Resultado da pesquisa (13)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Abscess

#11 - Abscessos dentários periapi-cais em leitões com síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento, p.271-274

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Koller F.L., Borowski S.M., Asanome W., Hein G., Lagemann F.L., Driemeier D. & Barcellos D.E.S.N. 2008. [Dental periapical abscesses in piglets affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome PMWS.] Abscessos dentários periapi-cais em leitões com síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 28(6):271-274. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Swine producers have historically resected needle teeth of newborn pigs to prevent potential injuries to the sow mammary gland and faces of littermates. However, the possible impact of this practice on pig performance has been questioned. As part of a study, 280 PMWS affected piglets, with 40-70 days of age, were examined for the presence of dental lesions immediately after euthanasia. Most pigs were confirmed as PMWS by the detection of typical microscopic lesions and immunohistochemical pattern. At least one periapical abscess was observed in 58 piglets (20.7%), of which 12 had multiple abscesses. There were 22 (31.4%), 16 (22.9%), 4 (5.7%), 23 (32.9%), and 5 (7.1%) abscesses in 3rd upper incisives, 3rd lower incisives, upper canines, lower canines, and other teeth, respectively. The higher prevalence of dental abscesses observed in 3rd incisives and lower canines is probably associated with the wider area of grinding or clipping to which these teeth were subjected. Among bacteria isolated from samples collected from 65 abscesses, Streptococcus sp. was the most prevalent bacteria and was present in 21.48% and 27.7% of the aerobic and anaerobic isolates, respectively. In the second most frequent group were coryneform microorganisms, which showed higher rate of isolation under anaerobic atmosphere than in aerobic culture. There was preponderance of Gram-positive isolates. It could not be determined whether these bacterial co-infections predisposed pigs to development of PMWS-type lesions or if were subsequent to the PCV2 infection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Koller F.L., Borowski S.M., Asanome W., Hein G., Lagemann F.L., Driemeier D. & Barcellos D.E.S.N. 2008. [Dental periapical abscesses in piglets affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome PMWS.] Abscessos dentários periapi-cais em leitões com síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 28(6):271-274. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Swine producers have historically resected needle teeth of newborn pigs to prevent potential injuries to the sow mammary gland and faces of littermates. However, the possible impact of this practice on pig performance has been questioned. As part of a study, 280 PMWS affected piglets, with 40-70 days of age, were examined for the presence of dental lesions immediately after euthanasia. Most pigs were confirmed as PMWS by the detection of typical microscopic lesions and immunohistochemical pattern. At least one periapical abscess was observed in 58 piglets (20.7%), of which 12 had multiple abscesses. There were 22 (31.4%), 16 (22.9%), 4 (5.7%), 23 (32.9%), and 5 (7.1%) abscesses in 3rd upper incisives, 3rd lower incisives, upper canines, lower canines, and other teeth, respectively. The higher prevalence of dental abscesses observed in 3rd incisives and lower canines is probably associated with the wider area of grinding or clipping to which these teeth were subjected. Among bacteria isolated from samples collected from 65 abscesses, Streptococcus sp. was the most prevalent bacteria and was present in 21.48% and 27.7% of the aerobic and anaerobic isolates, respectively. In the second most frequent group were coryneform microorganisms, which showed higher rate of isolation under anaerobic atmosphere than in aerobic culture. There was preponderance of Gram-positive isolates. It could not be determined whether these bacterial co-infections predisposed pigs to development of PMWS-type lesions or if were subsequent to the PCV2 infection.

#12 - Lesões orofaríngeas e neurológicas em ovinos associadas ao uso de pistolas dosificadoras, p.282-286

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Sant’Ana F.J.F., Garcia E.C., Rabelo R.E., Costa Y.L., Schild A.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2007. [Oropharyngeal and neurologic lesions in sheep associated with the use of drenching guns.] Lesões orofaríngeas e neurológicas em ovinos associadas ao uso de pistolas dosificadoras. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):282-286. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Jataí, 75800-000 Jataí, GO, Brazil. E-mail: Six outbreaks of oropharyngeal lesions caused by drenching guns in sheep are reported. In 2 outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul the morbidity was 6.25% and 15%, and the lesions observed after antihelmintic treatment in adult sheep were characterized by a fistula extending from mouth to skin of the face. All sheep died or were euthanatized after continuous weight loss for up to 8 months. Another outbreak in the same State affected 26 out of 360 adult sheep after being dosed with molasses, causing lesions in the oral mucosa followed by malignant edema of the oral and subcutaneous tissues. All sheep died within 10 days after treatment. Another case observed in Rio Grande do Sul affected one out of 88 adult ewes. The animal died with hemorrhages from the nose and mouth 8 days after antihelmintic treatment. At necropsy an ulcerated lesion covered by a clot of fibrine was found in the oral mucosa. The lesion had a fistulated tract with purulent exudate extending through the soft tissues in direction to the right eye. Two outbreaks occurred in the State of Goiás 16-20 days after antihelmintic treatment in 5-9 months old lambs. Morbidity was 11.43% and 15.62% and fatality rate was 7.14% and 9.38%. Main clinical signs were nervous signs caused by abscesses with a diameter of 0.5-3cm, containing purulent exudates in the oropharynx, soft palate and adjacent muscles extending to the meninges through the atlantoaxial joint. Not-purulent meningitis was observed histologically. The need to use proper drenching guns and pay attention during dosing to avoid lesions of the oropharynx is pointed out.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Sant’Ana F.J.F., Garcia E.C., Rabelo R.E., Costa Y.L., Schild A.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2007. [Oropharyngeal and neurologic lesions in sheep associated with the use of drenching guns.] Lesões orofaríngeas e neurológicas em ovinos associadas ao uso de pistolas dosificadoras. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):282-286. Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Jataí, 75800-000 Jataí, GO, Brazil. E-mail: Six outbreaks of oropharyngeal lesions caused by drenching guns in sheep are reported. In 2 outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul the morbidity was 6.25% and 15%, and the lesions observed after antihelmintic treatment in adult sheep were characterized by a fistula extending from mouth to skin of the face. All sheep died or were euthanatized after continuous weight loss for up to 8 months. Another outbreak in the same State affected 26 out of 360 adult sheep after being dosed with molasses, causing lesions in the oral mucosa followed by malignant edema of the oral and subcutaneous tissues. All sheep died within 10 days after treatment. Another case observed in Rio Grande do Sul affected one out of 88 adult ewes. The animal died with hemorrhages from the nose and mouth 8 days after antihelmintic treatment. At necropsy an ulcerated lesion covered by a clot of fibrine was found in the oral mucosa. The lesion had a fistulated tract with purulent exudate extending through the soft tissues in direction to the right eye. Two outbreaks occurred in the State of Goiás 16-20 days after antihelmintic treatment in 5-9 months old lambs. Morbidity was 11.43% and 15.62% and fatality rate was 7.14% and 9.38%. Main clinical signs were nervous signs caused by abscesses with a diameter of 0.5-3cm, containing purulent exudates in the oropharynx, soft palate and adjacent muscles extending to the meninges through the atlantoaxial joint. Not-purulent meningitis was observed histologically. The need to use proper drenching guns and pay attention during dosing to avoid lesions of the oropharynx is pointed out.

#13 - Pituitary abscess syndrome in calves following injury of the nasal septum by a plastic device used to prevent suckling, 23(1):39-46

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Loretti A. P., Ilha M. R. S., Riet-Correa G., Driemeier D., Colodel E. M. & Barros C. S. L. 2002. [Pituitary abscess syndrome in calves following injury of the nasal septum by a plastic device used to prevent suckling.] Síndrome do abscesso pituitário em bezerros associada ao uso de tabuleta nasal para desmame interrompido. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):39-46. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97105- 900, Brazil. E-mail: Outbreaks and sporadic cases of the pituitary abscess syndrome are described in calves in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The disease occurred in eight beef cattle farms in the rnunicipalities of Cachoeira do Sul, Lavras do Sul, Bagé, Osório and Vila Nova do Sul, from 1998 to 2002. Thirty-five (1.4%) out of 2,438 calves with 3-12 rnonths of age were affected and 24 (0.98%) died. A nasal plastic device to prevent suckling had been used in all the affected calves. Clinicai signs consisted of nasal discharge, depression, hypertherrnia, ataxia, circling, head tilt and hyperrnetria, exophtalrnos, dysphagia, partial mandibular paralysis, prolapse of the tangue, difficulty in chewing, drooling and in some cases blindness accompanied or not by aqueous flare, prolapse of the ocular globe and corneal opacity. ln the terminal stages of the disease, there was lateral recumbency, opisthotonus and coma. The main necropsy findings included single large hypophyseal or para-hypophyseal abscesses. Those space-occupying lesions dorsally compressed the brain stem and the cranial nerves adjacent to the hypophysis. In sorne cases, there was also osteornyelitis of the basisphenoid bone, single or rnultiple brain abscesses and leptomeningitis affecting the ventral surface of the brain stern and cervical spinal cord. In a few cases, necrotizing or abscedative rhinitis associated with nose device injury was observed. Histologically, those abscesses consisted mainly of neutrophils adrnixed with cellular debris surrounded by numerous mononuclear cells anda fibrous capsule. Fibrino-suppurative rneningitis affecting the leptorneninges of the cerebellum, brain stem and cervical spinal cord was also observed. In some cases, purulent inflammation extended into the hypophyseal parenchyma. Arcanobacterium (Actinomyces) pyogenes was isolated from the abscesses. The diagnosis of pituitary abscess syndrome was based on epidemiological data, clinicai signs, necropsy findings, histological alterations and bacterial cultures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Loretti A. P., Ilha M. R. S., Riet-Correa G., Driemeier D., Colodel E. M. & Barros C. S. L. 2002. [Pituitary abscess syndrome in calves following injury of the nasal septum by a plastic device used to prevent suckling.] Síndrome do abscesso pituitário em bezerros associada ao uso de tabuleta nasal para desmame interrompido. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):39-46. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97105- 900, Brazil. E-mail: Descrevem-se surtos e casos esporádicos de síndrome do abscesso pituitário em bovinos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A doença ocorreu em 8 propriedades de gado de corte, nos municípios de Cachoeira do Sul, Lavras do Sul, Bagé, Osório e Vila Nova do Sul, no período de 1998 a 2002. De um total de 2.438 bezerros submetidos ao desmame interrompido com o uso da tabuleta nasal, aproximadamente 35 (1,4%) animais adoeceram e 24 (0,98%) morreram. A idade dos bezerros afetados variava entre 3 e 12 meses. Os animais doentes apresentavam corrimento nasal, depressão, febre, incoordenação motora, andar em círculos, desvio lateral da cabeça, hipermetria, exoftalmia, disfagia, mandíbula caída, protusão lingual, dificuldade de mastigação e sialorréia. Em alguns casos, observou-se também cegueira, acompanhada ou não de turvação dos humores do globo ocular, exoftalmia e opacidade da córnea. Nas fases terminais, ocorriam decúbito lateral, convulsões, nistagmo, opistótono, coma e morte. Os principais achados de necropsia consistiam em abscessos únicos pituitários ou parapituitários que comprimiam dorsalniente o tronco encefálico e nervos cranianos próximos à pituitária. Em alguns casos, havia osteomielite envolvendo o osso baso-esfenóide com a formação de abscessos na substância encefálica, leptomeningite na superfície ventral do encéfalo e medula espinhal cervical e rinite necrosante ou abscedativa associada às lesões traumáticas provocadas pela colocação da tabuleta nasal. Histologicamente, os abscessos correspondiam a grandes agregados de neutrófilos e restos celulares circundados por células mononucleares e proliferação de tecido conjuntivo. Meningite fibrinopurulenta nas leptomeninges do cerebelo, tronco encefálico e medula espinhal cervical também foi observada. Em alguns casos, a inflamação purulenta se estendia para o parênquima da pituitária. Arcanobacterium (Actinomyces) pyogenes foi isolado dos abscessos. O diagnóstico de síndrome do abscesso pituitário foi baseado nos dados epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos, achados macroscópicos, histológicos e microbiológicos.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV