Abstract in English:
The aim of the present study was to describe the dynamics of glucose and insulin curves in pregnant mares, and to evaluate the curves according to body condition score, identifying the presence of insulin resistance and correlating these values with the weight, height and clinical changes of the neonates. For this, pregnant mares were evaluated and then grouped according to body condition score during the gestation length until lactation. GrM corresponds to mares with moderate body score (BCS 5-6); GrOv were mares with overweight body score (BCS 7) and GrOb were obese mares (BCS 8-9). A two-step oral sugar test (OST) was used to determine the data. Cortisol analysis was performed with 300-320 days of gestation, at foaling and after parturition. For evaluation of the neonate, a general clinical examination and, weight and height measurements were performed. The results showed hyperglycemia in response to OST with normal insulin values at foaling with a subsequent fall in both values at lactation disregarding group division. Baseline glucose was decreased in GrM compared to GrOv and GrOb with 70-100 days of gestation and with 130-160 days of gestation. With 270-300 days of gestation and post-partum GrOb had increased baseline glucose than GrM. After OST, glucose at foaling day in GrOb presented increased values than GrM. Baseline insulin values did not differ between groups. Post OST insulin levels were higher in GrOb than GrM and GrOv at parturition. No difference in cortisol between moments was identified. GrOb and GrOv maintained increased concentrations after foaling while GrM had a decrease. No correlation was found between maternal glucose and insulin values with foal weight and height, however, a lower ratio between neonatal weight and mare’s weight in GrOb and GrOv was identified in relation to the GrM. At foaling, mares presented glucose dysregulation, with obese and overweight mares presenting a greater response to OST.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever a dinâmica das curvas de glicose e insulina em éguas gestantes e avaliar as curvas de acordo com o escore de condição corporal, identificando a presença de resistência insulínica e correlacionando esses valores com o peso, altura e alterações clínicas dos neonatos. Para isso, as éguas prenhes foram avaliadas em conjunto e agrupadas de acordo com o escore de condição corporal durante a gestação até o pós-parto. GrM pertenciam éguas com escore corporal moderado (EC 5-6); GrOv, grupo de éguas com escore corporal acima do peso (EC 7) e GrOb, grupo de éguas obesas (EC 8-9). O teste de glicose oral em duas etapas (OST) foi usado para determinar os dados. A análise do cortisol também foi realizada nos 300-320 dias de gestação, no dia do parto e após o parto. Para avaliação do neonato, foram realizados exame clínico geral e medidas de peso e altura. Os resultados mostraram hiperglicemia em resposta ao OST com valores normais de insulina no momento parto, com uma queda subsequente em ambas as variáveis na lactação, desconsiderando a divisão do grupo. A glicemia basal diminuiu no GrM em comparação com GrOv e GrOb com 70-100 dias de gestação e com 130 160 dias de gestação. Com 270-300 dias de gestação e no pós-parto, o GrOb apresentou aumento na glicemia basal em relação ao GrM. Após OST, a glicose no dia do parto no GrOb apresentou valores aumentados em relação ao GrM. Os valores basais de insulina não diferiram entre os grupos. Após OST níveis de insulina foram maiores no GrOb do que GrM e GrOv no momento do parto. Não houve diferença nos valores de cortisol entre os momentos. O GrOb e GrOv mantiveram cortisol aumentado após o parto enquanto o GrM diminuiu. Não foi encontrada correlação entre os valores de glicemia e insulina materna com o peso e a altura do potro, entretanto, foi identificada uma relação menor entre o peso neonatal e o peso da égua no GrOb e GrOv em relação ao GrM. No parto, as éguas apresentaram desregulação da glicose, sendo que as éguas obesas e com sobrepeso apresentaram uma resposta maior ao OST.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B., Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Agreste F., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2008. Assessment of NADPH-diaphorase stained myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats supplemented with ascorbic acid. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):95-102. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPAR, Campus-Paranavaí, Av. Huberto Brüning 360, Jardim Santos Dumont, Paranavaí, PR 87706-490, Brazil. E-mail: srstabille@wnet.com.br
The relation between hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy has already been demonstrated in some studies. Among the theories proposed for its etiology the oxidative stress stands out. The performance of nitric oxide as a link between the metabolic and vascular neuropathogenic factors that triggers the diabetic neuropathy has already been put forward. This study aimed to assess the quantification and measurements of the cell body profile area (CBPA) of NADPH-diaphorase reactive (NADPH-dp) myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats (induced by streptozotocin) supplemented with Ascorbic Acid (AA). These changes in the myenteric neurons seem to be related to the gastrointestinal disturbances observed in diabetes mellitus (DM). Twenty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were distributed in 4 groups (n=5): controls (C), control supplemented (CS), diabetic (D), and diabetic suplemented (DS). DM was induced by estreptozotocin (50mg/kg body wt). One week after the induction and confirmation of the DM (glycemia exam), animals of the groups CS and DS received 50mg of AA three times a week by gavage. After 90 days of experiment, the animals were anesthetized with lethal thiopental dose (40mg/kg) and the collected jejunum processed for the histochemistry NADPH-diaphorase technique. Whole-mount preparations were obtained for quantitative and morphometric analysis of the myenteric neurons. A quantity of jejunum neurons in the Group D (96±7.5) was not different (P>0.05) from Group DS (116±8.08), C (92±9.7), and CS (81±5.4), but in Group DS the quantity was higher (P<0.05) than in Group C and CS. The CBPA of neurons from Group D (189.50±2.68µm2) and DS (195.92±3.75µm2) were lower (P<0.05) than from Group C (225.13±4.37µm2) and CS (210.23±3.15µm2). The streptozotocin-induced DM did not change the jejunum-ileum area, the jejunum myenteric plexus space organization and the density of NADPH-dp neurons. The 50g AA-supplementation, three times a week, during 90 days, did not decrease hyperglycemia; however, it had a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons, minimizing the increase on the CBPA of NADPH-dp neurons and increasing the amount of NADPD-dp neurons.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Silverio S.M., Mari R.B., Clebis N.K., Scoz J.R., Germano R.M., Agreste F., Bombonato P.P. & Stabille S.R. 2008. Assessment of NADPH-diaphorase stained myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats supplemented with ascorbic acid. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(2):95-102. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPAR, Campus-Paranavaí, Av. Huberto Brüning 360, Jardim Santos Dumont, Paranavaí, PR 87706-490, Brazil. E-mail: srstabille@wnet.com.br
The relation between hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy has already been demonstrated in some studies. Among the theories proposed for its etiology the oxidative stress stands out. The performance of nitric oxide as a link between the metabolic and vascular neuropathogenic factors that triggers the diabetic neuropathy has already been put forward. This study aimed to assess the quantification and measurements of the cell body profile area (CBPA) of NADPH-diaphorase reactive (NADPH-dp) myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats (induced by streptozotocin) supplemented with Ascorbic Acid (AA). These changes in the myenteric neurons seem to be related to the gastrointestinal disturbances observed in diabetes mellitus (DM). Twenty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were distributed in 4 groups (n=5): controls (C), control supplemented (CS), diabetic (D), and diabetic suplemented (DS). DM was induced by estreptozotocin (50mg/kg body wt). One week after the induction and confirmation of the DM (glycemia exam), animals of the groups CS and DS received 50mg of AA three times a week by gavage. After 90 days of experiment, the animals were anesthetized with lethal thiopental dose (40mg/kg) and the collected jejunum processed for the histochemistry NADPH-diaphorase technique. Whole-mount preparations were obtained for quantitative and morphometric analysis of the myenteric neurons. A quantity of jejunum neurons in the Group D (96±7.5) was not different (P>0.05) from Group DS (116±8.08), C (92±9.7), and CS (81±5.4), but in Group DS the quantity was higher (P<0.05) than in Group C and CS. The CBPA of neurons from Group D (189.50±2.68µm2) and DS (195.92±3.75µm2) were lower (P<0.05) than from Group C (225.13±4.37µm2) and CS (210.23±3.15µm2). The streptozotocin-induced DM did not change the jejunum-ileum area, the jejunum myenteric plexus space organization and the density of NADPH-dp neurons. The 50g AA-supplementation, three times a week, during 90 days, did not decrease hyperglycemia; however, it had a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons, minimizing the increase on the CBPA of NADPH-dp neurons and increasing the amount of NADPD-dp neurons.