Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(2):186-189. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia da Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP 14001-970, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo deste artigo foi introduzir debate a respeito da presente e, possivelmente, da futura relevância crescente do gato doméstico, no que se refere à saúde pública, com ênfase para a raiva (animal/urbana). A literatura científica que trata do papel específico do gato em relação às zoonoses ainda é reduzida. Essa espécie está se tornando o mais popular animal de companhia no mundo ocidental urbano, particularmente devido ao estilo de vida adotado pelas pessoas, com reduzido espaço residencial e pouco tempo disponível para se dedicarem aos animais de companhia, o que prejudica especialmente o cão, animal, até então, preferencial. A predominância do gato ainda não é observada no Brasil, contudo, se, em breve, ela for aqui reproduzida ter-se-á que rever as estratégias adotadas, particularmente nas campanhas de vacinação antirrábica. E as características etológicas do felino doméstico deverão ser consideradas para se estabelecer estratégias mais adequadas para que se vacine o número de animais recomendado.

#66 - Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus*) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, p.65-70

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

#67 - Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária, p.293-298

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Deleito C.S.R & Moya Borja G.E. 2008. [Neem (Azadirachta indica): An alternative for controlling flies associated with animal breeding.] Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):293-298. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica, are among the most important arthropod pests of livestock, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to test of efficacy of various concentrations of neem oil on pupae of the above mentioned flies under laboratory and in field conditions. Reduction of fly emergence from treated pupae with 0.6 per cent of neem oil was 95.6 per cent under laboratory conditions and 94.5 per cent when applied on the soil, where the cattle rest during the night. The application of neem oil at 0.6 per cent on the soil is a viable alternative for controlling pupae of L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax and M. domestica.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Deleito C.S.R & Moya Borja G.E. 2008. [Neem (Azadirachta indica): An alternative for controlling flies associated with animal breeding.] Nim (Azadirachta indica): uma alternativa no controle de moscas na pecuária. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):293-298. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica, are among the most important arthropod pests of livestock, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to test of efficacy of various concentrations of neem oil on pupae of the above mentioned flies under laboratory and in field conditions. Reduction of fly emergence from treated pupae with 0.6 per cent of neem oil was 95.6 per cent under laboratory conditions and 94.5 per cent when applied on the soil, where the cattle rest during the night. The application of neem oil at 0.6 per cent on the soil is a viable alternative for controlling pupae of L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax and M. domestica.

#68 - Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina, p.319-324

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Julião F.S., Souza B.M.P.S., Freitas D.S.,Oliveira L.S., Larangeira D.F., Dias-Lima A.G.,Souza V.M.M., Barrouin-Melo S.M., Moreira Jr E.D., Paule B.J.A. & Franke C.R. 2007. [Investigation of risk areas as complemental methodology for the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis.] Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):319-324. Laboratório de Infectologia Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: Risk areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, were investigated. A total of 278 dogs from 141 homes pertaining to 20 investigated risk areas was serologically screened (ELISA). The general seroprevalence was 21.7% (56/258) after exclusion of 20 dogs used at the beginning of the survey to limit the study area. The respective results of the univariated and multivariated analysis of factors related to infection of dogs by Leishmania chagasi, to vector distribu-tion pattern in the area and to the methodology used to localize the canine focuses are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Julião F.S., Souza B.M.P.S., Freitas D.S.,Oliveira L.S., Larangeira D.F., Dias-Lima A.G.,Souza V.M.M., Barrouin-Melo S.M., Moreira Jr E.D., Paule B.J.A. & Franke C.R. 2007. [Investigation of risk areas as complemental methodology for the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis.] Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):319-324. Laboratório de Infectologia Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: Risk areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, were investigated. A total of 278 dogs from 141 homes pertaining to 20 investigated risk areas was serologically screened (ELISA). The general seroprevalence was 21.7% (56/258) after exclusion of 20 dogs used at the beginning of the survey to limit the study area. The respective results of the univariated and multivariated analysis of factors related to infection of dogs by Leishmania chagasi, to vector distribu-tion pattern in the area and to the methodology used to localize the canine focuses are discussed.

#69 - Influência do sexo de indivíduos da mesma colônia no controle químico das populações do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus (Phyllstomidae) no Estado de São Paulo

Abstract in English:

Gomes M., Uieda W. & Latorre M.R.D.O. 2006. [Influence of sex differences in the same colony for chemical control of vampire Desmodus rotundus (Phyllostomidae) populations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.] Influência do sexo de indivíduos da mesma colônia no controle químico das populações do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus (Phyllstomidae) no Estado de São Paulo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):38-43. Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuária/SP, Regional Mogi das Cruzes, Av. Cândido X.A.Sousa 35, Mogi das Cruzes, SP 08780-210, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to verify the fidelity to the diurnal roosts by the genders of the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, and to analyse the Warfarin gel 2% effectiveness for reduction of the size of vampire bat colonies, when individuals of different sexes were treated. In 1999 and 2000, 626 vampire bats were mist netted while leaving at night 12 diurnal roosts in the state of São Paulo. They were marked, and 10% of the roost population received the Warfarin gel 2% treatment. In Test I only males were treated, in Test II only females were treated, and in Test III 5% of males and females were treated. After 5 and 10 days, the dead and the survivors were counted. Females were more loyal to the roosts (p<0,01) and better wide spreader of the Warfarin gel (p<0,01).

Abstract in Portuguese:

Gomes M., Uieda W. & Latorre M.R.D.O. 2006. [Influence of sex differences in the same colony for chemical control of vampire Desmodus rotundus (Phyllostomidae) populations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.] Influência do sexo de indivíduos da mesma colônia no controle químico das populações do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus (Phyllstomidae) no Estado de São Paulo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):38-43. Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuária/SP, Regional Mogi das Cruzes, Av. Cândido X.A.Sousa 35, Mogi das Cruzes, SP 08780-210, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to verify the fidelity to the diurnal roosts by the genders of the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, and to analyse the Warfarin gel 2% effectiveness for reduction of the size of vampire bat colonies, when individuals of different sexes were treated. In 1999 and 2000, 626 vampire bats were mist netted while leaving at night 12 diurnal roosts in the state of São Paulo. They were marked, and 10% of the roost population received the Warfarin gel 2% treatment. In Test I only males were treated, in Test II only females were treated, and in Test III 5% of males and females were treated. After 5 and 10 days, the dead and the survivors were counted. Females were more loyal to the roosts (p<0,01) and better wide spreader of the Warfarin gel (p<0,01).

#70 - Epidemiologia e controle dos focos da doença de Aujeszky no Rio Grande do Sul, em 2003, p.25-30

Abstract in English:

Groff F.H.S., Merlo M.A., Stoll P.A., Stepan A.L., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2005. [Epidemiology and control of pseudorabies outbreaks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2003.] Epidemiologia e controle dos focos da doença de Aujeszky no Rio Grande do Sul, em 2003. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):25-30. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universi-dade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Aujeszky’s disease (AD) or pseudorabies is an important viral disease of swine and has significant economic impact on the pig industry worldwide. The infection produces direct and indirect economic losses, mainly due to restrictions to international trade of swine products. Since the beginning of the 20th century, AD had been notified in several Brazilian regions, yet the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) remained as a “provisionally free” area under the International Organization of Epizooties (OIE) guidelines. In 2003, two outbreaks were notified in swine herds located in northern RS, boundary with Santa Catarina, a state where the infection is endemic. Control/eradication measures consisted in tracing back all swine movements, quarantine and eradication of the affected herds by sanitary slaughter under official inspection. In outbreak # 1 (Pinheirinho do Vale, January/2003) six herds were affected, one of which presented animals with clinical signs. Starting from this outbreak, 146 herds and 42.399 pigs were traced back, six herds (7.822 animals) being depopulated – the herd where the index outbreak plus five other herds with positive serology. The outbreak # 2 (Aratiba, September/2003) resulted in a wider spread of the infection, involving another three counties and 77 herds (9 with clinical signs, 68 with positive serology). From the index case, 109.316 pigs in 630 herds were traced back; 28.443 animals from positive herds were slaughtered. Total numbers reached 151.715 traced back animals in 776 herds; 71 herds were found serologically positive. The adopted measures were efficient to eliminate the outbreaks and to stop the disease spread to neighboring areas, reestablishing the sanitary status previous to the outbreaks.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Groff F.H.S., Merlo M.A., Stoll P.A., Stepan A.L., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2005. [Epidemiology and control of pseudorabies outbreaks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2003.] Epidemiologia e controle dos focos da doença de Aujeszky no Rio Grande do Sul, em 2003. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):25-30. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universi-dade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Aujeszky’s disease (AD) or pseudorabies is an important viral disease of swine and has significant economic impact on the pig industry worldwide. The infection produces direct and indirect economic losses, mainly due to restrictions to international trade of swine products. Since the beginning of the 20th century, AD had been notified in several Brazilian regions, yet the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) remained as a “provisionally free” area under the International Organization of Epizooties (OIE) guidelines. In 2003, two outbreaks were notified in swine herds located in northern RS, boundary with Santa Catarina, a state where the infection is endemic. Control/eradication measures consisted in tracing back all swine movements, quarantine and eradication of the affected herds by sanitary slaughter under official inspection. In outbreak # 1 (Pinheirinho do Vale, January/2003) six herds were affected, one of which presented animals with clinical signs. Starting from this outbreak, 146 herds and 42.399 pigs were traced back, six herds (7.822 animals) being depopulated – the herd where the index outbreak plus five other herds with positive serology. The outbreak # 2 (Aratiba, September/2003) resulted in a wider spread of the infection, involving another three counties and 77 herds (9 with clinical signs, 68 with positive serology). From the index case, 109.316 pigs in 630 herds were traced back; 28.443 animals from positive herds were slaughtered. Total numbers reached 151.715 traced back animals in 776 herds; 71 herds were found serologically positive. The adopted measures were efficient to eliminate the outbreaks and to stop the disease spread to neighboring areas, reestablishing the sanitary status previous to the outbreaks.

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