Resultado da pesquisa (21)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Cattle diseases

#11 - Senecio brasiliensis poisoning in calves: pattern and evolution of hepatic lesions

Abstract in English:

Poisoning by Senecio spp. plants are an important cause of death in cattle in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It is estimated that over 50% of deaths caused by toxic plants are due to the ingestion of Senecio spp. The epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of a spontaneous outbreak of Senecio brasiliensis in calves are described here. Characterization and evolution of liver lesions during the outbreak are also described. Two hundred and six 4-month-old female calves were weaned and placed in a 25-hectare pasture heavily infested by S. brasiliensis at of varying growth stages. The calves remained in this pasture for three months and were later transferred to another area where six calves aged 7-8- month-old developed clinical signs including unthriftiness, diarrhea, and subcutaneous dependent edema in the submandibular region. All these six affected calves died within 15 days from the onset of clinical signs and one of those was necropsied. Grossly the first of three patterns of hepatic lesions described in this report was observed and it was characterized by an enlarged liver, with round borders and an orange hue to the capsular and cut surfaces. Histologically there was marked diffuse vacuolar hepatocellular degeneration, bilestasis, hepatocellular megalocytosis, and mild bile duct proliferation and periportal fibrosis. Two months after the onset of the outbreak, in another visit to the farm, it was observed that an additional 28 calves got sick and 14 died. Affected calves observed in this second on-site visit were 9-10 month-old and their main clinical sign was photosensitization characterized by varying degrees of photophobia, tearing from the eyes, marked drooling, mucopurulent ocular discharge, increased nasal secretion, and ventral diphtheric glossitis. Two of the fourteen calves that died were necropsied and displayed the second pattern of hepatic lesions observed in the outbreak. Liver had smooth and whitish capsular surfaces and a moderate decrease in size. There was moderate irregularity to the cut surface of hepatic parenchyma and pale areas intercalated with red ones. Histologically there was marked periportal fibrosis, marked bile duct proliferation, hepatocellular megalocytosis, focal areas of hepatocellular necrosis, and hemorrhage and veno-occlusive changes. In this second on-site visit, GGT serum activity was determined in 15 affected calves and 13 of them had increased values (26-175 U/L). Seven months after the onset of the outbreak, a third visit was made to the farm when was learned that and additional 27 calves have been affected, 23 of which died within a period of 40 days. At the necropsy of three of these calves the third pattern of hepatic lesions were observed. The liver was decreased in size and markedly firm. The capsular surface was smooth and whitish and the capsular surface was diffusely tan. Histological lesions similar to those observed in the second pattern were seen in in the liver of these three calves. A fourth on-site visit to the farm was made and a liver biopsy was performed in each of the 163 calves remaining in the herd and hepatic lesions characteristic of Senecio poisoning were observed in the liver biopsy of 103 of them. Affected calves were classified in groups according to the severity and morphologic aspects of the observed hepatic lesions. The diagnosis of Senecio poisoning in calves of this study was based on epidemiology, clinical and anatomopathological findings associated with the history of consumption of the plant, and on the chronological development of the lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Intoxicações por plantas do gênero Senecio representam uma importante causa de morte em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul e estima-se que mais de 50% das mortes causadas por plantas tóxicas devem-se à intoxicação por Senecio spp. Nesse trabalho, são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação natural por Senecio brasiliensis em bezerros e a caracterização e evolução das lesões hepáticas durante o surto. Um lote com 206 bovinos, fêmeas, sem raça definida, foi desmamado com aproximadamente quatro meses de idade e soltos em campo nativo com 25 hectares, contendo grande quantidade de Senecio brasiliensis em diferentes estágios. Os bovinos permaneceram nesse campo durante três meses e posteriormente foram transferidos para outra área. Na nova área, seis bezerras, com idades entre sete a oito meses, começaram a apresentar sinais clínicos de emagrecimento, fraqueza, diarreia e edema subcutâneo de declive na região submandibular. Os seis bovinos morreram em um período de 15 dias e um deles foi necropsiado. Macroscopicamente, foi visualizado o primeiro dos três padrões distintos de lesão hepática dos bovinos desse surto, que se caracterizava por um fígado aumentado de tamanho, com os bordos arredondados e com superfície capsular e de corte alaranjada. Histologicamente havia acentuada degeneração vacuolar hepatocelular difusa, bilestase, megalocitose e leve proliferação de ductos biliares e fibrose periportal. Dois meses após o início do surto, constatou-se que em um período de 20 dias adoeceram mais 28 bezerras e, dessas, 14 morreram. Os bovinos acometidos nessa segunda visita tinham idades entre nove a 10 meses. O principal sinal clínico observado foi fotossensibilização, e incluía graus variados de fotofobia, lacrimejamento, salivação excessiva, descarga ocular mucopurulenta, secreção nasal e glossite diftérica ventral. Das 14 bezerras mortas, realizou-se a necropsia de duas delas, sendo visualizado o segundo padrão de lesão hepática nesse surto (Padrão 2). Os fígados estavam com a superfície capsular lisa e esbranquiçada e moderadamente diminuídos de tamanho. Ao corte observou-se leve irregularidade do parênquima e áreas mais claras intercaladas com áreas avermelhadas. O aspecto histológico incluía acentuada fibrose periportal, marcada proliferação de ductos biliares, megalocitose, áreas multifocais de necrose de hepatócitos, hemorragia e lesões veno-oclusivas. A atividade sérica da GGT foi avaliada em 15 bovinos afetados nessa segunda visita à propriedade. Desses, 13 bezerras testadas apresentaram alterações nos valores, que variaram de 26-175 U/L. Em uma terceira visita à propriedade, sete meses após o início do surto, mais 27 bezerras adoeceram em um período de 40 dias e, dessas, 23 morreram, sendo três submetidas à necropsia. Evidenciou-se o terceiro padrão de lesão hepática. O fígado dos três bovinos estava diminuído de tamanho e acentuadamente firme. A superfície capsular era lisa e esbranquiçada, e a superfície de corte apresentava-se difusamente acastanhada. Lesões histológicas semelhantes ao segundo padrão foram também constatadas no fígado dessas três bezerras. Na quarta visita à propriedade, realizaram-se biópsias hepáticas nos 163 bovinos restantes do lote. Lesões hepáticas características da intoxicação estavam presentes em 103 dos 163 bovinos submetidos à biopsia hepática. Os bovinos afetados foram classificados em grupos de acordo com a severidade e os aspectos morfológicos observados. O diagnóstico de intoxicação nos bovinos desse estudo baseou-se nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos, associados ao histórico do consumo da planta e evolução das lesões.

#12 - Cattle diseases associated with consumption of beer residues, 35(12):956-964

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brust L.A.C., Aragão A.P., Bezerra Jr P.S., Galvão A., França T.N., Graça F.A.S. & Peixoto P.V. 2015. [Cattle diseases associated with consumption of beer residues.] Enfermidades em bovinos associadas ao consumo de resíduos de cervejaria. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(12):956-964. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The use of brewery by-products in cattle feed has grown in recent years as an excellent alternative for maintenance or increase in cattle productivity especially in Southeastern Brazil. Among the most employed by-products are malted barley waste and brewer’s yeast, a liquid by-product that contains alcohol and is widely used in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Careless or incorrect use of these products, as well as inadequate storage, can cause ethanol poisoning, neurotoxicosis by Aspergillus clavatus, ruminal acidosis and botulism. This paper highlights the importance of these conditions as causes of severe economic losses to livestock, and provides support for the establishment of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prophylaxis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brust L.A.C., Aragão A.P., Bezerra Jr P.S., Galvão A., França T.N., Graça F.A.S. & Peixoto P.V. 2015. [Cattle diseases associated with consumption of beer residues.] Enfermidades em bovinos associadas ao consumo de resíduos de cervejaria. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(12):956-964. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: A utilização de subprodutos de cervejaria na alimentação de bovinos tem crescido nos últimos anos como uma excelente alternativa na manutenção ou aumento da produtividade na bovinocultura, sobretudo na Região Sudeste. Entre os resíduos mais empregados estão o bagaço de malte oriundo da “cevada” e o “levedo de cerveja”, um subproduto líquido que contém álcool, muito utilizado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O uso incorreto ou sem os devidos cuidados, bem como o armazenamento de forma inadequada, contudo, podem ser responsáveis por quadros de intoxicação por etanol, neurotoxicose por Aspergillus clavatus, acidose ruminal e botulismo. Esse trabalho tem por intuito alertar para a importância dessas condições como causa de sérios prejuízos econômicos à pecuária e fornecer subsídios para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico, diagnóstico diferencial e profilaxia das mesmas.

#13 - Sawfly larval poisoning in cattle: Report on new outbreaks and brief review of the literature

Abstract in English:

Sawfly larval poisoning (SLP) is an acute hepatotoxicosis documented in livestock in Australia, Denmark and in countries of South America. It is caused by the ingestion of the larval stage of insects of the suborder Symphyta, order Hymenoptera, commonly known as “sawfly”. Three species of sawfly are reportedly involved in the toxicosis. The insect involved in Australian SLP is Lophyrotoma interrupta (Pergidae), in Denmark the cause of SLP is the ingestion of the larvae Arge pullata (Argidae), and in South American countries documented outbreaks of SLP were caused by the ingestion of yet another sawfly, Perreyia flavipes (Pergidae). In all geographical areas where it occurred, SLP causes important livestock losses. In cattle, as well as in other affected species, the disease has a short clinical course and in many outbreaks affected cattle can be found dead. When observed, clinical signs include apathy, recumbence, tremors, paddling movements and death in 24-48 hours. Neurological signs such aggressiveness attributable to hepatic encephalopathy are also observed. In cases with a more protracted course icterus and photodermatitis may develop. Gross findings included ascites, petechiae and ecchymosis over serosal surfaces of thoracic and abdominal cavities, and an enlarged liver that displays accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema of the gall bladder wall. Sawfly larval body fragments and heads are consistently found in the fore stomachs and occasionally abomasum of affected cattle. Main microscopic lesions are restricted to the liver and consist of centrolobular (periacinar) to massive hepatocellular necrosis. In most lobules necrotic areas extended up to the portal triads where only a few viable hepatocytes remain. Mild to moderate lymphocyte necrosis is seen in lymphatic tissues. Cases occur in the winter months when the larval stages of the sawfly are developing. D-amino acid-containing peptides have been found to be the toxic principle in each sawfly involved in SLP. The octapeptide lophyrotomin is the major toxin in the in the larvae of Australian and Danish sawflies and is present in small amounts in the larvae of South American sawfly. The heptadecapeptide pergidin is the main toxin in the South American sawfly while small amounts of pergidin have been found in the other two species of toxic sawfly. During the winter of 2011 (July-August) four outbreaks of SLP were diagnosed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The findings in those outbreaks are reported here and a brief review of the literature regarding SLP around the world is provided.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A intoxicação por larvas de mosca serra (ILMS) é uma hepatotoxicose aguda documentada em animais de fazenda na Austrália, Dinamarca e em países da América do Sul. É causada pela ingestão de larvas de insetos da subordem Symphyta, ordem Hymenoptera, conhecidos popularmente como mosca serra. Três espécies de moscas serra são relatadas como envolvidas na intoxicação. O inseto envolvido na ILMS australiana é Lophyrotoma interrupta (Pergidae); na Dinamarca a causa da ILMS é a ingestão de larvas de Arge pullata (Argidae) e nos países de América do Sul a ingestão de larvas de ainda outra espécie de mosca serra, Perreyia flavipes (Pergidae), é a causa de ILMS. Em todas essas áreas geográficas, a ILMS causa importantes perdas na pecuária. Em bovinos, como nas outras espécies afetadas, a doença tem um curso clínico breve e em muitos surtos os bovinos afetados podem ser encontrados mortos. Quando observados, os sinais clínicos incluem apatia, decúbito, tremores, movimentos de pedalagem e morte em 24-48 horas. Sinais neurológicos como agressividade, atribuídos à encefalopatia hepática, são também observados. Em casos com curso clínico mais protraído, pode ocorrer icterícia e fotodermatite. Achados de necropsia incluem ascite, petéquias e equimoses em superfícies serosas das cavidades torácica e abdominal e um fígado aumentado de volume e com acentuação do padrão lobular, e edema da parede da vesícula biliar. Em todas as necropsias de bovinos afetados, fragmentos do corpo e cabeças de larvas são encontrados nos pré-estômagos e, ocasionalmente, no abomaso. As principais lesões microscópicas são restritas ao fígado e consistem de necrose hepatocelular centrolobular (periacinar) a massiva. Na maioria dos lóbulos as áreas de necrose estendem-se até as tríades portais onde apenas algumas lâminas de hepatócitos viáveis permanecem. Leve a moderada necrose de linfócitos é observada nos tecidos linfáticos. Os surtos de ILMS ocorrem nos meses de inverno quando os estágios larvais estão em desenvolvimento. Peptídeos que contêm D-aminoácidos constituem os princípios tóxicos de cada uma das moscas serra envolvidas na ILMS. O octapeptídeo lofirotomina é a principal toxina nas larvas das moscas serra australianas e dinamarquesas e também ocorre em pequenas quantidades nas larvas da mosca serra sul-americana. O heptadecapeptídeo pergidina é a principal toxina das larvas da mosca serra sul-americana, enquanto que pequenas quantidades de pergidina foram encontradas nas outras duas espécies tóxicas de mosca serra. Durante o inverno de 2011 (Julho-Agosto) quatro surtos de ILMS foram diagnosticados no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os achados desses surtos são relatados aqui e é feita uma breve revisão da literatura sobre ILMS ao redor do mundo.

#14 - Epidemiological, clinicopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of vulval squamous cell carcinomas in 33 cows

Abstract in English:

Vulvar squamous cell carcinomas (VSCCs) in cattle were retrospectively studied regarding the prevalence, epidemiology, clinicopathological, and immunohistochemical aspects. The degree of vulvar pigmentation was also evaluated. In the 48 years analyzed, necropsy and biopsy reports of 7,483 cattle were found. Out of these, 664 (8.87%) cases of various neoplasms were identified; 33 (4.97%) of these cases were of VSCCs. Nineteen cows were Holstein, three were Charolais, one was Jersey, and 10 were mix breed cows. Grossly, the main change was vulvar swelling, with bleeding and concomitant myiasis. The tumor masses were firm, ulcerated and with yellow areas. It was possible to reevaluate microscopically 30 out of the 33 cases. Eight of them were well differentiated, 17 were moderately differentiated, and five were poorly differentiated VSCCs. The evaluation of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) was performed in 21 cases. Epithelial hyperplasia was observed in 10 cases, mild dysplasia in two, moderate in one, and severe in five cases; in three cases no SILs were observed. Fontana-Masson stain for melanin was performed in 21 cases. In 17 cases the epidermal pigmentation was absent; it was mild in two and moderate in other two cases. Independently of the degree of differentiation, most neoplastic keratinocytes were strongly positive for bovine pancytokeratine through the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique. Bovine papillomavirus was not detected by IHC in this study.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Carcinomas de células escamosas vulvares (CCEVs) em bovinos foram estudados retrospectivamente quanto à prevalência, epidemiologia, quadro clinicopatológico e aspectos imuno-histoquímicos. O grau de pigmentação da pele vulvar foi também avaliado. Nos 48 anos analisados retrospectivamente, foram computados materiais de necropsias e biópsias de 7.483 bovinos recebidos no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da UFSM. Desses, em 664 (8,87%) casos de neoplasmas foram identificados, sendo 33 (4,97%) casos de CCEVs. Dezenove eram vacas da raça Holandesa, três da Charolesa, uma era Jersey e 10 eram sem raça definida. A principal alteração macroscópica foi aumento de volume vulvar, sangrante e com miíase concomitante. As massas tumorais eram firmes, ulceradas e com áreas amarelas. Foi possível reavaliar microscopicamente 30 dos 33 casos. Desses, oito eram CCEVs bem diferenciados, 17 eram moderadamente diferenciados e cinco eram pobremente diferenciados. A avaliação de lesões intraepiteliais escamosas (LIEs) foi realizada em tecidos de 21 casos que tinham epitélio de revestimento. Hiperplasia epitelial foi observada em 10 casos; displasia leve em dois, moderada em um e acentuada em cinco casos; em três casos não havia LIEs. A técnica de Fontana-Masson para melanina foi realizada em 21 casos. Desses, em 17 a pigmentação do epitélio da epiderme vulvar era ausente, em dois era leve e em outros dois era moderada. Independentemente do grau de diferenciação dos CCEVs, houve imunomarcação acentuada da maioria dos ceratinócitos neoplásicos para pancitoceratina bovina pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Papilomavírus bovino não foi detectado pela IHQ neste estudo.

#15 - Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul, p.285-292

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira L.C.L., Flores E.F., Driemeier D., Melo O. & Lemos R.A.A. 2008. [Mucosal disease associated with generalized dermatitis in cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):285-292. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory diagnostic aspects of a form of dermatitis associated with mucosal disease (MD) in cattle. It also focuses on the methods used for identifying persistently infected (PI) animals and on the impact of the disease on fertility and weaning rates in the affected herd. Cases of dermatitis associated with MD were diagnosed in two 12 and 24-month-old Nelore calves belonging to a beef cattle farm that operates the full cycle of production (calving, rearing, finishing) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil. The clinical signs exhibited by affected cattle 0included slow, progressive weight loss; formation of diffuse skin crusts in multiple body areas; skin dryness; multiple ulcerations on the gums and dorsal surface of the tongue which evolved to longitudinal fissures; formation of keratinized projections; and detachment of hoof horn. In addition, diarrhea affected one animal in the late stage of the disease. Necropsies also revealed longitudinal erosions in the esophagus. Histological examination showed coagulation necrosis foci in esophageal and lingual mucosae, with neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. Skin lesions consisted of epidermal coagulation necrosis associated with neutrophil infiltration and hyperkeratosis. In both cases, clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the isolation and identification of cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and immunohistochemical detection of viral antigens in formalin fixed tissues. Out of 300 cattle that had contact with the affected animals, 38 were found to be seropositive - in high neutralizing titers - to BVDV. Blood samples from 1,025 young animals and 40 bulls from the farm were examined for the presence of BVDV to identify potential PI animals. The virus was isolated from blood of three calves in the initial test and, 12 months later, from two of them which had remained on the farm. Only one of these calves was found to be BVDV-positive by immuno-histochemical testing performed on ear-tissue samples. In the year following the birth of PI calves, the herd underwent decreases in fertility and weaning rates, which later returned to their previous levels. The resulting data demonstrate the presence of BVDV infection in beef herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and provide evidence as to include the disease in the differential diagnosis of causes of generalized dermatitis in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira L.C.L., Flores E.F., Driemeier D., Melo O. & Lemos R.A.A. 2008. [Mucosal disease associated with generalized dermatitis in cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):285-292. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory diagnostic aspects of a form of dermatitis associated with mucosal disease (MD) in cattle. It also focuses on the methods used for identifying persistently infected (PI) animals and on the impact of the disease on fertility and weaning rates in the affected herd. Cases of dermatitis associated with MD were diagnosed in two 12 and 24-month-old Nelore calves belonging to a beef cattle farm that operates the full cycle of production (calving, rearing, finishing) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil. The clinical signs exhibited by affected cattle 0included slow, progressive weight loss; formation of diffuse skin crusts in multiple body areas; skin dryness; multiple ulcerations on the gums and dorsal surface of the tongue which evolved to longitudinal fissures; formation of keratinized projections; and detachment of hoof horn. In addition, diarrhea affected one animal in the late stage of the disease. Necropsies also revealed longitudinal erosions in the esophagus. Histological examination showed coagulation necrosis foci in esophageal and lingual mucosae, with neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. Skin lesions consisted of epidermal coagulation necrosis associated with neutrophil infiltration and hyperkeratosis. In both cases, clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the isolation and identification of cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and immunohistochemical detection of viral antigens in formalin fixed tissues. Out of 300 cattle that had contact with the affected animals, 38 were found to be seropositive - in high neutralizing titers - to BVDV. Blood samples from 1,025 young animals and 40 bulls from the farm were examined for the presence of BVDV to identify potential PI animals. The virus was isolated from blood of three calves in the initial test and, 12 months later, from two of them which had remained on the farm. Only one of these calves was found to be BVDV-positive by immuno-histochemical testing performed on ear-tissue samples. In the year following the birth of PI calves, the herd underwent decreases in fertility and weaning rates, which later returned to their previous levels. The resulting data demonstrate the presence of BVDV infection in beef herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and provide evidence as to include the disease in the differential diagnosis of causes of generalized dermatitis in cattle.

#16 - Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos, p.261-268

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Pierezan F., Gabriel A.L., Trost M.E., Brum J.S., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Plant and plant-associated mycotoxins poisoning in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 461 cases.] Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):261-268. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: From 1990 to 2005, tissues from 2,912 cattle necropsies were examined at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. These tissues came from necropsies performed by faculty members of the LPV or were mailed-in samples from necropsy performed by veterinarian practitioners. In 461 (15.83%) of these necropsies the cause of death was attributed to the ingestion of poisonous plants. In decreasing order of frequency poisoning by the following plants were registered: Senecio spp (56.14%), Pteridium aquilinum (12.06%), Ateleia glazioviana (10.31%), Solanum fastigiatum (5.04%), Baccharis coridifolia (3.29%), Xanthium cavanillesii (3.07%), Senna occidentalis (2.63%), Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (2.41%), Amaranthus spp (2.19%), Vicia villosa (1.54%), Ipomoea batatas, Prunus sellowii, cytrus pulp (0.44% each), Cestrum parqui, Claviceps paspali, Claviceps purpurea, Brachiaria spp and Lantana sp (0.22% each). In a given outbreak the number of affected cattle was substantially higher than the number of necropsies performed. The following aspects are discussed for each plant: geographical distribution; factors inducing ingestion; morbidity, mortality and lethality rates, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histopathology. For those plants in which information on the active principle and pathogenesis are available, these aspects are included in the discussion.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Pierezan F., Gabriel A.L., Trost M.E., Brum J.S., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Plant and plant-associated mycotoxins poisoning in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 461 cases.] Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):261-268. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: From 1990 to 2005, tissues from 2,912 cattle necropsies were examined at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. These tissues came from necropsies performed by faculty members of the LPV or were mailed-in samples from necropsy performed by veterinarian practitioners. In 461 (15.83%) of these necropsies the cause of death was attributed to the ingestion of poisonous plants. In decreasing order of frequency poisoning by the following plants were registered: Senecio spp (56.14%), Pteridium aquilinum (12.06%), Ateleia glazioviana (10.31%), Solanum fastigiatum (5.04%), Baccharis coridifolia (3.29%), Xanthium cavanillesii (3.07%), Senna occidentalis (2.63%), Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (2.41%), Amaranthus spp (2.19%), Vicia villosa (1.54%), Ipomoea batatas, Prunus sellowii, cytrus pulp (0.44% each), Cestrum parqui, Claviceps paspali, Claviceps purpurea, Brachiaria spp and Lantana sp (0.22% each). In a given outbreak the number of affected cattle was substantially higher than the number of necropsies performed. The following aspects are discussed for each plant: geographical distribution; factors inducing ingestion; morbidity, mortality and lethality rates, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histopathology. For those plants in which information on the active principle and pathogenesis are available, these aspects are included in the discussion.

#17 - Estudo histológico, imuno-histoquímico e ultra-estrutural das lesões induzidas experimentalmente por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos, p.269-276

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schons S.V., Kommers G.D., Pereira G.M., Raffi M.B. & Schild A.L. 2007. [Microscopic, immunohistochemical, and ultra-structural study of the lesions experimentaly induced by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) in cattle.] Estudo histológico, imuno-histoquímico e ultra-estrutural das lesões induzidas experimentalmente por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):269-276. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was to investigate the pathogenesis of the lesions observed in cattle experimentally poisoned by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens. The mushroom was given to three 9 to10-month-old Jersey calves immediately after harvesting. Daily doses were around 20g/kg of body weight during 7 (Calf 1) or 13 days (Calves 2-3), and the total doses of mushroom given were 140, 268, and 261g/kg of body weight, respectively. One calf (Calf 4) with same age and breed was used as control. Clinical signs were characterized by prostration, anorexia, hyperemia of oral mucosa, and loosening of long hairs of the tail tip under mild traction. The calves were submitted to euthanasia and necropsied on days 8 (Calf 1) and 15 (Calves 2-4) after the beginning of the experiment. Microscopically, there was smoothness of dorsal epithelium of tongue with absence of filiform papillae, vacuolation of keratinocytes, and loosening of the keratin layer. In the hooves, there was vacuolation and irregular keratinization of the laminar epidermis and hyperplasia of keratinocytes. Hyperkeratosis, vacuolation of the external root sheath, thickening of tricholemal keratin, and inflammatory infiltration around hair follicles were observed on the skin of the tail tip. Immunohistochemical results with anti-pancytoceratin and anti-Ki67 (cell proliferation marker) antibodies showed no differences between the tongue dorsal epithelium of the control and experimental calves. Ultrastructural study demonstrated decrease in tonofilaments and increased intercellular spaces of the spinous layer of the tongue dorsal epithelium. The results of this study favor the hypothesis of an interference with the epithelial keratinization mechanisms by the toxic principles of Ramaria flavo-brunnescens.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Schons S.V., Kommers G.D., Pereira G.M., Raffi M.B. & Schild A.L. 2007. [Microscopic, immunohistochemical, and ultra-structural study of the lesions experimentaly induced by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) in cattle.] Estudo histológico, imuno-histoquímico e ultra-estrutural das lesões induzidas experimentalmente por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):269-276. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was to investigate the pathogenesis of the lesions observed in cattle experimentally poisoned by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens. The mushroom was given to three 9 to10-month-old Jersey calves immediately after harvesting. Daily doses were around 20g/kg of body weight during 7 (Calf 1) or 13 days (Calves 2-3), and the total doses of mushroom given were 140, 268, and 261g/kg of body weight, respectively. One calf (Calf 4) with same age and breed was used as control. Clinical signs were characterized by prostration, anorexia, hyperemia of oral mucosa, and loosening of long hairs of the tail tip under mild traction. The calves were submitted to euthanasia and necropsied on days 8 (Calf 1) and 15 (Calves 2-4) after the beginning of the experiment. Microscopically, there was smoothness of dorsal epithelium of tongue with absence of filiform papillae, vacuolation of keratinocytes, and loosening of the keratin layer. In the hooves, there was vacuolation and irregular keratinization of the laminar epidermis and hyperplasia of keratinocytes. Hyperkeratosis, vacuolation of the external root sheath, thickening of tricholemal keratin, and inflammatory infiltration around hair follicles were observed on the skin of the tail tip. Immunohistochemical results with anti-pancytoceratin and anti-Ki67 (cell proliferation marker) antibodies showed no differences between the tongue dorsal epithelium of the control and experimental calves. Ultrastructural study demonstrated decrease in tonofilaments and increased intercellular spaces of the spinous layer of the tongue dorsal epithelium. The results of this study favor the hypothesis of an interference with the epithelial keratinization mechanisms by the toxic principles of Ramaria flavo-brunnescens.

#18 - Experimental poisoning by Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) in cattle, 18(2):69-75

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Varaschin M.S., Barros C.S.L. & Jarvis B.B. 1998. [Experimental poisoning by Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(2):69-75. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97119-900, Brazil. Thirteen calves were fed single doses varying from 0.5 to 5g/kg of either freshly harvested or dried Baccharis coridifolia. One calfwas fed 4 daily doses of 0,5g/kg of the dried plant. Two calves did not receive the plant and served as controls. The plant material was harvested each month from July 1991 to May 1992 and then in March 1993, and was analysed for its contente in macrocyclic trichothecenes. When in flower the female and mate plant specimens were both analysed and fed separately to calves. The levels of macrocyclic trichothecenes and their glucosides were much higher in the flowering female plants compared with the levels observed in those plants not in flower and in the flowering male plants. Ten calves either died or were euthanatized due to the toxicosis. Two calves fed the female flowering plant got sick and died, while 3 calves fed the flowering male plant did not develop the toxicosis. Clinical signs in the poisoned calves were anorexia, dehydration, ruminal atony, abdominal distension and pain, liquid diarrhea, dry muzzle, imbalance in the hindlimbs and sternal recumbency. Main pathological findings included necrosis of the gastrointestinal tube, particularly in the forestomachs and in the lymphoid tissues except for the thymus. The latter suggests an effect upon the B cells of the lymphoid tissue. The distribution of the lesions in the digestive and lymphoid systems was sistematicaily determined. lt is concluded that the macrocyclic trichothecenes present in the plant account for the lesions observed in the toxicosis and that the female flowering plant is substantially more toxic than the flowering mate plants or plants not in flower. This difference in toxicity is due to the difference in macrocyclic trichothecenes contents.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Varaschin M.S., Barros C.S.L. & Jarvis B.B. 1998. [Experimental poisoning by Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Baccharis coridifolia (Compositae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(2):69-75. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97119-900, Brazil. Treze terneiros receberam Baccharis coridifolia recém-colhida ou dessecada, em doses únicas que variaram entre 0,5 e 5g/kg. Um terneiro recebeu quatro administrações diárias de 0,5g/kg da planta dessecada. Dois terneiros não receberam a planta e serviram como controles. A planta foi colhida mensalmente de julho de 1991 a maio de 1992 e em março de 1993, e foi analisada para seu conteúdo em tricotecenos macrocíclicos. Quando em floração, as amostras dos espécimes macho e fêmea da planta foram analisadas e administradas aos terneiros separadamente. Os níveis de tricotecenos macrocíclicos e seus glicosídeos foram muito maiores nas plantas fêmeas em floração do que os níveis observados nas plantas não em floração e nas plantas machos em floração. Dez bovinos morreram espontaneamente ou foram sacrificados devido à toxicose. Dois terneiros que receberam a planta fêmea em floração, adoeceram e morreram, enquanto que três terneiros que receberam a planta macho em floração não adoeceram. Os sinais clínicos nos terneiros intoxicados foram anorexia, desidratação, atonia ruminal, tensão e dores abdominais, diarréia líquida, focinho seco, instabilidade dos membros posteriores e decúbito esternal. Os achados patológicos incluiram lesões necróticas no tubo gastrintestinal, particularmente nos pré-estômagos, e nos tecidos linfóides com exceção do timo. Esse último achado sugere um efeito sobre as células B do tecido linfóide. A distribuição das lesões nos sistemas digestivo e linfóide foi sistematicamente determinada. Conclui-se que os tricotecenos macrocíclicos presentes na planta são responsáveis pelas lesões observadas na toxicose e que a planta fêmea em floração é substâncialmente mais tóxica que a planta macho em floração ou das plantas que não estão em floração. Essa diferença em toxicidade é devida à diferença no conteúdo de tricotecenos macrocíclicos.

#19 - Salinomycin poisoning in cattle

Abstract in English:

An outbreak of salinomycin toxicosis is reported. Out of a lot of 46 Simmental heifers 13 died after presenting incoordination, stiff gait, diarrhea, weight loss, muscle tremors, reduced tolerance to exercise, dyspnea and, occasionally, dark urine. Some animals were found dead or died when forced to move. Gross lesions consisted basically of pale areas in the myocardium, subepicardial hemorrhages, hydropericardium, hydrothorax, pulmonary congestion and edema, and, in some cases, pendent subcutaneous edema and nutmeg liver. Main histopathological changes consisted of necrosis and loss of myocardial fibers which were replaced by fibrous connective tissue. Approximately 9 days before the first deaths the heifers had been treated for eimeriosis with a premix containing 6% of salinomycin.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Descreve-se um surto de intoxicação. Por salinomicina em bovinos. De um grupo de 46 novilhas Simmental, 13 morreram após manifestação de incoordenação, andar rígido, diarréia, emagrecimento, tremores musculares, cansaço após pequenos movimentos, dispneia e, ocasionalmente, urina escura. Os animais eram encontrados mortos ou morriam subitamente quando movimentados. As lesões macroscópicas consistiam basicamente de áreas pálidas no miocárdio, hemorragias subepicárdicas, hidropericárdio, hidrotórax, congestão e edema pulmonar e, em alguns casos, edema de declive e fígado de noz-moscada. Os principais achados microscópicos foram lesões multifocais de necrose e perda de fibras miocárdicas, que eram substituídas por tecido conjuntivo fibroso. Cerca de 9 dias antes do início da mortandade, as novilhas tinham sido medicadas para eimeriose, com um premix contendo 6% de salinomicina.

#20 - Experimental poisoning in cattle by Senecio oxypyhyllus (Compositae)

Abstract in English:

The dried aerial parts of Senecio oxyphyllus collected at its sprouting period were daily orally force-fed to 9 calves in amounts equivalent to 0.5g, 1g, 2g and 4g of the fresh plant per kg of their body weight. Doses of 0.5g/kg were given for 90 and 120 days, doses of 1g/kg for 60 days, doses of 2g/kg for 30 and 60 days, and doses of 4g/kg for 5, 18 and 60 days. S. oxyphyllus was toxic for cattle. Four calves either died or were killed while moribund due to the toxicosis. One calf died of an unrelated disease. Four calves were clinically normal at the end of the experiment. The minimal daily dosis which caused the poisoning was 1g/kg when given during 60 days (6% of the body weight). Similar total amounts (4.5% and 6% of body weight) did not induce the disease when given as smaller daily doses (0.5g/kg) over longer periods (90 and 120 days). Regardless the amounts of plant received, all affected calves developed chronic lesions. The duration of clinical disease varied from 10 to 368 days. Clinical signs, gross, and histopathological changes were similar to those produced by other species of Senecio. Anorexia, loss of weight, diarrhea, dry feces, rough hair coat, abdominal pain, rectal tenesmus and prolapse, ruminal atony, sweetish-sour odor from the skin of neck and withers and general weakness were frequent. Depression, grinding of teeth, incoordination and muscle tremors were interpreted as neurological disturbances. Ascites (2 calves) and jaundice (1 calf) were more rarely observed. Jugular engorgement with positive pulse was observed in 3 animals and systolic heart murmurs in one. Gross lesions included hard livers with capsular surfaces which were either smooth and thickned or finely granular. A fine meshwork of white-tan fibrous tissue crisscrossed the hepatic cut surfaces. In the gall bladder edema.of the wall was a common finding and mucosal polyps appeared in one case. Cavitary edemas and edemas of mesentery and abomasal mucosal folds were observed. Fibrosis, hepatomegalocytosis and ductal hyperplasia were the main hepatic histological lesions. Spongy degeneration of the cerebral white matter was present in all affected calves. It is concluded that S. oxyphyllus is one of the plant species responsible for spontaneous seneciosis of cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As partes aéreas dessecadas de Senecio oxyphyllus, colhidas no estágio de brotação, foram administradas manualmente por via oral a nove bovinos jovens, em doses diárias correspondentes a 0,5g, 1g, 2g e 4g da planta verde por kg de peso do animal. Adminstrações de 0,5g/kg foram feitas por 90 e 120 dias, de 1g/kg por 60 dias, de 2g/kg por 30 e 60 dias e de 4g/kg por 5, 18 e 60 dias. S. oxyphyllus mostrou-se tóxico para bovinos. Quatro animais morreram ou foram sacrificados in extremis em conseqüência da intoxicação. Um terneiro morreu de doença não relacionada aos efeitos da planta. Quatro bovinos mantiveram-se clinicamente normais até o final do experimento. A dose diária mínima que causou a intoxicação foi de 1g/kg quando administrada por 60 dias (6% do peso corporal). Quantidades totais semelhantes (4,5 e 6% do peso corporal) não produziram a intoxicação quando administradas em doses diárias menores (0,5g/kg) por períodos mais longos (90 e 120 dias). Independentemente das quantidades da planta administrada, todos os bovinos desenvolveram lesões crônicas. A duração do quadro clínico variou entre 10 e 368 dias. Os sinais clínicos e as lesões macro e microscópicas foram semelhantes às produzidas por outras espécies de Senecio. Anorexia, perda de peso, diarréia, fezes ressequidas, pêlos arrepiados, cólicas, tenesmo e prolapso retal, atonia ruminal, odor acre-doce exalando da pele do pescoço e cernelha e fraqueza generalizada foram freqüentes. Sinais clínicos interpretados como distúrbios "nervosos, incluíam depressão, ranger de dentes, incoordenação e, nas fases finais, tremores musculares. Ascite (2 bovinos) e icterícia (1 bovino) foram observadas. Repleção e pulso positivo da jugular ocorreram em 3 animais, em um deles com sopro cardíaco sistólico. Na necropsia, os fígados estavam endurecidos, com superfícies capsulares lisas ou finamente granulares e superfícies de corte entrecortadas por fina arborização de fibras conjuntivas branco-marrons. Na vesícula biliar, edema da parede foi um achado comum e, num caso, pólipos foram observados na mucosa. Edemas cavitários, do mesentério e das dobras da mucosa do abomaso foram vistos com freqüência. As principais alterações histológicas do fígado consistiram de fibrose, hepatomegalocitose e hiperplasia ductal. Degeneração esponjosa da substância branca do cérebro foi observada nos quatro animais afetados. Conclui-se que S. oxyphyllus é uma espécie desse gênero, responsável por seneciose espontânea em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul.

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