Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Caldeira F.H.B., Dias G.B.G., Arruda F.P., Lourenço V.M., Bezerra K.S., Riet-Correa F. & Colodel E.M. 2017. Sudden death associated with Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil: importance and epidemiological aspects. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(7):662-666. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia, Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Bairro Boa Esperança, Cuiabá, MT 78069-900, Brazil. E-mail: moleta@ufmt.br
The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of an acute disease that was characterized by sudden death associated with exercise that affected cattle in the region of the Araguaia River, especially in the municipality of Torixoréu, southeastern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Between August and September 2013, eighty farms in the municipality were visited and the pastures of these farms were inspected. Epidemiological questionnaires were completed from 65 farms. A plant identified as Niedenzuella stannea (N. stannea) of the Malpighiaceae family was attributed to the cause of sudden death in cattle, what causes major economic losses. Sudden death reports have occurred since 1970, when livestock was introduced into the region, and sudden death reports still occur. Outbreaks were reported to occur from May to October, but mainly during the dry season between June and August. N. stannea was identified at 41 farms and was always found in near to rivers. The most effective plant control methods included plowing the pastures and fields followed by manual application of Tordon® (Picloram and 2.4D). The administration of 5g/kg of young leaves which were collected from a farm with a sudden death history in cattle also caused sudden death in a sheep. Thus, it is concluded that the sudden death of cattle in the region of the Araguaia River is caused by the consumption of N. stannea.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Caldeira F.H.B., Dias G.B.G., Arruda F.P., Lourenço V.M., Bezerra K.S., Riet-Correa F. & Colodel E.M. 2017. Sudden death associated with Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil: importance and epidemiological aspects. [Morte súbita associada a Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso: importância e investigação epidemiológica.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(7):662-666. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia, Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Bairro Boa Esperança, Cuiabá, MT 78069-900, Brazil. E-mail: moleta@ufmt.br
O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a investigação sobre uma enfermidade de caráter agudo, caracterizada por morte súbita associada ao exercício, que acomete bovinos na região de bacias hidrográficas do Rio Araguaia, especialmente no município de Torixoréu, sudeste do estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Entre agosto e setembro de 2013, foram visitadas e inspecionadas as pastagens em 80 propriedades rurais do município, e em 65 aplicado um questionário epidemiológico. Uma planta identificada como Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae), é incriminada como causadora de morte súbita em bovinos gerando grandes prejuízos econômicos. Relatos de morte súbita datam desde 1970, quando a pecuária começou a ser inserida na região, e ocorrem até os dias atuais. Surtos ocorreram em diferentes meses do ano, variando de maio a outubro, sendo a maior parte concentrada durante o período de seca, especialmente nos meses de junho a agosto. N. stannea foi identificada em 41 propriedades, sendo presente próxima aos leitos de rios. Os métodos de controle da planta relatados como mais eficazes foram o arar da pastagem e roça manual seguida da aplicação de Tordon® (Picloram e 2,4D). A administração para um ovino, de 5g/kg de folhas em brotação de N. stannea, coletadas em uma propriedade com histórico de morte súbita em bovinos, reproduziu o quadro de morte súbita. Conclui-se que as mortes súbitas em bovinos em áreas da bacia hidrográfica do rio Araguaia se devem ao consumo de N. stannea.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Caldeira F.H.B., Arruda F.P., Shenkel D.M., Marcolongo-Pereira C., Lee S.T., Cook D., Riet-Correa F. & Colodel E.M. 2017. [Experimental poisoning by Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(7):681-685. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário Cuiabá, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Bairro Boa Esperança, Cuiabá, MT 78069-900, Brasil. E-mail: flaviobcaldeira@gmail.com
Niedenzuella stannea a sodium monofluoroacetate-containing plant cause sudden death in cattle in southern Mato Grosso State. This investigation describes the toxicity and clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by N. stannea in sheep. Fruits, mature leaves and young leaves of the plant collected in properties near the margins of the Araguaia river basins with history of sudden death in cattle were used in the experiment. No clinical signs were observed in sheep ingesting doses between 10 and 40g/kg of mature leaves and 10g/kg of fruits. The animals had shown clinical signs when received young leaves of the plant orally in a single dose of 5, 10, 20g/kg, and death occurred in sheep receiving 30g/kg. The plant at the dose of 30g/kg of fresh leaves maintained its toxicity after being dried. The main clinical signs observed were anorexia, lethargy, dyspnea, tachycardia, and arrhythmia with a clinical course ranging 16-20 hours after the onset of clinical signs. In an hyperacute terminal phase the animals showed reluctance to move, frequent urination, engorged jugular, evident venous pulse, muscle tremor, sternal recumbence, lateral decubitus, and death. At necropsy engorgement of the atrium and large veins of the heart, and pulmonary edema were observed. Microscopically, the kidney had hydropic-vacuolar degeneration in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubules. It is concluded that young leaves of N. stannea can cause intoxication in sheep and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute diseases or sudden death in sheep in regions where the plant exist.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Caldeira F.H.B., Arruda F.P., Shenkel D.M., Marcolongo-Pereira C., Lee S.T., Cook D., Riet-Correa F. & Colodel E.M. 2017. [Experimental poisoning by Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) em ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(7):681-685. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário Cuiabá, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Bairro Boa Esperança, Cuiabá, MT 78069-900, Brasil. E-mail: flaviobcaldeira@gmail.com
Niedenzuella stannea é uma planta que contém monofluoracetato de sódio e é incriminada como causa de morte súbita em bovinos na Região Sul do Estado de Mato Grosso. Este estudo descreve a toxidez e achados clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação experimental por N. stannea em ovinos. Foram utilizados no experimento, frutos, folhas maduras e folhas jovens de N. stannea coletadas em propriedades as margens de afluentes das bacias hidrográficas do Rio Araguaia onde havia histórico de morte súbita em bovinos. Folhas maduras em doses entre 10 e 40g/kg e frutos na dose de 10 g/kg não causaram alterações clínicas. Alterações clínicas foram observadas em ovinos que receberam a partir de 5g/kg de folhas jovens em dose única e a morte ocorreu nos que receberam a partir de 30g/kg. A toxicidade na dose de 30g/kg se manteve após a secagem da planta. Os principais sinais clínicos foram anorexia, apatia, dispneia, arritmia e taquicardia em evolução clínica que variou de 16 às 20h. Notou-se em uma fase terminal hiperaguda, com evolução de 13 a 20 min., relutância ao movimento, micção frequente, jugular ingurgitada, pulso venoso evidente, tremor muscular, decúbito esternal e decúbito lateral e morte. Na necropsia os principais achados foram ingurgitamento de grandes veias, das aurículas do coração e edema pulmonar. Microscopicamente a principal alteração ocorreu no rim e caracterizou-se por degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar no citoplasma de epitélio de túbulos contorcidos distais. Conclui-se que N. stannea na fase de brotação é tóxica para ovinos e que a intoxicação por esta planta deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças com curso clínico hiperagudo ou morte súbita em ovinos em regiões onde a planta existe.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Becker M., Caldeira F.H.B., Carneiro F.M., Oliveira L.P., Tokarnia C.H., Riet-Correa F., Lee S.T. & Colodel E.M. 2013. [The importance of poisoning by Amorimia pubiflora (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in Mato Grosso: experimental reproduction of the poisoning in sheep and cattle.] Importância da intoxicação por Amorimia pubiflora (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos em Mato Grosso: reprodução experimental da intoxicação em ovinos e bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(9):1049-1056. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia, Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. Email: moleta@ufmt.br
In the county of Colniza, Mato Grosso, the main limitation for livestock production is the occurrence of “sudden death” in cattle, which affects in some farms up to 50% of the herd. In visits to some of the farms where the problem occurred, in 2004, 2011 and 2012, the presence of Amorimia pubiflora on the pastures was associated with the occurrence of “sudden deaths” in cattle. The deaths occurred throughout the year, however more frequently at beginning of the rainy season, when A. pubiflora sprouts in the grazing areas. The poisoning was experimentally reproduced in sheep and cattle by the administration of young leaves of the plant collected during two seasons, and in sheep by the administration of mature leaves and fruits. In the sheep that died, the first clinical signs were observed between 34min and 17h34min after the administration of the plant, and the clinical course varied from 3min to 15h20min, with a final peracute phase of 3 to 21 minutes. The main clinical signs were tachycardia, engorgement of the jugular veins, muscle trembling, apathy and reluctance to move, which were more evident when the animals were moved. The peracute final phase was characterized by generalized tremors and muscle contractions mainly of limbs, head and neck, respiratory distress and abdominal respiration, sternal and quick lateral recumbence or falling to the ground with peddling movements, opisthotonus, nystagmus, nystagmus and cyanosis of the oral mucosa, followed by death. The young leaves of A. pubiflora, independent of the collection period, were more toxic and caused death of sheep and cattle after ingestion of 2g/kg and 3g/kg respectively. Mature leaves caused death at the dose of 20g/kg, and the fruits at 5g/kg. The young leaves contained 0.015% of sodium monofluoracetate which is responsible for clinical signs of the “sudden death”. These findings show the importance of Amorimia pubiflora for cattle raising in Midwestern Brazil. The plant is toxic also for sheep causing a clinical picture similar to that reported in cattle poisoned by monofluoracetate-containing plants.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Becker M., Caldeira F.H.B., Carneiro F.M., Oliveira L.P., Tokarnia C.H., Riet-Correa F., Lee S.T. & Colodel E.M. 2013. [The importance of poisoning by Amorimia pubiflora (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in Mato Grosso: experimental reproduction of the poisoning in sheep and cattle.] Importância da intoxicação por Amorimia pubiflora (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos em Mato Grosso: reprodução experimental da intoxicação em ovinos e bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(9):1049-1056. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia, Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. Email: moleta@ufmt.br
No município de Colniza, Mato Grosso, a principal limitação para expansão pecuária é a ocorrência de “morte súbita” em bovinos, com registros de mortalidade próxima a 50% dos animais. Em visitas realizadas em áreas de ocorrência do problema, nos anos de 2004, 2011 e 2012, constatou-se que havia coincidência entre a ocorrência de “mortes súbitas” no rebanho e a presença de Amorimia pubiflora nas pastagens. As mortes ocorrem durante todo ano, porém acentuam-se no início do período das chuvas, quando há maior quantidade de brotação nas áreas de pastoreio. A intoxicação foi reproduzida em ovinos e bovinos através da administração de folhas jovens coletadas em dois períodos do ano, e, em ovinos, através de folhas maduras e dos frutos. Nos ovinos que morreram, as primeiras manifestações clínicas foram observadas entre 34min e 17h34min após a administração da planta e a evolução clínica foi de 3min a 15h20min, com uma fase final superaguda de 3 a 21min. As principais alterações clínicas encontradas foram taquicardia, evidenciação da jugular, tremores musculares, apatia e relutância à movimentação. Todos os sinais acentuavam-se após a movimentação. A fase final superaguda foi caracterizada por relutância para caminhar, cifose, tremores e contrações musculares generalizadas, principalmente de membros, cabeça e pescoço. Notou-se também taquipneia com respiração abdominal, decúbito esternal e rapidamente lateral ou quedas em decúbito lateral, opistótono, nistagmo e cianose de mucosa oral, seguidos de morte. As folhas jovens, independentemente do período da coleta, foram mais tóxicas; causaram a morte de ovinos a partir de 2g/kg e de um bovino que ingeriu 3g/kg. Já as folhas maduras revelaram-se tóxicas e causaram morte na dose de 20g/kg e os frutos ocasionaram a morte de um ovino que ingeriu 5g/kg. Concluímos que monofluoracetato de sódio (MFA), encontrado na concentração de 0,015% nas folhas em brotação de A. pubiflora, é o princípio tóxico responsável pela “morte súbita” causada por Amorimia pubiflora. Esse estudo mostra a importância de A. pubiflora para a região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, principalmente para a pecuária bovina do município de Colniza, MT. Essa planta é tóxica, também, para ovinos e o quadro clínico é similar ao descrito para bovinos.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Caldas S.A., Peixoto T.C., Nogueira V.A., França, T.N., Tokarnia C.H. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [Abortion in cattle due to Tetrapterys acutifolia poisoning.] Aborto em bovinos devido à intoxicação por Tetrapterys acutifolia (Malpighiacae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):737-746. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: saulo-andrade@bol.com.br
Tetrapterys acutifolia Cav. (fam. Malpighiacae) stands out among the most important toxic plants of the Brazilian Southeast Region. These plants are responsible for a significant number of deaths in over 1-year-old cattle, especially in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. This study aims to demonstrate that T. acutifolia is also able to induce abortion in cattle and to characterize the clinic-pathological alterations in cows and fetuses. Four cows, kept on pasture were used in the experiments which were performed on a farm in the county of Barra do Piraí, RJ, Brazil. The sprouts and young leaves of T. acutifolia were collected from the vicinity shortly before disposed in a trough. The experimental cows ingested the plant material at doses of 2.5g/kg/day (one cow), 5g/kg/day (two cows) and 10g/kg/day (one cow) until abortion occurred. All four cows aborted. The cows showed cardiac arrhythmia, muscular tremors, anorexia, ascites, distended jugular veins, edema of the sternal region and dewlap, and abortion (23 to 76 days after the beginning of ingestion of the plasnt) from the 5th to the 28th day of the experiment. Only one cow which received 10g/kg/day died with characteristic signs of heart failure, 36 days after she had aborted. Gross examination of the fetuses revealed hydrothorax, hydropericardium, hydroperitoneum, nutmeg appearance of the liver, few petechiae and ecchymoses in the epicardium, and pale areas in cross sections of the myocardium. The main postmortem findings in the cow that died were hydrothorax, hydropericardium and hydroperitoneum, engorged vessels at the heart base, exceedingly pale heart muscle with marked spots and stripes in cross sections. Distended jugular veins and severe edema in the sternal region and the abdominal wall were also observed. Histological examination of the fetal hearts revealed interstitial edema with incipient fibrosis and degenerative/necrotic changes of the myocytes. In the succumbed cow was found interstitial fibrosis, as well as necrotic areas and/or necrosis of individual myocytes in extensive portions of the heart, besides passive congestion of the liver. This study shows that Tetrapterys acutifolia can induce abortion in cattle and, depending on the dosage, can cause death.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Caldas S.A., Peixoto T.C., Nogueira V.A., França, T.N., Tokarnia C.H. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [Abortion in cattle due to Tetrapterys acutifolia poisoning.] Aborto em bovinos devido à intoxicação por Tetrapterys acutifolia (Malpighiacae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):737-746. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: saulo-andrade@bol.com.br
Esse estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar experimentalmente que Tetrapterys acutifolia Cav. (fam. Malpighiaceae) é capaz de provocar aborto em bovinos e caracterizar as alterações clínico-patológicas nas vacas e nos fetos. Estas plantas são responsáveis por significativo número de mortes em bovinos com mais de um ano de idade, especialmente nos Estados de Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, mas até agora não havia sido comprovado experimentalmente seu efeito abortivo em bovinos. Os experimentos foram realizados no município de Barra do Piraí, RJ. Quatro vacas de descarte receberam brotos e folhas novas frescas de T. acutifolia, coletadas em propriedades vizinhas, nas doses de 2,5g/kg/dia, 5,0g/kg/dia (2 vacas) e 10g/kg/dia, até ocorrer o abortamento. O quadro clínico nas vacas caracterizou-se por arritmia cardíaca, tremores musculares, anorexia, ascite, jugular ingurgitada, edema de peito e barbela e aborto (23-76 dias após o início da ingestão da planta); todas as vacas abortaram. Das quatro vacas apenas uma (a que recebeu 10g/kg/dia) morreu 36 dias após o abortamento, com sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca. O exame necroscópico dos fetos/natimortos revelou hidrotórax, hidropericárdio, hidroperitônio e congestão hepática; ao corte do miocárdio, verificaram-se áreas pálidas. No exame histológico havia edema intersticial com fibrose incipiente. Na vaca que recebeu a maior dose e foi a óbito, bem como em outra intoxicada naturalmente, os achados de necropsia foram similares aos observados nos fetos, exceto pela dilatação dos vasos da base do coração e mais acentuada palidez do miocárdio. Observaram-se ainda edema subcutâneo nas regiões cervical e esternal, bem como veias jugulares ingurgitadas. Os achados histopatológicos foram necrose e edema intersticial com acentuada fibrose no miocárdio, espongiose da substância branca do encéfalo e, no fígado, congestão e leve fibrose. Adicionalmente, observou-se na vaca intoxicada espontaneamente, 17 dias após o aborto, arritmia cardíaca, jugular ingurgitada, edema de peito e barbela, anorexia com morte 43 dias após o aborto. Este estudo demonstra que Tetrapterys acutifolia é capaz de induzir aborto e, dependendo da dose, ainda causar a morte das vacas que abortarem.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Pavarini S.P., Soares M.P., Bandarra P.M., Gomes D.C., Bandinelli M.B., Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2011. [Sudden death in cattle due to the consumption of Amorimia exotropica (Malpighiaceae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Amorimia exotropica (Malpighiaceae) no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):291-296. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br
Cases of sudden death in cattle were associated with the consumption of Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica and occurred in six ranches located in the mountainous region of Rio Grande do Sul and the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Affected cattle were found dead with no history of previous clinical signs, or showed muscular tremors, falls, paddling, opistotonus, panting, and lateral recumbence after being induced to move, few minutes before death. Most cases were recorded between May and August. Nine cattle were necropsied and main gross findings were oral mucosae slightly cyanotic (3/9), mild to intermediate hydropericardium (3/9), epicardial petechiae and ecchymoses (5/9), clot within the left ventricle (4/9), lung edema (5/9), apart of abomasal and small intestinal reddened mucosa (6/9). Histologically, there was myocardial coagulation necrosis (9/9), which was characterized by cellular retraction, enhanced cytoplasmic eosinophilia, lack of cytoplasmic striations, intracytoplasmic vacuoles, nuclear piknosis, intranuclear vacuoles, chromatin marginalization and occasional nuclear karyorrhexis and karyolysis. There also were interstitial edema (3/9) and interstitial inflammatory infiltrate (mainly mononuclear) (7/9) in the heart, apart of multifocal vacuolar-hydropic degeneration in the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubules associated with pyknotic and eccentric nuclei in the kidneys of three cattle.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Abstract.- Pavarini S.P., Soares M.P., Bandarra P.M., Gomes D.C., Bandinelli M.B., Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2011. [Sudden death in cattle due to the consumption of Amorimia exotropica (Malpighiaceae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Amorimia exotropica (Malpighiaceae) no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(4):291-296. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br
Descrevem-se casos de morte súbita em bovinos associados com a ingestão de Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica em seis propriedades rurais localizadas na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre e na serra gaúcha. Os bovinos intoxicados foram encontrados mortos sem história de sinais clínicos prévios, ou apresentaram tremores musculares, quedas bruscas, movimentos de pedalagem, opistótono, respiração ofegante e decúbito lateral, quando induzidos ao movimento poucos minutos antes da morte. Registrou-se maior número de casos entre os meses de maio e agosto. Nove bovinos foram necropsiados e os principais achados macroscópicos observados foram mucosa oral levemente cianótica (3/9), hidropericárdio leve a moderado (3/9), petéquias e equimoses no epicárdio (5/9), coágulo no interior do ventrículo esquerdo (4/9), edema pulmonar (5/9) e mucosas vermelhas no abomaso e no intestino delgado (6/9). Histologicamente havia necrose de coagulação no miocárdio (9/9) caracterizada por retração celular, aumento da eosinofilia do citoplasma com perda das estriações, vacúolos intracitoplasmáticos, núcleos em picnose, vacúolos intranucleares com marginalização da cromatina e ocasionais núcleos em cariorrexia e cariólise. No coração, edema intersticial (3/9) e infiltrado inflamatório intersticial predominantemente mononuclear (7/9) também foram observados. Nos rins de três bovinos havia degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar multifocal das células epiteliais dos túbulos contorcidos distais associada com núcleos picnóticos deslocados para periferia da célula.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Cardinal S.G., Aniz A.C., Santos B.S., Carvalho N.M. & Lemos R.A.A. 2010. [Perinatal lesions caused in lambs by feeding Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) to sheep at different stages of their pregnancy.] Lesões perinatais em ovinos causadas pela ingestão de Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) em diferentes estágios de gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):73-78. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Filinto Müller s/n, Cidade Universitária, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: eqrural@nin.ufms.br
In order to verify the effects of non-lethal doses of Tetrapterys multiglandulosa on ovine fetuses, experimental poisoning in sheep at different days of pregnancy was performed. Green leaves of shooting plants were administered to 9 pregnant ewes divided into three experimental groups. Sheep from Group 1 received four doses of 5g/kg of fresh leaves for 4 days; those from Group 2 received 10g/kg for 2 days; Group 3 sheep received a dose of 20g/kg for one day, and sheep from Group 4 did not receive the plant and served as negative controls. To check the plant toxicity, a male sheep (positive control) received 5g/kg until the onset of clinical signs. No signs of poisoning were observed in pregnant ewes; three lambs died 1-5 days after birth, and a fourth lamb died within 3 months after have been born. The positive control died after 38 days of daily consumption of the plant, presenting tachypnea, tachycardia, drowsiness, incoordination, weakness and sudden death. All four dead lambs and the positive control sheep were necropsied. The gross lesions were whitish areas in the myocardium, increased lobular pattern of the liver, dark red lungs, metabolization of pericardial fat, and ruminal distention with free gas. Histological findings were cardiac fibrosis, cardiomyocyte necrosis, pulmonary congestion and edema, and spongy degeneration in subcortical cerebral white matter. Tetrapterys multiglandulosa resulted toxic for ovine fetuses at doses that were not suffient to induce clinical signs in the pregnant ewes, demonstrating that the poisoning may be a cause of death of lambs soon after birth, even several months after the ingestion of the plant has been discontinued.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Cardinal S.G., Aniz A.C., Santos B.S., Carvalho N.M. & Lemos R.A.A. 2010. [Perinatal lesions caused in lambs by feeding Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) to sheep at different stages of their pregnancy.] Lesões perinatais em ovinos causadas pela ingestão de Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) em diferentes estágios de gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):73-78. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Filinto Müller s/n, Cidade Universitária, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: eqrural@nin.ufms.br
Foi realizada a intoxicação experimental em ovelhas em diferentes dias de gestação, 12 ovelhas foram dividas em quatro grupos. As ovelhas do Grupo 1 consumiram quatro doses de 5g/kg de folhas verdes durante quatro dias; ovinos do Grupo 2 consumiram duas doses de 10g/kg durante dois dias, o Grupo 3 consumiu uma dose de 20g/kg em um único dia e os ovinos do Grupo 4 não consumiram a planta (controle-negativo). Para testar a toxicidade da planta um ovino macho consumiu 5g/kg até manifestação dos sintomas. Não foram observados sinais clínicos da intoxicação nas ovelhas, mas três cordeiros tiveram morte perinatal, e um cordeiro morreu com três meses de idade; o ovino controle-positivo morreu após 38 dias de consumo diário da planta e os sinais clínicos foram taquipnéia, taquicardia, sonolência, incoordenação e fraqueza. Todos os quatro cordeiros e o ovino controle-positivo foram necropsiados e os achados de necropsia foram áreas esbranquiçadas no miocárdio, evidenciação do padrão lobular do fígado, pulmão vermelho enegrecido e rúmen acentuadamente distendido com presença de gases livres. Os achados histopatológicos foram fibrose cardíaca, necrose dos cardiomiócitos, congestão e edema pulmonar, congestão hepática centrolobular e degeneração esponjosa na região subcortical do encéfalo. Tetrapterys multiglandulosa demonstrou ser tóxica para os fetos ovinos em dosagens que não foram suficientes para induzir sinais clínicos nas ovelhas prenhes, e que a intoxicação pode ocorrer com morte de cordeiros logo após o parto, mesmo após meses de ter cessada a ingestão da planta.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Barbosa R.R., Pacífico da Silva I. & Benito Soto-Blanco B. 2008. Development of conditioned taste aversion to Mascagnia rigida in goats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):571-574. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, BR 110 Km 47, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: benito.blanco@pq.cnpq.br
The aim of this study was to determine whether goats could be averted from consuming Mascagnia rigida, a toxic plant found in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Fourteen male goats not previously familiarized to M. rigida were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: control (treated with 5.5mL water orally by a drenching gun) and lithium group (treated with 100mg LiCl/kg body weight orally by a drenching gun). For conditioning, goats were allowed to feed on M. rigida leaves for 15 min, followed by LiCl or water administration. The time spent on eating M. rigida leaves was measured. The conditioning was repeated daily until the LiCl-treated goats stopped eating M. rigida. On the 10th, 17th, and 24th day after conditioning, extinction trials of the M. rigida aversion were performed in goats by using single-choice tests. There was no difference between the two treatment groups with respect to the consumption of M. rigida on the first day of aversion conditioning, however, controls ingested increasing amounts of the plant on consecutive conditioning days. On the second day, five out of the seven goats in the lithium group did not eat the leaves, but on the third day, all the goats in the lithium group did not ingest M. rigida. This aversion persisted throughout all evaluated days. This indicates that goats can be easily conditioned by using lithium chloride to avoid eating M. rigida temporarily
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Barbosa R.R., Pacífico da Silva I. & Benito Soto-Blanco B. 2008. Development of conditioned taste aversion to Mascagnia rigida in goats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):571-574. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, BR 110 Km 47, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: benito.blanco@pq.cnpq.br
The aim of this study was to determine whether goats could be averted from consuming Mascagnia rigida, a toxic plant found in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Fourteen male goats not previously familiarized to M. rigida were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: control (treated with 5.5mL water orally by a drenching gun) and lithium group (treated with 100mg LiCl/kg body weight orally by a drenching gun). For conditioning, goats were allowed to feed on M. rigida leaves for 15 min, followed by LiCl or water administration. The time spent on eating M. rigida leaves was measured. The conditioning was repeated daily until the LiCl-treated goats stopped eating M. rigida. On the 10th, 17th, and 24th day after conditioning, extinction trials of the M. rigida aversion were performed in goats by using single-choice tests. There was no difference between the two treatment groups with respect to the consumption of M. rigida on the first day of aversion conditioning, however, controls ingested increasing amounts of the plant on consecutive conditioning days. On the second day, five out of the seven goats in the lithium group did not eat the leaves, but on the third day, all the goats in the lithium group did not ingest M. rigida. This aversion persisted throughout all evaluated days. This indicates that goats can be easily conditioned by using lithium chloride to avoid eating M. rigida temporarily
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br.
This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br.
This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M., Medeiros R.M.T., Galiza G.J.N., Oliveira D.M. & Pessoa A.F.A. 2008. [Poisoning by Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in sheep and goats.] Intoxicação por Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) em ovinos e caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):521-526. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail. franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br
Mascagnia rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Northeastern region of Brazil, causing sudden death during exercise. The objectives of this research were to report three outbreaks of poisoning by M. rigida in sheep and one in goats in the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, to reproduce experimentally the disease, and to determine if the active principle of the plant is eliminated through the milk. The outbreaks occurred at beginning of the raining season, when the plant sprouts ahead other forages, or after the end of the raining season, when M. rigida stayed green and other forages had dried. In the experimental reproduction of the poisoning doses of 10 and 20g of M. rigida per kg body weight from two different regions were lethal to 3 goats and 3 sheep. One goat that ingested 20g/kg and a sheep that ingested 10g/kg recovered. Two sheep and two goats that ingested 5g/kg had mild clinical signs and recovered. Clinical signs of experimental and spontaneous cases were ingurgitation of the jugular veins, reluctance to move, sternal recumbence, incoordination, respiratory distress, depression, instability, and muscular tremors. Death occurred after a clinical manifestation period of about 4 min to 27h40min. The main lesions were pulmonary edema and vacuolization and necrosis of epithelial cells in some renal tubules. To test if the active principle of M. rigida causes sudden deaths in newborn lambs and kids, 2g/kg of the plant were given daily to two goats and five sheep in the 15 days previous to parturition. One sheep aborted two lambs, 5 days before parturition. The four lambs of the other four sheep ingested the colostrum without problems. The kid from one goat ingested the colostrum and died suddenly 5 minutes after. The kid from the other goat died immediately after parturition before ingestion of colostrum. These results suggest that the active principle of M. rigida was eliminated through the milk at toxic doses for the kids. Management measures to prevent the poisoning are recommended.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M., Medeiros R.M.T., Galiza G.J.N., Oliveira D.M. & Pessoa A.F.A. 2008. [Poisoning by Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in sheep and goats.] Intoxicação por Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) em ovinos e caprinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):521-526. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail. franklin.riet@pq.cnpq.br
Mascagnia rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Northeastern region of Brazil, causing sudden death during exercise. The objectives of this research were to report three outbreaks of poisoning by M. rigida in sheep and one in goats in the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, to reproduce experimentally the disease, and to determine if the active principle of the plant is eliminated through the milk. The outbreaks occurred at beginning of the raining season, when the plant sprouts ahead other forages, or after the end of the raining season, when M. rigida stayed green and other forages had dried. In the experimental reproduction of the poisoning doses of 10 and 20g of M. rigida per kg body weight from two different regions were lethal to 3 goats and 3 sheep. One goat that ingested 20g/kg and a sheep that ingested 10g/kg recovered. Two sheep and two goats that ingested 5g/kg had mild clinical signs and recovered. Clinical signs of experimental and spontaneous cases were ingurgitation of the jugular veins, reluctance to move, sternal recumbence, incoordination, respiratory distress, depression, instability, and muscular tremors. Death occurred after a clinical manifestation period of about 4 min to 27h40min. The main lesions were pulmonary edema and vacuolization and necrosis of epithelial cells in some renal tubules. To test if the active principle of M. rigida causes sudden deaths in newborn lambs and kids, 2g/kg of the plant were given daily to two goats and five sheep in the 15 days previous to parturition. One sheep aborted two lambs, 5 days before parturition. The four lambs of the other four sheep ingested the colostrum without problems. The kid from one goat ingested the colostrum and died suddenly 5 minutes after. The kid from the other goat died immediately after parturition before ingestion of colostrum. These results suggest that the active principle of M. rigida was eliminated through the milk at toxic doses for the kids. Management measures to prevent the poisoning are recommended.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Carvalho N.M., Alonso L.A., Cunha T.G., Ravedutti J., Barros C.S.L. & Lemos R.A.A. 2006. [Poisoning of cattle by Tetrapterys multiglandulosa in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Intoxicação de bovinos por Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) em Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(3):139-146. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Avenida Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Caixa Postal 549, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: eqrural@nin.ufms.br
Two outbreaks of poisoning by Tetrapterys multiglandulosa in cattle and the experimental reproduction of the toxicosis in sheep are described. Both outbreaks occurred on the same farm in the municipality of Bataiporã, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The first outbreak occurred in July-October 2004 and involved a cattle population at risk of 290 pregnant cows, which were introduced into a 60 hectare pasture with a legal reservation area heavily infested by T. multiglandulosa. Of these, 230 cows (79.3%) aborted, had stillbirths or delivered weak calves that died few days after birth. Seven cows died, and one cow and a 10-day-old calf were necropsied. The second outbreak occurred in September-October 2005, 40 days after 285 2-year-old heifers were introduced into the same pasture infested by T. multiglandulosa and where the first outbreak had occurred in the previous year. Nine heifers got sick and died, and three of then were necropsied. Clinical signs of affected cattle, including a 10-day-old calf, were marked lethargy, loss of weight with distension of the abdomen (ascites), subcutaneous dependant edema, distended and pulsating jugular veins, dyspnea and cardiac arrhythmia. Necropsy findings included a round and dilated heart with whitish and firm areas in the myocardium, and changes related to cardiac failure such as cavitary edema, nutmeg liver, pulmonary edema, a large blood clot in the left ventricle. Histopathological changes included necrosis and fibrosis in the myocardium, chronic passive hepatic centrolobular congestion, pulmonary edema, and spongy degeneration in the white matter of the brain. Experimental sheep died 29 (Sheep 1) and 35 (Sheep 2) days after being fed average daily doses of T. multiglandulosa corresponding to 14g/kg (Sheep 1) and 7,5 g/kg (Sheep 2) per day. Clinical signs were observed from the 7th day (Sheep1) and the 4th day (Sheep 2) of the experiment and included tachycardia, arrhythmia, lethargy and head pressing. Necropsy and histopathologic findings in both experimental sheep were very similar to those observed in affected cattle of the two spontaneous outbreaks.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Carvalho N.M., Alonso L.A., Cunha T.G., Ravedutti J., Barros C.S.L. & Lemos R.A.A. 2006. [Poisoning of cattle by Tetrapterys multiglandulosa in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Intoxicação de bovinos por Tetrapterys multiglandulosa (Malpighiaceae) em Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(3):139-146. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Avenida Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Caixa Postal 549, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: eqrural@nin.ufms.br
Two outbreaks of poisoning by Tetrapterys multiglandulosa in cattle and the experimental reproduction of the toxicosis in sheep are described. Both outbreaks occurred on the same farm in the municipality of Bataiporã, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The first outbreak occurred in July-October 2004 and involved a cattle population at risk of 290 pregnant cows, which were introduced into a 60 hectare pasture with a legal reservation area heavily infested by T. multiglandulosa. Of these, 230 cows (79.3%) aborted, had stillbirths or delivered weak calves that died few days after birth. Seven cows died, and one cow and a 10-day-old calf were necropsied. The second outbreak occurred in September-October 2005, 40 days after 285 2-year-old heifers were introduced into the same pasture infested by T. multiglandulosa and where the first outbreak had occurred in the previous year. Nine heifers got sick and died, and three of then were necropsied. Clinical signs of affected cattle, including a 10-day-old calf, were marked lethargy, loss of weight with distension of the abdomen (ascites), subcutaneous dependant edema, distended and pulsating jugular veins, dyspnea and cardiac arrhythmia. Necropsy findings included a round and dilated heart with whitish and firm areas in the myocardium, and changes related to cardiac failure such as cavitary edema, nutmeg liver, pulmonary edema, a large blood clot in the left ventricle. Histopathological changes included necrosis and fibrosis in the myocardium, chronic passive hepatic centrolobular congestion, pulmonary edema, and spongy degeneration in the white matter of the brain. Experimental sheep died 29 (Sheep 1) and 35 (Sheep 2) days after being fed average daily doses of T. multiglandulosa corresponding to 14g/kg (Sheep 1) and 7,5 g/kg (Sheep 2) per day. Clinical signs were observed from the 7th day (Sheep1) and the 4th day (Sheep 2) of the experiment and included tachycardia, arrhythmia, lethargy and head pressing. Necropsy and histopathologic findings in both experimental sheep were very similar to those observed in affected cattle of the two spontaneous outbreaks.