Abstract in English:
Bovine alphaherpesvirus 2 (BoHV-2) is the agent of herpetic mammilitis (BHM), a cutaneous and self-limiting disease affecting the udder and teats of cows. The pathogenesis of BoHV-2 is pourly understood, hampering the development of therapeutic drugs, vaccines and other control measures. This study investigated the pathogenesis of BoHV-2 in calves after inoculation through different routes. Three- to four-months seronegative calves were inoculated with BoHV-2 (107TCID50.mL-1) intramuscular (IM, n=4), intravenous (IV, n=4) or transdermal (TD) after mild scarification (n=4) and submitted to virological, clinical and serological monitoring. Calves inoculated by the IV route presented as light increase in body temperature between days 6 to 9 post-inoculation (pi). Virus inoculation by the TD route resulted in mild inflammatory lesions at the sites of inoculation, characterized by hyperemia, small vesicles, mild exudation and scab formation, between days 2 and 8pi. Virus or viral DNA was detected by PCR in the crusts/swabs collected from lesions of 3 out of 4 animals inoculated TD from day 2 to 8pi. Viremia was detected in 3/4 animals of the IM group (from day 4 to 8pi); in 2/4 animals of the IV group (days 6 and 8pi) but not in the TD group. Calves from all inoculated groups seroconverted to BoHV-2 in titers from 4 to 64, as indicated by virus-neutralizing (VN) assays performed in sera collected at day 15pi. Administration of dexamethasone (Dex) to the inoculated calves at day 48pi, did not result in virus reactivation as indicated by lack of virus detection in the blood and/or in inoculation sites and no increase in VN antibody titers. These results demonstrated that BoHV-2 was able to replicate efficiently in calves following different routes of exposure, produced viremia after IM and IV inoculation and was not reactivated by Dex treatment.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O alfaherpesvírus bovino 2 (BoHV-2) é um agente etiológico da mamilite herpética (BHM), uma doença cutânea e autolimitante do úbere e tetos de vacas. Pouco se sabe sobre a patogênese do BoHV-2, dificultando o desenvolvimento de medicamentos terapêuticos e vacinas. Este estudo investigou a patogênese do BoHV-2 em bezerros após a inoculação por diferentes vias. Bezerros soronegativos de três a quatro meses foram inoculados com BoHV-2 (107TCID50.mL-1) por via intramuscular (IM, n=4), por via intravenosa (IV, n=4) ou transdérmica (TD, n=4) após escarificação leve e submetidos a monitoramento virológico, clínico e sorológico. Os bezerros inoculados pela via IV apresentaram aumento leve da temperatura corporal entre os dias 6 a 9 pós-inoculação (pi). A inoculação do vírus pela via TD resultou em lesões inflamatórias leves nos locais de inoculação, caracterizadas por hiperemia, pequenas vesículas, exsudação leve e formação de crostas, entre os dias 2 e 8pi. O vírus ou DNA viral foi detectado por PCR nas crostas/swabs coletados de lesões de 3 de 4 animais inoculados TD do dia 2 ao 8pi. Viremia foi detectada em 3/4 dos animais do grupo IM (do dia 4 ao 8pi); em 2/4 animais do grupo IV (dias 6 e 8pi), mas não no grupo TD. Bezerros de todos os grupos inoculados soroconverteram o BoHV-2 em títulos de 4 a 64, conforme indicado por ensaios de vírus-neutralização (VN) realizados em soro coletado no dia 15pi. Administração de dexametasona (Dex) nos bezerros inoculados no dia 48pi, não resultou em reativação do vírus, como indicado pela falta de detecção de vírus no sangue e/ou nos locais de inoculação e pela ausência de aumento nos títulos de anticorpos. Estes resultados demonstraram que o BoHV-2 foi capaz de replicar eficientemente em bezerros seguindo diferentes vias de inoculação, produziu viremia após a inoculação IM e IV e não foi reativado pelo tratamento com Dex.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Cadore G.C., Marcon G., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2013. Mapping the sites of latency and reactivation by bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) and a thymidine kinase-deleted BoHV-5 in lambs. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(12):1409-1415. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: eduardofurtadoflores@gmail.com
A thymidine kinase (tk)-deleted bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5tkΔ) was previously shown to establish latent infection and reactivate - even poorly - in a sheep model (Cadore et al. 2013). As TK-negative alphaherpesviruses are unlike to reactivate in neural tissue, this study investigated the sites of latency and reactivation by this recombinant in lambs. For this, groups of lambs were inoculated intranasally with the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV-507/99) or with the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ. During latent infection (40 days post-inoculation, pi), the distribution of recombinant virus DNA in neural and non-neural tissues was similar to that of the parental virus. Parental and recombinant virus DNA was consistently detected by PCR in trigeminal ganglia (TGs); frequently in palatine and pharyngeal tonsils and, less frequently in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes. In addition, latent DNA of both viruses was detected in several areas of the brain. After dexamethasone (Dx) administration (day 40pi), the recombinant virus was barely detected in nasal secretions contrasting with marked shedding of the parental virus. In tissues of lambs euthanized at day 3 post-Dx treatment (pDx), reverse-transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) for a late viral mRNA (glycoprotein D gene) demonstrated reactivation of parental virus in neural (TGs) and lymphoid tissues (tonsils, lymph node). In contrast, recombinant virus mRNA was detected only in lymphoid tissues. These results demonstrate that BoHV-5 and the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ do establish latent infection in neural and non-neural sites. Reactivation of the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ, however, appeared to occur only in non-neural sites. In anyway, the ability of a tk-deleted strain to reactivate latent infection deserves attention in the context of vaccine safety.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Cadore G.C., Marcon G., Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2013. Mapping the sites of latency and reactivation by bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) and a thymidine kinase-deleted BoHV-5 in lambs. [Mapeamento dos sítios de latência e reativação pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) e por mutante deletado no gene da timidina quinase em ovinos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(12):1409-1415. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: eduardofurtadoflores@gmail.com
Um recombinante do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 com deleção no gene da timidina quinase (BoHV-5tkΔ) foi capaz de estabelecer latência e reativar - embora ineficientemente - em modelo experimental em ovinos (Cadore et al. 2013). Como a reativação de alfaherpesvírus defectivos na TK em tecido neural é improvável, o presente estudo investigou os sítios de latência e reativação por esse recombinante em ovinos. Para isso, grupos de ovinos foram inoculados com a cepa de BoHV-5 parental (SV-507/99) ou com o recombinante BoHV-5tkΔ. Durante a infecção latente (dia 40 pós-infecção, pi) a distribuição do DNA do vírus recombinante no encéfalo de ovinos infectados experimentalmente foi similar ao do vírus parental (SV-507/99). O DNA de ambos os vírus foi detectado consistentemente por PCR nos gânglios trigêmeos (TGs), frequentemente nas tonsilas faríngeas e palatinas e, com menos frequência, nos linfonodos retrofaríngeos. Após administração de dexametasona (Dx), o vírus recombinante foi raramente detectado nas secreções nasais, contrastando com excreção abundante do vírus parental. RT-PCR para mRNA de um gene tardio (glicoproteína D) realizado em tecidos de animais eutanasiados 3 dias pós-Dx demonstrou reativação do vírus parental em tecido neural (TGs) e não-neural (tonsilas, linfonodo). Em contraste, a reativação do vírus recombinante ficou restrita ao tecido linfoide. Esses resultados demonstram que tanto o BoHV-5 parental quanto o recombinante estabelecem latência em sítios neurais e não-neurais. No entanto, o recombinante BoHV-5tkΔ parece reativar apenas nos tecidos não-neurais (linfoide). De qualquer forma, a capacidade do recombinante reativar a infecção latente deve ser considerada no contexto de segurança vacinal.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: flores@ccr.ufsm.br
Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: flores@ccr.ufsm.br
Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Silva A.M., Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Botton S.A., lrigoyen L.F., Roehe P.M., Brum M.C.S. & Canto M.C. 1998. [Acute and Iatent infection in sheep inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type-5 (BHV-5).] Infecção aguda e latente em ovinos inoculados com o herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(3/4):99-106. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97015-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
Experimental inoculation of lambs with bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) reproduced several aspects of the BHV-5 infection in cattle. lntranasal inoculation was followed by eficiente viral replication and shedding, establishment and reactivation of latency, and even the development of meningoencephalitis in one animal. Lambs inoculated with the brazilian is o late EVl-88 showed transient hipertermia, nasal hiperemia and discharge ranging from serous to muco purulent. The animals shed virus in nasal secretions in titers up to 107,11 TCID50/ml during up to 16 days. One lamb showed clinical signs of encephalitis on day 10 post inoculation (pi), being euthanized in extremis on day 13. lnfectious vírus was recovered from severa) áreas of the brain of this lamb, including anterior and posterior cerebrum, dorso- and ventro-lateral hemisphere, cerebellum, pons, midbrain and olfactory bulb. Histological changes were observed in severa) regions of the brain, most consistently in the anterior cerebrum, ventrolateral cortex and midbrain, and consisted mainly of meningitis, perivascular mononuclear cuffing, focal gliosis, neuronal necrosis and intranuclear inclusions. Four lambs used as sentinels acquired the infection and shed virus starting at the 2nd day pi during up to 7 days. Lambs inoculated with the argentinian isolate A663 showed only mild respiratory signs, although they shed virus for up to 15 days. Administration of dexamethazone to the animals starting at day 50 pi was followed by reactivation of the latent infection and viral shedding during up to 11 days by 76.9% (10/13) of the inoculated lambs and 100% (3/3) of the sentinels. These results demonstrate that sheep are susceptible to BHV-5 acute and latent infection and suggest that natural infections by this virus in sheep may potentially occur. ln this sense, a possible role of this species in the epidemiology of BHV-5 infections awaits further investigation.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Silva A.M., Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Botton S.A., lrigoyen L.F., Roehe P.M., Brum M.C.S. & Canto M.C. 1998. [Acute and Iatent infection in sheep inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type-5 (BHV-5).] Infecção aguda e latente em ovinos inoculados com o herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(3/4):99-106. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97015-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
Infecção experimental de ovinos com o herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5) reproduziu vários aspectos da infecção pelo BHV-5 em bovinos. Inoculação intranasal foi seguida de extensiva replicação virai na cavidade nasal, excreção e transmissão do vírus a outros. animais, estabelecimento e reativação de latência, e o desenvolvimento de meningoencefalite clínica em um animal. Ovinos inoculados com a amostra brasi- leira EVl-88 apresentaram hipertermia transitória, hiperemia da mucosa nasal e corrimento nasal de seroso a muco-purulento. Os animais eliminaram vírus em secreções nasais em títulos de até 107,11 DICC50/ml por até 16 dias. Um cordeiro apresentou sinais clínicos de encefalite no dia 10 pósinoculação, sendo sacrificado in extremis no início do dia 13. Infectividade foi detectada em várias regiões do encéfalo des: se animal, incluindo os hemisférios anterior e posterior, córtex orso- e ventro-lateral, ponte, pedúnculo cerebral, cerebelo e bulbo olfatório. Alterações histológicas foram observadas em várias regiões do encéfalo, principalmente no hemisfério anterior, córtex ventro-lateral e pedúnculos cerebrais, e consistiram de meningite mononuclear, manguitos perivasculares, gliose focal, necrose e inclusões intranucleares em neurônios. Quatro ovinos mantidos como sentinelas adquiriram a infecção e eliminaram vírus a partir do final do segundo dia, até 7 dias. Ovinos inoculados com a amostra argentina A663 apresentaram apenas hiperemia e umidecimento da mucosa nasal, embora eliminassem vírus nas secreções nasais por até 15 dias. Tratamento dos animais com dexametasona a partir do dia 50 pós-inoculação provocou reativação da infecção latente e eliminação viral durante até 11 dias por 76,9% (10/13) dos animais inoculados e por 100% (3/3) dos animais sentinela. Esses resultados·demonstram que ovinos são susceptíveis à infecção aguda e latente pelo BHV-5 e sugerem que infecções naturais de ovinos por este vírus podem potencialmente ocorrer. Ness sentido, uma possível participação da espécie ovina como reservatório natural desse vírus deve ser melhor investigada.