Resultado da pesquisa (107)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa animais selvagens

#1 - Fungi isolated from wild birds in the Marambaia Island, Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

In Brazil, the Atlantic Forest has been suffering from deforestation, which has had impacts on its flora, fauna, and microbiota. However, the fungal diversity present in these environments is little known and studied. In this study, a total of 90 samples of 45 wild birds (45 feathers and 45 feces) were collected in Ilha da Marambaia, southeastern Brazil. Filamentous fungi isolated from these samples were identified through macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Some isolates were identified by molecular biology using the PCR technique. Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cunninghamella, Curvularia, Eurotium, Fusarium, Geotrichum, Neosartorya, Pestalotia, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Mucor and Syncephalastrum were identified. These results indicate the presence of saprophytic fungi species in the feathers and feces of wild birds of the capture site. Further studies should be conducted to elucidate if the mycobiota profile modifies with anthropization and if it interferes with bird health and environmental recovery.

Abstract in Portuguese:

No Brasil, a Mata Atlântica vem sofrendo com o desmatamento, que tem impactado sua flora, fauna e microbiota. No entanto, a diversidade fúngica presente nesses ambientes é pouco conhecida e estudada. Neste trabalho, um total de 90 amostras de 45 aves silvestres (45 penas e 45 fezes) foram coletadas na Ilha da Marambaia, Sudeste do Brasil. Fungos filamentosos isolados dessas amostras foram identificados por meio de características macroscópicas e microscópicas. Alguns isolados foram identificados por biologia molecular usando a técnica de PCR. Foram identificados Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cunninghamella, Curvularia, Eurotium, Fusarium, Geotrichum, Neosartorya, Pestalotia, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Mucor e Syncephalastrum. Esses resultados indicam a presença de espécies de fungos saprofíticos nas penas e fezes de aves silvestres do local de captura. Novos estudos devem ser realizados a fim de elucidar se o perfil da micobiota se modifica com a antropização e se interfere na saúde das aves e na recuperação ambiental.

#2 - Body condition, external morphology, parasitology, and histological and biometrical study of the gastrointestinal tract of Sporophila nigricollis and Sporophila caerulescens seized from trafficking in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

The objective was to analyze Sporophila nigricollis and Sporophila caerulescens in terms of body conditions, parasitological, bacteriological, external biometric measurements, and histological analysis of the gastrointestinal tract. We used 115 individuals apprehended from 2020 to 2021 and sent to the Wild Animal Triage Center, Paraíba, Brazil. Concerning weight, S. nigricollis, females and males presented 9.36±1.36g and 9.70±1.39g, and S. caerulescens with 10.5±0.70g and 11.75±1.28g, being the second heaviest. The body condition in 69.62% of S. nigricollis and 62.50% of S. caerulescens was good. In the fecal microbiological examination, 40.25% of S. nigricollis and 40% of S. caerulescens were positive for Isospora sp. Dispharynx sp. was reported for the first time in S. nigricollis and S. caerulescens. In fecal bacteriology, 95.65% of S. nigricollis were identified with Gram-positive cocci and 73.91% with Gram-positive bacilli. Forty-one animals died and were placed under refrigeration for 48 hours; of these, 31.16% of S. nigricollis and 37.50% of S. caerulescens presented inadequate body conditions. 19.51% had gastrointestinal tract engorgement with hemorrhagic points, and 14.63% had hepatic alteration due to yellowish coloration. The study contributes with subsidies for the taxonomic elucidation of the genus Sporophila, in addition to the knowledge of the conditions in which birds are found in sorting centers, once the destination of most of the seized animals is the release, thus, a potential source of pathogens to the natural environment.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O objetivo foi analisar Sporophila nigricollis e Sporophila caerulescens quanto às condições corporais, parasitológicas, bacteriológicas, medidas biométricas externas e análise histológica do trato gastrointestinal. Foram utilizados 115 indivíduos apreendidos entre 2020 e 2021 e encaminhados ao Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, Paraíba, Brasil. Quanto ao peso, S. nigricollis, fêmeas e machos apresentaram, 9,36±1,36g e 9,70±1,39g, e S. caerulescens com 10,5±0,70g e 11,75±1,28g, sendo o segundo mais pesado. A condição corporal em 69,62% de S. nigricollis e 62,50% de S. caerulescens foi boa. No exame microbiológico fecal, 40,25% de S. nigricollis e 40% de S. caerulescens foram positivos para Isospora sp. Dispharynx sp. foi relatada pela primeira vez em S. nigricollis e S. caerulescens. Na bacteriologia fecal, 95,65% dos S. nigricollis foram identificados com cocos Gram-positivos e 73,91% com bacilos Gram-positivos. Quarenta e um animais morreram e foram colocados sob refrigeração por 48 horas; destes, 31,16% de S. nigricollis e 37,50% de S. caerulescens apresentaram condições corporais inadequadas. 19,51% apresentaram ingurgitamento do trato gastrointestinal com pontos hemorrágicos e 14,63% alteração hepática devido à coloração amarelada. O estudo contribui com subsídios para a elucidação taxonômica do gênero Sporophila, além do conhecimento das condições em que as aves se encontram nos centros de triagem, uma vez que a maior parte dos animais apreendidos tem como destino a soltura, sendo assim, uma potencial fonte de patógenos para o ambiente natural.

#3 - Fusobacterium necrophorum predominates in the microbiota of mandibular dental abscess in Blastocerus dichotomus

Abstract in English:

Dental abscess in ruminants is an acute polymicrobial infection, usually resulting from periodontal disease or endodontic infection, with consequences for animal health and welfare. The present study aimed to describe the bacterial microbiota of dental abscesses in Blastocerus dichotomus. Biological material from mandibular dental abscesses, punctured with a sterile syringe and needle during routine veterinary curative procedures or necropsies, was collected from three ex-situ marsh deer. Bacteria were identified using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The three specimens had the presence of facial bulging, and two died because of severe emaciation with a history of progressive weight loss. Bacteroides (38.6%), Fusobacterium (36.65%), and Porphyromonas (7.49%) represented the most abundant genera and Fusobacterium necrophorum (35.69%), Porphyromonas levii (3.12%) and Porphyromonas gulae (1.78%) were among the ten most represented species in the microbiota of mandibular abscess in Blastocerus dichotomus. These molecular findings demonstrate a broader diversity of species in the polymicrobial nature of dental abscesses in B. dichotomus than was previously reported when culture-dependent methods were used in the diagnosis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O abcesso dentário em ruminantes é uma infeção polimicrobiana aguda, geralmente resultante de doença periodontal ou infeção endodôntica, com consequências para a saúde e bem-estar animal. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a microbiota bacteriana de abscessos dentários em Blastocerus dichotomus. Material biológico de abscessos dentários mandibulares, puncionados com seringa e agulha estéril durante procedimentos curativos veterinários de rotina ou necropsias, foi coletado de três cervos do pantanal criados ex situ. As bactérias foram identificadas usando sequenciamento de alto rendimento do gene 16S ribossomal RNA. Os três espécimes apresentavam abaulamento facial e dois faleceram por emagrecimento severo com histórico de emagrecimento progressivo. Bacteroides (38,6%), Fusobacterium (36,65%) e Porphyromonas (7,49%) representaram os gêneros mais abundantes e Fusobacterium necrophorum (35,69%), Porphyromonas levii (3,12%) e Porphyromonas gulae (1,78%) estavam entre as dez espécies mais representadas na microbiota do abscesso mandibular em Blastocerus dichotomus. Esses achados moleculares demonstram uma diversidade mais ampla de espécies na natureza polimicrobiana dos abscessos dentários em B. dichotomus, do que o relatado anteriormente quando métodos dependentes de cultura foram utilizados no diagnóstico.

#4 - Molecular epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile obtained from fecal samples of wild animals in Brazil

Abstract in English:

Clostridioides difficile is a strictly anaerobic, spore-forming Gram-positive bacterium associated with diarrhea, known as C. difficile infection (CDI). In domestic animals, C. difficile is considered an important pathogen mostly in pigs and horses, but there are also reports in other domestic species. In wild animals, the epidemiology of C. difficile is largely unknown, and the role of the bacterium as a cause of diarrhea is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of C. difficile in the feces of wild animals referred to the Center of Medicine and Research in Wild Animals (CEMPAS). Fecal samples obtained from 100 animals of 34 different species were subjected to qPCR for the detection of the C. difficile 16S rRNA gene and two major toxin genes (tcdA and tcdB) and to anaerobic bacterial isolation. A total of 63 animals (63%) were positive for C. difficile by qPCR, and 16 isolates were recovered. The opossum (Didelphis spp.) had the highest number of positive animals in both tests (from 21 samples, 19 were qPCR positive, and four isolates were recovered). Three toxigenic strains (RT 002, 004, and 014), all previously described as infecting humans and animals, were isolated in the following species: bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), pampas fox (Lycalopex vetulus), and marmoset (Callithrix sp.). The presence of C. difficile in the feces of wild animals highlights the importance of wildlife as potential carriers of infection for production animals or humans.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O Clostridioides difficile é uma bactéria Gram-positiva estritamente anaeróbica e formadora de esporos, associada à diarreia e conhecida como infecção por C. difficile (CID). Em animais domésticos, o C. difficile é considerado um patógeno importante principalmente em porcos e cavalos, mas também há relatos em outras espécies domésticas. Em animais selvagens, a epidemiologia do C. difficile é amplamente desconhecida, e o papel da bactéria como causa de diarreia não está claro. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência do C. difficile nas fezes de animais selvagens encaminhados ao Centro de Medicina e Pesquisa em Animais Selvagens (CEMPAS). Amostras de fezes obtidas de 100 animais de 34 espécies diferentes foram submetidas à qPCR para a detecção do gene 16S rRNA do C. difficile e dois principais genes de toxina (tcdA e tcdB), além de isolamento bacteriano anaeróbico. Um total de 63 animais (63%) foram positivos para C. difficile por qPCR, e 16 isolados foram recuperados. O gambá (Didelphis spp.) apresentou o maior número de animais positivos em ambos os testes (de 21 amostras, 19 foram positivas na qPCR, e quatro isolados foram recuperados). Três cepas toxigênicas (RT 002, 004 e 014), todas previamente descritas como infectando humanos e animais, foram isoladas nas seguintes espécies: dragão barbado (Pogona vitticeps), raposa-pampas (Lycalopex vetulus) e sagui (Callithrix sp.). A presença de C. difficile nas fezes de animais selvagens destaca a importância da vida selvagem como potencial portadora de infecção para animais de produção ou seres humanos.

#5 - Oral metformin for type-2 diabetes mellitus treatment in a black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata)

Abstract in English:

Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by defects in insulin secretion and combined peripheral resistance to the hormone. Several non-human primates (NHP) species develop T2DM, mainly captive animals with reduced physical activity and incorrect feeding. This case report describes the T2DM treatment of a black-eared marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) by diet reformulation and metformin oral administration. An adult female was diagnosed with T2DM after hyperglycemia and high serum fructosamine associated with glycosuria and obesity. Metformin hydrochloride (125mg/animal, orally, q24h) associated with feeding intervention was started. After 26 days, a significant reduction in weight, glycemia, and serum fructosamine could be observed, showing satisfactory results for the adopted therapy. Metformin is considered a safe drug for T2DM treatment due to its low hypoglycemia risk. The new diet consisted of sweet potato, squash, and varied fruits offered twice daily. In addition, thawed-mice newborns, egg whites, and small portions of pelleted primate food. In the present report, metformin use, associated with a low glycemic index diet, was effective in treating this particular marmoset and may present a potential for T2DM treatment in other NHPs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) caracteriza-se por uma combinação de defeitos na secreção de insulina e resistência periférica ao hormônio. Diversas espécies de primatas não humanos (PNH) desenvolvem DM2, sobretudo animais cativos com atividade física reduzida e alimentados incorretamente. Este trabalho descreve o tratamento de DM2 em sagui-de-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicillata), através da reformulação da dieta e administração oral de metformina. Uma fêmea adulta foi diagnosticada com DM2 após apresentar hiperglicemia e frutosaminemia elevadas associadas à glicosúria e à obesidade. Iniciou-se o uso do cloridrato de metformina (125mg/animal, VO, SID) associado ao controle de consumo alimentar com ajustes da dieta. Após 26 dias pode-se observar redução significativa de peso, adequação da glicemia e frutosaminemia, constatando resultado satisfatório da terapêutica adotada. A metformina é considerada um medicamento seguro para o tratamento de DM2, devido ao baixo risco de hipoglicemia. A base da nova dieta era batata-doce, abóbora e frutas variadas oferecidas duas vezes ao dia. Além disso, camundongos recém-nascidos descongelados, clara de ovo e pequenas porções de ração primata peletizada. No presente relato, a metformina associada a uma dieta com baixo índice glicêmico, foi eficaz para tratamento de DM2 podendo apresentar potencial terapêutico de DM2 em outros PNH.

#6 - Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical characterization of spontaneous neoplasms in pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the demand for small rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and mice to be kept as pets. Consequently, the veterinary care provided to these animals has also increased. The aim of this study was to describe gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of 26 spontaneous neoplasms diagnosed in 25 pet rodents in Northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2022 in two veterinary diagnostic laboratories to identify cases of tumoriform lesions in these species. Hamsters represented the most frequent species in this study (60%, 15/25), followed by rats (28%, 7/25), guinea pigs (8%, 2/25), and mice (4%, 1/25), with a mean age of 17.63 months. The anatomical regions of the face/head and thoracic region were the most affected. The most affected tissues were the skin/subcutaneous/mucosal (65%, 15/26) and mammary gland (23%, 6/26). Eighteen different types of neoplasms were diagnosed, and T-cell lymphomas and mammary adenocarcinomas were the most diagnosed tumors, each corresponding to 12% (3/26) of the cases. Leiomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma and mammary adenocarcinoma metastases were also noted. Immunohistochemistry was essential for the diagnosis of certain malignant mesenchymal and round-cell neoplasms. Pet rodent neoplasms in Northeastern Brazil are common, especially in hamsters, and immunohistochemistry can be a useful tool for the definitive diagnosis of these tumors.

#7 - Measuring of the salivary immunoglobulin in Callithrix jacchus primates in captivity running title: salivary immunoglobulin in marmoset

Abstract in English:

The primary antibody in the mucous membranes and exocrine glands is a polymetric secretory immunoglobulin A. This immunoglobulin has been used as an indicator of stress in various animals, including nonhuman primates, and can also be used to monitor immune activity. The secretory immunoglobulin A is predominantly found in seromucous secretions such as saliva, tears, colostrum, milk, and liquor, as well as tracheobronchial, intestinal, and genitourinary secretions. This study aimed to measure the salivary IgA levels in Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test (ELISA). Twelve pairs of animals were used, previously conditioned by the operant conditioning technique with positive reinforcement to saliva collection. Samples were collected once a week for six months. In this experiment, the salivary secretory immunoglobulin A concentrations in Callithrix jacchus were very low. We suggest new studies using other techniques to quantify the IgA quantities in the saliva of these animals.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O principal anticorpo presente nas mucosas e glândulas exócrinas é uma IgA polimétrica denominada sIgA. Esta imunoglobulina vem sendo utilizada como indicadora de estresse em diversos animais incluindo primatas não humanos, podendo também ser utilizada para o monitoramento da atividade imunológica. A imunoglobulina A secretora é encontrada predominantemente em secreções seromucosas, como saliva, lágrimas, colostro, leite, liquor, bem como secreções traqueobrônquicas, intestinais e geniturinárias. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar os níveis da IgA salivar em Callithrix jacchus (sagui comum) através do teste de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA). Doze pares de animais foram previamente condicionados pela técnica de condicionamento operante com reforço positivo à coleta de saliva. As amostras foram coletadas uma vez por semana por seis meses. Neste experimento as concentrações de imunoglobulina salivar A secretora em Callithrix jacchus foram muito baixas. Nós sugerimos novos estudos utilizando outras técnicas para quantificar a IgA na saliva desses animais.

#8 - Pathological aspects of a septicemic salmonellosis outbreak caused by Salmonella serotype Typhimurium in captive blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva)

Abstract in English:

There are reports of septicemic salmonellosis in exotic birds caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, although they are scarce and do not address the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of this condition in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). This study aims to report an outbreak of salmonellosis by S. Typhimurium in 15 blue-fronted parrots introduced to a rehabilitation center in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, accompanied by flat white areas in the capsule and parenchyma, were the most frequent gross changes, histologically represented by necrotic and heterophilic hepatitis and splenitis and associated with bacteria in the cytoplasm of macrophages and free in the affected tissue. S. Typhimurium was identified from bacterial culture, PCR, and DNA sequencing. Along with immunohistochemistry samples of liver, spleen, kidney, small intestine, pancreas, thyroid, heart, and lung, immunostaining was used for Salmonella spp. without previous bacterial isolation. The lethality of this outbreak demonstrates the relevance of salmonellosis in blue-fronted parrots, which are known to be carriers of this bacteria.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Apesar de existirem relatos sobre salmonelose septicêmica em aves silvestres por Salmonella enterica sorovar Typhimurium, eles são escassos e não abordam os aspectos anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da condição em papagaios-verdadeiros (Amazona aestiva). Este trabalho visou relatar um surto de salmonelose por S. Typhimurium em 15 papagaios-verdadeiros introduzidos em um centro de reabilitação localizado no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia acompanhadas por áreas planas brancacentas na cápsula e no parênquima foram as alterações macroscópicas mais frequentes, representadas histologicamente por hepatite e esplenite necróticas e heterofílicas associadas a bactérias no citoplasma de macrófagos e livres no tecido afetado. S. Typhimurium foi identificada a partir de cultura bacteriana, PCR e sequenciamento de DNA. Na imuno-histoquímica, as amostras de fígado, baço, rim, intestino delgado, pâncreas, tireoide, coração e pulmão evidenciaram imunomarcação para Salmonella spp., mesmo quando não houve isolamento bacteriano prévio. A alta letalidade deste surto demonstra relevância da salmonelose em papagaios-verdadeiros, que são majoritariamente atribuídos como hospedeiros carreadores desta bactéria.

#9 - Investigation of enterobacteria with zoonotic and multi-resistant potential in exotic parrots kept in a domestic environment

Abstract in English:

This investigation elucidated the presence of potentially zoonotic and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in domestically reared psittacines. The present study was sanctioned by the Animal Ethics Committee of the State University of Ceará (CEUA-UECE) and bears registration number 03423745/2023. A total of 111 cloacal swab samples were procured from exotic psittacines encompassing six distinct species: the Australian budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus), lovebirds (Agapornis sp.), rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri), red-rumped parrots (Psephotus haematonotus), and rosellas (Platycercus eximius). The process encompassed the isolation and characterization of enterobacteria and ascertaining their resistance profiles. Among the collected specimens, 70.2% (78/111) yielded growth indicative of one or more enterobacterial agents. The collective isolates comprised 110 strains encompassing 13 distinct bacterial species. Foremost among these was Escherichia coli, accounting for a significant percentage of the total isolates at 30% (33/110), followed by Pantoea agglomerans at 27.2% (30/110). The study revealed that 35.4% (39/110) of the isolates exhibited resistance to tobramycin, with tetracycline and fosfomycin showing resistance rates of 34.5% (38/110) and 30.9% (34/110), respectively. Particularly noteworthy was that E. coli showed a heightened propensity for tetracycline resistance at 51.5% (17/33), while resistance rates to tobramycin and gentamicin were 36.6% (12/33) and 15.1% (5/33), respectively. A noteworthy subset of the enterobacterial cohort exhibited multidrug resistance patterns (28.9%, 32/110). Collectively, these outcomes underscore not only an elevated prevalence of enterobacterial strains but also the pervasive phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance across a diverse spectrum of antimicrobial agents.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este estudo investigou a presença de bactérias potencialmente zoonóticas e resistentes a antimicrobianos em psitacídeos criados em ambiente doméstico. Esse projeto foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para o Uso de Animais da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (CEUA-UECE), registrado sob o número 03423745/2023. Foram coletadas 111 amostras de suabes cloacais de psitacídeos exóticos de seis espécies, incluindo, periquitos-australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus), calopsitas (Nymphicus hollandicus), agapornis (Agapornis sp.), periquitos-de-colar (Psittacula krameri), periquitos-dorso-vermelho (Psephotus haematonotus) e roselas (Platycercus eximius). Foi realizado o isolamento e a identificação de enterobactérias e determinado o perfil de resistência. Das amostras coletadas, 70,2% (78/111) apresentaram crescimento para uma ou mais enterobactérias. Foram isoladas 110 cepas pertencentes a 13 espécies bacterianas. Escherichia coli apresentou o maior índice de isolamento, com 30% (33/110). Em segundo lugar Pantoea agglomerans, com um percentual de isolamento de 27,2% (30/110). Observou-se que 35,4% (39/110) das enterobactérias apresentaram resistência à tobramicina, seguidas da tetraciclina com 34,5% (38/110) e da fosfomicina com 30,9% (34/110). E. coli apresentou maior taxa de resistência a tetraciclina com 51,5% (17/33), seguida de 36,6% (12/33) para tobramicina e 15,1% (5/33) para gentamicina. Das enterobactérias analisadas 28,9% (32/110), apresentaram multirresistência. Os resultados indicam uma alta prevalência de enterobactérias, a resistência antimicrobiana foi constatada em diversas classes de antimicrobianos.

#10 - Distribution of nesfatin-1 expression in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism

Abstract in English:

The study aimed to investigate the distribution and expression of nesfatin-1 in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism. Polyclonal antibodies against a single antigenic epitope of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 protein were prepared. Nesfatin-1 expression was detected in various adipose tissues, including the hypothalamus, humps, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver, and abdomen, using Western blot and qRT-PCR. Glucose uptake levels, pyruvic acid content, and hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activities were measured in cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes treated with nesfatin-1 in a high glucose state using a non-radiofluorimetric assay. The results showed that nesfatin-1 was found in all Bactrian camel tissues, with higher adipose tissue and pancreas expression. However, qRT-PCR analysis revealed higher expression of nesfatin-1 mRNA in the abdominal fat and liver. After nesfatin-1 treatment, a significant decrease (p<0.05) was observed in glucose uptake levels, hexokinase, and phosphofructokinase activities in 3T3-L1 cells, with a significant increase (p<0.05) in their pyruvic acid content. These findings suggest that nesfatin-1 is expressed at high levels in the abdominal fat of Bactrian camels and significantly affects adipocyte glucose metabolism by regulating blood glucose levels, inhibiting adipocyte differentiation, and promoting lipid droplet hydrolysis to provide energy for the organism, which may relate to the Bactrian camel’s ability to adapt to harsh environments.

Abstract in Portuguese:

The study aimed to investigate the distribution and expression of nesfatin-1 in Bactrian camels and its impact on adipocyte glucose metabolism. Polyclonal antibodies against a single antigenic epitope of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 protein were prepared. Nesfatin-1 expression was detected in various adipose tissues, including the hypothalamus, humps, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver, and abdomen, using Western blot and qRT-PCR. Glucose uptake levels, pyruvic acid content, and hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activities were measured in cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes treated with nesfatin-1 in a high glucose state using a non-radiofluorimetric assay. The results showed that nesfatin-1 was found in all Bactrian camel tissues, with higher adipose tissue and pancreas expression. However, qRT-PCR analysis revealed higher expression of nesfatin-1 mRNA in the abdominal fat and liver. After nesfatin-1 treatment, a significant decrease (p<0.05) was observed in glucose uptake levels, hexokinase, and phosphofructokinase activities in 3T3-L1 cells, with a significant increase (p<0.05) in their pyruvic acid content. These findings suggest that nesfatin-1 is expressed at high levels in the abdominal fat of Bactrian camels and significantly affects adipocyte glucose metabolism by regulating blood glucose levels, inhibiting adipocyte differentiation, and promoting lipid droplet hydrolysis to provide energy for the organism, which may relate to the Bactrian camel’s ability to adapt to harsh environments.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV