Resultado da pesquisa (2232)

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#1701 - Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella, p.377-382

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Costa F.B., Arouche M.M.S., Barros A.C.E., Miglino M.A., Vulcano L.C. & Guerra P.C. 2007. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of the urinary system, liver and uterus of Cebus apella monkey.] Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):377-382. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The Brown Capuchin, Cebus apella, has a wide distribution in the northern and southern Brazilian Amazon region and in the Cerrado (savanna). These monkeys are usually submitted to predatory chase, increasing the need for preservation of this wild animal species. An ultrasonographic examination of 10 Brown Capuchins was made in order to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of their abdominal cavity. The urinary bladder revealed its wall thickness with an average of 0.2cm, the topographic situation of which allowed close relation with the wall of uterus and descendent colon. Using caudal abdominal scan, images of aorta, caudal vena cava and right iliac vein were obtained. Liver was accessible for examination by sagittal and cross-section ultrasound, allowing visualization of gallbladder and hepatic vessels. Renal scan allowed accuracy to evidence the echogenicity differences between pelvis, renal sinus, as well as the cortical-medullary relationship. The mean length of the kidneys was 6.24±0.31cm, and no significant differences were observed between left and right kidney length (Student’s t-test and ANOVA). The renal volume obtained was 2.37±0.18cm3. Correlation Coefficients of Pearson between right and left renal length and between right and left renal volume were r = 0.74 and 0.51. Mean thickness for cortical and medullar regions was 0.75±0.11 and 0.39±0.06cm, respectively. Correlation Coefficient of corticomedullar relation between right and left renal was r = 0.19. Examination by ultrasound was considered an efficient, non-invasive, fast and repeatable technique which provides useful data for clinicians and surgeons engaged in wild animal medicine.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Alves F.R., Costa F.B., Arouche M.M.S., Barros A.C.E., Miglino M.A., Vulcano L.C. & Guerra P.C. 2007. [Ultrasonographic evaluation of the urinary system, liver and uterus of Cebus apella monkey.] Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, fígado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):377-382. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The Brown Capuchin, Cebus apella, has a wide distribution in the northern and southern Brazilian Amazon region and in the Cerrado (savanna). These monkeys are usually submitted to predatory chase, increasing the need for preservation of this wild animal species. An ultrasonographic examination of 10 Brown Capuchins was made in order to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of their abdominal cavity. The urinary bladder revealed its wall thickness with an average of 0.2cm, the topographic situation of which allowed close relation with the wall of uterus and descendent colon. Using caudal abdominal scan, images of aorta, caudal vena cava and right iliac vein were obtained. Liver was accessible for examination by sagittal and cross-section ultrasound, allowing visualization of gallbladder and hepatic vessels. Renal scan allowed accuracy to evidence the echogenicity differences between pelvis, renal sinus, as well as the cortical-medullary relationship. The mean length of the kidneys was 6.24±0.31cm, and no significant differences were observed between left and right kidney length (Student’s t-test and ANOVA). The renal volume obtained was 2.37±0.18cm3. Correlation Coefficients of Pearson between right and left renal length and between right and left renal volume were r = 0.74 and 0.51. Mean thickness for cortical and medullar regions was 0.75±0.11 and 0.39±0.06cm, respectively. Correlation Coefficient of corticomedullar relation between right and left renal was r = 0.19. Examination by ultrasound was considered an efficient, non-invasive, fast and repeatable technique which provides useful data for clinicians and surgeons engaged in wild animal medicine.

#1702 - Avaliação histomorfométrica e ultra-estrutural da mucosa do cólon menor eqüino submetido à distensão, p.383-387

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Faleiros R.R., Macoris D.G., Alves G.E.S., Saquetti C.H.C. & Alessi A.C. 2007. [Histomorphometric and ultrastructural evaluation of the mucosa of the equine small colon subjected to distention.] Avaliação histomorfométrica e ultra-estrutural da mucosa do cólon menor eqüino submetido à distensão. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):383-387. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Jaboticabal, Rodovia Carlos Tonanni Km 5, Jaboticabal, SP 14870-000, Brazil. E-mail: Recently it has been shown that experimental distention of the small colon of horses promotes reduction of microvascular circulation and inflammation of the seromuscular layer associated with neutrophil accumulation in the lungs. However this model was not sufficient to induce evident histophatological changes in the mucosal layer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mucosa subjected to that model of small colon distention by histomorphometry and scan electronic microscopy (SEM). Sixteen horses were used. In the distended group (DG), nine of them were subjected to distention of the small colon by a surgically implanted intraluminal balloon that was inflated with a pressure of 40mm Hg during 4 hours. In the sham-operated group (SG), the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Full-thickness intestinal samples were collected before and after obstruction and after 1.5 and 12 hours of decom-pression. By SEM, it was observed that the mucosa turned flat and smooth after distention and returned to the wrinkled original appearance after decompression. Twelve hours after decompression the mucosa had a more irregular appearance with points of fragmentation. There was a reduction in mucosa thickness after distention, returning to basal values after decompression. Instead of the fact that there were changes in appearance and thickness, it was concluded that the mucosa could borne up the compression caused by distention returning to the original characteristics without major lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Faleiros R.R., Macoris D.G., Alves G.E.S., Saquetti C.H.C. & Alessi A.C. 2007. [Histomorphometric and ultrastructural evaluation of the mucosa of the equine small colon subjected to distention.] Avaliação histomorfométrica e ultra-estrutural da mucosa do cólon menor eqüino submetido à distensão. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):383-387. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Jaboticabal, Rodovia Carlos Tonanni Km 5, Jaboticabal, SP 14870-000, Brazil. E-mail: Recently it has been shown that experimental distention of the small colon of horses promotes reduction of microvascular circulation and inflammation of the seromuscular layer associated with neutrophil accumulation in the lungs. However this model was not sufficient to induce evident histophatological changes in the mucosal layer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mucosa subjected to that model of small colon distention by histomorphometry and scan electronic microscopy (SEM). Sixteen horses were used. In the distended group (DG), nine of them were subjected to distention of the small colon by a surgically implanted intraluminal balloon that was inflated with a pressure of 40mm Hg during 4 hours. In the sham-operated group (SG), the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Full-thickness intestinal samples were collected before and after obstruction and after 1.5 and 12 hours of decom-pression. By SEM, it was observed that the mucosa turned flat and smooth after distention and returned to the wrinkled original appearance after decompression. Twelve hours after decompression the mucosa had a more irregular appearance with points of fragmentation. There was a reduction in mucosa thickness after distention, returning to basal values after decompression. Instead of the fact that there were changes in appearance and thickness, it was concluded that the mucosa could borne up the compression caused by distention returning to the original characteristics without major lesions.

#1703 - Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina, p.319-324

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Julião F.S., Souza B.M.P.S., Freitas D.S.,Oliveira L.S., Larangeira D.F., Dias-Lima A.G.,Souza V.M.M., Barrouin-Melo S.M., Moreira Jr E.D., Paule B.J.A. & Franke C.R. 2007. [Investigation of risk areas as complemental methodology for the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis.] Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):319-324. Laboratório de Infectologia Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: Risk areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, were investigated. A total of 278 dogs from 141 homes pertaining to 20 investigated risk areas was serologically screened (ELISA). The general seroprevalence was 21.7% (56/258) after exclusion of 20 dogs used at the beginning of the survey to limit the study area. The respective results of the univariated and multivariated analysis of factors related to infection of dogs by Leishmania chagasi, to vector distribu-tion pattern in the area and to the methodology used to localize the canine focuses are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Julião F.S., Souza B.M.P.S., Freitas D.S.,Oliveira L.S., Larangeira D.F., Dias-Lima A.G.,Souza V.M.M., Barrouin-Melo S.M., Moreira Jr E.D., Paule B.J.A. & Franke C.R. 2007. [Investigation of risk areas as complemental methodology for the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis.] Investigação de áreas de risco como metodologia complementar ao controle da leishmaniose visceral canina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):319-324. Laboratório de Infectologia Veterinária, Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brazil. E-mail: Risk areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, were investigated. A total of 278 dogs from 141 homes pertaining to 20 investigated risk areas was serologically screened (ELISA). The general seroprevalence was 21.7% (56/258) after exclusion of 20 dogs used at the beginning of the survey to limit the study area. The respective results of the univariated and multivariated analysis of factors related to infection of dogs by Leishmania chagasi, to vector distribu-tion pattern in the area and to the methodology used to localize the canine focuses are discussed.

#1704 - Denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal no tratamento da displasia coxofemoral em cães: 360 dias de evolução de 97 casos, p.333-340

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Oliveira L.M., D’Avila R.S., Yamamoto E.Y. & Saut J.P.E. 2007. [Cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation technique in treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs: 360 days evaluation of 97 cases.] Denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal no tratamento da displasia coxofemoral em cães: 360 dias de evolução de 97 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):333-340. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to evaluate the clinical results of cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation using curettage in dysplastic dogs. Ninty seven dogs without distinction of breed and sex, 1 to 7 years of age, were analyzed for diagnosis and treatment of hip dysplasia, based on physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic findings. For evaluation of results of the surgical denervation technique, clinical examinations were performed preoperatively (initial exam) and postoperatively at days 2, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 180 and 360. All animals were evaluated for lameness, pain to movement and touch, muscular atrophy degree, pain sensivity to Ortolani’s test and assessment of life quality. The surgical denervation procedure decreases lameness, pain to movement and touch after 2 days of procedure, decreases muscular atrophy after 60 days of procedure, and improves quality of life from the owner’s and veterinarian’s point of view even after 1 year of the treatment. Dorsal acetabular denervation is a feasible surgical technique in treatment of pain secondary to hip dysplasia in dogs, with significant decrease of pain after 2 days of treatment, improvement of quality of life, decrease of lameness, and consequently joyful animals and owners extremely satisfied with the results obtained by the proposed treatment. The surgical technique must include the curettage of nerve fibers from the cranial-dorsal and dorsal region of the acetabular periosteum.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Oliveira L.M., D’Avila R.S., Yamamoto E.Y. & Saut J.P.E. 2007. [Cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation technique in treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs: 360 days evaluation of 97 cases.] Denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal no tratamento da displasia coxofemoral em cães: 360 dias de evolução de 97 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):333-340. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to evaluate the clinical results of cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation using curettage in dysplastic dogs. Ninty seven dogs without distinction of breed and sex, 1 to 7 years of age, were analyzed for diagnosis and treatment of hip dysplasia, based on physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic findings. For evaluation of results of the surgical denervation technique, clinical examinations were performed preoperatively (initial exam) and postoperatively at days 2, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 180 and 360. All animals were evaluated for lameness, pain to movement and touch, muscular atrophy degree, pain sensivity to Ortolani’s test and assessment of life quality. The surgical denervation procedure decreases lameness, pain to movement and touch after 2 days of procedure, decreases muscular atrophy after 60 days of procedure, and improves quality of life from the owner’s and veterinarian’s point of view even after 1 year of the treatment. Dorsal acetabular denervation is a feasible surgical technique in treatment of pain secondary to hip dysplasia in dogs, with significant decrease of pain after 2 days of treatment, improvement of quality of life, decrease of lameness, and consequently joyful animals and owners extremely satisfied with the results obtained by the proposed treatment. The surgical technique must include the curettage of nerve fibers from the cranial-dorsal and dorsal region of the acetabular periosteum.

#1705 - Avaliação hemogasométrica em cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda, p.345-351

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Binoki D.H., Jatene F.B., Fantoni D.T., Stopiglia A.J., Santos A.L.S., Freitas R.R., Simões E.A., Irino E.T., Monteiro R. & Lofiego R. 2007. [Hemogasometric evaluation in dogs submitted to left pneumonectomy.] Avaliação hemogasométrica em cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):345-351. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: It is well known that different diseases of infectious, traumatic or neoplasic origin can occur in the lungs of dogs, and pneumonectomy technique may be an option for the treatment of some of these diseases. The objective was to evaluate hemogasometric parameters, oxygen partial pressure (PaO2), carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2), hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and bicarbonate ion concentration on the pre- and post-operative moments of the left pneumonectomy. Eighteen adult mongrel dogs, males and females, were randomly distributed into two groups with 9 dogs each. In Group A, the left bronchial stump of the dogs was sutured manually with polypropylene 5-0, and, in Group B, the left bronchial stump of the dogs was sutured mechanically with a surgical stapler. The data were collected at 6 moments: Before the pre-anesthetic administration (T0), one hour after the extubation (T1EXT), 48 hours after the surgery (T48h), 7 days after the surgery (T7d), 15 days after the surgery (T15d), and 36 days after the surgery (T36d). The results were statistically analyzed. PaO2 values of Group A on T1EXT (67.00±11.31) were significantly lower in relation to T0 (99.4±18.34), a fact that did not happen in Group B: T1EXT (87.00±8.35) in regard to T0 (87.00±7.55). There was no difference on pH values in dogs of Group A, but in Group B was observed a decrease on T1EXT (7.3644±0.0353) in relation to T0 (7.4189±0.0136), although the animals did not develop acidosis. It was concluded that dogs submitted to left pneumonectomy (sutured manually or sutured mechanically of left bronchial) did not show immediate and mediate acid-basic instability during the study.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Binoki D.H., Jatene F.B., Fantoni D.T., Stopiglia A.J., Santos A.L.S., Freitas R.R., Simões E.A., Irino E.T., Monteiro R. & Lofiego R. 2007. [Hemogasometric evaluation in dogs submitted to left pneumonectomy.] Avaliação hemogasométrica em cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):345-351. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: It is well known that different diseases of infectious, traumatic or neoplasic origin can occur in the lungs of dogs, and pneumonectomy technique may be an option for the treatment of some of these diseases. The objective was to evaluate hemogasometric parameters, oxygen partial pressure (PaO2), carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2), hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and bicarbonate ion concentration on the pre- and post-operative moments of the left pneumonectomy. Eighteen adult mongrel dogs, males and females, were randomly distributed into two groups with 9 dogs each. In Group A, the left bronchial stump of the dogs was sutured manually with polypropylene 5-0, and, in Group B, the left bronchial stump of the dogs was sutured mechanically with a surgical stapler. The data were collected at 6 moments: Before the pre-anesthetic administration (T0), one hour after the extubation (T1EXT), 48 hours after the surgery (T48h), 7 days after the surgery (T7d), 15 days after the surgery (T15d), and 36 days after the surgery (T36d). The results were statistically analyzed. PaO2 values of Group A on T1EXT (67.00±11.31) were significantly lower in relation to T0 (99.4±18.34), a fact that did not happen in Group B: T1EXT (87.00±8.35) in regard to T0 (87.00±7.55). There was no difference on pH values in dogs of Group A, but in Group B was observed a decrease on T1EXT (7.3644±0.0353) in relation to T0 (7.4189±0.0136), although the animals did not develop acidosis. It was concluded that dogs submitted to left pneumonectomy (sutured manually or sutured mechanically of left bronchial) did not show immediate and mediate acid-basic instability during the study.

#1706 - Intoxicação experimental por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em eqüinos, p.287-296

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pilati C. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Experimental poisoning by Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):287-296. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Fourteen 4 to 22-year-old mixed breed horses weighing 230-475 kg were experimentally fed the dried aerial parts of Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) collected in its sprouting stage. A 15-year-old horse served as non-plant-fed control. Small amounts of the dried plant material were admixed in the ration given to the horses; larger amounts were grounded, admixed with water and force fed through nasogastric intubation. Liver biopsies were periodically performed in 11 horses. Nine horses died with signs or lesions of the poisoning after having received amounts of the plant corresponding to 0.87%, 1.5% (single administrations), 1.74% (two weekly administrations), 3.0% (three daily administrations), 7.42% (17 weekly administrations), 8.9% (284 daily administrations), 9.66% (82 daily administrations) and 9.30% (43 weekly administrations) of their body weight. Two horses which received amounts of the plant corresponding to 15.0% (30 and 60 daily administrations) of their body weight died during the experiments due to unrelated causes. Three horses which received amounts of the plant corresponding to 0.5% and 1.0% (single administrations), and 15.0% (240 daily administrations) of their body weight, and the control horse survived without any clinical signs. The disease induced by the plant had a clinical course of 1-30 days and was characterized by anorexia, jaundice and neurological signs of hepatic encephalopathy. Weight loss was observed in the more protracted cases. Necropsy findings included marked enhancement of the lobular pattern of the livers or those were firm and dark-red. Hemorrhages were frequent and more conspicuous on the subcutis, serosal surfaces and in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Edema occurred in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and in body cavities. Histologically, the livers of horses that ingested relatively larger amounts of the plant for short periods of time had zonal coagulative necrosis and centrilobular to massive hemorrhages. Moderate to marked hepatomegalocytosis and mild to moderate fibrosis were seen in 4 horses which ingested small amounts of the plant for longer periods. Cholestasis and hemosiderosis were observed in the liver of 8 horses, neutrophilic aggregates in 6 and acidophilic intranuclear pseudo-inclusion bodies in hepatocytes of 3 horses. Changes suggestive of hepatic encephalopathy were observed in the brain of 6 horses. The earliest detected change in the liver biopsies was vacuolization of hepatocyte nuclei followed by apoptotic loss of hepatocytes, hepatomegalocytosis, infiltration of neutrophils and centrolobular necrosis. Occasionally hepatocellular acidophilic intranuclear pseudo-inclusion bodies and, in more protracted cases, slight fibrosis were seen. No changes were observed in the liver biopsies of the 3 plant-fed horses that survived, nor on the 2 horses that died of unrelated causes. The control horse had no clinical signs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pilati C. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Experimental poisoning by Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):287-296. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Fourteen 4 to 22-year-old mixed breed horses weighing 230-475 kg were experimentally fed the dried aerial parts of Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) collected in its sprouting stage. A 15-year-old horse served as non-plant-fed control. Small amounts of the dried plant material were admixed in the ration given to the horses; larger amounts were grounded, admixed with water and force fed through nasogastric intubation. Liver biopsies were periodically performed in 11 horses. Nine horses died with signs or lesions of the poisoning after having received amounts of the plant corresponding to 0.87%, 1.5% (single administrations), 1.74% (two weekly administrations), 3.0% (three daily administrations), 7.42% (17 weekly administrations), 8.9% (284 daily administrations), 9.66% (82 daily administrations) and 9.30% (43 weekly administrations) of their body weight. Two horses which received amounts of the plant corresponding to 15.0% (30 and 60 daily administrations) of their body weight died during the experiments due to unrelated causes. Three horses which received amounts of the plant corresponding to 0.5% and 1.0% (single administrations), and 15.0% (240 daily administrations) of their body weight, and the control horse survived without any clinical signs. The disease induced by the plant had a clinical course of 1-30 days and was characterized by anorexia, jaundice and neurological signs of hepatic encephalopathy. Weight loss was observed in the more protracted cases. Necropsy findings included marked enhancement of the lobular pattern of the livers or those were firm and dark-red. Hemorrhages were frequent and more conspicuous on the subcutis, serosal surfaces and in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Edema occurred in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and in body cavities. Histologically, the livers of horses that ingested relatively larger amounts of the plant for short periods of time had zonal coagulative necrosis and centrilobular to massive hemorrhages. Moderate to marked hepatomegalocytosis and mild to moderate fibrosis were seen in 4 horses which ingested small amounts of the plant for longer periods. Cholestasis and hemosiderosis were observed in the liver of 8 horses, neutrophilic aggregates in 6 and acidophilic intranuclear pseudo-inclusion bodies in hepatocytes of 3 horses. Changes suggestive of hepatic encephalopathy were observed in the brain of 6 horses. The earliest detected change in the liver biopsies was vacuolization of hepatocyte nuclei followed by apoptotic loss of hepatocytes, hepatomegalocytosis, infiltration of neutrophils and centrolobular necrosis. Occasionally hepatocellular acidophilic intranuclear pseudo-inclusion bodies and, in more protracted cases, slight fibrosis were seen. No changes were observed in the liver biopsies of the 3 plant-fed horses that survived, nor on the 2 horses that died of unrelated causes. The control horse had no clinical signs.

#1707 - ELISA com MSP5 recombinante truncada para detecção de anticorpos contra Anaplasma marginale em bovinos, p.301-306

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Melo E.S.P., Araújo F.R., Ramos C.A.N., Soares C.O., Rosinha G.M.S., Elisei C. & Madruga C.R. 2007. [ELISA based on recombinant truncated MSP5 for detection of antibodies against Anaplasma marginale in cattle.] ELISA com MSP5 recombinante truncada para detecção de anticorpos contra Anaplasma marginale em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):301-306. Embrapa Gado de Corte, Cx. Postal 154, Campo Grande, MS 79002-970, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was the production and solubilization of recombinant truncated MSP5 of Anaplasma marginale and the evaluation of its performance in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), to detect antibodies against the rickettsia in cattle. The fragment of msp5 gene, except the hydrophobic N-terminal region, was amplified by PCR, cloned in pTrcHis-TOPO plasmid and expressed in Escherichia coli. Solubilization of the recombinant protein was evaluated in different pHs and concentrations of urea. The sensibility and specificity of the assay were evaluated with 66 sera from cattle experimentally-infected and 96 sera from cattle free of A. marginale defined by polymerase chain reaction for msp5 gene. Serum samples from 1,666 cattle from Brazil - states of Rio Grande do Sul (73), Mato Grosso do Sul (91), Pernambuco (86), Bahia (314) and Minas Gerais (267), Uruguay (32) and Costa Rica (803), were tested by ELISAs with recombinant truncated MSP5 and with recombinant MSP1a, and the agreement between both ELISAs was calculated. ELISA with recombinant truncated MSP5 protein detected infected animals with sensibility of 96.97% and specificity of 100%. In cattle experimentally-infected, the ELISA detected antibodies from the 12th day post-infection (DPI) to the end of the experiment, at the 37th DPI. The agreement between the ELISAs with truncated MSP5 and MSP1a antigens was 95.67%, with a kappa index of 0.81. Disagreement results showed significative difference (p <0.001). Antibodies for A. marginale were detected in animals of the all the region analyzed. The ELISA with recombinant truncated MSP5 showed a good performance in ELISA for detention of antibodies against A. marginale, with high sensitivity and specificity, representing an important tool for the diagnosis of anaplasmose bovine in epidemiological studies.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Melo E.S.P., Araújo F.R., Ramos C.A.N., Soares C.O., Rosinha G.M.S., Elisei C. & Madruga C.R. 2007. [ELISA based on recombinant truncated MSP5 for detection of antibodies against Anaplasma marginale in cattle.] ELISA com MSP5 recombinante truncada para detecção de anticorpos contra Anaplasma marginale em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):301-306. Embrapa Gado de Corte, Cx. Postal 154, Campo Grande, MS 79002-970, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was the production and solubilization of recombinant truncated MSP5 of Anaplasma marginale and the evaluation of its performance in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), to detect antibodies against the rickettsia in cattle. The fragment of msp5 gene, except the hydrophobic N-terminal region, was amplified by PCR, cloned in pTrcHis-TOPO plasmid and expressed in Escherichia coli. Solubilization of the recombinant protein was evaluated in different pHs and concentrations of urea. The sensibility and specificity of the assay were evaluated with 66 sera from cattle experimentally-infected and 96 sera from cattle free of A. marginale defined by polymerase chain reaction for msp5 gene. Serum samples from 1,666 cattle from Brazil - states of Rio Grande do Sul (73), Mato Grosso do Sul (91), Pernambuco (86), Bahia (314) and Minas Gerais (267), Uruguay (32) and Costa Rica (803), were tested by ELISAs with recombinant truncated MSP5 and with recombinant MSP1a, and the agreement between both ELISAs was calculated. ELISA with recombinant truncated MSP5 protein detected infected animals with sensibility of 96.97% and specificity of 100%. In cattle experimentally-infected, the ELISA detected antibodies from the 12th day post-infection (DPI) to the end of the experiment, at the 37th DPI. The agreement between the ELISAs with truncated MSP5 and MSP1a antigens was 95.67%, with a kappa index of 0.81. Disagreement results showed significative difference (p <0.001). Antibodies for A. marginale were detected in animals of the all the region analyzed. The ELISA with recombinant truncated MSP5 showed a good performance in ELISA for detention of antibodies against A. marginale, with high sensitivity and specificity, representing an important tool for the diagnosis of anaplasmose bovine in epidemiological studies.

#1708 - Caracterização das áreas hemófagas da placenta bovina, 229-235

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Cazerta S.M.M., Miglino M.A., Marques R.S., Vulcano M. & Pereira F.T.V. 2007. [Characterization of hemophagous areas of the bovine placenta.] Caracterização das áreas hemófagas da placenta bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(6):229-235. Faculdade de Zootecnia, Campus Dracena, Unesp, Rod. Com. João Ribeiro de Barros, SP294 Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: The specific region of maternal fetal interface needs to be clarified and corresponds to the “arcade zone” of sheep and goat placentomes. In small ruminants that area is also characterized by macroscopic blood extravasation (hemophagous areas). This occurs possibly because the iron is transferred to the embryo by trophoblastic erytrophagocytosis in these hemophagous placental areas. In order to investigate the hemophagous placental areas in cattle, placentomes of 34 pregnant Bos indicus cows (2-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9 months of gestation) were analyzed. They were fixed by perfusion with 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and 4% paraformoldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, 0.1M, processed and stained for light microscopy and histochemistry. The methodology used allowed to observe placental haematomes between the uterine and trophoblastic epithelium since 3 months of pregnancy. Erythrocytes had been found in the trophoblastic cells, elucidating the erytrophagocytosis. Through Perl’s histochemical reaction it was possible to prove the existence of ferric iron in the trophoblastic cells. The PAS reaction was positive staining mucoid substance in the epithelial cells, especially in the binucleate cells of the fetal epithelium. Based on histology and histochemistry, it can be inferred that the hemophagous areas are important sites for iron transfer in the bovine placenta.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Cazerta S.M.M., Miglino M.A., Marques R.S., Vulcano M. & Pereira F.T.V. 2007. [Characterization of hemophagous areas of the bovine placenta.] Caracterização das áreas hemófagas da placenta bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(6):229-235. Faculdade de Zootecnia, Campus Dracena, Unesp, Rod. Com. João Ribeiro de Barros, SP294 Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: The specific region of maternal fetal interface needs to be clarified and corresponds to the “arcade zone” of sheep and goat placentomes. In small ruminants that area is also characterized by macroscopic blood extravasation (hemophagous areas). This occurs possibly because the iron is transferred to the embryo by trophoblastic erytrophagocytosis in these hemophagous placental areas. In order to investigate the hemophagous placental areas in cattle, placentomes of 34 pregnant Bos indicus cows (2-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9 months of gestation) were analyzed. They were fixed by perfusion with 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and 4% paraformoldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, 0.1M, processed and stained for light microscopy and histochemistry. The methodology used allowed to observe placental haematomes between the uterine and trophoblastic epithelium since 3 months of pregnancy. Erythrocytes had been found in the trophoblastic cells, elucidating the erytrophagocytosis. Through Perl’s histochemical reaction it was possible to prove the existence of ferric iron in the trophoblastic cells. The PAS reaction was positive staining mucoid substance in the epithelial cells, especially in the binucleate cells of the fetal epithelium. Based on histology and histochemistry, it can be inferred that the hemophagous areas are important sites for iron transfer in the bovine placenta.

#1709 - Vascularização arterial dos lobos cervicais do timo em fetos de suínos da linhagem C40, p.246-250

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva F.O.C., Rafael E.L.S., Severino R.S., Drummond S.S. & Bombonato P.P. 2007. [Arteries of the cervical wolves of the thymus in stillborns hogs of the lineage C40.] Vascularização arterial dos lobos cervicais do timo em fetos de suínos da linhagem C40. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(6):246-250. Departamento de Anatomia Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: The thymus is a lymphoid structure of great importance for young animals, excellently acting on the after-birth development and maintenance of their immunologic ability. It has been shown well-developed from the final phase of the prenatal period through the beginning of puberty, and is the largest lymphoid structure with high lymphopoietic function during that period. The objective was to study the arterial vascularization of the cervical part of the thymus of C40 pigs, to supply morphologic information for this structure in animals that are of economical importance in Brazil, and to furnish subsidies for comparative anatomy. Thirty pig embryos, males and females, were used originating from cases of abortion and natural death. Both sides of the cervical lobes of the thymus were found divided during the fetal phase into cranial and caudal portions, joined by an isthmus and situated along the medial face of the mandibulary glands up to the cranial edge of the first pair of ribs. Characteristic for each side of the thymus vascularization is that the cervical lobes of the left side were found irrigated by Arteria subclavia, A. carotida communis, A. thyreoidea caudalis, A. thyreoidea cranialis, A. thyreoidea cervicalis superficialis, A. laryngea caudalis, and A. laryngea cranialis. The cervical thymus lobes of the right side were irrigated by A. carotida communis, A. thyreoidea caudalis, A. thyreoidea cranialis, A. thyreoidea cervicalis superficialis, A. laryngea caudalis, and A. laryngea cranialis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva F.O.C., Rafael E.L.S., Severino R.S., Drummond S.S. & Bombonato P.P. 2007. [Arteries of the cervical wolves of the thymus in stillborns hogs of the lineage C40.] Vascularização arterial dos lobos cervicais do timo em fetos de suínos da linhagem C40. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(6):246-250. Departamento de Anatomia Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: The thymus is a lymphoid structure of great importance for young animals, excellently acting on the after-birth development and maintenance of their immunologic ability. It has been shown well-developed from the final phase of the prenatal period through the beginning of puberty, and is the largest lymphoid structure with high lymphopoietic function during that period. The objective was to study the arterial vascularization of the cervical part of the thymus of C40 pigs, to supply morphologic information for this structure in animals that are of economical importance in Brazil, and to furnish subsidies for comparative anatomy. Thirty pig embryos, males and females, were used originating from cases of abortion and natural death. Both sides of the cervical lobes of the thymus were found divided during the fetal phase into cranial and caudal portions, joined by an isthmus and situated along the medial face of the mandibulary glands up to the cranial edge of the first pair of ribs. Characteristic for each side of the thymus vascularization is that the cervical lobes of the left side were found irrigated by Arteria subclavia, A. carotida communis, A. thyreoidea caudalis, A. thyreoidea cranialis, A. thyreoidea cervicalis superficialis, A. laryngea caudalis, and A. laryngea cranialis. The cervical thymus lobes of the right side were irrigated by A. carotida communis, A. thyreoidea caudalis, A. thyreoidea cranialis, A. thyreoidea cervicalis superficialis, A. laryngea caudalis, and A. laryngea cranialis.

#1710 - Comparação entre sessão única e a utilização do “curativo de demora” no tratamento endodôntico em cães: aspectos histopatológicos e microbiológicos, 191-193

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F. L.M. & Gioso M.A. 2007. [Comparison of the application of temporary endodontic dressing in teeth of dogs: histopathological and microbiological aspects.] Comparação entre sessão única e a utilização do “curativo de demora” no tratamento endodôntico em cães: aspectos histopatológicos e microbiológicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(5):191-193. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: During a root canal therapy the microbiota is the major concern. Bacteria present in dentinal tubules, apical foramens and apical delta is related to failure of this procedure. Some studies reveal that during endodontic treatment in one session bacteria still remain in dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the endodontic treatment in one or two sessions, using calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CMCP) with temporary endodontic medicaments. Four dogs were used, and two animals were submitted the treatment in one session only and the others in two sessions. Premolar teeth were used in this study: second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into two groups. Opening of the pulp chamber was performed with burns, and the pulp was exposed for 60 days. After this period the group treated in only session was obtured with gutta-percha and zinc oxide and eugenol, and the group treated in two sessions received the CMCP that remained in the canal per 30 days and was afterwards obtured with the material of the other group. Clinical and radiographical control was performed twice a week, and after 60 days a small block containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in both groups. Microbiological analysis showed a more severe microbial reduction in the group treated in one session. However, bacteria were still observed in the two groups, indicating that none of the treatments presented total efficiency.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F. L.M. & Gioso M.A. 2007. [Comparison of the application of temporary endodontic dressing in teeth of dogs: histopathological and microbiological aspects.] Comparação entre sessão única e a utilização do “curativo de demora” no tratamento endodôntico em cães: aspectos histopatológicos e microbiológicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(5):191-193. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: During a root canal therapy the microbiota is the major concern. Bacteria present in dentinal tubules, apical foramens and apical delta is related to failure of this procedure. Some studies reveal that during endodontic treatment in one session bacteria still remain in dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the endodontic treatment in one or two sessions, using calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CMCP) with temporary endodontic medicaments. Four dogs were used, and two animals were submitted the treatment in one session only and the others in two sessions. Premolar teeth were used in this study: second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into two groups. Opening of the pulp chamber was performed with burns, and the pulp was exposed for 60 days. After this period the group treated in only session was obtured with gutta-percha and zinc oxide and eugenol, and the group treated in two sessions received the CMCP that remained in the canal per 30 days and was afterwards obtured with the material of the other group. Clinical and radiographical control was performed twice a week, and after 60 days a small block containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in both groups. Microbiological analysis showed a more severe microbial reduction in the group treated in one session. However, bacteria were still observed in the two groups, indicating that none of the treatments presented total efficiency.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV