Resultado da pesquisa (24)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa cordeiros

#21 - Parasitic infection of lambs and larval contamination in pasture submitted to nitrogen fertilization, 31(12):1097-1101

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pellegrini L.G., Pellegrin A.C.R.S., Monteiro A.L.G.,. Molento M.B. & Longhi E. 2011. [Parasitic infection of lambs and larval contamination in pasture submitted to nitrogen fertilization.] Infecção parasitária de cordeiros e contaminação larval em pasto submetido à adubação nitrogenada. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(12):1097-1101. Setor de Bovinocultura de Corte, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Campus Júlio de Castilhos, São João do Barro Preto, Cx. Postal 38, Júlio de Castilhos, RS 98130-000, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this research was to evaluate the parasitic infection of lambs and larval contamination in pasture of ryegrass submitted to nitrogen fertilization. We used 72 weaned lambs that were distributed into 12 experimental units (paddocks) with six lambs (animal testing) in each one. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four treatments (N rates), with three replicates (paddocks). Regarding the number of eggs per gram of feces, there was no statistical difference between the different levels of nitrogen applied to the pasture. In relation to the number of recovered larvae from the pasture, there was a significant effect (P <0.05) through the linear decrease in accordance with the rates of nitrogen. No statistical difference was found when evaluating the distribution of larvae over the strata of the pasture. The interpretation of the stool culture revealed a predominance of the genera Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. independent of the dose of nitrogen applied.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Pellegrini L.G., Pellegrin A.C.R.S., Monteiro A.L.G.,. Molento M.B. & Longhi E. 2011. [Parasitic infection of lambs and larval contamination in pasture submitted to nitrogen fertilization.] Infecção parasitária de cordeiros e contaminação larval em pasto submetido à adubação nitrogenada. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(12):1097-1101. Setor de Bovinocultura de Corte, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Campus Júlio de Castilhos, São João do Barro Preto, Cx. Postal 38, Júlio de Castilhos, RS 98130-000, Brazil. E-mail: Objetivou-se avaliar a infecção parasitária de cordeiros e contaminação larval no pasto de azevém submetido a adubação nitrogenada. Foram utilizados 72 ovinos desmamados sendo estes distribuídos entre as 12 unidades experimentais (piquetes) com seis cordeiros (animais testes) em cada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, composto por quatro tratamentos (doses de N), com três repetições (piquetes). Em relação ao número de ovos de helmintos por grama de fezes não se obteve diferença estatística entre as diferentes doses de N aplicadas no pasto. Já em relação ao número de larvas recuperadas no pasto pode-se observar efeito significativo (P<0,05) através do comportamento linear decrescente de acordo com as doses de adubação nitrogenada. Não houve diferença estatística ao avaliar a distribuição das larvas ao longo dos estratos do pasto. A interpretação da coprocultura revelou maior predominância de Haemonchus spp. e Trichostrongylus spp. independente da dose de nitrogênio aplicada.

#22 - Passive transfer of immunity in meat lambs reared in the tropics on extensive management, 31(3):199-205

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Turquino C.F., Flaiban K.K.M.C & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2011. [Passive transfer of immunity in meat lambs reared in the tropics on extensive management.] Transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros de corte manejados extensivamente sob condição de clima tropical. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(3):199-205. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: Aspects related to passive transfer of immunity (PTI) were studied in 290 newborn lambs, crosses of Texel, kept with their mothers on extensive management intropical weather. Blood samples were taken between 24 and 36 hours of life. Serum gamma glutamyltransferase activity, total protein concentration, measured by refractometry and colorimetry, albumin, alfa, beta and gammaglobulins concentrations, measured by agarose gel electrophoresis, and IgG concentration estimated by the zinc sulphate turbidity test were determined. The lambs were grouped according to sex, ewe number of parturitions and body condition scoring, number of lambs born, birth weight and vitality. The risk factors for failure of passive transfer of immunity (FPT) were identified and the association with lamb mortality was tested. Correlations between variables were established. There was no effect of sex, number of parturitions of ewes and ewe body condition scoring on PTI of lambs. However there were differences between singles and twins and between lambs born with good or lightweight (<3 kg). The FPT was infrequent (12.4%), more likely in twins (p=0.026) and in lightweight lambs (p<0.001), and was strongly associated with lamb deaths up to 60 days of age (p<0.001). The global mortality rate was 11.3%; and 30.5% of the lambs with FPT died, almost all in their first month of life. The total protein concentration, measured by refractometry, was correlated (p<0.001) with gammaglobulins (r=0.816) and IgG (r=0.810); and values £ 5.0g/dL can be accepted for the diagnosis of FPT. Under tropical weather conditions FTP must be considered infrequent in crossbred meat lambs. However the surveillance and care must be intensified with twins and lambs with low birth weight.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Turquino C.F., Flaiban K.K.M.C & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2011. [Passive transfer of immunity in meat lambs reared in the tropics on extensive management.] Transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros de corte manejados extensivamente sob condição de clima tropical. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(3):199-205. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: Aspectos relacionados à transferência de imunidade passiva (TIP) foram estudados em 290 cordeiros recém-nascidos, cruzas Texel, manejados extensivamente em contato permanente com as suas mães, e criados em clima tropical. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas dos cordeiros uma única vez entre 24 e 36 horas de vida para obtenção do soro sanguíneo. Foram determinadas a atividade da gama glutamiltransferase e as concentrações de proteínas totais por refratometria e colorimetria, de albumina, alfa, beta e gamaglobulinas por eletroforese e de IgG estimada pela turvação pelo sulfato de zinco. Os cordeiros foram agrupados de acordo com o sexo, o número de partos das ovelhas, o escore de condição corporal (ECC) da ovelha, o número de cordeiros nascidos, o peso e a vitalidade ao nascimento. Os fatores de risco para a ocorrência de falha na transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP) foram identificados e a sua associação com a mortalidade de cordeiros foi testada. Foram estabelecidas correlações entre as variáveis estudadas. A TIP não foi influenciada pelo sexo, pelo número de partos ou pelo ECC das ovelhas. Houve diferenças entre os cordeiros únicos e gêmeos e entre os que nasceram com peso ³3 kg e < 3 kg. A FTIP foi pouco frequente (12,4%), mais provável em gêmeos (p=0,026) e em cordeiros leves (p<0,001) e esteve fortemente associada com a mortalidade dos cordeiros até os 60 dias de vida (p<0,001). A taxa de mortalidade geral foi de 11,3%; e 30,5% dos cordeiros com FTIP morreram, quase todos no primeiro mês de vida. A concentração de proteína total determinada por refratometria se correlacionou (p<0,001) com as concentrações de gamaglobulinas (r=0,816) e de IgG (r=0,810) e o valor crítico £ 5,0g/dL para a proteína total pode ser admitido como indicador de FTIP. Sob condições de clima tropical a FTIP pode ser considerada pouco frequente em cordeiros mestiços de corte, entretanto, a vigilância e os cuidados devem ser intensificados no caso do nascimento de cordeiros gêmeos com peso reduzido.

#23 - Mortalidade perinatal de cordeiros no semi-árido da Paraíba, p.171-178

Abstract in English:

Nóbrega Jr J.E., Riet-Correa F., Nóbrega R.S., Medeiros J.M., Vasconcelos J.S., Simões S.V.D. & Tabosa I.M. 2005. [Perinatal mortality of lambs in the semi-arid region of Paraíba, Brazil.] Mortalidade perinatal de cordeiros no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):171-178. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, UFCG, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: The causes of perinatal lamb mortality were studied, from March 2002 to October 2004, on 27 farms in the semiarid region of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. In 90 lambs necropsied the following frequency of different causes of death was found: neonatal infections (41.1%), malformations (23.3%), dystocia (10%), starvation/hypothermia (10%), abortion (4.4%), and predation (2.2%). Regarding the time of death, 4.4% of the lambs died before parturition, 10% during parturition, 30% on the first day after parturition, 20% between the second and the third day, and 35.6% between the 4th and the 28th day after parturition. The assistance during parturition, umbilical disinfection of the neonates, colostrum ingestion between 2 and 6 hours after parturition, and keeping the ewes in healthy environmental conditions during and after parturition could improve lamb surviving. The high frequency of malformations in different breeds suggests that malformations are due to a toxic plant. The main defects were permanent flexure of the front legs, brachygnathia, cleft palate, and other head malformations. In a recent report the authors demonstrated the teratogenic effects of Mimosa tenuiflora, a very common plant in the semiarid region, which is probably the cause of those malformations. Lambs which died due to starvation/hypothermia and had low birth weight (1.37 ± 0.70kg), suggesting that a better nutrition of the ewe during the last trimester of gestation is a way to control this cause of lamb mortality. Considering that in the northeastern region, in most farms, the rams stay with the ewes during the whole year, the adoption of a breeding season would help to control the different causes of perinatal lamb mortality.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Nóbrega Jr J.E., Riet-Correa F., Nóbrega R.S., Medeiros J.M., Vasconcelos J.S., Simões S.V.D. & Tabosa I.M. 2005. [Perinatal mortality of lambs in the semi-arid region of Paraíba, Brazil.] Mortalidade perinatal de cordeiros no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):171-178. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, UFCG, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: The causes of perinatal lamb mortality were studied, from March 2002 to October 2004, on 27 farms in the semiarid region of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. In 90 lambs necropsied the following frequency of different causes of death was found: neonatal infections (41.1%), malformations (23.3%), dystocia (10%), starvation/hypothermia (10%), abortion (4.4%), and predation (2.2%). Regarding the time of death, 4.4% of the lambs died before parturition, 10% during parturition, 30% on the first day after parturition, 20% between the second and the third day, and 35.6% between the 4th and the 28th day after parturition. The assistance during parturition, umbilical disinfection of the neonates, colostrum ingestion between 2 and 6 hours after parturition, and keeping the ewes in healthy environmental conditions during and after parturition could improve lamb surviving. The high frequency of malformations in different breeds suggests that malformations are due to a toxic plant. The main defects were permanent flexure of the front legs, brachygnathia, cleft palate, and other head malformations. In a recent report the authors demonstrated the teratogenic effects of Mimosa tenuiflora, a very common plant in the semiarid region, which is probably the cause of those malformations. Lambs which died due to starvation/hypothermia and had low birth weight (1.37 ± 0.70kg), suggesting that a better nutrition of the ewe during the last trimester of gestation is a way to control this cause of lamb mortality. Considering that in the northeastern region, in most farms, the rams stay with the ewes during the whole year, the adoption of a breeding season would help to control the different causes of perinatal lamb mortality.

#24 - Perinatal lamb mortality in three counties in Rio Grande do Sul

Abstract in English:

A study on ovine perinatal mortality was done on one farm near Bagé in 1978 and on 15 farms in the counties of Bagé, Pelotas and Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1979. Six hundred and twelve lambs were necropsied. The most commom cause of death was starvation/exposure which accounted for 58.2% of deaths in 1978 and 56.7% in 1979. Dystocia was the second cause of mortality, 8.6% in 1978 and 22.9% in 1979. Predators were the primary cause of death of 2.4% of necropsied lambs, in 1979. Other causes of death (congenital infections, neonatal infections, congenital malformations) were not considered important in the total number of mortalities. When a comparison was made of birth weights on one farm, it was observed that those lambs that died had weighed significantly less than those that survived (P < 0.01). Lambs which had died from starvation/exposure were significantly lighter than those that died of complications due to dystocia (P < 0.01). Lambing percentages, lamb mortality and survival rate were determined on seven of the farms studied in 1979. Perinatal mortality (21%) was the main cause of the low reproductive performance on only one farm. Although lamb mortality was not great, between· 8 and 13% on the rest of the farms, the low marking percentage, between 66 and 84%, was due to low lambing rates.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O estudo foi realizado em um estabelecimento de Bagé em 1978, e em 15 estabelecimentos de Bagé, Pelotas e Santa Vitória do Palmar, RS, em 1979. Pela necropsia de 612 cordeiros, observou-se que a causa mais freqüente de mortalidade foi o complexo inanição/exposição (58,2% em 1978 e 56,7% em 1979), ficando a distocia em segundo lugar (8,6% em 1978 e 22,9% em 1979). A predação primária foi diagnosticada em 2,4% dos cordeiros necropsiados, não sendo causa importante de mortalidade, já que foi superada tanto pela predação secundária como pela de pós-morte. Infecções congênitas, infecções neonatais e malformações congênitas também não foram causas importantes no total das mortes. Em um estabelecimento os cordeiros foram pesados ao nascimento e verificou-se que os que morreram foram significativamente mais leves que os sobreviventes (P < 0,01). Os cordeiros mortos devido ao complexo inanição/exposição foram significativamente mais leves (P < 0,01) do que os mortos por distocia. Em 7 dos estabelecimentos estudados em 1979, foram determinadas as porcentagens de parição, de mortalidade de cordeiros e de assinalação. Somente em um estabelecimento a mortalidade perinatal (21%) foi a principal causa de baixa eficiência reprodutiva. Nos 6 restantes, apesar de a mortalidade ter sido considerada baixa (entre 8 e 13%), a porcentagem de assinalação variou entre 66 e 84%, devido, aparentemente, às baixas taxas de parição.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV