Resultado da pesquisa (1662)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Fe

#21 - Feline application/inflammation-associated sarcoma: Gross aspects and histomorphological

Abstract in English:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

#22 - Investigation of enterobacteria with zoonotic and multi-resistant potential in exotic parrots kept in a domestic environment

Abstract in English:

This investigation elucidated the presence of potentially zoonotic and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in domestically reared psittacines. The present study was sanctioned by the Animal Ethics Committee of the State University of Ceará (CEUA-UECE) and bears registration number 03423745/2023. A total of 111 cloacal swab samples were procured from exotic psittacines encompassing six distinct species: the Australian budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus), lovebirds (Agapornis sp.), rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri), red-rumped parrots (Psephotus haematonotus), and rosellas (Platycercus eximius). The process encompassed the isolation and characterization of enterobacteria and ascertaining their resistance profiles. Among the collected specimens, 70.2% (78/111) yielded growth indicative of one or more enterobacterial agents. The collective isolates comprised 110 strains encompassing 13 distinct bacterial species. Foremost among these was Escherichia coli, accounting for a significant percentage of the total isolates at 30% (33/110), followed by Pantoea agglomerans at 27.2% (30/110). The study revealed that 35.4% (39/110) of the isolates exhibited resistance to tobramycin, with tetracycline and fosfomycin showing resistance rates of 34.5% (38/110) and 30.9% (34/110), respectively. Particularly noteworthy was that E. coli showed a heightened propensity for tetracycline resistance at 51.5% (17/33), while resistance rates to tobramycin and gentamicin were 36.6% (12/33) and 15.1% (5/33), respectively. A noteworthy subset of the enterobacterial cohort exhibited multidrug resistance patterns (28.9%, 32/110). Collectively, these outcomes underscore not only an elevated prevalence of enterobacterial strains but also the pervasive phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance across a diverse spectrum of antimicrobial agents.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este estudo investigou a presença de bactérias potencialmente zoonóticas e resistentes a antimicrobianos em psitacídeos criados em ambiente doméstico. Esse projeto foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para o Uso de Animais da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (CEUA-UECE), registrado sob o número 03423745/2023. Foram coletadas 111 amostras de suabes cloacais de psitacídeos exóticos de seis espécies, incluindo, periquitos-australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus), calopsitas (Nymphicus hollandicus), agapornis (Agapornis sp.), periquitos-de-colar (Psittacula krameri), periquitos-dorso-vermelho (Psephotus haematonotus) e roselas (Platycercus eximius). Foi realizado o isolamento e a identificação de enterobactérias e determinado o perfil de resistência. Das amostras coletadas, 70,2% (78/111) apresentaram crescimento para uma ou mais enterobactérias. Foram isoladas 110 cepas pertencentes a 13 espécies bacterianas. Escherichia coli apresentou o maior índice de isolamento, com 30% (33/110). Em segundo lugar Pantoea agglomerans, com um percentual de isolamento de 27,2% (30/110). Observou-se que 35,4% (39/110) das enterobactérias apresentaram resistência à tobramicina, seguidas da tetraciclina com 34,5% (38/110) e da fosfomicina com 30,9% (34/110). E. coli apresentou maior taxa de resistência a tetraciclina com 51,5% (17/33), seguida de 36,6% (12/33) para tobramicina e 15,1% (5/33) para gentamicina. Das enterobactérias analisadas 28,9% (32/110), apresentaram multirresistência. Os resultados indicam uma alta prevalência de enterobactérias, a resistência antimicrobiana foi constatada em diversas classes de antimicrobianos.

#23 - Serum retinol, alpha-tocopherol, cholecalciferol, and some mineral levels in ruminants with congenital digestive and urogenital system anomalies

Abstract in English:

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between serum vitamin and mineral levels and congenital defects in digestive and urogenital system anomalies in calves, lambs, and kids. The study material consisted of 13 calves, 15 lambs, 10 kids clinically and radiologically diagnosed with congenital digestive and urogenital system anomalies and 10 newborn clinically healthy calves, 10 lambs, and 10 kids. Congenital defects were diagnosed by clinical and radiological examination. Blood samples were collected from all animals, and sera were extracted for biochemical analysis. Vitamins A, D, and E, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, and manganese levels were measured in serum samples. Penile urethral diverticulum in kids, atresia ani, atresia ani with vaginal fistula in lambs, and atresia ani and atresia coli defects in calves were determined. Copper levels were higher, and zinc levels were lower in kids with penile urethral diverticulum compared to the control group. Vitamin A levels were lower in lambs with digestive system anomalies compared to the control group. Meanwhile, copper levels were higher in lambs with digestive system anomalies. Vitamin A and D levels were lower in calves with digestive system anomalies compared to the control group. There was no difference in the levels of the other parameters compared to the control group. In conclusion, insufficient serum vitamin A levels may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of congenital intestinal atresia in calves and lambs. Therefore, we believe that parenteral vitamin A administration to the mother, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy in regions with continental climates and poor green vegetation, would be beneficial. Further research should be conducted to determine the role of vitamin A in the etiopathogenesis of congenital atresia ani and coli.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre os níveis séricos de vitaminas e minerais e defeitos congênitos com envolvimento do sistema digestivo e urogenital em bezerros, cordeiros e cabritos. O material de estudo foi constituído por 13 bezerros, 15 cordeiros e 10 cabritos clinicamente e radiologicamente diagnosticados com anomalias congênitas do sistema digestivo e urogenital, e 10 bezerros, 10 cordeiros e 10 cabritos recém-nascidos clinicamente saudáveis. Defeitos congênitos foram diagnosticados por exame clínico e radiológico. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de todos os animais e os soros foram extraídos para análise bioquímica. Os níveis de vitaminas A, D e E, cálcio, fósforo, sódio, potássio, cloro, magnésio, cobre, ferro, zinco, selênio e manganês foram determinados nas amostras de soro. Divertículo uretral peniano em cabritos, atresia anal, atresia anal com fístula vaginal em cordeiros e defeitos de atresia anal e atresia coli em bezerros foram determinados. Os níveis de cobre foram mais altos e os níveis de zinco foram mais baixos em cabritos com divertículo uretral peniano em comparação com o grupo de controle. Os níveis de vitamina A foram mais baixos em cordeiros com anomalias do sistema digestivo em comparação com o grupo de controle. Enquanto isso, os níveis de cobre foram mais altos em cordeiros com anomalias do sistema digestivo. Os níveis de vitaminas A e D foram mais baixos em bezerros com anomalias do sistema digestivo em comparação com o grupo de controle. Não houve diferença nos níveis dos outros parâmetros em comparação com o grupo de controle. Em conclusão, níveis insuficientes de vitamina A sérica podem desempenhar um papel na etiopatogênese da atresia intestinal congênita em bezerros e cordeiros. Portanto, acreditamos que a administração parenteral de vitamina A à mãe, especialmente no último trimestre da gravidez em regiões com clima continental e vegetação verde escassa, seria benéfica. Mais pesquisas devem ser conduzidas para determinar o papel da vitamina A na etiopatogênese da atresia ani e coli congênita.

#24 - Cardiopulmonary radiographic changes in dogs naturally infected with Dirofilaria immitis

Abstract in English:

Heartworm disease is a zoonosis caused by Dirofilaria immitis, a nematode parasite of worldwide distribution and considered one of the most virulent of dogs, which are definitive and infected hosts during the blood meal of vector mosquitoes (Aedes sp., Anopheles sp. and Culex sp.). The disease has a worldwide prevalence, with a higher incidence in tropical and subtropical climate areas, and affects animals of any breed, sex, and age group. Most animals are asymptomatic, but the disease can cause various cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms. The pathophysiology is related to vessel obstruction and an intense inflammatory reaction in the lung parenchyma, with cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms leading to signs that can be severe and lead to the death of the host. It can be diagnosed through blood tests, and chest X-rays are used to assess the severity of clinical signs and help establish a prognosis. Cardiovascular alterations appear as an increase in vascular caliber, an increase in the right heart silhouette, and pulmonary patterns compatible with infection. This study aimed to describe the conditional radiographic changes caused by the parasite in the lungs, intrathoracic vessels and heart in 30 dogs, independent of breed and sex, with an average age of 9.9 years and an average weight of 10.25kg, originating from routine care at a veterinary hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, from January 2022 to December 2022. All animals were diagnosed with a positive heartworm infection and cardiorespiratory symptoms as essential conditions for participation in the study. The animals were x-rayed and had their lung patterns evaluated, in addition to measuring their vascular caliber and cardiac indices using vertebral-heart size (VHS), manubrium-heart size (MHS) and sphericity index (CSI). Most animals presented pulmonary patterns such as bronchoalveolar and bronchial and increased VHS and MHS indices. Increased and borderline values of CSI measurements were found in half of the patients, demonstrating that the parasite can trigger significant radiographic changes or present potential further worsening.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A dirofilariose é uma zoonose causada pela Dirofilaria immitis, parasita nematoide de distribuição mundial e considerado um dos mais patogênicos de cães, que são hospedeiros definitivos e infectados durante o repasto sanguíneo de mosquitos vetores (Aedes sp., Anopheles sp. e Culex sp.). A doença apresenta prevalência mundial, com maior incidência em áreas de clima tropical e subtropical, acometendo animais de qualquer raça, sexo e faixa etária. A maioria dos animais é assintomática, entretanto, a doença pode causar diversos sintomas cardiovasculares e respiratórios. A fisiopatologia se relaciona com a obstrução de vasos e com intensa reação inflamatória no tecido pulmonar, com sintomatologia cardiovascular e respiratória, levando a sinais que podem ser graves e levar ao óbito do hospedeiro. Pode ser diagnosticada através de exames de sangue e as radiografias de tórax são utilizadas para avaliar a gravidade dos sinais clínicos e auxiliar no estabelecimento do prognóstico. Alterações cardiovasculares surgem como aumento de calibre vascular, aumento de silhueta cardíaca direita e padrões pulmonares compatíveis com infecção. No presente artigo objetivou-se descrever as alterações radiográficas estabelecidas pelo parasita nos pulmões, nos vasos intratorácicos e no coração em 30 cães, independente de raça e sexo, com média de idade 9,9 anos e média de peso 10,25kg, oriundos da rotina de atendimento de um hospital veterinário na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre Janeiro de 2022 e Dezembro de 2022. Todos os animais possuem diagnóstico positivo para infecção por dirofilariose e sintomatologia cardiorrespiratória como condição indispensável para pertencerem ao estudo. Os animais foram radiografados e tiveram os padrões pulmonares avaliados, além da medição do calibre vascular e dos índices cardíacos através do VHS (índice cardio-vertebral), MHS (ou índice manúbrio-esternal) e CSI (índice de esfericidade). A maioria dos animais apresentou padrão pulmonar como broncoalveolar e bronquial e índices de VHS e MHS aumentados. Aumento e valores limítrofes das medidas de CSI foram encontrados em metade dos pacientes, demonstrando que o parasita pode desencadear alterações radiográficas significativas ou apresentar potencial agravamento posterior.

#25 - Distribution of nesfatin-1 expression in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism

Abstract in English:

The study aimed to investigate the distribution and expression of nesfatin-1 in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism. Polyclonal antibodies against a single antigenic epitope of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 protein were prepared. Nesfatin-1 expression was detected in various adipose tissues, including the hypothalamus, humps, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver, and abdomen, using Western blot and qRT-PCR. Glucose uptake levels, pyruvic acid content, and hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activities were measured in cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes treated with nesfatin-1 in a high glucose state using a non-radiofluorimetric assay. The results showed that nesfatin-1 was found in all Bactrian camel tissues, with higher adipose tissue and pancreas expression. However, qRT-PCR analysis revealed higher expression of nesfatin-1 mRNA in the abdominal fat and liver. After nesfatin-1 treatment, a significant decrease (p<0.05) was observed in glucose uptake levels, hexokinase, and phosphofructokinase activities in 3T3-L1 cells, with a significant increase (p<0.05) in their pyruvic acid content. These findings suggest that nesfatin-1 is expressed at high levels in the abdominal fat of Bactrian camels and significantly affects adipocyte glucose metabolism by regulating blood glucose levels, inhibiting adipocyte differentiation, and promoting lipid droplet hydrolysis to provide energy for the organism, which may relate to the Bactrian camel’s ability to adapt to harsh environments.

Abstract in Portuguese:

The study aimed to investigate the distribution and expression of nesfatin-1 in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism. Polyclonal antibodies against a single antigenic epitope of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 protein were prepared. Nesfatin-1 expression was detected in various adipose tissues, including the hypothalamus, humps, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver, and abdomen, using Western blot and qRT-PCR. Glucose uptake levels, pyruvic acid content, and hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activities were measured in cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes treated with nesfatin-1 in a high glucose state using a non-radiofluorimetric assay. The results showed that nesfatin-1 was found in all Bactrian camel tissues, with higher adipose tissue and pancreas expression. However, qRT-PCR analysis revealed higher expression of nesfatin-1 mRNA in the abdominal fat and liver. After nesfatin-1 treatment, a significant decrease (p<0.05) was observed in glucose uptake levels, hexokinase, and phosphofructokinase activities in 3T3-L1 cells, with a significant increase (p<0.05) in their pyruvic acid content. These findings suggest that nesfatin-1 is expressed at high levels in the abdominal fat of Bactrian camels and significantly affects adipocyte glucose metabolism by regulating blood glucose levels, inhibiting adipocyte differentiation, and promoting lipid droplet hydrolysis to provide energy for the organism, which may relate to the Bactrian camel’s ability to adapt to harsh environments.

#26 - Report of coccidiosis in a free-living green-winged saltator Saltator similis in Itatiaia National Park in southeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

The green-winged saltator Saltator similis (d’Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) is a passerine bird highly valued by bird breeders and a target of illegal wildlife trafficking. Coccidian chromists are etiological agents of coccidiosis, which may be asymptomatic and enzootic in bird populations when environmental conditions are favorable. However, epizootic outbreaks with severe disease can occur due to environmental changes. In this context, this study reports a case of coccidiosis in a free-living juvenile specimen of S. similis captured at the Itatiaia National Park in southeastern Brazil. Typical clinical signs of coccidiosis were observed, and it was associated with greenish mucoid diarrhea containing a high density of coccidian oocysts. Three Isospora spp. were specifically identified in 14 fecal samples (fecal droplets) collected over two hours. Isospora saltatori (Berto, Balthazar, Flausino & Lopes, 2008) had the highest density and positivity throughout most of the collection period. Finally, this paper discusses the importance of the continuous evaluation of the health of birds as bioindicators and their coccidian ecological biomarkers as one of the strategies for evaluating the conservation status of Itatiaia National Park.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O trinca-ferro Saltator similis (d’Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) é um pássaro muito valorizado por criadores de aves e pelo tráfico ilegal de animais silvestres. Os cromistas coccídios são agentes etiológicos da coccidiose, a qual pode ser assintomática e enzoótica em populações de aves quando as condições ambientais são favoráveis, mas surtos epizoóticos com doença grave podem ocorrer como resultado de mudanças ambientais. Nesse contexto, este artigo relata um caso de coccidiose em um espécime juvenil de vida livre de S. similis capturado no Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, no sudeste do Brasil. Foram observados sinais clínicos típicos de coccidiose, associados a diarreia mucóide esverdeada contendo alta densidade de oocistos. Três Isospora spp. foram especificamente identificadas em 14 defecações coletadas durante um período de duas horas. Isospora saltatori (Berto, Balthazar, Flausino & Lopes, 2008) foi a espécie com maior densidade e positividade durante a maior parte do período de coleta. Por fim, este artigo discute a importância da avaliação contínua da saúde das aves como bioindicadores, e de seus biomarcadores ecológicos coccídios, como uma das estratégias para avaliação do estado de conservação do Parque Nacional de Itatiaia.

#27 - Infrared thermography used to detect local adverse reactions induced by reproductive vaccine adjuvants in Holstein heifers

Abstract in English:

Local adverse reactions following vaccination, often tied to the adjuvant type, can lead to pain, fever, reduced intake, and weight loss. Infrared thermography (IRT), a non-invasive human and veterinary medicine technique, can assess local inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate such reactions induced by reproductive vaccines with different adjuvants, using IRT alongside cardinal signs, rectal temperature, and haptoglobin concentration. Thirty-five Holstein heifers were grouped by vaccine type: Ah (aluminum hydroxide), Ow (oil-in-water), QAD (amphigen and quil A cholesterol and dimethyl-dioctadecyl ammonium bromide adjuvant), and a Control (saline solution). Assessments were made at 0, 6, 24-, 48-, 72-, and 168 hours post-vaccination for both doses, with an interval of 21 days. The local reactions were evaluated using the inflammatory cardinal signs and surface temperature measurement using IRT. The systemic reactions were identified by rectal temperature and the concentration of haptoglobin. A larger proportion of animals exhibiting local reactions based on scores assigned to the cardinal signs was found in the Vaccine QAD group, as well as the rectal temperature and the frequency of heifers with inflammation (Hp ≥2mg/dL). Nevertheless, Vaccine Ow demonstrated higher temperature at the site after the first vaccination dose for the IRT. Therefore, this approach is a valuable tool in classifying responses and local inflammation following vaccination in heifers with reproductive vaccines. Concurrently evaluating systemic manifestations, facilitates the surveillance of adverse reactions, thereby improving the discernment of the extent of systemic and local effects.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Reações adversas locais após a vacinação, frequentemente associadas ao tipo de adjuvante, podem levar a dor, febre, redução na ingestão e perda de peso. A termografia infravermelha (IRT), uma técnica não invasiva utilizada na medicina humana e veterinária, oferece um meio de avaliar a inflamação local. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar tais reações induzidas por vacinas reprodutivas com diferentes adjuvantes, utilizando IRT junto com sinais cardinais, temperatura retal e concentração de haptoglobina. Trinta e cinco novilhas Holandesas foram agrupadas por tipo de vacina: Ah (hidróxido de alumínio), Ow (óleo em água), QAD (anfígeno e adjuvante de quil A colesterol e brometo de amônio dimetil-dioctadecil) e Controle (solução salina). As avaliações foram realizadas às 0, 6, 24, 48, 72 e 168 horas pós-vacinação para ambas as doses, com um intervalo de 21 dias. As reações locais foram avaliadas pelos sinais cardinais inflamatórios e pela aferição da temperatura superficial usando IRT. As reações sistêmicas foram identificadas pela temperatura retal e pela concentração de haptoglobina (Hp). Uma proporção maior de animais exibindo reações locais com base nos escores atribuídos aos sinais cardinais foi encontrada no grupo Vacina QAD, assim como na temperatura retal e na frequência de novilhas com inflamação (Hp ≥2mg/dL). No entanto, para a IRT, a Vacina Ow demonstrou temperatura mais elevada no local após a primeira dose de vacinação. Portanto, essa abordagem é uma ferramenta valiosa para classificar as respostas e a inflamação local após a vacinação em novilhas com vacinas reprodutivas. Avaliar simultaneamente as manifestações sistêmicas facilita a vigilância das reações adversas, melhorando assim o discernimento da extensão dos efeitos tanto sistêmicos quanto locais.

#28 - Unveiling Trypanosoma spp. diversity in cattle from the state of Rio de Janeiro: A genetic perspective

Abstract in English:

Cattle trypanosomiasis imposes significant economic burdens on the global livestock industry. The causative agents of this disease belong to the protozoan Trypanosoma genus. This study aims to perform detection (parasitological and molecular) and genetic characterization to analyze Trypanosoma spp. in cattle from 15 municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the 18S rDNA and Cathepsin-L (CatL) gene of Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma theileri. A total of 389 blood samples from 15 dairy cattle farms in the state of Rio de Janeiro were collected, and DNA was extracted for subsequent PCR amplification of Trypanosoma spp. 18S rDNA and CatL genes. The resulting amplicons underwent sequencing and alignment for phylogenetic analysis, with comparisons made to GenBank isolates. Concerning parasitological analysis, blood smears presented 4.4% of positive cattle (n=17/389) for T. vivax and did not show any trypomastigote forms of T. theileri. The absolute frequency of Trypanosoma spp. through molecular detection targeting 18S rDNA was 11.6% (45/389). However, when performing species-specific PCRs, the T. vivax frequency, determined through CatL gene PCR, was 12.8%, and the T. theileri frequency was 3.6%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 18S rDNA revealed low diversity among T. vivax sequences, suggesting potential host segregation. This study emphasizes the high frequency of positive samples by PCR when compared to direct parasitological exams. Additionally, T. vivax phylogeny targeting 18S rDNA hints at sequence clustering related to host species. Importantly, this investigation unveils, for the first time in Rio de Janeiro’s cattle, the circulation of T. theileri lineage ThI, encompassing genotypes IIB and IF. This discovery expands our understanding of this parasite’s geographical distribution and genetic diversity.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A tripanossomíase bovina impõe significativos ônus econômicos à indústria pecuária global. Os agentes causadores dessa doença pertencem a protozoários do gênero Trypanosoma. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, realizar detecção (parasitológica e molecular) e caracterização genética de Trypanosoma spp. em bovinos de 15 municipalidades do estado do Rio de Janeiro, com foco na sequência 18S rDNA e no gene Cathepsin-L (CatL) de Trypanosoma vivax e Trypanosoma theileri. Um total de 389 amostras de sangue de 15 fazendas leiteiras no estado do Rio de Janeiro foram coletadas, e o DNA foi extraído para subsequente amplificação por PCR dos genes 18S rDNA e CatL de Trypanosoma spp. Os amplicons resultantes foram submetidos a sequenciamento e alinhamento para análise filogenética, com comparações realizadas com isolados do GenBank. No que se refere à análise parasitológica, os esfregaços de sangue apresentaram 4,4% de bovinos positivos (n=17/389) para T. vivax e não mostraram nenhuma forma tripomastigota de T. theileri. A frequência absoluta de Trypanosoma spp. através da detecção molecular visando 18S rDNA foi de 11,6% (45/389). No entanto, ao realizar PCRs específicos de espécies, a frequência de T. vivax, determinada por PCR do gene CatL foi de 12,8%, e a frequência de T. theileri foi de 3,6%. A análise filogenética com base no 18S rDNA revelou baixa diversidade entre as sequências de T. vivax, sugerindo uma possível segregação de hospedeiros. Este estudo enfatiza a alta frequência de amostra positiva pela PCR quando comparada com a parasitológica direta. Além disso, a filogenia de T. vivax direcionada ao 18S rDNA sugere agrupamento de sequências relacionado à espécie hospedeira. Importante destacar que esta investigação revela, pela primeira vez no gado do Rio de Janeiro, a circulação da linhagem ThI de T. theileri, abrangendo os genótipos IIB e IF. Esta descoberta amplia nosso entendimento sobre a distribuição geográfica e diversidade genética desse parasito.

#29 - Bovine neosporosis in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Elevated antibody detection rate in comparison to previous decades

Abstract in English:

This study aimed to determine the frequency of anti-Neospora caninum antibody detection in three samples and sampling methods: A prevalence study, routine diagnostic laboratory samples, and fetal bovine serum samples. These samples were collected from cattle in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil, and analyzed using the indirect immunofluorescence reaction technique. For each sampling method, a historical study was used as a reference for comparison. In the prevalence study, 1,248 serum samples were collected from 2020 to 2022. The prevalence of N. caninum in the RS state was 22.8% (285/1248). This figure was statistically different compared to previous studies conducted in 2002, which reported a prevalence of 11.2% (p<0.001). In the routine diagnostic samples, an average rate of 29.95% (985/3289) of anti-N. caninum antibodies were detected. This rate was statistically higher than that of a previous study conducted in 2003, which reported a rate of 20% (p=0.01). Similar data were found in the fetal bovine serum samples, which showed an increase compared to previous studies conducted in 2010 that reported a rate of 15% (p=0.003). The increase in the detection rate of N. caninum antibodies underscores the need for measures to control and prevent bovine neosporosis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a frequência de detecção de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em três diferentes amostras e métodos de coleta: um estudo de prevalência, amostras de laboratório de diagnóstico de rotina e amostras de soro fetal bovino. Essas amostras foram coletadas de bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), região Sul do Brasil, e analisadas usando a técnica de reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Para cada método de coleta, um estudo histórico foi usado como referência para comparação. No estudo de prevalência, foram coletadas 1.248 amostras de soro entre 2020 e 2022. A prevalência de N. caninum no estado do RS foi de 22,8% (285/1248). Esse valor foi estatisticamente diferente quando comparado a estudos anteriores realizados em 2002, que relataram uma prevalência de 11,2% (p<0,001). Nas amostras de diagnóstico de rotina, foi detectada uma taxa média de 29,95% (985/3289) de anticorpos anti-N. caninum. Essa taxa foi estatisticamente maior do que a de um estudo anterior realizado em 2003, que relatou uma taxa de 20% (p=0,01). Dados semelhantes foram encontrados nas amostras de soro fetal bovino, que mostraram um aumento em comparação com estudos anteriores realizados em 2010 que relataram uma taxa de 15% (p=0,003). O aumento na taxa de detecção de anticorpos anti-N. caninum destaca a necessidade de medidas para controlar e prevenir a neosporose bovina.

#30 - Neurocryptococcosis in dogs and cats: Anatomopathological and fungal morphological aspects in a case series

Abstract in English:

Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection that commonly affects dogs and cats, often manifesting with neurological involvement. This study investigated the neuropathological characteristics of cryptococcosis in nine cats and two dogs submitted to necropsy through gross pathology and histopathological analysis. Clinical history, lesion location, fungal burden, type and intensity of inflammatory infiltrate, lesions in nervous parenchyma, and morphological characteristics of yeast cells were evaluated. Additionally, fungal morphological criteria, such as capsule and yeast wall thickness and budding frequency, were analyzed in each neurolocation. The Alcian blue stain method was utilized to enhance the visualization of yeasts. Debilitating and/or immunosuppressive conditions were described in five cases. Two cats were recently adopted from the streets, and one cat was treated with corticosteroids. One dog had severe cachexia and generalized weakness, and another dog had leukopenia with left shift. Only six cases (54%) had neurological signs. Gross central nervous system (CNS) lesions were found in five cases and appeared as irregular, friable, soft, gelatinous, and grayish masses with distinct borders. The telencephalic cortex and the cerebellum were the most frequently affected CNS locations observed in all cases. The first exhibited a higher fungal burden and a milder inflammatory response than other neurolocations. The cerebellum was also affected in all cases but showed a slightly higher inflammatory response and a lower fungal burden compared to the telencephalic cortices. Additionally, lung involvement was observed in all cases as well. The inflammatory intensity associated with the yeasts in the CNS was predominantly mild to moderate, being severe only in two cases, and the fungal burden was more often moderate or severe, being mild in only two cases. The observed heterogeneity in the inflammatory response and fungal burden reveals the complex nature of this infection. Other affected nervous tissues were the optic nerve, the spinal cord nerve roots and the ganglia, mostly in cats. In conclusion, our study shows the neuropathological features of cryptococcosis in a case series in cats and dogs, emphasizing the importance of considering specific neurolocations to diagnose this fungal infection and contributing to a better understanding of the simultaneous involvement of the respiratory and nervous systems.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A criptococose é uma infecção fúngica que comumente afeta cães e gatos, muitas vezes se manifestando com envolvimento neurológico. Neste estudo, foram investigadas as características neuropatológicas da criptococose em nove gatos e dois cães submetidos à necropsia, por meio da análise macroscópica e histopatológica. Foi avaliada a história clínica, localização das lesões, carga fúngica, tipo e intensidade do infiltrado inflamatório, lesões no parênquima nervoso e características morfológicas das células de levedura. Além disso, critérios morfológicos fúngicos, como espessura da cápsula e parede da levedura e frequência de brotamento, foram analisados em cada neurolocalização. Para aprimorar a visualização das leveduras, foi utilizada a técnica de coloração de azul alciano. Condições debilitantes e/ou imunossupressoras foram detectadas em cinco casos. Condições debilitantes e/ou imunossupressoras foram descritas em cinco casos. Dois gatos foram recentemente adotados das ruas e um gato foi tratado com corticosteroides. Um cão apresentava caquexia grave e fraqueza generalizada e outro cão apresentava leucopenia com desvio à esquerda. Apenas seis casos (54%) apresentaram sinais neurológicos. Lesões macroscópicas no sistema nervoso central (SNC) foram encontradas em cinco casos, aparecendo como massas irregulares, friáveis, moles, gelatinosas e acinzentadas, com bordas distintas. O córtex telencefálico e o cerebelo foram as localizações do SNC mais frequentemente afetadas, observadas em todos os casos. O córtex apresentou uma carga fúngica mais elevada e uma resposta inflamatória mais branda em comparação com outras neurolocalizações. O cerebelo também foi afetado em todos os casos, apresentando uma resposta inflamatória um pouco mais elevada e carga fúngica mais baixa do que o córtex telencefálico. Além disso, o envolvimento pulmonar também foi observado em todos os casos. A intensidade inflamatória associada às leveduras no SNC, foi predominantemente leve a moderada, sendo grave apenas em dois casos, e a carga fúngica foi mais frequentemente moderada ou grave, sendo leve em apenas dois casos. A heterogeneidade observada na resposta inflamatória e carga fúngica revela a natureza complexa dessa infecção. Outros tecidos nervosos afetados foram o nervo óptico e as raízes e gânglios nervosos da medula espinhal, principalmente em gatos. Em conclusão, nosso estudo mostra as características neuropatológicas da criptococose em uma série de casos em gatos e cães, enfatizando a importância de considerar neurolocalizações específicas para o diagnóstico dessa infecção fúngica. Além disso, contribui para uma melhor compreensão do envolvimento simultâneo dos sistemas respiratório e nervoso.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV