Abstract in English:
Intracranial tumors occurring in specific brain regions, such as the cerebellopontine angle, may be associated with cranial nerve dysfunction and dysphagia in humans and animals. Although dysphagia is a known risk factor for pneumonia, only postoperative pneumonia has been investigated in veterinary medicine. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathological features of dogs with untreated intracranial meningiomas and concomitant pneumonia. Data from post-mortem examination registries from 2011 to 2021 were used (n=23). The frequency of pneumonia and other characteristics were compared between dogs with meningiomas in the ventral rhombencephalon region (VR group; n=13) and those with meningiomas in other intracranial sites (OIS group; n=10). The frequency of pneumonia was higher in the VR group than in the OIS group (n=5 vs. n=0; P=0.039). Plaque-like lesions were also more common in the VR group than in the OIS group (P=0.012). Dogs with concomitant pneumonia had cerebellopontine angle (n=3) and basilar meningiomas (n=2), mainly plaque-like lesions extending to or from other brain areas. In dogs with concomitant pneumonia, meningiomas had invasive (n=5) and compressive (n=3) growth behaviors and nerve roots involved in the swallowing process were frequently affected. Microscopically, these meningiomas were classified as atypical (n=4) and meningiomas (n=1). The reported clinical signs included anorexia (n=3), adipsia (n=1), and dysphagia (n=1). Our findings suggest untreated dogs with ventral rhombencephalon meningiomas may develop cranial nerve damage and aspiration pneumonia.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Tumores intracranianos que ocorrem em regiões específicas do cérebro, como o ângulo ponto-cerebelar, podem estar associados à disfunção de nervos cranianos e disfagia em humanos e animais. Embora a disfagia seja um conhecido fator de risco para pneumonia, apenas a pneumonia pós-operatória tem sido investigada na medicina veterinária. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as características clínicas e patológicas de cães com meningiomas intracranianos não tratados e pneumonia concomitante. Foram utilizados dados de registros de necropsias de 2011 a 2021. A frequência de pneumonia e outras características foram comparadas entre cães com meningiomas na região do rombencéfalo ventral (grupo VR; n=13) e aqueles com meningiomas em outros sítios intracranianos (grupo OIS; n=10). A frequência de pneumonia foi maior no grupo VR do que no grupo OIS (n=5 vs. n=0; P=0,039). Lesões tipo placa também foram mais comuns no grupo VR do que no grupo OIS (P=0,012). Cães com pneumonia concomitante apresentaram meningiomas no ângulo ponto-cerebelar (n=3) e região basilar (n=2), predominantemente lesões em forma de placa que se estendem de ou para outras áreas do cérebro. Em cães com pneumonia concomitante, os meningiomas apresentaram comportamentos de crescimento invasivo (n=5) e compressivo (n=3) e as raízes nervosas envolvidas no processo de deglutição foram frequentemente afetadas. Microscopicamente, esses meningiomas foram classificados como atípicos (n=4) e papilar (n=1). Os sinais clínicos relatados incluíram anorexia (n=3), adipsia (n=1) e disfagia (n=1). Nossos achados sugerem que cães com meningiomas no rombencéfalo ventral, não tratados, podem desenvolver lesão em nervos cranianos e pneumonia aspirativa.
Abstract in English:
The studies into the vascularity of the telencephalon in Polish Merino sheep of both sexes were made on 60 cerebral hemispheres. It was found that the middle cerebral artery is the most powerful vessel supplying blood to the telencephalon. The artery gets divided into ten permanent branches. Two olfactory arteries supply the area of the telencephalon located on the border between the old and the new cortex. The other eight branches get divided into three branches running to the region of the frontal lobus of the brain, two branches - to the region of the parietal lobus and three temporal branches heading for the temporal region, supplying blood to the new cortex only. The frontal, parietal and temporal branches descended independently from the main trunk of the middle cerebral artery or first formed a common trunk. Common trunks for respective groups of branches have been referred to as: the anterior, superior and posterior middle cerebral arteries. The posterior olfactory artery in 6.7% of the cases was an independent branch from the rostral cerebral artery.
Abstract in Portuguese:
The studies into the vascularity of the telencephalon in Polish Merino sheep of both sexes were made on 60 cerebral hemispheres. It was found that the middle cerebral artery is the most powerful vessel supplying blood to the telencephalon. The artery gets divided into ten permanent branches. Two olfactory arteries supply the area of the telencephalon located on the border between the old and the new cortex. The other eight branches get divided into three branches running to the region of the frontal lobus of the brain, two branches - to the region of the parietal lobus and three temporal branches heading for the temporal region, supplying blood to the new cortex only. The frontal, parietal and temporal branches descended independently from the main trunk of the middle cerebral artery or first formed a common trunk. Common trunks for respective groups of branches have been referred to as: the anterior, superior and posterior middle cerebral arteries. The posterior olfactory artery in 6.7% of the cases was an independent branch from the rostral cerebral artery.
Abstract in English:
Central nervous system (CNS) development researches are extremely important to the most common congenital disorders and organogenesis comprehension. However, few studies show the entire developmental process during the critical period. Present research can provide data to new researches related to normal development and abnormalities and changes that occur along the CNS organogenesis, especially nowadays with the need for preliminary studies in animal models, which could be used for experimental research on the influence of viruses, such as the influence of Zika virus on the development of the neural system and its correlation with microcephaly in human newborns. Then, present study describes CNS organogenesis in cattle according to microscopic and macroscopic aspects, identifying structures and correlating to gestational period. Fourteen embryos and nine bovine fetuses at different ages were collected and analyzed. All individuals were measured in order to detect the gestational period. Bovine embryo at 17 days age has its neural tube, cranial neuropore, caudal neuropore and somites developed. After 24 days of development, were observed in cranial part of neural tube five encephalic vesicles denominated: telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon and myelencephalon. In addition, the caudal part of neural tube was identified with the primitive spinal cord. The primordial CNS differentiation occurred from 90 to 110 days. The five encephalic vesicles, primordial spinal cord and the cavities: third ventricule, mesencephalic aqueduct, fourth ventricle and central canal in spinal cord were observed. With 90 days, the main structures were identified: (1) cerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum and fornix, of the telencephalon; (2) interthalamic adhesion, thalamus, hypothalamus and epythalamus (glandula pinealis), of the diencephalon; (3) cerebral peduncles and quadruplets bodies, of the mesencephalon; (4) pons and cerebellum, of the metencephalon; (5) medulla oblongata or bulb, of the myelencephalon; and (6) spinal cord, of the primitive spinal cord. After 110 days of gestation, the five encephalic vesicles and its structures were completely developed. It was noted the presence of the spinal cord with the cervicothoracic and lumbossacral intumescences. In summary, the results describes the formation of the neural tube from the neural plate of the ectoderm, the encephalic vesicles derived from the neural tube and subsequent structural and cavities subdivisions, thus representing the complete embryology of the central nervous system.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Os estudos que descrevem o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central (SNC) são de suma importância para compreensão da organogênese e identificação dos prováveis eventos que resultam em malformações congênitas. Estes dados podem subsidiar novas pesquisas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento normal, e interpretação de malformações e alterações que ocorrem ao longo da organogênese do SNC, considerando neste momento a necessidade de estudos preliminares em modelos animais, os quais poderiam ser utilizados para pesquisas experimentais sobre a influência de agentes infecciosos como o Zika vírus, no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso e suas relações com a microcefalia em humanos recém-nascidos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever os aspectos morfológicos macro e microscópicos da organogênese do SNC de bovinos, buscando correlacionar os achados morfológicos com a idade gestacional. Todos os animais foram mensurados para detectar o período gestacional. Foram coletados e analisados 14 embriões e nove fetos de bovinos de diferentes idades gestacionais. No embrião bovino a partir do décimo sétimo dia de gestação, encontra-se a formação do tubo neural, o neuroporo cranial e neuroporo caudal, e formação dos somitos. Após 24 dias de desenvolvimento, são observadas na parte cranial do tubo neural cinco vesículas encefálicas denominadas: telencéfalo, diencéfalo, mesencéfalo, metencéfalo e mielencéfalo; e na parte caudal do tubo neural, encontra-se a medula espinhal primitiva. Entre 90 a 110 dias de gestação, observa-se a total diferenciação das cinco vesículas do SNC. Com 90 dias, são identificas as principais estruturas: (1) do telencéfalo, os hemisférios cerebrais, corpo caloso e fórnix; (2) do diencéfalo, a aderência intertalâmica, tálamo, hipotálamo e epitálamo (glândula pineal); (3) do mesencéfalo, os pedúnculos cerebrais e os corpos quadrigêmios; (4) do metencéfalo, a ponte e o cerebelo; (5) do mielencéfalo, a medula oblonga (ou bulbo); e (6) da medula espinhal primitiva, a medula espinhal. Após 110 dias, as cinco vesículas encefálicas e as suas subdivisões se encontram completamente desenvolvidas. Notou-se a presença da medula espinhal com as intumescências cervicotorácica e lombossacral. Em resumo, os resultados demonstram a formação do tubo neural a partir da placa neural do ectoderma, as vesículas encefálicas provenientes do tubo neural e posteriormente as subdivisões das estruturas e das cavidades, que representam a completa embriologia do sistema nervoso central.