Resultado da pesquisa (10)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa vacinas

#1 - Infrared thermography used to detect local adverse reactions induced by reproductive vaccine adjuvants in Holstein heifers

Abstract in English:

Local adverse reactions following vaccination, often tied to the adjuvant type, can lead to pain, fever, reduced intake, and weight loss. Infrared thermography (IRT), a non-invasive human and veterinary medicine technique, can assess local inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate such reactions induced by reproductive vaccines with different adjuvants, using IRT alongside cardinal signs, rectal temperature, and haptoglobin concentration. Thirty-five Holstein heifers were grouped by vaccine type: Ah (aluminum hydroxide), Ow (oil-in-water), QAD (amphigen and quil A cholesterol and dimethyl-dioctadecyl ammonium bromide adjuvant), and a Control (saline solution). Assessments were made at 0, 6, 24-, 48-, 72-, and 168 hours post-vaccination for both doses, with an interval of 21 days. The local reactions were evaluated using the inflammatory cardinal signs and surface temperature measurement using IRT. The systemic reactions were identified by rectal temperature and the concentration of haptoglobin. A larger proportion of animals exhibiting local reactions based on scores assigned to the cardinal signs was found in the Vaccine QAD group, as well as the rectal temperature and the frequency of heifers with inflammation (Hp ≥2mg/dL). Nevertheless, Vaccine Ow demonstrated higher temperature at the site after the first vaccination dose for the IRT. Therefore, this approach is a valuable tool in classifying responses and local inflammation following vaccination in heifers with reproductive vaccines. Concurrently evaluating systemic manifestations, facilitates the surveillance of adverse reactions, thereby improving the discernment of the extent of systemic and local effects.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Reações adversas locais após a vacinação, frequentemente associadas ao tipo de adjuvante, podem levar a dor, febre, redução na ingestão e perda de peso. A termografia infravermelha (IRT), uma técnica não invasiva utilizada na medicina humana e veterinária, oferece um meio de avaliar a inflamação local. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar tais reações induzidas por vacinas reprodutivas com diferentes adjuvantes, utilizando IRT junto com sinais cardinais, temperatura retal e concentração de haptoglobina. Trinta e cinco novilhas Holandesas foram agrupadas por tipo de vacina: Ah (hidróxido de alumínio), Ow (óleo em água), QAD (anfígeno e adjuvante de quil A colesterol e brometo de amônio dimetil-dioctadecil) e Controle (solução salina). As avaliações foram realizadas às 0, 6, 24, 48, 72 e 168 horas pós-vacinação para ambas as doses, com um intervalo de 21 dias. As reações locais foram avaliadas pelos sinais cardinais inflamatórios e pela aferição da temperatura superficial usando IRT. As reações sistêmicas foram identificadas pela temperatura retal e pela concentração de haptoglobina (Hp). Uma proporção maior de animais exibindo reações locais com base nos escores atribuídos aos sinais cardinais foi encontrada no grupo Vacina QAD, assim como na temperatura retal e na frequência de novilhas com inflamação (Hp ≥2mg/dL). No entanto, para a IRT, a Vacina Ow demonstrou temperatura mais elevada no local após a primeira dose de vacinação. Portanto, essa abordagem é uma ferramenta valiosa para classificar as respostas e a inflamação local após a vacinação em novilhas com vacinas reprodutivas. Avaliar simultaneamente as manifestações sistêmicas facilita a vigilância das reações adversas, melhorando assim o discernimento da extensão dos efeitos tanto sistêmicos quanto locais.

#2 - A five-year surveillance study of vaccination schedules using viral-vectored vaccines against infectious laryngotracheitis in a high-density layer region

Abstract in English:

The effectiveness of vectored recombinant vaccines to control infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in chickens from a region (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) with ~10 million layers was evaluated under field conditions from 2014-2018. During this period, only recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT) or fowl poxvirus (rFPV) vaccines that express antigens of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1) were used. Layer chickens (n=1,283), from eight different egg-producing companies, were individually sampled and examined (active surveillance), and in instances when government poultry health veterinarians were notified due to respiratory disease (passive surveillance). Clinical, macroscopic, and histopathology examinations were performed to diagnose ILT as well as molecular techniques for the detection and characterization of the GaHV-1 DNA from the trachea and trigeminal ganglia (TG). The layer hens sampled and examined belonged to flocks and farms that used different vaccination protocols (non-vaccinated, single dose vaccination, and prime/boost vaccination). This is the first long-term field study of the effectiveness of ILT vectored vaccines in a high-density multiple age layer hen region. Using various diagnostic methods, the occurrence of GaHV-1 infection and ILT clinical disease in layer hens vaccinated with vectored recombinant vaccines in one quarantined region of Brazil were investigated. The number of ILTV positive chickens by PCR and ILT clinical disease cases was lower in farms when all chickens were vaccinated with at least one vaccine. However, the difference in the detection rates of GaHV-1 infection was significant only when compared farms with prime/boost and farms using single dose of HTV-LT.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A efetividade das vacinas recombinantes vetorizadas para o controle da laringotraqueíte infecciosa (LTI) nas aves de uma região (Minas Gerais, Brasil) com aproximadamente 10 milhões de poedeiras foi avaliada em condições de campo, no período de 2014 a 2018. Durante este período, somente as vacinas recombinantes “turkey herpesvirus” (rHVT) ou “fowl poxvirus” (rFPV), que expressam antígenos do vírus da laringotraqueíte (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1) foram utilizadas. Galinhas poedeiras (n=1.283), de oito diferentes granjas produtoras de ovos, foram individualmente amostradas e examinadas por monitoramento ativo e, na ocorrência de notificação de doença respiratória aos veterinários do serviço oficial, por monitoramento passivo. Exames clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos foram realizados para o diagnóstico de LTI, bem como técnicas moleculares para a detecção e caracterização do DNA de GaHV-1 da traqueia e gânglio trigêmeo. As galinhas poedeiras pertenciam a lotes e granjas que usavam diferentes protocolos de vacinação (não vacinadas, uma dose ou tipo de vacina e duas doses ou tipos de vacina). Este é o primeiro longo estudo a campo sobre a efetividade das vacinas vetorizadas em uma região com população elevada de poedeiras de múltiplas idades. Utilizando vários métodos de diagnóstico, a ocorrência da infecção por GaHV-1 e a LTI clínica em poedeiras de uma região interditada do Brasil foi investigada. O número de galinhas positivas para o vírus GaHV-1 e para casos clínicos de LTI nas granjas foi menor quando todas as aves estavam vacinadas com, pelo menos, um tipo ou dose de vacina. Entretanto, a diferença na taxa de detecção da infecção por GaHV-1 foi significativa somente quando a comparação foi realizada entre granjas com aves vacinadas com duas doses e aves de granjas vacinadas com uma única dose de HVT-LT.

#3 - About the necessity of including HoBi-like pestiviruses in bovine respiratory and reproductive viral vaccines

Abstract in English:

HoBi-like pestiviruses (HoBiPeV) constitute a novel group of bovine pestiviruses, genetically and antigenically related to bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 (BVDV-1) and BVDV-2. Recent data shows that HoBiPeV are endemic among Brazilian cattle, yet bovine reproductive/respiratory vaccines contain only BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 strains. The present study investigated the neutralizing antibody response against these pestiviruses induced by two commercial vaccines (VA = attenuated, VI = inactivated) and by three experimental, replicative, vaccine formulations (VAC1 = monovalent, BVDV-1; VAC2 = bivalent, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2; VAC3 = trivalent, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2 and HoBiPeV). Seronegative beef calves were immunized once (replicative vaccines) or twice (inactivated vaccine) and serum samples were tested by virus-neutralization (VN) 30 days after vaccination (dpv) (replicative vaccines) or 30 days after the second dose (VI). We considered a threshold VN titer of ≥60 indicative of protection against clinical disease. At 30 dpv, VA induced protective titers against BVDV-2 in 7/7 animals (GMT=289.8) and against BVDV-1 and HoBiPeV in 5/7 animals (GMTs=97.5 and 80, respectively). VI induced protective titers against BVDV-1 in 1/7 animal (GMT=16.4), 2/7 animals against BVDV-2 (GMT=53.8) and in none of the calves against HoBiPeV (GMT=12.2). When a pool of sera of each vaccine group was tested against individual Brazilian isolates, VA induced protective titers against 3/7 BVDV-1 isolates, to 9/10 (BVDV-2) and 1/8 (HoBiPeV); VI induced protective titers against 1/7 (BVDV-1), 1/10 (BVDV-2) and none (0/8) HoBiPeV isolates. The experimental vaccine VAC1 induced protective titers against BVDV-1 in 9/9 animals (GMT=320) but in no animal against BVDV-2 or HoBiPeV (GMT<10). VAC2 induced protective titers to BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 in 9/9 animals (GMTs=160 and 640, respectively), and against HoBiPeV in 7/9 animals (GMT=108.5). Finally, VAC3 induced protective titers in all animals against BVDV-1 (GMT=234.3), BVDV-2 (294.9) and HoBiPeV (201.1). Testing the pool of sera against pestivirus isolates, VAC1 induced titers ≥ 60 against 4/7 BVDV-1 but to none BVDV-2/HoBiPeV isolate; VAC2 induced protective titers against 4/7 BVDV-1; 10/10 BVDV-2 and 2/8 HoBiPeV; VAC3 induced protective titers against all BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and HoBiPeV isolates. These results indicate that vaccines composed by BVDV-1+BVDV-2, especially those containing inactivated virus, may not induce serological response against a variety of HoBiPeV isolates. Thus, the need of inclusion of HoBiPeV in vaccine formulations should be considered.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Os pestivírus HoBi-like (HoBiPeV) compõe um grupo novo de pestivírus de bovinos, genética e antigenicamente relacionados com os vírus da diarreia viral bovina 1 e 2 (BVDV-1, BVDV2). Dados recentes indicam que os HoBiPeV são endêmicos na população bovina do Brasil, mas as vacinas respiratórias e reprodutivas bovinas contêm apenas cepas de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2. O presente estudo investigou a atividade neutralizante contra estes pestivírus induzidas por duas vacinas comerciais (VA = atenuada, VI = inativada) e por três vacinas experimentais replicativas (VAC1 = monovalente, BVDV-1; VAC2 = bivalente, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2; VAC3 = trivalente, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2 e HoBiPeV). Bezerros soronegativos foram imunizados uma vez (vacinas replicativas) ou duas (vacina inativada) e amostras de soro foram testadas por vírus-neutralização (VN) 30 dias após a vacinação (dpv) (vacinas replicativas) ou 30 dias após a segunda dose (VI). Títulos neutralizantes ≥60 foram considerados indicativos de proteção contra doença clínica. Nesta data, a VA induziu títulos protetivos contra o BVDV-2 em 7/7 animais (GMT=289,8) e contra BVDV-1 e HoBiPeV em 5/7 animals (GMTs=97,5 e 80, respectivamente). VI induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1 em 1/7 animal (GMT=16,4), em 2/7 animais contra BVDV-2 (GMT=53,8) e em nenhum contra HoBiPeV (GMT=12,2). Quando um pool de soro de cada grupo vacinal foi testado frente a isolados Brasileiros, a VA induziu títulos protetores contra 3/7 isolados de BVDV-1, 9/10 (BVDV-2) e 1/8 (HoBiPeV); VI induziu títulos protetores em 1/7 contra BVDV-1, 1/10 (BVDV-2) e em nenhum (0/8) contra isolados de HoBiPeV. A VAC1 induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1 em 9/9 animais (GMT=320) mas em nenhum animal contra BVDV-2 ou HoBiPeV (GMT<10). VAC2 induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1e BVDV-2 em 9/9 animais (GMTs=160 e 640, respectivamente),e contra HoBiPeV em 7/9 animais (GMT=108,5). Finalmente, VAC3 induziu títulos protetores em todos os animais contra BVDV-1 (GMT=234,3), BVDV-2 (294,9) e HoBiPeV (201,1). No teste de pool de soro contra isolados de pestivírus, VAC1 induziu títulos ≥60 contra 4/7 BVDV-1 mas contra nenhum isolado de BVDV-2/HoBiPeV; VAC2 induziu títulos protetores contra 4/7 BVDV-1; 10/10 BVDV-2 e 2/8 HoBiPeV; VAC3 induziu títulos protetores contra todos BVDV-1, BVDV-2 e HoBiPeV. Esses resultados indicam que vacinas contendo apenas BVDV-1 BVDV-2, especialmente aquelas inativadas, podem não conferir resposta sorológica protetora contra vários isolados de HoBiPeV. Portanto, a necessidade de se incluir cepas de HoBiPeV nas vacinas deve ser considerada.

