Abstract in English:
Giardiasis is an important and prevalent zoonosis in dogs and humans caused by Giardia spp. The close relationship between pets and humans has physical, emotional and social benefits. The dogs have an important role in Giardia duodenalis cycle and transmission. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of the parasite in dogs from Central Region, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, from April to October 2018. Dog feces (230) were submitted to Faust coproparasitological and molecular analyses. The positive samples in the nested-PCR (β-giardin gene) were sent for DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses (Neighbor-Joining). The occurrence of G. duodenalis, was 5.6% (13/230) and 4.3% (10/230) detected by coproparasitological technique and nested-PCR, respectively. There was no difference in the sensitivity of the tests used. From the faecal samples analyzed, there were no differences among the variables: diagnostic techniques, local, sex, and age of the animals (p>0.05). Only in the stool examination methodology a difference was observed between the ages (p<0.05). G. duodenalis assemblages were C and D, frequently reported in dogs. The close relationship between dogs and people may allow co-infections of circulating parasites in the population, including Giardia spp. and increasing the risk of transmission of zoonotic agents.
Abstract in Portuguese:
A giardíase é uma zoonose importante e prevalente em cães e humanos, sendo causada por Giardia spp. A estreita relação entre animais de estimação e seres humanos traz benefícios físicos, emocionais e sociais. Os cães têm um papel importante no ciclo e transmissão de Giardia duodenalis. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência do parasita em cães da Região Central, em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, de abril a outubro de 2018. As fezes de cães (230) foram submetidas a técnica coproparasitológica de Faust e análises moleculares. As amostras positivas no nested-PCR (gene β-giardin) foram enviadas para sequenciamento de DNA e posterior análise filogenética (Neighbor-Joining). A ocorrência de G. duodenalis foi de 5,6% (13/230) e 4,3% (10/230) detectados pela técnica coproparasitológica e nested-PCR, respectivamente. Não houve diferença na sensibilidade dos testes utilizados. Das amostras fecais analisadas, não houve diferenças entre as variáveis: técnicas de diagnóstico, local, sexo e idade dos animais (p>0,05). Somente na metodologia de exame de fezes observou-se diferença entre as idades (p<0,05). As assemblages de G. duodenalis encontradas foram C e D, frequentemente relatadas em cães. A estreita relação entre cães e pessoas pode permitir co-infecções de parasitas circulantes na população, incluindo Giardia spp. e aumentando o risco de transmissão de agentes zoonóticos.
Abstract in English:
Bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) is a polybacterial claw disease that is endemic to dairy cattle kept in loose house systems, and treponemas are the main bacteria implicated in this disease. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of Treponema spp. in BDD from crossbred dairy cattle (Holstein x Zebu) kept in a pasture in the Brazilian Amazon biome. The diagnostic of BDD was performed by inspecting the distal extremities of cattle during milking in one or more visits comprising 15 farms. In total, it could be inspected 1,847 cows from August 2016 to July 2017, and 25 lesions of BDD were diagnosed. The feet were scored (System M: M0 = no lesion, M1 = ulcer stage <2cm, M2 = ulcer stage >2cm, M3 = healing stage, M4 = chronic stage, M4.1 = chronic stage with ulcer area). Twenty four biopsy samples were taken from feet with BDD and five biopsy samples from feet with no lesions. The histopathology of stained tissues was performed by hematoxylin and eosin and Warthin-Starry method. The samples were also tested by nested PCR for the three previously isolated BDD Treponema phylogroups (T. medium/T. vincentii-like, T. phagedenis-like and T. putidum/T. denticola-like). Spirochetes were observed in 54.2% (13/24) of the lesions, and in 91.7% (22/24) of the samples were detected the DNA of this spirochete belonging to the treponema phylogroups implicated in BDD. In 25% (6/24) of the lesions were detected all the phylogroups. Forty percent (40%, 2/5) of the M0 samples were also positive for the nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (nested-PCR), as 8.3% (2/24) of the lesions were negative in both techniques employed. Treponema putidum/T. denticola-like was the most detected bacterial in all the stages, and active lesions (M2 and M4.1) presented a greater proportion of T. medium/T. vincentii-like and T. phagedenis-like, but no statistical differences were observed (p>0.05). It could be concluded that BDD lesions in crossbred dairy cattle kept to pasture in the Amazon biome were classified as “polytreponemal” infections and the phylogroup T. putidum/T. denticola-like was the most frequent in the lesions.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Dermatite digital bovina (DDB) é uma enfermidade polibacteriana dos dígitos endêmica em vacas leiteiras criadas em estábulos e as treponemas são as principais bactérias envolvidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de Treponema spp. em DDB em bovinos leiteiros mestiços (Holandês x Zebu) criados a pasto no bioma amazônico brasileiro. O diagnóstico da DDB foi realizado pela inspeção, em uma ou mais visitas, das extremidades distais das vacas durante a ordenha em 15 propriedades. No total, foram inspecionadas 1.847 vacas de agosto de 2016 a julho de 2017 e diagnosticou-se 25 lesões de DDB. As extremidades distais inspecionadas foram classificadas em escores (M0 = sem lesão, M1 = estágio ulcerado <2cm, M2 = estágio ulcerado >2cm, M3 = estágio em cicatrização, M4 = estágio crônico, M4.1 = estágio crônico com área ulcerada) e realizada 24 biópsias de dígitos com DDB e cinco biópsias de dígitos em estágio M0. Foram realizadas a histopatologia pelas colorações de hematoxilina e eosina e pelo método de Warthin-Starry, e a nested de reação em cadeia de polimerase (nested-PCR) para os três filogrupos de treponemas previamente isolados de DDB (Treponema medium/T. vincentii-like, T. phagedenis-like e T. putidum/T. denticola-like). Espiroquetas foram observadas em 54,2% (13/24) das lesões e em 91,7% (22/24) detectou-se o DNA de, pelo menos, um dos filogrupos de treponemas pesquisados. Em 25% (6/24) das lesões foram detectados o DNA dos três filogrupos. Em 40% (2/5) das amostras em estágio M0 também foram positivas na nested-PCR, assim como 8,3% (2/24) das lesões foram negativas em ambas as técnicas empregadas. T. putidum/T. denticola-like foi o filogrupo mais detectado em todos os estágios e lesões ativas (M2 e M4.1) apresentaram uma maior proporção para Treponema medium/T. vincentii-like e T. phagedenis-like, mas não se obteve diferença estatística na ocorrência dos filogrupos entre os estágios das lesões (P>0,05). Conclui-se que lesões de DDB em rebanhos leiteiros mestiços criados a pasto no bioma amazônico brasileiro são “politreponemais” e o filogrupo T. putidum/T. denticola-like é o mais frequente nas lesões.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Pereira J.D.B., Cerqueira V.D., Bezerra Júnior P.S., Oliveira Bezerra D.K., Araújo F.R., Dias A.C.L., Araújo C.P. & Riet-Correa G. 2017. [Histopathological and molecular diagnosis of lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in buffaloes slaughtered in the municipalities of Macapá and Santana, Amapá state, Brazil.] Diagnóstico histopatológico e molecular de lesões sugestivas de tuberculose em búfalos abatidos nos municípios de Macapá e Santana, estado do Amapá. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1198-1204. Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa 1, Bairro Guamá, Castanhal, PA 66075-110, Brazil. E-mail: gabrielariet@pq.cnpq.br
This study aimed to evaluate suggestive lesions of tuberculosis in buffaloes slaughtered in official slaughterhouses in the State of Amapá, Brazil, in order to confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis by histopathological and molecular evaluation. Tissue samples of 20 buffaloes showing lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, from the municipalities of Macapá and Santana, were collected. The samples were divided into two parts: one was fixed in 10% buffered formalin and routinely processed for histopathological evaluation, stained by hematoxylin-eosin and Ziehl-Neelsen; and the other was used for Nested-PCRs for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and for Mycobacterium bovis. Gross lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were observed in the lungs, bronchial, mediastinic, retropharyngeal and submandibular lymph nodes, liver and pleura. Histopathologically, all samples showed lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, characterized by granulomas composed of large amount of infiltration of epithelioid cells, Langhans cells and lymphocytes, bordering a necrotic core, calcified or not, surrounded by a fibrous connective tissue capsule. Acid-fast bacilli were observed in the tissues of 3/20 (15%) buffaloes. With regards to the molecular detection, 13/20 (65%) buffaloes showed positive tissue samples: 6 were positive both in the MTC and M. bovis Nested-PCRs, one was positive only in the MTC Nested-PCR, and 6 were positive only in the M. bovis Nested-PCR. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of diagnosing TB in buffaloes in the region and point to the requirement to implement effective measures to control and eradicate the disease.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Pereira J.D.B., Cerqueira V.D., Bezerra Júnior P.S., Oliveira Bezerra D.K., Araújo F.R., Dias A.C.L., Araújo C.P. & Riet-Correa G. 2017. [Histopathological and molecular diagnosis of lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in buffaloes slaughtered in the municipalities of Macapá and Santana, Amapá state, Brazil.] Diagnóstico histopatológico e molecular de lesões sugestivas de tuberculose em búfalos abatidos nos municípios de Macapá e Santana, estado do Amapá. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1198-1204. Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa 1, Bairro Guamá, Castanhal, PA 66075-110, Brazil. E-mail: gabrielariet@pq.cnpq.br
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar lesões sugestivas de tuberculose em búfalos abatidos em matadouros oficiais no Estado do Amapá, Brasil, a fim de confirmar o diagnóstico de tuberculose por avaliação histopatológica e molecular. As amostras de tecido de 20 búfalos que apresentavam lesões sugestivas de tuberculose, dos municípios de Macapá e Santana, foram coletadas. As amostras foram divididas em duas partes: uma delas foi fixada em formalina a 10% tamponada e rotineiramente processadas para avaliação histopatológica, coradas pela hematoxilina-eosina e Ziehl-Neelsen; e o outra parte foi usado para Nested-PCR para o complexo de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CMT) e para Mycobacterium bovis. As lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de tuberculose foram observadas nos pulmões, linfonodos brônquicos, mediastínicos, retrofaríngeos e submandibulares, fígado e pleura. Histopatologicamente, todas as amostras apresentaram lesões sugestivas de tuberculose, caracterizadas por granulomas compostos por grande quantidade de infiltração de células epitelióides, células de Langerhans e linfócitos, margeando um centro necrótico, calcificado ou não, rodeado por cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroso. Bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes foram observados nos tecidos de 3/20 (15%) búfalos. Com relação à detecção molecular, 13/20 (65%) bubalinos apresentaram amostras de tecidos positivos: 6 foram positivos nas Nested-PCRs para CMT e M. bovis, um foi positivo apenas na Nested-PCR para CMT, e 6 foram positivos apenas na Nested-PCR para M. bovis. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a importância de diagnosticar a tuberculose em búfalos na região e apontam para a necessidade de implementar medidas eficazes para controlar e erradicar a enfermidade.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Almeida P.R., Andrade C.P., Almeida L.L., Oliveira L.G.S., Castro L.A., Zlotowski P., Silva S.C. & Driemeier D. 2012. Nested-PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in bronchial alveolar swabs, frozen tissues and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded swine lung samples: Comparative evaluation with immunohistochemical findings and histological features. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):715-720. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br.
The diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection is often performed through histopathology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or a combination of these techniques. PCR can be performed on samples using several conservation methods, including swabs, frozen tissue or formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. However, the formalin fixation process often inhibits DNA amplification. To evaluate whether M. hyopneumoniae DNA could be recovered from FFPE tissues, 15 lungs with cranioventral consolidation lesions were collected in a slaughterhouse from swine bred in herds with respiratory disease. Bronchial swabs and fresh lung tissue were collected, and a fragment of the corresponding lung section was placed in neutral buffered formalin for 48 hours. A PCR assay was performed to compare FFPE tissue samples with samples that were only refrigerated (bronchial swabs) or frozen (tissue pieces). M. hyopneumoniae was detected by PCR in all 15 samples of the swab and frozen tissue, while it was detected in only 11 of the 15 FFPE samples. Histological features of M. hyopneumoniae infection were presented in 11 cases and 7 of these samples stained positive in IHC. Concordance between the histological features and detection results was observed in 13 of the FFPE tissue samples. PCR was the most sensitive technique. Comparison of different sample conservation methods indicated that it is possible to detect M. hyopneumoniae from FFPE tissue. It is important to conduct further research using archived material because the efficiency of PCR could be compromised under these conditions.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Almeida P.R., Andrade C.P., Almeida L.L., Oliveira L.G.S., Castro L.A., Zlotowski P., Silva S.C. & Driemeier D. 2012. Nested-PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in bronchial alveolar swabs, frozen tissues and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded swine lung samples: Comparative evaluation with immunohistochemical findings and histological features. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):715-720. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: davetpat@ufrgs.br.
O diagnóstico de infecção por Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é frequentemente realizado através de histopatologia, imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), ou uma combinação dessas técnicas. PCR pode ser realizada a partir de amostras submetidas a vários métodos de conservação, incluindo swabs, tecido refrigerado ou congelado, ou ainda tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina (FFEP). Entretanto, o processo de fixação em formalina pode inibir a amplificação de DNA. Para avaliar se DNA de M. hyopneumoniae poderia ser recuperado de tecido FFEP, 15 pulmões com lesões de consolidação crânio-ventral de suínos oriundos de rebanhos com problemas respiratórios foram selecionados no abatedouro. Swabs bronquiais e pulmão fresco foram colhidos, e um fragmento da mesma porção de pulmão foi colocado por 48 horas em solução de formalina tamponada e posteriormente processado e embebido em parafina. PCR foi realizada comparando amostras de tecido fixado em formalina com amostras que passaram somente por refrigeração (swab bronquial) ou foram congeladas (fragmentos de tecido). A detecção de M. hyopneumoniae ocorreu em todas as 15 amostras de swabs e tecido congelado enquanto em amostras de tecido FFEP, o agente foi detectado somente em 11 das 15 amostras. Características histológicas de infecção por M. hyopneumoniae ocorreram em 11 casos e 7 destas amostras obtiveram marcação imuno-histoquímica positiva. Concordância entre histologia e detecção a partir de tecido FFEP foi observada em 13 casos. Dentre as técnicas analisadas, a PCR foi a mais sensível. A comparação de diferentes métodos de conservação de amostras indica que é possível detectar M. hyopneumoniae a partir de tecido FFEP, fato importante para pesquisa utilizando material arquivado, porém a eficácia do teste de PCR pode ficar comprometida sob essas condições.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Cavallini Sanches E.M., Pacheco S.M., Cericatto A.S., Melo R.M., Colodel E.M., Hummel J., Bianchi S.P., Spanamberg A., Santurio J.M. & Ferreiro L. 2009. Detection of Pneumocystis in lungs of bats from Brazil by PCR amplification. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):469-473. Setor de Micologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 90540-000, Brazil. E-mail: cavallini.sanches@ufrgs.br
Pneumocystis has been isolated from a wide range of unrelated mammalian hosts, including humans, domestic and wild animals. It has been demonstrated that the genome of Pneumocystis of one host differs markedly from that of other hosts. Also, variation in the chromosome and DNA sequence of Pneumocystis within a single host species has been observed. Since information about the occurrence and nature of infections in wild animals is still limited, the objective of this work was to detect the presence of Pneumocystis sp. in lungs of bats from two states from Brazil by Nested-PCR amplification. The bats, captured in caves and in urban areas, were obtained from the Program of Rabies Control of two States in Brazil, Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, located in the Mid-Western and Southern regions of the country, respectively. DNAs were extracted from 102 lung tissues and screened for Pneumocystis by nested PCR at the mtLSU rRNA gene and small subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (mtSSU rRNA). Gene amplification was performed using the mtLSU rRNA, the primer set pAZ102H - pAZ102E and pAZ102X - pAZY, and the mtSSU rRNA primer set pAZ102 10FRI - pAZ102 10R-RI and pAZ102 13RI - pAZ102 14RI. The most frequent bats were Tadarida brasiliensis (25), Desmodus rotundus (20), and Nyctinomops laticaudatus (19). Pneumocystis was more prevalent in the species Nyctinomops laticaudatus (26.3% = 5/19), Tadarida brasiliensis (24% = 6/25), and Desmodus rotundus (20% = 4/20). Besides these species, Pneumocystis also was detected in lungs from Molossus molossus (1/11, 9.1%), Artibeus fimbriatus (1/1, 100%), Sturnira lilium (1/3, 33.3%), Myotis levis (2/3, 66.7%) and Diphylla ecaudata (1/2, 50%). PCR products which could indicate the presence of Pneumocystis (21.56%) were identified in DNA samples obtained from 8 out of 16 classified species from both states (5 bats were not identified). This is the first report of detection of Pneumocystis in bats from Brazil.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Cavallini Sanches E.M., Pacheco S.M., Cericatto A.S., Melo R.M., Colodel E.M., Hummel J., Bianchi S.P., Spanamberg A., Santurio J.M. & Ferreiro L. 2009. Detection of Pneumocystis in lungs of bats from Brazil by PCR amplification. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):469-473. Setor de Micologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 90540-000, Brazil. E-mail: cavallini.sanches@ufrgs.br
Pneumocystis has been isolated from a wide range of unrelated mammalian hosts, including humans, domestic and wild animals. It has been demonstrated that the genome of Pneumocystis of one host differs markedly from that of other hosts. Also, variation in the chromosome and DNA sequence of Pneumocystis within a single host species has been observed. Since information about the occurrence and nature of infections in wild animals is still limited, the objective of this work was to detect the presence of Pneumocystis sp. in lungs of bats from two states from Brazil by Nested-PCR amplification. The bats, captured in caves and in urban areas, were obtained from the Program of Rabies Control of two States in Brazil, Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, located in the Mid-Western and Southern regions of the country, respectively. DNAs were extracted from 102 lung tissues and screened for Pneumocystis by nested PCR at the mtLSU rRNA gene and small subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (mtSSU rRNA). Gene amplification was performed using the mtLSU rRNA, the primer set pAZ102H - pAZ102E and pAZ102X - pAZY, and the mtSSU rRNA primer set pAZ102 10FRI - pAZ102 10R-RI and pAZ102 13RI - pAZ102 14RI. The most frequent bats were Tadarida brasiliensis (25), Desmodus rotundus (20), and Nyctinomops laticaudatus (19). Pneumocystis was more prevalent in the species Nyctinomops laticaudatus (26.3% = 5/19), Tadarida brasiliensis (24% = 6/25), and Desmodus rotundus (20% = 4/20). Besides these species, Pneumocystis also was detected in lungs from Molossus molossus (1/11, 9.1%), Artibeus fimbriatus (1/1, 100%), Sturnira lilium (1/3, 33.3%), Myotis levis (2/3, 66.7%) and Diphylla ecaudata (1/2, 50%). PCR products which could indicate the presence of Pneumocystis (21.56%) were identified in DNA samples obtained from 8 out of 16 classified species from both states (5 bats were not identified). This is the first report of detection of Pneumocystis in bats from Brazil.
Abstract in English:
Simionatto S., Lima-Rosa C.A.V., Rubin L.L. & Canal C.W. 2005. [A nested-PCR protocol for detection of the chicken anemia virus.] Um protocolo de “nested-PCR” para detecção do virus da anemia das galinhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(2):106-110. Laboratório de Virologia, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: claudio.canal@ufrgs.br
This paper reports a nested polymerase chain reaction (nested-PCR) protocol for detection of chicken anemia virus (CAV), the causal agent of infectious chicken anemia. For DNA extraction from clinical samples, a method based on guanidine thiocyanate was found more sensitive and practical than other extraction protocols tested. The pair of primers used in the initial PCR targeted a 664 bp fragment on the VP1 gene. The primers for the internal PCR targeted a fragment of 520 bp. The specificity of the primers was evaluated on samples of CAV controlled flocks. Thirty different viruses and bacteria isolated from chickens did not give rise to any amplification product in the assay. The sensitivity of the nested-PCR was determined on serial dilutions of a CAV vaccine. The nested-PCR was more sensitive than a one step PCR and was able to detect at least 0.16 TCID50 of the vaccine strain. In addition, the protocol employed here detected viral DNA from tissues, sera and litter from flocks with or without clinical signs of disease. It is concluded that the nested-PCR protocol described here is more sensitive, faster and less cumbersome than virus isolation in cell culture as a diagnostic technique for detection of CAV.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Simionatto S., Lima-Rosa C.A.V., Rubin L.L. & Canal C.W. 2005. [A nested-PCR protocol for detection of the chicken anemia virus.] Um protocolo de “nested-PCR” para detecção do virus da anemia das galinhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(2):106-110. Laboratório de Virologia, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: claudio.canal@ufrgs.br
This paper reports a nested polymerase chain reaction (nested-PCR) protocol for detection of chicken anemia virus (CAV), the causal agent of infectious chicken anemia. For DNA extraction from clinical samples, a method based on guanidine thiocyanate was found more sensitive and practical than other extraction protocols tested. The pair of primers used in the initial PCR targeted a 664 bp fragment on the VP1 gene. The primers for the internal PCR targeted a fragment of 520 bp. The specificity of the primers was evaluated on samples of CAV controlled flocks. Thirty different viruses and bacteria isolated from chickens did not give rise to any amplification product in the assay. The sensitivity of the nested-PCR was determined on serial dilutions of a CAV vaccine. The nested-PCR was more sensitive than a one step PCR and was able to detect at least 0.16 TCID50 of the vaccine strain. In addition, the protocol employed here detected viral DNA from tissues, sera and litter from flocks with or without clinical signs of disease. It is concluded that the nested-PCR protocol described here is more sensitive, faster and less cumbersome than virus isolation in cell culture as a diagnostic technique for detection of CAV.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- González E.T., Norimine J., Valera A.R., Travería G., Oliva G.A. & Etcheverrigaray M.E. 1999. A rapid and sensitive diagnosis of bovine leukaemia virus infection using the nested shuttle polyrnerase chain reaction. [Diagnóstico rápido e sensível da infecção com o vírus da Leucemia Bovina através de Shuttle Nested Polyrnerase Chain Reaction.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(2):63-67. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 60 y 118, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) is the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL).
In Argentina, where a program to eradicate EBL has been introduced, sensitive and reliable diagnosis has attained high priority. Although the importance of the agar gel immunodiffusiontest remains unchanged for routine work, an additional diagnostic technique is necessary to confirm cases of sera with equivocal results or of calves carrying maternal antibodies. Utilizing a nested shuttle polymerase chain reaction, the provira) DNA was detected from cows experimentally infected with as little as 5 ml of whole blood from BLV seropositive cows that were nonetheless normal in haematological terms. It proved to be a very sensitive technique, since it rapidly revealed the presence of the proviras, frequently at 2 weeks postinoculation and using a two-round procedure of nested PCR taking only 3 hours. Additionally, the primers used flanked a portion of the viral genome often employed to differentiate BLV type applying BamHI digestion. It is concluded that this method might offer a highly promising diagnostic tool for BLV infection.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- González E.T., Norimine J., Valera A.R., Travería G., Oliva G.A. & Etcheverrigaray M.E. 1999. A rapid and sensitive diagnosis of bovine leukaemia virus infection using the nested shuttle polyrnerase chain reaction. [Diagnóstico rápido e sensível da infecção com o vírus da Leucemia Bovina através de Shuttle Nested Polyrnerase Chain Reaction.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(2):63-67. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 60 y 118, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) is the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL).
O Vírus da leucemia bovina (BLV) é o agente causal da Leucose Enzoótica Bovina (EBL). Na Argentina, iniciou-se um programa de erradicação da EBL. Neste estágio, é prioritário possuir uma ferramenta de diagnóstico confiável. Embora seja indiscutível a importância do teste de agar gel imunodifusão, empregado rotineiramente no diagnóstico serológico da EBL, faz-se necessária uma técnica de diagnóstico adicional capaz de confirmar os resultados duvidosos. Foi possivel detectar ADN provira) aplicando Nested-PCR em novilhos experimentalmente infectados com pequenas doses de sangue total (5ml) obtidas de um bovino BLV soropositivo. Esta técnica, cujo procedimento leva 3 horas, demonstrou ser muito sensível, uma vez que foi capaz de detectar a presença do proviras duas semanas após a inoculação. Os primers utilizados são os que detectam uma porção do genoma virai que geralmente é usado para diferenciar os tipos de BLV, utilizando a digestão com BamHI. Sugerimos que este método possa ser um instrumento válido para o diagnóstico precoce da infeção pelo BLv.