Resultado da pesquisa (31)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa rats

#21 - The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats, 31(11):938-952

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Peixoto T.C., Oliveira L.I., Caldas S.A, Catunda Junior F.E.A., Carvalho M.G., França T.N. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats.] Efeito protetor da acetamida sobre as intoxicações experimentais em ratos por monofluoroacetato de sódio e por algumas plantas brasileiras que causam morte súbita. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):938-952. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The protective effect of acetamide in poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate (MF) and by eight Brazilian sudden death causing plants (BSDCP) (Palicourea marcgravii, P. juruana, Pseudocalymma elegans, Arrabidaea bilabiata, Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, M. pubiflora, Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica and M. aff. rigida) was studied using rats. Additionally the clinical and pathological picture of the poisoning was described. In these experiments 33 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were used. Nine rats ate spontaneously the fresh leaves of P. marcgravii at amounts of 2.0 and 4.0g/kg. Two of the rats received orally single doses of acetamide (2.0 and 4.0g/kg) one minute before the plant was supplied. A third rat received 4.0g/kg of acetamide after consumption of 4.0g/kg of the plant and showed severe symptoms of poisoning. In the experiments with MF, doses of 4.0 and 8.0mg/kg were administered to four rats. The interval between the administration of either acetamide and concentrated plant extracts or MF ranged from 2 to 4 hours; the dose of acetamide ranged from 2.0 to 8.0g/kg. In the experiments with concentrated extracts of eight BSDCP, 20 rats were orally poisoned with single or repeated doses. Acetamide, when previously administered, prevented the appearance of clinical signs and death in all of the rats poisoned by MF, as well as of the ones poisoned by fresh P. marcgravii leaves and by the concentrated extracts of each of the other BSDCP. These rats were re-subjected to the same experimental protocol, yet without the administration of acetamide. In these experiments, all of the rats evidenced clinical signs and death (except M. aff. rigida). All of the rats showed mild to markedly engorged atria, and sometimes also of the cranial and caudal vena cava. In three of the rats, there was a moderate right and left cardiac dilatation. The liver of all rats was slightly or markedly congested, with lobular pattern in some. There was frothy liquid on the cut surface of the lungs in three of the rats. The histopathology of the kidneys in six rats showed slight cytoplasmic swelling of the distal convoluted tubules and sometimes also of the collecting tubules. But only in four rats a vacuolar-hydropic degeneration with nuclear pyknosis was seen. Twenty-six rats showed liver congestion, three of them with compressive narrowing of the hepatic cords, and in eight rats shock corpuscles were observed; another three rats showed slight to moderate focal liver necrosis. A slight to moderate vacuolation of hepatocytes was observed in 16 rats. It can be concluded that acetamide had a protective effect, capable to prevent clinical signs and death of the rats poisoned by MF, and by fresh P. marcgravii leaves and concentrated extracts of seven other BSDCP. The clinical and pathological picture observed in the rats poisoned by MF and BSDCP, associated with the protective effect of acetamide, indicate that MF is the toxic principle responsible for death of the rats, and by extension, for the death of cattle that ate BSDCP.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Peixoto T.C., Oliveira L.I., Caldas S.A, Catunda Junior F.E.A., Carvalho M.G., França T.N. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats.] Efeito protetor da acetamida sobre as intoxicações experimentais em ratos por monofluoroacetato de sódio e por algumas plantas brasileiras que causam morte súbita. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):938-952. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar o efeito protetor da acetamida nas intoxicações por monofluoroacetato de sódio (MF) e por oito plantas brasileiras que causam “morte súbita” (PBCMS) (Palicourea marcgravii, P. juruana, Pseudocalymma elegans, Arrabidaea bilabiata, Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, M. pubiflora, Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica e M. aff. rigida) em ratos, bem como descrever o quadro clínico-patológico nos animais intoxicados. Foram utilizados 33 ratos da linhagem Wistar (Rattus norvegicus albinus), nove dos quais ingeriram espontaneamente folhas frescas de P. marcgravii nas doses de 2,0 e 4,0g/kg. Dois desses ratos receberam doses únicas de acetamida de 2,0 e 4,0g/kg, por via oral um minuto antes do fornecimento da planta. Outro rato recebeu 4,0g/kg de acetamida após ingerir 4,0g/kg da planta e manifestar sintomas graves. Nos experimentos com MF, foram administradas a quatro ratos doses de 4,0 e 8,0mg/kg; o intervalo de tempo entre a administração da acetamida e dos extratos concentrados ou do MF variou entre 2 a 4 horas. A dose de acetamida utilizada variou de 2,0 a 8,0g/kg. Nos experimentos com extratos concentrados das oito PBCMS, 20 ratos foram intoxicados por via oral com doses únicas ou repetidas. A acetamida, quando previamente administrada em doses suficientemente altas, evitou o aparecimento dos sinais clínicos ou morte dos animais intoxicados por MF, bem como pelas folhas frescas de P. marcgravii e com os extratos concentrados de cada uma das sete outras PBCMS utilizadas. Todos esses ratos foram novamente submetidos ao mesmo protocolo experimental, porém sem administração de acetamida. Nesses experimentos posteriores todos os ratos manifestaram sinais clínicos e morte (exceto M. aff. rigida, cuja amostra não se revelou tóxica). Todos os ratos apresentaram aurículas de leve a acentuadamente ingurgitadas e, por vezes, também as veias cava cranial e caudal. Havia moderada dilatação cardíaca direita e esquerda em três animais. O fígado de todos os animais apresentava-se de leve a acentuadamente congesto, e em alguns ratos, verificou-se evidenciação do padrão lobular. Observou-se ainda discreta a leve presença de líquido espumoso na superfície de corte dos pulmões em três ratos. O exame histopatológico evidenciou nos rins de seis dos 30 ratos leve a moderada tumefação citoplasmática dos túbulos uriníferos contornados distais e, por vezes, também nos túbulos coletores, mas somente em quatro (dois intoxicados por P. marcgravii, um por P. elegans e outro por A. exotropica) havia a clássica lesão de degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar com picnose nuclear evidente. No fígado de 26 animais havia congestão e, destes, três apresentaram estreitamento compressivo dos cordões hepáticos, oito corpúsculos de choque; em outros três, necrose focal de discreta a moderada. Observou-se ainda, de discreta a moderada vacuolização de hepatócitos em 16 animais. Este trabalho demonstra que a acetamida possui acentuado efeito protetor, capaz de prevenir os sinais clínicos e evitar a morte dos ratos intoxicados por MF, folhas frescas de P. marcgravii e extratos concentrados de outras sete PBCMS. O quadro clínico-patológico observado nos ratos intoxicados pelo MF e pelas PBCMS deste estudo, associado ao efeito protetor da acetamida, confirma que o MF é o princípio tóxico responsável pela morte dos ratos, e, por extensão, também dos bovinos que ingeriram PBCMS.

#22 - Histomorphometry of encephalic meninges of Wistar rats in different band, 30(11):996-1002

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pereira K.F., Lima V.M., Conegero C.L. & Chopard R.P. 2010. [Histomorphometry of encephalic meninges of Wistar rats in different bands.] Histomorfometria das meninges encefálicas de ratos Wistar em diferentes faixas etárias. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(11):996-1002. Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Unidade Jatobá, Setor Parque Industrial, Jataí, GO 75800-000, Brazil. E-mail: The development of the nervous sys tem is very complex and there are few studies about the organization of the brain envoltories related to the encephalus growing. Using the rat as an animal model, it was proposed to evaluate the several structural aspects of paquimeninge and leptomeninge in different ages. It was used 4 groups of different ages and processed according to the techniques of the light and transmission microscopy. It was verified that the adult rats present a higher area of collagen fibers of type I and III, if compared to the others groups. It was found that, the collagen fibers of type III occupy, in all analyzed groups, a higher area when compared to type I fibers. The results reveal that the Weigert Oxona’s staining, which shows elastics, elauninics, and oxitalanics fibers, showed a statistically difference when compared to the Weigert’s staining and Verhoeff’s staining that show elauninics and elastics fibers, respectively. The ultra-structural aspects demonstrated the presence of many fibroblasts and mitochondria in the paquimeninge and also in the leptomeninges of the neonats and adults groups, indicating the high cellular activity and consequently, an intense formation of conjunctive tissue. As collagen fibers of type III acting on the structural maintenance of delicate and expansive tissues, the study shows that the function of the encephalic meninges are not only related to the to resistance to tractions and tensions that the encephalus is subjected. But also the function related to the distensibility of the meningeos and brain vases according to the sanguineous apport in several specific functions of the nervous system.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Pereira K.F., Lima V.M., Conegero C.L. & Chopard R.P. 2010. [Histomorphometry of encephalic meninges of Wistar rats in different bands.] Histomorfometria das meninges encefálicas de ratos Wistar em diferentes faixas etárias. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(11):996-1002. Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Unidade Jatobá, Setor Parque Industrial, Jataí, GO 75800-000, Brazil. E-mail: O desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso é bastante complexo, existindo poucos estudos sobre a organização dos envoltórios cerebrais relacionados ao crescimento encefálico. Utilizando como modelo experimental o rato, analisaram-se os diferentes aspectos estruturais e morfométricos da paquimeninge e leptomeninge durante o processo de envelhecimento. Foram utilizados quatro grupos de ratos em diferentes faixas etárias e analisadas as meninges em microscopias de luz e eletrônica. Verificamos que o grupo de ratos adultos apresentou uma maior área de fibras colágenas tanto do tipo I e quanto do tipo III, em relação aos outros grupos. Encontramos também que as fibras colágenas do tipo III em todos os grupos analisados ocupam uma maior área quando comparados com as fibras do tipo I. Os resultados revelam que a coloração de Weigert Oxona, que mostra fibras elásticas, elaunínicas e oxitalânicas, apresentou uma diferença estatisticamente maior de fibras quando comparados com as colorações de Weigert e Verhoeff, que mostra fíbras elaunínicas e elásticas, respectivamente. Os resultados ultra-estruturais demonstraram a presença de muitos fibroblastos e mitocôndrias tanto na paquimeninge como nas leptomeninges dos grupos de ratos neonatos e adultos, indicativo de alta atividade celular e conseqüentemente, intensa formação de tecido conjuntivo. Como as fibras colágenas do tipo III atuam na manutenção da estrutura de tecidos delicados e expansíveis, o estudo mostra que as funções das meninges encefálicas não estão relacionadas apenas com a resistência a trações e tensões a que estão sujeitas o encéfalo. Mas também a função relacionada com a distensibilidade dos vasos meníngeos e cerebrais de acordo com a necessidade do aporte sanguíneo em diversas funções específicas regionais do tecido nervoso.

#23 - Lesão vascular mediada pelo receptor AT1 em miocárdio, rins e fígado de ratos, 30(7):605-611

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Vailati M.C.F., Rocha N.S., Matsubara L.S., Padovani C.R., Schwartz D.S. & Matsubara B.B. 2010. AT1-receptor mediated vascular damage in myocardium, kidneys and liver in rats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):605-611. Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Distrito de Rubião Júnior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-000, Brazil. E-mail: The systemic aspect of vascular damage induced by angiotensin II (ANG II) has been poorly explored in the literature. Considering the presence of ANG II and its specific receptor AT1, in several organs, all tissues might be potentially affected by its effects. The aims of this study were: To evaluate the early histological changes in the heart, liver and kidneys, produced by ANG II infusion, to evaluate the protective effect of losartan. Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: control (no treatment), treated with ANG II, and treated with ANG II + losartan. ANG II was continuously infused over 72 hours by subcutaneous osmotic pumps. Histological sections of the myocardium, kidneys and liver were stained and observed for the presence of necrosis. There were ANG II-induced perivascular inflammation and necrosis of the arteriolar wall in the myocardium, kidney, and liver by, which were partially prevented by losartan. There was no significant correlation between heart and kidney damage. Tissue lesion severity was lower than that of vascular lesions, without statistical difference between groups. ANG II causes vascular injury in the heart, kidneys and liver, indicating a systemic vasculotoxic effect; the mechanisms of damage/protection vary depending on the target organ; perivascular lesions may occur even when anti-hypertensive doses of losartan are used.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Vailati M.C.F., Rocha N.S., Matsubara L.S., Padovani C.R., Schwartz D.S. & Matsubara B.B. 2010. AT1-receptor mediated vascular damage in myocardium, kidneys and liver in rats. [Lesão vascular mediada pelo receptor AT1 em miocárdio, rins e fígado de ratos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):605-611. Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Distrito de Rubião Júnior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-000, Brazil. E-mail: O aspecto sistêmico da lesão vascular induzida pela angiotensina II (ANG II) tem sido pouco explorada na literatura. Considerando a presença de ANG II e de seu receptor AT1 em diversos órgãos, todos os tecidos poderiam ser potencialmente afetados por esses efeitos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as alterações histológicas iniciais no coração, fígado e rins, produzidas pela infusão de ANG II, e avaliar o efeito protetor do losartan. Ratos Wistar foram divididos em três grupos: controle (sem tratamento), tratados com ANG II, e tratados com ANG II + losartan. A ANG II foi infundida continuamente por 72 horas por meio de mini-bombas osmóticas. Foram realizados cortes histológicos de miocárdio, rim e fígado para coloração e observação para a presença de necrose. Observou-se a presença de inflamação perivascular e necrose de parede arteriolar em miocárdio, rins e fígado, que foram parcialmente prevenidas pelo losartan. Não houve correlação significante entre as lesões observadas no coração e nos rins. A severidade da lesão tissular foi menor quando comparada às lesões vasculares, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos. A ANG II causa injúria vascular no coração, rins e fígado, sugerindo um efeito vasculotóxico sistêmico; os mecanismos de lesão/proteção variam dependendo do órgão afetado; as lesões perivasculares podem ocorrer mesmo quando doses anti-hipertensivas de losartan forem utilizadas.

#24 - Anti-oxidative activity of alveolar macrophages in endotoxemic rats, 30(4):358-362

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Melo J.F., Macedo E.M.C., Paes Silva R.P., Viana M.T., Ferreira e Silva W.T. & Castro C.M.M.B. 2010. [Anti-oxidative activity of alveolar macrophages in endotoxemic rats.] Atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos endotoxêmicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(4):358-362. Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami, Setor de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE 50670-420, Brazil. E-mail: The effects of endotoxemia on the antioxidant activity in alveolar macrophages of Wistar rats were evaluated. Twenty-four male rats, 90-120 days of age, were separated into 2 groups: control and endotoxemic. To the endotoxemic animals was administered, intraperitoneally, a lipopolyssaccaride at dosage of 1mg/kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after this procedure, blood was collected for total and differential leukocytes counts. In addition, bronchoalveolar lavage was collected for total and differential leukocyte counting. From this lavage macrophages were isolated for the dosage of superoxide and superoxide dismutase. The endotoxemia increased the total leukocyte counts and the number of neutrophils in the peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage of the rats. There was an increased superoxide production without changing the superoxide dismutase. Our findings indicate that endotoxemia induces lung inflammatory response. However, it does not alter the antioxidant activity in adult rats. This fact not only enhances host response against infectious agents, but might also contribute to the pathogenesis of pulmonary injury.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Melo J.F, Macedo E.M.C., Paes Silva R.P., Viana M.T., Ferreira e Silva W.T. & Castro C.M.M.B. 2010. [Anti-oxidative activity of alveolar macrophages in endotoxemic rats.] Atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos endotoxêmicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(4):358-362. Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami, Setor de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE 50670-420, Brazil. E-mail: Avaliou-se o efeito da endotoxemia sobre a atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos da linhagem Wistar. Foram utilizados 24 ratos machos, com idade entre 90 e 120 dias, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos: controle e endotoxêmico. O grupo endotoxêmico foi submetido à injeção intraperitonial de lipopolissacarídio na dose de 1mg/kg de peso corporal. Após 24 h, coletou-se sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos; lavado broncoalveolar para contagem total e diferencial dos leucócitos e, a partir de macrófagos isolados deste lavado, foram realizadas as dosagens de superóxido e superóxido dismutase. A endotoxemia aumentou a contagem total de leucócitos e o número de neutrófilos no sangue periférico, no lavado broncoalveolar, e aumentou a produção de superóxido sem modificar a produção da superóxido dismutase. Esses resultados sugerem que a endotoxemia induz a uma resposta inflamatória no pulmão. Contudo, não altera a atividade antioxidante em ratos adultos. Tal fato potencializa a resposta contra agentes infecciosos pelo hospedeiro, mas também pode contribuir na patogênese de injúria pulmonar.

#25 - Histomorfometric study of the spleen of healthy and diabetic Wistar rats supplemented or not with vitamin C, 29(10):834-840

Abstract in English:

RESUMO.- Cortez A.C., Benedicto H.G., Agreste F.R., Clebis N.K. & Bombonato P.P. 2009. [Histomorfometric study of the spleen of healthy and diabetic Wistar rats supplemented or not with vitamin C.] Estudo histomorfométrico do baço de ratos Wistar sadios e diabéticos suplementados ou não pela vitamina C. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):834-840. Departamento de Morfologia, Instituto Biomédico, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Professor Hernani Pires de Mello 101, Niterói, RJ 24210-130, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo deste trabalho foi de analisar morfometricamente fragmentos histológicos do baço de animais normais e diabéticos, comparando os resultados encontrados e relacionando-os ao sexo e a suplementação da vitamina C. Foram utilizados 32 ratos Wistar, os quais foram analisados número de vasos, o número de folículos germinativos (polpa branca) e o diâmetro dos vasos de cada animal. As análises histológicas e morfometricas foram feitas em amostras de 5µm de espessura demonstrando que: na quantidade de folículos germinativos, observamos resultados comparando, independente do sexo, animais controles suplementados com vitamina C e controles não suplementados (p£”0,05; F=0,1452); na quantidade de vasos, observamos resultados comparando, fêmeas diabéticas suplementadas pela vitamina C e fêmeas diabéticas não suplementadas (pd”0,05; F=6.8893); e no diâmetro dos vasos, observamos resultados comparando fêmeas, tanto no grupo controle quanto ao grupo diabético, suplementadas pela vitamina C quando comparadas às fêmeas não suplementadas pela vitamina C (p<0,05; U=121.50; Z(U)=2.1234) e (p<0,05; F=4.8134). De um modo geral, a indução de diabetess modifica o diâmetro vascular nas fêmeas e que a administração de vitamina C interfere nos dados métricos relativos ao diâmetro vascular somente nas fêmeas.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Cortez A.C., Benedicto H.G., Agreste F.R., Clebis N.K. & Bombonato P.P. 2009. [Histomorfometric study of the spleen of healthy and diabetic Wistar rats supplemented or not with vitamin C.] Estudo histomorfométrico do baço de ratos Wistar sadios e diabéticos suplementados ou não pela vitamina C. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):834-840. Departamento de Morfologia, Instituto Biomédico, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Professor Hernani Pires de Mello 101, Niterói, RJ 24210-130, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was to analyze morphometric histological shatters of the spleen of normal and diabetic animals, comparing the joined results and relating them in the sex and the suplementation of vitamin C. Had been used 32 Wistar rats, which had been analyzed: number of vases; the number of germinative folicules (white pulp); and the diameter of the vases of each animal. Histological and morphometric analyses were applied on 5µm thick samples and showed that: in the amount of germinative folicules, we observe resulted comparing, independent of the sex, animals controls supplemented with vitamin C and controls not supplemented (p£0.05; F=0.1452); in the amount of vases, we observe resulted comparing, of diabetic females supplemented by vitamin C when compared with not supplemented (pd”0.05; F=6.8893); and in the diameter of the vases, we observe resulted comparing females, as much in the group has controlled how much to the diabetic group, supplemented with vitamin C when compared with the females not supplemented with vitamin C (p<0.05; U=121.50; Z(U)=2.1234) and (p<0,05; F=4.8134). In a general way, the induction of diabetes modifies the vascular diameter in the females and that the vitamin C administration only intervenes with relative metric data to the vascular diameter in the females.

#26 - Effects of ascorbic acid supplementation in ileum myenteric neurons of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, p.295-302

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B, Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Major J.A.A., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2009. The effects of ascorbic acid supplementation in ileum myenteric neurons of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):295-302. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The exacerbation of the oxidative stress and of the polyol pathway which impair damage myenteric plexus are metabolic characteristics of diabetes. The ascorbic acid (AA) is an antioxidant and an aldose reductase inhibitor, which may act as neuroprotector. The effects of AA supplementation on the density and cellular body profile area (CP) of myenteric neurons in STZ-induced diabetes in rats were assessed. Four groups with five animals each were formed: normoglycemic (C); diabetic (D); AA-treated diabetic (DS) and AA-treated normoglycemic (CS). Dosagen of 50mg of AA were given, three times a week, for each animal (group DS and CS). Ninety days later and after euthanasia, the ileum was collected and processed for the NADPH-diaphorase technique. There were no differences (P>0.05) in the neuronal density among the groups. The CP area was lower (P<0.05) in the DS and CS groups, with a higher incidence of neurons with a CP area exceeding 200mm2 for groups C and D. The AA had no influence on the neuronal density in the ileum but had a neuroprotective effect, preventing the increase in the CP area and allowing a higher number of neurons with a CP area with less than 200mm2.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B, Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Major J.A.A., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2009. The effects of ascorbic acid supplementation in ileum myenteric neurons of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):295-302. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The exacerbation of the oxidative stress and of the polyol pathway which impair damage myenteric plexus are metabolic characteristics of diabetes. The ascorbic acid (AA) is an antioxidant and an aldose reductase inhibitor, which may act as neuroprotector. The effects of AA supplementation on the density and cellular body profile area (CP) of myenteric neurons in STZ-induced diabetes in rats were assessed. Four groups with five animals each were formed: normoglycemic (C); diabetic (D); AA-treated diabetic (DS) and AA-treated normoglycemic (CS). Dosagen of 50mg of AA were given, three times a week, for each animal (group DS and CS). Ninety days later and after euthanasia, the ileum was collected and processed for the NADPH-diaphorase technique. There were no differences (P>0.05) in the neuronal density among the groups. The CP area was lower (P<0.05) in the DS and CS groups, with a higher incidence of neurons with a CP area exceeding 200mm2 for groups C and D. The AA had no influence on the neuronal density in the ileum but had a neuroprotective effect, preventing the increase in the CP area and allowing a higher number of neurons with a CP area with less than 200mm2.

#27 - Effects of topical 0.2% Cyclosporine A on corneal neovascularization induced by xenologous amniotic membrane implantation into a corneal stroma micropocket of rats, p.379-386

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Milani J.F., Barros P.S.M., Guerra J.L. & Brooks D.E. 2008. Effects of topical 0.2% Cyclosporine A on corneal neovascularization induced by xenologous amniotic membrane implantation into a corneal stroma micropocket of rats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):379-386. Laboratório de Investigação em Oftalmologia Comparada, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of the study was to evaluate the topical effects of 0.2% Cyclosporine A (CsA) on corneal neovascularization of rats following surgical implantation of equine amniotic membrane into a corneal stroma micropocket. The implantation of xenologous amniotic membrane was performed bilaterally in 90 rats. In the same day of the surgery each right eye started receiving topical CsA twice a day. The left eye received no medication and served as a control. The evaluation of corneal neovascularization was performed by computerized image analysis and histopathological evaluation at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. For the image analysis 10 animals were used per time period, and for the histopathological examination, five animals were used per time period. Image analysis found that corneal neovascularization began on the 3rd postoperative day, reached its peak on the 7th day, and then progressively and rapidly decreased. Statistic analysis indicated that neovascularization of the CsA treated eye on the 7th day was significantly higher than that observed in untreated eyes. On the 30th day, however, this pattern was reversed with the neovascularization observed in the CsA treated eyes declining to the low levels observed on the 3rd day. The degree of neovascularization in the untreated eyes on the 30th day declined to the baseline levels found on day 3 at the 60th day. Histopathological analysis indicated that deposition of collagen in the implanted tissue was completed by the 15th day. Therefore, we concluded that (1) equine amniotic membrane in rat corneal stroma produced an intense neovascularization until the 15th day postoperatively and then regressed, (2) deposition of collagen of the implanted tissue was completed on the 15th day postoperatively, and (3) use of CsA was associated with increase in the corneal neovascularization initially, followed by a quick and intense regression.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Milani J.F., Barros P.S.M., Guerra J.L. & Brooks D.E. 2008. Effects of topical 0.2% Cyclosporine A on corneal neovascularization induced by xenologous amniotic membrane implantation into a corneal stroma micropocket of rats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(8):379-386. Laboratório de Investigação em Oftalmologia Comparada, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of the study was to evaluate the topical effects of 0.2% Cyclosporine A (CsA) on corneal neovascularization of rats following surgical implantation of equine amniotic membrane into a corneal stroma micropocket. The implantation of xenologous amniotic membrane was performed bilaterally in 90 rats. In the same day of the surgery each right eye started receiving topical CsA twice a day. The left eye received no medication and served as a control. The evaluation of corneal neovascularization was performed by computerized image analysis and histopathological evaluation at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. For the image analysis 10 animals were used per time period, and for the histopathological examination, five animals were used per time period. Image analysis found that corneal neovascularization began on the 3rd postoperative day, reached its peak on the 7th day, and then progressively and rapidly decreased. Statistic analysis indicated that neovascularization of the CsA treated eye on the 7th day was significantly higher than that observed in untreated eyes. On the 30th day, however, this pattern was reversed with the neovascularization observed in the CsA treated eyes declining to the low levels observed on the 3rd day. The degree of neovascularization in the untreated eyes on the 30th day declined to the baseline levels found on day 3 at the 60th day. Histopathological analysis indicated that deposition of collagen in the implanted tissue was completed by the 15th day. Therefore, we concluded that (1) equine amniotic membrane in rat corneal stroma produced an intense neovascularization until the 15th day postoperatively and then regressed, (2) deposition of collagen of the implanted tissue was completed on the 15th day postoperatively, and (3) use of CsA was associated with increase in the corneal neovascularization initially, followed by a quick and intense regression.

#28 - The number and profile of reactive NADH-d and NADPH-d neurons of myenteric plexus of six-month-old rats are different in the cecum portions, p.241-248

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva E.A., Natali M.R.M. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. The number and profile of reactive NADH-d and NADPH-d neurons of myenteric plexus of six-month-old rats are different in the cecum portions. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):241-248. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, USP, Cidade Universitária, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270. E-mail: Whole-mount preparations were prepared and submitted to NADH-diaphorase and NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry techniques. The myenteric plexus arrangement and the number of neurons were comparatively evaluated among the different portions of the cecum. The neurons from the apical and basal regions were distributed in classes at intervals of 100µm2, the means of the corresponding intervals being compared. The ganglia, in both techniques, were often connected by fine bundles, which became thicker in the mesenteric region and in the region next to the cecal ampulla. The number of positive NADH-d neurons was higher than that of NADPH-d neurons in all portions, from both regions. The numbers of reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons were significantly different among the different portions of the cecum, except for the antimesenteric basal and intermediate basal regions, considering the NADH-d neurons. The profile area for the reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons was higher in the apical region than in the basal area. Differences in arrangement, distribution and size of positive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons in the different cecum portions evidenced the importance of the subdivision of the analyzed organ.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva E.A., Natali M.R.M. & Prado I.M.M. 2008. The number and profile of reactive NADH-d and NADPH-d neurons of myenteric plexus of six-month-old rats are different in the cecum portions. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):241-248. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, USP, Cidade Universitária, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270. E-mail: Whole-mount preparations were prepared and submitted to NADH-diaphorase and NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry techniques. The myenteric plexus arrangement and the number of neurons were comparatively evaluated among the different portions of the cecum. The neurons from the apical and basal regions were distributed in classes at intervals of 100µm2, the means of the corresponding intervals being compared. The ganglia, in both techniques, were often connected by fine bundles, which became thicker in the mesenteric region and in the region next to the cecal ampulla. The number of positive NADH-d neurons was higher than that of NADPH-d neurons in all portions, from both regions. The numbers of reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons were significantly different among the different portions of the cecum, except for the antimesenteric basal and intermediate basal regions, considering the NADH-d neurons. The profile area for the reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons was higher in the apical region than in the basal area. Differences in arrangement, distribution and size of positive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons in the different cecum portions evidenced the importance of the subdivision of the analyzed organ.

#29 - Assessment of NADPH-diaphorase stained myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats supplemented with ascorbic acid, p.95-102

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B., Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Agreste F., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2008. Assessment of NADPH-diaphorase stained myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats supplemented with ascorbic acid. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):95-102. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPAR, Campus-Paranavaí, Av. Huberto Brüning 360, Jardim Santos Dumont, Paranavaí, PR 87706-490, Brazil. E-mail: The relation between hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy has already been demonstrated in some studies. Among the theories proposed for its etiology the oxidative stress stands out. The performance of nitric oxide as a link between the metabolic and vascular neuropathogenic factors that triggers the diabetic neuropathy has already been put forward. This study aimed to assess the quantification and measurements of the cell body profile area (CBPA) of NADPH-diaphorase reactive (NADPH-dp) myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats (induced by streptozotocin) supplemented with Ascorbic Acid (AA). These changes in the myenteric neurons seem to be related to the gastrointestinal disturbances observed in diabetes mellitus (DM). Twenty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were distributed in 4 groups (n=5): controls (C), control supplemented (CS), diabetic (D), and diabetic suplemented (DS). DM was induced by estreptozotocin (50mg/kg body wt). One week after the induction and confirmation of the DM (glycemia exam), animals of the groups CS and DS received 50mg of AA three times a week by gavage. After 90 days of experiment, the animals were anesthetized with lethal thiopental dose (40mg/kg) and the collected jejunum processed for the histochemistry NADPH-diaphorase technique. Whole-mount preparations were obtained for quantitative and morphometric analysis of the myenteric neurons. A quantity of jejunum neurons in the Group D (96±7.5) was not different (P>0.05) from Group DS (116±8.08), C (92±9.7), and CS (81±5.4), but in Group DS the quantity was higher (P<0.05) than in Group C and CS. The CBPA of neurons from Group D (189.50±2.68µm2) and DS (195.92±3.75µm2) were lower (P<0.05) than from Group C (225.13±4.37µm2) and CS (210.23±3.15µm2). The streptozotocin-induced DM did not change the jejunum-ileum area, the jejunum myenteric plexus space organization and the density of NADPH-dp neurons. The 50g AA-supplementation, three times a week, during 90 days, did not decrease hyperglycemia; however, it had a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons, minimizing the increase on the CBPA of NADPH-dp neurons and increasing the amount of NADPD-dp neurons.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B., Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Agreste F., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2008. Assessment of NADPH-diaphorase stained myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats supplemented with ascorbic acid. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):95-102. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPAR, Campus-Paranavaí, Av. Huberto Brüning 360, Jardim Santos Dumont, Paranavaí, PR 87706-490, Brazil. E-mail: The relation between hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy has already been demonstrated in some studies. Among the theories proposed for its etiology the oxidative stress stands out. The performance of nitric oxide as a link between the metabolic and vascular neuropathogenic factors that triggers the diabetic neuropathy has already been put forward. This study aimed to assess the quantification and measurements of the cell body profile area (CBPA) of NADPH-diaphorase reactive (NADPH-dp) myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats (induced by streptozotocin) supplemented with Ascorbic Acid (AA). These changes in the myenteric neurons seem to be related to the gastrointestinal disturbances observed in diabetes mellitus (DM). Twenty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were distributed in 4 groups (n=5): controls (C), control supplemented (CS), diabetic (D), and diabetic suplemented (DS). DM was induced by estreptozotocin (50mg/kg body wt). One week after the induction and confirmation of the DM (glycemia exam), animals of the groups CS and DS received 50mg of AA three times a week by gavage. After 90 days of experiment, the animals were anesthetized with lethal thiopental dose (40mg/kg) and the collected jejunum processed for the histochemistry NADPH-diaphorase technique. Whole-mount preparations were obtained for quantitative and morphometric analysis of the myenteric neurons. A quantity of jejunum neurons in the Group D (96±7.5) was not different (P>0.05) from Group DS (116±8.08), C (92±9.7), and CS (81±5.4), but in Group DS the quantity was higher (P<0.05) than in Group C and CS. The CBPA of neurons from Group D (189.50±2.68µm2) and DS (195.92±3.75µm2) were lower (P<0.05) than from Group C (225.13±4.37µm2) and CS (210.23±3.15µm2). The streptozotocin-induced DM did not change the jejunum-ileum area, the jejunum myenteric plexus space organization and the density of NADPH-dp neurons. The 50g AA-supplementation, three times a week, during 90 days, did not decrease hyperglycemia; however, it had a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons, minimizing the increase on the CBPA of NADPH-dp neurons and increasing the amount of NADPD-dp neurons.

#30 - Abortion caused by Ateleia glazioviana (Leg. Papilionoideae) in rats

Abstract in English:

Ateleia glazioviana Baillon (Leg. Papilionoideae), populary known as "timbó de Palmeira", is a tree found throughout Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It is reputed to induce abortion in cattle, to be toxic to fish and repellent to houshold insects. Evaluation of the effects of the hydroethanolic leaf extracts administered to pregnant female rats showed that the dichloromethane and amino acids extracts in doses of 100 caused a significant decrease in the number of progeny and a reduction in weight gains of pregnant females when compared with undosed controls. It is concluded that the dichloromethane extract, which contains apoiar substances (e.g. rutin and afrormosin) and the amino acids extract (proteinogenic and non proteinogenic amino acids) are responsible for the abortions or reabsorptions of foetusses in female rats.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Ateleia glazioviana Baillon, árvore pertencente à família Leguminosae Papilionoideae de ocorrência no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é conhecida popularmente como timbó de Palmeira, sendo considerada abortiva e tóxica para o gado, ictiotóxica e repelente de insetos. Neste estudo foram constituídos grupos experimentais com ratas grávidas que receberam diariamente, via intraperitonial, frações do extrato hidroetanólico de folhas de A. glazioviana na dose de 100 Foi observada redução significativa no número de filhotes nos grupos que receberam as frações diclorometano e aminoácidos. Redução significativa do ganho de peso das fêmeas gestantes foi verificada para os grupos tratados com as frações diclorometano, acetato de etila, n-butanol e aminoácidos. Conclui-se que as frações diclorometano, que contêm substâncias menos polares, tais como rotina e afrormosina, e aminoacidos, que contêm aminoácidos protéicos e não protéicos, são capazes de produzir abortos ou reabsorções e reduzir o desenvolvimento ponderal de ratas gestantes.

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