#4 - Serological response against bovine herpesvirus and bovine viral diarrhea virus induced by commercial vaccines in Holstein heifers

Abstract in English:

Vaccination is a strategy to the prevention and control of reproductive diseases caused by bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1), however the various compositions of commercial vaccines should be evaluated for their ability to induce protection mediated by antibodies. The objective of this research was to evaluate the production of specific neutralizing Abs against BVDV-1 and 2, and BoHV-1 induced by commercial vaccines composed by different adjuvants. Holstein heifers were vaccinated and distributed in three experimental groups: Group I (G1) was vaccinated with a commercial vaccine containing inactivated BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and BoHV-1 diluted in alum hydroxide as adjuvant (n=9); Group II (G2) was vaccinated with an product containing inactivated strains of BVDV-1, BVDV-2, BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 diluted in oil emulsion as adjuvant (n=10); Group III (G3) was vaccinated with a commercial vaccine containing inactivated BVDV-1 and BVDV-2, besides live modified thermosensitive BoHV-1, diluted in Quil A, amphigen and cholesterol (n=10); A control, non‑vaccinated group (n=6) was mock vaccinated with saline. Heifers received two subcutaneous doses of 5mL of each commercial vaccine on the right side of the neck, with 21 days interval. Humoral immune response was assessed by the virus neutralization test (VN) against BVDV-1 (NADL and Singer strains), BVDV-2 (SV253 strain) and BoHV-1 (Los Angeles strain) in serum samples collected on vaccination days zero (D0), 21 (D21) and 42 (D42; 21 days after boosting). Neutralizing Abs against BVDV-1 NADL was detected only in D42, regardless of the vaccine used. Similar geometric mean titers (GMT) for BVDV-1 NADL were observed between G1 (log2=5.1) and G3 (log2=5.1). The seroconversion rate (%) was higher in G1 (78%) when compared to G2 (10%) and G3 (40%). For BVDV-1 Singer, it was also possible to detect Abs production in G1 (log2=5.8, 100% seroconversion rate) and G3 (log2=3.5, seroconversion rate = 60%), only after the booster dose (D42). Neutralizing Abs to BVDV-2 (SV253) were detected only in G3, observing 90% seroconversion associated with high titers of Abs (log2=6.7) after the 2nd dose of vaccine (D42). Heifers from G1 and G3 responded to BoHV-1 after the first dose (D21): G1 (log2=2.5, seroconversion rate = 67%) and G3 (log2=0.7, seroconversion rate = 80%). In D42, a higher magnitude response was observed in the heifers from G3 (log2=6.1, 100%) compared with G1 (log2=4.3, 100%) and G2 (log2=2.7, 60%). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the commercial vaccine contained aluminum hydroxide (G1) was most effective in the induction of antibodies against BVDV-1. On the other hand, this vaccine did not induce the production of neutralizing Abs against BVDV-2. Only the heifers from G3 (Quil A, amphigen and cholesterol) generated neutralizing Abs against BVDV-2. The animals that received commercial vaccine containing oil emulsion as adjuvant (G2) had a weak/undetectable response against BVDV-1 and BVDV‑2. The best protective response against BoHV-1 was observed in heifers vaccinated with the live modified thermosensitive virus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A vacinação é utilizada como estratégia para a prevenção e controle das doenças reprodutivas, causadas pelos vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) e herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1), entretanto, as diversas composições de vacinas comerciais devem ser avaliadas quanto a sua eficiência protetiva mediada por anticorpos (Acs). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a produção Acs neutralizantes específicos para cepas de BVDV‑1 e 2, e BoHV-1 induzida por vacinas comerciais contendo diferentes tipos de adjuvantes. Para tal, novilhas Holandesas foram vacinadas e distribuídas em três grupos experimentais: Grupo I (G1) foi vacinado com uma vacina comercial composta por cepas inativadas de BVDV-1, BVDV-2 e BoHV-1 diluídas em hidróxido de alumínio como adjuvante (n=9); Grupo II (G2) foi vacinado com produto contendo as cepas inativadas de BVDV-1, BVDV‑2, BoHV-1 e BoHV-5 em uma emulsão oleosa como adjuvante (n=10); O Grupo III (G3) foi vacinado com uma vacina comercial contendo BVDV-1 e BVDV-2 inativado, além do BoHV-1 vivo modificado e termosensivel, diluídos em adjuvante contendo Quil A, Amphigem e colesterol (n=10); O Grupo Controle não vacinado (n=6) foi inoculado com solução salina. As novilhas receberam duas doses das respectivas vacinas ou solução salina (5mL), com intervalo de 21 dias, por via subcutânea, na tábua do pescoço do lado direito. A resposta imune humoral foi avaliada pelo teste de vírus neutralização (VN) contra o BVDV-1 (cepas NADL e Singer), BVDV-2 (cepa SV253) e BoHV-1 (cepa Los Angeles) em amostras de soro coletadas nos dias (D) de vacinação zero (D0), 21 dias após 1ª dose (D21)e 42 (D42; 21 dias após A 2ª dose). Os anticorpos neutralizantes contra o BVDV-1 NADL foram detectados apenas em D42, independentemente da vacina utilizada. Os títulos médios geométricos (GMT) de anticorpos foram semelhantes entre G1 (log2=5,1) e G3 (log2=5,1). A taxa de soroconversão foi maior no G1 (78%) quando comparado ao G2 (10%) e G3 (40%). Para o BVDV‑1 Singer, somente após D42 foi observada a produção de Acs no G1 (log2=5,8; taxa de soroconversão de 100%) e G3 (log2=3,5; taxa de soroconversão = 60%). Os anticorpos contra BVDV‑2 (SV253) foram detectados apenas nas novilhas do G3, observando-se taxa de soroconversão de 90% com altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes (log2=6,7) em D42. Novilhas G1 e G3 responderam ao BoHV-1 após a primeira dose (D21): G1 (log2=2,5; taxa de seroconversão = 67%) e G3 (log2=0,7; taxa de seroconversão = 80%). Em contrapartida, foi observada uma maior magnitude de resposta para as novilhas G3 (log2=6,1; 100%) em D42, em relação aos animais G1 (log2=4,3; 100%) e G2 (log2=2,7; 60%). Com base nos dados obtidos, foi possível concluir que a vacina composta por hidróxido de alumínio (G1) foi mais eficaz na produção de anticorpos contra o BVDV-1, em contrapartida esse produto não induziu anticorpos contra o BVDV-2. Apenas as novilhas do G3 (Quil A, amphigen e colesterol) geraram Acs neutralizantes contra o BVDV-2. Os animais que receberam a vacina em emulsão oleosa (G2) como adjuvante apresentaram uma resposta fraca/indetectável contra o BVDV-1 e BVDV-2. A melhor resposta protetiva contra o BoHV-1 foi observada nas novilhas vacinadas com a vacina viva modificada termosensível.

#5 - Safety and immunogenicity of a glycoprotein E gene-deleted bovine herpesvirus 1 strain as a candidate vaccine strain, 36(11):1067-1074

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Weiss M., Anziliero D., Martins M., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2016. Safety and immunogenicity of a glycoprotein E gene-deleted bovine herpesvirus 1 strain as a candidate vaccine strain. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(11):1067-1074. Setor de Virologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: A glycoprotein E-deleted Brazilian bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1gE&#8710;) was tested regarding to safety and immunogenicity. Intramuscular inoculation of young calves with a high virus dose did not result in clinical signs or virus shedding during acute infection or after dexamethasone administration. Calves vaccinated once IM (group I) or subcutaneously (group II) with live BoHV-1gE&#916; or twice with inactivated virus plus aluminum hydroxide (group IV) or MontanideTM (group V) developed VN titers of 2 to 8 (GMT:2); 2 to 4 (GMT:1.65); 2 to 16 (GMT:2.45) and 2 to 128 (GMT:3.9), respectively. All BoHV-1gE&#916; vaccinated calves remained negative in an anti-gE ELISA. Lastly, six young calves vaccinated with live BoHV-1gE&#8710; and subsequently challenged with a virulent BoHV-1 strain shed less virus and developed only mild and transient nasal signs comparing to unvaccinated calves. Thus, the recombinant BoHV-1gE&#8710; is safe and immunogenic for calves and allows for serological differentiation by a gE-ELISA test.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Weiss M., Anziliero D., Martins M., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2016. Safety and immunogenicity of a glycoprotein E gene-deleted bovine herpesvirus 1 strain as a candidate vaccine strain. [Atenuação e imunogenicidade de uma cepa recombinante do herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 defectiva na glicoproteína E.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(11):1067-1074. Setor de Virologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Um isolado brasileiro de herpesvírus bovino tipo 1, contendo uma deleção na glicoproteína E (gE - BoHV-1gE&#8710;) foi submetido a testes para avaliar a sua segurança e imunogenicidade em bovinos. Bezerros foram submetidos à inoculação intramuscular com uma alta dose viral e não demonstraram sinais clínicos ou excreção viral durante a fase aguda ou após tentativa de reativação viral pela administração de dexametasona. Bezerros que receberam uma dose do vírus vivo, contendo a deleção na gE, pela via intramuscular (grupo I) ou pela via subcutânea (grupo II) ou duas doses do vírus inativado utilizando o adjuvante hidróxido de alumínio (grupo IV) ou MontanideTM (grupo V), desenvolveram títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes de 2 a 8 (GMT: 2); 2 a 4 (GMT: 1,65); 2 a 16 (GMT: 2,25) e de 2 a 128 (GMT: 3,9), respectivamente. Todos os bezerros vacinados se mantiveram soronegativos quando utilizado um kit ELISA específico para a gE. Para o teste de segurança, seis bezerros foram vacinados com o vírus vivo BoHV-1gE&#916;, sendo estes posteriormente desafiados com uma cepa virulenta de BoHV-1. Estes bezerros excretaram menos vírus e desenvolveram apenas sinais clínicos moderados e transitórios quando comparados com dados coletados de quatro animais não-vacinados. Com base nestes resultados, podemos confirmar que o vírus do BoHV-1 que contém a deleção na gE (BoHV-1gE&#916;) é seguro e suficientemente imunogênico para bezerros e permite a diferenciação sorológica entre os animais vacinados e infectados perante a a um teste ELISA commercial específico para a gE.

#6 - Genetic evaluation of vaccine against bovine brucellosis marketed in Brazil, 32(10):957-962

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bastos R., Soares C.O., Elisei C., Munhoz A.L.R., Bezerra N.L., Caitano M.A.B. & Rosinha, G.M.S. 2012. [Genetic evaluation of vaccine against bovine brucellosis marketed in Brazil.] Avaliação genética das vacinas contra a brucelose bovina comercializadas no Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(10):957-962. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Felinto Müller 2443, Ipiranga, Campo Grande, 79070-900, MS, Brazil. E-mail: Vaccine strains B19 and RB51 are administered to cattle for prevention against infection by Brucella abortus. However, there are reports that these vaccines can cause miscarriages. Thus, every miscarriage among vaccinated animals should be thoroughly studied to determine the cause. In Brazil, there are no records on the origin of B19 and RB51 samples used in the preparation of commercial vaccines. Therefore, a study is needed to determine possible mutations in relation to the USDA reference samples of B. abortus due to the fact that vaccine samples could revert to the virulence of the disease. The aim of the present study was to perform a genotype analysis of vaccine strains B19 and RB51 used in Brazil. The methodology was based on the genotyping of marker genes of these vaccine strains by amplification using polymerase chain reaction. The results allowed the identification of the genotype of the B19 and RB51 commercial vaccine available for use on cattle in Brazil. The absence of mutations in the samples tested confirmed the genetic quality of the vaccines and stability of genes analyzed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Bastos R., Soares C.O., Elisei C., Munhoz A.L.R., Bezerra N.L., Caitano M.A.B. & Rosinha, G.M.S. 2012. [Genetic evaluation of vaccine against bovine brucellosis marketed in Brazil.] Avaliação genética das vacinas contra a brucelose bovina comercializadas no Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(10):957-962. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Felinto Müller 2443, Ipiranga, Campo Grande, 79070-900, MS, Brazil. E-mail: A prevenção contra infecções causadas por Brucella abortus em bovinos é realizada por meio da administração das amostras vacinais B19 e RB51. Existem relatos de que estas vacinas podem causar aborto em fêmeas vacinadas. Portanto, toda a ocorrência de aborto em animais vacinados merece um estudo aprofundado sobre a causa. No Brasil, não há registro sobre a origem das amostras B19 e RB51 utilizadas na produção das vacinas comerciais. Assim, um estudo para verificar possíveis mutações em relação às amostras referência USDA B19 e USDA RB51 de B. abortus se faz necessário, devido às amostras vacinais poderem reverter a sua virulência. Objetivou-se com este estudo caracterizar genotipicamente as amostras vacinais B19 e RB51 comercializadas no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi a genotipagem de genes marcadores destas amostras vacinais, por meio da amplificação pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a identificação do genótipo das vacinas comerciais B19 e RB51 disponíveis e utilizadas em bovinos no Brasil. A ausência de mutações nas vacinas testadas corrobora com a qualidade genética das mesmas, quanto à estabilidade dos genes analisados.

#7 - Títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes induzidos por vacinas comerciais contra leptospirose bovina, p.575-582

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Arduino G.G.C., Girio R.J.S., Magajevski F.S. & Pereira G.T. 2009. [Agglutinating antibody titers induced by commercial vaccines against bovine leptospirosis.] Títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes induzidos por vacinas comerciais contra leptospirose bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):575-582. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de Acesso Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the investigation 100 heifers were used, divided into 5 groups of 20 animals each. The four experimental groups were vaccinated using distinct commercial polyvalent bacterines: A, B, C and D, and a group was the control. Samples were collected at days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 42, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 120, 150 and 180 from the first injection of the vaccine. The selection of the animals for the experimental groups was done based on a serological screening with 6 antigens of Leptospira sp. constituted by non-reagent animals. The vaccine titers were monitored using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona and Wolffi serovars. All vaccines used were capable to product agglutinins for the Hardjo and Wolffi serovars observed at 3 days after vaccination, remaining until the 150th day; those serovars induced the highest titres of agglutinins. Vaccine D, in spite of not containing the Wolffi serovar, induced the production of agglutinins to this serovar. Agglutinins to the Canicola serovar were only observed in the animals vaccinated with the D bacterine. Vaccine D induced the highest average titers of antibodies to all tested serovars.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Arduino G.G.C., Girio R.J.S., Magajevski F.S. & Pereira G.T. 2009. [Agglutinating antibody titers induced by commercial vaccines against bovine leptospirosis.] Títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes induzidos por vacinas comerciais contra leptospirose bovina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):575-582. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de Acesso Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the investigation 100 heifers were used, divided into 5 groups of 20 animals each. The four experimental groups were vaccinated using distinct commercial polyvalent bacterines: A, B, C and D, and a group was the control. Samples were collected at days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 42, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 120, 150 and 180 from the first injection of the vaccine. The selection of the animals for the experimental groups was done based on a serological screening with 6 antigens of Leptospira sp. constituted by non-reagent animals. The vaccine titers were monitored using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona and Wolffi serovars. All vaccines used were capable to product agglutinins for the Hardjo and Wolffi serovars observed at 3 days after vaccination, remaining until the 150th day; those serovars induced the highest titres of agglutinins. Vaccine D, in spite of not containing the Wolffi serovar, induced the production of agglutinins to this serovar. Agglutinins to the Canicola serovar were only observed in the animals vaccinated with the D bacterine. Vaccine D induced the highest average titers of antibodies to all tested serovars.

#8 - Caracterização de amostras atenuadas do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) tipos 1 e 2 para uso em vacinas

Abstract in English:

Lima M., Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Flores F.S.F. & Arenhart S. 2004. [Characterization of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) types 1 and 2 isolates for use in vaccines.] Caracterização de amostras atenuadas do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) tipos 1 e 2 para uso em vacinas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(1):35-42. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: This article reports the characterization of two cytopathic isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV-1: IBSP-2; BVDV-2:SV-253) submitted to multiple passages (n=30) in tissue culture associated with ultraviolet irradiation. The vaccine candidate strains were characterized in vitro (plaque size and morphology, growth kinetics and antigenic profile) and in vivo (attenuation and serological response in calves). In vitro characterization of biologically cloned viruses obtained at passages 0, 1, 10, 20 and 30 demonstrated that the attenuation process did not significantly affect the phenotypic and antigenic properties of the viruses. No major differences in plaque size and morphology and in the growth kinetics in tissue culture were observed among the viruses obtained at different passages. Likewise, the antigenic profile of these viruses did not change upon successive passages in tissue culture, as ascertained by the pattern of binding by 48 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Intramuscular inoculation of both viruses (IBSP-2: 107.3 TCID50; SV-253: 106.8 TCID50) at passage 30 (p30) in twelve 15 months old heifers did not produce clinical signs, demonstrating the attenuation of the viruses. Following inoculation, infectious virus was detected in leucocytes of most inoculated animals (10/12) between days 3 and 6 post-inoculation (pi) and in nasal secretions of three animals (days 4, 7 and 8pi). However, the vaccine viruses were not transmitted to three seronegative calves maintained as sentinels. All vaccinated calves seroconverted at day 14 post-vaccination. A moderate to high serum neutralizing response against five Brazilian BVDV-1 (titers from 80 to ³1,280) and four Brazilian BVDV-2 isolates (titers from 20 to 640) was observed at day 33 post-vaccination (pv). In general, the highest titers were observed against the Brazilian BVDV-1 isolates. At day 240 post-vaccination, the animals received a booster administration (IBSP-2: 107.3 TCID50 and SV-253: 106.8 TCID50). Revaccination resulted in a strong anamnestic response in most animals, with increasing antibody titers mainly to BVDV-2. These are promising results towards the future use of these strains in modified-live vaccines for the control of BVDV infection in Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Lima M., Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Flores F.S.F. & Arenhart S. 2004. [Characterization of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) types 1 and 2 isolates for use in vaccines.] Caracterização de amostras atenuadas do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) tipos 1 e 2 para uso em vacinas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(1):35-42. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: This article reports the characterization of two cytopathic isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV-1: IBSP-2; BVDV-2:SV-253) submitted to multiple passages (n=30) in tissue culture associated with ultraviolet irradiation. The vaccine candidate strains were characterized in vitro (plaque size and morphology, growth kinetics and antigenic profile) and in vivo (attenuation and serological response in calves). In vitro characterization of biologically cloned viruses obtained at passages 0, 1, 10, 20 and 30 demonstrated that the attenuation process did not significantly affect the phenotypic and antigenic properties of the viruses. No major differences in plaque size and morphology and in the growth kinetics in tissue culture were observed among the viruses obtained at different passages. Likewise, the antigenic profile of these viruses did not change upon successive passages in tissue culture, as ascertained by the pattern of binding by 48 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Intramuscular inoculation of both viruses (IBSP-2: 107.3 TCID50; SV-253: 106.8 TCID50) at passage 30 (p30) in twelve 15 months old heifers did not produce clinical signs, demonstrating the attenuation of the viruses. Following inoculation, infectious virus was detected in leucocytes of most inoculated animals (10/12) between days 3 and 6 post-inoculation (pi) and in nasal secretions of three animals (days 4, 7 and 8pi). However, the vaccine viruses were not transmitted to three seronegative calves maintained as sentinels. All vaccinated calves seroconverted at day 14 post-vaccination. A moderate to high serum neutralizing response against five Brazilian BVDV-1 (titers from 80 to ³1,280) and four Brazilian BVDV-2 isolates (titers from 20 to 640) was observed at day 33 post-vaccination (pv). In general, the highest titers were observed against the Brazilian BVDV-1 isolates. At day 240 post-vaccination, the animals received a booster administration (IBSP-2: 107.3 TCID50 and SV-253: 106.8 TCID50). Revaccination resulted in a strong anamnestic response in most animals, with increasing antibody titers mainly to BVDV-2. These are promising results towards the future use of these strains in modified-live vaccines for the control of BVDV infection in Brazil.

#9 - Levels of immunoprotection induced in goats against Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis using several types of vaccines

Abstract in English:

In order to evaluate the immune response of goats against Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, 23 groups, comprising 196 animals, were immunized with several antigenic preparations obtained from the bacteriae, at different time intervals, and using various kinds of adjuvants. The results indicated that the rate of immunoprotection in the immunized animals challenged after 120 days was below 60%. The animals challenged between 8 and 10 months showed protection levels ranging from 44.5 to 22.3%. The lowest rate of incidence of the disease appeared in the anima1s challenged between 30 and 60 days after the last immunization.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Com o objetivo de observar a imunoproteção desenvolvida em caprinos contra Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis esses animais foram submetidos a diferentes esquemas de imunização, sendo utilizados inóculos de diferentes preparados antigênicos desta bactéria em intervalos de tempo variados e com diversos adjuvantes. Os resultados revelaram que o percentual de imunoproteção nos animais imunizados e desafiados 180 dias após estava abaixo de 60%. Já os animais desafiados dez meses após a primeira inoculação apresentaram níveis de imunoproteção entre 44,5 e 22,3%. O menor índice da doença foi observado nos animais desafiados entre 30 e 60 dias após a última inoculação do preparado antigênico.

#10 - Experiências com vacinas monovalentes "A" contra a febre aftosa, obtidas da cultura do vírus pelo método frenkel

Abstract in English:


Abstract in Portuguese:


Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV