Abstract in English:
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that can infect buffaloes and other mammalians, and it’s caused by Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Leptospira spp. The infection occurs through contact with urine or a contaminated environment with the mucous membranes of the animals, and the disease has two phases: leptospiremia and leptospiruria. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of leptospirosis in buffaloes in the state of Paraná, Brazil, as well as the main serovars present in this area. A total of 276 blood samples were collected from buffaloes from 18 properties located in different cities and mesoregions of Paraná state. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed to detect the presence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies and to identify its serovars. The prevalence was 77.17% (213/276) of buffaloes seropositive for at least one serovar. The most frequent serovar was Icterohaemorrhagiae, followed by the Pomona serovar and serovar Hardjo. This study seems to be the first to determine the frequency of buffaloes with leptospirosis in the state of Paraná. Prevention and control measures are important to control the disease in herds.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Leptospirose é uma zoonose que infecta búfalos e outros mamíferos e é causada por bactérias Gram-negativas do gênero Leptospira spp. A infecção ocorre por meio do contato com a urina ou ambiente contaminado com as membranas mucosas dos animais e a doença possui duas fases: leptospiremia e leptospirúria. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a frequência da leptospirose em bubalinos provenientes do estado do Paraná, assim como determinar os principais sorovares presentes no estado. Um total de 276 amostras de sangue foram coletados de búfalos provenientes de 18 propriedades localizadas em 14 municípios de diferentes mesorregiões do estado do Paraná. O teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) foi realizado para detecção da presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. e identificação dos respectivos sorovares. A prevalência de búfalos soropositivos para ao menos um sorovar foi de 77,17% (213/276). O sorovar mais frequente identificado nestes búfalos foi o Icterohaemorrhagiae, seguido pelos sorovares Pomona e Hardjo. Este é o primeiro estudo a determinar a frequência de búfalos com leptospirose no estado do Paraná. Medidas de controle e prevenção são importantes para o controle do agente nos rebanhos.
Abstract in English:
Clostridial diseases are important causes of livestock losses in the southern Rio Grande do Sul. Since 1978 annual surveys conducted at the "Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico" of the "Universidade Federal de Pelotas" (LRD-UFPel) have shown that clostridial diseases represent 10.40% of the bacterial diseases diagnosed in cattle and 1.65% of all diseases diagnosis in cattle over a 40-year period. The purpose of this study is to review the clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of the clostridial diseases diagnosed in cattle from January 1978 to December 2018 at the LRD-UFPel in the hopes that it will constitute a useful guide for field veterinary practitioners and interested farmers. We assessed and review the necropsy protocols of 6,736 cattle; these necropsies were performed either by LRD-UFPel faculty or by field veterinary practitioners; 111 outbreaks (1.65%) were diagnosed as clostridial disease, distributed as follows: 35 outbreaks of tetanus, 34 of blackleg, 23 of bacillary hemoglobinuria, 11 of malignant edema (gas gangrene), and eight of botulism. Approximately 904, from a total of 42,480 cattle at risk, died in these outbreaks.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Clostridioses são doenças produzidas por alguma das espécies do gênero Clostridium e são importantes causas de perdas pecuárias no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisas anuais realizadas no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) desde 1978 demonstraram que as clostridioses representaram 11,1% das doenças bacterianas diagnosticadas em bovinos e 1,65% de todos os diagnósticos de doenças em bovinos ao longo de 40 anos. O objetivo deste estudo é revisar os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e patológicos das clostridioses diagnosticadas de janeiro de 1978 a dezembro de 2018, pelo LRD/UFPel com a intenção de que esse trabalho possa servir de guia útil para os veterinários de campo e fazendeiros interessados. Foram avaliados e revisados os protocolos de necropsia de 6.736 bovinos; essas necropsias foram realizadas pelo pessoal do LRD/UFPel ou por veterinários de campo. Cento e quatro (1,16%) casos foram diagnosticados como clostridioses, distribuídos da seguinte forma: 35 surtos de tétano, 34 de cartbúnculo sintomático, 23 de hemoglobinúria bacilar, 11 de edema maligno (gangrena gasosa) e oito de botulismo. Aproximadamente 904, de um total de 42.480 bovinos sob-risco, morreram nesses surtos.
Abstract in English:
The epidemiological study was conducted in 12 farms with the history of foot disease occurrence. Clinical examination of the affected cattle for the diagnosis of foot disease was performed only on nine of these farms. Multiple risk factors were found for digit injuries, as syringes floors paved with rocks, working chutes with iron fittings exposure, loading ramps covered with sharp stones and the lack of maintenance and structural errors. On each farm there was an inappropriate handling of cattle. On 91.7% of them (11/12) existed pickets with trunks of trees and 66.7% (8/12) had areas of sloping relief with stones. Moreover, 16.7% (2/12) of the farms were in marsh areas and wetlands. Sodomy was reported for all farms. None of them adopted preventive measures related to foot problems. A total of 498 cattle, males and females, were examined. The hind limbs were the most affected in both, females and in males. In females 629 lesions were diagnosed. The septic pododermatitis was the most common, followed by claw deformities, pododermatitis in the paradigits and digital dermatitis. In males 285 injuries were diagnosed; the most common were septic pododermatitis, claw deformities and heel erosion. It was concluded that management errors associated with inadequate facilities were factors that contributed to the occurrence of foot diseases in beef cattle of the farms studied. The environmental characteristics favored the development of lesions; combined injuries were more prevalent than the simple ones diagnosed in cattle of all farms. Early diagnosis was not carried out in the field, what helped to increase the severity and the diversification of the foot problems.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Foram avaliados os fatores epidemiológicos e as afecções podais de bovinos de corte no estado do Pará em 12 propriedades. Em todas foi realizado o estudo epidemiológico e em nove o estudo epidemiológico e o exame clínico dos animais. Nos centros de manejo foram observados fatores favoráveis a traumatismos nos dígitos dos bovinos, como piso das seringas calçado com pedras, troncos com exposição de ferragens e rampas dos embarcadores com pisos de pedras pontiagudas, além da falta de manutenção e erros estruturais. Em todas as fazendas observou-se um manejo inadequado dos animais. Em 91,7% das fazendas (11/12) havia piquetes com presença de troncos de árvores e 66,7% (8/12) apresentavam áreas de relevo inclinado com presença de pedras. Em 16,7% (2/12) das fazendas havia áreas de brejo com áreas alagadas. A sodomia foi relatada em todas as propriedades. Nenhuma fazenda adotava medidas profiláticas relacionadas às afecções podais. Foram examinados 498 bovinos entre fêmeas e machos. Os membros pélvicos foram mais acometidos, tanto nas fêmeas quanto nos machos. Foram diagnosticadas 629 lesões nas fêmeas, sendo as mais frequentes pododermatite séptica, deformações ungulares, pododermatite da sobreunha e dermatite digital. Nos machos diagnosticou-se 285 lesões e as mais frequentes foram pododermatite séptica, deformações ungulares e abrasão de talão. Conclui-se que erros de manejo associados às condições inadequadas das instalações foram fatores que contribuíram para a ocorrência de enfermidades podais em bovinos de corte nas fazendas estudadas; as características ambientais favoreceram o desenvolvimento das lesões; as associações de lesões foram mais prevalentes do que as simples, sendo diagnosticadas em animais em todas as fazendas estudadas; o diagnóstico precoce a campo não era realizado, o que contribuiu para aumentar a gravidade e a diversificação das afecções podais diagnosticadas.
Abstract in English:
Medeiros J.M., Tabosa I.M., Simões S.V.D., Nóbrega Jr J. E., Vasconcelos J.S. & Riet-Correa F. 2005. [Perinatal mortality in kids in the semiarid region of Paraíba, Brazil.] Mortalidade perinatal em cabritos no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):201-206. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-970 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: riet@cstr.ufcg.edu.br
The causes of perinatal kid mortality were studied from May 2002 to August 2004 in the semiarid region of Paraíba. In 118 necropsied kids the frequency of different causes of death were neonatal infections (50%), distocia (12.71%), hypothermia/starvation (11.86%), malformations (7.62%), floppy kid (6.77%) and abortions (1.69%). Regarding the time of death, 1.69% of the kids died before parturition, 16.94% during the parturition and 81.34 % after birth. The high occurrence of neonatal infections, dystocias, and hypothermia/starvation is probably to due to factors related with error in the sanitary, reproductive and nutritional management. Arthrogryposis of the forelimbs was the main malformation observed. This defect is endemic in goat flocks in the semi-arid of Brazil. Most deaths occurred after birth (25.42%) and from the 4th to the 28th day of life (38.98%) suggesting that care with the kids during their first 28 days of life is important for the improvement of the survival rate.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Medeiros J.M., Tabosa I.M., Simões S.V.D., Nóbrega Jr J. E., Vasconcelos J.S. & Riet-Correa F. 2005. [Perinatal mortality in kids in the semiarid region of Paraíba, Brazil.] Mortalidade perinatal em cabritos no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):201-206. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-970 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: riet@cstr.ufcg.edu.br
The causes of perinatal kid mortality were studied from May 2002 to August 2004 in the semiarid region of Paraíba. In 118 necropsied kids the frequency of different causes of death were neonatal infections (50%), distocia (12.71%), hypothermia/starvation (11.86%), malformations (7.62%), floppy kid (6.77%) and abortions (1.69%). Regarding the time of death, 1.69% of the kids died before parturition, 16.94% during the parturition and 81.34 % after birth. The high occurrence of neonatal infections, dystocias, and hypothermia/starvation is probably to due to factors related with error in the sanitary, reproductive and nutritional management. Arthrogryposis of the forelimbs was the main malformation observed. This defect is endemic in goat flocks in the semi-arid of Brazil. Most deaths occurred after birth (25.42%) and from the 4th to the 28th day of life (38.98%) suggesting that care with the kids during their first 28 days of life is important for the improvement of the survival rate.
Abstract in English:
Tancredi M.G.F., Faccini J.L.H., Tancredi I.P., Martins I.V.F. & Scott F.B. 2005. [The host-relationship between Psoroptes equi and horses.] Relação parasito-hospedeiro entre Psoroptes equi e eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):207-209. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: faccini@ufrrj.br
Horses, abandoned by their owners (stray horses) along the main roads in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, and brought by the Federal Police to a quarantine station at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, were included in the study. A total of 1,121 horses were examined from November 1998 to November 2000. Skin scrapings from 107 (9.5%) horses with signs of psoroptic mange resulted in 37 (34.6%) positive animals for Psoroptes equi. There was no statistical correlation between prevalence and host age or sex (c2, p>0,05). P. equi was diagnosed in animals with different hair color. The dorsal region (withers to hip) was the most affected area of the body.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Tancredi M.G.F., Faccini J.L.H., Tancredi I.P., Martins I.V.F. & Scott F.B. 2005. [The host-relationship between Psoroptes equi and horses.] Relação parasito-hospedeiro entre Psoroptes equi e eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):207-209. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: faccini@ufrrj.br
Horses, abandoned by their owners (stray horses) along the main roads in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, and brought by the Federal Police to a quarantine station at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, were included in the study. A total of 1,121 horses were examined from November 1998 to November 2000. Skin scrapings from 107 (9.5%) horses with signs of psoroptic mange resulted in 37 (34.6%) positive animals for Psoroptes equi. There was no statistical correlation between prevalence and host age or sex (c2, p>0,05). P. equi was diagnosed in animals with different hair color. The dorsal region (withers to hip) was the most affected area of the body.
Abstract in English:
Faccini J.L.H., Santos A.C.G. & Bechara G.H. 2004. [Bovine demodicosis in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil.] Demodicose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):149-152. Depto Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: faccini@ufrrj.br
Cases of bovine demodicosis caused by Demodex bovis were reported in a Sindhi herd from December 1989 to January 1992. Both localized and generalized forms were diagnosed. This is the first report of the generalized form in Brazil. In the first two years, demodicosis was diagnosed only in cattle < 2 years old, whereas animals of all ages were positive in the last two years. Prevalence varied from 20.4% (11/54) to 53.1% (26/49) and 13.2% (12/91) to 14.8% (9/61) for cattle < 2 years old and > 2 years old, respectively. Clinical signs varied from a few small nodules to a thickened skin with soft large nodules in the localized and generalized forms, respectively. Main microscopic features of the nodules in the generalized form consisted of acanthosis with hyperqueratosis, chronic sebaceous adenitis, subcutaneous muscular necrosis, focal cellular degeneration of the epidermis basal layer and presence of large number of mites inside the lumen of dilated hair follicles. In addition, a chronic perifoliculitis was observed, characterized by lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate which also contained macrophages and neutrophils. It is suggested that poor nutrition and stress due to prolonged drought probably contributed to the increase of susceptibility of the herd to mite infestation.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Faccini J.L.H., Santos A.C.G. & Bechara G.H. 2004. [Bovine demodicosis in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil.] Demodicose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):149-152. Depto Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: faccini@ufrrj.br
Cases of bovine demodicosis caused by Demodex bovis were reported in a Sindhi herd from December 1989 to January 1992. Both localized and generalized forms were diagnosed. This is the first report of the generalized form in Brazil. In the first two years, demodicosis was diagnosed only in cattle < 2 years old, whereas animals of all ages were positive in the last two years. Prevalence varied from 20.4% (11/54) to 53.1% (26/49) and 13.2% (12/91) to 14.8% (9/61) for cattle < 2 years old and > 2 years old, respectively. Clinical signs varied from a few small nodules to a thickened skin with soft large nodules in the localized and generalized forms, respectively. Main microscopic features of the nodules in the generalized form consisted of acanthosis with hyperqueratosis, chronic sebaceous adenitis, subcutaneous muscular necrosis, focal cellular degeneration of the epidermis basal layer and presence of large number of mites inside the lumen of dilated hair follicles. In addition, a chronic perifoliculitis was observed, characterized by lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate which also contained macrophages and neutrophils. It is suggested that poor nutrition and stress due to prolonged drought probably contributed to the increase of susceptibility of the herd to mite infestation.
Abstract in English:
Lemos E.R.S., D'Andrea P.S., Bonvicino C. R., Famadas K. M., Padula P., Cavalcanti A.A. & Schatzmayr H.G. 2004. Evidence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents captured in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):71-73. Depto Virologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, 5º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: elemos@ioc.fiocruz.br
Hantaviruses are the etiological agents of the Hantavirus Cardio-Pulmonary Syndrome, a serious rodent-borne disease in Brazil. In order to investigate the occurrence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents, a survey was conducted in three different suburban areas of the municipality of Pedreira, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Of the 145 wild animals captured belonging to 12 different species identified by morphology and karyological analysis, 107 were rodents of the following species: Akodon montensis, Bolomys lasiurus, Calomys tener, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Myocastor coypus. Blood samples from these rodents were assayed for the presence of antibodies against hantavirus by IgG ELISA using Andes recombinant nucleocapsid antigen. Antibody reactive to Andes virus was found in two different species, O. nigripes and O. flavescens. These results indicate a potential risk for hantavirus transmission to humans in this area, where reservoir rodents are present in peridomestic settings.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Lemos E.R.S., D'Andrea P.S., Bonvicino C. R., Famadas K. M., Padula P., Cavalcanti A.A. & Schatzmayr H.G. 2004. Evidence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents captured in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):71-73. Depto Virologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, 5º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: elemos@ioc.fiocruz.br
Hantaviruses are the etiological agents of the Hantavirus Cardio-Pulmonary Syndrome, a serious rodent-borne disease in Brazil. In order to investigate the occurrence of hantavirus infection in wild rodents, a survey was conducted in three different suburban areas of the municipality of Pedreira, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Of the 145 wild animals captured belonging to 12 different species identified by morphology and karyological analysis, 107 were rodents of the following species: Akodon montensis, Bolomys lasiurus, Calomys tener, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Myocastor coypus. Blood samples from these rodents were assayed for the presence of antibodies against hantavirus by IgG ELISA using Andes recombinant nucleocapsid antigen. Antibody reactive to Andes virus was found in two different species, O. nigripes and O. flavescens. These results indicate a potential risk for hantavirus transmission to humans in this area, where reservoir rodents are present in peridomestic settings.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Peixoto P.V., França T.N., Barros C.S.L. & Tokarnia C.H. 2003. [Histopathological aspects of Bovine Enzootic Haematuria in Brazil.] Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 23(2):65-81. Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro 23835-000, Brazil. E-mail: peixotop@ufrrj.br
The bladder lesions of 59 cattle, from the States of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and Amazon, affected by Bovine Enzootic Haematuria (BEH), were studied histologically. The objective of this study was to describe and redassify neoplastic and non-neoplastic alterations not yet reported, according to the more complete current nomendature used in human medicine. There was an almost complete identity with alterations observed in the bladder of man. Due to the occurrence of two or more neoplasms in the sarne animal, differences in the methodology and in the concept of dassification, a more precise comparison was not possible. Coexistence of different types of epithelial and/or mesenchymal tumour growth was frequently seen. Rare neoplasms or differentiations not previously described were found in the bladder of some animais affected by BEH. These were trabecular carcinoma with Paneth cells differentiation, mesonephroid adenoma, mesonephroid adenocarcinoma, "signet ring" cell carcinoma, plasmocytoid carcinoma, chromophobe cell carcinoma and nested type of transitional cell carcinoma. Haemangiosarcomas originating from haemangiomas were also observed. This study also revealed the occurrence of many tumors with anaplasia and pronounced infiltrative features, but which did not metastasize. The elucidation of the cause of this "barrier against metastases" and its relationship with chemical carcinogenesis induced by the ptaquiloside, the active principie of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), could be of interest to future research on the control of neoplasia in man and animais.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Peixoto P.V., França T.N., Barros C.S.L. & Tokarnia C.H. 2003. [Histopathological aspects of Bovine Enzootic Haematuria in Brazil.] Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 23(2):65-81. [Aspectos histopatológicos da Hematúria Enzoótica Bovina no Brasil.] Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Km 47, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro 23835-000, Brazil. E-mail: peixotop@ufrrj.br
Com o objetivo de descrever alterações neoplásicas e não-neoplásicas ainda não relatadas e, paralelamente, reclassificá-las de acordo com nomenclatura mais completa e atual utilizada em medicina humana, foram estudadas, histologicamente, lesões da bexiga de 59 bovinos com Hematúria Enzoótica (HEB), oriundos dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná e Amazonas. Verificou-se, em termos qualitativos, quase uma perfeita identidade com as lesões de bexiga observadas em seres humanos. Comparações mais exatas com relação à freqüência dessas alterações ficaram prejudicadas, dadas a ocorrência de duas ou mais neoplasias em um mesmo animal e as diferenças da metodologia empregada ou do conceito de classificação. Coexistência entre neoplasias diversas, epiteliais e/ou mesenquimais, foi vista com freqüência. Neoplasias ou diferenciações raras, ainda não descritas na bexiga de bovinos, como carcinoma trabecular com diferenciação em células de Paneth, adenoma e adenocarcinoma mesonefróides, carcino ma "signet ring" (anel de sinete), carcinoma plasmocitóide, carcinoma de células cromófobas e carcinoma transicional tipo ninhado foram observadas na bexiga de alguns animais com HEB. Foram verificados hemangiossarcomas proliferando a partir de hemangiomas. O estudo revelou, ainda, a· ocorrência de. diversos tumores com anaplasia e carácter infiltrativo acentuados, incapazes, porém, de metastizarem. O esclarecimento da(s) causa(s) dessa "barreira à metástase" e suas relações com a carcinogênese química induzida pelo ptaquilosídeo, o princípio ativo de Pteridium aquilinum, talvez possa ser de interesse em futuros estudos que visem combater o câncer no homem e nos animais.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Hofer E., Zamora M.R.N., Lopes A.E., Moura A.M.C:, Araújo H.L., Leite M.D.D. & Silva Filho S.J. 2000. [Salmonella serovars in meat of horses slaughtered in northeastern Brazil.] Sorovares de Salmonella. em carne de eqüídeos abatidos no nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):80-84. Depto Bacteriologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ, Rio de janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil.
In the sixties and seventies there was an extraordinary increase in export of horse meat products to Europe andjapah. This favored an increase in risk of Salmonella outspread through those products to human and animal consumer populations. Thus, from an exporting company dealing with horse meat located in northeastern Brazil (state of Pernambuco), 19,238 fragments of more external muscles, Salmonella was isolated from 666 samples colleted from 433 animals (horses and donkeys). The serotyping of 745 isolates showed 98 serovars pertaining to 14 serogroups, predominantly classified into subspecies 1 (98.9%). S. Anatum, S. Carrau, S. Saintpaul, S. Agona, and S. Typhimurium were the most frequent serovars isolated. Preliminary data indicate that the primary causes for the presence of Salmonella in the meats probably was contact with feces from slaughtered animals, as well a.s possible contamination of environments, in view of the absence of human carriers researched in part of the personnel.
Abstract in Portuguese:
SINOPSE.- Hofer E., Zamora M.R.N., Lopes A.E., Moura A.M.C:, Araújo H.L., Leite M.D.D. & Silva Filho S.J. 2000. [Salmonella serovars in meat of horses slaughtered in northeastern Brazil.] Sorovares de Salmonella. em carne de eqüídeos abatidos no nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):80-84. Depto Bacteriologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ, Rio de janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil.
Nas décadas de 60 e 70, houve um extraordinário incremento da exportação de produtos cárneos de equídeos dos países da América do Sul para a Europa e Japão. Este acontecimento favoreceu o aumento de risco da veiculação de Salmonella através desses produtos, para as populações humana e animal, consumidoras. Assim, num estabelecimento industrial e exportador de carne de eqüídeos localizado no nordeste do Brasil (Pernambuco), foram analisados bacteriologicamente, 19.238 fragmentos de músculos mais externos, que revelaram 666 exames positivos referentes a 433 animais (eqüinos e asininos) e resultando no isolamento de 745 cepas de Salmonella. Na amostragem foram·caracterizados do ponto de vista antigénico 98 sorovares, predominantemente classificados na subespécie 1 (98,9%) e tendo como os mais freqüentes S. Anatum, S. Carrau, S. Saintpaul, S. Agona e S. Typhimurium. Pelas análises efetuadas admite-se que as causas primordiais da presença de Salmonella nas carnes, provavelmente decorreu do contato com os excretas dos animais abatidos, bem como pela possível contaminação ambiental resultante, tendo em vista a ausência de portadores humanos, pesquisados numa parcela do pessoal.