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#1681 - Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas, p.140-148

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Henzel A., Diel D.G., Arenhart S., Vogel F.S.F., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected.] Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras experimentalmente infectadas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):140-148. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (108.1TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 107.3TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials.

#1682 - Fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo herpesvírus bovino 1 em rebanhos bovinos da região Oeste do Estado do Paraná, p.161-168

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Dias J.A., Alfieri, A.A., Medici, K.C., Freitas, J.C., Ferreira-Neto J.S. & Müller E.E. 2008. [Risk factors for bovine herpesvirus 1 infection in cattle herds in the West region of Parana State.] Fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo herpesvírus bovino 1 em rebanhos bovinos da região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):161-168. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid 380, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of positive herds and to identify the risk factors for BoHV-1 infection in breeding cattle herds in the Western region of Parana State. The statistic delineation, the serum samples and information regarding the selected farms, were the same employed in the study of bovine brucellosis for Parana State in the context of National Program for Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. The sampling was performed in two stages. Blood samples were collected from 1930 females aged ³24 months from 295 non vaccinated herds. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against BoHV-1 using an indirect ELISA. The epidemiological questionnaire was applied on all the selected farms and aimed to obtain epidemiological data. Hundred ninety of the 295 herds were positive for BoHV-1, presenting prevalence of positive herds of 64.41% [58.65-69.87%]. The number (³23) of females aged 24 months (OR=2.22; IC: 1.09-4.51), purchased cattle (OR=2.68; IC: 1.48-4.82), use of common grass (OR=5.93; IC: 1.31-26.82), history of abortion in the last 12 months (OR=2.37; IC: 1.09-5.16) and presence of wildlife animals (OR=8.86; IC: 1.11-70.73) were identified as risk factors for BoHV-1 infection in the multivariate logistic regression. These results indicate that BoHV-1 infection is widespread in the studied region and that factors related to the herd characteristic and management are associated with the infection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Dias J.A., Alfieri, A.A., Medici, K.C., Freitas, J.C., Ferreira-Neto J.S. & Müller E.E. 2008. [Risk factors for bovine herpesvirus 1 infection in cattle herds in the West region of Parana State.] Fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo herpesvírus bovino 1 em rebanhos bovinos da região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):161-168. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid 380, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of positive herds and to identify the risk factors for BoHV-1 infection in breeding cattle herds in the Western region of Parana State. The statistic delineation, the serum samples and information regarding the selected farms, were the same employed in the study of bovine brucellosis for Parana State in the context of National Program for Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. The sampling was performed in two stages. Blood samples were collected from 1930 females aged ³24 months from 295 non vaccinated herds. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against BoHV-1 using an indirect ELISA. The epidemiological questionnaire was applied on all the selected farms and aimed to obtain epidemiological data. Hundred ninety of the 295 herds were positive for BoHV-1, presenting prevalence of positive herds of 64.41% [58.65-69.87%]. The number (³23) of females aged 24 months (OR=2.22; IC: 1.09-4.51), purchased cattle (OR=2.68; IC: 1.48-4.82), use of common grass (OR=5.93; IC: 1.31-26.82), history of abortion in the last 12 months (OR=2.37; IC: 1.09-5.16) and presence of wildlife animals (OR=8.86; IC: 1.11-70.73) were identified as risk factors for BoHV-1 infection in the multivariate logistic regression. These results indicate that BoHV-1 infection is widespread in the studied region and that factors related to the herd characteristic and management are associated with the infection.

#1683 - Intoxicação por larvas de Perreyia flavipes em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, p.169-173

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Soares M.P., Quevedo P.S. & Schild A.L. 2008. [Perreyia flavipes larvae poisoning in cattle in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Intoxicação por larvas de Perreyia flavipes em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):169-173. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Perreyia flavipes Konow, 1899 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) in cattle during July and August 2006 in southern Brazil are reported. The morbidity rate was 0.8%, 6.2% and 33% on the 3 farms, respectively. Fatality rate was 100%. Clinical signs were depression, jaundice, recumbence, pedaling movements and death in 24-48 hours. The liver was enlarged with increased lobular pattern, the mesenteric lymph nodes were edematous and Peyer patches of the small gut were depressed. Petechial hemorrhages and ecchymosis were observed in the mesentery and abomasum. On histologic examination the liver showed centrolobular or massive necrosis. Hemosiderosis and necrosis of the germinative centers of lymph nodes, white pulp of the spleen and Peyer patches were also observed. The poisoning occurred probably due to an intense drought in October-December 2005, when the insect stayed as a cocoon underground. The dry conditions probably avoided a higher number of adult sawflies to emerge from the cocoons, what resulted in greater egg production. The large amount of decaying grass due to almost normal rain fall during summer seemed to have provided favorable environmental conditions for the development of larvae in winter.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Soares M.P., Quevedo P.S. & Schild A.L. 2008. [Perreyia flavipes larvae poisoning in cattle in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Intoxicação por larvas de Perreyia flavipes em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):169-173. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Perreyia flavipes Konow, 1899 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) in cattle during July and August 2006 in southern Brazil are reported. The morbidity rate was 0.8%, 6.2% and 33% on the 3 farms, respectively. Fatality rate was 100%. Clinical signs were depression, jaundice, recumbence, pedaling movements and death in 24-48 hours. The liver was enlarged with increased lobular pattern, the mesenteric lymph nodes were edematous and Peyer patches of the small gut were depressed. Petechial hemorrhages and ecchymosis were observed in the mesentery and abomasum. On histologic examination the liver showed centrolobular or massive necrosis. Hemosiderosis and necrosis of the germinative centers of lymph nodes, white pulp of the spleen and Peyer patches were also observed. The poisoning occurred probably due to an intense drought in October-December 2005, when the insect stayed as a cocoon underground. The dry conditions probably avoided a higher number of adult sawflies to emerge from the cocoons, what resulted in greater egg production. The large amount of decaying grass due to almost normal rain fall during summer seemed to have provided favorable environmental conditions for the development of larvae in winter.

#1684 - Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação, p.113-118

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Vidotti A.P., Agreste F.R., Bombonato P.P. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. [Arterial vascularization of the sinoatrial node in swine hearts: origin, distribution and quantification.] Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):113-118. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: The sinoatrial node, for being topographically installed as the initial component of the conduction system, is responsible for the production of the nervous impulses, which determines the cardiac contraction. There have been made studies related to the node’s morphology in order to know the origin, distribution and quantification of the vases in this tissue, however, in spite of the results and quantitative data of the nodal irrigation - arterial vascular conduct and arterial vascular density, at the nodal level - the literature is scarce. With this objective 27 SRD swine hearts, injected with colored resin for macroscopic analysis of the origin and distribution of ANSA (sinoatrial node artery), 3 others injected with watery solution of colloidal coal (dyed nanquim) were used, to mark the route of the vases on the node level for stereological analysis. The atrial arteries originated as well from the right coronary artery as from the left one, with predominance of the first (66.66% and 33.33%, respectively). When originated from the right coronary artery, there existed the following branches: AADAM (right cranial medial atrial artery) in 14 cases, AADAI (right cranial intermedial atrial artery) in 2 cases, and AADAL (right cranial lateral atrial artery) in 2 cases. In 9 cases (33.33%) the following branches originated from the left coronary artery: 4 through branch AASPL (left caudal lateral atrial artery), 2 through branch AASAI (left cranial intermedial atrial artery) and 3 through branch AASAM (left cranial medial atrial artery). Interarterial anastomoses with vessels responsible for irrigation of the sinoatrial node area were observed in most of the cases (25 hearts). The Volume or Reference Volume (V(ref)) of the hearts were 35.32x104µm3. For the stereological variables analyzed, the estimate density of the vessel length (Lv) was 766; the vessel length (L) - mm - was 27.06x105µm; the area’s surface density (Sv) was 182 and the area’s surface (S) - mm2 - was 64.3x106µm2. The estimate of the vascular numeric density (Nv(vasc)) - total of vessels per unit of volume (cm3) was 2.19 10-5, and the total number of vessels in the organ (N(vasc)), estimated by the physical dissector method in combination with the estimate of the number of Euler (Xv), was 773.6832 x10-2. The raised vascular density and total number of vases in the swine’s sinoatrial node area suggests the existence of a vascular perinodal network complex and dense, ratifying the importance of this mark-pass for its blood supply.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Vidotti A.P., Agreste F.R., Bombonato P.P. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. [Arterial vascularization of the sinoatrial node in swine hearts: origin, distribution and quantification.] Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):113-118. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: The sinoatrial node, for being topographically installed as the initial component of the conduction system, is responsible for the production of the nervous impulses, which determines the cardiac contraction. There have been made studies related to the node’s morphology in order to know the origin, distribution and quantification of the vases in this tissue, however, in spite of the results and quantitative data of the nodal irrigation - arterial vascular conduct and arterial vascular density, at the nodal level - the literature is scarce. With this objective 27 SRD swine hearts, injected with colored resin for macroscopic analysis of the origin and distribution of ANSA (sinoatrial node artery), 3 others injected with watery solution of colloidal coal (dyed nanquim) were used, to mark the route of the vases on the node level for stereological analysis. The atrial arteries originated as well from the right coronary artery as from the left one, with predominance of the first (66.66% and 33.33%, respectively). When originated from the right coronary artery, there existed the following branches: AADAM (right cranial medial atrial artery) in 14 cases, AADAI (right cranial intermedial atrial artery) in 2 cases, and AADAL (right cranial lateral atrial artery) in 2 cases. In 9 cases (33.33%) the following branches originated from the left coronary artery: 4 through branch AASPL (left caudal lateral atrial artery), 2 through branch AASAI (left cranial intermedial atrial artery) and 3 through branch AASAM (left cranial medial atrial artery). Interarterial anastomoses with vessels responsible for irrigation of the sinoatrial node area were observed in most of the cases (25 hearts). The Volume or Reference Volume (V(ref)) of the hearts were 35.32x104µm3. For the stereological variables analyzed, the estimate density of the vessel length (Lv) was 766; the vessel length (L) - mm - was 27.06x105µm; the area’s surface density (Sv) was 182 and the area’s surface (S) - mm2 - was 64.3x106µm2. The estimate of the vascular numeric density (Nv(vasc)) - total of vessels per unit of volume (cm3) was 2.19 10-5, and the total number of vessels in the organ (N(vasc)), estimated by the physical dissector method in combination with the estimate of the number of Euler (Xv), was 773.6832 x10-2. The raised vascular density and total number of vases in the swine’s sinoatrial node area suggests the existence of a vascular perinodal network complex and dense, ratifying the importance of this mark-pass for its blood supply.

#1685 - Metabolismo e distribuição do flúor em ovinos jovens tratados cronicamente com fluoreto de sódio, p.124-128

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Filappi A.R., Prestes D.S., Antes F.G., Flores E.L.M., Dressler V.L., Flores E.M.M. & Cecim M. 2008. [Metabolism and distribution of fluor in lambs chronically treated with sodium fluoride.] Metabolismo e distribuição do flúor em ovinos jovens tratados cronicamente com fluoreto de sódio. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):124-128. Departamento de Clínica de Grandes Animais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of the present study was to evaluate fluorine metabolism in growing lambs. Twelve 5-month-old male lambs maintained on alfalfa hay (3% BW) and non-fluorinated water ad libitum were used. Animals were allocated into Control, receiving 5g NaCl/animal/day + 0.2mg I/kg dry matter) and Treated group, receiving the same treatment plus sodium fluoride (4.7mg F/kg body weight). Mineral treatment was given by gavage, daily for 150 days. Blood, urine and fecal samples were collected during and the end of the experiment. At the end of treatment period animals were euthanized and kidney, pineal and bone samples were collected. Urine F was higher in treated animals throughout the experiment. Bone F levels were also increased in treated animals; pineal F content however, was not different between groups. Kidney histology revealed no differences. It is concluded that chronic F administration induces accumulation of the element in the skeleton. However such fact appears not to be detrimental to animals. Rates of F accumulation in bone and urine excretion obtained in other species can not be used in growing lambs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Filappi A.R., Prestes D.S., Antes F.G., Flores E.L.M., Dressler V.L., Flores E.M.M. & Cecim M. 2008. [Metabolism and distribution of fluor in lambs chronically treated with sodium fluoride.] Metabolismo e distribuição do flúor em ovinos jovens tratados cronicamente com fluoreto de sódio. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):124-128. Departamento de Clínica de Grandes Animais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of the present study was to evaluate fluorine metabolism in growing lambs. Twelve 5-month-old male lambs maintained on alfalfa hay (3% BW) and non-fluorinated water ad libitum were used. Animals were allocated into Control, receiving 5g NaCl/animal/day + 0.2mg I/kg dry matter) and Treated group, receiving the same treatment plus sodium fluoride (4.7mg F/kg body weight). Mineral treatment was given by gavage, daily for 150 days. Blood, urine and fecal samples were collected during and the end of the experiment. At the end of treatment period animals were euthanized and kidney, pineal and bone samples were collected. Urine F was higher in treated animals throughout the experiment. Bone F levels were also increased in treated animals; pineal F content however, was not different between groups. Kidney histology revealed no differences. It is concluded that chronic F administration induces accumulation of the element in the skeleton. However such fact appears not to be detrimental to animals. Rates of F accumulation in bone and urine excretion obtained in other species can not be used in growing lambs.

#1686 - Intoxicação por Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae) em caprinos, p.36-42

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira D.M., Pimentel L.A., Araújo J.A.S., Medeiros R.M.T., Dantas A.F.M. & Riet-Correa F. 2008. [Poisoning by Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in goats.] Intoxicação por Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae) em caprinos. Pesquisa Ve-terinária Brasileira 28(1):36-42. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campi-na Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae), with the common name favela, is a generally spiny plant of the Brazilian semiarid. Mainly during the dry season livestock browse its leaves from the shrubs or ingest the dry leaves fallen to the ground. Farmers report the spontaneous poisoning by this plant when livestock has access to shrubs or branches that had been cut. Different parts of the ground fresh plant, diluted in water, are used by people in the semiarid to hunt birds. To determine the toxicity of C. phyllacanthus, leaves of the non-spiny plant were fed by hand to a goat by putting small amount into its mouth. After the consumption of 4.7g/kg body weight, the goat had tachycardia, tachypnoea, dyspnoea, nystagmus, opisthotonos and sternal recumbence. The death occurred 30 minutes after the onset of clinical signs. Fresh leaves from the same plants were given to 8 goats at doses of 0.5-2.5g/kg without causing clinical signs. Three goats showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 3g/kg. Clinical signs were similar to those observed in cyanide poisoning. Two goats given 0.5mg/kg of a 20% solution of sodium thiosulphate recovered immediately after treatment. Another goat recovered spontaneously. Leaves from the same plants were sun-dried during variable periods for 8-30 days, and then given to 8 goats. The goat that ingested the plant dried at the sun during 8 days died after the ingestion of 3 g/kg. The goat that ingested the plant, exposed to the sun for 9 days, showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 1.13g/kg, but recovered spontaneously. The goats that ingested the leaves exposed to the sun during 10-29 days showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 3g/kg, but recovered spontaneously or after treatment with sodium thiosulphate. No clinical signs were observed in the goat that ingested the plant that had been exposed to the sun during 30 days. In another experiment ground leaves of the plant were dried at the sun for 1, 2, 3, and 4 days and given to goats at the dose of 3g/kg. Goats that received the plant dried for 1, 2 or 3 days showed clinical signs, but recovered spontaneously. The goat that ingested the plant dried 4 days showed no clinical signs. Leaves of the spineless C. phyllacanthus used in the experiments, 20 samples of leaves from spiny plants, 3 samples of the ground plant stem, and 2 samples of fruits were positive with the picrosodic paper test for HCN. These results demonstrated that C. phyllacanthus is a cyanogenic plant. After being cut the entire leaves maintain their toxicity for up to 30 days, and the ground leaves for up to 3 days. After the end of the raining season dry leaves fallen to the ground and tested within a short period were negative for HCN. These results have to be taken into account for the use of C. phyllacanthus as forage.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira D.M., Pimentel L.A., Araújo J.A.S., Medeiros R.M.T., Dantas A.F.M. & Riet-Correa F. 2008. [Poisoning by Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in goats.] Intoxicação por Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae) em caprinos. Pesquisa Ve-terinária Brasileira 28(1):36-42. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campi-na Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Euphorbiaceae), with the common name favela, is a generally spiny plant of the Brazilian semiarid. Mainly during the dry season livestock browse its leaves from the shrubs or ingest the dry leaves fallen to the ground. Farmers report the spontaneous poisoning by this plant when livestock has access to shrubs or branches that had been cut. Different parts of the ground fresh plant, diluted in water, are used by people in the semiarid to hunt birds. To determine the toxicity of C. phyllacanthus, leaves of the non-spiny plant were fed by hand to a goat by putting small amount into its mouth. After the consumption of 4.7g/kg body weight, the goat had tachycardia, tachypnoea, dyspnoea, nystagmus, opisthotonos and sternal recumbence. The death occurred 30 minutes after the onset of clinical signs. Fresh leaves from the same plants were given to 8 goats at doses of 0.5-2.5g/kg without causing clinical signs. Three goats showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 3g/kg. Clinical signs were similar to those observed in cyanide poisoning. Two goats given 0.5mg/kg of a 20% solution of sodium thiosulphate recovered immediately after treatment. Another goat recovered spontaneously. Leaves from the same plants were sun-dried during variable periods for 8-30 days, and then given to 8 goats. The goat that ingested the plant dried at the sun during 8 days died after the ingestion of 3 g/kg. The goat that ingested the plant, exposed to the sun for 9 days, showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 1.13g/kg, but recovered spontaneously. The goats that ingested the leaves exposed to the sun during 10-29 days showed clinical signs after the ingestion of 3g/kg, but recovered spontaneously or after treatment with sodium thiosulphate. No clinical signs were observed in the goat that ingested the plant that had been exposed to the sun during 30 days. In another experiment ground leaves of the plant were dried at the sun for 1, 2, 3, and 4 days and given to goats at the dose of 3g/kg. Goats that received the plant dried for 1, 2 or 3 days showed clinical signs, but recovered spontaneously. The goat that ingested the plant dried 4 days showed no clinical signs. Leaves of the spineless C. phyllacanthus used in the experiments, 20 samples of leaves from spiny plants, 3 samples of the ground plant stem, and 2 samples of fruits were positive with the picrosodic paper test for HCN. These results demonstrated that C. phyllacanthus is a cyanogenic plant. After being cut the entire leaves maintain their toxicity for up to 30 days, and the ground leaves for up to 3 days. After the end of the raining season dry leaves fallen to the ground and tested within a short period were negative for HCN. These results have to be taken into account for the use of C. phyllacanthus as forage.

#1687 - Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos, p.57-62

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):57-62. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia in cattle are described. A neurologic disease was observed in cattle on farms of the Alto Vale do Itajaí region of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. For the experimental reproduction of the disease, fresh green leaves, weekly harvested in the same region where spontaneous case occurred, were force-fed to five cattle at doses of 10 and 20g/kg for 120 days, 40g/kg for 30 days, and 30 and 40g/kg body weight for 150 days. One animal died and the others were euthanatized at the end of the experiment. Clinical signs and lesions varied from mild to severe in the experimentally poisoned cattle and depended on dose and length of the period of consumption. Main histological and ultrastructural lesions consisted of vacuolation and distension of neuronal perikarya (mainly of Purkinje cells), and of the cytoplasm of acinar pancreatic cells and thyroid follicular cells. It is concluded that ingestion of even small amounts S. carpinifolia for prolonged periods of time cause lisosomal storage disease in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):57-62. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia in cattle are described. A neurologic disease was observed in cattle on farms of the Alto Vale do Itajaí region of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. For the experimental reproduction of the disease, fresh green leaves, weekly harvested in the same region where spontaneous case occurred, were force-fed to five cattle at doses of 10 and 20g/kg for 120 days, 40g/kg for 30 days, and 30 and 40g/kg body weight for 150 days. One animal died and the others were euthanatized at the end of the experiment. Clinical signs and lesions varied from mild to severe in the experimentally poisoned cattle and depended on dose and length of the period of consumption. Main histological and ultrastructural lesions consisted of vacuolation and distension of neuronal perikarya (mainly of Purkinje cells), and of the cytoplasm of acinar pancreatic cells and thyroid follicular cells. It is concluded that ingestion of even small amounts S. carpinifolia for prolonged periods of time cause lisosomal storage disease in cattle.

#1688 - Aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e patológicos da infecção natural em bovinos por Trypanosoma vivax na Paraíba, p.63-69

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Batista J.S., Bezerra F.S.B., Lira R.A., Carvalho J.R.G., Rosado Neto A.M., Petri A.A. & Teixeira M.M.G. 2008. [Clinical, epidemiological and pathological signs of natural infection in cattle by Trypanosoma vivax in Paraíba, Brazil.] Aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e patológicos da infecção natural em bovinos por Trypanosoma vivax na Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):63-69. Departamento de Ciências Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido, BR 110 Km 47, Caixa Postal 147, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of trypanosomiasis by Trypanosoma vivax, reported in cattle, occurred on two farms located in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. The epidemiology, clinical signs and pathology of the disease were studied from May 2005 to November 2006. T. vivax was identified morphologically and by polymerase chain reaction test (PCR). The affected cattle presented anorexia, depression, fever, anemia, weight loss, reduction in milk production, transitory blindness, abortion and some nervous signs as nystagmus, tetany and bruxism. All cattle that presented nervous signs died. Necropsy findings were enlarged lymph and spleen, serous atrophy of the fat depots, proeminence of the splenic white pulp, hydropericardium and pericardial petechiae and ecchymoses on the epicardium. Histologically there was meningoencephalitis. The treatment of the clinical cases with diminazena aceturate was efficient with clearance of the parasite from the blood or disappearance of clinical signs in up to 2 months after the beginning of the outbreak on the two farms studied. The epidemiologic factors favoring the occurrence of the outbreak were the abundance of mechanical vectors, as tabanids and Stomoxys sp., and the introduction into the herd of cattle from farms where the disease occurred. It is suggested that the semiarid of the Brazilian Northeast is an enzootic instability region for trypanosomiasis due to its prolonged periods of drought and high temperatures, constituting during most part of the year an unfavorable environment for the development of vectors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Batista J.S., Bezerra F.S.B., Lira R.A., Carvalho J.R.G., Rosado Neto A.M., Petri A.A. & Teixeira M.M.G. 2008. [Clinical, epidemiological and pathological signs of natural infection in cattle by Trypanosoma vivax in Paraíba, Brazil.] Aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e patológicos da infecção natural em bovinos por Trypanosoma vivax na Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):63-69. Departamento de Ciências Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido, BR 110 Km 47, Caixa Postal 147, Mossoró, RN 59625-900, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of trypanosomiasis by Trypanosoma vivax, reported in cattle, occurred on two farms located in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. The epidemiology, clinical signs and pathology of the disease were studied from May 2005 to November 2006. T. vivax was identified morphologically and by polymerase chain reaction test (PCR). The affected cattle presented anorexia, depression, fever, anemia, weight loss, reduction in milk production, transitory blindness, abortion and some nervous signs as nystagmus, tetany and bruxism. All cattle that presented nervous signs died. Necropsy findings were enlarged lymph and spleen, serous atrophy of the fat depots, proeminence of the splenic white pulp, hydropericardium and pericardial petechiae and ecchymoses on the epicardium. Histologically there was meningoencephalitis. The treatment of the clinical cases with diminazena aceturate was efficient with clearance of the parasite from the blood or disappearance of clinical signs in up to 2 months after the beginning of the outbreak on the two farms studied. The epidemiologic factors favoring the occurrence of the outbreak were the abundance of mechanical vectors, as tabanids and Stomoxys sp., and the introduction into the herd of cattle from farms where the disease occurred. It is suggested that the semiarid of the Brazilian Northeast is an enzootic instability region for trypanosomiasis due to its prolonged periods of drought and high temperatures, constituting during most part of the year an unfavorable environment for the development of vectors.

#1689 - Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2, p.87-94

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.

#1690 - Avaliação ecocardiográfica em bezerros da raça Holandesa, p.481-486

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Michima L.E.S., Leal M.L.R., Bertagnon H.G., Fernandes W.R. & Benesi F.J. 2007. [Echocardiographic evaluation in Holstein calves.] Avaliação ecocardiográfica em bezerros da raça Holandesa. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):481-486. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 12/14, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: With the purpose of establishing echocardiographic measurements in Holstein calves, 25 calves, 8 to 28 days of age and body weight ranging from 27 to 57 kg, were used. The echocardiographic examination was proceeded in B and M-modes to obtain the following parameters, in diastole and systole: right ventricle (2.05±0.13cm and 1.59±0.13cm) and left ventricle internal diameter (3.91±0.09cm and 2.52±0.13cm), and interventricular septum (1.24±0.04cm and 1.62±0.06cm) and left ventricle free wall thickness (0.92±0.04cm and 1.50±0.05cm). The values for both left and right atria in systole were 2.97±0.12cm and 4.110.21cm, respectively. The left diastolic (67.90±3.65ml), systolic (25.32±3.05ml) and ejection (42.58±2.46ml) volumes, cardiac output (3857±339ml/min), aortic root diameter (2.52±0.05cm), E-point septal separation (0.65±0.08cm), left ventricle ejection time (0.39±0.02s), fractional shortening (36.27±2.40%) and ejection fraction (64.67±3.22%) were also calculated. There was a mean positive linear correlation (66.4%, P<0.01) between the aortic root diameter and the bodyweight, mean negative linear correlation (P<0.01) heart rate (69.1%) and cardiac output (62.4%). There was a tendency of the calves in between the left ventricle ejection time and presenting a smaller left chamber diameter, although maintained the relationship between myocardial wall thickness and functional indexes.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Michima L.E.S., Leal M.L.R., Bertagnon H.G., Fernandes W.R. & Benesi F.J. 2007. [Echocardiographic evaluation in Holstein calves.] Avaliação ecocardiográfica em bezerros da raça Holandesa. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):481-486. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 12/14, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: With the purpose of establishing echocardiographic measurements in Holstein calves, 25 calves, 8 to 28 days of age and body weight ranging from 27 to 57 kg, were used. The echocardiographic examination was proceeded in B and M-modes to obtain the following parameters, in diastole and systole: right ventricle (2.05±0.13cm and 1.59±0.13cm) and left ventricle internal diameter (3.91±0.09cm and 2.52±0.13cm), and interventricular septum (1.24±0.04cm and 1.62±0.06cm) and left ventricle free wall thickness (0.92±0.04cm and 1.50±0.05cm). The values for both left and right atria in systole were 2.97±0.12cm and 4.110.21cm, respectively. The left diastolic (67.90±3.65ml), systolic (25.32±3.05ml) and ejection (42.58±2.46ml) volumes, cardiac output (3857±339ml/min), aortic root diameter (2.52±0.05cm), E-point septal separation (0.65±0.08cm), left ventricle ejection time (0.39±0.02s), fractional shortening (36.27±2.40%) and ejection fraction (64.67±3.22%) were also calculated. There was a mean positive linear correlation (66.4%, P<0.01) between the aortic root diameter and the bodyweight, mean negative linear correlation (P<0.01) heart rate (69.1%) and cardiac output (62.4%). There was a tendency of the calves in between the left ventricle ejection time and presenting a smaller left chamber diameter, although maintained the relationship between myocardial wall thickness and functional indexes.

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