Resultado da pesquisa (17)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa BoHV-1

#11 - A monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5, 30(5):411-417

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bauermann F.V., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2010. [A monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5.] Teste imunoenzimático com base em anticorpo monoclonal para a detecção de anticorpos contra herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 e 5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):411-417. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesviruses 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) are antigenic and genetically related viruses associated with different clinical syndromes in cattle, including respiratory, reproductive, neurological disease and abortion. Epidemiological studies indicate the widespread distribution of both viruses among Brazilian cattle. Serological diagnosis, that allows the identification of latently infected animals, represents an important tool for individual and herd monitoring. The present article describes the standardization of a monoclonal antibody (MAb)-based immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to BoHV-1 and/or BoHV-5. The initial steps involved the determination of the most suitable MAb, the appropriate dilutions of viral antigen and serum samples, and the cut-off value of the assay. After standardization, the ELISA was validated by testing 506 cattle serum samples previously tested for neutralizing antibodies to BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 by virus neutralizing assay (VN). Comparing to the VN for BoHV-1 antibodies, the ELISA presented sensitivity and specificity of 96.6% and 98.3%, respectively. Positive and negative predictive values were 97.6%, the concordance between the tests was 97.6% and the coefficient of correlation k (kappa) was 0.95, demonstrating an excellent correlation. Comparing to the VN for BoHV-5 antibodies, the ELISA presented 94.3% of sensitivity, 97.9% of specificity, 97.1% of positive predictive value, 95.9% negative predictive value, concordance of 96.4% and kappa coefficient of 0.92. These results demonstrate that the ELISA presents suitable specificity and sensitivity to be used for individual and herd serological diagnosis of BoHV-1 and BoHV-5, thus, representing an alternative for VN assays and imported ELISA kits.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Bauermann F.V., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2010. [A monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5.] Teste imunoenzimático com base em anticorpo monoclonal para a detecção de anticorpos contra herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 e 5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):411-417. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Os herpesvírus bovino tipos 1 (BoHV-1) e 5 (BoHV-5) são agentes virais genética e antigenicamente relacionados, associados com diversas manifestações clínicas em bovinos, incluindo doença respiratória, genital, neurológica e abortos. Estudos epidemiológicos indicam que esses vírus estão amplamente disseminados no rebanho bovino brasileiro. O diagnóstico sorológico, que permite identificar animais portadores da infecção latente, se constitui em importante ferramenta para monitoramento individual e de rebanho. O presente artigo relata a padronização de um teste imunoenzimático do tipo ELISA, com base em anticorpo monoclonal (AcM), para a detecção de anticorpos séricos que reagem contra BoHV-1 e/ou BoHV-5. Inicialmente, determinou-se o AcM mais adequado para a sensibilização das placas, as diluições apropriadas do antígeno e dos soros-teste e o ponto de corte do ensaio. Após a padronização, o ensaio foi validado testando-se 506 amostras de soro bovino, previamente testadas para anticorpos neutralizantes contra BoHV-1 e/ou BoHV-5 pela técnica de soroneutralização (SN). Comparando-se com os resultados da SN frente a BoHV-1, o teste de ELISA apresentou sensibilidade e especificidade de 96,6% e 98,3%, respectivamente. Os valores preditivos positivo e negativo foram de 97,6%, a concordância foi de 97,6% e o índice de correlação kappa entre os testes foi de 0,95, o que indica uma excelente concordância. Comparando-se com os resultados da SN frente o BoHV-5, o ELISA apresentou 94,3% de sensibilidade; 97,9% de especificidade; 97,1% de valor preditivo positivo e 95,9% de valor preditivo negativo. Para BoHV-5, a concordância entre os testes foi de 96,4% e o índice de correlação foi de 0,92, também excelente. Esses resultados demonstram que o teste padronizado apresenta sensibilidade e especificidade adequados para o diagnóstico sorológico das infecções por BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 em nível individual e de rebanho. Dessa forma, o ensaio pode se constituir em alternativa para o teste de SN e para os kits de ELISA importados.

#12 - Genital immunization of heifers with a glycoprotein E-deleted, recombinant bovine herpesvirus 1 strain confers protection upon challenge with a virulent isolate, 30(1):42-50

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Weiss M., Vogel F.S.F., Martins M., Weiblen R., Roehe P.M., Franco A.C. & Flores E.F. 2010. Genital immunization of heifers with a glycoprotein E-deleted, recombinant bovine herpesvirus 1 strain confers protection upon challenge with a virulent isolate. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):42-50. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Venereal infection of seronegative heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) frequently results in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. Parenteral immunization with inactivated or modified live BoHV-1 vaccines often fails in conferring protection upon genital challenge. We herein report an evaluation of the immune response and protection conferred by genital vaccination of heifers with a glycoprotein E-deleted recombinant virus (SV265gE-). A group of six seronegative heifers was vaccinated with SV265gE- (0,2mL containing 106.9TCID50) in the vulva submucosa (group IV); four heifers were vaccinated intramuscularly (group IM, 1mL containing 107.6TCID50) and four heifers remained as non-vaccinated controls. Heifers vaccinated IV developed mild, transient local edema and hyperemia and shed low amounts of virus for a few days after vaccination, yet a sentinel heifer maintained in close contact did not seroconvert. Attempts to reactivate the vaccine virus in two IV vaccinated heifers by intravenous administration of dexamethasone (0.5mg/kg) at day 70 pv failed since no virus shedding, recrudescence of genital signs or seroconversion were observed. At day 70 pv, all vaccinated and control heifers were challenged by genital inoculation of a highly virulent BoHV-1.2 isolate (SV-56/90, 107.1TCID50/animal). After challenge, virus shedding was detected in genital secretions of control animals for 8.2 days (8-9); in the IM group for 6.2 days (4-8 days) and during 5.2 days (5-6 days) in the IV group. Control non-vaccinated heifers developed moderate (2/4) or severe (2/4) vulvovaginitis lasting 9 to 13 days (x: 10.7 days). The disease was characterized by vulvar edema, vulvo-vestibular congestion, vesicles progressing to coalescence and erosions, fibrino-necrotic plaques and fibrinopurulent exudate. IM vaccinated heifers developed mild (1/3) or moderate (3/4) genital lesions, lasting 10 to 12 days (x: 10.7 days); and IV vaccinated heifers developed mild and transient vulvovaginitis (3/4) or mild to moderate genital lesions (1/4). In the IV group, the clinical signs lasted 4 to 8 days (x: 5.5 days). Clinical examination of the animals after challenge revealed that vaccination by both routes conferred some degree of protection, yet IV vaccination was clearly more effective in reducing the severity and duration of clinical disease. Furthermore, IV vaccination reduced the period of virus shedding in comparison with both groups. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SV265gE- is sufficiently attenuated upon IV vaccination in a low-titer dosis, is not readily reactivated after corticosteroid treatment and lastly, and more importantly, confers local protection upon challenge with a high titer of a virulent heterologous BoHV-1 isolate. Therefore, the use of this recombinant for genital immunization may be considered for prevention of BoHV-1-associated genital disease in the field.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Weiss M., Vogel F.S.F., Martins M., Weiblen R., Roehe P.M., Franco A.C. & Flores E.F. 2010. Genital immunization of heifers with a glycoprotein E-deleted, recombinant bovine herpesvirus 1 strain confers protection upon challenge with a virulent isolate. [Imunização genital de bezerras com uma cepa recombinante do herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 defectiva na glicoproteína E confere proteção frente a desafio com um isolado virulento.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):42-50. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: A infecção genital de novilhas ou vacas soronegativas pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) pode resultar em vulvovaginite e infertilidade temporária. As vacinas atenuadas ou inativadas administradas pela via parenteral freqüentemente conferem proteção incompleta frente a desafio pela via genital. Este estudo relata uma avaliação da resposta imunológica e proteção conferida pela vacinação genital de bezerras soronegativas com uma cepa recombinante do BoHV-1 defectiva na glicoproteína E (SV265gE-). Um grupo de seis bezerras foi vacinado com a cepa SV265gE- (0,2mL contendo 106,9TCID50) na submucosa da vulva (grupo IV); quatro bezerras foram vacinadas pela via intramuscular (IM; dose 107,6TCID50) e quatro bezerras permaneceram como controles não-vacinadas. As bezerras vacinadas pela via IV apresentaram edema e hiperemia leve e transitório na vulva e excretaram vírus em títulos baixos por alguns dias após a vacinação, porém uma bezerra soronegativa mantida em contato não soroconverteu. Administração de dexametasona pela via intravenosa no dia 70pv (0,5mg/kg) em duas bezerras vacinadas pela via IV não resultou em excreção viral, recrudescência clínica ou soroconversão. No dia 70pv, as bezerras vacinadas e as controle foram desafiadas pela inoculação genital da cepa de BoHV-1.2 altamente virulenta SV-56/90 (107.1TCID50/animal). Após o desafio, excreção viral nas secreções genitais das bezerras controle foi detectada por 8,2 dias (8-9); no grupo IM durante 6,2 dias (4-8 dias) e durante 5,2 dias (5-6) nas bezerras do grupo IN. As bezerras do grupo controle desenvolveram vulvo-vaginite moderada (2/4) a severa (2/4) que duraram entre 9 e 13 dias (x: 10,7 dias). A doença se caracterizou por edema vulvar, congestão vulvo-vestibular, formação de vesículas/pústulas que coalesceram, erosões, placas fibrino-necróticas e exsudato fibrino-purulento. As bezerras do grupo IM desenvolveram lesões genitais leves (1/3) a moderadas (3/4), com duração de 10 a 12 dias (x: 10,7 dias). No grupo IV, as bezerras desenvolveram vulvovaginite leve e transitória (3/4) ou lesões moderadas (1/4), com duração de 4 a 8 dias (x: 5,5 dias). O exame clínico desses animais após o desafio demonstrou que a vacinação, independentemente da via de administração, conferiu proteção e que, a vacinação IV mostrou-se mais efetiva na redução da severidade e duração da doença clínica. A vacinação IV também determinou uma redução significativa no período de excreção viral após desafio, em comparação com os grupos controle e IM. Esses resultados demonstram que a cepa SV265gE- administrada pela via IV confere proteção satisfatória frente a desafio local com um isolado heterólogo de BoHV-1 altamente virulento. Além disso, a cepa vacinal é atenuada para vacinação IV em baixos títulos e não é reativada facilmente após administração de dexametasona. Assim, a utilização da cepa recombinante para imunização genital pode se constituir em alternativa para prevenir a infecção e doença reprodutiva associada com o BoHV-1.

#13 - Seroprevalence of bovine herpesvirus types 1 and/or 5 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 29(9):767-773

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Holz C.L., Cibulski S.P., Teixeira T.F., Batista H.B.C.R., Campos F.S., Silva J.R., Varela A.P.M., Cenci A., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. [Seroprevalence of bovine herpesvirus types 1 and/or 5 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.] Soroprevalência de herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 e/ou 5 no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(9):767-773. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence of antibodies to bovine herpesviruses types 1(BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, by testing serum samples against different BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 strains. The sera examined were obtained from a larger sample designed to estimate the prevalence of bovine brucellosis within the state. All sera were collected from cows 24 months or older, not vaccinated to bovine herpesviruses, from both dairy and beef herds. The number of samples to be tested was calculated based on an estimated prevalence of infection of 33%, with an average standard deviation of £1% and a 95% limit of agreement. Sera from 2.200 cattle from 390 farms distributed in 158 counties were tested by serum neutralization (SN) tests in search for antibodies to the following strains: BoHV-1.1 (strains EVI123/98 and Los Angeles), BoHV-5a (strain EVI88/95) and BoHV-5b (strain A663). The overall seroprevalence to BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 in the sampled herds was 29.2% (642/2.200); seropositive animals were detected in 225 (57.7%) of the sampled farms. Prevalence estimates varied according to the virus used for challenge in SN tests. The highest prevalence and sensitivity were attained when positive SN results against the four different strains were added together. The use of only one virus for challenge in SN tests would lead to a loss in sensitivity from 20.4% to 34.6% when compared to the combined SN-positive results. These findings provide evidence that antibodies to BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 are largely spread in dairy and beef herds in RS, although prevalence in distinct geographic regions is quite variable. The results were strongly affected by the virus strains used for challenge in SN testing. This must be taken into account when performing serologic tests to detect BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 antibodies. As SN test is not capable of discriminating between antibody responses to BoHV-1 and BoHV-5, type-specific prevalence remains unknown.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Holz C.L., Cibulski S.P., Teixeira T.F., Batista H.B.C.R., Campos F.S., Silva J.R., Varela A.P.M., Cenci A., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. [Seroprevalence of bovine herpesvirus types 1 and/or 5 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.] Soroprevalência de herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 e/ou 5 no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(9):767-773. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Este estudo objetivou estimar a prevalência de anticorpos contra os herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 e 5 (BoHV-1 e BoHV-5) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil, frente a diferentes cepas de BoHV-1 e BoHV-5. As amostras de soro utilizadas foram extraídas de uma amostragem mais ampla, desenhada para estimar a prevalência de brucelose bovina no Estado. Todos os soros foram coletados de vacas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses de idade, não vacinadas contra herpesvírus bovinos, de rebanhos de corte e leite. O cálculo amostral foi baseado em uma expectativa de prevalência média de infecção de 33%, considerando-se um erro padrão não superior a 1% e um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Com base nesse cálculo foram examinados 2.200 soros, provenientes de 390 propriedades e 158 municípios. Os soros foram analisados na busca de anticorpos contra BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 pela técnica de soroneutralização (SN), executada frente a quatro cepas de vírus distintas: EVI123/98 e Los Angeles (BoHV-1.1); EVI88/95 (BoHV-5a) e A663 (BoHV-5b). A prevalência média de anticorpos contra o BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 nos animais amostrados foi de 29,2% (642/2200); animais soropositivos foram identificados em 57,7% (225/390) dos rebanhos. As estimativas de prevalência variaram de acordo com a cepa e/ou vírus utilizado para o desafio nos testes de SN. A prevalência e a sensibilidade mais altas foram obtidas quando os resultados positivos à SN frente aos quatro vírus distintos foram somados. O uso de somente um vírus de desafio na SN levaria a redução de sensibilidade de 20,4% a 34,6% quando comparada com os resultados positivos combinados. Estes achados evidenciam que anticorpos contra BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 estão amplamente difundidos nos rebanhos do RS, embora a prevalência em distintas regiões geográficas seja bastante variada. Os resultados obtidos nas estimativas de prevalência foram fortemente afetados pelas diferentes amostras de vírus usadas nos testes de SN. Esse fato deve ser levado em consideração quando estudos sorológicos para BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 forem realizados. Como a SN não é capaz de discriminar as respostas de anticorpos para BoHV-1 e BoHV-5, a prevalência tipo-específica permanece desconhecida.

#14 - Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine, p.545-551

Abstract in English:

Abstract.- Silva A.D., Esteves P.A., Dezen D., Oliveira A.P., Spilki F.R., Campos F.S., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):545-551. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of economic losses in cattle. Vaccination has been widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections. We have previously reported the development of a differential BoHV-1 vaccine, based on a recombinant glycoprotein E (gE)-deleted virus (265gE-). In present paper the efficacy of such recombinant was evaluated as an inactivated vaccine. Five BoHV-1 seronegative calves were vaccinated intramuscularly on day 0 and boostered 30 days later with an inactivated, oil adjuvanted vaccine containing an antigenic mass equivalent to 107.0 fifty per cent cell culture infectious doses (CCID50) of 265gE-. Three calves were kept as non vaccinated controls. On day 60 post vaccination both vaccinated and controls were challenged with the virulent parental strain. No clinical signs or adverse effects were seen after or during vaccination. After challenge, 2/5 vaccinated calves showed mild clinical signs of infection, whereas all non vaccinated controls displayed intense rhinotracheitis and shed virus for longer and to higher titres than vaccinated calves. Serological responses were detected in all vaccinated animals after the second dose of vaccine, but not on control calves. Following corticosteroid administration in attempting to induce reactivation of the latent infection, no clinical signs were observed in vaccinated calves, whereas non vaccinated controls showed clinical signs of respiratory disease. In view of its immunogenicity and protective effect upon challenge with a virulent BoHV-1, the oil adjuvanted preparation with the inactivated 265gE- recombinant was shown to be suitable for use as a vaccine.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Abstract.- Silva A.D., Esteves P.A., Dezen D., Oliveira A.P., Spilki F.R., Campos F.S., Franco A.C. & Roehe P.M. 2009. Efficacy of a gE-deleted, bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) inactivated vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):545-551. Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor, Fepagro Saúde Animal, Estrada do Conde 6000, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of economic losses in cattle. Vaccination has been widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections. We have previously reported the development of a differential BoHV-1 vaccine, based on a recombinant glycoprotein E (gE)-deleted virus (265gE-). In present paper the efficacy of such recombinant was evaluated as an inactivated vaccine. Five BoHV-1 seronegative calves were vaccinated intramuscularly on day 0 and boostered 30 days later with an inactivated, oil adjuvanted vaccine containing an antigenic mass equivalent to 107.0 fifty per cent cell culture infectious doses (CCID50) of 265gE-. Three calves were kept as non vaccinated controls. On day 60 post vaccination both vaccinated and controls were challenged with the virulent parental strain. No clinical signs or adverse effects were seen after or during vaccination. After challenge, 2/5 vaccinated calves showed mild clinical signs of infection, whereas all non vaccinated controls displayed intense rhinotracheitis and shed virus for longer and to higher titres than vaccinated calves. Serological responses were detected in all vaccinated animals after the second dose of vaccine, but not on control calves. Following corticosteroid administration in attempting to induce reactivation of the latent infection, no clinical signs were observed in vaccinated calves, whereas non vaccinated controls showed clinical signs of respiratory disease. In view of its immunogenicity and protective effect upon challenge with a virulent BoHV-1, the oil adjuvanted preparation with the inactivated 265gE- recombinant was shown to be suitable for use as a vaccine.

#15 - Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas, p.140-148

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.

#16 - Identificação e diferenciação de herpesvírus bovino tipos 1 e 5 isolados de amostras clínicas no Centro-Sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai (1987-2006), p.403-408

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.S., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2007. [Identification and differentiation of herpesvirus types 1 and 5 isolated from clinical samples in central-southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (1987-2006).] Identificação e diferenciação de herpesvírus bovino tipos 1 e 5 isolados de amostras clínicas no Centro-Sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai (1987-2006). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):403-408. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesviruses types 1 and 5 (BoHV-1; BoHV-5) are genetically and antigenically closely related such they can not be distinguished by routine diagnostic tests. As BoHV-1 has been historically associated with respiratory and genital disease, herpesviruses isolated from these clinical syndromes have been tentatively – and sometimes definitively - diagnosed as BoHV-1. Likewise, cases of herpetic neurological infection in cattle have been generally attributed to BoHV-5. This study reports the identification of 40 herpesvirus isolates from different clinical specimens and syndromes in central-southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (1987-2006) by the use of a PCR able to differentiate between BoHV-1 and BoHV-5. BoHV-1 isolates (n=16) were identified in cases of respiratory disease (n=3), vulvovaginitis and/or balanoposthitis (n=3), in semen of healthy bulls (n=5) and in cases of neurological disease (n=5). Viruses identified as BoHV-5 (n=24) were isolated predominantly from cases of neurological disease (n=21), but also from semen of healthy bulls (n=2) and from a spleen of a calf with systemic disease (n=1). These results show that both BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 are not strictly associated with their respective diseases; yet are frequently involved in clinical conditions otherwise attributed to the other virus. These findings also reinforce the need of correctly identifying the herpesvirus isolates as to better understand their pathogenesis and epidemiology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.S., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2007. [Identification and differentiation of herpesvirus types 1 and 5 isolated from clinical samples in central-southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (1987-2006).] Identificação e diferenciação de herpesvírus bovino tipos 1 e 5 isolados de amostras clínicas no Centro-Sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai (1987-2006). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):403-408. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesviruses types 1 and 5 (BoHV-1; BoHV-5) are genetically and antigenically closely related such they can not be distinguished by routine diagnostic tests. As BoHV-1 has been historically associated with respiratory and genital disease, herpesviruses isolated from these clinical syndromes have been tentatively – and sometimes definitively - diagnosed as BoHV-1. Likewise, cases of herpetic neurological infection in cattle have been generally attributed to BoHV-5. This study reports the identification of 40 herpesvirus isolates from different clinical specimens and syndromes in central-southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (1987-2006) by the use of a PCR able to differentiate between BoHV-1 and BoHV-5. BoHV-1 isolates (n=16) were identified in cases of respiratory disease (n=3), vulvovaginitis and/or balanoposthitis (n=3), in semen of healthy bulls (n=5) and in cases of neurological disease (n=5). Viruses identified as BoHV-5 (n=24) were isolated predominantly from cases of neurological disease (n=21), but also from semen of healthy bulls (n=2) and from a spleen of a calf with systemic disease (n=1). These results show that both BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 are not strictly associated with their respective diseases; yet are frequently involved in clinical conditions otherwise attributed to the other virus. These findings also reinforce the need of correctly identifying the herpesvirus isolates as to better understand their pathogenesis and epidemiology.

#17 - Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine, p.54-58

Abstract in English:

Spilki F.R., Silva A.D., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P., Winkelmann E., Franco A.C., Porciúncula J.A. & Roehe P.M. 2005. Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):54-58. Instituto de Pesquisa Veterinária Desidério Finamor, Fepagro-Saúde Animal, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of respiratory, reproductive disease and abortion in cattle. Vaccination is widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections; however, vaccination of dams during pregnancy with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has been occasionally associated to abortions. We have previously reported the development of a BoHV-1 recombinant virus, constructed with basis on a Brazilian BoHV-1 (Franco et al. 2002a) from which the gene coding for glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted (gE-) by genetic manipulation. Such recombinant has been previously evaluated in its potential as a differential vaccine (gE- vaccine) that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals. Here, in the first part of the present study, the safety of the gE- vaccine during pregnancy was evaluated by the intramuscular inoculation of 107.4 tissue culture 50 % infective doses (TCID50) of the virus into 22 pregnant dams (14 BoHV-1 seronegative; 8 seropositive), at different stages of gestation. Other 15 pregnant dams were kept as non-vaccinated controls. No abortions, stillbirths or fetal abnormalities were seen after vaccination. Seroconversion was observed in both groups of previously seronegative vaccinated animals. In the second part of the study, the potential of the gE- vaccine virus to spread among beef cattle under field conditions was examined. Four heifers were inoculated intranasally with a larger amount (107,6 TCID50) of the gE- vaccine (to increase chances of transmission) and mixed with other sixteen animals at the same age and body condition, in the same grazing area, at a population density equal to the average cattle farming density within the region (one cattle head per 10,000 m2), for 180 days. All animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Serum samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 180 post-vaccination. Seroconversion was observed only in vaccinated heifers. These results indicate that, under the conditions of the present study, the gE- vaccine virus did not cause any noticeable harmful effect on pregnant dams and on its offspring and did not spread horizontally among cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Spilki F.R., Silva A.D., Batista H.B.C.R., Oliveira A.P., Winkelmann E., Franco A.C., Porciúncula J.A. & Roehe P.M. 2005. Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):54-58. Instituto de Pesquisa Veterinária Desidério Finamor, Fepagro-Saúde Animal, Cx. Postal 47, Eldorado do Sul, RS 92990-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of respiratory, reproductive disease and abortion in cattle. Vaccination is widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections; however, vaccination of dams during pregnancy with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has been occasionally associated to abortions. We have previously reported the development of a BoHV-1 recombinant virus, constructed with basis on a Brazilian BoHV-1 (Franco et al. 2002a) from which the gene coding for glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted (gE-) by genetic manipulation. Such recombinant has been previously evaluated in its potential as a differential vaccine (gE- vaccine) that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals. Here, in the first part of the present study, the safety of the gE- vaccine during pregnancy was evaluated by the intramuscular inoculation of 107.4 tissue culture 50 % infective doses (TCID50) of the virus into 22 pregnant dams (14 BoHV-1 seronegative; 8 seropositive), at different stages of gestation. Other 15 pregnant dams were kept as non-vaccinated controls. No abortions, stillbirths or fetal abnormalities were seen after vaccination. Seroconversion was observed in both groups of previously seronegative vaccinated animals. In the second part of the study, the potential of the gE- vaccine virus to spread among beef cattle under field conditions was examined. Four heifers were inoculated intranasally with a larger amount (107,6 TCID50) of the gE- vaccine (to increase chances of transmission) and mixed with other sixteen animals at the same age and body condition, in the same grazing area, at a population density equal to the average cattle farming density within the region (one cattle head per 10,000 m2), for 180 days. All animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Serum samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 180 post-vaccination. Seroconversion was observed only in vaccinated heifers. These results indicate that, under the conditions of the present study, the gE- vaccine virus did not cause any noticeable harmful effect on pregnant dams and on its offspring and did not spread horizontally among cattle.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV