Resultado da pesquisa (4)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa L.C.V.

#1 - Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of infectious canine hepatitis: 15 cases, 38(8):1608-1614

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Souto E.P.F., Maia L.A., Ferreira J.S., Gomes L.C.V.M., Carneiro R.S., Driemeier D., Souza A.P. & Dantas A.F.M. 2018. [Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of infectious canine hepatitis: 15 cases] Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos da hepatite infecciosa canina: 15 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1608-1614. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Av. Universitária s/n, Bairro Santa Cecília, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: We described the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of canine infectious hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Federal University of Campina Grande during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from Paraiba, northeastern of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology there was centrolobular necrosis of hepatocytes associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies, hemorrhages and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Infectious canine hepatitis occurs occasionally in the Paraiba, affecting particularly young and unvaccinated dogs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Souto E.P.F., Maia L.A., Ferreira J.S., Gomes L.C.V.M., Carneiro R.S., Driemeier D., Souza A.P. & Dantas A.F.M. 2018. [Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of infectious canine hepatitis: 15 cases] Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos da hepatite infecciosa canina: 15 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1608-1614. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Av. Universitária s/n, Bairro Santa Cecília, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: Descrevem-se os principais aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de casos de hepatite infecciosa canina diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, durante o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2016. Dos 1.640 cães necropsiados, 15 foram diagnosticados como hepatite infecciosa canina (0,91%). Dos cães acometidos nove eram machos e seis fêmeas. As idades variaram de 45 dias a sete anos, sendo a maioria filhotes. Dez animais não apresentavam raça definida, quatro eram Poodles e um Rottweiler. A maioria dos cães não recebeu nenhum tipo de protocolo vacinal. Os cães eram oriundos dos municípios de Patos, São Mamede e Teixeira, pertencentes ao estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. A maioria dos cães apresentou curso clínico variando de hiperagudo a agudo. Os principais sinais clínicos foram convulsão, apatia e hiporexia. Na necropsia, as principais alterações foram observadas no fígado que se apresentava de pálido a alaranjado e com áreas irregulares avermelhadas na superfície capsular, além de acentuação do padrão lobular e edema na parede da vesícula biliar. Hemorragias foram observadas em vários órgãos. Na histopatologia havia necrose centrolobular de hepatócitos associada a corpúsculos de inclusão viral intranucleares, hemorragia e infiltrado inflamatório misto. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido com base nas características lesões histopatológicas e foi confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. A hepatite infecciosa canina ocorre ocasionalmente na Paraíba, acometendo particularmente cães jovens e não vacinados.

#2 - In vitro biological activity of brown propolis, 36(4):279-282

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Gomes M.F.F., Ítavo C.C.B.F., Leal C.R.B., Ítavo L.C.V. & Lunas R.C. 2016. [In vitro biological activity of brown propolis.] Atividade antibacteriana in vitro da própolis marrom. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):279-282. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Filinto Müller 2443, Ipiranga, Campo Grande, MS 79074-460, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activity of brown propolis, by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The alcoholic extract of propolis was obtained from 35g of crude propolis macerated in 65mL of cereals alcohol. Dilutions of propolis extracts used were: 75mg/mL; 56.4mg/mL; 37.5mg/mL; 18.9mg/mL; 9.3mg/mL; 4.5mg/mL, and 2.25mg/mL. Thirty-two Gram-positive bacteria isolates were used: Rhodococcus equi, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp.; and the thirty-two Gram-negative bacteria isolated were: Enterobacter agglomerans, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas sp., Salmonella sp., and Serratia rubidaea, obtained from infectious clinical processes of domestic animals, and stored in the Laboratory of Bacteriology of FAMEZ/UFMS. The brown propolis extract showed antibacterial activity with MIC ranging from 2.25 to 18.9mg/ml for Gram-positive bacteria and 4.5 to 18.9mg/ml for Gram-negative bacteria, and bacteria from cattle and dogs were more resistant. It was concluded that brown propolis has antibacterial action, but the effect depends on the species of the bacterium and its origin.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Gomes M.F.F., Ítavo C.C.B.F., Leal C.R.B., Ítavo L.C.V. & Lunas R.C. 2016. [In vitro biological activity of brown propolis.] Atividade antibacteriana in vitro da própolis marrom. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):279-282. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Filinto Müller 2443, Ipiranga, Campo Grande, MS 79074-460, Brazil. E-mail: Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vitro da própolis marrom, por meio da determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM). O extrato alcoólico de própolis foi obtido de 35 g de própolis bruta macerada em 65 mL de álcool de cereais. As concentrações do extrato de própolis usadas foram: 75mg/mL; 56,4mg/mL; 37,5mg/mL; 18,9mg/mL; 9,3mg/mL; 4,5mg/mL e 2,25mg/mL. Foram utilizados 32 isolados de bactérias Gram-positivas: Rhodococcus equi, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp., e 32 isolados de bactérias Gram-negativas: Enterobacter agglomerans, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp. e Serratia rubidaea, provenientes de processos clínicos infecciosos de animais domésticos, obtidas e armazenadas no Laboratório de Bacteriologia da FAMEZ/UFMS. O extrato de própolis marrom apresentou atividade antimicrobiana com CIM variando de 2,25 a 18,9mg/mL para as bactérias Gram-positivas e 4,5 a 18,9mg/mL para as bactérias Gram-negativas, sendo as bactérias provenientes de bovinos e caninos as mais resistentes. Conclui-se que a própolis marrom tem ação bactericida, em função da espécie da bactéria e da procedência animal.

#3 - Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis, 30(5):435-442

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa N.A., Simão L.C.V., Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Fagliari J.J., Cardoso E.C., Soares P.C. & Mendonça C.L. 2010. [Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis.] Proteinograma e teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sanguíneo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com mastite experimental por Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):435-442. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Avenida Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Caixa Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis on proteinogram and serum concentrations of cupper, iron and zinc levels of Santa Ines primiparous ewes . The right mammary gland of ten healthy ewes was inoculated with 1,0x104 UFC/mL of S. aureus. Clinical examination and determination of serum concentrations of proteins by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE), cupper, iron and zinc, as well plasma level of fibrinogen were measured before the inoculation (control) and 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h, 84h, 96h, 108h, 120h, 132h, 168h, 180h, 288h and 336h after bacteria inoculation. All animals experimentally infected presented clinical mastitis and subsequent loss of mammary gland function. The electrophoretogram allowed the identification of 23 proteins with molecular weights (MW) ranged from 26.000 to 185.000 daltons (Da) including acute-phase proteins, IgG and IgA. A significant increase (P<0,05) in haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, IgG and IgA concentrations was observed. Antitrypsin and acid glicoprotein concentrations did not alter. The levels of iron and zinc decreased and the cupper concentration increased . A positive correlation between plasma fibrinogen and serum ceruloplasmin (r=0.74), haptoglobin (r=0.62) and IgA (r=0.62) was also identified. Results showed the importance of ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin as acute-phase proteins in ewes with intramammary infections and confirms fibrinogen as an inflammatory marker because its high correlation with specific proteins. The alterations in the serum levels of Cu, Fe and Zn suggest the action of inflammatory mediators triggered by S. aureus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Costa N.A., Simão L.C.V., Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Fagliari J.J., Cardoso E.C., Soares P.C. & Mendonça C.L. 2010. [Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis.] Proteinograma e teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sanguíneo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com mastite experimental por Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):435-442. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Avenida Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Caixa Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o proteinograma e os teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sangüíneo de ovelhas com mastite induzida por cepa de campo de Staphylococcus aureus. Foram utilizadas 10 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, primíparas, recém-paridas, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade e bom estado nutricional. Inoculou-se na metade direita da glândula mamária 1,0x104UFC/mL da bactéria, enquanto que a metade esquerda serviu como controle. Os animais foram acompanhados diariamente e a partir do diagnóstico clínico de mastite, procedeu-se colheita do material para realização do proteinograma sérico em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE) e para determinação do teor plasmático de fibrinogênio e das concentrações séricas de cobre, ferro e zinco em 16 momentos a saber: antes da inoculação (controle) e 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h, 84h, 96h, 108h, 120h, 132h, 168h, 180h, 288h e 336h após a inoculação (p.i.). Todas as ovelhas apresentaram quadro clínico de mastite, com perda da funcionalidade da glândula mamária. O proteinograma permitiu a identificação de 23 proteínas, cujos pesos moleculares (PM) variaram de 26.000 a 185.000 dáltons (Da), incluindo proteínas de fase aguda, IgG e IgA. Notou-se aumento significativo nas concentrações de haptoglobina e ceruloplasmina, assim como de IgG e IgA. Não se constatou alteração nos teores de antitripisina e de glicoproteína ácida .Verificou-se diminuição nos teores de ferro e zinco e elevação na concentração de cobre. Constatou-se correlação positiva entre o teor plasmático de fibrinogênio e as concentrações séricas de ceruloplasmina (r=0,74), a haptoglobina (r=0,62) e IgA(r=0,62). Estes resultados mostram a importância das proteínas de fase aguda ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina como indicadores auxiliares da infecção intramamária de ovelhas, assim como ratifica a relevância do fibrinogênio como marcador inflamatório em razão de sua alta correlação com as proteínas especificas. As alterações nas concentrações séricas de Cu, Fe e Zn sugerem a ação de mediadores inflamatórios, estimulados por S. aureus.

#4 - Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus, p.6-12

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

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